#yuuri refuses to wear it
reallyromealone · 3 months
I am very sad.... (◞‸◟) This because you do not have a masterlist for Yuri on Ice. I love your child fic's ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- , and I want to request can you make omega child reader with Victor and Yuri? (Sorry if I spelt the name wrong)
Title: fight
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Viktor, Yuuri, Yuri (mentioned)
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: viktuuri
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, Omega reader, omegaverse, slight angst
Viktor and Yuuri ended practice early, walking into the school seriously and still in skating gear on Yuuri's end, his skates and bag over his shoulder "who attacked our son?" Yuuri seethed, the Omega scanning the area to spot their seven year old sitting with a bruised cheek and muddied uniform, across was a young alpha boy of the same age who looked worse for wear, uniform messy and muddied and a grimase on his face.
Viktor watched Yuuri go mama bear while he went to check on their pup, the young Omega upset as his papa checked him over "you're little hellion attacked my son!" The Alpha boys sire screamed angrily and Yuuri turned his attention to the other, an alpha woman and beta husband "I want to see the camera footage" Yuuri snapped before the Alpha could scream any further.
"N-now..." The principal tried to calm the Omega "no no, my son doesn't just hit other kids, he knows better now show me the footage" Yuuri snapped and Viktor lifted his tiny pup into his arms, the boy silent as he clung to him.
The parents watched the footage intently, little (name) was minding his business with a few of his friends, the boy and the others were really interested in pokemon cards these days as Viktor always got him a few packets when shopping.
Then came a group of boys, the ringleader being the little alpha, (name) seemed confused as the Alpha boy tried to rip off his collar only for (name) to push him back to keep him at a distance, the Alpha boy growing angry and punching him while screaming something the parents weren't privy to as there was no audio.
"We will be pressing charges" Viktor spoke up, staring at the principal and parents seriously who looked horrified "unless your son formally apologizes, you all get therapy and there will be class transfers on your son's end" Viktor was a reasonable man, the others nodding aggressively with panic as there wasn't a family in the area who didn't know about the skating couple.
(Name) Was quiet on the drive home, Yuuri worried as be held Viktors hand and the two glanced at each other.
"Sweety, do you want to talk about it" Yuuri asked as he sat with his pup, the boy fidgeting and refusing to make eye contact "he said... That I'm just a worthless Omega... That papa only married you because omegas were stupid..." Yuuri remembered seeing the rest of the video as Viktor threatened the parents, (name) lunged at the boy.
"You know that's not true, right?" Yuuri whispered softly and Viktor came in with some hot coco, marshmallows and all for the boy "I know... I was just mad"
"Well we aren't happy that it got violent but I'm glad you stuck up for yourself, my smart wonderful little omega" Viktor kissed the boys forehead and (name) huffed "whatever..."
"You're sounding like your uncle now!" Viktor teased as the family turned on a movie, Yuuri going to get the boy some ice from his swollen cheek, just wanting to care for their pup.
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suspendedcosmos · 2 years
Nightlights and Nail Polish
"I like pretty things." Yuuri breathes, forgetting himself, and blushes when Viktor laughs quietly into the minimal space bridging the gap between them, running his thumb over the soft line of Yuuri's jaw.
“That's wonderful, Yuuri."
word count: 2k
open on ao3 or read below the cut;
“Viktor,” Yuuri asks, eyes closed against the brush Viktor dusts over his eyelids, “When you had longer hair, did the ISO ever try to make you, uh, change it?”
“Hm?” Viktor’s hand pauses briefly, and then starts back up again in the same moment. He tips Yuuri’s chin up with his hand, and Yuuri blushes down to his toes. “Yes, they didn’t really like it. I was encouraged on more than one occasion to cut it, you know how they are. They like to promote athletic masculine men, and I wasn’t that. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, well, I just remember that your scores dipped a little when you were eighteen or nineteen? It didn’t seem justified to me since you were clearly improving — I guess I’ve always wondered if the way you presented yourself at the time had something to do with it, since they improved again later.”
Yuuri also remembers being fourteen and picking fights on skating forums with malicious posters who insisted that not only were Viktor’s lower scores deserved, but that they should actually be even lower?Leading to Yuuri spending extensive amounts of his free time in adolescence personally scoring Viktor’s performances correctly online to defend his honour.
“Yakov implied to me once that they had offered a score boost in exchange for me keeping my hair at a more traditional length. He wasn’t happy about it and I certainly wasn’t either.” Viktor chuckles quietly, and when he moves his hand away from Yuuri’s face briefly, Yuuri’s eyes open to see that he’s now fishing for something else in his kit. “I love this sport dearly, Yuuri, but you’d be hard-pressed to find its integrity sometimes.“
He takes gentle hold of Yuuri’s face again and tells him to close his eyes but not too tight. The little brush is cool when it makes contact with his eyelid, and the air reaching the liquid left behind on his skin leaves him soothed.
“So, you refused and your scores went the other way?”
“It wasn’t a particularly severe reduction, I still won most competitions because my scores were typically a lot higher than most in the first place. But it was enough that people noticed, I suppose. They might have improved again when I did cut my hair by my own decision, but I made sure I continued to wear dresses and glitter and all kinds of pretty things in my programs so they knew that I wasn’t doing it for them.”
Yuuri had particularly fallen in love with Viktor’s exhibition costume from last season. Royal blue has always been his colour, especially pooling around his thighs in light imitation of a cresting wave. He toes the line between femininity and masculinity masterfully, in a way that Yuuri has admired and envied for many years.
“I like pretty things.” Yuuri breathes, forgetting himself, and blushes when Viktor laughs quietly into the minimal space bridging the gap between them, running his thumb over the soft line of Yuuri’s jaw. It doesn’t matter how much Yuuri runs or how healthily he eats, his face is always a little round. Viktor says he likes it though, likes squishing his cheeks because they’re so adorable, apparently, so Yuuri doesn’t mind too much.
“That’s wonderful, Yuuri. You’re certainly beautiful yourself, the seductress is the perfect role for you.” He moves over to the other eye with the brush, “What made you decide to embody her instead?”
Yuuri furrows his brow, taking a few moment before he speaks, “When Minako helped me learn how to carry myself in a more feminine manner, it felt like something was slotting into place that I hadn’t realised wasn’t right before. I think I like being able to embody multiple genders, I like being the beautiful woman.” Viktor hums quietly, like he understands, and then, holding onto that shred of comprehension, he asks, “What do you feel?”
“I don’t suppose I feel much connection to any gender. Of course, sport demands that we pick one so we have a category to compete in, but I don’t mind since I choose what I want to do regardless of expectation, and I don’t feel inclined to publicly explain my attitude towards my expression anyway. I just think of it as something fun to play around with in performance.” He speaks fondly, a warmth to it that makes Yuuri wonder if he’s turned those words over in his head plenty of times before, never having the chance to actually speak them, the way Yuuri has too.
He hears Viktor set the brush aside first. “You can open your eyes, now. Oh! This suits you perfectly, I was right.” And when he opens them, Viktor’s sitting in front of him again, this time holding out the compact Yuuri knows he likes to keep with him at all times. He drags his eyes from the snoozed little heart of Viktor’s smile and takes the compact, peering into his newly painted reflection. “Do you like it?”
Yuuri nods slowly, glancing up, “Thank you for doing it for me. I haven’t used much makeup in years…”
Viktor looks awfully pleased with himself, and Yuuri’s heart aches wonderfully, “Of course, Yuuri, I’m happy I could do this for you.”
He lets Yuuri stare into the miniature mirror a while longer while he puts his brushes away in his ridiculously large makeup kit, with lots of little shelves and dividers for all kinds of things Yuuri doesn’t know the name of. He stands to set it back down on the vanity behind Yuuri and goes to retrieve a box from the mahogany cabinet he’d had imported from Saint Petersburg in April.
After turning off the room’s main light — full lighting no longer necessary with the makeup finished — and switching on his nightstand lamp, he plops back down into the chair across from Yuuri with an accomplished sigh and balances the box on both of their thighs between them. Leaning into Yuuri's space a little, he lifts the lid off of the box to reveal an array of small glass bottles, arranged by the looks of it in order of brand and then colour. Yuuri notices three bottles of silver polish — metallic, glitter, iridescent. There’s one hardly used bottle of metallic gold next to them.
“Which colour would you like? It doesn’t have to match with your costume — we’ll probably use black or red for performances — this is just for fun.” Viktor jiggles the box and the bottles clack together quietly, a sound Yuuri finds he likes both for its nostalgia quality, and how it makes his tired eyes droop a little.
He spots a pale blue polish in the corner of the box — Hasetsu’s ocean, Viktor’s eyes. “This one, please.”
Viktor plucks the bottle of blue and two others of clear polish from the box and leaves them on the vanity. Once he’s put the box aside, he sets to work applying a clear base coat of polish to Yuuri’s nails.
Viktor has a delicate touch. He presses his upturned hand to Yuuri’s, strokes Yuuri’s wrist bone with his fingers and carefully picks up any stray polish from his skin with his thumbnail. They bask in the quiet for a while, listening to the gentle bustle of customers in the common room downstairs and Yuuri watches Viktor smile softly to himself for the entirety of the base coat application.
By the time he’s finished and reaching for the blue polish, the clear coat has dried on Yuuri’s right hand so he starts there again, and before Yuuri can fall back into a daze of watching the quirk of Viktor’s lips, Viktor decides to speak.
‘’Thank you for asking me about those things, Yuuri. It's rare to have someone to share them with, even less so with someone who understands. I feel very lucky that you do. Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes, I think about growing my hair long again. What do you think? Would l still suit it?”
Yuuri practically swoons. Maybe if Viktor stuck around long enough, Yuuri could brush it for him… “Yes, I loved your long hair, just as much as your short hair.” And then, a little more hesitantly, he adds, “I grew my hair out when I was fifteen because of you.”
And Viktor glows from his dimpled cheeks to the corners of his eyes. “Really? Wow! Does Mama Hiroko have pictures? I'll have to ask her to show me.”
It takes everything in Yuuri not to flail his hands abortively and ruin Viktor’s neat work, so he just shakes his head as much as he can without jostling himself, “Oh God, please don't ask! I'm not very photogenic now, much less back then. They're all really embarrassing.”
Viktor tuts, pointing the nail polish brush at Yuuri, “Now, now, Yuuri. You are nothing less than gorgeous, on and off the ice. Don't be mean to my favourite skater, he’s very special. His coach is tough enough on him.” And then he winks, and Yuuri knows it’s only a gentle reminder.
“Sorry. Sorry, you're right.”
”We all have things to work on, zolotse, it's okay. You've already become much more confident since l just got here, I can see it in your skating. I'm proud of you.”
Yuuri’s stomach flips at that. He hardly remembers to speak, his brain so close to shutting off. “Ah, thank you.”
And then Viktor, who never seems to miss a thing, tugs Yuuri closer by his hand and murmurs, gleeful, “Still so shy, Yuuri. Am I embarrassing you with my compliments?”
Yuuri’s left to stammer for a few moments, brain completely wiped at the sudden closer proximity, but he’s saved by beloved Makkachin nudging open the cracked door. She pads along the floor, looking just as worn out as Yuuri suddenly feels, and flops down by Yuuri’s legs, closing her eyes. Viktor forgets to expect an answer from Yuuri as he leans down to scratch Makka behind the ears, cooing probable Russian nonsense to her. Yuuri mourns his inability to join in with the petting for now, lest Makka’s fur be matted with nail polish.
They’re mostly quiet through the remaining application of the polish and then the clear top coat, making passing comments about what they can cover tomorrow at training, where they’ll go to eat lunch, cooing at a sleeping Makka. Viktor finishes the last nail with a flourish of his fingers on the brush, because of course, and closes the final bottle of polish with a quiet “Ta-da!”. He turns Yuuri’s hands this way and that, peering closely most likely to check for any spilling into his cuticles. “There! That looks great. We just have to wait for them to dry now. I asked Mama to make us katsudon for dinner, are you hungry?”
Yuuri blinks, “But it's the off season, l haven't won anything.”
And Viktor waves him off, “Finding a look you feel comfortable performing in is an achievement in my opinion. We’ll run it off together tomorrow. Now, do you want to keep this on for going downstairs?” He holds his hand out, touches the backs of his fingers to Yuuri’s cheekbone. Yuuri barely hesitates to lean into it. He doesn’t hesitate much at all these days.
“Yeah, Minako and Okaasan would like to see, I think.”
“Great! Thank you for spending the evening with me, Yuuri, I love this kind of thing.” He presses a soft kiss to Yuuri’s brow then leans back enough to face him, tapping his own cheek.
“Viktor, I’m wearing lipstick.”
“That’s the fun part, Yuuri!” So with a little embarrassed huff he leans closer and opts to leave a very quick kiss high on Viktor’s cheekbone, a saturated wine crimson imprint left behind. Viktor leans around him to look at the vanity mirror, delighted. Yuuri’s heart soars.
“Thank you, again. I had fun too.”
And now, they’ll clean everything on Viktor’s vanity away and go downstairs to eat, Yuuri will flush under complimented from his parents and Minako and undoubtedly Viktor again. They’ll take Makkachin for a walk by the beach after eating and run around with her for a while and return by sundown. But the part Yuuri most looks forward to is sitting back in Viktor’s room tonight, a hand under his chin and another removing the makeup from his skin delicately with a wipe. He looks forward to the heart of a tired smile and arms around him and sleeping next to the person he likes best. It’s only a few sweet hours away, now.
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honeyblair · 2 years
so i was going through every yoi episode to see what shoes victor wears since im in the middle of drawing him and???? the show makes an EFFORT to feature yuuri's mizuno brand shoes and ONLY his mizuno brand shoes????? i counted FIFTEEN FUCKING SHOTS where yuuri's mizuno shoes are the focus. yuri on ice really is just the biggest mizuno sponsorship ad and we've refused to accept the truth
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🎭 Actor AU! Yuuri and Orion behind the scenes of the new hot soap opera, Twisted Wonderland Daydreams. :-3c
//I am settling for an info dump instead since my writing hands refuse to cooperate with me T0T
Yuuri :
•Yuuri is a popular actor known for his baby-face and he’s usually in high school related dramas
•He has a lot of experience under his belt so he’s the one leading in most scenes
•They’re much calmer than their soap opera counterpart , a lot softer around the edges
•Has most definitely fell asleep once or twice on set , claimed the sofa in the Ramshackle set as his resting place
•Since his character gets into fights (unwillingly) , he spends a lot of time getting his special effects makeup done
•He’s too nice towards paparazzi
•Attends a lot of red carpet events dressed extravagantly , his pictures always frontline the tabloids for a while
•Calls the Ramshackle couch his fainting couch
•In interviews he calls his own character “a little bitch”
Orion :
•Actually a musician , he only became a reoccurring character on the show since people really liked his face
•Uses a lot of profanity off camera
•He has tattoos on his forearms , which is why he wears mostly long sleeved shirts
•Still a sweetheart , his character is pretty similar to himself since they wanted to make his acting more believable
•He plays the French horn , Concertina and Piano
•His Unique Magic is pretty rough on his hands since they have to use pretty tough thread to imitate the gold effect
•Other than the show and his music career , he rarely appears anywhere else
•If paparazzi ever finds him then they’re absolutely getting flipped off
•He usually laughs pretty hard when they do magic duels scenes , thus them having to do several takes
•Interviews with him usually involve the reporters being quiet for a second after he dropped 3 F-Bombs in a row
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katzuyas · 3 years
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16. costume fiasco [AO3]
Since it was Phichit who asked, Yuuri couldn't find it in himself to say no when they haven't been out anywhere together in almost a year. It's a silly thing, a costume party, and Yuuri refuses to wear anything outrageous. He may be willing to spend time with Phichit this way, but he is not going to make an utter fool out of himself by wearing something embarrassing.
He does allow Phichit to put a ridiculous headband with cat ears on his head, though. Only that.
Phichit himself is dressed as a vampire. His hair is slicked back, his smile is fanged with a pair of the most horrible, plastic vampire teeth he could get his hands on, and he's wearing a cheap dark leather coat that makes him look more like a tacky vampire hunter than an actual vampire, but Yuuri supposes he doesn't really care. The party is full of the skaters that once shared their rink in Detroit, all gathered here to watch Skate America this coming weekend. They didn't have much time to find costumes and it shows anywhere Yuuri looks.
"Don't drink too much," Yuuri tells Phichit again as they find the tables with snacks and drinks. "We have a competition soon."
"Pot, kettle, black," Phichit says back, already putting a cup in Yuuri's hand. He turns around to look into the crowd. "Oh! Look, that's Damil. Wait here, I'll bring him back. You have to hear his story of how he met Chris at last year's Skate America. It's hilarious!"
He disappears before Yuuri can say a single thing. To pass the time, he takes a sip of what seems to be vodka and coke, and looks around. There's people dressed like monsters, zombies, a sexy bloody nurse, and someone who looks like a mummy, and is that really a–
His cup freezes on the way to his lips.
Because there, in the crowd, he sees a head of hair that should be nothing more than a hallucination. Silver-gray in the overhead lights, short and straight, and parted to the side in a way that the fringe hides–
Victor can't be here. Yuuri frowns at the silver head that makes rounds in the crowd, squinting to see better. Victor, Yuuri knows, has to be back in Japan. He's set to perform at the Cup of China and after long talks and arguments they agreed that Yuuri will go alone to Skate America, but… would it be so out of character for Victor to decide he wants to be with Yuuri, fly all the way here and surprise him in the most innocuous of places?
No, Yuuri realizes, lowering his cup, it wouldn't be.
Yuuri can't take his eyes away from that startling head of hair until the man comes closer and Yuuri sees his profile. Odd disappointment makes his heart clench. It isn't Victor. One look is enough for him to tell. One look is enough for the man to catch him looking, too.
