#yuri on ice ballet
linkemon · 5 months
Start in your head (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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"ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʙᴀʟʟᴇᴛ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅ." ᴍᴀᴋꜱɪᴍ ᴡᴏɪᴛɪᴜʟ
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴘɪʀᴏᴢʜᴋɪ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʀᴜꜱꜱɪᴀɴ ᴅᴇʟɪᴄᴀᴄʏ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ 2. ꜰᴏᴜᴇᴛᴛᴇ́ ɪꜱ ᴀɴ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ꜱᴛᴇᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴏʀᴍ ᴀ ᴘɪʀᴏᴜᴇᴛᴛᴇ
[Reader] looked around the rink. She had been coming here for a week in a row and these visits promised to be a new, quite interesting tradition. Partly because she enjoyed teasing Yuri on most occasions and it was an interesting new form of an old game. Whenever the boy saw that she came to stare, he immediately gave her the best kind of taunts. The day before yesterday, he even deliberately extended the training to see if the girl would leave. However, he failed to achieve the intended effect and she returned with him chattering all the way.
— What are you doing here again, you idiot?
— Nice to see you too, Plisetsky. — She grinned so widely that Yuri swore her jaw was about to stretch.
It was hard for him to admit it to himself but deep in his heart he was surprised at her behaviour. Most people hated him from the beginning (or didn't want to be friends with him after some time). He weeded out a lot of those individuals who fit into the two categories because he didn't want to associate with them. Apart from his fans and family, with whom he already had problems, he was left with only a small group of people who wanted to see him and whom he allowed to do so. And she was slowly starting to belong to that group.
— I told you not to come. — He started unlacing his skates.
— Nothing new. — She leaned against the board. — Today we're going to town.
— For what reason? — he huffed.
— They opened a Russian food stand near the park and are selling pirozhki.
This was his weak spot. [Reader] knew well how much Yuri appreciated his grandfather's delicacies.
The boy was aware that the taste probably wouldn't be as good as what he usually ate but the thought of a warm buns after training almost made his mouth water.
— Okay, let's go. — They better be edible, though — he muttered.
The walk to the park consisted mainly of [Reader's] monologue but it was nothing new. Since the ballerina arrived with Lilia Baranovskaya, he managed to say goodbye to silence for long moments.
—... and then I do a pirouette, and she says... — she stopped abruptly. — Wait a second!
The skater was about to comment on how he wouldn't freeze like a fool on the street in sub-zero temperatures when he saw where the girl had turned.
— Who is sweet and charming? Who is? You are!
[Reader] was just lifting an adorable, furry, ginger ball into the air. The kitten snuggled into her shoulder, clearly craving warmth.
At the same time, his second, less trusting companion appeared around the corner and, after sniffing the girl's shoes, he gave up her company in favour of Plistesky.
He looked a bit like Potya, so he started stroking his fluffy head without hesitation. He already missed his pet.
— I don't think they're strays — [Reader] said, examining the collar that should have a contact address on it.
Before she could add anything, a young couple with a child turned from the main street into an alley.
A little girl who was missing several baby teeth stopped shedding tears as soon as she found the kittens. As if on cue, both of them obediently jumped from the teenagers' arms and wandered over to her.
She mumbled a thank you, which her parents told her to repeat, and then disappeared.
— It's a pity. — [Reader] glanced at her now empty hands.
— It's not a pity. They found the owners.
— I know but still... — An unfinished thought hung in the air.
Without any further obstacles, they finally managed to reach the booth. The girl had to admit that it looked quite pretty in the pastel colors of the Russian flag, lit by a row of light bulbs.
While standing in line, she managed to argue with Yuri three times. The customers closest to them looked at them strangely and parents covered their children's ears. And when they reached the ordering stage, she was afraid that the seller simply wouldn't serve the two of them because his murderous look indicated exactly that. However, nothing like that happened and she received her pirozhki.
The girl sniffed it, and then reluctantly bit into her portion.
— Wow, it's sooo good! — She looked at the filling, trying to guess the composition of the it in the dim light of the lamps.
— Tch — he snorted. — My grandfather makes better ones — he said but he ate the rest of his portion.
After this trip, it turned out that it was the first but not the last.
[Reader] liked Russian food so much that she dragged the boy to the booth every day, ordering new delicacies.
