#yuu is actually my pathetic little meow meow
blanketorghost · 1 year
A taste of Something New (Pt. 1)
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"When I'm not with you, I think of you always..."
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Yuu vignette!! I did promise some Yuu pining pre-Azul catching feelings so <3
Fic under the cut!
Summary: Against his better judgement, Yuu wants to bring Azul a meaningful souvenir from the scalding sands.
• Pairing: Yuu Fujisaki x Azul Ashengrotto (one-sided), Azul Ashengrotto x Jamil Viper (implied, one-sided)
• Timeline: During/Post Al'ab Narya and Ch. 4. Pre Ch. 5
• Notes: Azul may be OOC? Have never been good at writing him convincingly imho
A simple, recycled cardboard cover. Lined ivory paper with the faintest smell of persimmon. That's what Yuu first saw when he got the idea. The item in itself... wasn't something that really caught much attention when placed besides its other, flashier patterned hard-cover companions. But it was what he could afford on his meager budget. Either way, what mattered was the content.
For the writing materials, though... pencil would be best in theory. But wouldn't that be a bit tacky? Careless, even? Pencil meant insecurity of oneself... leniency. It meant you didn't trust yourself not to make any mistakes. At least, Yuu thought, that's what Azul would assume, right? He was all about appearances. Maybe ink would be a better option.
What if he messed up writing, though?
Yuu picks up another notebook from the stall and ponders. He could always write two just to be safe.
With a heavy sigh, Yuu pays for the stationery alongside some trinkets Grim had gotten enthralled by, checking the price on each one.
Still on budget. Nice.
The idea of gifting Azul a recipe book had come to him on a whim, something he only realized when Jamil was guiding them through Camel market. Seeing all the foreign fruit, smelling such different scents than he was used to... Surely, this could benefit Azul's research for Mostro Lounge. At first, he had thought of just buying the book ready-made, full of expert recipes and images for reference. But wouldn't that be just... too easy? If Azul wanted a Scalding Sands recipe book, he could just order it online. If anything, Yuu could even accidentally gift him a double of one of the many, many books he had on his personal library. So why not make a unique one instead?
It would definitely be a challenge to write in such short notice, though.
To be entirely honest, Yuu wasn't exactly a foodie. His cooking was meant to be easy and cheap as to not go over the meager allowance Crowley gave him each month, and he barely had any time to indulge on cooking anything else than what was essential for him and Grim to survive. He didn't even know where to start. Compared to people like Trey or Jamil, he was already at a disadvantage. And his own skewed sense of self and ego didn't allow him to ask for any help in the matter, so he was stuck at square one.
All of these thoughts and others flooded Yuu's brain as he chewed on the veggie shawarma he'd been offered for lunch. In fact, if it weren't for the sudden disappearance of one of the orders, he would've kept on chewing at it while looking absentmindedly at the crowds passing by.
"Grim... what did I tell you about stealing food?"
"Fgnah! Don't look at me that way!! I didn't take anything! Why take ONE wrap when I could swipe a whole spit of meat from the stall? I'd get way more food!"
"Please don't do that. Ever." Jamil chimes in. And for once, Yuu has to agree with anything he says.
As the group recounts their orders, Yuu looks down at Grim, who's spared little talk after being wrongfully accused of shawarma theft. The little guy was glaring at the ground and had his arms crossed, tapping his foot on the sandy floor as he awaited an apology.
"... wanna try mine?" Yuu crowches down to his friend's level and offers his own wrap to Grim, who side-eyes it momentarily before whipping his head away.
"You ain't gonna eat it?"
"I'm not hungry." Yuu dangles the shawarma in an attempt to make it look enticing, some veggies falling to the ground.