Yuuri curses his curiosity when the man smiles and leaves his friends to walk up to him.
"Hi," he drawls. And only up close Yuuri realizes that the hair is a wig, actually. That all of him, this man, is just a costume. A costume of… Victor. "I know who you are. Yuuri Katsuki, the pride and joy of Detroit Skate Club."
"I don't know about that, but yes, I'm Yuuri Katsuki," Yuuri confirms. "And you are…?"
The grin that shows on the man's face is far from attractive. "Why, can't you tell? I'm Victor Nikiforov, of course. The Living Legend of men's figure skating, but I'm sure you know that. I heard you have a thing for him."
Yuuri's cheeks burn, even as his heart begins a violent song of anger. "I don't think it's any of your business who I have a thing for."
"But it is," the man all but purrs. He steps closer, far too close, and Yuuri jolts when an unwelcome arm settles around his waist in a disgustingly possessive grip. "I'm him for the night. Me, all by my lonesome, and you, without him for the night. We could have some fun together, you know. Play pretend, if you're into that kind of thing. I don't mind you calling his name when I–"
"Victor," Yuuri cuts him off sharply, almost ill with disgust, "is twice the man you'll ever be. Why would I settle for a crappy fake like you, when I can have him? You're delusional."
As if slapped, the man pulls back. His arm disappears, which comes as a relief, but Yuuri is hardly done, though. The anger simmers under his skin and makes him feel so good, so righteous in his protection of the man his heart has chosen.
"Besides," he adds in a whip-like voice, "your hair is the wrong length. Your nose is too short and your lips are the wrong shape. I suppose you don't have much choice over your facial features, but to be unable to even get his costume right? The buttons on this particular one," Yuuri prods the man's chest, where on his chest two rows of silver buttons have been haphazardly sewn to the fabric, "are gold. Anyone knows this. Or, I suppose, anyone who knows Victor would know this."
"You've got a sharp tongue, as they say," the man gives an awkward laugh. "I suppose I'm not drunk enough yet to be ok with such lashing. If you change your mind..."
"I won't," Yuuri snaps.
The man lifts up both hands in surrender and shakes his head before he turns on his heel, tail tucked between his legs. Yuuri huffs, his anger still vivid. How dare this idiot insinuate such a thing? How dare he pretend to be Victor to pick someone up in such a crude way? How dare he even try it on Yuuri, of all people, who knows Victor better than anyone else here?
"Wow, was that–" Phichit stops when Yuuri casts him a side-eyed glare. "What did he do?"
Yuuri sighs, forcing himself to let go of his anger. "He wasn't Victor."
Later that night, as he lies on the bed in his hotel room and dials Victor's number, he thinks of the things the guy said. And once again he grows angry at the pure disrespect, the audacity, the shamelessness…
Victor hears it in his voice when Yuuri tells him of his day, so he has no choice but to tell him.
"He… didn't try anything, did he?" Victor asks, his voice softer in worry.
"No. I got on his case before he could," Yuuri admits. "But you haven't seen him. His hair was all wrong and it was parted in the wrong way, too. You never wear your hair like that. And his smile gave me an itch. And then the costume, too! It's like he's never seen your Stammi Vicino, which is ridiculous. I swear, I don't know what he was thinking by picking you to dress up as, but he did a terrible job at it. It's like he didn't even try at all."
Victor's chuckling pauses his ranting. "You sound so offended by that. It's quite adorable."
"You wouldn't think that if you saw him." Yuuri snorts, but a little bit of his anger chips away. "But I have to say, for a moment there, before I saw how awful his costume was, I thought maybe you came to America without telling me."
"I'm sorry, love," Victor says, even if he did nothing to apologize for. "If it makes you feel any better, I miss you terribly, too. I wish I could be there with you. We'll see each other soon, though. Right?"
"Soon," Yuuri promises, but they both know that soon is not soon enough.
As the call ends, Yuuri lies on the bed for a little longer before he'll have to get up and wash the grime of day off himself. It's only a few days, he thinks to himself. Only a few days until he can go back home. And there, where his heart truly longs to go, Victor will wait for him – the real Victor. The Victor, whose smiles make Yuuri's heart tremble. The Victor, whose hair is softer than silk. The Victor, whose cheeks flush the prettiest of pinks when Yuuri takes his hand.
His Victor. Not a fake, but a real, warm, sweet Victor.
Yuuri can't wait to be with him again.
With a smile once more playing on his lips, he pushes off the bed. Soon, he will be. And with a gold to make him proud, too. He'll make sure of that.
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totallyexhausted · 3 years
What I Deserve...
Yurio leaned against the brick wall behind him, pressing his spine against the harsh cement as rain continued to drip down is face, soaking into his already wet clothes. He shivered, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly as tears formed in his eyes, as the air around him became hot and heavy, hard to breathe. He smacked his head against the brick behind him, sliding against the rough brick as it scrapped against his back until he was sitting on the cold ground, and he opened his tired eyes, looking up at the stars that littered the night sky. He didn’t want to be alone… but he didn’t want to go to Viktor’s apartment yet… he wasn’t ready. He felt like shit. But whether that was from his mom’s phone call, her leaving a day prior, or the nausea coursing through his stomach, the 15-year-old wasn’t sure.
           Rain beat against his face harshly, mixing with the saltwater washing down his pale cheeks, and the teenager took a deep breath as his mother’s words echoed in his head. They don’t love you, honey… and if your grandfather was trying to keep you from me, then maybe he deserved what he got….
           Yurio flinched again, choking on the sob he refused to push past his lips. He was drowning, and the past few days spent with his mother hadn’t help anything… it had made things worse. He needed someone right now. He needed anyone… he needed to stop being so damn weak… he was weak. The Russian punk glanced down at the blue and green surrounding his ankle, grimacing as the slightly swollen flesh throbbed as he pressed against the bruise. He shivered again as the cold water fell from his chin, collecting in a puddle in his lap.
           He pulled his phone from his pocket with shaking fingers, letting his thumb hover over Otabek’s number, knowing he had already tried calling the older boy twice. You’re just being annoying… they don’t really love you, honey. Yurio shook his head softly, biting his lip, wondering if he would have the strength to call Yuuri… wondering what would happen if he did. The phone buzzed in his hand as his mother’s name flashed across the screen. Yurio cringed, shoving the phone in his pocket harshly, not really caring if the already broken glass cracked more. She had called earlier in the evening, when the teenager had found enough energy to pry himself from the bathroom floor… to explain. To explain her absence. Medicine- she had told him. She was grabbing medicine. But the money Yurio had offered earlier was gone… and so were most of her things.
           Lights flashed across him briefly as a car drove past, splashing water in Yurio’s direction as the teenager pushed himself off the dirty sidewalk. He leaned against the wall, pulling his wet jacket closer to him as thunder boomed overhead, and lightning struck a street sign a few feet away. He sucked in a shaky breath as he pushed himself away from the wall, shoving his trembling hands in his pockets as he started walking towards Viktor and Yuuri’s apartment.
           They were going to ask. Fuck, they’d probably freak… after Yurio’s fight with them. The teenager stumbled slightly before catching himself against the wall and stopping momentarily. Would they even want to see him? Shit… Shit.
           Yurio had been with them only about a month before his mom showed up, begging to be apart of her son’s life again. Things had happened… horrible things over the past few months that felt crushing. Numbing. His grandfather had passed. His mother showed up. She came to one of his performances, and the teenager had fucked up so badly that he ended up having a panic attack in the locker room… and it’d been a few weeks after that that the teenager finally agreed to meet with her. A month later, he agreed to stay with her for a while, while she got back on her feet- and that had made things difficult between Viktor, Yuuri, and him. He’d gotten into an argument. He had said some things he couldn’t take back… and he hadn’t really talked to them since.
           But he had nowhere else to go. He couldn’t stay in that house. In his grandfather’s house. Too many memories etched between familiar fabric and musty walls. With his mom, he could ignore it. But by himself… he couldn’t. He just couldn’t be there. And his mom. The 15-year-old knew it was stupid; it was so fucking stupid, but he believed she’d changed. That she really wanted him back… and he told himself not to fall for it, not this time around but she was his mom. And he was fucking stupid. So fucking stupid.
           His phone vibrated again, and the teenager pushed himself away from the wall again, kicking some water towards the road as he glanced towards Viktor’s apartment. Despite it being late, Yurio knew the two older skaters wouldn’t be home just yet. They practiced late for more privacy, and the thought of them wanting more privacy was nauseating to say the least… or maybe it was the thought of trying to explain his appearance after a month of avoiding them.
           Yurio swallowed harshly as he entered the building and trudged up the 13 flights of stairs. Normally, he’d just take the elevator, especially since he felt like shit… but he was nervous, and running through explanations, trying to find a quick excuse. To find an apologize, something, anything that didn’t require a lot of effort because the teenager had been up for a while, not to mention he’d been sick earlier. Something he would rather avoid the Geezer and Pork Cutlet finding out. He didn’t need the drama. And he definitely didn’t want their concern. They can’t love you the way I do, honey. You’re an inconvenience to them… nothing more than a publicity stunt.
           The 15-year-old is standing in front of their door before he realizes Viktor and Yuuri might tell him to leave. They might reject him… kick him out, tell him he wasn’t welcome anymore. The teenager grasped the key in his jacket pocket as he bit his bottom lip, staring at the numbers posted to the door in bright gold. 1326. The apartment he’d memorized… the place he’d lived and had become comfortable in. But he hadn’t stepped foot in their apartment since his mom. And they hadn’t tried calling him. Because he’d been stupid and mean. The Russian Punk was mean… And he had said things he regretted the moment they left his mouth. Yurio had fucked up… and he didn’t deserve Viktor or Katsudon.
He deserved his mother, and his dead grandfather. They were his family; the ones who were supposed to be his family. And in the end, they’d left… his grandfather unable to trust the teenager enough to ask for help, and his mother not caring enough to stay when the 15-year-old needed her most. He’d been let down by the people he loved, and he deserved it. He didn’t deserve to be back here. The Russian Punk wasn’t good enough for that. And he’d never be.
A soft meow echoed through the wooden door, followed by a light scratch, and a small smile broke across the teenager’s face. Potya. Yuuri had agreed to watch him for the teenager since his mom was allergic. And since the fight, the 15-year-old had been too afraid to come back to visit her. Another meow trailed through the door, and Yurio glanced down to see a shadow moving on the other side of the door before a furry paw was shoved under the door.
The teenager laughed softly, shoving his key in the door and shivering as he pushed the heavy door open. He sighed loudly as silence met his ears, and Potya pounced at his shoes, clawing at the laces as the teenager bent down to pet him. Makkachin raised her head from the bed in the living room, wagging her tail quickly as it smacked against the bookshelf before rising and coming to greet the teenager.
Yurio bit the bottom of his chapped lips as he pet her head, scratching between the dog’s ears as she licked his warm cheek. Potya meowed as he rubbed against the teenager’s legs before the 15-year-old picked him up, cuddling the fluffy cat against his face as he walked towards the couch. After a few moments, Potya squirmed, jumping from the teenager’s grasp as Yurio collapsed against the couch.
He glanced around the small dark room slowly. The lights from the city bled through the sheer curtains, and the teenager let out a sigh of relief as he realized nothing had changed. Everything looked the same. Exactly where it’d been a month prior. Everything smelled the same. Felt the same… but he was alone right now. In an hour, when the two skaters came home, things might not feel the same. They might not be. But Yurio didn’t have anywhere else to go, and he didn’t know how to fix what he had already broken.
The 15-year-old swallowed thickly as he leaned his head against the couch, pressing a hand against his stomach as nausea ate at him. He was nervous. And shivering… and cold. The teenager cursed as he realized his clothes were still wet from the rain, that he was still wet from the rain. He groaned as he tried to find the energy to force himself up and change, but his head was beginning to hurt again, and the teenager was pretty sure the handful of Tylenol he’d choked done earlier was beginning to wear off.
His phone vibrated against, and Yurio shivered as he pulled the moist device from his pocket. His mother’s name flashed across the screen again before going black. The 15-year-old pressed the home button, wincing as he realized he had 28 missed calls all from her… and 30 unread messages. He inhaled slowly as he flipped through the messages, wiping at the tears forming in his eyes as he browsed through the texts. I’m sorry, honey. I’ll be back later… those two bastards don’t love you like I do! They will never love you like a mother can! Just like your pathetic grandfather couldn’t love you like a mother could! Like I do! Pick up. Yuri, pick up! You’re just like your father…
Worthless. His phone smacked against the wall before the 15-year-old realized he’d thrown it. He gasped softly, watching the device crash to the ground, the screen cracking further as a small corner of the glass shot off. Potya ran from the room, and Makkachin raised her head from her bed as the teenager continued to stare at the device. Despite it cracking, the screen was still going off every few minutes, the bright screen flashing green as his mother’s face filled the window.
The A/C kicked on and rain continued to patter against the balcony outside as the teenager leaned further back against the couch, clenching his hands, his fingernails digging into the already visible cuts in his palms. Silence evaded the room again except for the soft snoring from Makkachin and pinging from his phone as another notification was pushed through. Yurio sighed loudly, closing his eyes as his headache pushed itself down his neck.
 Something felt off the moment Viktor stepped through his apartment door. The hair standing up on the back of his neck as he scanned through the dimly lit living area, glancing towards Makkachin rising from her bed, Potya sitting on the counter gracefully, his senses on guard as he glanced back towards Yuuri, placing Chinese takeaway on the counter slowly.
The older man bent down, rubbing Makkachin’s neck gently before she pushed past him, towards Yuuri. Viktor stood offended, a shocked look crossing his face as he turned towards Yuuri, and the Japanese man stuck his tongue out towards him as the dog circled him happily. Viktor scoffed, “At least Potya loves me.”
He reached towards the cat, petting him briefly behind the ear before the cat jumped from the counter, running from the room. Yuuri clicked his tongue before laughing loudly as Viktor put a hand over his heart. He sighed loudly as he took his coat off, slipping his shoes off slowly and began pulling the Chinese from the bag as Yuuri grabbed some plates.
“What are you staring at?” Yuuri asked as he set the plates down on the counter, an eyebrow raised towards Viktor as the older man watched him, leaning against the counter. Viktor shook his head, smirking as he ran a hand through his silver hair. He liked evenings like this. Him and Yuuri. Chinese takeaway. Rain… everything. Everything, every evening like this made Viktor love him more, made his past okay, made his life without his parents or his little sister okay. Evenings like this made Viktor feel okay, whole… and he’d never trade this for anything.
Yuuri pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose as he repeated the question, and the older skater reached over the counter, pushing some of Yuuri’s black hair behind his ear. The Japanese skater blushed, and Viktor laughed softly, “I’m just so happy to have met you. So lucky.”
Yuuri glanced down, smirking slightly as red flushed across his face. Despite being married for a year, Viktor still had the capability to make him feel like some lovesick teenager. He could still make him blush. It was almost embarrassing. Yuuri looked back up, shoving the plates to the side softly as he climbed on the counter, sitting on the edge where Viktor was standing. The older skater raised an eyebrow as Yuuri took his glasses off, running his fingers through his hair slowly.
Potya brushed against Viktor’s legs as the older man pulled Yuuri closer to him, surprised momentarily when the younger man pressed his lips against his, running his fingers under his shirt. Viktor forced Yuuri closer, shoving his hands under his wet jacket as he rammed it off quickly, Yuuri’s fingers pulling Viktor’s shirt over his head. Viktor gripped against Yuuri’s jeans, kissing against the younger man’s neck as he exhaled slowly as Yuuri pulled Viktor’s face back towards him, letting the Russian slip his shirt off frantically before Viktor pulled Yuuri from the counter.
They stumbled slightly, crashing against the table laughing, slamming against the bookshelf in the living room as Yuuri fumbled with Viktor’s belt, Viktor pressing his lips along the younger man’s collarbone, breathing heavily. He felt Yuuri slide his belt off, slinging it across the room as Viktor pulled him up again; Yuuri biting against Viktor’s neck gently as Makkachin whined, and the older glanced towards the couch.
“Fuck!” Viktor blurted, dropping Yuuri as his eyes connected with the small teenager sprawled across his couch. Yuuri scrambled up quickly, confusion crossing his face as he reached for the light, flicking it on before following his husband’s gaze, cursing softly. The Japanese skater fumbled, pulling his shirt from the floor before tossing Viktor’s towards him, hitting the older man in the face. Viktor grasped his shirt, shoving it inside-out over his head as he took a step forward.
His foot collided with something hard, and Viktor glanced down, his eyebrows drawing together slowly as he reached for Yurio’s phone. He inspected the cracked screen, missing edges, the dented side, harboring a small amount of white paint from impact; he pressed the on button only to find the phone dead or broken, maybe both. Yuuri shoved his glasses back on his face as he bit nervously at his thumbnail, “What’s he doing here, Vitya?”
Viktor glanced towards him before kneeling next to the slumbering teen. Anger washed through him momentarily, and Viktor’s hand hovered over the 15-year-old’s jacket before he shook his head and lowered his hand. The older Russian let out a long sigh, looking over the teenager’s complexion.
They hadn’t seen Yurio in a month. No phone calls. No texts. No visits. Nothing. He and Yuuri had stopped by Yurio’s grandfather’s house about a week after the teen left, only to find the kid’s mother, telling them to get lost. Yurio didn’t want to see them. Ever. According to her. And despite his judgement, Viktor was willing to oblige if it was easier for the 15-year-old. Besides it wasn’t like the kid answered his phone calls or texts anyway. But now? Why was he here now?