The system added a new item to the menu every day and worked quite efficiently. When they were halfway through the list, one fateful afternoon occurred.
It was starting to get dark. The boy's training was almost over and the girl still hadn't shown up at the ice rink. Baranovskaya stood by the board, which never happened at this time. As usual, she was accompanied by a careful look and a frown.
Yuri drove towards her in a fluid movement.
— Was [Reader] here?
The question, short and to the point, required the same type of answer.
— NO.
— If she does show up, tell her to come to me. It's true that she took second place and she can do better but for God's sake! Instant break down? We have to fill out these papers and she disappears right after the competition. — She waved the stack of papers angrily and walked away.
The skater had no desire to return to training. He left the rink, wondering if [Reader] had told him anything about the ballet competition. However, he came to the conclusion that despite letting some information out through the other ear, he would still remember something so important.
It was hard for him to admit it to himself but the ballet mistress's words and tone worried him.
He searched the Internet for recent news. The photo in a recently published article showed the lucky winner of the gold medal. However, it was not [Reader]. He managed to find an amateur video showing the performance of the girl and her competitors.
He called her once but only silence answered on the phone.
With quiet hope in his heart, he decided to go to the park. It was a bull's-eye. It's true that the girl, although she didn't choose their usual bench, didn't really hide. Her cheeks and nose were pink from the frost, and delicate snowflakes settled on her hair. Moreover, she was bathed in the dull light of the park lamps. She would have looked beautiful if the image hadn't been spoiled by her red eyes from crying. [Reader] held the unfinished pirozhki in her hand, her eyes fixed on the dead center. She only broke out of her trance when she saw familiar shoes and their owner a few meters in front of her.
— What are you doing here, idiot? Baranovskaya is looking for you — he huffed.
— Then call her and tell her I'm here — she replied in a flat voice.
Yuri was speechless. The girl had never seemed so emotionless to him.
— I won't handle things for you, call her yourself — he provoked again.
— I'm not going anywhere. — She shrugged. — Nothing will happen if I don't sign these papers. I want to quit.
— What exactly? — He frowned.
— Ballet. — She bit into her food. — I've spent a lot of time here today thinking about it, and I think it's a pretty good idea. No more training and competitions. I will finally be able to return to normal school. Plus, seeing family every day sounds good too. I won't have to spend half my life abroad. By the way, you're a damn hypocrite. You kept saying that I was dragging you here by force and now you came of your own free will.
This was too much for the boy. Her condition, so different from what he had been accustomed to over the past weeks, was getting on his nerves. He couldn't deal with it.
— Have you gone completely crazy? — He asked in the coldest tone [Reader] had ever heard from him.
Yuri pinched the bridge of his nose, sighed, and then sat down on the bench next to her.
— I saw both performances online. You may be on a similar level but you are better than her. Just look at your fouetté at the end. Those damn judges must have been blind when they gave you half a point less.
The girl raised her head to look at his face. She had rarely seen him talk about something with such conviction. She was ashamed to admit it but she didn't suspect Yuri of ever being able to give anyone a compliment. For that reason, however, this one had a stronger effect on her than most she had heard about her dancing before.
The Yuri's green eyes seemed sincere. The decision she had made that afternoon now seemed to her like a less than fantastic vision, driven by the impulse of failure.
— I'm grateful but...
— If you think I'm just saying this because I want to comfort you, then...
— That's not what I meant — she quickly denied. — I appreciate what you said but I still need to think about whether I want to enter the next competition. Go back and tell Lilia not to worry.
— But if you do, just know that at the next competition I'm going to sit in the audience and watch you beat the crap out of all of them and...
— Yuri!
The boy rolled his eyes and stood up from the bench. [Reader] did one of the most spontaneous things she had ever done. She ran to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
— Thank you again — she whispered and returned to her seat.
The Russian smiled to himself, feeling a feeling of warmth spread throughout his body.
That night neither of them could sleep.
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roseauthor · 7 months
Yuri Plisetsky,
Synopsis: Headcanons with a prodigy ballerina reader whose serious during ballet but is actually so sweet. When they see Yuri again in the Bolshoi Ballet Studio the reader turns from their serious self to a little fluff ball.
Gender neutral.
Recommended Song: Waltz of the Flowers
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You and Yuri are probably 100% fans of each other.
