#yuuzhan vong shaping
magnetarbeam · 7 months
You know, the way the lambent crystal is talked about as, like, giving Anakin a way to bridge the gap between his Force sense and the Force-nonexistent Yuuzhan Vong because its telepathic properties can connect to both sides of it kinda makes me wonder if it might be possible to have a similar kind of interface with regular mechanical systems. Like, if you have some way to convert electronic signals into data that a Force-user, at least, can sense in their mind, and convert back from that, could a computer system be interacted with in the same capacity as a living brain of comparable complexity?
Absolutely keeping this in my back pocket for some post-NJO Tahiri-related headcanons.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 7 months
You Have My Attention: New Jedi Order First Lines
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Ok, so Vector Prime wasn't my first Star Wars EU book; that would have been at least semi logical and honestly logic and hinged-ness is not how I would characterize either my experience with the Star Wars fandom, the EU, or just Star Wars in general. We have Anakin Skywalker, hinged is not the vibe. That said, Vector Prime was my fourth Star Wars book, and despite some flaws and peaks and valleys in quality, the New Jedi Order holds a very nostalgic place in my heart. Let's see how the authors of the New Jedi Order books catch readers.
It was too peaceful out here, surrounded by the vacuum of space and with only the continual hum of the twin ion drives breaking the silence.
-- R. A. Salvatore, Vector Prime
Standing there, on the bridge of his Nebulon-B frigate, the pirate Urias Xhaxin clasped his cybernetic left hand to the small of his back with his right hand. He stared straight ahead at the tunnel of light into which his ship, the Free Lance, flew.
-- Michael A. Stackpole, Dark Tide I: Onslaught
Shedao Shai stood in his chamber, deep within the living ship Legacy of Torment. Tall and lean, long-limbed with hooks and barbs at wrist, elbow, knee, and heel, the Yuuzhan Vong warrior had pulled himself up to his full height and held his open hands out away from his sides.
-- Michael A. Stackpole, Dark Tide II: Ruin
If the system's primary was distressed by the events that had transpired on and about the fourth closest of its brood, it betrayed noting to the naked eye. Saturating the local space with golden radiance, the star was as unperturbed now as it was before the battle had begun.
-- James Luceno, Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
It was morning in Gyndine's capital city, though that fact was scarcely evident to anyone on the surface. The rising sun, when glimpsed at all, was a blanched disk behind roiling smoke belched from flaming forests and buildings.
-- James Luceno, Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
Lieutenant Jaina Solo rolled her x-wing fighter up on its port S-foil and shoved her throttle forward. A seed-shaped Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper had been harrying her wingmate.
-- Kathy Tyers, Balance Point
Outside the medcenter viewport, a ragged crescent of white twinkles known as the Drall's Hat drooped across the violet sky, its lower tip slashing through the Ronto to touch a red star named the Eye of the Pirate. The constellations above Corellia had not changed since Han Solo was a child, when he had spent his nights contemplating the galactic depths and dreaming of life as a starship captain.
-- Troy Denning, "Recovery"
Dorsk 82 ducked behind the stone steps of the quay, just in time to dodge a blaster bolt from across the water. "Hurry on board my ship," he told his charges. "They've found us again."
-- Greg Keyes, Edge of Victory I: Conquest
Blood, drifting in starlight. That was the first thing Jacen Solo saw when he opened his eyes. It had beaded into what looked, in the dim, like polished black pearls reflecting the ancient starlight filtering through the transparisteel a meter or so away.
-- Greg Keyes, Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
The dark sliver of a distant starliner crept into view, a blue needle of ion efflux pushing it across the immense sweep of a brilliant orange sun. Like a million such suns in the Core region alone, this one lacked any world with a civilization or even a sapient species, and it was too inconsequential for any name except an obsolete Imperial survey number. With so much emptiness, so many planets untouched, it seemed to Jaina Solo that there should have been no need for fighting, that there should have been room for all.
-- Troy Denning, Star by Star
A sunrise corona limned one edge of the planet Myrkr, setting its vast northern forests alight with a verdant glow. Viewed from space, the planet appeared as lush and green as Yuuzhan'tat, the long-lost homeworld of Yuuzhan Vong legend.
-- Elaine Cunningham, Dark Journey
"A god cannot die," Charat Kraal said. "Therefore it can have no fear of death. So who is braver, a god or a mortal?"
--Aaron Allston, Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream
Jaina Solo banked her X-wing starfighter into as tight a turn as she could endure. The g-forces of her maneuver crushed her into her seat, but she called upon the force to protect her, to keep her centimeters away from the edge of blackout.
-- Aaron Allston, Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
Outside the universe, there is nothing. This nothing is called hyperspace. A tiny bubble of existence hangs in the nothing. This bubble is called a ship.
-- Matthew Stover, Traitor
As she sat in the chair that was hers by right of death, she raised her eyes to the cold faraway stars. Checklists buzzed distantly in her mind and her hands moved over the controls, but her thoughts flew elsewhere, amid the chill infinitude. Searching...
-- Walter Jon Williams, Destiny's Way
Saba Sebatyne knew the moment she emerged from hyperspace that Barab I was burning. Where the planet normally displayed a cloudy, gray face lit the glow of its primary, a sullen red dwarf, her infrared sensitive eyes now saw a fiery inferno.
-- Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic I: Remnant
The man who was no longer a man stood before an alien who was not what it seemed. "Everything is in place," the man said.
--Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic II: Refugee
Neither moved; neither spoke. They stared unflinchingly into each other's eyes. Surrounding her, hidden by shadows, Tahiri could sense an alien landscape.
-- Sean Williams and Shane Dix, Force Heretic III: Reunion
Three kilometers beneath the surface of Yuuzhan'tar--the world once known as Courscant--the sound of chanting drifted up a shaft nearly as wide as it was deep, the melancholy strains yearning toward the few distant starts that could be seen from the bottom. In the pale blue light of lumen reeds, the faces of the chanters appeared ravaged, their bodies misshapen.
-- Greg Keyes, The Final Prophecy
Selvaris, faintly green against a sweep of white-hot stars, and with only one tiny moon for companionship, looked like the loneliest of planets. Almost five years into a war that had seen the annihilation of peaceful worlds, the disruption of major hyperlanes, the fall and occupation of Coruscant itself, that fact that such a backwater place could rise to sudden significance was perhaps the clearest measure of the frightful shadow the Yuuzhan Vong had cast across the galaxy.
-- James Luceno, The Unifying Force
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autisticsupervillain · 4 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
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Darth Sidious vs Darth Caedus!
Dark Empire Palpatine. Legends material only.
In order to learn as much about the Dark Side of the Force as possible, Darth Caedus uses Flowalking to travel back in time and speak to Darth Sidious at his peak, hoping to learn from the most infamous Sith Lord in the Galaxy. Sensing Caedus's immense power, Palpatine sees Caedus as a rival and refuses to make him his apprentice, deciding to kill the man then and there to keep his power over the galaxy unchallenged.
Analysis: Caedus
If there is one thing that could possibly explain who Jacen Solo became when he grew up, it is war. Born to the legendary heroes of the Republic Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. He'd spend much of his early years getting abducted by imperial remnants and enemy factions of all stripes as the New Republic struggled to pull itself together. As a thirteen year old, he'd begin his training at Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Praxeum, spending most of his time fighting off Dark Jedi and lingering Sith Remnants. Jacen Solo didn't have the privilege of a peaceful upbringing, but despite that, he found a way to prosper. It was during these young years he'd meet the woman he'd later marry, Princess Tenel Ka Djo. Becoming Luke Skywalker's apprentice at age fifteen, it seemed that Jacen's lofe, despite its rocky start, was shaping up to be a good one.
