canhefixit-blog · 6 years
Josuke needed money, and since he’s gonna be stuck here for a while, he decided he might as well learn some skills for his future. He got a job as an administrative assistant at the police station, which is pretty cool, but so far, his duties aren’t very... exciting.
So, he lumbers along down the snow-covered sidewalks, looking for a coffee shop. Nobody told him which coffee shop or gave him any directions. 
Finally, he comes across a little cafe that looks promising. At the very least, it probably serves coffee, which is a good start. He fumbles with his handwritten list of orders, frowning to himself, and then yelps when he notices the barista behind the counter.
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“O-oh, hi, Yuri!” He rubs the back of his neck and begins reading off the orders. “Could I get... uhhh, a cappuccino, a soy non-fat vanilla latte, and a black coffee?” Oh, while he’s here, he might as well order something for himself. “Oh, and do you have any cola?”
He flashes a nervous grin. He hopes that Yuri isn’t still super mad after what happened at the ice rink. Still, with all his awkwardness today, he’s not exactly making a good second impression.
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