You are very much surprised by seeing your cat-like boyfriend in front of the private studio glass. Almost losing strength during spinning you ended your private session quickly.
The moment Yuri saw you through the glass he lost complete focus of the conversation he had with his new ballet coach, Lilia Baranovskaya.
"Hey, miss Lillia is that..?" "Their one if not my most talented and serious student." She cut him off.
Not moments after that the door opened and closed softly and in a flash Yuri was on the floor with the exquisite ballerina on top of him.
"[Name]! Get off! You're hurting my everything!" He said while struggling to breath, though deep down he was smiling. Also he was hugging you back, even Lillia was a little in shock. Her normally, graceful, serious, ravishing dancer was on the floor. Hugging her newest 'student'. (She was probably also shocked because of how, and i quote, 'unattractive' you both were behaving.)
"Yuri what are you doing here? Came to visit me?" "No I'm here to become a ballarina. To win the Grand-Prix." "Huh..? As in here, here? Under MY coach??"
In the end you both trained under Lillia, she still had to coach you for a couple lessons seeing as you were the lead roll in the Nut Cracker. Living with her under Yuri's request. saying that 'having a experienced ballerina round would help'. It didn't though It did help Yuri figure out his Agape.
His unconditional love, It was, is, and shall always be for you.
Of course you're used to the painfull training Lillia gave but Yuri wasn't and his sore feet, hands, thighs and rest of his body would HURT and i mean hurt.
So OF COURSE cuddles.
After a few months when Yuri was allowed back on the Ice, and when you weren't practising for the Nut Cracker you would join him on the Ice. And you would goof off a bit, with Yuri teaching you how to skate, some spins, maybe even a scratch spin. God- maybe even a little waltz jump.
You would definitely hold competitions, like sitting longest in a split. Spin longest, maybe even standing in a plie for longest.
Yuri would probably not be a big fan of PDA, but in public It'll be just some pinky holding, maybe if someone tries hitting on you he'd wrap his arm around your waist. Little kisses on the forehead.
Kisses would be soft and sweet on the lips, maybe if he's feeling like It he'll make a make out session out of it. In PRIVATE of course.
SPEAKING of kisses.
One of your student's from the younger classes you gave saw you and Yuri's little goodbye kiss. And pointed it out loud. "Instructor [Name] are you and Yuri Plisetsky DATING?!" The children in the class both female and male turned to you. And they started asking questions. Mind you these kids are 4 to 5 year old.
You could hear Yuri smirking.
Yuri had to walk back since he got the studio wrong, when he stood in front of your studio glass he saw your serious look while you teached, "No Arisha, keep your back straight. Amalia turn out more."
He never experienced you being so serious but he guessed that's what Lillia meant by 'serious'. He found it hot.
"I never knew you were so serious." "YOU WERE STALKING MY BALLET CLASS?"
Yuri's grandpa 100% likes you, the way you make his grandson happy. He's never seen grandson so happy.
"Okay Yuri if you have 10 piroshki's and someone stole half, how many do you have left?" "A broken hand." "Yuri NO!"
"Give me a kiss If I make this quad."
Yuri 100% looking at your performance and definitely brags about you. Totally falls even more for you when you're performing.
His anger issues die down significantly with you around.
He's not the best partner, he has his flaws but he tries his best.
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Round One - Match Sixteen
Who is the best ballerina character?
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leithillustration · 1 year
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Late to the game on this obsession, but made it here eventually. A friend leant me a copy of YOI and I’ve watched it a stupid amount of times over the past few weeks. I’ve not had much time outside of commissions to do any fun doodles for ages, so I really enjoyed doing some grumpy serious Yurio while he stretches and practices and a cute grinning kitten having a laugh with Otabek (:
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inthelittlegenny · 2 years
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those gem/crystal things are weird
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violetncee · 1 year
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ever since yuri first picked up a camera, she’s become someone who sees the world through a lens, and not just literally. notices when the lighting shifts just right, maps out compositions when  she lets her eyes wander–and, this moment is no different. 🔪
“ excuse me… would it, perhaps, be alright if i took your photo? ” yuri asks simply, before she could truly think about it–only seconds later does it begin to settle in, causing her anxiety to kick into gear. 🔪
“ a-ah, i mean, if that’s not too strange of a request, that is! it’s alright if not, of course. i just thought, um, with the current scenery and such? ” with reddened cheeks, yuri quickly fumbles to explain her thought process further. (she got a little too ahead of herself, it seems.) 🔪
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blonndiec · 1 month
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✨Yuri Plisetsky, all adult at 25, doing some ballet 🩰 around Milan✨
Fanart I made for 'Ice Between The Gold' - Chapter 1 Up tonight / 4th part of my fanfiction series Winter Olympics of Broken Hearts 2026 🏅
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capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
So, I was sitting here thinking about Victor and Yuuri's wedding, as you do, when it occurred to me. That damned stripper pole is gonna make an appearance. I know it is. I see it. In my mind. Dose Chris carry that thing around like he's a secret BO staff fighter and he will dance off to save the world? This boy is a bard. He's a sexy dance bard. Bet he can stomp in 6 inch heals.
