#yussef days
sj-in-musicnote · 11 months
<What Kinda Music> Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes
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2020년 블루노트에서 나온 <What Kinda Music>은 제목에서부터 음악에 대한 고민이 묻어나는 것 같다. 솔로 앨범 <Geography>를 통해 탐 미쉬는 그루비한 인디 팝 감성의 재즈 음악을 성공적으로 선보였다. 출중한 기타 연주와 작곡 실력, 보컬과 프로듀싱까지 전반적인 제작 과정에 폭넓게 관여하는 그는 자신의 음악에서 내부적으로는 솔 음악에 대한 향수를 품으면서 외부로는 유럽 특유의 시크함을 걸친 것 같은 스타일로 어필한다고 할까. 그의 음악이 비교적 접근이 쉬운 캐치한 튠으로 이루어졌다면, 유세프 데이스는 실험성과 예술적 추구를 더욱 앞세우는 뮤지션이다. 재즈라는 핵심을 공유하지만 서로 다른 접근법과 음악성, 그리고 개성을 가진 두 사람의 공동 작업물 <What Kinda Music>은 재즈와 힙합, 그리고 진정성 있는 탐구로서의 일렉트로니카를 결합한 패기 있는 성취로 자리한다.
첫 트랙 What Kinda Music부터 실험적 성향과 마주하게 된다. 불안감을 조성하는 기타 루프와 닫힌 문을 두드리는 것 같은 둔탁한 소리가 비선형적으로 조우한다. 실내에서 누군가 기타를 연주하고 있고 밖에서 외부인이 문을 두드리는 것 같은 서사 구조가 순식간에 형성된다. 질문으로만 가득한 신호들, 낯선 외부자의 갑작스런 방문, 일종의, 익숙한 듯 미지인 세계로의 초대가 완성된다. Festival의 도입부에 드리워진 앰비언스적 분위기는 동트기 전 새벽의 어느 숲속 소리와 그 이미지를 떠올리게 한다. 드럼 머신 비트를 월등히 넘어서는 리얼 드럼이 주도하는 특유의 와일드함과 함께 이 여정은 도회지보다 한적한 숲길과 산길, 연못 등의 장소와 내밀히 결탁하는 모습을 보인다.
애니메이션으로 제작된 두 편의 뮤직비디오를, 곡을 이해하는 중요한 단서로 여겼다. Nightrider 뮤직비디오를 보면 석양으로 붉게 물든 황량한 사막을 세 사람–피처링 래퍼 프레디 깁스(Freddie Gibbs)는 뒷좌석에 앉아 있다–이 드라이브하는 장면이 나온다. 하늘은 빨강, 땅은 달빛에 물든 파랑으로 표현되어 초현실적 대비를 이끌어냈다. 나이트라이더는 밤중에 흑인을 습격하던 마스크 쓴 백인 무리를 일컫는 명칭으로, 프레디 깁스의 가사가 그런 습격 사건을 주제로 한 것으로 파악된다. 하지만 뮤직비디오에서는 특별한 사건이 일어나지 않고 인물들은 목적 없는 듯 그저 한가롭게 라이딩을 할 뿐이다. 미국인인 프레디 깁스에게 Nightrider가 무장한 괴한의 습격을 즉각적으로 연상케 한다면, 영국인인 탐 미쉬에게, 혹은 그보다 더 먼 우리에게는 온전히 밤을 유랑하는 라이더를 의미하는 것으로 다가올 수도 있다. 그러한 의미의 다양성과 상대성이 공존하고 있는 것 같았다.
‘해일’을 의미하는 Tidal Wave도 Nightrider와 유사한 톤을 선보인다. 잔잔하고 소박하게 묘사된, 이를테면 로파이 힙합(lofi hiphop) 같은 사운드를 베이스로 했다. 마음속 혼돈을 함축한 Tidal Wave의 뮤직비디오에선 서로 알지 못하던 소녀와 소년이 우연히 한 장소에서 만나는 이야기를 그려냈다. 소녀가 서핑을 즐기는 대범한 성격의 소유자라면 소년은 우울한 얼굴로 바닷가를 산책하는 소극적인 인물이다. 소년이 발을 헛디뎌 낭떠러지에서 추락해 마치 누군가 무심코 던져버린 맥주캔처럼 바닷속으로 침잠해갈 때, 해일에 익숙한 소녀가 나타나 소년을 수면 위로 구출해낸다. 가사에 쓰인 혼돈은 해양 쓰레기로 인한 생태계 파괴의 심각성에 대한 알레고리이기도 하다. ‘이게 멈추지 않으리란 걸 모두가 내심으로 알고 있어(Everybody knows inside that this won’t stop) / 너무 늦어버린 걸 알아, 하고 싶은 말이 너무도 많았지(I know it’s too late, I had so much I wanna say)’. 위의 가사는 연인과의 갈등 상황을 표현한 것으로 볼 수도 있지만 돌이킬 수 없는 환경 파괴에 관한 메시지로도 읽을 수 있다.
