inkitty · 10 years
Tagged by: koreanglo
Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag [ten] friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them.
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Harry Potter
3. Percy Jackson
4. Dust of 100 Dogs
5. Fahrenheit 451
6. The Hobbit
7. Pirate Curse
8. Charlie Bone
9. Freak
10. Into the Land of the Unicorns (it was one of my favorite children's books c:) 
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vivalamerlin · 12 years
Hermione Granger: What is your favorite book, how many times have you read it, and why do you love it? (PS. Hiiiii :D)
I don't have a favourite book, but a book that I love and can read over and over and over again without being bored is Birdwing :
I've read it to the point of the cover hanging on my threads. I don't know why I love it so much, it's just a fantastic amazing book!
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hwayangyeonhwa-log · 12 years
Rule 1:Post the rules Rule 2:Answer the questions the tagger set for them & make 11 new ones Rule3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged
(YVOdoubleNE) Next 11!
1. Current favorite TV series?
Ah.. my country dont have any good tv series :( can I say Running Man as tv series?
2. A song you can’t get out of your head?
Hmm.. currently.. UKISS - Tick Tock
3. What language(s) can you speak or want to learn?
Can: A native Indonesian, Javanese, and Engrishhh.. Want to learn: Korean, Deustch
4. What’s your favorite fashion style?
I am not a really into fashion :]
5. A book you can read over & over again?
Harry Potter was the one came across my mind
6. Would you rather be in the Hunger games or join Captain Jack Sparrow?
Deff.. Jack Sparrow! Yo ho~ Yo ho~
7. What do you want to eat/drink right now at this very moment?
Sleep -.-
8. Recent movie you’ve seen?
We Bought A Zoo, everyone should watch it, I dried my eyes out :')
9. Dream job?
Idol-stylish hahah (only bcs they can touch idol's anywhere they want hahahah) -- but no.. Im kidding :)
10. Adidas or Nike?
11. Are you swift as the coursing river??!!
Hnng, i dont think so :P
You fiill these next! (by: noyara-ssi)
1. How many hours you spend in Tumblr a day?
2. Your blog was mainly..
3. Do you have any interest that you ashamed of?
4. Slow or dance music?
5. Happy ending movie or sad one?
6. Current obsession(s)?
7. Study something at the moment?
8. Thing(s) you waited most at the moment?
9. Current wallpaper?
10. Sea or mountain?
11. Thing(s) you really wanna do now?
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babyblossomsblog · 12 years
Rule 1:Post the rules Rule 2:Answer the questions the tagger set for them & make 11 new ones Rule3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged
From anon-kid:
1. What’s your favorite group/singer?
BIGBANG and DBSK...no point in choosing between them because I can't. (=_=)
2. Who is your bias?
Shim Changmin <3
3. Where in the world do you want to visit the most?
Seoul S.Korea, Barcelona Spain, San Juan de los Lagos Mexico & Paris France
4. What’s your favorite drama?
 I can't choose I have so many...>_< but Coffee Prince is at the top of my list for now
5. What do you hate the most?
Fake people & Bad listeners
6. What is your ideal type?
Someone who will be a great father and life partner, a romantic realist with a 4D personality...Does that even exist? O_o
7. What’s your favorite book?
Currently it is The Fading Lands series by C.L. Wilson...they're kind of corny romance Harlequin type books and have sexy fun times way to often for comfort, but the characters are rather awesome.
8. Have you ever liked anime or manga?
Of course! Lol, Naruto was my first anime obsession, while Inyasha was my first manga obsession.
9. SNSD or 2NE1?
2NE1 since I rock out to more of their songs...
10. Coffee or tea?
11. Do you like to dance?
Yes and no...lol when I'm by myself.
My Questions for the next 11:
1. What's more important Skincare or Make-up?
2. B.A.P or BlockB?
3. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
4. What would you do if you were stranded on an island with your bias for a month?
5. Worst book you've ever read?
6. How did you get in to Kpop?
7. Your favorite movie?
8. Would you ever consider living abroad?
9. What was the last thing you bought?
10. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
11. Do you like to sing?
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vivalamerlin · 12 years
Hau`oli Lā Hānau~! (Hawaiian for HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) Have a awesome day and hope you get what you want^^
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vivalamerlin · 12 years
Rule 1:Post the rules Rule 2:Answer the questions the tagger set for them & make 11 new ones Rule3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged
Between Cases:
1. If you could acquire one skill, which would it be? Perfect aim every single time no matter the situation, because that would be badass
2. How many hours/days of music do you have in iTunes etc.? Uhm, 2.6 days worth of songs. It's kind of a pathetic library to be honest, I haven't redownloaded all my music since my computer crash...
3. What is your desktop picture? The TARDIS :)
4. If you could see any band in concert, which would it be? Ohgod there are so many that I want to see. I would be so down for seeing Queen though, sweet baby Jesus that would be amazing
5. Your house is burning down! You can only save three things, what do you save? My cat, my dog and my bookshelf
6. Mac or Windows? Windows
7. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
8. How many songs do you have on your iPod? 990 ish
9. Go to your dashboard, what is the first fandom to show up? Sherlock
10. MLP, yes or no? MLP?
11. How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? twelve billion, six million, three hundred thousand six hundred fifty-three
1. Current favorite TV series? You can't seriously expect me to answer with one series... Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Merlin and GoT are my current top 5
2. A song you can’t get out of your head? Well now it's this. Thanks.
3. What language(s) can you speak or want to learn? I can speak English, French and a little bit of Spanish. I want to learn German, Japanese, Korean and Welsh because no one speaks welsh, not even people from Wales, and it would just be awesome to speak a language that no one knows
4. What’s your favorite fashion style? I don`t know what it's called, but if you go to the store "Alice and the Pirates" I wish I was rich enough to buy everything they sell
5. A book you can read over & over again? Birdwing. It's based on a story by the Brothers Grimm, and it's really good.
6. Would you rather be in the Hunger games or join Captain Jack Sparrow? Captain Jack for sure! I wouldn't want to be in a fight to the death, kill or be killed is not my idea of a good time. Hence piracy ;)
7. What do you want to eat/drink right now at this very moment? I'm craving pasta right now to be honest.
8. Recent movie you’ve seen? I saw the Avengers last night!! I am also currently watching The Fifth Element
9. Dream job? Linguist / Translator
10. Adidas or Nike? Adidas
11. Are you swift as the coursing river??!! I also have the force of great typhoons, with strength of raging rivers and as mysterious as the dark side of the moon.
My Questions for you!
1. Favourite book of all time?
2. Last concert you went to?
3. Thoughts on musicals?
4. Sun or moon?
5. What were they selling/promoting in the last commercial you watched?
6. Something you get teased for?
7. Favourite season?
8. A subject you cannot stand?
9. What are you most likely to argue about with someone?
10. You are forced to dye your hair because if you don't you'll die!!! What colour do you dye it?
11. If you could change your eye colour would you / to which colour?
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