Anyway, that's not the point.
The point is, Otabek will not be caught dead doing that. 1: flexibility is not his strong suit and he knows it. Let others have their fun He's just be in the background contemplating the physics of it. 2: That is something he will *never* be suckered into because he knows they take photos. Nope. Big Nope.
But what he will do, as requested, is DJ the dance floor for the after party. Which means Yuri will not get to dance with him. Which is sad. EXCEPT. My head did a thing.
See, Otabek would totally be that one completely responsible, fire putting out, fixes stuff by walking thrugh a room and just correcting it person every wedding has. Even if all he does is direct the right person where they need to go so they can put out said fire. Takes a team, but the observant notice where they need to be. (I have been to so many weddings and I am telling you there is always ONE person who makes it all better by existing and OnE pErSoN who fucks it by by breathing.)
And like, I got so many head cannons about this. See, he wears a cravat, proper, for his competitions. Guess who's being tasked (along with Chris) to deal with people who cannot tie ties. Basic will not do. We're talking Fancy Tied Ties. FANCY. Yes, both Chris and Otabek can do these to perfection.
Guess who has to stop Yuri from climbing a wall when he's stressed because Yuuri is stressed and that makes Victor want to go comfort him, but he can't because he has to get ready for the wedding himself, and Yuri is supposed to stop Victor but Victor listens to no man save Yuuri and that's a mess he's tried to explain but no one seems to get but Otabek.
Guess who has to braid Yuri's hair to calm him down. Then has to tell Yuuri's mom - who is doing something else important at the time - what's up so it can be dealt with. Then has to deal with helping Yuri find where he threw his shoes in a rage.
Guess who has to go pick up the classic car they left to get detailed the day before instead of three days prior like he suggested and it may not be here on time because the delivery driver for it can't get anyone to drive him back, so he has to go and get it to the sight on time for when they 'go away' on the honey moon drive which is actually just a drive around the island so the pack of feral ice skaters can reset the scene for the after party. This doubles as having to pick up the wedding cake, and triples as getting Yuri out of there for a little bit so he can chill under the guise of holding the cake steady so it wont be ruined.
Guess who holds the ladders when they hang up flower decor because someone forgot they cannot en pointe to breach that last three inch gap between them and the hook for the flower arrangement. Seriously, you're gonna hurt yourself.
Guess who just sort of lugs boxes where they need to go with out a problem, and in general dose the dirty work quietly with everyone else, letting them set up - the fun part - while he considers this a light cardio day. Still shows up fresh and looking good, because of course he does.
And then he DJs and dose killer because you know he will, and everyone's having fun. All worth it.
But Yuri doesn't get to dance with him, and that's bothering Yuri, so Yuri hangs out with Otabek as he cleans up his set. Everyone else has decided to tear things down the next day. Not him. This shits expensive and he's not going to risk it.
And because Yuri pouts about it, Otabek sighs, grabs his hand, and with no one around just twirls Yuri's ballet doing ass about that floor in ways he's never danced before. Because while Otabek is not cut out for ballet, he dose dance. Far more varieties than Yuri. Lifts, spins, dips, twists. It's fast, and energetic, stuff to make Rodgers and Hammerstein drool. Then he just leaves Yuri drop jawed as he just walks back to his kit and finishes packing it up.