Grim eyes the wrap suspiciously before quickly swiping it from Yuu's hands with starry eyes, basically devouring it as soon as he gets it. Taking big bites and making a little mess on his hands with the sticky sauce. "Mmmh! The vegetables are so fresh and crunchy! The onions and bell peppers are perfectly sautéed and the cumin really makes the cauliflower taste even better! Mnh..." Grim takes another bite of the shawarma, completely delighted. "The lime's also super refreshing. And the chickpeas are crunchy on the outside and butteyr on the inside! It's a perfect balance!"
"Hm. You can really taste all that?" Yuu asks, a little amused at his friend's detailed explanation.
"An'... *munch* this is *munch* just the basics!" Grim exclaims proudly in-between bites. "I could totally tell you every ingredient in this!"
"Do you, now?" Yuu hums. It may be a long shot, but maybe Grim's big appetite could finally be useful. He may not get ratios right, but that would be a good start. "... Hey, Grim? I've got a proposal for you."
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
Owari no seraph for the ask game!
ask game
hi hi hi!!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Guren, probably. Compared to a lot of my other fandoms I honestly give most of the characters a fair chance, I write things for nearly every main character and a lot of side characters. But yeah, Guren's just. Guren's my guy. He's the blorbo. My dear departed husband who is a fictional war criminal
Runner up blorbos would probably be Yuu and Mika, though they just don't need any more attention since they're. Yknow. The main characters and tend to be overrated and mischaracterized so much it gets annoying! But they're mine and no one else is allowed to look at them except my beloved mutuals. Stop doing it
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Asuramaru. Asuramaru my baby girl. I've always considered asuramaru transfem bc of the way that their presentation goes from shorter hair and plainer clothes in backstory to a literal dress and hair longer than their entire body even tho they're technically supposed to be a guy i just. I don't care. Asuramaru what a girlboss<3 The she<3 I get so much cuteness agression from that fucking idiot I want to rumple her hair and put her in the washing machine and give her blood snacky snacks
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
SHINOA MY GIRL AND YOICHI MY BOY. Yoichi my BOY he is literally my main kin in owari no seraph and I. Hgmghewihg. I'm a lil embarassed about that however. I hate how the fandom treats him because he's literally the most dangerous person on the squad like no fucking contest. He's the only one who figured out manifestation on his own, he's 10 times better at handling his demon than anyone else, his emotional control is off the CHARTS, he needs so much fucking therapy, I just. Dude. Did u guys forget about the whole. The. When chapter 51. Yoichi will get his time and you're all going to regret calling him an uwu baby when he does
And shinoa. I may not relate to her as heavily as I do with some of the others, but I want to rip her from kagami's cold dead hands and give her an article on comphet and also just. A hug. A long hug. She's a kid. She's the youngest one on the squad, I think. She's been given shit from the moment she was born and she has not had one fucking moment to be herself and yet she managed to have such a hilarious badass personality. She's also the same height as me and therefore we are siblings and she is me. I love Shinoa i lllvoe shnoia
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): oh god I have. Several of these. So #1, Aiko. This girl
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You know, the girl that gets one episode in battle of nagoya and then fucking dies. I, love her, she did nothing wrong, she deserves the world and she is so pretty. I also think she and Mito are kissing btw. Girlboss x girlboss.
Also. I think I win "obscure fave" because I was so adament not to make an actual oc that my other glup shitto is. I grabbed a guy who literally had a single throwaway line- not even his line, just mentioning him, and gave him a whole character arc and backstory.
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This little guy here who gave Mika a death glare. I just realized now that I looked at this again he's calling the name dai. I thought HE was Dai. Well he's Dai now, who else is gonna correct me? Him and the kid Ferid dropped (who i named florian) are heavily featured in my giant ons rewrite as GIANT plot devices, given their own arcs, and used to further the arcs of Crowley and Mika especially, and to give a current insider's perspective of Ferid's Child Trafficking Business. Dai is actually a spy for the demon army in my fic, it's... yknow, I'd better not just start rambling I never even actually wrote half of their stuff but I love them dearly.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
God, both Mika and Guren fit here perfectly.