다음의 트랙들은 지금까지 살펴본 것들과는 뉘앙스가 사뭇 다르다. 간단히 말하면 여기부터는 대중성보다 실험성에 더 무게를 싣는다. 전반적으로 첫 번째 lp보다 두 번째 lp에서 더 재즈 친화적인 성향–이를테면 가사 없는 기악곡과 임프로비제이션, 잼 세션 같은 즉흥성–을 내보인다. 첫 번째 lp가 젊은 감각의 트렌디함을 명목상으로 덧입었다면 두 번째 lp는 재즈 본연의 영토를 순항하는 것이다. 
Lift off에서는 베이시스트 로코 팔라디노(Rocco Palladino)가 참여해 기타-베이스-드럼 3중주의 인상적인 하모니를 들려주며, 종결부에 이르러 숨 막히는 임프로비제이션을 생생히 목격하게 만든다(https://youtu.be/O7GaK516Wkk?si=AyB9GxATSIOpUbkY). 우크라이나의 카이우에서 녹음된 곡 Kyiv를 Lift off의 연장선상에 놓이는 트랙으로 이해하면 좋을 것이다(https://youtu.be/a7hNEbdcHjE?si=MVZAsZ5xoRfPlV5Z). 여기서도 로코 팔라디노의 베이스 연주를 들을 수 있는데, ‘베이스가 원래 이런 악기였나?’ 하고 뜬금없이 그런 생각을 품게 될 만큼 베이스의 본질적 악기 색을 잘 연출하고 있었다. (추가적으로 볼 영상: https://youtu.be/XjdSSMBm0Oc?si=mQBJZhhMmy2rrU9Q) 원테이크로 촬영된 뮤직비디오를 통해 알 수 있지만 위의 곡들은 그야말로 재즈 연주자들의 고유한 내력인 즉흥적 잼을 고스란히 재현하고 있다. 탐 미쉬는 <Geography>를 작업할 때 시스템과 스케줄의 압박에 고통스러웠다고 하는데, 유세프 데이스와의 잼 세션을 통해 해방감을 얻을 수 있었다고 밝혔다.
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비슷한 시기에 태어난 두 사람은 음악이라는 공통분모뿐 아니라 같은 지역인 남부 런던에서 자란 기억을 유연하게 공유할 수 있었다. 탐 미쉬는 어린 시절 학교에서 진행된 음악 경연 대회에서 유세프 데이스가 수준급 실력으로 드럼을 치는 모습을 본 적 있다고 회고했다. 이후 그들이 직접적으로 교류할 만한 사건은 일어나지 않았지만, 두 사람은 음악이라는 영역 안에서 서로를 여러 번 스쳤을 것이다. 탐 미쉬는 그들의 앨범을 블루노트 같은 명문 레이블에서 발매하게 된 행운에 대해, 정확히는 블루노트에서 제공한 시스템이나 비즈니스적 의도에 심드렁한 태도를 보였다. 하지만 이 작업이 서로 다른 성향의 두 사람을 상호적으로 고무하고 개인의 음악적 역량을 확장시킨 계기가 된 것에 대해서는 무한한 호응을 드러낸다.
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culturedarm · 1 year
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On ‘Air Unfolding’ the Icelandic singer-songwriter JFDR perforates the stolid ambiance through an anticipatory breath and hopeful whorls of synthesizer, DJ Danifox expands his signature batida sound with a serpentine swagger, tarraxinha stickiness, and twanging overtures to soul and the blues, Rắn Cạp Đuôi hunker down at home for a dizzying array of glitch and plunderphonics, and Yussef Dayes pays ode to black classical music as the dexterous drummer announces his solo debut. Allen Lowe circles the dark and emerges with two trenchant jazz and blues albums either side of a set of Wadi-Sabi ballads by Alan Sondheim for the experimental New York holdout ESP-Disk, the Arkansas native Kari Faux lets rip on a joyride through the Dirty South, Gerald Cleaver turns beatmaster on an extended homage to the musical culture of the Motor City, and Indigo De Souza wonders when things will get better with a bravura which makes it sound like her day has come. Plus tracks by Cassie Wieland, Vicky Chow, Elisabeth Klinck, Akhira Sano and the futurist smear and computer-generated elegies of the Moscow producer Flaty in the latest roundup.
