#yuletide baby
thecoziestbean · 11 months
Dear Yuletide Writer Letter 2023
Hi! Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for writing me something! I already think you're brilliant. This is my first Yuletide, and I am both very excited and very nervous. I hope something in here inspires you and that you have fun writing for me. I'm sure I'm going to have fun reading whatever you write. Again, thank you thank you thank you!
My Likes/Dislikes
Likes: enemies/rivals to lovers, villain fuckers, hard headed women, smut (especially smut that reveals something to one or more characters about themselves or their emotional states), "I can make them worse," forced proximity (road trips/travel, there was only one bed, locked in a closet, forced to work together to get out of a tricky situation, etc.), grumpy/sunshine, humor, character studies, character introspection, worldbuilding, I’m happy with canon settings or AUs (including modern ones), fairy tale & mythological elements, metaphors from the natural world, praise kink, soft dom, bratting/brat taming, manhandling, spanking, size kink (but not done to an extreme or in excessive, explicit detail)
Dislikes/DNWs: bugs of the creepy crawly variety, unprompted crossovers; unprompted genderbending; pregnancy and kidfic (ok if it’s not the main focus of the fic); cheating/infidelity (again, ok if it’s not the main focus of the fic); hurt/no comfort or totally hopeless endings; scat, watersports, vomit; incest; underage; mommy/daddy kink; forced noncon/assault (dubcon, and coercive noncon, including mindcontrol, is alright)
Prompt 1: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV)
Galadriel | Artanis
I’d love a character study of Galadriel, in particular her relationship to power (her own, political power, Sauron’s offer, etc.). Personally, I love the Galadriel x Sauron ship, but do not expect it here. I’d just ask that whatever you write not be anti-Haladriel.
My preferences for tone vary depending on character and setting. For this prompt, I’m comfortable with anything from fluff to tragic, I’d just ask for a heads up in the tags.
Some possible prompts could include Galadriel’s ongoing struggle against and temptation by Sauron, Galadriel learning to use Nenya, when/if/how Galadriel reveals the truth about Halbrand/Sauron to Elrond/Gil-galad/etc.
Prompt 2: Uprooted - Naomi Novik (Book)
The Dragon | Sarkan
I’d love an exploration of Agnieszka & Sarkan’s romantic relationship post-canon. I like happy endings, but I'm open to what that might look like to you. If you'd like to incorporate the Wood as a character, that's fine, I'd just like the focus to be on Agnieszka and Sarkan.
Prompt 3: The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern (Book)
Celia Bowen
Marco Alisdair
I’d love an exploration of Celia and Marco's romantic relationship. Some possible prompt ideas: Celia and/or Marco creating one of the circus attractions for the other, rivals to lovers, or what happens to them post-canon. I like happy endings, but I'm open to what that might look like to you.
Prompt 4: The Bards of Bone Plain - Patricia McKillip (Book)
Princess Beatrice
I love character studies and stories that reflect on how characters have changed or how far they’ve come. I'd enjoy something like this for Princess Beatrice set during or post-canon. Feel free to use members of the Cle family if you'd like.
Treats are welcome! I'm so excited to read what you write, and can't thank you enough! Happy Yuletide!
xo - Cozy
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fairy-magick · 10 months
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wizardsaur · 10 months
Gonna post this joke for my friend who refuses to do it her damn self because she's too new to Tumblr & hasn't figured out this is GOLD yet;
So ya know how there's a massive overlap with witchcraft and the LGBTQ community?
Yeah so the pagans quite literally made the Yuletide gay.
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anxxiousleo · 9 months
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May all of us be blessed. 🌛⭐🌜
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enchantedwitchling · 9 months
Embracing the Magic of Yule: A Witch's Guide to Celebrating the Winter Solstice
As the winter solstice approaches, the veil between worlds thins, inviting us into the enchanting realm of Yule. This sacred time, celebrated by witches and pagans, heralds the rebirth of the sun, the return of light, and the promise of new beginnings. Let's explore the essence of Yule, how witches honor this festival, rituals, spells, and the myriad wonders associated with this magical season.
What is Yule?
Yule marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, a celestial event celebrating the sun's return and the triumph of light over darkness. It symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and the turning of the wheel of the year.
How Do Witches Celebrate Yule?
Witches honor Yule with joyous celebrations, rituals, and traditions steeped in ancient lore. They decorate their altars and homes with evergreen boughs, holly, mistletoe, and candles to welcome the returning light.
Rituals and Spells for Yule
🕯️ Yule Log Ceremony: Carving intentions into a Yule log and burning it symbolizes releasing the old and inviting the new.
🌲 Nature Walks: Connect with nature and the dormant Earth. Collect fallen evergreen branches for decorations.
🔮 Divination Rituals: Perform divination to gain insight into the upcoming year's energies and opportunities.
🕯️ Candle Magic: Light candles in colors symbolizing intentions—gold for prosperity, red for courage, and green for growth.
Yule and Sacred Symbols
✨ The Wheel of the Year: Symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, the wheel turns to the winter solstice, marking the beginning of the solar year.
🌞 The Sun: An emblem of hope and vitality, the return of the sun is celebrated with gratitude and reverence.
Other Yuletide Traditions
🎶 Feasting and Merriment: Share meals with loved ones, celebrating abundance and kinship.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange gifts as tokens of love and appreciation, reflecting the spirit of generosity.