Yuri jumps on his back complaining all the way back to the place they are staying as he clings there like a particularly angelic daemon of a backpack about how dare Otabek hold out on him like that, and dose he think he can translate that to ice so Yuri can use it to kick JJs ass because he has to kick JJs ass, and also because that was so cool.
Otabek just shoulders his kit and says, "Maybe," but smiles just that little bit, until the lights show they are in range of people, his mask slipping back in place as he takes a sleepy Yuri to his room, dropping off his kit, and going to sit outside in the cool island air as an exhausted blond falls asleep still clinging to his back until he slides off from tired.
Otabek catches him. He always will. After a bit he takes him inside, and the rest of the party goes on... oh look. Chris did get out the stripper pole. Shaking his head, he continues to take care of Yuri before he wakes up from the tantalizing sent of possible blackmail pictures in the making. Because he would.
A sleep derived Yuri is a grumpy Yuri, and a grumpy Yuri just wont do.
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One of the many things I love about YOI is how it ignores gender norms. Like Viktor wearing androgynous costumes as a junior because it matched his looks? Lovely. Yuuri learning how to dance like a woman as he explores Eros? Great! Let this boy do whatever he needs to find his unique Eros expression. Mila practising lifts on Yurio? Please give me more.
None of these form a pattern that indicates anything about these characters' gender or, more generally their queerness (spoiler: these could apply to a number of labels or to none; gender is a societal construct and the reasons to not want to conform to it are various), the show is that vague and it seems a deliberate choice. Viktor eventually changed his style and image. Yuuri finds his unique, masculine expression of Eros in episode 6 when he seduces Viktor with his own charms (as conveyed through the use of the masculine pronoun "boku"). These characters live in a world where gender norms don't matter and where everyone can express themselves and explore certain aspects of their personality without anyone telling them that it's not "appropriate" for their gender.
And you can spin this further in your personal headcanon. If Viktor wants to wear a women's yukata because he loves the flower print, he can do that. If Yuuri wants to do ballet in pointé shoes because it challenges his sense of balance, no one can stop him. (In my fics, Viktor wears such shoes for that purpose and because he loves the laces.) If Chris wants to wear an evening gown and high heels because he loves how it emphasises his thighs and his bum, he can just go for it. If Yurio wants to wear a mini-skirt to ripped jeans, no one will bully him for it. If Mila wants to skate in black skates because it matches the colour of her costumes better than white skates, no one would care (same goes for white skates for any of the male characters). If Phichit wants to wear make-up, no one would give him strange looks.
The beauty of Yuri on Ice is that the characters are free to do these things without having to fear judgement or repercussions. They are free to choose how they want to express themselves, be it for image reasons, because of a character they portray in their figure skating routines, because it ties into a certain aspect of their queerness, or because they just prefer this over a traditional expression. In the world of YOI, it just doesn't matter. I would love to live in that world.
Edit: I wrote a meta analysis about Yuuri's exploration of Eros throughout the show that discusses things like the pronouns etc. in more detail here.
(You might notice that I don't count hair length as gender norm because for many people it's a stylistic choice. I'm thinking of all the metalheads and women with pixie haircuts, which have been normalised in most societies I know of.)
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
Happy 500 followers!!
How about 1 and 10 for the ask game?
Thank you for you participation, anon! Ask game is here! Send them in if you want <3
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
I grabbed Idia's hand! When I first got into TWST, I had absolutely no clue what I was getting into so I really just went based on which voice actors I recognized LOL. I know Kōki Uchiyama from a ton of different anime (JJK, Buddy Daddies, Haikyuu, BNHA, Yuri on Ice, etc.) so I just went with his character. While Idia doesn't crack the top 5 for me, I don't think I'd choose again. The only reason I would is if it impacted the story somehow but I really doubt it will. I'm COMITTED.
10. Top five favorite characters?
Grim occupies all top five spots. BUT since that's boring, so I'll limit my choices to the main cast lmao. (My love for the dire beast is PROFOUND) I got VERY wordy here so here's the short answer: 1. Riddle Rosehearts
2. Vil Schoenheit
3. Malleus Draconia
4. Ruggie Bucchi
5. Kalim Al-Asim Explanation below the cut! (I got very excited to talk about my favorites and wrote a lot so I figured I'd condense it for people who didn't want to scroll through it all lol whoopsies.)