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On July 24, the Catholic Church celebrates the life of St. Charbel Makhlouf, a Maronite Catholic priest, monk, and hermit who is known for working miracles both during his life and after his death.
On the occasion of his beatification in 1965, the Eastern Catholic hermit was described by Pope Paul VI as “a new, eminent member of monastic sanctity who, through his example and his intercession, is enriching the entire Christian people.”
Born into humble circumstances in Lebanon on 8 May 1828, Yussef Antoun Makhlouf was the youngest of Antoun Zaarour Makhlouf and Brigitta Elias al-Shediyaq's five children.
Antoun, who had been taken away from the family and forced into hard labor, died when his youngest son was only three.
Yussef studied at the parish school and tended to his family's cow.
Engaged in prayer and solitude from a early age, he spent a great deal of time outdoors in the fields and pastures near his village, contemplating God amid the inspiring views of Lebanon's valleys and mountains.
His uncle and guardian Tanious wanted the boy to continue working with him, while his mother wanted him to marry a young woman.
Yussef had other plans, however, and left home in 1851 without informing anyone.
Yussef would become “Brother Charbel,” after making a pilgrimage on foot to his new monastic home.
In this, he followed the example of his maternal uncles, who were already living as solitary monks at the Hermitage of Saint Paul in the Qadisha Valley.
Charbel took his monastic vows in November of 1853, during a solemn ceremony that was closed to the public and off-limits even to his family.
He subsequently studied for the priesthood and was ordained, returning to the Monastery of St. Maron.
The priest-monk lived and served in the monastery for 19 years, showing great devotion to the life of prayer, manual work, and contemplative silence.
Charbel's superiors observed God's “supernatural power” at work in his life, and he became known as a wonder-worker even among some Muslims.
In 1875, he was granted permission to live as a solitary monk in a nearby hermitage dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.
Rigorous asceticism and a profound union with God continued to characterise the monk's life for the next 23 years.
Deeply devoted to God's Eucharistic presence, he suffered a stroke while celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the Maronite Catholic Church on 16 December 1898. He died on Christmas Eve of that year.
St. Charbel's tomb has been a site for pilgrimages since his death. Hundreds of miracles are believed to have occurred through his intercession with God, both in Lebanon and around the world.
Pope Paul VI beatified him on 5 December 1965 and canonised on 9 October 1977.
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haute-lifestyle-com · 5 months
The Blue Note Jazz Club is unveiling the lineup for their much-anticipated 13th annual Blue Note Jazz Festival, featuring performances by Wynton Marsalis, Andra Day, Corinne Bailey Rae, Stanley Clarke, Yussef Dayes, Soulive, and many more. See full schedule
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nonesuchrecords · 1 year
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Happy International Jazz Day! Celebrate with our newly updated Nonesuch: Jazz playlist of music by Cecile McLorin Salvant, Brad Mehldau, Mary Halvorson, Makaya McCraven, Yussef Dayes, Joshua Redman, Jeff Parker, Tigran Hamasyan, Rachael & Vilray, Rob Mazurek, Ben LaMar Gay, Sam Gendel, Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell, Allen Toussaint, Fred Hersch, and more. You can listen on Spotify and Apple Music here.
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dixiefunk · 2 years
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Yussef Kamaal - "Black Focus"
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vexx-ation · 2 months
365 Albums in 365 Days: 218/365
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Date: Tuesday August 6th Album: Black Focus Artist: Yussef Kamaal Released: 2016 Genre: Jazz Review: This is barber beats would sound like if it was good. Jokes aside, this is the exact kind of jazz/electronic fusion that a lot of sampled albums are chasing, but all original! The vibes here are immaculate, with those tasty bass grooves supported by drum lines that go absolutely off the walls. Don’t be fooled by the earlier, most abstract tracks— this album is a bit slow to start but by god does it settle into something magical. There’s a tight energy here, an easiness that betrays the ultimate precision the album is produced with. If your question is “can a jazz album bring to mind the dusky hazy of nighttime streets and still cut like glass?” then the answer is yes. Very much yes. Favorite Track: Lowrider
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curiositasmundi · 8 months
Tre settimane fa, i poliziotti della Sezione Antiterrorismo erano piombati a casa di Yussef – completamente incensurato sia in Italia che in Algeria – al fine di effettuare una “perquisizione urgente” ai sensi dell’art. 41 del T.U.L.P.S. (dunque senza preventiva autorizzazione del magistrato), alla ricerca di armi ed esplosivi. E nonostante la perquisizione abbia dato esito negativo, non essendo stato rinvenuto alcunché nella camera di Yussef – lo abbiamo certificato leggendo direttamente il verbale –, il giovane è stato portato in Questura, dove, come ha raccontato, gli sarebbe stato intimato di far visionare ai poliziotti i contenuti del suo cellulare, tenendolo nelle sue mani. Gli uomini della polizia gli avrebbero dunque chiesto conto di due contenuti pubblicati sui social network Whatsapp e Instagram – un’immagine dei bambini palestinesi massacrati a Gaza accompagnata la scritta “fino a oggi 10.000 bambini morti e una foto del leader di Hamas – nonché un’immagine, rinvenuta nella sua galleria fotografica, ritraente Ursula Von der Leyen. Immagini che, secondo il racconto del ragazzo, sarebbero state fotografate dai poliziotti. Tornato a casa, Yussef ha poi ricevuto una chiamata da parte del preside della sua scuola: il ragazzo ha spiegato che il suo capo gli ha comunicato di non tornare sul posto di lavoro, dal momento che la polizia gli avrebbe chiesto di tenerlo lontano per “motivi di sicurezza”. La Polizia, nei giorni successivi alla nostra pubblicazione, avrebbe smentito questo particolare, affermando di non aver fatto segnalazioni alla scuola. L’ufficializzazione dell’interruzione temporanea del rapporto di lavoro è poi arrivata con una ratifica via mail. A distanza di una settimana, senza attendere alcuna inchiesta formale, ecco pervenire la raccomandata di licenziamento.