The older man sat there for a few minutes, thinking. Makkachin whined against, nudging Viktor’s shoulder before sniffing the teenager’s right arm, dangling off the couch. A chill washed over the older Russian as the hair on the back of his neck stood up slowly. Yurio looked like shit. He was pale, his lips chapped, a small cut across his cheek as a soft pink stood against his complexion. The older man reached for the teenager’s outstretched palm, seeing bloody indents from his nails forced through skin. The kid had had a panic attack at some point. Self-destructive, Nikolai had told him. Yurio didn’t know how to deal with his emotions, and he relied on self-destruction, self-infliction as an outlet.
“Viktor,” Yuuri said softly, and Viktor let go of the teenager’s hand, glancing towards Yuuri, who was kneeling near the kid’s feet. He’d slipped the younger’s socks off before his fingers ghosted over the swollen and bruised flesh on the kid’s left ankle. The older man rose slowly, gently prodding the black and green flesh, his lips forming a thin tight line as he set the 15-year-old’s ankle back down softly. He glanced towards the kid’s face as Yuuri picked at some of the skin on his thumbnail before whispering, “He’s seriously out.”
Viktor hummed in response, pressing his back against the coffee table as he leaned back, anger washed through him. Yuuri was right, the kid should have woken by now- it’s not like Viktor or Yuuri had known he was here, and they weren’t exactly quiet. But he was still asleep… which meant the kid was exhausted. He hadn’t been sleeping. And he looked like he hadn’t been eating much either. His cheekbones were more prominent than a month ago, his face paler; he seemed smaller which was concerning because the kid wasn’t big to begin with.
Viktor ran a hand over his tired face, clenching the bridge of his nose as tension began to spread up his neck, through his shoulders. He turned towards Yuuri who was still tearing at the hangnail on his thumb, smiling sadly before standing as one name raged through his mind. Over and over and over. Micha. Yurio’s mom- she had lied to him. To Viktor. She said she’d make sure nothing bad would happen to the kid… but if he was here, if he had come back, something bad had obviously happened. And she was to blame. And Viktor was going to fucking kill her.
Yuuri sighed loudly as he watched the older Russian stand, pulling his phone from his pocket, flipping through his contacts before pressing the phone to his ear. He watched Viktor pace through the kitchen, running a hand through his hair before pulling the phone away, pressing call, and pressing it against his ear again. He stood there, hand on his hip as he shook his head, scoffing. He redialed as Yuuri sat down on the coffee table, running his fingers through the teenager’s hair gently.
It’d been a while since they’d seen the kid. And truth be told, Yuuri was slightly relieved to see him now…  but if Yurio was here, that meant something had happened. Something with his mom. Yuuri’s stomach clenched as he brushed his thumb over the small cut on the kid’s face before pressing his hand against his cheek, then forehead. Yurio whimpered softly as Yuuri’s hand connected with an uncomfortable warmth radiating from the teenager’s skin.
“Viktor,” Yuuri whispered, his fingers still carding through the younger’s hair as he glanced towards his husband. Viktor was still pacing, still trying to get whoever he’d called to answer. He shook his head, cursing before throwing his phone against the counter, running a hand over his face slowly. Yuuri cleared his throat again, “Viktor!”
The older Russian paused, glancing in Yuuri’s direction as the younger skater stood. Yuuri crossed his arms gently, “He has a fever.”
Viktor raised an eyebrow as he crossed through the small living room, kneeling over the teenager as Yuuri brushed past him. Viktor pressed his hand against the kid’s forehead before pushing the blonde’s bangs away from his face, cursing again. He leaned against the arm of the couch, forcing his hands against the fabric as he took a few slow breaths, closing his eyes momentarily. He should have known better; Viktor should have known better- he should have trusted his instincts. Micha was bad news, and Nikolai had warned him about her, warned him to keep Yurio from seeing her. But she was his mother. And Viktor was just glad to see the kid happy again. But Micha had played them. She had played the kid since he was here, and she wasn’t. And now Viktor and Yuuri had to pick up the pieces, fix the damage she had done to the teenager… because Viktor had been a fucking moron.
Something nudged his side, and Viktor opened his eyes slowly, turning to see Yuuri kneeling next to the teenager again. He pressed a few wet paper towels against the kid’s forehead before running his fingers through the blonde’s hair gently. Viktor watched as water dripped from the towels, rolling down the teenager’s temples, soaking into the old grey fabric of the couch. This was Viktor’s fault. He was the adult. He should have known.
The 15-year-old stirred slightly, his fingers reaching for the small compress on his forehead before Viktor’s fingers grasped his, pushing the kid’s hand back down. He leaned over the couch as Yurio blinked slowly, and Viktor gave him a soft smile, carding his fingers through the boy’s hair. Confusion crossed the teenager’s face before he choked loudly, tears welling in his eyes.
“V-Vitya,” Yurio sobbed softly as his eyes met the older Russian...
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
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Damiano David:
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Take me out: (teasing)
Summary: Going laser tagging seemed like a great idea back then. But after an hour of both the teams refusing to surrender, Vic suggest that the only way you can bring your team to victory is a dirty one. And it involves seduction.
Matching YSL-bags:
Summary: You’re a writer coming to your favorite coffee shop to write and have a coffee just like every morning for several months now. Expecting everything to go exactly as it always does, you enter and take a whiff of the lovely scent of coffee and pastries. But had you entered that shop at all today if you knew that nothing would be like every morning leading up to now? Even if you knew in advance that the gorgeous stranger with eyes like melting honey you’d been watching for months would bump into you? That you’d by mistake put the notebook with embarrassing drawings of him in his Yves Saint Laurent bag, the same model as yours?
In your eyes: (angst)
Summary: one-shot angst of which Damiano misses to shoot his shot with (Y/n) and she ends up going home to her country for a month. Damiano believed in a few seconds of her return that their friendgroup would never change. However, much can happen in a month. (basically just Dami our poor baby being miserable so read on your own free will:))
Bucky Barnes:
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The winner takes it all (teasing, kind of smut)
Summary: When Steve and Natasha invites you to a game night laser tagging, you happily accept and pair up with Nat as your team player. When you later find out that Bucky's coming to, and with that, pairing up with Steve, you understand that the way to victory won't be a piece of cake. And the losers has to pay for pizza and drinks for the entire team. Needles to say, you have to win. And every creative way of getting there is an option.
What lies within our voice (part one)
Summary: The hottest current singing competition in your country; Beyond The Voice, is taking contestants for this years new season. And you’re competing, something you’ve dreamed of since you were a little kid. Your best friend Natasha joins you on your audition day with the assurance that everything’s going to go just as planned. As in; you preform, get all the standing ovations from the jury and then you go out to celebrate. But it doesn’t quite work like that, does it? Especially not when a handsome blue eyed singer with angelic pipes (and dare I say, jackass?) enters the competition and gives you some serious problems; both on a competitive and on a personal level.
Cap’s shirt; his girl (smut)
Summary: The laundry gets messed up on the day your boyfriend comes home from a hard undercover mission. Not a big deal, it would seem? Wrong. Cause when you accidentally wear one of Steve's shirts to Bucky's arrival, it's not the greeting he imagined from you. And he intends to show you exactly why.
Loki Laufeyson:
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Lady of Mischief:
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Summary: Asgard is having a change of power so there are several events Loki has to get right before he can announce victory as the next king. But one lady’s approval will change the whole outcome if the stakes are right. That lady is you, intended heir to the throne of Olympus but tied down to a marriage of convenience with one of the princes of Asgard. The prince you choose to marry will be the next king but you refuse to let yourself be a pawn in this game for power. Loki, with his intentions to take you as his queen has far greater reason to marry you than just for the reason of being king. You however, would rather cut off your left arm than exposing yourself for the fact that there’s another purpose besides Loki getting a throne to sit on.
For your entertainment (smut)
Summary: Loki decides to loosen up your sore shoulders with a tender massage after a hard days work. Little do you know that the God of Mischief also has something else in the back of his mind. And he let's you know it without hesitation. But if he only was prepared for what you were up to. And if he only would have known that there's a different side to you that you have yet to show. 
A world without heroes - (angst)
Summary: Loki is imprisoned after the sudden attack on New York and with that, rest of the earth. And while you always thought you would have your lover's back, you find yourself unable to forgive this one. It's time for you to decide when enough's enough.
Steve Rogers:
Sparkling diamonds (smut)
Summary: Steve's sent out to receive a chip containing important intel from an undercover agent working at a strip club. Here's where the situation gets complicated. See, Steve knows how this job should be done in a proper professional manner but a subject is clouding his judgment, making him fall for the heat of the moment. The subject? You.
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker:
My dear apprentice:
Summary: Things have been falling behind for Anakin lately. So how do the council plan to make him feel better? His own Padawan, of course! While Yoda thinks this is an extraordinary idea, both Anakin and the Palawan has some complaints.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five:  (part 1) (part 2) Chapter 5 is divided into two parts since I reached tumblr’s maximun word limit. Sorry...
Part six
Yuri on ice
Yuri Plisetsky:
¡Skate/sing your hearts out!
Part one. Part two Part three. Part four Part five part six Part seven
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership.
Bucky Barnes: 
Night at the bar
Damiano David:
In your eyes - angst
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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You unlocked the angsty post
Warning this contains: talk about child abuse, sexual assault, parent darling, gender neutral parent title Zaza is used
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“Why haven’t you or zaza taken me to grandpa kenji’s house before?”
Hikaru dropped his coffee cup eyes wide as he stared at red in pure horror, his body shaking as you came rushing into the kitchen to inspect the sound of the glass breaking.
“Hikaru, shiro? What’s wrong?” You asked out as Hikaru was trying not to have a panic attack at that very moment. “T-tell zaza what you said” Hikaru stuttered out as he started to clean up the mess he made.
Your eyes landed on red who looked more confused if anything, he nervously slipped his mask from the side of his face to now wearing it fully. Red started to mess with his necklace clearly uncomfortable with how upset Hikaru looked “I said why haven’t you or dad taken me to see grandpa kenji? I didn’t even know I had a grandpa kenji til a while ago” red mumbled out with a pouty tone.
Hikaru quickly gripped red by the shoulders “did you meet him? Did he touch you? Did he say anything that made you uncomfortable??” Hikaru hissed out his expression one of fear as he locked eyes with red who now refused to take the mask off.
“What happened shiro?” You asked out softly seeing red’s shoulders was starting to shake a muffled laughing escaping him, red wasn’t like normal kids instead of sobbing he laughs..which was something neither you or Hikaru could figure out why but added it to his list of interesting quirks.
“It h-hurt so bad, like knives or something. I thought I was gonna die! Yuuri told me that it always hurts but grandpa kenji told him that just means you’re a grown up, I don’t wanna be a grown up” red explained while trying to muffle his laughing his response leaving you silent.
You haven’t seen Hikaru this angry in a while, his hand gripping the steering wheel so hard you thought he would break it. You of course was just as upset and angry but you glanced back at red in the back seat who was shaking now hugging his knees to his chest a muffled giggling and laughing escaping him as he rocked back and forth his nails digging into his pants.
Hikaru didn’t even bother to park the car correctly he roughly pulled into the driveway and stormed out of the car marching up to the house. Red slowly got out the car hiding behind you as you held his hands guiding him up to the house “you can stay in the car if you want?” You cooed out only for him to shake his head now holding your hand tighter. By the time you two walked up to the house Hikaru was already inside raising hell.
“You bastard! I don’t give a fuck what you do to me but what the hell did you do to shiro!?” Hikaru snapped out in rage as he gripped kenji by the shirt. Kenji gave a sigh “must you be so loud? He’s fine. Isnt he?” You cringed at kenji’s lack of empathy.
“We both know that’s bullshit! Isnt it bad enough our families need for incest fucked with his genes?!” Hikaru snapped out and you knew Hikaru was definitely going to snap violently. You pulled red out of the house and towards the car, the screaming only getting worse.
“Let’s wait in the car yeah?” You said softly, the silence was horrible. After what felt like hours Hikaru stormed out the house now getting in the car with a loud sigh
“Shiro, I don’t want you hanging around yuuri anymore okay?”
“Ehh? But dad-”
Hikaru shot a sharp glare to red who sat in the backseat “what did I say?! No more!” Hikaru snapped before letting out a shaky sigh trying to relax himself “j-just, please..promise me you won’t” Hikaru mumbled out.
“I promise.”
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fifteenleads · 3 years
A YOI x Chrono Trigger AU fic from Ye Olde 2018-ish Era. Go figure.
I can’t even remember what the hell I titled this before. Welp.
Chapter One: “That’s a Nice Band-Aid, Darling.”
They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and that a hero's adventure begins with a cliché-ass wake-up call - something like, "Good morning, Crono!," perhaps. How that even made it on to TV Tropes, Yuuri would never understand. But it is on TV Tropes, and he is in bed reading it.
He's glad his mother doesn't wake him up that way, at least. But then again, he's always up before five a.m. anyway. Sadly, the daily deliveries won't take care of themselves.
Yuuri glances at the time on his tablet. 4:59. Someone will come knocking in three, two, one --
"Yuuri! Get up!" Mari's voice is accompanied by three sharp raps on the door. "Go with dad to the plaza and help him set up!"
This is the part where the hero typically groans at being woken up before grudgingly getting themselves out of bed, but Yuuri Katsuki does not groan. He shouts back that he'll be down in a minute while looking for that darned sock that has gone missing now, of all times. Phichit would surely laugh hard at seeing his best friend hopping frantically on one foot while wearing a poodle-patterned sock. It'll probably go viral on Instagram, too, but that's pretty much a given already. Someone has to part the boy from his gadgets long-term after the Millenial Fair is over.
The minute is up, so Yuuri gives up and gets another sock from the drawer. It is patterned with the face of a silver-haired man surrounded by snowflakes. He has no idea how that found its way into his pile of clothing, but for now, mismatched socks are better than being late.
Yuuri makes his way downstairs and greets his mother, who is busy in the kitchen. Hiroko sends him off with an allowance of fifty kin and packed lunch for him and his father. He ignores Mari's snickering as she musses his hair while glancing at his feet.
The ride to the plaza is pretty short. It is already bustling with people even at such an early hour, all the sellers trying to outdo each other in showing off their wares. Yuuri chuckles as his father joins in the fray, calling out to everyone about the best katsudon in town. Everyone is excited for Hasetsu Kingdom's first Millenial Fair, and with it, the hopes for a thousand years more of peace and prosperity to come.
Toshiya leads the way to their assigned spot, a quaint little corner by the northern area of the square. The tent had already been set up the day before, so all that's left to do is to arrange the food and drinks before the first customers come in. Yuuri passively observes the hustle and bustle around them. Much energy is palpable in the air, and the excited hubbub only grows louder as the sun rises. Some stalls have weapons and armor, others exotic trinkets and accessories. He even spots a merchant selling animals. Phichit would probably want to pick up a new hamster on the way home later.
His eyes wander to the secluded area beyond the main square. Yuuri hoped Phichit's solo exhibit would be a success this time, too. His friend loved tinkering with machines since he was little, and it brought him and his family great fortune as he won scientific contests left and right. His magnum opus, a two-machine teleporter, had impressed the university professors and the panel of judges alike, earning him the highest thesis grade and the first prize for the National Physics Summit.
Yuuri's hand stills when his father calls his name. He had been adding portions of garnish to the newly-cut fried pork cutlets. He instinctively opens his mouth to apologize, but Toshiya immediately pats his back and pushes a one hundred-kin note into his hand. "I'll take care of the stall. You go have fun." He winks at his son mischievously, and Yuuri pushes down the growing blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"Th-Thanks, dad," he mumbles, bowing slightly before making his way to the northernmost part of the square. Phichit would probably be busy right now, but he would never refuse breakfast and morning coffee. It had been their time-honored tradition as college roommates, after all.
Yuuri stops by a mobile café and orders two tall hazelnut lattés and a baguette loaf. He is turning to leave with breakfast in hand when he bumps into the next person in line, spilling hot coffee over his white shirt. The other person, too, recoils in pain, reflexively putting a slender finger into his mouth to nurse it.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so, so sorry!" Yuuri exclaims, setting aside the food and drink and beginning to fuss over the man. He searches his bag for the small bottle of salve he always brings with him, and proceeds to apply a small amount over the man's injured finger, covering it with a band-aid afterwards.
The other man chuckles as he lets Yuuri take care of him. "It's quite all right," he assures airily, waving the bandaged hand with a smile. "I was also too close to you in line, as well." His blue eyes crinkle beautifully as he smiles, and Yuuri fights yet another blush from coloring his face. "I love this band-aid, though!" the man comments. "Where did you get it?"
"F-From the kids' section of the pharmacy," Yuuri admits, embarrassed. He just had to use that one by mistake instead of the flesh-tones ones, did he? Why now, of all times? "The poodle-patterned ones were part of a limited edition series."
"Nice!" the man exclaims in delight, scrutinizing the design closely. "Thank you so much for giving me this one. I love it!" He winks at Yuuri and places a light kiss over his own bandaged finger.
Yuuri wishes the ground would swallow him whole right this instant.
"U-Um, I think I'll get going now," he excuses himself, retrieving the coffee and bread from the counter. "My friend is waiting uphill. I'm so sorry again." Yuuri quickly nods his head and goes on his way, but the other man takes a long stride and ends up beside him, taking the baguette loaf out of his arms.
"It's okay, I'll help you," he offers happily as they ascend the stone steps. "I'm alone today, anyway." The man cradles the food with his left arm and extends his right hand out to Yuuri. "I'm Binktop, by the way. What's your name?"
For an instant, Yuuri is tempted to laugh out loud. The funny name hardly matches the man's regal appearance at all. He must be a foreigner, like the many others who have come to Hasetsu Kingom to join in the festivities. As a citizen of Hasetsu, therefore, he is to show this man the utmost respect and hospitality he deserves, funny names or not.