Yule is a time of introspection, gratitude, and setting intentions for the coming year. Whether you're performing rituals, casting spells, or simply embracing the magic of the season, Yule offers an opportunity to connect deeply with the natural rhythms of life. As we honor the returning light, let us kindle the flame of hope within our hearts, celebrating the resilience of the human spirit and the everlasting cycle of life.
May your Yule be blessed with warmth, joy, and the abundance of the season.
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sappy-witch · 10 months
⭐🎄Celebrating Yule 🎄⭐
Hello darlings 🥰,
As December ushers in its wintry charm, let's dive into the magical world of Yule, the Winter Solstice celebration, a time of rebirth and renewal in the Pagan calendar. ✨❄️
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Yule, celebrated on the shortest day of the year, marks the return of the sun and the promise of brighter days ahead. In 2023, Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice, falls on Thursday, December 21st. This day marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, symbolizing the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of winter. Here's how you can embrace this enchanting season:
🌲 Evergreen branches (Pine, Fir, or Cedar)
❄️ Snowflakes or snowflake decorations
🕯️ White, Gold, or Silver candles
🔔 Bells
🍊 Oranges or orange slices
🌰 Nuts and berries
🌟 Create a Yule Altar: Decorate your altar with evergreen branches, candles, and symbols of the sun. It's a beautiful way to honor the returning light.
🌟 Light Candles: As you light white, gold, or silver candles, reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new cycle.
🌟 Make Yule Decorations: Craft snowflakes, hang bells, and dry orange slices. These activities are not only fun but imbue your space with festive energy.
🌟 Hold a Feast: Celebrate with a meal featuring nuts, berries, and seasonal fruits. Sharing food is a way to connect with loved ones and the earth's bounty.
🌟 Reflect and Release: Write down what you wish to let go of from the past year and what you hope to bring forth. Burn the paper safely in your candle flame as a symbolic release.
🌟 Connect with Nature: Take a walk in the woods, listen to the silence of winter, and feel the magic of the earth.
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Yule is a time for inner reflection, peace, and joy. Embrace its magic, and let the light fill your heart and home.
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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lunasapphire · 9 months
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Happy Yuletide, Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice everyone!🤍🎄🪵
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snowythewican · 9 months
Blessed be my sweet ones 🔮
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milkylilacs · 9 months
This year’s Yule celebration, burning our wishes for the new year.
Things used:
- incense stick
- dryed orange
- clementine peel
- garlic
- yellow rose petals
- salt
- cinnamon sticks
- crystals
- white candle
- thick paper
Follow me on TikTok for more, blessed be.
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elejah-wonderland · 9 months
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malefixium · 10 months
I want to start moving towards Yule and out of Christmas. Give me some ideas to start or try out. What do yall do for this season?
I was thinking of doing orange slices garland. 🤔
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daphyswitchylibrary · 2 years
Blessed Yule!
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Yule, Yuletide or the winter solstice, happens usually around the 21st to the 25th (it depends for each year!) The winter solstice is a celebration of the longest night and shortest day of the year: after that, days will get longer again! It's a great time to celebrate home, family, friends, and reflect on ourselves. It also celebrates the eternal cycle of light and dark, life and death.
Crystals that are good to have for Yule are Ametrine, Orange Calcite, Ruby, Turquoise, Garnet, Bloodstone, Snowflake Obsidian and Onyx
For food, you can think of fruit (like oranges!), dried fruit, nuts, or even drink cider!
Colors that go well for Yule are, of course, red, green, white, silver and gold!
What to do for Yule
Decorate a Christmas/Yule tree. It's also a great activity if you are still in the broom closet
Bake a Yule log (the cake!), gingerbread cookies, plum pudding, or other recipes you usually make for the holidays. For example, fruit pies are always a big thing in my house during Christmas, so I also bake some for Yule!
Since Yule is a great time for reflection, make sure you take some time for that. Sit down and think about what happened in your life this year, meditate on it, try to see what was good and what was bad, and how to fix/change the latter. Do shadow work. Be grateful, make bullet points of your year's highlights. Using divination tools, like making a tarot spread about yourself/your situation, is also a great way to do that. Sometimes, it's even easier because the tool might bring up points you would've never thought of.
Have fun with family and friends! Yule is about the love and warmth around you, that also goes for the people you love.
Take a cleansing bath or shower! It's time to let go of things that you don't need anymore: and cleansing yourself helps to move on, to get rid of energies that no longer serve you. It will make some space for new things to come!
Go take a walk outside! Go appreciate the cold and how calm winter is.
Watch the sunrise and sunset. Afterall, it is the shortest day of the year, and it's nice to really see it.
With all that being said, I wish a blessed Yule to all! Take care of yourselves and have fun :)
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wizardsaur · 9 months
I celebrate Yule as a season, not a day. So from my house to yours, this December 23rd
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the-inkstained-witch · 9 months
I've been busy with various holiday festivities for the past couple days, but now that I've got some time to myself, I wanna ask, how was everyone's Yule?
I had a really nice time! I went over to a friend's house to exchange gifts, we cleansed, I taught xem my veiling ritual, we burned a candle and set intentions for the coming season
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apologies for the bad quality photos, but this was the sigil we carved on the candle, and the candle itself. the sigil was created with the phrase "blessed yule."
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looz-y · 9 months
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christmas/yuletide without my baby boy, greyshis, has been the hardest thing ever. im allowing myself to be upset instead of just ignoring it and i hope to keep his memory alive even further onto the next year.
give your furry babies some love, kiss them and hold them for me. love you all.
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fairy-magick · 9 months
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