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oil-diffuser · 10 months
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Starting to think about my favorite albums this year...some others that are on the shortlist:
Scriptures - Devstacks
Black Classical Music - Yussef Dayes
Larger Than Life - Brent Faiyaz
Desire, I Want to Turn Into You - Caroline Polachek
Back In The Day - Swami Sound
Like...? EP - Ice Spice
What I Didn't Tell You - Coco Jones
Succession: Season 4 (HBO Original Series Soundtrack) - Nicholas Britell
Black Butta - RuPaul
Southern Delicacy - Jai'Len Josey
A really good music year. And I've still got so many other releases from the year that I haven't heard yet
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still-single · 1 year
HEATHEN DISCO no. 351 up for listening
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photo: Mary Nisi
it goes like this:
Drax – Middle Earth
Cavern of Anti-Matter – Solarised Sound
Coffin Prick – The Big Hunger/Rusty Lemonade
Long Fin Killie – Valentino
Mike Cooper – Beneath These Waves
Yussef Dayes – Tioga Pass
Units & Measurements – Fifth Star From Home
Construction Crew – Break the Beat (That House Mix)
Sandals – A Profound Gas (Ardens Bud Mix Phase 1)
New Order – The Perfect Kiss
Alabaster DePlume – Broken Again
Sharp Pins – Still a Straw Man
The Equals – I Get So Excited
Jericho Jones – Time Is Now
Sexual Harassment – If I Gave You a Party
Risque Rythum Team – The Jacking Zone
Alex Coulton – Pointe Noire
Photek – The Seven Samurai
Gayle Adams – Your Love Is a Lifesaver
Arnold Dreyblatt – Shuffle Effect
Civic – Satellites
Stress Positions – Interloper
Tolouse Low Trax – Local Vers
Identified Patient – M.G.D. (cr)
The Politicians – Free Your Mind
Magic Carpet – Aum U Wah
Edsel Axle – Come Down from the Tree Now
Caroline Crawford – Coming on Strong
Denise LaSalle – Your Man and Your Best Friend
Clydie King – B Minor
Irma Thomas – It’s Starting to Get to Me Now
Tirzah – No Limit
Trisomie 21 – Ravishing Delight
Al B. Sure – Nite and Day (Dawn Mix)
A Trois Sur La Plage – Le Soleil
Optic Sink – Summertime Rain
Rezzett – Spicy Pipes
Minisnap – Crooked Mile
Billie Davis – Suffer
Silicone Prairie – Elysian Fields
Spiral Dub – Beginning to Begin
OSEES – The Fish Needs a Bike
Sex Gang Children – Dieche
Cabaret Voltaire – C.O.M.A.