That all changed when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked.
A proud warrior race that used bio-organic technology and existed outside of the Force, the Vong invaded the galaxy brutally, attacking without mercy. Due to existing outside of the Force, the Vong were immune to any attack a Jedi might throw at them, allowing their conquest to render planets desolate and cost trillions of lives.
Jacen lost his younger brother Anakin on the front lines and was captured not long after. He spent a year in captivity, tortured in ways unimaginable for over a year. They called it the Embrace of Pain, a device that specifically read the synapses of its target to trigger their pain receptors in whatever way the target finds most unbearable. Most sentient life dies from shock within seconds of exposure. Jacen held out for months.
Ultimately, Jacen would save the galaxy from the Vong threat. He would fuse with the entirety of the Force, become one with it to become a living god, and use that power to destroy the puppet master behind the war once and for all. Like his parents before him, Jacen Solo would save the galaxy.
Despite his victory, despite being the shinning becon of hope for the galaxy, Jacen would be troubled the events of his childhood for the rest of his. He was going to be a father. He had a family now and a duty to protect the entire galaxy. Could he allow his daughter to grow up in a galaxy has fractured and war torn as he had? Leave her at risk to the criminals and fascists he had to fight as a teenager? Could he risk the galaxy being invaded again from nowhere so that his family could experience the same loss and pain that he had. No.
Jacen Solo had spent his developing years being kidnapped, tortured, and made to fight in wars. He had lost his closest friends and family to violence. He had lost his mind to torture. He would not allow that same fate to befall his children. His family. His galaxy. Not again.
He would unite the galaxy in an empire of love. Create a world where every sapient being would love each other so deeply as to be considered family to each other, never to be torn apart again and united against any outside threat. A time of peace under his careful eyes.
His family wouldn't see it his way, of course, so Jacen would need outside help. He'd go to the Dark Lady Lumiya to learn the ways of the Sith. And to prove to himself he would let nothing get in his way, he murdered his Aunt Mara Jade Skywalker and named himself Darth Caedus.
Driven by paranoia and trauma, Caedus ensured he'd be prepared for every situation before beginning his invasion. Beyond the standard Sith Saber, with slightly higher cutting power due to its synthetic crystals, Caedus carries poison dart launchers on his gloves, turning his victim's immune system against them to kill them in seconds, a vibro blade shiv, and a blaster pistol hidden beneath his armor. Caedus spent five years traveling the outskirts of the galaxy to learn even the most obscure pieces of force lore that he could. From such sources, Cadeus mastered practices that most would consider to be... unnatural.
Caedus had the standard range of lightning, telekinesis, and tekepathy, allowing him to dominate minds and communicate from across the galaxy. Caedus is capable of casting powerful illusions, receiving visions of the future mid combat as far as thousands of years in advance (only worsening his paranoia), and create fire from nothing by telekinetically moving air molecules. He's liable to throw star ships around from space mid combat or crush your organs directly as needed, down to causing permanent brain damage by rupturing an artery in the brain.
Slightly more esoteric abilities include erasing people's memories or forcing them to relieve them mid combat, making his aura so small he becomes nearly invisible, creating blinding flashes of light, paralyzing people by electrocuting their nerves, absorbing energy attacks on the level of starship canons, and the Shatterpoint ability. Shatterpoint allows him to see the fault lines in an enemy or object, allowing him strike where a target is most vulnerable, from shattering metals with light taps to kill people in one shot.
Caedus has even mastered powers that no one else has ever used before. With Sever Force, can surround a target in so much Dark Side energy that they're cut off from the force completely, effectively depowering them, potentially permanently if he keeps it up for a long time. He can understand any language he hears automatically, track people through the force by spraying them with his blood, teleport at will, can make himself radioactive to fool lie detectors(?), and can predict the weather(??). But, most impressively of all are his time travel abilities.
By entering a deep meditative state known as flow walking, Darth Caedus can travel back in time and manipulate the past to a minor degree. He wanted to watch Peepaw Vader dice up the younglings during Order 66. Yeah.
In a dual, Caedus is unmatched by all but the mightiest. He defeated Mara Jade by distracting her with a vision of her son before poisoning her, defeated Battlemaster Kyle "I beat dragons to death with my fists" Katarn alongside several other Jedi at once, and gave a very good fight against Grandmaster Luke himself. Even getting choped up by his sister Jaina Solo didn't slow him down much as he just got himself a prosthetic knee and... never actually did anything about his missing hand because he didn't want to be out of commission during a war. So he's just missing a hand now.
Darth Caedus is one of the strongest Sith Lords who ever lived. The fandom may shout heresy for saying it, but... he's possibly even stronger than Palpatine himself.
Palpatine at his strongest was powerful enough to create force storms that could potentially wipe out the universe and did severe damage to the fifth dimensional space known as Hyperspace, where starships travel to beat lightspeed.
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Luke Skywalker back then was just a bit weaker than Palpatine and needed a boost from Leia to fully overpower him. Now, decades later, and Caedus himself is juuuuuuuust weaker than Luke after he'd gotten stronger than back then several times over. ...Yeah, I think that's a fair assessment to say Caedus beats Palpatine.
What's more, is that Luke by this point can access the Realm Beyond Shadows, a sixth dimensional space that transcends all of time, including in Hyperspace. In effect, Luke can fight six dimensional beings and move in a place where time does not exist and Caedus is only just weaker than him.
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Despite being basically a force god, Caedus is at heart still a traumatized soldier acting out of irrational paranoia. He's been known to get quick to frustrate and violent when things go wrong, his actions have alienated himself from everyone he ever loved, and he can no longer become a physical god by becoming one with the Force.
In the end, Caedus would lose his life in a climactic final dual with Jaina. He had the opportunity to force a stalemate, cut Jaina down as he fell... but his family would die if he did not intervene. Using the last of his strength, Jacen Solo saved his wife and daughter as his sister cut him down.
No matter who he might've become later in life... Jacen Solo had once saved the galaxy.
Analysis: Sidious
Of all the Dark Lords of the Sith who would come to terrorize the galaxy over the centuries, there is one and only one who could be said to have been born pure evil. He was not a man. Not a monster. But the Dark Side twisted into a barely human form. To the Sith, he is remembered as Palpatine the Great, the last of the Rule of Two who conquered the galaxy and destroyed the Jedi as no one before him ever had. To the Jedi, he is Darth Sidious, a genocidal monster behind the greatest tragedies and wars in galactic history. And to the Galaxy at large, he is just Emperor Palpatine, ruler of the First Galactic Empire.
Palpatine (not Sheev, that's Disney exclusive) always felt that the Naboo royal lineage he'd been born into was beneath him. Even as his family spoiled him rotten, he always felt he was destined for more. So, when Darth Plagueis the Wise, awed by his limitless potential in the Force, offered him secrets of the Dark Side, Palpatine did not hesitate. He murdered his family as a teenager and took the name Darth Sidious.
