#yutube video
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twiginthewind-7 · 2 years ago
♡ Несравненнный Дэвид Гаррет... Когда все слова излишни... / ♡ The incomparable David Garrett… When all words are superfluous…
Звук... отзвук... и музыка звучит, Из тишины души рождая новый образ. Свободный от любых оков, Теперь он - полнокровный голос! Звучит, рожденный навсегда, От Первых уст, от струн, от клавиш... От говорливого ручья, От шороха и яркого луча - ты знаешь. Ты знаешь, МУЗЫКА звучит в душе. Как отголосок мирозданья, И продолжается в тебе, во мне Как обновление, как созидание... © Copyright: Нета /stihidl.ru/poet/10036/
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Sound… echo… and music sounds, From the silence of the soul, giving birth to a new image. Free from any shackles, Now he is a full-blooded voice! Sounds like forever born From the First Mouth, from the strings, from the keys… From the talking stream From the rustle and bright beam - you know. You know, MUSIC sounds in the soul. Like an echo of the universe And continues in you, in me Like renewal, like creation… © Copyright: Нета /stihidl.ru/poet/10036/
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seddenostalgia · 1 year ago
*lee nieve y helado* *inmediatamente mi cerebro* Ya no hay súper gridito 😬
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smsilblu · 2 years ago
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stitchwraith-stingers · 3 months ago
i hate myself, im like "ohhh i need to continue reading" and then i dont, i go 'ohhh i need to finish this series" and then i dont, 'ohh i need to finish this fic thats been open all this time" and then i dont for 3 months straight, "ohh i need to draw" and then i dont, like i probably played only 20 min of minecraft cuz i kept forgetting and i kept closing the program after every 2 games
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canararapstudios · 1 year ago
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ithinkihaveptsd · 2 years ago
Heres my friend. They do surprisingly well edits. Sub to her or else
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yutubies · 2 years ago
What are the best ways to promote a YouTube channel?
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Promoting a YouTube channel is crucial for gaining visibility and growing your audience. With millions of videos uploaded every day, it’s important to employ effective strategies to stand out from the crowd. By implementing the best practices for promoting your YouTube channel, you can increase your chances of reaching a wider audience and building a thriving community around your content. What are the best ways to promote a YouTube channel?
What are the best ways to promote a YouTube channel?
Create great content consistently
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One of the most important factors in promoting a YouTube channel is consistently creating high-quality content. By producing videos that are engaging, informative, and entertaining, you will attract and retain viewers. Aim to establish a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and eager for more. Quality content not only encourages viewers to subscribe but also increases the likelihood of your videos being shared and recommended to others.
Optimize video titles and descriptions:
Optimizing your video titles and descriptions is essential for improving your channel’s visibility in search results. Craft compelling titles that accurately represent your content and incorporate relevant keywords. In your video descriptions, provide detailed information about the video’s content, include relevant keywords and tags, and consider linking to relevant resources or other videos on your channel. Optimized titles and descriptions enhance your chances of appearing in search results, attracting more viewers to your channel.
Use relevant keywords and tags:
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Utilizing relevant keywords and tags is a powerful way to make your videos more discoverable on YouTube. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify popular search terms related to your content. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your video titles, descriptions, tags, and even in the video itself. Using relevant tags helps YouTube’s algorithm understand the context of your video, increasing the chances of it being recommended to viewers interested in similar content.
Design catchy thumbnails:
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Eye-catching thumbnails can significantly impact the click-through rate of your videos. Design visually appealing and compelling thumbnails that accurately represent the video’s content. Use bold and clear text, vibrant colors, and engaging visuals to grab the viewer’s attention. Ensure that your thumbnails are consistent with your channel’s branding to build recognition and make your videos stand out among the sea of content on YouTube.
Share videos on social media:
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Leverage the power of social media to promote your YouTube channel and increase your reach. Share your videos across various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to attract new viewers and engage with your existing audience. Create enticing captions and use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your posts. Encourage your followers to like, comment, and share your videos, expanding your channel’s exposure to a wider audience.
Collaborate with other YouTubers:
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Collaborating with other YouTubers in your niche is a valuable strategy for channel promotion. Seek out creators with similar interests and audience demographics and propose collaboration ideas such as guest appearances, joint videos, or shout-outs. Collaborations expose your channel to a new audience and foster a sense of community within your niche. By leveraging the combined reach and influence of multiple channels, you can mutually benefit and grow your subscriber base.
Utilize YouTube’s features and tools:
YouTube offers a range of features and tools designed to help creators promote their channels. Make use of features like end screens and cards to encourage viewers to watch more of your content, subscribe to your channel, or visit your website. Utilize YouTube analytics to gain insights into viewer behavior, demographics, and popular videos, allowing you to refine your content and promotional strategies.
Promoting a YouTube channel requires a combination of creativity, consistency, and strategic techniques. By consistently creating engaging content, optimizing video elements, leveraging social media platforms, collaborating with other creators, and actively engaging with your audience, you can significantly boost the visibility and growth of your YouTube channel. Remember to adapt your strategies based on analytics and trends, stay active, and keep refining your approach to achieve long-term success on YouTube.
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plastilinabana · 2 years ago
Miguel O'hara -> Antagonist The spot -> Villian
hope that helps<3
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viralreview · 2 years ago
EAZYSITE PRE WHAT IS IT LET SEE Welcome to our review of Eazysite pro- the ultimate website builder that promises to simplify your website creation process.with so many website building available in the market today choosing the right one for your business can be a daunting task. is this review, we will analyze the features, benefits, and drawback of Eazysite pro help you make an informed…
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colourful-void · 2 years ago
(probably) the lyrics to the first 1:30 ish of Kirameki Diary!