Slug – Godstopper
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also, for interest/reference, the titles of the individual mini plays in the mysteries (and playwrights), according to the show's program
Act I - The Fall
Song of the Trimorph (Lucifer's Lament) - Dael Orlandersmith
Falling for You - Liz Duffy Adams
The Eighth Day (Creation Hymn) - Jason Williamson
God's Rules - Johnna Adams
A Worm Walks into a Garden, or The Fall of Man - Madeleine George
Right of Return - Jorge Ignacio Cortinas
Cain and Abel - David Henry Hwang
Build It - Trista Baldwin
The Flood - Mallery Avidon
Fruitful and Begettin' - Nick Jones
Bright New Devil - Matthew Stephen Smith
The Moses Story - Ann Marie Healy
The Prophecy - CollaborationTown
The Annunciation - Jordan Harrison
Joseph's Troubles About Mary - Kate Gersten
The Shepherds - Kimber Lee
King of Kings - Kate Moira Ryan
The Slaughter of the Innocents - Chris Dimond
The Flight into Egypt - Kenneth Lin
Act II - The Sacrifice
Christ with the PhDs - Erin Courtney
Jesus Grows Up Fast - CollaborationTown
New Periods of Pain Part I - Craig Lucas
Something in the Water - A. Rey Pamatmat
Transfiguration - Billy Porter/Kirsten Greenidge
The Woman Taken in Adultery - Max Posner
The Raising of Lazarus - Amy Freed
Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Gabriel Jason Dean
Turning the Tables - CollaborationTown
The Conspiracy - Yussef El Guindi
The Last Supper - Jeff Whitty
The Garden of Tears and Kisses - José Rivera
The Denial of Peter - Bess Wohl
Christ Before Herod - Qui Nguyen
Judgment? - Marc Acito
The Remorse - Sevan K. Greene
The Road to Calvary - Jenny Schwartz
Act III - The Kingdom
New Periods of Pain Part II - Craig Lucas
The Death of Christ - Don Nguyen
The Harrowing of Hell - Lucas Hnath
Resurrection - Bill Cain
The Next Supper - Lloyd Suh
The Appearance - Ellen McLaughlin
Thomas Doubting (or, Doubting Thomas Doubts His Doubt) - Jordan Seavey
The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene - Meghan Kennedy
Pentecost - Sean Graney
Walking Away from the Mirror and Forgetting What You Looked Like - Eisa Davis
The Death of Mary - Lillian Groag
The Assumption of Mary - Najla Said
The Coronation - Laura Marks
The Last Judgment - Michael Mitnick
Sermon of The Senses - José Rivera
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renee-writer · 1 year
All's Fair Chapter 3
After six months, two surgeries, a cast on most of her lower body, and months of rehab, she is released to go home. She is anxious to get out of hospital but not to return to her Uncle Lamb’s home without him.  She knows from Nubia  that he is buried in the Egyptian style, along with Yussef. Now all that is left to do is grief.
Honorably discharged from His Majesty ‘s service, she heads home. Susan meets her at the door and helps her to her new room on the bottom floor. There she collapses on the bed and sobs, for Uncle Lamb and Yussef, for her parents, for all the soldiers, airmen, and others that she has seen die.
As the months went by, she grows used to living in Uncle Lamb ‘s home. With a stipend from the army, as well as, money provided by his estate for the upkeep of the house, she is able to take time to decide what she wants to do.
Botany or healthcare? She ponders which to finish her degree in.
The book from Geillis is a treasure. It amazes her to think it has been around since the 1600’s. So many plants that were available for healing! Plants that were indigenous to England and Scotland, some she wasn’t sure are still around. On those, she made notes on, planning on looking them up.
One day as she sat going over the notes, sipping a cup of tea, she hears a knock on the door.  Raising with her brand new cane, she goes to answer it.
Her cane, found in a local  charity shop, with a head of amber containing a dragonfly, was necessary. Her legs are still unsteady and shoes are a near impossibility, worn only when she must. For the house, it is slippers that she slips on, on the way to the door.
She opens it to a tall, redheaded man who reminds her of the gods in the Cairo museum. Though none have cropped red hair and stand alive at her doorstep.
He bows to her, his blue eyes sparkling, “ Mistress  Claire Beauchamp?”
“Yes, how may I help you?”
“Mistress Beauchamp, I am James Fraser Esquire. Myself and my partner, Ned Gowan Esquire, are in charge of your late uncle’s estate. We are quite sorry for your loss and offer heartfelt condolences. He was a great man. If you have time, I would like to come in a discuss the disposition of his estate.” He takes a breath and continues, “apologies for not phoning ahead. I am in Oxford for only a few days. I was brought here on other business and hoped to see you at the same time.”
She steps aside, inviting him in. His presence was another reminder of her loss. Tears gathered but none fall as she asks, “Would you care for some tea Mr. Fraser?”
“That would be lovely. Thank you.” She leads him to the table where he rests his briefcase. Turning back after fetching another cup, she sees he has removed a stack of papers out of it, as thick as a book. Her eyes grow wide.
“Miss Beauchamp, were you aware of the size of your uncle’s estate?”
She is shaking her head as she answers, “No, Mr. Fraser. Uncle Lamb took care of everything. There is an account that sees to the incidentals here and I get a stipend from the army for my injury. That is all I am aware of.”