Sidious would manipulate his way to the top of galactic politics to become the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, before murdering Plagueis in his sleep. Then, under the guise of innocent, kindly Palpatine, he would instigate the Clone Wars, one of the bloodiest conflicts in history, to transition the Republic into a paranoid, fascist police state. Grooming the young Anakin Skywalker into the horrific enforcer Darth Vader, Palpatine would dispose of all his former allies when he took the throne, before purging the Jedi to grasp the galaxy in his iron grip.
Palpatine would reign unchallenged for decades, destroying planets with superweapons, instigating slavery and genocides, creating whole new forms of Dark Force magic, and crushing all resistance to maintain his iron grip on the galaxy. It was not until Anakin's son, Luke, reminded him of the man he was and turned him against his master that his mad reign would finally end. Palpatine would be cast into the reactor of his own Death Star, vaporized and obliterated. And at last, the Galaxy would know peace....
But, even after all that.... somehow, Palpatine returned.
Paranoid and meticulous, Palpatine planned ahead. He transferred his soul to a cloning station he'd prepared, letting the rebellion fight with the remnants of his empire as he rebuilt his armies and bolstered his strength, Palpatine would re-emerge to slaughter them all for failing and defying him. He would return not as a man, but as the embodies of the Dark Side itself. A being of the dark, twisted soul unconstrained by death or mortal morality.
Darth Sidious was a nearly unparalleled master of lightsaber combat, viewing it as little more than a way to mock the Jedi. Having mastered all seven forms, Palpatine would fight against some the greatest Jedi who ever lived, including Grandmaster Yoda, Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Galen Marek, and Luke Skywalker.
Despite their tenacity, the Jedi could not match Palpatine's sheer raw power in the Force. Galen Marek, who was powerful enough to pull starships out of the sky, Yoda, who could annihilate entire armies, and Luke, who had become an equal to his father Darth Vader by the time of Dark Empire. None of them alone could match his raw power on their own.
With Luke, Palpatine would spend months chipping away at his mind, driving him slowly mad to break him into his perfect apprentice, sucking out all his will the first time the young man challenged him. Palpatine could hide his darkness in the Force for years from all the Jedi in the Galaxy, flooding the Galaxy with his darkness so none could sense anything. Palpatine could slow down the Jedi Mace brought with him with a confusion haze, drive people mad with a thought, trap people in entire worlds made of illusions, bolster the willpower of his armies to effectively turn them into a hive mind, and even turn people into mindless drones with just a recording of his voice.
Palpatine spent so much of his time studying the Dark Side, he perfected every single power the Dark Side could provide at the time and could even invent brand new ones in a whim. He can vaporize you with lightning, suck the life our of you with Force Drain, crush you to death with telekinesis, fly, absorb energy, and will things to explode. He taunt Dooku how to create an army of zombies, can duplicate himself with hard loght copies, can shoot fire from his hands or freeze you solid, and can create fields of death that instantly kill any life form in their radius. Period. Alongside many.... many others...
Palpatine's being is nothing but a soul now. He doesn't need a physical body to survive. Whenever his current clone body dies or is defeated, he just transfers his soul to the next body or even to your body. He can take over your body and replace your personality, destroying your soul with his if you destroy his body through the power of Essence Transfer. Functionally, he is immortal so long as he has a body on hand.
But his most devastating ability of them all was dreaded Force Storm. This higher dimensional vortex in the fabric of space and time tears apart reality itself, wiping the life off planets and even punching holes in time. He used a Force Storm to teleport Luke across the galaxy and other Jedi such as Revan have tanked naturally occuring Force Storms only to end up getting teleported thousands of years across time. It is a literally apocalyptic power that could destroy the universe, higher dimensions and all, if Palpatine ever losses control of it.
So is this Dark Emperor the invincible god he says he is? ....No.
Firstly, Sidious strongly favors his force abilites. He thinks lightsaber combat is archaic, useful only to mock the Jedi. So, every single major victory against someone his own level came by way of his Force powers, with Mace and Yoda even disarming him outright before Sidious wised up. It says a lot that Palps doesn't even use his own lightsaber anymore. His old one was vaporized with the rest of him after his death, so now he uses a stolen blue Jedi one from a Jedi he killed personally. Probably one of the ones accompanying Mace. The only opponent Palpatine did beat with the blade is Maul who.... frankly, isn't even in the same galaxy as Sidious in any timeline....
Secondly, his own raw power is a detriment to his clone bodies. The more he exerts himself, the faster they rot under the weight of his might. Given that his clones range in age from fifteen to eighty, each body rots at different rates. After Leia freed Luke from Palp's control and gave him the strength boost he needed to overpower the Emperor, Palpatine had to keep transferring to weaker and weaker bodies that break down faster and faster.
Finally, if he fails to overpower the mind of his victim when possessing them, his soul will be wiped from existence, reduced to nothing and chaos. Though, for good measure, the ghost of every Jedi who ever lived did band together to destroy his soul forever and make sure he could never return.
Therein lies Palpatine's greatest achievement. He's bathed the galaxy in so much blood, that every Jedi who ever lived utterly despised him by the end. For as powerful as every Sith that came after him was, none was truly born evil like Palpatine.
Throwdown Breakdown:
Despite the scope and variety on display here, I think this a fairly open shut case.
Caedus has the scaling chain advantage. Palpatine is above a Dark Empire Luke, but that Luke is weaker than Vong War Luke who is weaker than Second Galactic Civil War Luke who Ceadus is just beneath by a hair. While Palpatine's potential to accidentally destroy the entire setting puts him on the same infinity tier, he is canonically weaker.
This presents a big problem. Palpatine has never been weaker. In almost every major fight, he's always been at least slightly stronger. That's how he usually wins. Suddenly that safety net is gone.
Jacen also has the skill advantage. Palpatine is a master of all seven styles, but Jacen has the New Jedi Order styles on top of that and the combat experience edge as a front lines war hero.
It's in variety that Sidious can finally claim some advantages. His superior healing makes Caedus's poisons useless, his duplicates can close the skill gap somewhat, and sever force wouldn't work due to Palpatine already using the Dark Side, so you can't cut him off by surrounding him in it. But, on the other hand, Jacen can dispel his illusions with a clap, telekinesis can throw aside fire and ice, while teleportation can handly dodge the death fields.
I don't see their time travel powers coming into play much here. Jacen's requires extreme concentration while Palpatine's risks obliterating everything if he loses control and could destroy himself as he gets hit by it.
As the fight drags on, Palpatine will start melting and will keep switching to more and more bodies, each getting weaker and weaker, while Caedus's incredible endurance and stamina lets him keep going. Palpatine is skilled, powerful, and varied enough to force Caedus to exert himself as the fight drags on... but there can be only one conclusion.
Once again, Palpatine will attempt to possess Leia's son. Unlike the then not-yet-born Anakin, Jacen will be able to resist, destroying Palpatine's soul.
And also presumably time paradoxing himself from history given the big alterations. Oops. Didn't think that through, did ya Jacen?
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Darth Caedus!
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readsalot1 · 10 months
I was reading stuff on theforce.net and now I want an incredibly dark Anahiri fanfic diverging at the Edge of Victory duology where they both get shaped and end up brainwashed (but still into each other) and end up as an unstoppable Yuuzhan Vong strike team that makes it so the Republic loses the war (this means we get to avoid the character assassination of later books, yay!)