1. Riddle Rosehearts - I have no explanation for this?? He's pretty much the opposite of my usual favorite characters so idk what happened here. I've always been drawn to the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic so maybe that has something to do with it? He's got such great character writing, too?? Everything about his personality just makes sense when you know his backstory. When we learn that Riddle's tyrant of a mother was strict and controlling over him, the pieces just seem to fall into place. His whole life was just following her rules and studying like a good little boy, and when he stepped out of line even a little bit he was reprimanded harshly for it. Of course, he's going to the exact same thing once he's in a position of power. It's all he knows. He's just another version of his mother. Not only does he uphold the tradition of punishing rule breakers rather severely as he was when he was younger, I think there's also an element of fear there as well. Like, his mother just instilled an innate fear of breaking rules because bad things would happen if he didn't follow them exactly. I really do see Riddle as a scared little boy who is suddenly realizing that he was set up for failure by his own mother. And THEN he makes an honest effort to improve himself post-overblot?? His transformation after the fact is one of the more obvious ones and I'm just so proud of him. A THOUSAND HEAD PATS!! Okay, I'll stop rambling about him lmao I love Riddle sm (Also want to make clear I'm not saying Riddle was right for anything he did, only that I appreciate how his character was handled. Added for legal purposes so people don't come after me :c ) 2. Vil Schoenheit - This one comes as no surprise to me. Pretty boys who challenge gender stereotypes are RIGHT up my alley. Like Riddle, I think Vil has some great character writing is one of the more complex characters in the game. He just feels so compassionate to me?? I don't know how to explain it - he just gives such nurturing vibes. I'd trust this man with my drink at a bar fr fr. And then he tells Epel off for saying ballet is too "girly" for him?? Thank you TWST for bringing me this man. I pray at the altar of Vil Schoenheit. 3. Malleus Draconia - Doesn't Malleus top everyone's lists LOL I think my favoritism for the dragon man is more to do with his relationship with Yuu than anything else tbh. He's like one of three characters that actively engages with the main character and I think they've got such a fun relationship. Two people who feel very alone in the world finding friendship (or something more for you malleyuu shippers) in each other is so beautiful. I'm glad they can be there for each other like that. Side note: I adore romantic Malleyuu for sure, but I think it's equally as endearing if all of Malleus's flirtatious lines were never meant to be romantic but he's just really bad at communicating his feelings in a platonic way. Like, he doesn't mean to flirt he's just socially inept. 4. Ruggie Bucchi - Gremlin hyena boy is just too good for words. Ngl, I started off not really liking Ruggie all that much because of what he did in the Savanaclaw book. My mans was basically shoving people down flights of stairs?? I'm not really sure where the turn around happened tbh. Mischievous personality types do tend to draw me in in fiction so that probably has a lot to do with it. I also felt really bad for him at the end of the Savanaclaw book when Leona was ready to Thanos him out of existence despite everything Ruggie had done for him (and continues to do for him). I appreciate his work ethic, I can respect the hustle, and he's got such a cute little laugh. I wanna pet those big ole ears of his. Leona - pay this man more smh 5. Kalim Al-Asim - SUNSHINE BOY!!
He's such a breath of fresh air in this game LMAO. As much as I love the fact that most of the cast are unapologetically flawed, it's nice to have a few characters that are genuinely good people. His VA (Kazuki Furuta) absolutely kills it imo. I can hear his laugh in my head as I'm typing this - it's just so warm and happy :D He also breaks the sterotype of most rich characters in media by just being a nice person? He's not evil or greedy (although naive and entitled) and he just wants to be bffs with Jamil. Break his heart Jamil and we're gonna have WORDS. Also just like FORGAVE JAMIL??? His bfffl yeeted him across the desert, brainwashed him and admitted to wanting to get him kicked from the school and Kalim didn't really hold it against him. He was so understanding and sweet about everything AHHHHH
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rikeijo · 2 months
Today’s translation #693
Brutus 2019/3/15, Fuuko Noda's essay
Part 1.
Before I started working on Yuri!!! on ICE, I only watched figure skating on TV once in a while. The Director, Yamamoto Sayo, and Kubo Mitsurou-sensei are huge fans of figure skating, so I was learning from them about it, at the same time as we were creating this show.