“Mr. Gowan and myself were sorry to hear of your injury and pray you are feeling better and fully heal.”
She nods and sets the small tray of biscuits in the middle of the table. “I was injured taken care of soldiers. An honor to have served.”
He nods. “Aye. I would have enjoyed the honor of service to King and country. Unfortunately a back injury disqualified me.” He looks to the tray of biscuits, reaches for one before pulling his hand back, “May I?”
She smiles and nods. “Yes. Help yourself.”
He does. “Back to business. Your uncle owned this house here, your parent’s  house in Inverness. His home in Egypt has been gifted to his friend ‘s mam, Nubia. This house and your parents, you inherit. There is also three life insurance policies. One for each of your parents, one for Lamb. Between them they pay out 5,000,000 pounds sterling, all to you. Ah, let’s see…” He ruffles the papers as she sits stunned. She has no idea about any of these.
“A bank account in Edinburgh worth £3,000,000, the antiques in both houses that are valued at £3,000,000 more, if you wished to sell them. There are several museums awaiting your decision on that.
You can sell the Inverness house and live here or sell this house and live in Edinburgh. It is fully up to you. We can see all the money placed in one account of a bank of your choice or leave it in several. I will place your Uncle ‘s life insurance policy in the Edinburgh bank where both himself and your parents held accounts. There is also a small, ah, not a farm but a place to grow things, one second,” He searches through the papers, “ah here it is, a flower shop with a greenhouse attached.”
He remembered, she thinks. He knew my interest in plants and provided for it. She swallows back more tears.
“It was purchased two years before you went to war with a Miss Mary MacNab seeing to it’s care.” He keep looking through the will. “Oh, you have a stack in Lallybroch, my family estate. Your uncle and my father are, err were, very close friends . I didn’t know that “ He looks up from the papers, “May I trouble you to use your phone and ring my dad?”
“Of course.” She stands and points to where it sits. He raises, gives her a half bow and heads over to it.
“Da, I am at the home of a Mistress Claire Beauchamp going over her late uncle’s  estate, a Mr. Quinton Lambert Beauchamp.”
“Lamb, aye, I was so sorrowed by his passing.” Brian replies.
“Aye, it seems he owns  25 percent of our horse breeding program.”
“Aye son. We needed the capital to get started. As he was a good mate…”
“Mistress Claire has ownership now. I will see the profit to her account.”
“A good lass, is she, Jamie?”
“Aye da. I will see you and mam after I finish my business in Oxford.” He rings off.
“Sorry about that. I just wasn’t aware my da needed money to get our horse breeding business started. I would have helped, would he have came to me.”
“I am sure Uncle Lamb was happy to. He was a very giving soul.”
“Aye,” he gives her a smile, “The profits from your stake will be added to the account. Do you have any questions for me?”
She can’t think of any, her mind to overwhelmed by all she has found out. “Not right now. This is a lot to take in. Uncle Lamb and I lived simply. I would never suspect that he would leave this much, making me a very wealthy woman. Oh, one question, if I decide to sell this house, what is the house in Inverness like?”
“I can check into that when I return to Scotland. From what I can recall, it is one story with three or four rooms and a few loos. The shop is very near it. Would that be something you are interested in?”
“I am not sure right now. Will need time to think on it. Is there anything I need to sign?”
“Not right now,” he gathers up the papers, placing them back in his briefcase, “before I leave Oxford, I will return with the papers needing signatures. It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Beauchamp. If you have any questions before I return, you can reach my office,” he hands her a card and their hands glaze. She feels a tingle at the contact, something she has never felt before, “ah, they can reach me, Miss Beauchamp.”
“Please, call me Claire.”
“Claire, call me Jamie then.” They stand, grinning at each other.
“Well, I must be off, Claire. I shall see you in a few days.”
“Yes Jamie.” She walks him to the door.
Susan prepares supper. She offers to help but she insists that she rest.
After dinner, there is a banging on the door. Claire raises, confused by who would be so rude at that time of night. Then she hears Frank.
“Claire , Claire, why didn’t you tell me you were injured?”
She opens the door. “Frank, I wrote you and told you. You never wrote me back. Oh, a German soldier toke your ring.” She holds her hand out, “Where have you been and why didn’t you write me back?” she demands.
“I was out in the field collecting intelligence. I just heard of your ambush.”
She rolls her eyes. “Frank, you are lying. I was hurt eight months ago. We lost eight British officers. You are telling me you didn’t know that?”
“Claire, I never got a letter from you.”
“No, you just never read them. Go away Frank. I don’t need you in my life.” She shuts the door in his face.