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firewvlk · 1 year
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Look who just woke up- is that ZOEY DEUTCH? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s JAINA SOLO from STAR WARS. I heard she is 29 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a PURPLE LIGHTSABER, REBEL PILOT HELMET, AND GREASE STAINED HANDS impression. They’re known to be quite PRAGMATIC, but have a tendency to be DETACHED on their bad days.
cisfemale & she/her
how long have they been in sydney:
real time: roughly 3 years
which suburb do they live in:
she lives in newtown
personality description:
jaina is known for her strong and complex personality. she’s a resilient and determined individual, possessing a natural charisma that draws others to her. she is fiercely independent and possesses a strong sense of justice, always striving to do what is right. she is also a skilled and disciplined warrior, having received extensive training in the ways of the force and combat. that leads to her perhaps being a little over confident, at times.
despite her formidable abilities, she is also known for her compassion and empathy. she deeply cares about the well-being of others and is willing to make personal sacrifices to protect those she loves. like her mother, she possesses a sharp tongue intellect and strategic mindset, enabling her to analyze situations and make calculated decisions. but she can also be a bit of a hot-head, and is often too passionate.
her upbringing in a family of legendary heroes and darth vader, and her experiences during times of conflict have shaped her into a resilient and adaptable individual. she has faced numerous challenges and deep losses, which have contributed to her maturity and strength of character, as well as, a tendency to detach herself from others. she holds a unique ability to balance the light and dark sides of the force.
memories of their real life:
the only daughter of han solo and leia organa solo, making her part of the prominent solo, organa, naberrie, and skywalker families.
twin sister of jacen solo & the older sister of anakin solo.
she grew up on coruscant in a galaxy plagued by conflict, particularly during the era of the galactic civil war and the subsequent conflicts with the remnants of the galactic empire.
due to her parents always being busy, she and her brothers were mostly raised by nannies before being sent off for jedi training.
as a member of the new jedi order, jaina received training in the ways of the force from her uncle, luke skywalker, and became a skilled jedi knight. she participated in numerous battles and faced formidable adversaries, honing her combat skills and developing her connection to the force.
she played a crucial role in various major conflicts, including the yuuzhan vong war, where she fought against the extragalactic invaders threatening the galaxy. both as a jedi and a rogue squadron pilot.
she was constantly on the front lines of battle during the war, earning the title of sword of the jedi from her uncle, and becoming known as an avatar of the trickster goddess yun-harla to the yuuzhan vong.
the death of her younger brother caused her to walk dangerously close to the dark side, to the point she was able to use black force lightning, but she was ultimately pulled back.
in the aftermath of the war, she continued to serve as a jedi knight and contributed to rebuilding efforts. she played a pivotal role in restoring peace and stability to the galaxy while contending with various threats and challenges.
the biggest of which was a split with her twin brother and him eventually falling to the dark side and becoming a sith lord.
she trained under boba fett to gain an edge over him, and ended up defeating and killing her twin in a lightsaber duel.
after jacen’s death, she remained a key member of the new jedi order, and was eventually given the rank of master.
what was their fake life like:
tba after plotting
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yuuzhanvong77 · 4 years
Look a Master Shaper! Prove me wrong. Shaping to the Blessed 8th Fingered Shaper Hand Art by: ALEJANDRO D'MARCO
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legendssaga · 3 years
Don’t let them take the memories
PS: I wrote this yesterday because our lovely EU Discord gave me all the reasons I needed. “The days are light and joyful, the sun touching the hills, Painting pictures, above and beyond, until the suns are setting. The night however, has the longest stride. Beware of the night, for it brings terror beyond your imagination. Beware of the night, because you can’t run while you sleep.” As a child, it had never really made sense to Leia for adults to read make-shift poetry that had no beauty, that carried nothing but darkness. She had never understood her father’s joy in works like these. For a man who went through so much suffering, indulging in more just seemed wrong. Only as an adult, Leia had come to embrace the truth: That, when you become older, when you live through the unimaginable, you seek for anything that describes your pain, because there are simply no words inside you. In broad daylight, she was Leia Organa Solo. The woman that had yet again majorly impacted the turn of events in regards to the Yuuzhan Vong crisis. The woman whose brother and children were cheered at as the new heroes of a new time, as if the galaxy assumed they could rid themselves of the guilt for selling out the Jedi if their hymns of praise were loud enough. During the nights, she was no one but a mother who had lost her youngest child. No one but a woman whose screams would wake up her husband, if he’d managed to fall asleep at all. He’d wrap his arms around her then, lulling her in the comfortable warmth of his embrace, but both of them, she knew, were thinking of how much they wished it was Anakin they were holding, and while tears silently made their way down her cheeks, she could feel a wetness in her hair, too, remnants of tears that Han hadn’t been quick enough to hold back. At some point, he’d have calmed himself down, and would try to find a way to calm her, too, even if it was just laying there in silence until the hitching in her breath had eased. And then, in the typical Solo manner, he said the most hilarious and stupid things that mostly happened to be at the top of his mind. “You smell astounding, princess. Nothing like home.” “The corners of Correlia you’ve been, smell like dirt, sweat, and decay, honey.” “See?” Even in the darkness, she could see his cocky grin. “Nothing like home. More like the cantinas. The nice ones.” “The nice ones?” Leia eased herself out of his grip and turned to face him, although she did catch herself noticing the lack of full sleep attire in the dim light. “Fine drinks, enjoyable company. The nicest places in the galaxy. In fact,” he pulled himself up, bringing his face closer to hers until their lips were almost touching, “I would say you literally are the nicest place in the galaxy.” “Lovely,” Leia retorted, kissing him softly. “A little sloppy, but overall, a nice try.” She smiled, and still felt it fade within the next seconds. It had gotten easier to joke with all the time passing, but it also felt wrong. And she wanted it to be right, or at least unbelievable, like her parents death still seemed, so unthinkable that it simply could not be true. In a way, Leia considered, she wanted to either forget the harsh truth, or suffer because it was the only sense of reminiscence the galaxy offered her. “It’s all gone, isn’t it?” Next to her, Han blinked, trying to process the sudden change in both tones and topics. He fell back into the cushions, and offered Leia a nice place to settle on his chest while his hands nestled carefully through her hair in an offer of comfort. “Not everything,” he tried to offer, but it seemed meaningless even to him. Anakin’s lightsaber was buried, only the core sitting in a small case in Leia’s office desk. The holos, recordings, old baby clothings - all of it destroyed when the Yuuzhan Vong had come shaping the world to their liking. All that was left was what little personal belongings Anakin had left at the Errant Venture. But those consisted of items that had helped Anakin reminisce. His comms, gifts from his parents or siblings for birthday’s or other celebrations, and a small bracelet that Tahiri made the first time Anakin went on vacation with his parents after they’d met at the Academy. “It feels like they took everything that counts.” Him, she added mentally, with an inaudible sob. They took him. “Hey -”, she could feel Han shake his head. “They won’t take our memories. I won’t let anyone touch those.” His anger and despair suddenly, unexpectedly, turned into laughter. “You remember when he was little, he’d always wave his hands after he did something we told him not to do. I always wondered if he’d hoped to shift our memories so we’d just forget.” The memory did indeed bring an honest smile to Leia’s lips. Granted, for all his lack or dislike of verbal speech, Anakin had a tendency for having a rather expressive body language ever since he was born. “He did it when he was rather grumpy, too. Like when we first brought the twins to meet him.” Han rubbed his forehead, as if the stress of those moments suddenly reappeared.