He shakes Binktop's hand, the cool skin sending small shivers down his spine. "I'm Yuuri. It's nice to meet you, Binktop."
"A pleasure." Binktop returns the handshake with a smile, and they continue going up the stairs. "So, Yuuri, are you also alone here today?"
"Our family actually has a food stall down at the main square, but my dad told me to enjoy myself today," Yuuri explains. "I'm on my way to see my friend, actually. He's an inventor."
Binktop's eyes widen and sparkle in delight, and he accidentally climbs two steps at once. "Wow! He must be really smart!"
"He is," Yuuri nods fondly in agreement. "Phichit has a solo exhibit today. This project won him first place at the National Physics Summit last month."
"That's amazing!" Binktop gushes in admiration, his silver bangs parting to reveal twinkling blue eyes. "I can't wait to meet him!" Yuuri smiles back proudly in response.
They reach the top of the stairs in a minute. The miniature square is cluttered with various machine parts and wires of different lengths and calibers. The two main pods have already been set in their positions, though not yet fully-assembled as Yuuri remembers them. It's definitely like Phichit to cram at the last minute.
The soft whirring noise dies down as the two approach the left pod, and a brown-skinned young man in a bandanna and overalls comes out to greet them. "Yuuri! You're here!"
Yuuri shrugs good-naturedly and hands Phichit the cup of coffee. "I'd love to hug you, but you're covered in oil and soot right now." He smiles widely at his best friend. "Good luck with your exhibit today!"
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! You don't know how much I need it!" Phichit downs the coffee in an instant, breathing rapidly through his mouth afterwards to cool his tongue. "I heard the prince is coming with the royal delegation to watch my demonstration! I am so nervous!"
This time, Yuuri pats Phichit's shoulder encouragingly, not minding his hand blackening with soot afterwards. "You'll do well, Phichit! You've done this before; you can do it again."
"Good luck, Phichit!" Binktop adds, sending a friendly wink and a thumbs-up of his own. Phichit is surprised at the additional voice, and notices the other man for the first time. His nervous expression immediately changes to one of teasing, instantly directed at his friend. "Yuuri!" he whispers loudly. "Who's the hot guy?!"
"H-He's not - I mean -" Yuuri splutters, coughing into his hand to stop himself. He doesn't even bother hiding his obviously-reddened cheeks anymore; nothing ever escapes Phichit's notice, anyway. Tonight's phone call is going to be a long one.
When Yuuri has composed himself, he turns to Binktop. "Phichit, this is Binktop. I ran into him in the square today. Binktop, this is my friend, Phichit."
"Hi there!" Phichit merrily extends a hand to Binktop. "Phichit Chulanont, at your service!"
"Binktop," he introduces himself, shaking Phichit's hand. "Yuuri here has told me a lot about you."
"Hahaha, good things, I hope!" Phichit laughs, before shooting Yuuri an expectant glare. Yuuri grins back before taking another sip of coffee.
Phichit shows them around the workplace, pointing out the different parts of the invention and which part goes where. His black eyes shine brightly as he rambles in tech jargon while explaining the principle behind the teleporter. Binktop nods excitedly while asking questions, while Yuuri merely watches them interact. Despite his "nerdy glasses," as Phichit had christened them, he is not really into scientific stuff, having taken up a sports major in university.
"Sure thing! I was about to give this thing a test run, anyway." Phichit beckons Yuuri to come over. "Yuuri! Could you kindly step on the left pod? Binktop wants a demonstration."
Yuuri opens his mouth to protest, but knows better than to interrupt his friend when he is in scientist-mode. He may have also wanted to impress Binktop with his bravery, but he doesn't know it yet. Huffing, he finishes the rest of his coffee in one gulp and does as he is told.
Phichit flips the switch, and Yuuri almost loses his footing as he feels himself being sucked away into a vacuum space. Black, wavy lines fill his vision for a moment before everything around him returns to normal. He steps off the right pod and flashes the peace sign at Phichit and Binktop from across the square.
Binktop immediately makes a beeline for Yuuri and embraces him tightly, while Phichit pumps his fist in joy. "Wow, amazing!" he exclaims as he cups Yuuri's face. "You actually teleported!"
"That's how it's supposed to work," Yuuri answers matter-of-factly, but even he has an undeniably huge smile on his face. Phichit's exhibit is surely going to be a massive hit amongst the fair-goers.
"Can I give it a try, too?" Binktop asks Phichit excitedly, still not letting go of Yuuri. "It looks like so much fun!"
"Of course, Binktop!" Phichit laughs, gesturing at the left pod. "Anything for Yuuri's friend!"
Binktop lets out a whoop and disentangles himself from Yuuri. He lightly steps onto the left pod and runs a hand throuh his silver hair. "Watch me, Yuuri!" He sends a playful wink in Yuuri's direction before nodding at Phichit.
"All right, let's do this!" Phichit flips the switch again. Nothing happens at first, so he turns the machine off and on while observing the monitors. Worry begins to creep into his expression as he starts fiddling with the controls, but still, nothing happens.
A gasp from the left pod directs their attention to Binktop, whose pendant is glowing brightly from inside his shirt. It seems to be resonating with the core machine of the teleporter, from which ominous sparks begin to fly out. Phichit shouts at Binktop to get off the pod immediately, but Binktop hears it too late.
A large wormhole, unlike the one Yuuri had seen briefly while he teleported, opens up in the space behind Binktop and appears to be sucking him in. Trying his best to hold his ground, Binktop cries out for help as he extends his hand. In a panic, Yuuri runs up to the left pod and tries to grab him, but his whole body disappears in a flash of light, and the wormhole closes in an instant. Yuuri is left alone on the pod, Binktop's golden pendant in his hand.
Phichit is the first to regain his voice after a few minutes. "What the hell... This wasn't supposed to happen..." Yuuri turns to his friend, who is kneeling by the controllers in shock. Long tracks of tears have washed away the layers of soot on his face.
He runs down to embrace Phichit, who is now trembling in his friend's arms. "Yuuri, I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean for this to happen!"
Yuuri runs his hands over his friend's back, ignoring his own swimming vision and the violent hammering of his own heart in his chest. Now is not the time to deal with an impending anxiety attack - not when Phichit needs his help.
"Phichit. Look at me," he instructs calmly. "Breathe with me."
Together, they go through the motions, inhaling and exhaling deeply in unison. Most of the time, it was Phichit who did this for Yuuri when they were still in college together. It always helped calm Yuuri down after an attack, and Yuuri is more than glad to return the favor now. They cannot afford to be too calm, however - they still have to find out where the hell Binktop went.
Some day this is turning out to be. Yuuri swears never to get up before five a.m. ever again.
Phichit looks up at him and nods determinedly. Yuuri lets go of his friend as he begins to go over his notes. "Either the telepod malfunctioned, or something else did it," he thinks aloud to the clearing at large. "I'm suspecting your friend's pendant had an unusual reaction with the core interface, causing a ripple in the space-time fabric or something."
Yuuri gapes at Phichit incredulously. "You mean, like, time travel?!"
"I don't know yet." Phichit bites his lower lip in deep thought. "That wormhole could have led anywhere. It's too dangerous to try anything at this point."
"We have to bring Binktop back, Phichit! There's no time!"
"I know that!" Phichit snaps, rubbing a blackened hand on his temple at the sudden outburst. "It's not as easy as it seems. We have to find out how to open that wormhole, for starters. There must be something about that pendant."
Yuuri lifts the pendant in his hand against the daylight. It is a small, round, golden medallion with intricate rose patterns bordering its circumference, hanging from a simple chain. The pendant also seems to be pretty old but well-maintained. He briefly wonders where Binktop must have gotten such a valuable trinket and how much it must have cost, but pushes these thoughts out of his mind.
A tiny spark jumps out of the medallion, causing Yuuri to drop the pendant onto the left pod in surprise. Immediately, it causes another reaction, violent gusts of wind forming around them as the wormhole opens once more.
"Well," Phichit laughs brokenly, "that was easy enough!" With a hand shielding his face, he struggles to walk against the wind's direction and tries to pick up the pendant off the ground.
Yuuri has other ideas, however. He uses his stronger body to his advantage and overtakes Phichit in a second, picking up the pendant and wearing it around his neck.
"Yuuri! What are you doing?!" Phichit shouts in alarm. "Get off the pod now!"
To be honest, he has no idea what he is doing, either. His body is already protesting his sudden decision, his heart rate going up, his breathing more rapid, and his hands slippery with sweat. But above all, Yuuri feels that it's the right decision. It's more reckless than heroic, by all means, but nevertheless the right one, just the same.
"I'll bring Binktop back!" he shouts at his friend. "I'll get us back home, I promise!"
Again with the stupid promises, but Phichit seems to finally support his decision. He nods determinedly and hands Yuuri a long, steel wrench. "It's my favorite one! Bring it back safely, okay?"
"Thanks, Phichit! I will." Yuuri waves the wrench nervously as he steps into the closing wormhole.
"Be careful, Yuuri!" Phichit shouts after him. "I'll try to follow you as soon as I figure things out!"
A chuckle escapes Yuuri's lips. It's just like his friend to jump at the call. If anyone is more suited to be the hero of this story, it would definitely be Phichit, and Yuuri, as the dutiful friend, would support him all the way. Funny how things have turned out the other way around this time.
For now, he, Yuuri Katsuki, will be the hero of this story, and he swears on his life to bring Binktop back.
Yuuri raises a thumbs-up to the fading image of his friend, not caring if he doesn't see it. He lets the distortion fill his senses completely until the black nothingness consumes him and claims his consciousness.
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marumafan · 4 years
You said misepan 2 is one of ur favorite yuuram short stories, can u give an analysis of it please!
Hello anon!
Ok! But I would really recommend reading it.  I have said this many times, there's something about Takabayashi-sensei style, the way she writes her stories, that I really, really like.
Misepan 2
Title: Misepan, means "Showing panties". So the first part (written 2 years prior and almost completely disconnected of part 2), was about a bet Murata thought for Yuuri. Yuuri said he was unpopular and Murata said he wasn't and bet Yuuri he could get someone to "show him their panties."
Summary of part 1: In part 1, some chick was looking for a ring her bf gave her in the river and Yuuri helped her. That and the bet is the entire story.
Intro: Misepan 2 starts in Shin Makoku. The topic of 'lost item' continues. This time it's Yuuri who has lost something very important. A hand made necklace that Greta gave him.
The first part shows Yuuri and Wolfram around the castle. Yuuri tells Wolf he's looking for the necklace because he lost it. They meet Cherie-sama, who is wearing a maid suit and bunny ears and tells Yuuri that she wants Wolf to wear the same to attract customers for her new shop (a bar to find love).
Wolfram says he will refuse because of the bunny ears, because Yuuri hates rabbits (the mascot of Seibu Lions opposite team is an orange rabbit). Cherie mentions Wolfram used to love rabbits as a kid, because cats grabbed the attention of Gwen, and that they need Wolfram's help to cure Yuuri's rabbit-hate. (Yuuri is thinking he doesn't hate rabbits just that mascot from that team).
Yuuri calls Wolfram 'Honey-chan', and Wolfram gets angry and tells him that because he's younger he doesn't have a right to call him that. (Yuuri monologues that 'it hurt him to have Wolf remind him he is younger’)
When Yuuri mentions the lost item made by Greta, Cherie-sama remembers the 'pig soap' that Wolfram made for her. To which Wolfram mentions that it wasn't a pig, it was, of course, Cherie-sama herself. XD Cherie sama goes speechless due to the shock and Yuuri pulls Wolfram by the hand, and trots away from that place; so that he wouldn't see them fight.
Wolfram and Yuuri are alone again, and when Yuuri reveals he needs the necklace because he's going with Greta to the zoo the next day, Wolfram starts unbuttoning his shirt.
Yuuri panics saying he shouldn't be exposing his skin , people could see him ! What if some younger girl saw his bare exposed chest!  Yuuri is making a huge scene as if Wolfram were undressing. He seems jealous that someone might steal a glimpse of his beautiful chest.
At any rate, Wolfram shows him a necklace, just like Yuuri's. So it turns out that Greta made the same necklace for all 3 people in the family, Wolf, Yuuri and herself. Yuuri also notices that the stone used in all 3 are the color of Wolfram's eyes.
Wolfram says he will lend it to Yuuri for the zoo trip.
Important scene:
Yuuri holds Wolfram's necklace still around Wolf's neck with both hands, and then pushes it against Wolfram's chest.
And says he can't accept borrowing it.
Wolfram asks why, wouldn't you do the same for me, if I needed something and you had it.
Yuuri says: "Of course I would."
At this moment, Yuuri has both his hands on Wolfram's bare chest. He goes into a monologue about how anyone would get 'blood rushing' to their brain, if they had both hands on their partner's bare chest, feeling how their heartbeat is the same as their own, and were thinking about something serious. He's overwhelmed and needs to take a moment.
Then he says:" when it comes to things that I can give you, I would give you anything, Wolf. But this is different. Because it's a handmade item. I'm sure that the shape of the stone is slightly different."
--------------------------------------------------- Important scene analysis: This scene is huge. Let’s analyze:
Yuuri: 1) Has both hands on Wolfram's bare chest 2) Gets blood rushing to his brain (to be taken literal and/or a symbolism for arousal) 3) feels Wolfram's heartbeat beating at the same rhythm as his own (symbolism for being in sync, one person, in love) 4) is thinking about everything he would "do" 5) says he's thinking about "something serious"
He's overwhelmed. Can't function. He takes a while to calm down and when he does, he tells Wolfram that "When it comes to things he can 'give him' he would give him anything."
Do you remember the 5 last points? Touching Wolf, aroused, in love, thinking about Wolf, and a "serious matter".
The undertone here is that 'anything' is referring to his virginity.
There was a time in novel 2, when he thought he was going to 'lose " his virginity to Wolf. But here, he's very clear when he says, he would 'give' it to him. It's those little things in the stories that brings back a memory of past things that happened and wraps them up with a little bow.
It's such a good scene. And although it has this sexual undertone, I like to see it more for the theme of 'sacrifice'.
He loves Wolf so much there is nothing he wouldn't give to Wolf. His virginity is cool, but what about his life? Is he thinking about that? If he's thinking about everything he would give to him, and this overwhelmed him. Is he thinking about that too?
I mean, who hasn't thought of that? What would you do for a loved one? How far would you go? And here Yuuri says it clearly to Wolfram, he would give him anything.
Second part Gwendal is trying to find Yuuri because he found out about the lost item and thinks it can cause an international problem. The rumors have exaggerated what happened. Conrad also shows up, and Wolfram tells Yuuri to escape. Conrad follows him and Wolf stays there to stop Gwendal.
Yuuri sees Wolf as the bravest man alive, then this scene happens:
---------------------- Interesting scene: Wolfram: "Don't worry! It is a husband's job to rub their henachoko wife's ass!"
Yuuri: "Wait isn't it, maybe, "It is a wife's job to wipe her husband's ass" ? Yeah, maybe. No, I mean, I'm sure."
Conrad: "Eh? You're letting him call you henachoko? How generous. Well, then let us rely on Lord von Bielefeld's words"
------------------------ Analysis of this scene: Preamble: Before we get into it-> Because Japan has like a 4000 year old culture, and the 'couples' terms are always 'female' and 'male', we see a lot of 'wife' and 'husband' even between two males. Some may read into it (the top/bottom stereotype from the 90s), and I will analyze it too, but there's also a lot about 'kanjis' having certain associations that don't really fit the gender of same sex partners.
1) Wolfram makes a joke about rubbing Yuuri's ass (and asserts he's the husband and it's his duty)
2) Yuuri says the proverb is incorrect and "Isn't it "it's the wife's duty to wipes her husband ass?" But then he says maybe I don't know, I'm not sure.
3) Conrad is only surprised at the lack of complain of "henachoko", and not all the other married couple/sexual innuendos they've been throwing at each other.
This is the Conrad I love. He's so supportive of Yuuri and Wolf. He could have said something like "Wait, how long have you been married?" and make them both self conscious, but he didn't.  Conrad is great, and I love him and he deserves all the best. I'm a yuuram fan, but I love Conrad. He's an awesome character and a sweety. He's been through so much and I feel sorry for everything he's been put through, simply because the fans forced Takabayashi sensei to bring him back from the dead. (Additional info: Conrad was supposed to die in novel 5 and Takabayashi sensei spent many years trying to kill him after that, but the 'Conrad' fans didn't let her. This has lead to Conrad just 'floating around' in the novels... she was so angry she even made him the enemy for a while)
About the proverb: I couldn't find the actual proverb Wolf and Yuuri are talking about. The internet says two things: 1) it's a wife's duty to cut her husband's ear hair, and 2) it's a wife's duty to take care of her husband's arousal. Now I have no clue whether either of them are old sayings ... I simply couldn't find it.
But here's my interpretation. 1) Wolf says it's his duty to protect Yuuri as the husband 2) Yuuri says isn't that the wife's role? and in the end he's confused about the proverb. I think Takabayashi-sensei is 1, throwing sexual innuendos as usual here, and 2 is bringing ambiguity to the whole top/bottom stereotype. "Is he the top? Am I? I don't know", is what Yuuri says about this.
I think, as mentioned before, sensei addresses the top/bottom topic (because it's actually very uncommon not to bring it up), and says : yeah whatever, who cares.
Third part : Yuuri has a scene with Conrad, where he realizes that his necklace was shorter than Wolf’s so that both, the blue maseki and the emerald necklace Greta made, won’t become entangled. Yuuri is moved thinking that Greta even thought about that.
They find the necklace Yuuri lost, and this part ends with:
"Things will always return to the place they should be."
