taiyami · 4 months
Talking about this topic… I remember the first time I ever tried to talk about my fave characters being trans and immediately getting hit with “your fetishizing trans bodies” and it just made me so mad (why are trans bodies a fetish? WHY Karen?) but also it genuinely upset me, like being told that I can’t headcanon my fave as queer feels analogous to being pushed back into the closet. Took me MONTHS to have the confidence to talk about it again. Why can’t it be more normal to have lgbt characters and readers? WHY would the response to that be calling it a fetish… makes me sick thinking about it. Idk why I’m rambling. But I still feel a bit hesitant to write the things I want knowing in the back of my mind that someone might think that way
I know we've talked privately about this but yes I completely agree and you put one of my biggest gripes about the community into words. I've experienced similar situations with my art, I WISH I KEPT THE SCREENCAP OF AN ANON I GOT YEARS AGO, saying I was begging for queer brownie points for drawing my fave character with top surgery scars? HILARIOUS.
Truly, the only time I've witnessed or experienced this "call out" for fetishizing trans people were towards trans creators making content for other trans and queer people to feel included and seen in.
I think a lot of people resort to answering this problem with "you can do what you want forever!" Which is, yeah, true. I CAN write my faves as queer or gnc/non cis. But the community as a whole refuses to support that kind of content wholefully and often will harass people who DO talk about these things. So it's like. I can make content of my fave being trans but I'll have to suffer getting transphobic people in my inbox. People do that to creators of color in this community too and just anyone who has ANY self of identity that can't be seen as ambiguous. ://
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