#yun ‘ oliver ’ sungmin : threads .
wcvensouls · 1 year
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kaede had gotten caught up again with... whatever it was that she was always doing in her laptop, which meant that oliver was once again left without company. having already bought tickets for the performance beforehand, it felt like a waste to simply not use it, which is what had him approaching the young woman that was seemingly alone in the first place. " i hope this doesn't sound strange, but... i have a spare ticket, you wanna come in with me? "
@silkcode : closed starter .
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wcvensouls · 9 months
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" we're a team now. we'll help each other out. "
@sorrymcm : closed starter .
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wcvensouls · 1 year
ghostly insights corp : activities .
there is a handful of ways that the trio might end up on a case : 1. oliver has seen, dreamt or sensed something ; 2. seungjae stumbled upon it on his search for the entity that once possessed him ; 3. kaede has read or heard some suspicious story ; 4. people reached out to them for help. in the last instance, usually they find them through kaede's videos or posts on social media, which were posted precisely for that reason. the name, ghostly insights corp, is one she came up with herself — that seungjae was heavily against and oliver was not a fan of, but she won them by pure exhaustion and stubborness when she showed up with a van with the name in question painted on the side. oliver has gotten used to it by now, but seungjae still avoids using it as much as he can.
when it comes to the actual work, they also have somewhat established a dynamic. kaede is the first one to go in and set things up, talk to the family or whoever requires their help while oliver and seungjae will look around trying to find any signs of whatever ghost or creature is in their presence. oliver will usually be the first one to attempt to deal with it, to try to draw it out and establish contact, as he is the most sensitive out of them. seungjae, on the other hand, is usually the one to finish the job off due to being a lot more resilient and, more importantly, he is also the one to step in whenever it becomes too much for oliver to handle. in the time they have worked together, things usually go smoothly — but there has been a few occasions where they have struggled and left with injuries to both their bodies and minds. still, they continue to carry foward.
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