This makes me happy. It makes me think that Yuuri will always be back to Shin Makoku no matter what. I hope that Takabayashi-sensei sticks to her words.
And there’s another clear meaning: Conrad (blue maseki) and Wolf (the emerald necklace) will not entangle and cause problems. Conrad will continue to be the friend, and Wolf will continue to be the spouse, and the ‘necklaces’ won’t disturb one another. Another very important symbolism. Everyone has their place and role, and won’t mix, entangle or bother Yuuri. 
Last part:
The end of the story goes back to the main story in Misepan 1. So Yuuri is there with the chick looking for her bf’s ring. An old dude sees them, then the three find a bag full of gold in the river and they appear on TV.
In the end, Yuuri gets shown panties "mise pan" by the old dude. And the story wraps itself with a joke.
In the afterword Takabayashi sensei admits she didn't know how to end the story. This means, for what I can understand, that she just wanted to talk about the royal family necklace and Yuuri and Wolf, while finishing up a story he had to finish for the DVD set.
The main reasons why I love this story :
1) There’s a new canon yuuram trope:" the family necklace”. This necklace is the color of Wolfram’s eyes. Greta was the one to chose it, too. She could have chosen ‘black’, the royal color and the color of Yuuri’s hair and eyes (that everyone loves in Shin Makoku), but instead she chose the color of Wolf’s eyes. I feel this is a symbolism Takabayashi sensei threw in there to make sure everyone understands it’s not Yuuri and Greta anymore, Wolfram is 100% part of that family, and it’s his color that binds the family together.
2) Yuuri’s line: “When it comes to things that I can give you I would give you anything Wolf”. As analyzed before, this is the ultimate expression of love, and he has said it clearly to Wolfram out in the open.
3) Yuuri and Wolf as established as a couple as they can be, not only between themselves, but also by others. Out in the open they’re calling each other husband and wife (in front of Dacascos and Conrad), and no one even questions this. Meaning it’s been a long time since people have known them as such.
4) Yuuri calling Wolfram Honey-chan (and Wolfram getting angry due to cultural misunderstandings)
Anyway, it’s a really great story! Please read it!
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houseisekai · 4 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers Act 2, Part 1 - Withering Flower (Continued)
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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(Continuing from Part 1′s Intermission)
[A Promise - Fire Emblem Three Houses OST]
Byleth reached for his head and massaged it with the chaos that was erupting.
(Towa) “I-Instructor Sara, I think it’s a bit too early to start drinking!”
(Sara) “Bah, when you grow older sweetie, anytime is a good time for drinking! Besides, we’re celebrating and having fun tomorrow, so we can afford to loosen up tonight!”
(Sharon) “Shall I fetch more ale?”
(Byleth) “No do NOT do that, Sharon.”
It was the night before the ball was to take place.
House Isekai had voted Akira to be the one to represent them in the contest, and were no doubt training for that.
After the faculty meeting, the staff of House Isekai took to their classroom to discuss what they were going to do, which led to...this situation.
(Megumi) “Well, I guess she’s not wrong about that at least. It has been a while since we were able to relax, right?”
(Angelica) “Sorta makes you wonder what it’s going to be like after this one...”
Doomguy said nothing but shared the same sentiment by the way he crossed his arms.
(Sara) “Oh come on, what’s with the doom and gloom? Didn’t we JUST say we needed to be relaxing?”
Sara turned to the door.
(Sara) “And it’s pretty rude for you kids to be eavesdropping on us adults!”
Some scuttling was heard outside but then the rest of House Isekai poured into the room.
(Rean) “S-Sorry! We just um...didn’t really know when to come in.”
(Ainz) “And I am sure that some of us are older than you Sara.”
(Minato) “Hey, let’s not forget what we came in here for before we start throwing shit at her.”
(Kazuma) “Yuki, wanna do the honors?”
(Yuki) “Yup!”
Yuki ran up to Byleth and said her piece.
(Yuki) “Byleth-sensei, I overheard from the other Houses that they were planning to meet up again in five years from now for the Millennium Festival! So...I was wondering if we all could do the same!”
(Byleth) “Five years from now...Are you all still going to be around in five years?”
(Yu) “We’ve put some thought into it ourselves, but honestly? Even if we did find a way home before hand, I’m sure we’ll find a way back here to visit.”
(Ainz) “Gods above know that we aren’t done with this place by a long shot...”
(Yuuri) “I guess the real question is Byleth-sensei going to be still teaching?”
Everyone turned to him.
(Rean) “Hah, little hard to imagine Instructor Byleth teaching anyone other than us honestly.”
(Minako) “I wouldn’t feel special anymore, like...he has normal people to teach instead of us!”
Everyone laughed at that.
(Angelica) “Yeah, I guess we are a little abnormal for his standards, aren’t we?”
(Byleth) “But it wouldn’t be the same without you. Sharon scaring the heck out of everyone, Towa being our council president, hearing the bickering between you all and the other students.
Byleth closed his eyes and smiled.
(Byleth) “It’s going to be quiet without you all...That doesn’t sound too bad actually.”
Sharon giggled before clearing her throat.
(Sharon) “Regardless Master Byleth, I think we are all in agreement that we would not want to miss our class reunion for anything.”
Doomguy gestured towards Akira, and it took a moment for everyone to realize what he meant.
(Yuki) “Oh, Slayer are you asking about the ball tomorrow?”
Doomguy nodded.
(Sara) “Ohh that’s right. Have you kids gotten a dance partner tomorrow? If you can’t find someone I suppose I can take pity and-”
(Everyone) “Pass.”
Sara almost choked on her drink as the staff began to laugh.
(Angelica) “Dang, even Sylvain and I haven’t gotten rejected THAT fast before, Instructor!”
(Kazuma) “You’re gonna be too drunk to dance anyway! This is a fancy ball not some dance club!”
(Megumi) “Hah, well I suppose we’ll all find out tomorrow won’t we? That reminds me, Byleth have you ever danced before?”
(Byleth) “...Megumi, do I look like I have?”
(Yuki) “Oh, Megu-nee! You should dance with Byleth!”
Thanks to Yuki’s statement, House Isekai erupted into a shouting match of who was dancing with who, which was eventually joined by all the classmates instead of the House reps.
Though he was getting a headache, Byleth smiled.
He couldn’t have asked for a better House to teach...
Year 1, Ruins in Faerghus territory, nearing the border of the Adrestian Empire…
Byleth blinked rapidly for a few seconds, bringing him back to reality. He had been standing out in the open, staring at Sara’s pistol in his hand.
He sheathed it and shook his head.
If he continued to do that, he would get himself killed. He can’t go thinking of the past out in the open...
Byleth walked alone through the streets of this small town. He didn’t know what it was called.
All he knew was that it was destroyed in the last massive battle that took place here.
Imperial and Kingdom soldiers lay dead as he passed them by, not bothering to check if anyone’s breathing.
He stopped walking after a minute and reached for the Sword of the Creator.
Byleth activated the whip function of his sword before a voice spoke up.
(Man’s Voice) “I’m not here to attack you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Byleth slowly turned around and saw a man dressed in black, leaning against a wall.
It was nighttime and the area was almost pitch black, but Byleth could tell immediately what he was.
(Byleth) “Give me one reason I shouldn’t cut off your head right now, Agarthan.”
(???) “I can give you two, actually. One: Because I’m the first to actually talk to you instead of attacking, unlike the rest of the idiots who tried doing that. I doubt anyone who knew the reputation of the Ashen Demon would even come within a 100 mile radius of you.”
(Byleth) “And two?”
(???) “I can give you the power you seek to destroy the Church. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.”
(Byleth) “…Just who are you?”
The man stepped forward and the light revealed that he was wearing a mask that covered his face.
(???) “You may call me…Lahabrea.”
(Byleth) “Lahabrea? Doesn’t sound like any other Agarthan name I’ve heard.”
(Lahabrea) “That’s because it isn’t. I refuse to associate myself with them more than I have to.”
(Byleth) “...So what exactly is this power you can give me to destroy Rhea and Edelgard?”
Lahabrea held up a finger.
(Lahabrea) “Just the Church.”
(Byleth) “Right. I forgot you were allied with the Empire.”
Byleth turned around and kept walking.
(Lahabrea) “They are...Well not for long anyway. We have you for that.”
Byleth didn’t respond as Lahabrea kept talking, slowly walking behind him.
(Lahabrea) “...Is that Sara’s pistol you have there?”
Byleth finally stopped.
(Byleth) “...How do you know it’s hers?”
(Lahabrea) “Hm? I thought it fairly obviou-”
(Byleth) “The Agarthans have been focusing their attention on the bigger threats like Valimar or Slayer. And plenty of my students own these weapons, and none of you ever cared enough to know anyone of our House by name, nor has Edelgard spoken much with Sara to know what her pistol looked like and report that to you.”
Byleth turned to face Lahabrea.
(Byleth) “How do you know it’s hers?”
(Lahabrea) “...Let us say for now that I know your friends a bit more than most.”
(Byleth) “...”
(Lahabrea) “It is getting terribly late, is it not? I recommend getting some sleep soon.”
With that, Lahabrea teleported away. Byleth didn’t sense anyone else, and if he would have attacked he would have done so by now.
Byleth sighed and looked at a nearby building with a roof still over it and went inside...
An explosion caused Byleth to wake up violently, eyes going wide instantly accompanied with heavy breathing.
After a few moments of silence, he slumped back and sighed.
A distant explosion brightened the dark skies as he got out of a ruined building, stretching.
He stared with indifference to the battle happening far below him.
Imperial and Faerghus soldiers clashed into each other, trying to gain this territory for the war effort.
Byleth would be long gone by the time this battle would end.
He passed by a man dressed in black who was leaning against the door.
(Lahabrea) “Finally awake, I see. And where are we going?”
Byleth walked silently past Lahabrea, holding tightly onto Sara’s pistol as he did.
Byleth did his best to try and push that memory away, but it would always come back to him. The battle of Garreg Mach had only been a month ago, so it’d make sense that they were still fresh in his head.
That fact didn’t make it any more comforting to him.
As he felt rain start to drop onto him, he thought about his plan on how to kill Edelgard and Rhea.
He was one man with a sword against 2 armies that controlled entire parts of Fodlan.
When the rain intensified, he put his jacket over his head and continued.
He heard footsteps behind him splashing in the rain but he refused to let his thoughts break off.
Even with his divine pulse, he would be severely out manned. Without help, he would die before he reached his goal.
(Lahabrea) “You’re headed the wrong way, you know-”
(Byleth) “Why are you following me?”
(Lahabrea) “I’d be lying to you, and you’d be an idiot for believing me if I said I was helping you for completely altruistic reasons. We both want to take Seiros down, but you need to focus hatred to the right people. We need Edelgard alive.”
That made Byleth stop in his tracks completely.
(Byleth) “…What?”
(Lahabrea) “Stop to think about it. Does Edelgard seem like the type to like what us Agarthans did, ESPECIALLY regarding Kronya, Remire village, and your fath-”
Byleth spun around and pointed Sara’s pistol at Lahabrea’s head.
(Lahabrea) “…Forgive my careless words. But my point stands.”
(Byleth) “…”
(Lahabrea) “Edelgard, like myself, actively voiced against attacking those innocents, and anyone of House Isekai. Why do you think she offered her hand to you so many times in the tomb?”
(Byleth) “So she could use us. We would have been tools for the Empire, just like we were tools for the church. Just like you Agarthans are tools for her.”
He stopped aiming the pistol at Lahabrea and continued to walk on his way.
(Lahabrea) “And so you think the Agarthans are completely loyal to her cause? We are to her, as I am to my own organization. We have the same goals, but different ways of achieving it. The demonic beasts that attacked the Monastery, Remire Village, and all those you encountered throughout that year was ours. Your hatred should be focused on the Agarthans, NOT the Empire.”
(Byleth) “Speak plainly of why you’re telling me this, Agarthan.”
(Lahabrea) “Because both Agarthans and Seiros must be put down before we end up blowing up this world all the way to the seven hells with the Javelin of Liberation.”
(Byleth) “…Explain.”
(Lahabrea) “Meet me at House Arundel’s territory, and I will reveal all I know.”
He began to teleport away, but looked at Byleth once more.
(Lahabrea) “Not only will you avenge your friends and family, but you can put an end to this vicious cycle of war that WE started, forever.”
With that, he disappeared.
Byleth stared at Sara’s pistol for a moment before finally holstering it, making his way to House Arundel.
A Few Days Later...
Byleth finally arrived near House Arundel, and found rubble everywhere. Strangely enough, there were no bodies or any sign of combat. Only weapons and shields on the ground where the debris was.
He slowly reached for Sara’s pistol and looked around for any other sign of what happened here.
(Lahabrea) “Ah, about time you showed up.”
Byleth kept his pistol on him as he turned around, but didn’t point it at Lahabrea.
(Byleth) “This your handiwork?”
(Lahabrea) “...No. It wasn’t.”
Byleth noticed that the levity in his voice had disappeared when he said that. He seemed to be as troubled as Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “It seems that this is the Church’s doing...Hmph. It’s worse than I thought.”
Lahabrea began examining the area as well, picking up the swords and looking around the area.
(Byleth) “The Church? But they’re still battling near the borders with Imperial forces. How could they have reached this far into Adrestian territory this early in the war?”
Lahabrea remained silent for a moment before answering Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “So you truly do not know what they’ve been doing?”
(Byleth) “How would I? I’ve always been kept out of the loop since I started teaching House Isekai.”
(Lahabrea) “Hm...Tell me Byleth, do you know about a tower at Zanado?”
(Byleth) “No, not a tower. I remember finding Class VII and the Phantom Thieves there, but no tower.”
(Lahabrea) “Perhaps that is a blessing in disguise then...”
(Byleth) “Enough with these vague answers. Tell me what are you on about, or I’m walking away right now.”
Lahabrea put the sword down onto the ground and sighed.
(Lahabrea) “Fine. Little pieces at a time then. There are weapons that the Church and Those Who Slither were never meant to have. If we do not stop them, then their conflict will obliterate our world. That’s the most immediate threat we have right now.”
(Byleth) “Then what about the other threat?”
(Lahabrea) “We can talk about that when the rest of your House has returned.”
(Byleth) “You have some means of bringing them back?”
(Lahabrea) “I do. But I need your help. Without it, we will not be able to save them.”
(Byleth) “Fine. Now, before we continue, what was that about a Javelin when we last spoke?”
Lahabrea shook his head, facing another direction.
(Lahabrea) “Are you mad? Showing him this crystal could possibly kill him!”
(Byleth) “I don’t think your...friend there is the one that’s mad.”
Lahabrea turned to Byleth. Although he had a mask on, Byleth knew he was glaring daggers at him. After a few moments of silence, Lahabrea turned to Byleth again.
(Lahabrea) “The Javelin of Liberation is a weapon that was supposed to be capable of wiping out this entire world with a single strike.”
(Byleth) “Was?”
(Lahabrea) “Yes. It failed and instead of killing us all instantly, it killed us overtime. It caused some sort of winter where it caused the temperature to drop, slowly freezing us to death.”
(Byleth) “You’re speaking as if this all happened before.”
(Lahabrea) “It did. We’re going to prevent that. Now the Church-”
(Byleth) “Hang on a moment, what do you mean it did? We’re still alive aren’t we? As far as I know, Faerghus is the only place with freezing temperatures-”
(Lahabrea) “It happens in the future, Byleth!”
Lahabrea motioned Byleth to follow him as he went towards the nearby ruins.
As he was moving the rubble aside, trying to find something in the wreckage he continued.
(Lahabrea) “The Agarthans plan to use the Javelin to wipe out the Church and most of the surface world while they continue to thrive underground. But what they don’t realize is that it will kill them too. They’ll doom us all.”
(Byleth) “...And you know for a fact that this happens in the future?”
(Lahabrea) “I was there when it happened.”
(Byleth) “...So, what was that whole bit about that war that ‘we’ started?”
Lahabrea finally cleared the rubble to reveal a stairway. He went down and Byleth followed.
It was a long hallway that they were walking down, Byleth couldn’t see the end of it.
(Lahabrea) “I will get to that in a moment. Now, the Church has access to almost the same technology the Agarthans do, but they’re using it differently.”
Lighting torches with a snap of his fingers, Lahabrea continued.
(Lahabrea) “They’re using ou...my research to modify and mutant humans into abominations that blindly follow orders, in this case, Seiros. What we saw out there is a small taste to come.”
(Byleth) “What so those monsters di-?”
It had just clicked for Byleth.
The reason why there weren’t any bodies or even sign of battle.
(Lahabrea) “They come in, strike quick, then leave as fast as they came. And this is only the beginning.”
Lahabrea finally stopped by a door at the end of the hallway and opened it.
(Lahabrea) “Good, they didn’t find these notes.”
Byleth went into the room and looked around. All there was in the room was a chair in the middle, and a table near the corner that Lahabrea was at.
(Byleth) “What’s on them, Javelin schematics or something?”
(Lahabrea) “No, crest enhancement. This will help us defeat the Church.”
Lahabrea motioned over to the chair.
(Byleth) “...Hang on a second, I didn’t agree to this. My crest is fine as it is. And I don’t trust my life in the hands of someone I don’t know.”
Lahabrea turned to his left.
(Lahabrea) “He has to know. Now, it’s this, or the hard way.”
Lahabrea brought out a small glowing crystal.
(Lahabrea) “Easy way is, I enhance your crest and tell you everything you want to know afterwards. Hard way, you listen to that crystal and experience the pain of several lifetimes at once.”
Byleth furrowed his brow and grabbed the crystal.
(Byleth) “What could it possibly contain to make me-”
“I don’t know if anyone will be seeing this message, whether that be myself or anyone else who comes into this godforsaken tower but…My name is Byleth Eisner. Son of Jeralt Eisner.”