She then picks up the phone. Reaching the operator, she gives her the number on the card Jamie gave her. Jamie called back in less then an hour.
“Mr. Fraser, Jamie, you can put this house on the market. I wish to move to Inverness.”
Jamie is smiling as they ring off.
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On July 24, the Catholic Church celebrates the life of St. Charbel Makhlouf, a Maronite Catholic priest, monk and hermit who is known for working miracles both during his life and after his death.
On the occasion of his beatification in 1965, the Eastern Catholic hermit was described by Pope Paul VI as “a new, eminent member of monastic sanctity who, through his example and his intercession, is enriching the entire Christian people.”
Born into humble circumstances in Lebanon on 8 May 1828, Yussef Antoun Makhlouf was the youngest of Antoun Zaarour Makhlouf and Brigitta Elias al-Shediyaq's five children.
Antoun, who had been taken away from the family and forced into hard labor, died when his youngest son was only three.
Yussef studied at the parish school and tended to his family's cow.
Engaged in prayer and solitude from a early age, he spent a great deal of time outdoors in the fields and pastures near his village, contemplating God amid the inspiring views of Lebanon's valleys and mountains.
His uncle and guardian Tanious wanted the boy to continue working with him, while his mother wanted him to marry a young woman.
Yussef had other plans, however, and left home in 1851 without informing anyone.
Yussef would become “Brother Charbel,” after making a pilgrimage on foot to his new monastic home.
In this, he followed the example of his maternal uncles, who were already living as solitary monks at the Hermitage of Saint Paul in the Qadisha Valley.
Charbel took his monastic vows in November of 1853, during a solemn ceremony which was closed to the public and off-limits even to his family.
He subsequently studied for the priesthood and was ordained, returning to the Monastery of St. Maron.
The priest-monk lived and served in the monastery for 19 years, showing great devotion to the life of prayer, manual work, and contemplative silence.
Charbel's superiors observed God's “supernatural power” at work in his life, and he became known as a wonder-worker even among some Muslims.
In 1875, he was granted permission to live as a solitary monk in a nearby hermitage dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.
Rigorous asceticism and a profound union with God continued to characterise the monk's life for the next 23 years.
Deeply devoted to God's Eucharistic presence, he suffered a stroke while celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the Maronite Catholic Church on 16 December 1898.
He died on Christmas Eve of that year.
Charbel's tomb has been a site for pilgrimages since his death.
Hundreds of miracles are believed to have occurred through his intercession with God, both in Lebanon and around the world.
Pope Paul VI beatified him on 5 December 1965 and canonized on 9 October 1977.
The pope had earlier hailed the Lebanese Maronite saint as an “admirable flower of sanctity blooming on the stem of the ancient monastic traditions of the East.”
Charbel is the patron saint of Lebanon.
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mathpumamusic · 3 months
Uh oh...
I got busy; Given how long it's been, I think trying to write even terse reviews for all the music would cease to be fun either to read, or to write, so I'll just share some highlights and interesting things. Part of me wants to hate [Sublime Jupiter Snake Duo] for their presentation, but their discography is just to solid for me to ignore. The group [Haggus] makes music so comically agressive that I would earnestly believe that it was a parody if told such. However, that doesn't mean for a second that I don't enjoy listening to it. In a similar vein, [Brojob] specializes in making metal with stellar guttural vocals, whose lyrics are also gleefully as gay as possible, deliberately in ways which will alienate listeners who aren't in on the joke, so to speak. It kicks ass. [Yussef Dayes] nails a particular blue and wistful atmosphere, and is so good at nailing the production of all his music that I actually noticed production for once in my life. The [Scattle] album "Sketch" doesn't have any one thing in particular that I need to point out, but I've revisited it a few times. [SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS] created some of the best music to ever scratch the very particular itch I have for jazz based music that's also irreverently aggressive with it's rough edges. It's gritty and loud and great. "Witchy Activities and the Maple Death" was a weird find, but a worthwhile listen that I checked out a few times after the ledger below ceased being updated. There's lot's of stuff I listened to but didn't record, unfortunately. In the below, I grouped all the projects that I listened to so frequently that it wouldn't make sense to even write them on any individual days.