The image had been pricelessly cute, with two toddlers, staring with a mixture of joy and threat at a tiny human being. They’d met him after the first week back at home, and after he’s had a good feed, because Leia had learned rather quickly that a hungry Anakin was a very grumpy baby. Han had spent the meantime seating the twins on the couch in the living room, both dressed in matching shirts and trousers reading “best big sister” (or, in Jacen’s case, “best big brother”), all being a gift from Chewie in return for Han buying him a cap that said “best furry uncle”. Across the rooms, she’d heard her husband patiently explain how fragile and tired their little brother was, not knowing that the twins were already hyper-aware of the emotions of the new life. Matter of factly, Han had also told Jaina, who had been in a very sensory-seeking phase, that they should not poke Anakin while he was still sleeping. Give or take, what little fine motor control the twins had at that time basically defined every kind of touch as poking. Minutes later, Leia had carefully carried Anakin over and rested him between the twins, repeating and emphasizing their father’s words again. Yet, with the stubbornness of a pregnant tauntaun, Jaina had proceeded, while directly staring into her father’s face, to basically squish Anakin’s cheeks and giggling mischievously. As expected, little Anakin hadn’t taken it fairly well, pulled from his well deserved post-snack nap. And then, in a moment that’d burn in Han’s and Leia’s consciousness as the knowledge of having three under three, his pitiful little cries had startled the twins, and the wave of unnamable and inexpressible frustration brought them to tears, too. Calming them down, from all that Leia could recall, took the entire afternoon. In silence, both Solos smiled, and for the first time during the night, Leia truly, truly felt content, snuggling herself closer until she could hear her husband’s heart beating. “You have to promise me you won’t.” “Won’t what?” “Won’t let anyone take these memories.”
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Star Wars Alien Species - Chironian
The Chironian species was native to the planet Chiron. Chiron was located in the galactic east of the Outer Rim Territories, and fell within the borders of the Kiirium Reaches, a portion of the space that was incorporated into Xim the Despot's empire as early as 25,127 BBY. Legends related that, at the order of Kossak the Hutt, many worlds in the region surrounding the Chironians' homeworld were bombarded and poisoned several hundred years later so as to create a desolate buffer between the remains of Xim's empire and Hutt Space to the galactic south. From this destruction, the Chironians' home sector, which they shared with the Abyssins and the Nyny natives, came to be known as the Ash Worlds.
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It was not until 5000 BBY that Chiron fell within territory widely explored by the Galactic Republic, the next major galactic power, although during the Jedi Civil War of 3959 BBY to 3956 BBY, the Chironians' planet fell within Darth Revan's Sith Empire. Chiron was in unaligned territory during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems; however, after the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, many of the Ash Worlds were interdicted and used for weapons testing and other shadowy activities.
Following the rise of the New Republic in 4 ABY, Chiron fell under its polity. During this time, at least one Chironian was kidnapped as a slave by the Empire Reborn, a secretive movement that sought to recreate the Empire following its defeat by the New Republic. Many years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a conflict between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong, a species of extra-galactic invaders, Chiron was thought to be beyond the reach of the aggressors. However, the Yuuzhan Vong succeeded in sending to their world a pack of voxyn—creatures shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to be naturally inclined to hunt and kill Jedi. The voxyn beset the Chironian Jedi Knight Lusa while she was running through a meadow and killed the woman.
By 137 ABY, following the ascendency of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire against the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances—the New Republic's successor state—the Chironians' homeworld fell within one of only a few areas of the galaxy still under the influence of the Galactic Alliance.
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Chironians expressed emotions through the mannerisms of their hooves: when impatient, they stamped them; when excited, they tapped them in a quick dance, or cantered in a spot. The centauriforms frequently shook their heads and manes, and when angry, their faces flushed a deeper shade. Young Chironians, when frightened, were known to rub or press their velvet-covered horns against the foreheads of other beings to whom they were emotionally close. Chironians could swim, and shook themselves dry after such an exertion.
At least some young Chironians, such as Lusa, a Force-sensitive member of the species, wore no clothing on their bodies, shoulders, torsos or midriffs. In her adulthood, however, Lusa wore a robe on her torso.
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The Chironians were a warm-blooded, sentient species with centauriform anatomy; that is, they had the head and torso of a humanoid and the lower body of an equine animal. The Chironian lower body had four legs, similar to that of a horse, and each ended in a dainty, cloven hoof. A Chironian could sit down by folding his or her horse-like legs underneath the body. Chironians were tall, and even while sitting in this manner, they could reach the height of a Human adult. A Chironian could also kick backward with both hind legs; this strong kick was sufficient to knock over other beings. A Chironian's pace could vary between a walk, a canter, and a gallop.
At least some young Chironian had red-gold colored bodies, with white spots on the flanks and back. As Chironians aged, the body color darkened to a rich reddish-brown, like polished cinnamon, and the dappled markings on the flanks faded away. Chironians grew long tails, which they often flicked. The Chironian torso had two arms, which ended in dexterous hands capable of skipping stones across water, administering field medicine, and wielding weapons such as stun sticks.
The Chironian head had two wide, round eyes, which could be red-gold in color, and could weep. The eyes were lidded and had eyebrows. The Chironian head had a nose with two nostrils, and a mouth with full lips. Chironians grew long, curly manes on their heads, hair which was sometimes grown to nearly waist-length and flowed down their backs. Chironian manes darkened with age to a rich reddish-brown color.
Each year, the Chironian head grew two horns above the temples. These horns started as small knobs covered by red-furred velvet; a vascular tissue. Once the knobs had grown sufficiently, they broke through the velvet naturally, emerging as transparent horns, as bright as diamond, cool to the touch and with smooth ridges. However, if the velvet was cut artificially, Chironians could die from the injury. Over time, the horns grew long and sharp enough that adolescent Chironians could use them to gore opponents.
Chironians were strong enough to carry a Human on their backs. Chironians produced a scent that, to Humans at least, smelled of woods and spices.
Chironian age at the following stages:
1 - 10 Child
11 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 39 Adult
40 - 54 Middle Age
55 - 69 Old
Examples of Names: Luna, Sinall, Jefin, Slaturn, Cinall.
Languages: Chironians posses expressive, husky voices, and can speak Galactic Basic Standard, although some speak the language with a heavy accent.
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mandaloriangf · 3 years
Tbh, I STILL don’t understand why Disney didn’t just adapt the best parts of Star Wars Legends for their sequel movies
Legends literally was just better in SO many ways
An entire movie trilogy could’ve been made based off Jaina Solo rather than Rey. (And honestly, Jaina is superior in every possible way known to man. Jaina’s development was INCREDIBLE and she was legitimately a compelling character)
Kyle Ron WISHES he had what Jacen Solo had, and a filmed Jacen vs Jaina showdown would’ve been legendary
The New Jedi Order from Legends could’ve had an entire successful movie series on its own AND allowed for SO MANY spin-offs and merch opportunities
A different sequel trilogy could’ve focused on the Yuuzhan Vong War
A trilogy set in the distant future could’ve focused on Ahnah Skywalker (Luke’s Black great-granddaughter), and it would’ve been a FAR greater exploration of how legacy matters when it comes to shaping the future
A trilogy set in the distant past (Old Republic era) focused on Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan (an Asian woman) would’ve been stupendously epic
And can you IMAGINE how AMAZING John Boyega would’ve been as Kyle Katarn????