(Byleth) ?!
[Footsteps in the Snow - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Byleth’s mind grinded to a halt when he heard his voice emitting from the crystal.
When he looked up, Lahabrea reached for his head, softly rubbing it. He appeared to be feeling the same sensation as he did.
The moment that crystal began speaking, a throbbing feeling slowly became more and more present.
“We’re leaving this here in some hopes that this cycle can be broken, and to fix this mistake before it could ever happen…Our memories will be wiped after this, so we want to say everything we can before…before we forget.”
(Byleth) “What...What the hell?!”
As the message continued, Byleth dropped to one knee while Lahabrea did his best to shake off the headache.
(Lahabrea) “You only got yourself to blame!”
When it became clear that Byleth was experiencing the flashes Lahabrea was, Sothis appeared next to him, hands also on her head.
(Sothis) “Ya know, you-agh! Could’ve just told him?”
(Lahabrea) “Oh please, as if he’ll believe that we’re-”
(Byleth) “AAAAAAAAGH!”
Lahabrea and Sothis turned to Byleth, who had a pincer through his stomach.
(Lahabrea) “WHAT THE HELL?!”
He drew out the Sword of the Creator and leapt forward, slicing the attacker in two.
Sothis floated over to Byleth as Lahabrea looked at the thing that had attacked him.
It appeared to be a knight with a mutated pincer, cloaked in white-
Looking around, it seemed that the Knight was waiting for his moment to strike. He could hear more footsteps on the way.
(Sothis) “Damn it, I knew we should have just left! We can’t Divine Pulse either, he’s immune to it, and who knows what it’ll do to House Isekai! They’re in mid teleportation now!”
Lahabrea rushed to Byleth, putting the crystal in his pocket.
He was struggling to breathe as blood was rushing out, a white aura slowly overtaking his body.
(Lahabrea) “Damn it, we have to teleport him back to the tower!”
(Sothis) “Are you insane?! He’s in the middle of remembering WHILE being transformed into an ‘Angel’! Who knows what that’ll do!”
Sothis shook her head and helped Lahabrea teleport out of House Arundel.
Once they were inside the Zanado tower, Lahabrea began to use a healing spell.
(Sothis) “Not working, it’s starting to spread to other parts of his body!”
Byleth’s hair began to turn white, which made Lahabrea swear under his breath.
The tower began to shake violently as echoes from the past became louder.
As Lahabrea was about to cast another healing spell, the Tower flashed a bright white, blinding all three of them.
When they opened their eyes, they were back at Garreg Mach’s roof, and it felt significantly colder.
Sothis’s eyes went wide as she looked up to the skies.
It was a bright white and grey, in combination with streaks of white light raining down to the ground.
Snow was falling to the floor and it was then she realized where they were.
(Sothis) “We’re in the future where the Javelin fell!”
(Lahabrea) “Damn it, 2 Byleth’s in here in combination of us experiencing the memory is making this even more unstable!”
Byleth’s eye color began to change before Lahabrea was left with no option.
Lahabrea raised his hand up, and a dark energy flowed out of it into Byleth’s body.
The Crest of Flames appeared on Byleth’s hand, slowly transforming into a bright red color.
(Lahabrea) “Sothis, did Yu ever tell you about Marie?!”
Lahabrea grabbed Byleth’s sword and Sara’s pistol as he jumped back. 
Sothis floated over to him and looked confused.
(Sothis) “You mean that hat girl in the Velvet Room? Only a little! What does this have to do with anything?!”
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(Lahabrea) “He once told me that Marie was originally going to die, but they let whatever beast that was inside her take control, and beat that thing up to where they saved her!”
(Sothis) “Oh, don’t tell me you-”
Byleth’s body rose into the air, streams of light and dark energy mixing together.
(Lahabrea) “If this works, he’ll become our trump card against the Agarthans and Church!”
(Sothis) “But he’ll still have the angel blood in him, right?! Even if we save him, he’ll still transform!”
(Lahabrea) “We’ll find out a cure later, if we lose him, then all hope is lost!”
Lahabrea held Byleth’s sword tightly, and it powered up in response.
(Lahabrea) “Good, it still works!”
Lahabrea quickly put the pistol onto his belt before Sothis got his attention.
(Sothis) “Byleth!”
[Return to Oblivion - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Sothis floated to Lahabrea’s side, bringing up a reflective shield around him.
Byleth stopped screaming as his clothes transformed into a dark blue, and his hair transforming back into green.
Wings sprouted from his back, tearing apart his body as he slowly turned into a bright white form, growing larger.
Lahabrea tried to shake off the voices that echoed in the distance, instead focusing on the fight that was about to happen.
“Why did you choose Edelgard, Professor?! Why did you choose to walk this savage, bloody path? I cannot shake this feeling of regret... Regret that I must kill you now.”
Byleth’s form now took on something similar to the Immaculate One’s form, which made Lahabrea hold his weapon tighter. There wasn’t any trace of Byleth in this new form.
This wasn’t going to be easy.
“Professor... I suppose you think you can defeat me. Is that right? But I will never give up. Even if my arms and legs failed me, I would still find a way to move forward. I will smash that false goddess and her minion into the ground! I will fight to free this world from her vile grasp!”
(Sothis) “Is it me, or are these voices getting louder?!”
(Lahabrea) “Ignore it, Sothis! 
Sothis tried her best to ignore it, and finally snapped back to attention seeing Byleth’s new form in front of her.
He was smaller than the Immaculate One, most likely barely half her size, but by no means did that make him any less deadly.
"Teach... You should have chosen me instead of Edelgard. No point in whining about it now, I suppose. Sorry, but I'll be taking the win today."
The angel form of Byleth roared with such force that it made the wind almost push the both of them off. Lahabrea leapt forward with both swords, making the first move.
Wanting, I lie
Too weary to die
His swords were met by a fireball, the heat melting the snow instantly as it forced Byleth back onto the ground.
Too lost to the ice for saving
My sins claim me, untame me
Sothis raised her hand and countered with another fireball that hit Byleth, making him fly backwards.
Eyes wet with tears
Her song in my ears
Byleth roared back and rushed them, claws swinging as he crashed through the railings.
Lahabrea rolled out the way as the entire roof shook, and activated the whip function of the swords.
Broken, faded, how long have I waited
To open my wings
When Byleth came back for another pass, Lahabrea swung the whips at his claws, making Byleth fly back.
Byleth’s mouth opened, shooting out another fireball.
Turn the light on
And let her in. Won't you
Turn the light on
Lahabrea let Sothis’s shield take the blow, pushing him back from the impact.
Sothis got in front  and held both her hands out.
(Sothis) “THORON!”
Turn the light on
You'll never win 'less you
Turn the light on
A stream of lightning rushed out of her hands, Byleth diving out the way and landing back onto the roof.
Turn the light on
The pain won't end 'till you
Turn the light on
(Sothis) “This is getting us nowhere!”
(Lahabrea) “We’re still in the Zanado tower, and this place was formed out of our memories, right?”
(Sothis) “Yeah, its a recreation of whatever happened before the others came into our world!”
(Lahabrea) “In that case- Heed my call...”
The soul longs for oblivion, 
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A phantom of Valimar emerged from a dark portal, and hit Byleth with its greatsword.
Byleth roared before being hit by it again, sending it flying upwards.
Valimar landed and turned to Lahabrea before fading away into the same dark portal.
Falling too far for the fear to embrace me
A voice from the past screaming there is no end (no)
A slave to my fate, ever doomed to repeat this
again and again and again and again (yeah, I'm)
(Sothis) “What in the?!”
Lahabrea sheathed one of the swords to have an open hand, the snow drawing into it as he prepared a spell.
(Lahabrea) “Take out the wings with ice spells!”
Falling too fast, no it won't overtake me
A voice from the past echoes loud like a drum (oh, yes)
no more goodbyes, though my heart is still aching
Now open my eyes, one more time, Here I come
Sothis and Lahabrea fired spear-like icicles into the wings of Byleth, making him screech and fall to the roof.
Once he got up, he started to roar.
(Lahabrea) “If I can summon Valimar like that, then we can summon the others to fight with us!”
(Sothis) “Well, it faded away instantly, right?!”
Byleth swung his tail at them, hitting Lahabrea into the railing, almost breaking it and sending him flying off.
The ice made him slide down the stairs, getting stunned for a moment.
(Sothis) “Damn it! Tch, here goes nothing, HOUSE ISEKAI, ANSWER OUR CALL!”
As Byleth walked to Lahabrea, a massive sword suddenly struck his face and made him recoil back in pain.
When Byleth turned back, a phantom of Ainz donning Momon’s armor stood in front of them.
Byleth’s claws lunged forward, Momon deflecting the hit, then each swipe he managed to dodge.
(Lahabrea) “Agh, goddess that hurt!”
(Phantom of Nabe) “Get up.”
Narberal offered her hand and helped up Lahabrea before jumping to Momon’s side.
Before she could make an attack, Byleth shot a fireball point blank, incinerating the two into a dark energy.
Lahabrea activated the whip function and swung at the arm, making a deep cut and making Byleth roar in pain.
When Byleth tried to stand on the arm, he limped over.
(Sothis) “Just how powerful did your past self make that mutation?!”
(Lahabrea) “It’s not helping that it’s enhanced by church magic, or whatever it is!”
Byleth charged up another fireball, forcing Lahabrea to strain the Tower’s energy.
(Lahabrea) “PERSONA!”
Arsene, Thanatos, and Izanagi appeared in front of Lahabrea, all casting a protective spell around them as the fireball set the entire roof ablaze.
The two couldn’t even see the snow on the roof anymore with all the smoke and fire engulfing them.
Reason resigned
Dark seasons' design
“I'm...dying for someone else? I can't believe this.”
As the Personas faded away, Sothis, Byleth and Lahabrea tried to shake off the voices that had returned.
Spring's promise of sun is honored
When winter's weighed down on us
(Lahabrea) “Come on, not now!”
Darkness erupted from Byleth’s mouth, and it seem he was stunned.
Visions in white
Raw fury in flight
(Lahabrea) “The crest enhancements created an opening!”
He sheathed one sword and grabbed the pistol throwing it up into the air.
A phantom of Sara and Sharon emerged above them, Sara grabbing the pistol.
(Sara & Sharon) “ARCUS, ACTIVATE!”
Clear as diamond, yet fragile as ice
My heart is racing
Lahabrea was about to join them before being dropped to a knee, hearing more voices yell out.
“Your Majesty, I die so that...you may seize your destiny.”
“Your Highness. Somehow you must...”
The phantoms sped around Byleth, cutting at specific locations to make him drop to the floor, unable to fight properly.
Turn the light on
And let her in. Won't you
Turn the light on
(Sothis) “H-Hey! We’re supposed to be just beating him up, right?!”
(Phantom of Sharon) “Not to worry, Miss Sothis!”
Sharon pulled the wires in her hands back, completely enwrapping Byleth in them.
Turn the light on
You'll never win 'less you
Turn the light on
Sharon bowed as Sara winked, their phantoms disappearing.
The pistol dropped onto the floor as Byleth struggled to break free, clearly on the breaking point.
Turn the light on
The pain won't end 'till you
Turn the light on
(Lahabrea) “Right, let’s finish this! DO IT!”
Sothis began to glow a bright yellow as Byleth finally broke free of the wires and was about to charge at them before a phantom of Doomguy emerged from a portal and hit the side of his head, making him fall over.
He launched an ice grenade from his shoulder cannon as a smaller phantom appeared below him.
(Phantom of Kurumi) “I GOT THIS!”
The soul longs for oblivion,
The grenade exploded, freezing his back leg into place, making sure he wasn’t able to move for a few more moments. The phantom of Kurumi struck his eye with her shovel, making him stunned for longer.
They both nodded as they faded away.
Falling too far for the fear to embrace me
A voice from the past screaming there is no end (no)
A slave to my fate, ever doomed to repeat this
again and again and again and again (yeah, I'm)
Sothis cast one last fire spell that enveloped Byleth, preparing for the final hit.
(Sothis) “We just say the move and the tower will fill in the rest right?”
(Lahabrea) “Yeah- Wait, you’re not going to do what I-”
Falling too fast, but the fall will not break me
A voice from the past echoes loud like a drum (oh, yes)
no more goodbyes, I am tired of waiting
Now open my eyes, one last time, Here I come
A bright white ball formed in front of Byleth, then erupted into an inferno that blasted the entire rooftop apart, with Sothis barely forming a shield around them.
Their vision was completely enveloped into a blinding white as they felt their bodies tumble onto a smooth floor.
When Lahabrea opened his eyes, he struggled to get up as he winced in pain, looking over to Byleth’s location.
Byleth was extremely bruised, but other than that he was fine. Though the white hair was still concerning.
Lahabrea was looking around, and sure enough they were back in the Zanado tower.
[Tears in the Rain - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Sothis collapsed onto the floor, heavily breathing.
(Sothis) “No...No wonder she always passes out after casting that!”
Lahabrea tried to warm himself up after fighting in that cold. He finally had time to realize just how low the temperatures were in that world.
And it also made him realize that those who weren’t killed initially by the blast most likely froze to death.
(Lahabrea) “...We have to ensure that our world won’t end up like that, Sothis.”
(Sothis) “...Yeah.”
She floated over to Byleth and began examining him while Lahabrea took off his mask and began casting a healing spell.
(Sothis) “Knocked out hard. But he’ll live.”
She then turned her attention to the Angel blood inside him.
(Sothis) “...For now. Whatever we did worked.”
Lahabrea finished healing and looked at his own hands.
(Lahabrea) “To be honest, I don’t know how I managed to summon everyone like that.”
He turned around and thought of the very first person that came to mind.
(Lahabrea) “Edelgard.”
An older Edelgard appeared in front of him, standing completely still.
Lahabrea waved his hand in front of her face, but she didn’t respond. After a few moments, she quickly disappeared.
(Sothis) “The longer we’re in this tower, the more questions I seem to have. How did any of this even happen?”
(Lahabrea) “It most likely has to deal with our memories. Since our past self remembered what the world was like when the Javelin hit, we were...transported there because of it I think.”
He pulled out the crystal again and stared at it. When he did, he heard the voices of that timeline softly echo.
(Sothis) “Maybe, Byleth was overwhelmed by the flood of memories that he created an area similar to it with the tower?”
(Lahabrea) “That seems likely. But it seems having two Byleth’s in here is too dangerous. We were lucky we didn’t get the other Sothis back yet.”
Lahabrea picked Byleth up and was ready to teleport him out of there.
(Lahabrea) “In combination with the memories, this angel inside of him may corrupt him into something far deadlier...”
(Sothis) “Then there’s a chance he may die.”
(Lahabrea) “...That’s something we’re going to have to risk.”
Sothis looked uncomfortable with that answer.
(Sothis) “His Sothis won’t be happy to hear that. Neither will House Isekai...”
(Lahabrea) “One thing at a time. We’ll tell them when they’re ready. For now, we must tend to his injuries in a safer spot.”
Lahabrea put the crystal into a nearby pedestal and teleported away with Sothis.
(Claude) “I think that’s the end of that...memory or whatever.”
Everyone looked away from the crystal mirror and tried to understand what they just witnessed.
(Yosuke) “So that Lahabrea guy we’ve been seeing...He’s Byleth?!”
(Teddie) “And Sothis is with him too!”
(Ignatz) “The Goddess doesn’t look anything like that!”
(Lorenz) “I suppose the question to be asking is what DO we know? This tower has never been here to our knowledge, Lahabrea is able to materialize your classmates into existence, AND has the power of the goddess and time on his side!”
(Kanji) “In other words, we don’t know shit...”
(Rise) “Eloquently put, Kanji...”
(Naoto) “They’re right. We need to keep investigating before we make any assumptions. The most we have right now is our memories future and past being displayed with echoes.”
(Yu) “Besides, we’ve just begun the investigation right?”
(Hilda) “Hey, I found that crystal that Lahabrea guy was talking about.”
As soon as she got near the pedestal, a door opened up behind it.
(Chie) “Uh...What’s that?”
(Yukiko) “Should we open it?”
(Raphael) “Well we aren’t going anywhere by not opening it.”
(Leonie) “W-Wait a second!”
Raphael opened the door and walked in, everyone rushing in behind.
(Lysithea) “YOU IDIOT, DON’T JUST GO...and...”
(Marianne) “By the goddess...!”
Everyone was awestruck by the room they had walked into.
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The staggering heights the ceiling went to, with the crystal in the wall illuminating the entire tower. It was the most beautiful and sinister thing they had ever seen.
(Claude) “Well, it certainly won’t be a dull time that’s for sure.”
(Yu) “Everyone, let’s get moving!”
Part 1: END
[This Beautiful Cruel World - Attack On Titan OST]
Your dream is where your heart is
It’s something more fragile than life itself
No matter how many times you throw it away, you still find it
So rest in peace now
Your wish is violated by your pulsing urge
and as much as you forget about it, you recall it again
In this beautiful and cruel world
We only ask “why” we’re still alive…
Ah, what are we going to protect
with our strength and weakness? If reason no longer exists
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5 notes · View notes
paxohana · 4 years
Menagerie, Pt. 7
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The weekend had passed at a snail’s pace, but none slower than that day. Viktor’s father insisted he spent the majority of the day at the factory.  The day was filled with tediously boring meetings, placating the union’s grievances, and touring the factory floor.  While Viktor liked to mingle with the employees, he wanted the day to be over.
The night would be filled with time spent with Yuuri.
The young man had visited Viktor’s dreams countless times throughout the week, and while Viktor welcomed them, he hoped that most of them would come true.  He longed to touch Yuuri even if it was a gentle touch, he desperately wanted to indulge in the taste that was Yuuri through a kiss.  He knew he was overreacting and wondered if they would ever have a chance at more, but knew they wouldn’t unless the stars aligned on some deserted island.  A man could wish, he thought.