It's soooo funny how most Guren stans nowadays are some version of Mika antis, and most Mika stans nowadays are some form of Guren antis. I love them both and they're both my horrible terrible fucked up poor little meow meows. On an intellectual level both of them did SO many things wrong but also your honor. They did nothing wrong. Shoves the catastrophe behind my back. They have so many issues to work out I DESPISE them /pos but if anyone else says a SINGLE WORD against them they're catching my hands
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
I loooooooove torturing guren it is my absolute favorite activity I love putting him in the guren plinko over and over like beast dazai i love watching him suffer and be in pain it's so fun because he's my favorite and i love him. Also though god what I would do to make him happy
im going to create another one because I think it's funny: Blorbo-In-Law (character you know and like but aren't the expert on, however one or more friends does in fact legally own this character): Shinya. I like shinya just fine, I love shinya, but he's just not the kind of guy I can relate to nearly as much as guren and I know some of my beloved mutuals just know him so much better. But I know Shinya has a strong, dedicated fandom who is absolutely giving their lives for that man on the daily. Like. He gets NOTHING and I feel so fucking sorry for u guys lol
i WENT OFF on this one didn't i
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franken-x · 3 years
This isn't a fandom but. characters specifically from vocaloid music videos if that works?
so I'll be linking the music videos and this is probably gonna be mostly nilfruits focused (we'll see where this goes)
blorbo (top fave) : doc/dr popart
it kinda depends on the day but i uh. i listened to doctorine around like 400 times last year (I don't have the number anymore :pensive:) so def doc
(hospitals, suicide, hospital affiliated paraphernalia)
scrunkly (cuteness aggression) : the bellboy
literally look at him. and I had a whole au and everything. i love him he is precious to me and he's living his best life in ironina
haine kleine
(see below for content warnings)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fave) : oro andalucia
I cannot put into words how much I love this anticapitalist waluigi
he saw capitalism and was like "guess ill die"
(suicide references, eyestrain)
glup shitto (obscure fave): haine
not quite obscure but when I saw him in the background of ironina I was like "oh!!!! the man!!!!!!" haine and kleine is that type of song that you forget about for a few months and then when you listen to it again You listen to it for a week straight
but in terms of who appears in the background of music videos the most technically flurry and welter who have had the most appearances, one outside their actual series (baba yaga silhouettes (0:41)
haine kleine
(flashing, alcohol, depression, choking)
poor little meow meow (pathetic or problematic fave) : Fuck I already said haine he's literally the pinnacle of pathetic man UHHHHH armis?
I stole my name from her she's problematic bc she's a bitch but also I think she should be a pathetic girlboss I love those ppl i hope she's still alive OH BUT ALSO CLAY? definitely the most popular nilfruits character (maybe slightly less than kalmia but ehh) definitely a poor little meow meow
okay honestly most nilfruits mv characters are pathetic little meow meows
ESPECIALLY THE ONES IN SHAMA (which includes winnie schrader it's complicated but if u know miyashita yuu you know winnie)
shama kilmer
(religious trauma, human sexual trafficking, eye trauma, homophobia)
horse plinko (character id like to torment for whatever reason): okay first off fuck gui oakes but that answer is too easy so here's my ranking excluding gui
1. Ai (a mistaken belief of love)
2. Baron (franken X)
3. Haine (haine kleine)
okay so all of these guys are actively going through some shit and being tormented in all their MVs but that little part of my brain is like "it'd be so funny if you made it worse" and that's basically why
a mistaken belief of love
(animal death, suicide, blood, flashing)
franken X
(dysphoria, hospitals, blood, eyestrain)
haine kleine
(flashing, alcohol, depression, choking, honestly it looks like onceler x onceler shit I'm not even joking)
eeby deeby (send them to eeby deeby): strelitzia dude
I think he'd fit in
(eye strain, flashing, the mortifying ordeal of living to serve someone wealthier than you, blood, alcohol)
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