'In the matter of figure skating, I'm not willing to accept any compromises' - this strong deterioration of Yamamoto Director led us to work with many people, who are professionally involved in figure skating. And because of this, we couldn't make something that's only half-baked. We asked figure skating choreographer, Miyamoto Kenji-sensei to choose music and choreography for every skater, and record it. Based on that footage, we created the animation.
Recording this kind of footage before anime production, as well as asking Chacott, a maker of ballet and dance supplies, to design costumes for every skater, are both something that we have tried for the first time. We had to place a lot of very special orders that were specific for Yuri!!!, and this was very though work, but at the same time, I've learned a lot through it.
After recording of choreography was finished, we started working on the animation, using that footage as a reference. It turned out that it's impossible to properly express what we wanted to express, if we don't have the knowledge of very fine details of figure skating, such as if the edge of take off for every type of jump is the inside or the outside edge, or were the weight of the body is placed. Animators were studying the reference footage and footage of real-life figure skating competitions, in order to find the right way to express everything in animation.
In addition, to make the anime a little bit closer to the feel of watching a real-life figure skating competition, we asked ex-figure skaters for help. Yokoya Hanae-san was our technical supervisor, Oda Nobunari, Honda Takeshi and Stephane Lambiel appeared in the story as themselves. The power of these Legends is one factor that makes this show so charming.
[Notes: A short essay by MAPPA's (now ex-) producer, Fuuko Noda. Very interesting, because Brutus is a life style magazine, that normally doesn't touch anime, so you can see how Yuri!!! was advertised to non-anime fans (aka how they wanted people to see Yuri!!!). Of course, there is zero mention of Y&V relationship, LGBT themes etc.]
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i-hatethegays · 1 year
looking for a yoi fic
does anyone know the title of the yuri on ice fanfic where victor used to be a ballet dancer in russia but had to flee when he was discovered with his boyfriend at the time? i think yuuri is like a social worker in it as well? and yurio is victor's little brother who he feels guilty about leaving behind
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kazimakuwabara · 8 months
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Another Sanuso scene from the story i'm working on.
I no joke used a yuri on ice doujin I found online to help me with the pose. I was looking at ballet dancer references online and couldn't find quite what I was looking for, so then i looked up ice skaters, and found a doujin that had some good poses. I changed up the leg positioning, and some hand placements, but still. Yuri and ice coming into save the day. I still haven't seen the anime either =3=;
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Round One - Match Ten
Who is the best ballerina character?
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delicate-pointofview · 3 months
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Hello guys, welcome to my blog!
I will try to talk a little about myself in this pinned post, so if you could read it, I would appreciate the effort!
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Here are some warnings before I dive into my life and other stuff:
I am a proship, anti fiction censorship and very kink positive. This blog will have mature and sensitive content. If you are an anti, a minor, or simply can’t handle sensitive topics, please, just block me. Don’t come here trying to fight or manipulate me into feeling bad for liking the things I like, because I don’t care about your opinion. I am a grown woman with a strong sense of self, I don’t fall for nasty tricks.
About Me
My nickname is Ari. I am a POC, cis woman, 29 years old, currently studying an IT course, but having an artist soul.
I’m a sex-positive bi-assex and also a diagnosed bipolar and auDHD.
My favorite color is pink, but don’t have a favorite animal. I love all of them, all animals are cinnamon buns in my opinion, but I have one dog and 5 cats!
I have an introverted, peaceful personality. I’m a Taurus, INFP 4w5, and I like to identify myself as a platypus or a tardigrade.
I like to write, watch TV shows and animes, read, play Animal Crossing, Spiritfarer, The Sims or any cozy game that has almost no fight, talk with my few friends and play RPG.
I’m also a ballerina. In 2023 I taught ballet for all ages and this certainly was my dream job! Classical ballet is one of my longest hyperfocus, I remember being crazy about it since my childhood!
I intend to graduate at a physical therapy college at some point in my life, to work with dancers rehabilitation.
Blog Contents:
This Tumblr will be dedicated to post writting related contents. Here I’ll share my stories, as well as post drafts, musics, moodboards, etc, all of them related to my works. Writer related memes will appear around here as well!