When the steam whistle sounded, marking the end of the day, Viktor grabbed his light jacket and raced toward the door.  He only planned on spending a brief time at home changing and freshening up before heading to the restaurant for dinner with Yuuri.  He was so looking forward to it that he barely missed mowing Clare over.
“Out already, Mr. Viktor?” she questioned.
“Yep, I have dinner with Yuuri tonight,” Viktor answered.
He had told Clare about their day in the slums and the evening under the willow tree. He relayed everything they chatted about and even the slight kiss to Yuuri’s forehead.  While Viktor thought he had overstepped his bounds, Clare thought that Yuuri might be welcome to the sweet gesture.  He hadn’t shoved him away, after all.
“Have a wonderful time, Viktor,” Clare said, smiling sweetly at him.
With a kiss to her cheek and a heartfelt hug, Viktor was on his way.
Yuuri, on the other hand, couldn’t believe how quickly the day had passed and he was thankful for it.  His father had given him a day off when Yuuri couldn’t figure out how to post a certain account’s books correctly. While it frustrated Yuuri to no end, he was glad he wouldn’t be high-strung that evening.
That evening he would be spending hours with Viktor.
The faint thrill raced through his body, the familiar feeling each time he thought of Viktor.  Yuuri had spent countless hours lying in bed or sitting on his balcony thinking of the man who caught his fancy.  He knew he shouldn’t entertain such thoughts, but Yuuri couldn’t help it.  He was the most intriguing, selfless, and gorgeous person he had ever met in his life thus far, and Yuuri didn’t think anyone could surpass Viktor.
Yuuri passed the time by reading a book he’d been meaning to finish.  He was too restless to finish the novel and went outside to stroll through his mother’s impressive garden.  All of her favorite flowers were in bloom, so Yuuri decided to pick a bouquet for her since he knew she wouldn’t have time to.  Ambling from plant to bush, Yuuri had an armful of flowers by the time he finished.  He decided it was enough and headed for their expansive kitchen.  Hiroko wasn’t home that afternoon, so Yuuri hastily arranged the flowers and placed them in a vase.  He knew that his mother would be pleasantly surprised when she returned home.
When the sun began its slow descent from the sky, Yuuri knew it was time to get ready.  He wanted to look sharp that night, so he had to decide upon something quickly lest he be tardy.  Flying through the outfits in his walk-in closet, Yuuri didn’t hear Mari come in.  After hitting her in the face with a shirt and her subsequent yell, Yuuri spun around on his heel and apologized to her sister.  Yuuri offered an explanation of why he was a nervous wreck, and Mari insisted on helping him find the perfect outfit.  Yuuri was relieved his sister helped him, choosing a cream long-sleeved shirt and a pair of cotton trousers.  He wanted to wear his straw hat, but Mari refused, saying it made the outfit look childish. Yuuri reluctantly agreed.
He dressed in record time and flew down the steps.  His mother had returned home and just finished setting the table when Yuuri went into the dining room and gave her a hug goodbye.
“Where are you off to, son?” she asked.
“I’m having dinner with Viktor tonight,” Yuuri replied, “I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone.”
“Have a fun time, dear,” Hiroko said, returning the hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I will, Mom,” he said, grinning at her, “I will.”
They arrived within minutes of each other.  Yuuri was waiting near a well-manicured hedge and grinned broadly when he saw Viktor.  Extending a hand in greeting, Yuuri felt a pleasant feeling run through him, growing stronger when Viktor clasped Yuuri’s hand with both of his.
“How has the remainder of your week been, Yuuri?” Viktor asked after the greetings were out of the way.
“It’s been good, but nothing as remarkable as tonight,” Yuuri said truthfully.
“I agree wholeheartedly,” Viktor said, “Ready to go inside?”
Upon Yuuri’s nod, Viktor opened the door for him and placed his hand on the small of Yuuri’s back, guiding him toward the maitre’d stand.  When he realized what he had done, his hand flew back as if he was touching fire.  He looked around their surroundings, but no one had noticed his faux pas.
Sighing a breath of relief, Viktor chatted with Yuuri until the maitre’d seated them.  They thanked the gentleman for the glasses of lemon water before perusing the menu.  Yuuri had only eaten at the establishment once and asked Viktor what he normally chose.  When Viktor mentioned the prime rib, Yuuri thought it sounded mouthwatering.  He decided upon that while Viktor mentioned he’d like to try the salmon dish.  They placed their orders when the server arrived and Viktor ordered a bottle of wine, his knowledge of the beverage impressing Yuuri immensely.
“So,” Viktor began, resisting the urge to take Yuuri’s hand in his own, “What do you think?”
“This?”  Yuuri started, “This is amazing.  I’ve only been here once, but it was a business lunch with one of my father’s clients.  I didn’t really get to enjoy the occasion.”
“Then we must visit here more often,” Viktor stated.
“Oh no, I couldn’t!  It’s so expensive here,” Yuuri objected.
“Then it shall be a treat.  Allow me a small whim, my sweet Yuuri,” Viktor said, his fingers brushing against Yuuri’s knuckles before placing his hand in his lap.
Viktor loved the way the blush crept up Yuuri’s neck and rested upon his cheeks.  He had learned through the day that they spent at the slums that Yuuri was easily embarrassed and didn’t take compliments easily.  Viktor had an inkling that Yuuri didn’t react well to terms of endearment either.
“I’m...um...I’m not used to someone referring to me in such a favorable manner,” Yuuri said.
“Why not is beyond me,” Viktor said, “You should have all the pleasantries and sweet endearments showered upon you every day of your life.”
Yuuri gave him an embarrassed smile which Viktor thought precious.  He returned the smile, it growing broader when he saw the twinkling in Yuuri’s eyes. Only interrupted when their meals arrived, they set about eating.
“Mmm,” Yuuri said after swallowing the first bite of prime rib, “This is decadent.”
“It’s amazing, that’s for sure,” Viktor said, “Would you like to try a bite of my calamari?  It melts in your mouth.”
Yuuri nodded and tried to take the fork from Viktor’s hand, but Viktor held onto it firmly.  Stabbing a piece of the fish with the utensil, Viktor raised his hand and offered the calamari to him.  Yuuri’s eyes never left Viktor’s while he took the bite, his eyes closing while he was chewing.
“How can any place make meals so luscious?” Yuuri asked, smirking when Viktor laughed.
“Their chef is from France.  I’ve heard that he is one of the best in the world, Viktor declared.
“Quite impressive.”
They returned to their meals, chatting and sipping on their wine.  When they finished, Viktor asked Yuuri if he’d like to partake in dessert, but Yuuri was too full.  They made plans to visit again in the near future, though Yuuri made Viktor promise to let him pay that time.
They wandered around town talking about every subject under the sun.  They chatted about the presidential elections and how the man voted in would ruin the country.  Their conversation then went to the most prominent’s daughter having a child out of wedlock.  They felt bad for the young woman since she was the talk of the town.  Yuuri was more concerned that the baby had breathing problems after she had him, knowing that information since his mother helped with the birth.  He also mentioned the small wooden car he’d brought to the baby’s mother for when he grew a little more.  The woman had tears in her eyes from Yuuri’s kindness.
They found themselves at the willow tree again.  Yuuri was hesitant to sit since the dew had fallen and Viktor was wearing linen pants.  When Viktor sat on the ground without thinking, however, Yuuri followed suit and laid back onto the soft, dew-kissed grass.
“Copper for your thoughts,” Viktor said softly.
“I was thinking about how much I enjoyed tonight.  This has to be one of the best days of my life,” Yuuri admitted.
“I’m so happy you feel that way,” Viktor said, smiling at him.
Laying in silence as they listened to the spring frogs sing their nighttime song, Viktor and Yuuri simply enjoyed the other’s company.  It was growing late though, and Viktor needed to wake early the next morning.
“I have to return home shortly,” Viktor said.
“As do I.  My father has a busy day planned for me tomorrow,” Yuuri said.
Viktor sat up and nodded.  Yuuri followed and stood up, brushing the grass off his backside.  Viktor noticed and felt his temperature increase.  He found every single action that Yuuri did amazingly attractive, and he wanted it for himself alone.
“Would you like to go to the play that’s performing at the theater on Sunday?” Yuuri questioned, “My parents have an extra ticket.”
“I’d love to.”
Stepping closer to Yuuri, Viktor placed his hands on Yuuri’s shoulders before embracing him.  Yuuri’s breath hitched as he felt himself lost in Viktor’s embrace.  Feeling his body come to life, Yuuri held his breath and wrapped his arms around Viktor.  Hugging him tighter, Yuuri felt lost when Viktor released him.
“Until Saturday, my sweet Yuuri,” Viktor said, squeezing his shoulders once before leaving.
Yuuri was on cloud nine, he had ascended to the heavens.  The electricity that had rushed through his body when he felt Viktor’s body against his own hadn’t abated, and Yuuri wished it would last forever.  Feeling ever so hopeful, Yuuri glanced at the moon and made a wish.
“Please allow Viktor and I something more,” he whispered into the still night air.  
Closing his eyes tightly, he wanted the wish to come true more than anything in the world.  Knowing he had to go home, Yuuri turned around and descended the hill, his heart forever hopeful.
Talented artwork done by the amazing @princessmimoza​ !  Need to catch up? Check out Menagerie on Ao3!
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honeyblair · 2 years
i'm bored so here's a list of yuri on ice headcanons that i have concerning attachments to
yuuri studied music in college. doesn't matter if he majored in it or minored with a more "realistic" major but i refuse to believe that music hasn't played a part in his life (also there's a lot of evidence that he's a pianist.)
victor is an avid literature enjoyer. in the blu ray version of the show the scene with victor's home is changed to have literally wall to wall bookshelves filled to the brim. you cannot tell me that man hasn't read every single one backwards and forwards.
when phichit and yuuri met in detroit, phichit immediately attached himself to yuuri. at first, yuuri probably didn't understand phichit's extroverted insistence. but eventually phichit drew yuuri out of his shell and got him to actually socialize like a normal college student.
to add on to the last one, yuuri actually was pretty well known at his college but he himself thought he was invisible. little did he know, he was actually pretty popular but many people thought he was intimidating or scary to approach when, in reality, yuuri thought that of everyone else.
yuuri arrived in the united states already fluent in english. it is really REALLY common in the skating world that camps and coaches teach you english as a second language if you're competing internationally. also, it would make sense for the katsuki's to know at least a little english as they run a one-of-a-kind inn in a town popular with tourists.
yuuri never really was into anime as a child/teenager but was formally introduced when phichit forced him to watch a handful of shows after learning his friend had little anime knowledge. yuuri responded well and took interest to various soundtracks and anime composers.
phichit introduced yuuri to vocaloid and yuuri's life has not been the same since. phichit almost regrets it as yuuri became obsessed with the technology behind the vocaloid software but is glad he's obsessed with the music aspect rather than the anime girls.
yuuri has attended a hatsune miku concert. do i really need to elaborate.
yuuri hated wearing warm and super bright colors for the longest time. if it wasn't blue, purple or black, get that shit out of here. victor slowly opened him up to the idea of other colors though.
victor isn't fond of teenagers. i mean, i think we all know how close he was to snapping at yurio multiple times throughout the show. he's fake nice to their faces but is probably fucking tired of teenage angst.
victor's had some sort of major injury in his career. it's been alluded to in the show but i seriously wouldn't be surprised with his work ethic and constant training since he was a teenager.
yurio knew of yuuri before the sochi gpf. maybe he was even a fan of yuuri's.... but he'd rather be six feet under than admit it to his face.
victor and yuuri don't get married until a few years after their barcelona engagement. while i feel like victor would want to rush into marriage, yuuri would most defiantly push back and need more time to adjust to the new state of their relationship. they went from strangers to fiancés in the span of only 8 months after all.
yuuri and victor don't stay in russia for long. depending on in-universe laws and stuff, same sex marriage might not be legal in russia and, to be honest, i don't know if i could see yuuri or victor happy in russia for the rest of their lives.
yurio absolutely hates the faux parental roles yuuri and victor have adopted and pisses them off on purpose. he grows to appreciate it eventually and values their commitment to him even while he was an angsty dick of a teenager.
yurio has a handful of bands he listens to in secret and would murder anyone who found out. these bands consist of my chemical romance, panic at the disco and other emo classics.
victor eventually takes on more students in addition to yuuri and quickly realizes that he has no idea how to properly coach younger skaters because how are you supposed to train children when your only coaching experience is the unprofessional methods (literally just flirting) you used on the man you crushed on
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iwaswritingmywayout · 4 years
BTMH: Chapter 16: Dogeza
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Y/N was sleeping on her bed, next to Makkachin. She rolled over onto her side to check her phone. The time was 7:50. Y/N shrieked when she realized what time it was. She jumped out of bed and quickly got changed. After the pain Hot Springs on Ice caused her, she decided to wrap her knee so it wouldn’t hurt as badly. It wouldn’t be obvious because she would be wearing pants. No one would be able to tell the pain she was in. She grabbed her skating bag before running all the way to Ice Castle Hasetsu. When she got there Seonghwa was standing on the ice waiting for her.
“Sorry! I overslept! U-Um…” Y/N said.
“Good morning, Y/N! Only Aeroflot has kept me waiting as long as you have,” Seonghwa said.
Y/N jumped down into a dogeza position, her hands clasped together in an apology.
Seonghwa clapped slowly. “Oh! Japanese dogeza!”
‘Seonghwa will be staying in Hasetsu to be my coach.’
“Resting is a part of work, too,” Seonghwa said.
‘But to me, it’s surreal. It’s more like having a god around than a coach. To think that a coach of my very own is going to be here every day. That I am going to get to train with the person I like and likes me back. I still haven’t told him what he said, but I am sure I’ll tell him soon.’
Seonghwa skated around on the ice while Y/N observed.
‘And that coach is Seonghwa Nikiforov himself. He said I could pay his coaching fees after, but I wonder how expensive it will be.’
Y/N attempted to do a jump and messed up.
“Y/N, you tend to flub your jumps when something is on your mind,” Seonghwa said. “What are you thinking about?”
Later on, Y/N sat in the hot spring with a robe on, facing away from Seonghwa as he stretched behind her.
“Y/N, maybe we should nix having three quads in your free program. You’re having trouble with them, and your knee can’t handle it,” Seonghwa said.
“But… I-If I want to win the Grand Prix Final, and show that I deserved to, I need those. My knee is fine, as well. I haven’t been having any problems with it. Why would you mention it?” Y/N said.
“Why? I saw your face during your program, and after. It was very clear that you were in pain. And even if there’s only one quad, just get a perfect score on the program components!” Seonghwa said.
‘Let me pause here to explain the scoring system in figure skating! Jumps and spins count toward a technical score. Choreography and interpretation count toward a presentation score. The total score is a sum of those two, minus any deductions!’
‘When I skate, I tend to lose technical points by missing jumps, but close the gap through the presentation score.’
‘At any rate, this isn’t good enough. I have to change,’ Y/N thought. ‘There’s no way I’ll be able to win if I am relying on my presentation score.’
“Y/N, do you know why I decided to become your coach?” Seonghwa asked, standing up. He then wrapped his towel around his waist.
Y/N turned around to look at him. “Huh?” She asked.
Seonghwa crouched on a rock before grabbing Y/N’s wrists and pulled her until she was partially out of the water.
“I was drawn to you because of the music…The way you skate like your body is creating music. The way you skate like your body is an instrument and you are the best composer alive. I want to create a high-difficulty program to maximize that. Only I can do that,” Seonghwa said.
Y/N blushed fiercely, still trying to comprehend what Seonghwa said.
“That’s the gut feeling I had,” Seonghwa said. When he stood up, he pulled her up with him. “And the short program validated it!” Seonghwa grabbed Y/N’s ankle raising her leg slightly. “Perhaps you should produce your next free program.”
“Huh? But my coach has always chosen my music—“Y/N said.
Seonghwa let go of her leg. “Isn’t it more fun to do it yourself?” Seonghwa asked.
“But my previous coach…” Y/N droned off.
Eventually Y/N worked her way out of Seonghwa’s hands. She grabbed a bottle of alcohol as she walked back to her room. She had a bad habit of drinking whenever she didn’t want to address something that happened, and this was one of those days. Unfortunately for her, the way she acts after getting drunk is much worse than just addressing whatever she didn’t want to address.
She sat down on her bed and decided to watch TV as she drank. She wasn’t really paying attention to what she was doing, and before she knew it the bottle was empty. Y/N had always had low alcohol tolerance, so the one bottle was enough to make her drunk.
She opened her door. It slammed against the wall and everyone stuck their head out of their room. They saw Y/N walking through the hallway, her cheeks bright red, so it was obvious that she was drunk.
“Where *hiccup* Seonghwa,” Y/N said, her words slurring.
“Y/N, why are you stumbling around drunk?” Mari asked when she saw her sister stumbling.
“Seonghwa,” she said stubbornly.
“What do you want?” Mari asked. Y/N wasn’t making much sense so Mari couldn’t tell what she was saying. “Yuuri! Your sister is drunk again!”
Yuuri was sitting at a table with Seonghwa, eating pork cutlet bowls. When Mari called his name, he shook his head and sighed. “Oh my god,” Yuuri said.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. “What happened with Y/N?”
“She’s drunk again. She’s a bit of a handful when she’s drunk. She’s also very honest, and spills basically all her secrets,” Yuuri explained.
“Oh, interesting,” Seonghwa said.
“Yuuri! I need your help, she’s getting handsy!” Mari yelled.
Seonghwa laughed softly as Yuuri got up to go help her. When he got to Mari he saw Y/N clinging to a pole on the wall, refusing to let go.