ドキドキメキ気流に私は乗っている きっとね
なんか言葉にできないこと ちょっと心の臓騒がすこと なんとなく今日を照らすこと ちょっと好みの花 みつけた! 白い霧ばかリエ��リデイ 探したいものさえ探せないよ uh わくわくしたそうなダイアリ 知らんぷりして放リ出すなんて ライヤイヤイヤイヤ…
やるせなかったハート WOWOW
「でも、だけど���ー> 「きっと、可能性あリ」 気持ちいい風に浮遊して うんとすっとちょっともっといつかは 飛べたらいいな!
ドッキドキメキ気流に私は乗っている! きっとね イエイエイ 分からない物語にビビらないで キラキラ空想に世界が躍る! 笑って イエイエイ 縮こまってる時間はないな
私を知リたい! 何もかもがまだ分からないないないない 私を見つけた! いってきますを声にできたなら ちょっとだけ大人になったかもね
disclaimer: lyrics taken from captions on the pokemon musical festival broadcast, but transcribed by me typing everything by hand and hoping im not confusing kanji, so it could be wrong! feel free to point out any errors!!
this is just a stop gap until we have like.. the actual videos and stuff post copy-pastable lyrics. this is also not the full song, this is like.. 1:28 seconds starting from the beginning. i am not transcribing all 3:15ish of this song when we're going to get better lyrics in like. a few hours or something if they're not already up.
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lyinginahammock · 1 year ago
Huh, he deleted all his videos.
Personally, I share the sentiment that this is the start of heel-turn and he'll end up some of alt-right commentary/reaction channel. So, buckle up for that.
Seriously, though, Hbomb (and Todd and Dan et. al.) managed to absolutely kill a YuTube channel, something even peak Content Cop never achieved.
Edit: Found the blog that informed my opinion that Somerton will grift the alt right -
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twiginthewind-7 · 2 years ago
♡ I want to breach the line And take a step in to future I want to see the sky And find the way to help to reach you!
Never fight for love alone. Can you feel my heart is strong? Will you take my hand? ♡ Никогда не боритесь за любовь в одиночку. Ты чувствуешь, как сильно мое сердце? Ты возьмешь меня за руку?
Soundtrack to the film: "Savva. Heart of a Warrior": Author: Maxim Fadeev, album: Breach the line Music: Maxim Fadeev, Kristina Kosheleva, Maxim Svoboda
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doollie98 · 10 months ago
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-Holaa! Esta es mi primera publicación acá en Tumblr , olvide que esta cosa existía , bueno como soy muy fan de la saga de Klonoa decidí hacer este dibujo que la verdad no me gusto mucho como me quedo. Ya no dibujo tanto personajes que me gustan porque me da vErguEnziTa así que se imaginan cuanto tiempo estuvo tirado en la carpeta de mis dibujos. -Me da un poco de pena subir esto , ya que no suelo compartir mis dibujos con las personas apenas compartí 2 dibujos nada mas. -Bueno no se que hago escribiendo un testamento de la biblia , los quiero besos y abrazos RECUERDEN QUE SUBO VIDEOS A YUTUB JASJKAJ. *Se va por 2 años*
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latinotiktok · 1 year ago
para la persona que pregunto si la gente lee esos fanfics por ocio o por genuino interés. en mi caso era puro impulso de la curiosidad porque soy lesbiana y el yaoi me vale 3 toneladas de verga, pero ya ves ese sentimiento que te da cuando son las dos de la mañana y estas metido en 10 artículos de wikipedia o videos de yutub pensando "esto no es suficiente necesito mas", pues eso pero peor porque no hay ningún beneficio. básicamente pensaba "ok si hay un fanfic de x debe de haber de y", y en efecto me encontraba de todo. los fanfics omegaverse eran como mis creepypastas.
atentamente un jojofan.
me pasaba eso cuando tenia 13 años y estaba en el fandom de dn, buscaba fics de cualquier cosa
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dubvexx · 7 months ago
Idk if you guys went through this but when I started playing Undertale and deltarune I noticed just how many places undertale and deltarune music were in. Back when I used tiktok it was practically everywhere. Almost every yutube video and even some other games. (Not the music but ut refrences.)
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o-agassy · 1 year ago
Memulai Berbenah
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Randomly di timeline yutube muncul channel mas adji santosoputro yang lagi ngobrol dengan mbak andra alodita.
Apa yang ada di pikiran saya waktu itu? Ternyata Algoritma yutub lebih peduli terhadap kesehatan mental saya dari pada saya sendiri.
Video bisa langsung dicek di channel mas adji diatas.
Tagline nya sederhana namun punya makna. Pulih nan selaras. Dalam sepertinya jika dijelaskan pemaknaannya.
Ada beberapa hal yang saya highlight dari beberapa menit video itu.
"Apakah benar ini adalah hidup yang gue inginkan?"
"Mencoba melepaskan diri dari kemelekatan terhadap apapun itu" "
"Gue punya waktu banyak bahkan untuk beristirahat. Itu bahkan malahan tak ternilai. Gue bisa berperan seperti yang selayaknya. Menjadi istri dan menjadi seorang ibu"
Bagaimana penjelasannya? Panjang. hahaha.
Yang jelas, terima kasih untuk kreator video ini karena telah memberikan trigger positif untuk saya pribadi untuk bekal muhasabah diri. Saya adalah orang yang percaya bahwa setiap darii kita berhak untuk terus berjuang menemukan a better and a proper version of our-self. Jadi jangan takut untuk berubah.
Perlahan tapi pasti. Setiap hari kita terus berbenah untuk menemukan arah.
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