My Other Socials
🐰 AO3: Arikt
🛁 Pinterest: Arikt5
*️⃣Twitter: _arikt5_
Well, I am into a lot of fandoms, but this blog will cover only the ones I write fics about. They are:
🍵 Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
🥐 Death Note
🍡 Yuri on Ice
🌻Good Omens
🧁Bright Young Things
🌈 Changeling the Lost - RPG
🧸 World of Darkness - RPG
Ships I’m into:
Again, here I’ll only address the ships I write about:
🎀 Sebaciel (Black Butler)
🛼 Claude/Alois (Black Butler)
🩰 Otayuri (Yuri on Ice)
💕 Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens)
🍓 Ginger/Miles (Bright Young Things)
🎪OCs/Preexistent Character (Kuroshitsuji, Death Note)
Currently I am only writing fanfics, but I have some original works, some of them inspired by the Role-Playing Games I have participated through all those years. In this session will be the links to all of my wroks.
(I’ll eventually translate all my stories to english and post them on AO3. But rn, I have only one published)
The Ice King and the Golden Boy (Kuroshitsuji Sebaciel Ballet AU)
Your Soul is Mine (yet to be translated - Kuroshitsuji AU with OC)
A Brand New Chance (yet to be translated - Death Note AU with OC)
Morning. - Depressed ramblings of my Death Note OC Lucy Cecile Chinatsu;
Venus Fly Trap - My Changeling RPG Character Naru Hime talks about her impressions about herself and her interactions with other people;
Night-Blooming Rendezvous - Sebaciel short fiction for Sebaciel Spring Spree 2024. A bittersweet story about a love so strong it physically hurts.
Thank you all who read this post till here! I hope we can be good friends! If you have a writing suggestion to me, wether it is about headcanon ideas for fanfiction or just a tip, you can write an ask or send me a message! I will be glad to talk to you!
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Random Headcanons I Have For The DDLC Girls 💞
favorite pocky flavor is almond crush
loves cappuccinos
wants to learn ballet
does pilates (and is super into the pink pilates princess aesthetic)
is obsessed with skincare
her dream date is a picnic on a sunny day
a dog person, especially smaller dogs
listens to penelope scott and mitski
likes to listen to music on vinyl records
favorite flower is lily of the valley
wants to learn french
loves art museums and studying art history
wears almond shaped acrylic nails
favorite animals are deer and butterflies
favorite movies are girl interrupted, the virgin suicides, gone girl, and jennifer’s body
loves cheesecake, especially the blueberry kind
reads sylvia plath poems every night before bed
wants to study abroad in london
prefers dark chocolate over milk
favorite pocky flavor is matcha green tea
favorite bubble tea flavor is purple taro
spends so much time doing her eyeliner every morning trying to get her wings to match perfectly
has definitely tried slam poetry at some point
listens to black veil brides and my chemical romance
thinks snakes are really cool and wants one as a pet really bad
collects fancy stationary
is addicted to perfume, her favorite scents are jasmine and vanilla
wants to learn the cello
is subscribed to watcher on youtube
listens to true crime podcasts
falls asleep to asmr videos
her favorite movies are all of the tim burton ones, especially corpse bride
has an intense hair care routine
went through an ouran high school host club phase, she won’t admit it but her favorite host is tamaki
has a full gaming pc setup… pink cat ear headphones and everything
a twitch streamer
listens to hatsune miku
plays cooking mama
convinced all of them to go to a cat cafe
collects sanrio merchandise (her fav is my melody)
loves sailor moon, her favorite scout is definitely sailor mars
wants to cosplay but is too nervous
a crystal collector, has an altar full of rose quartz
HATES exercise
collects keychains and pins of her favorite characters
loves buying cute socks with fun patterns
writes fan fiction on tumblr and actually has a lot of followers
is obsessed with strawberries
prefers pancakes over waffles
has a squishmallow addiction
plays animal crossing
always plays as baby peach in mario kart
favorite cereal is fruity pebbles
only orders hot chocolate at coffee shops
wants rainbow sprinkles every time she eats ice cream
is a huge kpop stan, definitely stans twice and collects their photocards. her bias is probably sana or nayeon
loves christmas and carefully planned out the perfect presents to give the girls, also organized a christmas party for all of them
cuts her own hair
wears a lot of blush and collects different brands, especially ones with cute packaging
ALSO collects sanrio merchandise, but her fav is cinnamoroll
loves studio ghibli movies! especially my neighbor totoro and kiki’s delivery service
drinks chocolate milk with every meal
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