“Y/N, please let go of the light,” Yuuri said.
Y/N nodded and let go. They had learnt that Yuuri was the only person Y/N would listen to when she was drunk. Y/N let Yuuri lead her back to her room. She quietly went inside and then decided to play with the ball on the ground. She really was like a toddler.
Yuuri went back to the table. “Word of advice just leave her alone until she sobers up,” Yuuri said.
Seonghwa chuckled then nodded. After he finished eating, he returned to his room. He sat down on the bed and scrolled through social media while petting his dog. About thirty minutes after, he heard a door slam open and then loud footsteps that stopped in front of his door. Then his door swung open, and standing in the doorway was Y/N.
“We – We need to talk,” Y/N said.
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cherry-oppa · 5 years
I realise I’m late to the party, but I’ve loved all the ship dynamic posts I’ve seen, so I decided to make one of some of my own favourites, named after some of their most iconic harbingers (imo).
The Elizabeth Swan/Will Turner model
A is completely in awe of B, knowing that they’re below B in status (prince[ss]/knight type dynamic) and not daring to openly show their affection, although it seeps through their every interaction with B. God-tier ship dynamic when A is a man and B is a woman. “How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?” “At least once more, Miss Swan. *whispers reverently behind her back* Elizabeth...”
The Tamaki/Haruhi model
A is a blatant and super-cheesy flirt, oozing fuckboy energy, but is in reality deeply in love with and utterly devoted to B. B is stoic and completely unaffected by A’s grand, public displays of affection, but is in reality just as devoted as them. A gets incredibly flustered and doesn’t know what to do with themselves when B returns their affection.
The Victor/Yuuri model
A idolises B and looks up to them as the master that they are of their art, harbouring a huge celebrity crush on them. B is suave and worldly and has admirers everywhere, seeming completely unobtainable. In reality, B falls hopelessly for A at their first meeting and bends over backwards to be able to be with them, while A remains clueless. Bonus points if A is a flirty drunk but doesn’t remember shit when they drink.
The Christopher/Millie (Chrestomanci) model
A and B are childhood friends, they know each other better than anyone else and are completely devoted to each other in a very matter-of-fact way. A is the most dramatic bitch you will ever meet, frequently draping themselves over furniture in long robes and moping obnoxiously whenever something doesn’t go their way. B, being a patron saint of patience, is the only one equipped (and inclined) to deal with A’s moods. (Alternatively: the Howl/Sophie model, if they’re not childhood friends)
The Ash/Eiji model
A is older than B, but has led a far more sheltered and cushy life than B, making them more naive and easily trusting than B. A difficult and painful life has made B untrusting of other people and they wear a guarded mask of indifference to most people and situations. However, A’s straightforward and trusting nature, as well as their refusal to be scared off by B’s sometimes threatening nature, is what thaws a piece of B’s icy heart, and they develop an undying devotion to A that could part oceans and move mountains.
Feel free to add to these!
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marumafan · 5 years
(spoilers)Trick or Treat CD summary
Reminder: I'm just quickly summarizing, might have missing parts.
Trick or Treat
Track 1 It starts with Yuuri sleeping and Wolfram wakes him up early with the first engiwarui cry, it’s still dark. Wolf is wearing the clothes from the halloween illustrations. Yuuri asks Wolf why he's looking so hot (using "hot limit"), and Wolfram confused opens a dictionary. He looks for hot and limit(girigiri). He mixes both words and comes up with 'atsugiri' something like a 'thick slice', and starts complaining about that (because he understood it as fat or something ). Yuuri tries other words like 'revolution' with similar comedic effects. Eventually Yuuri asks where he got the dictionary and looks at the front seeing it was Anissina who wrote it.
As he says the name, she appears, everyone's wearing the halloween outfits from here on.
They talk about Halloween (Harouin -> "Drinking Leaf Dew") in Shin Makoku. She borrowed the whip from Cherie-sama. She explains how she'll be in charge of Harouin and make a NEW Harouin, because Gunter became a victim of her experiments. When Yuuri asks if Gunter’s alive Wolfram says something like "I wouldn't call that living ".
When Wolfram complains about this, Anissina says, maybe you want to be in the experiments instead of your brother and Gunter. Wolfram apologizes to Gunter and lets him continue to be experimented on, and Yuuri says that gives him Deja-vu (Wolfram has in the past let his brother take the fall and never tried to get in his place)
They explain that he's in the okiku doll shooting lasers and can't speak.  (The Gunter seiyuu couldn't make it to the recording)
Yuuri sees his suit, he says is the same as Wolf, but Wolf corrects him says that he's a cat and his has wings.
The title for the CD starts
Trick or Treat
Gwen and Conrad are walking, they talk about their costumes. They're heading to the hills behind the Blood Pledge Castle. They have a container and a spoon (to collect the Dew) Gwen complains that he's too busy and Conrad thanks him for always working for the country. He also says 'daisukidayo' I love you ~, Gwen asks why and he said he just wanted to tell him how he feels. Gwen asks where is Gunter and Conrad says that he must be in some room as a 'Frozen Salmon'. Gwen doesn't understand and Conrad says you're lucky you don't.
Jozak shows up saying he brought Daikenja with him. Murata comments on their costumes, and Jozak says he's jealous and to compliment him too! Murata makes a 'voice' and says your Red Queen Cosplay is good 'hard breathing'. with byceps that can tear off the sleeves. Jozak is happy. Conrad comments that Murata looks cute with his Wolf costume, and Murata gets upset saying everyone gets it wrong, that it's a dog. He says the best part are the dog teeth and then says "gao" (like a 'scray' lion roar). Gwen immediately breaks because of the cuteness. He says it's not scary but cute, and Murata says that Gwen is scary . Conrad apologizes says that Gwen goes blind when fluffy things appear. Jozak says that if His Excellency keeps praising His Highness he'll be jealous (of who is not specified).
Gwen says he's used to seeing Gurie in those clothes for the missions so he doesn't really care at all. Conrad asks if he needs to keep wearing them and Jozak says he needs to shut up. Gwen says he prefers Jozak to use his 'usual' voice (he's been using his girl voice), and Jozak immediately starts using a deep voice. He says that he commits to being Gurie when he's cross-dressed but if Gwen asks he'll just pop instead. Conrad says he's a simple man, and Jozak says he's not, he just has his priorities clear. Murata talks to the audience and says it's a bit surreal with the dress and the biceps, but this time is just audio. Conrad asks who he's talking to. He says to everyone through their earphones and speakers. 
Jozak says they made it there. Anissina, Yuuri and Wolf appear. Yuuri tells them he was awoken by Wolf, wonders if everyone was there cuz Anissina called. Gwen says nah, and Anissina starts hitting him with the whip. Then he comments on the costume and how her breasts are popping out and she hits him again. She asks why if Yuuri has been working so hard since morning, he's slacking. Gwen says that the 'Leaf Dew Drinking' was originally something that kids and women did to pray for the safety and health of their family. Anissina gets angry hearing 'kids and women'. Keeps hitting him, saying as a politician he should be more aware of discriminatory bias. And keeps hitting him saying he should be ashamed. Wolf tells Anissina to stop. She turns to Conrad and asks why he's so late. Conrad says that he only wakes up early for the training with Yuuri and didn't think he had to wake up early that day. Yuuri says yeah me too. Then he and Wolf show off how much dew they collected. Yuu says it was fun scooping it with the spoon. Jozak says that if you mix the dew with ink it gives you a beautiful ink. Murata says he remembers that there was a 'setting' that if they drank a few drops something would happen.
Yuuri asks what he means by setting, and Murata says he was the one to come up with Harouin or rather Daikenja. He says that now a days it's different, like drink it to not catch a cold.
Wolf clarifies it's so they don't get sick and also gives you more appetite. Murata says that in the past it was different. Anissina then hits Murata with the whip and Jozak takes it away from her.
She apologizes and says that she wants to do the old tradition of Harouin. She says she wants to do it by drinking the dew of the "Mangosteen Mandragora" flower . (This name never gets heard in full, only the script has it. In the CD it's being constantly beeped out because it sounds like manko-> pussy. In other words, it's like she's saying pussy juice, and btw, they always leave the MA in.)
Yuuri says what did you say? She keeps saying it, even shortens the name (to what can only be manko-> pussy), and everyone's in like super shock and Wolfram says Anissina! And Jozak says: Even though you have such a cute face you're saying something like that (the beeping of everything Anissina is saying has a huge comedic effect).
She continues saying that drinking the MA juice, lets the person see what's to come in the near future.
They keep talking back and forth, Murata agrees, and eventually Yuuri drinks the juice and looses consciousness. -------------------------------------------- Anissina appears in chibi form as a guide ----------------------------------------- What Yuuri dreams is exactly like " It happens to everyone" Gunter is not there so Gwendal talks about him. Gwendal is happy with his horses living in harmony.
Jozak has his restaurant wearing the Chinese dress.
The Conrad scene: They're at the church. Conrad asks about Yuuri in a formal suit, Yuuri says that he does have a party with a princess and a prince.
Conrad says if you're pretending to pray your hands are wrong and fixes them. Yuuri says his fingers are cold. They talk about the weather, how Conrad is kinda mean to him, that Conrad's a celebrity bodyguard. He says the person he's looking after is selfish, but at least they're not as reckless as Yuuri used to be. Yuuri says he was a high schooler, Conrad said he didn't hate it. He accidentally touches Yuuri's neck with his finger and Yuuri kinda jumped, so Conrad gave him his scarf. Yuuri says he doesn't need it, Conrad insists. Yuuri says fine but I'll give it back, WHEN?  Conrad doesn't reply. Yuuri says, I can only get things from you but I can't get a reply. Yuuri insists, says choose a time  now. Conrad apologizes says he doesn't know his schedule before hand. Yuuri says then at least talk to your friends and brothers! Tell everyone you're ok.
Conrad gets upset and yells,even though I came here to meet you! (you're saying these things). And then he says Yuuri should just talk about himself and not ask him about him. If not, just leave. Yuuri says if you have no plans then come with me to meet Wolf and Greta. Conrad refuses, Yuuri says meet us there, Conrad says: No. Leave. He says he has things to do at the church. Even though you're not a Catholic Yuuri asks, and Conrad says yes, 'to repent'. Yuuri starts hitting him, and says he himself has countless regrets then. Then Conrad says he was the one who decided Yuuri should be on earth. Yuuri says no. Conrad says even though I knew how that would end. Yuuri says it's not his sin to bear. And Conrad says goodbye, have a good night.
and ends.
Yuuri meets with Wolfram and Greta. Just like in the story. Greta is 'upstairs' shopping with other parents. Yuuri complains, did you just leave our cute princess alone. Wolfram corrects him says that because shes 12 he shouldn't use 'cute' anymore, rather he should say beautiful or wonderful. Yuuri says he'll try. Wolf asks if he met with everyone. Yuuri says yes, they're all doing fine. Gunter owns a museum, Gurie owns a restaurant. And Conrad.... Wolf asks if he was just with him, yuuri says yes, tells him that he's a bodyguard for a celebrity. Wolf sounds sad, he said: I thought you'd bring Conrad with you. Yuuri said, I wanted to. Wolf said I thought I'd punch him in the face if I saw him, but I don't want Greta to see me like that, so I asked her to wait upstairs. Yuuri's like so that's what happened. And he apologized for not having the strength to bring him. Wolf says it's fine don't worry. -If he's doing okay that’s enough.- Yuuri says: You're really 'grown up' . Wolf complains says how much older am I than you? Yuuri says, he wasn't talking about actual years, because there's a difference with humans in development. They talk about the relationship with brothers , Yuuri with his too. He then says he couldn't really talk to Conrad and he ran away too. Wolfram says that's because Conrad has no awareness and after Yuuri he's the biggest henachoko. Yuuri says he's strict for being the youngest brother.
Wolfram says that the brothers weren't close until Yuuri came.  Then, that saying 'came' is wrong. Wolf continues: "That country.... Shin Makoku, is not our country anymore." Yuuri apologizes and Wolf says there's nothing to apologize, I won't accept any apologies. Yuuri says: BUT!
Wolf:Don't forget, the person who chose to come here, to this earth with You and Greta was me. I've never had any regrets and I never will.
Yuuri says he has tons of regrets. You’re strong.  Wolf says Of course! I'm a former soldier Yuuri says, I wasn't talking about the physical, but about your state of mind. Wolf says that's obvious too, because he's Yuuri's husband. Yuuri's like yup yup , husband huu~ And then Yuuri’s like “wait! You're the wife!” Wolf says he doesn't remember becoming his wife  Yuuri says: Eh! We find this out right after becoming newlyweds!? Wolf says it's just Yuuri having a problem understanding it. Yuuri says: Gotchu, let's talk about that in detail when we get home.  Right now we have to worry about our precious daughter, then Yuuri uses cute again, Wolf reminds him of the adjective.  Yuuri says he'll tell her she looks super beautiful and Wolf's like I've already said that to her many times! Yuuri then keeps thinking how to praise her. Wolf says don't think, feel it. What’s with the martial arts advise - Yuuri asks. Yuuri says that unlike his oniichan he can't easily say compliments. Wolf says that just looking at Greta the compliments will flow like in a fountain. Yuuri says he's bad at  Japanese  and that Wolf is like a 1000 times better than him at fashion sense. Wolf sighs and says thats why you always leave the rearing of Greta to me. He talks about the distribution of work. Wolf says and you're 'otousan' and I'm 'daddy'. Yuu says no objection there. Greta comes out, in a green dress and white cape and Yuuri and Wolf are gushing . Wolf says he wants to show her off, Yuuri says me too, but I guess I can't put her on my shoulders anymore. Wolf says true but you can let her hold your arm to escort her out. Yuuri says she can do that with 'Daddy, that he just wants to hold her hand. 
----dream ends--------- Anissina and Yuuri talk Murata calls him on the phone, to wake him up~ Murata says that because he saw the future he shouldn't have seen he'll now forget. Yuuri said it was sad except for Wolf and Greta. ----------------------- So Murata somehow makes him forget except for the good stuff, by making him cross a door from the space Yuuri was.
------------------------------- Track 2
Yuuri wakes up. Everyone is concerned (because they thought he was hurt). Murata says that he passed out after drinking the MA juice.
Wolf was super angry, was accusing Anissina of murder. Anissina appears and apologizes, but says she'll refine the MA juice and mass produce it next year.
Anissina asks about the dream:
Yuuri says he doesn't remember Murata says:what nothing? And then he sorta remembers seeing Greta’s more grown face and hair. Wolf immediately grabs him and says tell me everything how was she was she super beautiful!? Yuuri says stop shaking me my brains will come out of my ears.
Jozak says since it was a premonitory dream wasn't it about Greta 's dream of becoming your wife.
Wolfram looses it. Even though you have me you'd do something so disgusting with your own daughter! Yuuri shouts no no!!! You're wrong! Wolfram says: If you do anything to make Greta sad I won't forgive you
Yuuri says: Of course I'd never do something like that! She's my precious princess. Wolf: really?  Yuu: Of course, besides the one I'm marrying is you. Stop it with the weird ideas. Wolf: Huph~! You're being really honest. Finally accepted being my fiance? Yuuri : I don't know if I accepted it or resigned myself to it : Lately I've been thinking 'even though' it's Wolfram I'll be happy marrying him. Wolf: EVEN THOUGH!? WHAT does that mean!? Yuuri: Oh, just let it be! I'll be otousan and you'll be 'daddy' We'll be double fathers and raise Greta. Wolf (surprised): Oh, ok, that’s exactly what I wanted, but what does 'daddy' mean Yuuri says: I thought I'had told you about being father. Wolf's like no... but OK! "Daddy" thats good. (another dictionary scene, dame and ocha ).
Jozak compliments the family scene and says: let me be a part~ Wolf complains but Jozak says he doesn't have anyone~ Conrad says: If Jozak's joining can I join too? Wolf complains more says he won't let anyone interrupt them. Conrad says he needs to let Yuuri decide. Wolf says, Yuuri should scold Conrad for being so brazen~
Yuuri's like : What are you all talking about?
Conrad: We're talking about how since I'm not married, I don't mind being around his Majesty.
Wolfram: We're not talking about that Murata says btw didn't Cherie have a collection of men? Wolfram sad: yeah.... the maou's harem Yuuri remembers the macho guys Jozak says: If Conrad's joining (the harem) so will I~ Wolfram: Gurie, you like Anissina, she's still single. How about you go over there? Jozak: I'm getting kicked out suddenly. Oh no Third Son Excellency you're too stingy! Wolf : It's fine to be, The seats here have been occupied, go ahead and take one next to Anissina. Jozak says : Wolf’s being dumb, that there's no room between his beloved Anissina-chan ,and his most respected Excellency Gwendal.
And he points at them: Anissina then says since Yuuri couldn't remember she has to find a way. So she chooses Gwen as subject. He refuses a few times. She puts him in a box. It's MISEMASHOW. A dream theater that will let her see his dreams. She pulls out another bottle and force feeds him the MA JUICE (lord)
The machine starts electrocuting him
People watching say it's terrible. Jozak says that Cherie said that if Anissina hurt him, she'd have to take responsibility. Conrad reminds everyone of the zombie arm and starting to melt. So Jozak says he can't interrupt those two,
Then Jozak says: Muraken Geika~! I can be your Highness dog any time and do it happily, just let me know ... Murata says: Oh, but I'm a holy man~ Yuuri: What are you talking about? Anissina says Trick or Treat And Gwen cries it’s not a mischief or something like that -------------------------------
Seiyuus talk They talked about their dreams and if they were came true. The nicest thing about this talk is how all the seiyuus are kind of excited about more material coming out? I don't know if it's wishful thinking or if they know something, but it's very exciting.
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