If Disney had been smart enough to adapt Legends, then not only would their stories be of far higher quality, but they would’ve had a LOT more quality diversity and representation too
I just feel robbed, tbh
even if they didn’t adapt it directly, taking a lot of inspiration from it would be a helluva lot better than what we got. like either do that or do something completely 100% original bc the mess the st became wasn’t worth it
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Star Wars for the blorbo asks! (Optional hard mode: Only classic EU characters!)
I'm doing both because I love attention
Star Wars, for the normals (normaler) (most of these could be- they could be just the one guy)
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): there's this fella, his name is ben, but not that one friend. But for basic pics I also love Leia, Padme, Ahsoka and Din Djarin who's just a very good boy
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I mean, baby yoda, or "action snacking grogu" as hasbro would like for me to refer to him as, well, he is baby after all
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Ventress! also Hera! Qira! the list goes on
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) do you remember when Rukh showed up in rebels? I remember when he showed up in rebels. also mon mothma, breha organa, rose tico in anything after TLJ....
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): this one is also kylo ren. are you sad you ever became friends with me.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) : those fucking droids in the endlessly long droid arc of season 5 of clone wars, waste my time 2012
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) Palpatine but in a more meta sense chris terrio who I would bite with my real human teeth if possible <3
blorbo : I'm 1) basic and 2) a woman so Its Mara everyday of the week. Also Thrawn, because I have eyes
scrunkly : the twins + anakin. Really dig me some sequel series offspring. I preferred reading EU that were temporally not that long after the movies so I never really knew Ben Skywalker or Allana Solo that well, but what little I read of them I liked pretty well, but it's hard to mess with the originals, as disney has discovered. honestly I maybe reading this question far too literally but come on, it's me
scrimblo bimblo: I think as dope and rad as thrawn is, Pellaeon does not get the credit he deserves. he's a good watson!
glup shitto : I don't know if people remember Winter? Winter Celchu, Leia's friend who basically raised her kids for their protection and MAYBE had sex with Admiral Ackbar? but kin
poor little meow meow tbh there are not enough meow meows in legends, I'm going to say the dathomir witches who in canon imo are mostly creepy while in legends they were FREAKS :)
horse plinko Post dark side jacen solo for killing my girl and my innocence, in addition to the fact that I he's the walmart to bens gucci beloveds
eeby deeby: the Yuuzhan Vong! waste my time 2006. also whoever said "we can have no gay people in star wars and mara jade should be fridged." super hell for homophobic crimes
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Thinking of Zakuul in my canon and how I can give Bryala some sort of plot to deal with. As I skipped right over the whole Iokath stuff in my canon in favor of a Yuuzhan Vong invasion, I am considering having the Order of Zildrog show up but as more of a political opposition party that wants a return to the old ways of conquering and whatnot rather than the new cooperation minded parliament.
Might have the Order be responsible for recruiting my Zakuulan Knight OC Lee and be training him to target their enemies like Bryala. Daughter of the Alliance Commander would be a nice target though she is also the granddaughter of their immortal emperor’s sith form so they might want to try and shape her into a puppet or a Valkorion kind of ruler. I dunno yet but I just want to give Bryala some sort of conflict she has to face in Zakuul.
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magnetarbeam · 4 months
I feel like, even though the knowledge base of a Yuuzhan Vong shaper means Tahiri's one of the best healers in the Order, she also has a habit of semi-consciously thinking out loud about exactly how gruesome someone's injuries are, and describing what she's doing in a level of detail that her patients pretty much all agree they could have gone to the grave not knowing.
And she doesn't actually do it, but there's always an undercurrent of unhinged curiosity and you can't help but wonder if she's just going to use you for a shaping project instead.
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jedivoodoochile · 3 years
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Cade Skywalker was a Human male bounty hunter, smuggler, and pirate, who in his youth was once the Jedi Padawan of Wolf Sazen. The son of Jedi Master Kol Skywalker and Morrigan Corde (also known as Nyna Calixte), Cade was also a direct descendant of Luke and Anakin Skywalker and a descendant of Ben Skywalker. Cade was also the nephew of Nat Skywalker (also known as "Bantha" Rawk) and his wife Droo Rawk, half-brother of Gunn Yage (though neither knew of the other's existence), cousin of Annah, and stepcousin of Skeeto, and Micah Rawk.
Cade Skywalker was a Human male bounty hunter, smuggler, and pirate, who in his youth was once the Jedi Padawan of Wolf Sazen. The son of Jedi Master Kol Skywalker and Morrigan Corde (also known as Nyna Calixte), Cade was also a direct descendant of Luke and Anakin Skywalker and a descendant of Ben Skywalker. Cade was also the nephew of Nat Skywalker (also known as "Bantha" Rawk) and his wife Droo Rawk, half-brother of Gunn Yage (though neither knew of the other's existence), cousin of Annah, and stepcousin of Skeeto, and Micah Rawk.
Thousands of years before his birth, he appeared in Jedi Master Q'Anilia's vision, along with his ancestors, Luke Skywalker, and Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader, as well as Zayne Carrick, all of whom would be affected by the Muur Talisman. After his mother left him as a baby, Cade was raised as a Jedi by his father on Ossus where he would be apprenticed to his father's former apprentice, Wolf Sazen. He spent most of his childhood where he became close to Padawan Azlyn Rae. However, at the start of the Second Imperial Civil War, Cade turned his back on his heritage after being traumatized by watching his father's death at the hands of Darth Nihl and the One Sith. After successfully reviving his master, he swore his revenge and eventually became a pirate and bounty hunter, operating from his personal starship, the Mynock with his longtime companions Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue.
After his existence and unique Force powers were discovered by Sith Lord Darth Krayt, Cade was unwillingly pulled into galactic affairs. Caught up in the power struggle between the Sith and the exiled Emperor Fel, Cade became willing to do whatever it took to ensure he was left alone, but was eventually captured by the Sith. Following his capture, Krayt acknowledged that Cade had more power than he had ever seen in any Jedi, and offered him to join him and the Sith. Refusing his offer, Cade was forced to watch his friends die when Darth Maladi planted Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-Kul coral seeds. Cade had no option but to help both of his friends by using his anger to cure them at a great cost. With the dark side corrupting him, Cade was surprised that Krayt showed him his father's lightsaber and revealed his former identity as Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett. Skywalker was able to escape when he injured Nihl and Talon.
After being briefly captured by the Sith, Cade was reunited with his uncle and his childhood sweetheart, Azlyn Rae, who secretly became an Imperial Knight. After arriving to the secret Hidden Temple on Taivas, and been followed by several Imperial Knights, Cade was angered by Azlyn's betrayal until he had met with the new Jedi Council members, K'Kruhk, Tili Qua and T'ra Saa. Together, they participated in a successful mission that saw the presumed death of Darth Krayt. However, Krayt's traitorous advisor conspired to keep this fact a secret and appointed himself Regent over Krayt's Empire. After saving Azlyn's life, against her wishes, Cade and Azlyn's relationship fell apart. Angered by the destruction his actions continually caused, Cade left for Tatooine, where he began raiding Black Sun shipments. These events drew the attention of both his mother and his half-sister Gunn Yage.
