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sportinjurymatt · 9 years ago
#22pushupchallenge Day16 - Sun's out again! And what better way of celebrating it than getting a bunch of nice folk to do 22 pushups in the middle of a road. Many thanks to the guys & gals from @YWAMLondonRadiant, and a few others who just decided to join in! WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? It is estimated that 22 USA veterans choose to take their own lives EVERY day. Sadly this situation is echoed in the British Armed Forces. Furthermore, suicide is the biggest cause of death in men under 45 in the UK. Chances are someone you know maybe suffering right now in silence. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT Text 'PTSD22' to 70004 to donate £5 to Combat Stress charity. Then, share this post to your timeline to raise awareness for the charity. The #22pressupchallenge exists to raise funds & awareness for ex-Service men and women of all ages suffering mental ill-health issues. The organisation Combat Stress is currently supporting over 5,900 Veterans aged from 19 to 97, providing a vital lifeline for both them and their families. For more details, please visit either http://www.combatstress.org.uk/support-us/22pushupchallenge/ or http://highground-uk.org/ Thanks in advance & see you tomorrow! #22pushupchallenge #22pressupchallenge #combatstress #PTSD #mentalillness #YWAMLondonRadiant (at George Street)
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ywamlondonradiant-blog · 8 years ago
Confessions of a new staff member
Hello, there. My name is Courtney. I have been on staff at London Radiant for one month. These are my confessions.
The excitement of living in London still hasn’t worn off
The first time I received a house key I felt ~ so official ~
Sometimes I don’t know the answers to the students’ questions
...OK. A lot of times I don’t know the answers to their questions
God has been wrecking me by teaching me that His strength works best in my weakness
I drink so much coffee I’m probably going to go into cardiac arrest soon
Although I’m a big time extravert, I have found myself escaping to the quiet of my room more and more
That being said, I love living in community so dang much
I can feel my heart for London - and England in general - growing
I still have no clue how the London Tube system works
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ywamlondonradiant-blog · 9 years ago
You Are My Child
You are always my child. When you doubt in me, when you doubt in yourself, you are my child. Don't let anyone take that away from you. You are my child, when you cry out of laughter. I laugh with you. You are my child with beautiful hair. I thought about every little hair and every little twist on your curls. You are my child when you are angry. Yell at Me, it will bring you comfort. You are my child, when you pray for others. I hear those prayers loud and clearly. I provide as needed. You are my child when you swim. I'm joyful with you. You are my child when you are confused. I will bring you answers. I will bring you comfort. You are my child when you are sad. I support you in your pain. You are my child when you get dressed in the morning. You are so beautiful. You are my child when you yell. I always hear you. You are my child when you enjoy the nature. I made you to appreciate it. You are my child when you sleep. I love watching over you. You are my child when you make people laugh. You are funny and I laugh with you. You are my child and you are full of love. You love me and you love others. I am proud of you. I love to see you grow. I love to spend time with you. You are always my child, you have always been and you always will be. I love you and I can't say that enough. I made you. I made your beautiful green eyes. You are weird, because I made you. You are love, because I made you. You are beautiful, because I made you. You are my child when you are full of pride. I forgive you. You are my child when you sin. I already forgave you. You are my child when you sin, because then you need me the most. You are my child and you are holy and loved by my name. You are loved and I love you.
Words by Chanette Laurberg 
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