Normally I try to respect how artists stylize their names and album titles, but for the sake of getting this typed and out, that's definitely not the case for the below. Full ledger (except for the fact that at some point I stopped recording due to being so behind): Frequent Listens (Omitted from specific days, because it would be overwhelmingly frequent): [City Hotel] All albums, repeatedly, several times a week. [Pilotredsun] "Groundhog" and "Scuffler" EP's, repeatedly [Ferenczi Gyorgy] "Mindenek Szerelme" at least ten times [Bobbing] "Year of the Newt" numerous times Notable Listens: 4-3-2024: [J3PO] "MAINS" [Squarepusher] "Just a Souvenir" [Carling & Will] "Soon comes the Night" [Lianhua] "Citrus!" [Animals as Leaders] "The Madness of Many" [Bach performed by Masaaki Suzuki] "J.S. Bach original works, Vol.5" [Venetian Snares] "Hospitality" 5-3-2024: [Frums] "Vignette" [Aphex Twin] "...I care because you do" and "come to daddy" [Boiled Buzzards] "Fine Dining" [Bele Fleck and the Flecktones] Various Albums [Floating Points et. al] "Promises" [Kamasi Washington] "Harmony of Difference" 6-3-2024: [Bele Fleck and the Flecktones] First three albums [Glasys] "Defective Humanity" [Dubmood] "Lost Tapes Vol. 2" [Disasterpeace] "Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar" [Green Lung] "Woodland Rites" [E-An-Na] "Alveolar" 7-3-2024: Several recommendations from George [Squarepusher] "Ultravisitor" [Keshi] [The Funky Knuckles] "Delicious" [Flyleaf] "Flyleaf"
8-3-2024: [Adhesive Wombat] "Sticky Tracks" 11-3-2024: [Varra] "Varra III" More recs from George [Lemon City Trio] [Bruno Major] "A song for every Moon" [zabutom] "Lost Tapes Vol. 1" 12-3-2024: [Bruno Major] "Let a good Thing Die" [Return to Forever] "Romantic Warrior" [Soiya] "You can Say Hi" [The Ollum] 13-3-2024: [Drumcorp] "Falling Forward" [Moon Tooth] "Chromaparagon" 18-3-2024: [Wanclaw Zimpel] "Long Weekend" [Justice] "Cross" Recommendations from Kenny [Squarepusher] "Solo Bass" and "Feed me Weird Things" 19-3-2024: [Squarepusher] "Ufabulum" [Mark Guliana] "Music for Doing" [5SOS] [Breaking Benjamin] "Shallow Bay" [David Hyams] "Knowing the Place" 20-3-2024: [Old & in the Way] [Nora Brown] "Cinnamon Tree" [Squrepusher] "Be up a Hello" 21-3-2024: [Arthur Verocai] "Encore" [Glasys] "Defective Humanity" and "The Pressure" [Faux Plums] "In Tongues" [The Collection] "Entropy" 22-3-2024: [Dubmood] "Lost Floppies Vol. 1" [zabutom] "Lost Floppies Vol. 2" [Aphex Twin] "Syro" [Disasterpeace] "Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar" [E-An-Na] "Alveolar" [Machine Girl] "Because I'm young, arrogant, and hate everything you stand for..." [Ween] "The Mollusk" (Large break in the ledger from when I went to visit George in person) 5-4-2023: [Green Lung] "Woodland Rites" [Grouper] "I'm Dragging a dead deer up a Hill" [Pilotredsun] "Cyber op Keys" and "Think Environment" [Moon Hooch] "Red Sky" 8-4-2024: [Mick Gordon] "Doom OST" [Scary Goldings] [By the Spirits] "We are Falling" [Queen] "The Game" [zabutom] "Lost Tapes 1" [The Orb] "Orblivion" 9-4-2024: [Lincoln Park] "Hybrid Theory" and one more album I can't make out in my notes [Irving Force] "Godmode" [Micheal Hedges] "Oracle" 10-4-2024: [zabutom] "Resolution" [ur pretty] Entire Discography [Nora Brown] "Long time to be Gone" [Evan Marian] "Elysian" [Michael Hedges] "Oracle" [Kaizo Slumber] "The Kaizo Manifesto" [Sublime Jupiter Snake Duo] "Clown" That's all for now. I'll probably get back to recording what I listen to because I like the timeline of what I was interested in, but I'll probably not write proper reviews or responses to most things, just in the interest of saving myself some time. Things I have big reactions to will definitely get some more love though.
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nonesuchrecords · 6 months
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Happy first day of spring to our fellow Northern Hemisphereans! Celebrate with our newly updated Ring in Spring playlist here.
Listen in for songs by Hurray for the Riff Raff, Yasmin Williams, Molly Tuttle, Yussef Dayes, Carminho, Sam Gendel, Caroline Shaw, Cecile McLorin Salvant, The Staves, Mary Halvorson, Wilco, David Byrne, Sam Amidon, The Magnetic Fields, Kronos Quartet, Brad Mehldau, The Black Keys, k.d. lang, Emmylou Harris, Chris Thile, Randy Newman, Caetano Veloso, Tigran Hamasyan, and more. 
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