After leaving Tatooine, Cade and his crew accepted a recovery mission on Wayland, site of the failed Ossus Project. There, Cade encountered Darth Maladi, who was seeking to perfect a new Sith bioweapon. Cade attempted to heal Blue, who had been captured and implanted with the weapon, but to no avail. Wolf Sazen tracked Cade to Wayland and convinced him to use the light-side of the Force to heal Blue, which was successful. As a result of these events, Cade finally rejected the dark-side but resolved to not rejoin the Jedi Order, believing the Force shaped him for a different destiny, to destroy the One Sith.
Cade set off on a quest for vengeance, accompanied by his friends. On Utapau, Skywalker killed Sith scientist Vul Isen and learned of Krayt's return from the dead. He would encounter his mother once more on the Wheel, where under the council of his father, forgave her and healed her from certain death. Shortly thereafter, Skywalker returned to the Jedi Hidden Temple on Taivas to defend against the incoming attack there. The battle was a disaster for the Jedi and its allied forces, and Nat Skywalker sacrificed his life to save that of his nephew. Distraught by his uncle's death, Cade led an elite strike team to shut down Coruscant's planetary defenses in the final battle of the war. Cade lost his former master in the fight, but succeeded in resisting temptation and as a Jedi, killed Krayt once and for all. To ensure the Dark Lord of the Sith would never return, Cade took his mother's ship to the planet's sun, where he intended to incinerate both himself and Krayt's body. However, under the guidance of Luke Skywalker, Cade escaped the doomed ship, and was rescued by Syn, R2-D2, and his lover, Deliah Blue. With the war over, Cade Skywalker set out for a distant place where the group could be in peace.
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Wookiepedia on Healing Plants
Read the Original Texts Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here , Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here , Here, Here, Here, Here , Here, Here, Here, Here and Here!
Senoti The senoti was a species of tree native to the Outer Rim world New Canistel. The deep-rooted trees required an alkaline soil in which to grow, and produced a sap that was used for medicinal purposes. The trees were also found off New Canistel, with a small number growing wild on Endor. These were believed by Xenoarborists to be survivors from two Canistel AgriStar freighters that were lost in the Moddell sector. Endor's native Ewoks regarded the tree as holy due to its healing properties, and in 3 ABY, the Warrick family of Ewoks used senoti sap in a medicine administered to the shipwrecked youngling, Cindel Towani. Several senoti trees also grew in the Xenobotanical Garden of Garqi; however, these were burnt down during the first year of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The senoti was a species of tree.Mature senoti had brown, rough, gnarled bark, and could reach a girth several times that of an Ewok.The trees grew deep roots and required alkaline soil in order to thrive. Senoti seeds planted in acidic soil only grew into scrubby plants, if they survived at all. The senoti produced a watery sap, which had analgesic properties and could quell fevers. Kelari Lily The Kelari Lily was a rare Flower that could be used to treat battlefield injuries.Lorren Morrick sent a rebel patrol out to find Kelari Lilies because her medical supplies were running short.
Nysillin Nysillin, also known as sillum, or nysillim, was a healing herb grown as a common crop plant across the galaxy. On the planet Felucia, it was harvested by Casiss's farming village during the Clone Wars. Hondo Ohnaka's gang of pirates threatened the village into giving away a portion of the herbs, a portion they could not afford to give up, so Casiss hired a group of bounty hunters to fight them. They were soon joined by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who trained the Felucians to fight for themselves, prompting Ohnaka to give up.
Ice Mushrooms Ice mushrooms were found on various planets throughout the galaxy, including Neshtab. It appeared to have healing or analgesic properties, at least in Humans.  Greybush The Greybush was a ground hugging bush native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm. Redweed Redweed was a fern with a distinctive red coloration native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Lesset Plant Lesset plant was a broad-leafed red-veined plant native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of this herbal plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm. It could often be found in the dense forests at the bottom of many valleys.
Ongmuel Plant The Ongmuel plant was a herbal plant with leaves that resembled dangling spiders native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used leaves of the Ongmuel plant for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Rinor Rinor was a herbal plant with blade-like leaves native to the planet Dathomir. The Singing Mountain Clan used Rinor leaves for their healing properties while the Nightsisters used them to cause harm.
Barenth Healing Plant The Barenth healing plant was a endangered, natural, healing plant from Barenth. When a Ho'Din healer named Baji came to Barenth, he encountered them in an ancient laboratory. He observed them and tried to stay to continue observation and to eventually use them for healing purposes. Unfortunately, an earthquake struck and Baji was forced to leave. He grabbed some of them and left. Later, he came back only to find the sanctuary crushed. The plants were not destroyed, but badly contaminated. Baji had made a tough decision; he decided that for all his life, he would stay and help the remaining plants.
Savarium Herb The savorium herb was a kind of plant made by the Ithorian botanist Zorneth and another botanist, a Human named Klorr Vilia. When eaten, it would replace one's mind with nothing but peace and joy, and would give the consumer a new sense of submission and lack of inhibitions. Those under the influence of the herb were often referred to as Smilers due to the perpetual grins on their faces. It is said to be given the term "slave drug" considering slavers, pirates and other criminal personnel would have favored its mind-altering abilities.After Klorr had tried it, Zorneth wanted to mass-produce it so everyone would be happy. However, Vilia sacrificed himself to destroy all of the savorium herbs.There were rumors of savorium herb still existing, involving secret harvesting plantations in the galaxy, but it was unproved.
Viptiel Viptiel was a plant native to Nal Hutta. It was known for its therapeutic properties to the X'Ting for its hormone-balancing effects during that species' transition from one gender to the other; however, very few could afford it. Vippits also used viptiel as a medicinal supplement, especially during their mating periods. Twin-Scented Natterbloom The Twin-Scented Natterbloom was a rare medicinal herb native to the planet Talus. The plant exuded a pungent smell in its early growth, which changed during blooming season when the herb gave off a sweet citrus scent.The Drall hoped that the Natterbloom may prove to be a cure of an ancient Drall disease, the Balding Sickness. Some victims resisted bacta treatment, forcing the Drall to search for alternate solutions. With the help of the local Dearic Garden Club and a helpful spacer, the Drall ambassador to Talus Champhra Biahin was able to procure a sample of the Twin-Scented Natterbloom for further research.
Luna Weed Luna-weed was a plant native to Aduba-3. If chewed, it could produce delusional effects in the user. It gave rise to the phrase "chewing the luna-weed" when referring to someone who was acting crazy.
Guroot Guroot was a type of plant that could be grinded into powder and consumed. Many beings believed that consuming powdered guroot was good for one's health. Pommwomm Pommwomm plants were a hot-world shrub native to the Sif'kric system's inner planet. If they were properly processed within thirty hours of picking, they could be made into at least eight different medicinal substances, and at least sixteen different natural flavorings. Export of pommwomm plants made up about 20% of the Sif'kric economy.
Grey Gabaki A plant named for its drab color when dried, Grey Gabaki gives off a light and relaxing smoke when burned. It is commonly used in cantinas, but some merchants also burn it to make store fronts a more relaxing environment for customers.
Star Urchin Quill "Star urchin quills" was the name given by Ewok shamans to the venomous quills of the fftssfft, a species of semi-sapient plants also known as the "dandelion warriors." Despite their potentially lethal nature, those star-shaped quills could be used in traditional Ewok medicine.
Santherian TenHo Root Santherian tenho-root was a plant whose extract was also a potent drug. It was often used by abusers who desired a sense of escapism. When taking the drug, users often described it's effects as similar to that of watching a sunset.The extract was immensely effective on Falleen, who would experience intense psychotropic attacks after taking it.
Algarine Torve Weed Algarine torve weed was a kind of plant native to the Algaran system and could be used as a synthetic mood enhancer.
Relkass The Relkass sentinel plant was one of many cacti native to the planet of Relkass.The sentinel plant only bloomed during the planet's dry season. It also contained a chemical compound, which acted as a powerful narcotic. Even small amounts of the compound could drive a Draagax into a horrible madness.
Behot Behot was a species of herb that grew on the planet Mandalore. The herb was citrus-flavored and grew rapidly, making it the favored choice of ingredients for the Mandalorian beverage shig, a tisane brewed from a number of herbs. Behot was mildly antiseptic and stimulating, and capable of soothing an upset stomach. Shig brewed from behot possessed an amber color and the herb's citrus flavor. In 20 BBY, the Null-class ARC trooper Mereel used behot herbs in the shig he brewed for a pregnant Etain Tur-Mukan in order to help settle her stomach.bMereel's adopted father, Kal Skirata, also enjoyed a mug of behot-flavored shig when looking to calm his nerves. By the end of the Clone Wars, members of the anti-Imperial resistance on Toprawa had taken to growing behot locally on the Outer Rim world, using it to make their own shig. Resistance leader Degan Cor developed a fondness for shig brewed from behot, as did several of his rebel colleagues.
Kibo The Kibo was a rare, purple flowering plant native to Yavin 4. Its scent was strong and sweet and the seeds of the Kibo could restore sight.When Trioculus attacked Yavin 4 in 5 ABY, the fires he started brought the Kibo to the brink of extinction. Many years later, Galactic Alliance Chief of State Cal Omas kept a Kibo blossom in bronzium vase on his desk.
Bota Bota was a rare plant species native to very few planets in the galaxy such as Drongar. It was highly valued during the Clone Wars, as it had certain medicinal effects for each species and supposedly gave Jedi a stronger connection to the Force. It would become useless some time after it left the planet unless it was frozen in carbonite. 
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jedilegacied · 4 years
From the Expanded Universe
Jaina Solo is the eldest of the Solo children by five minutes. She and her twin brother Jacen were born on Coruscant, during the final days of Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempt to retake the Galactic Core. During these times of strife, Leia and Han sequestered their children on various safeworlds, keeping them out of harm's way. After a number of attempts to capture the Solo children, the parents eventually decided to keep the family together.
On Coruscant, the twins were raised by Winter and C-3PO. As Leia was Chief of State of the New Republic, she rarely had time to devote to family, though she made every possible effort. As she grew older, Jaina began to notice Leia's distance more and more, a distance she would later come to resent.
Headstrong Jaina showed a mechanical aptitude that made her father proud. At nine years of age, she was already flying the Millennium Falcon, and knew enough to help her father with simple repairs.
By the time she was 14, Jaina was already a capable pilot. She attended her Uncle Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin 4, honing her impressive talents in the Force, and making new and long-lasting friends, such as Lowbacca, Tenel Ka and Zekk. Surviving run-ins with the Second Imperium, the Diversity Alliance and other foes, Jaina then apprenticed herself to Mara Jade. The two bonded, and Jaina grew both as a Jedi, and as a pilot.
Her skills behind the controls of an X-wing fighter earned her a position in Rogue Squadron during the Yuuzhan Vong crisis. Flying as Rogue Eleven, Jaina went by the nickname "Sticks." While at Ithor, Jaina met a fellow pilot named Jagged Fel, an ally of the New Republic flying with a Chiss defense force. The young woman felt something stir within her, and she definitely admired Jagged Fel for his piloting skill and icy cool demeanor.
The Yuuzhan Vong crisis has been a trial of character for young Jaina, who was forced into the hardships of war before even reaching adulthood. In her carefree days of adventure as a teen, she had been spared lessons in mortality. With the death of Chewbacca, and the subsequent straining of family bonds among the Solos, Jaina has learned indelible lessons that are shaping her character.
Leia believes her daughter to be the most pragmatic of her children. Whereas contemplative Jacen is often crippled with indecision, and impetuous Anakin would often plunge into action heedless of the consequences, Jaina would measure her actions and suit them to the moment. She is not without a temper, as her stubbornness will often lead her to arguments. Jaina has, on occasion, lambasted her brother for his passivity and her mother for her distance.
With the trying times of war, Jaina's temper came close to being her undoing. After the death of her youngest brother and disapperance of her twin, Jaina was enraged and touched the dark side of the Force. Her pragmatism dangerously eclipsed her compassion and faith in her uncle's Jedi teachings, and she found herself allied to Kyp Durron, a strong-minded Jedi seeking more proactive reform in the order.
In escaping the botched Jedi mission that claimed her brother's life, Jaina stole a Yuuzhan Vong vessel, the Ksstarr. With their Coruscant home conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong, she led the remnants of the Jedi strike force to the Hapes Cluster. On Hapes, Jaina became embroiled in court intrigue, as the scheming former Queen Mother Ta'a Chume tried to orchestrate a marriage between her son, Prince Isolder, and Jaina, in a failed bid to replace the current Queen Mother Teneniel Djo.
By closely examining the Ksstarr, Jaina realized a fundamental underpinning of Yuuzhan Vong spacefaring technology: bodies in space are recognized by their unique gravitic signature. She began exploring plans to use that knowledge against the Yuuzhan Vong. Her risky tests prove successful. Her deceptive tactics wreaked havoc with the Yuuzhan Vong's ability to identify friends and foe, prompting her to rename the vessel Trickster. Jaina's reputation began to grow thanks to crafty disinformation spread by New Republic agents. The Yuuzhan Vong began to associate Jaina with their trickster goddess, something New Republic commanders wholeheartedly encouraged by referring to her as "Goddess," "Great One," and similar.
Jaina fought tirelessly through campaigns at Borelias, Obroa-skai and Ebaq 9, flying alongside Jag Fel. The two tentatively explored their feelings for one another, risking love against a backdrop of war. She achived the rank of lieutenant colonel, and is now flying escort for her parents' mission of reuiniting the fragments of the former New Republic under the new banner of the Galactic Alliance
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igotswag77 · 3 years
Returning back to our first love. Our foundation. Our base.
All we wanted to do is tell stories on social media. Guess fans do not want that. They want to be coddled to feel bubbly and rosy as harden gsngstas characters and Sith Lord Mandalorians while having shipping love interests. It’s what all Dismaland Fandom created. The house that Rats built.
You can’t fake being a Yuuzhan Vong fan, you’re either down with it or you’re not. Stay in the fandom you know that’s on TV and movies since you’re uninterested in reading Legends. Fandom will be easier for you that way. Being scholarly and studious is too hard - too strenuous for your brenzlit kind of fandom. You’ll just get confused and angry.
Fact is, I like and reblog/share/Pinterest info I like. Grief for liking and sharing and being called a thief and pedophile is not Star Wars or it’s fandom for as long as I’ve been in it. Because I’m a strong believer in staying in character I don’t respond much to the accusations. Some do not deserve to be dignified.
But... here’s how the YUUZHAN VONG would respond:
INFIDELS like you would have to claim your trash is art that I used as an example how polluted mentally ill invalids foam at the mouth with their aspersions.
And you’re the one who wants to be assfucked and dick sucked by a fictional sacrilegious character. Blue does it for you blasphemers? You know we can shape you to coloblindllness so that’s ALL YOU SEE... careful what you wish for, addicts.
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