#yukiko's father
chipsncookies · 1 year
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Dad suspicions... he's conflicted either way
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t4tadrienette · 1 month
Every time they put Yusaku Kudo in an episode is always to show how Shinichi still has a long way to go as a detective, and it annoys me so much. He literally shows up, talks about how he figured out the case long before Shinichi, and then he just goes away. Either shut up or go back to neglectland, I really don't care
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tenderlambkin · 5 months
One year in simping
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Please DO throw suggestions at me 😎👉️
Template under the cut.
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yumedeer · 2 years
Yuu: Lilia told me that he taught Silver how to fight with a sword.
Yukiko: Really? Silver told me it was his adoptive father who taught him.
Both: Wait a minute...
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
I've come back to drop some Next Gen Nevermore lore, this time about Sora and Regine's parents 💕
Yukiko Toriyama
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Because of my love for parallels, she's a doctor to match the adult characters in the show (Principal - Weems/Bianca; Sheriff - Galpin/Walker). She's a surgeon though, not a therapist like Kinbott, but still a doctor!
Yukiko's around Wednesday and co's age, so she was also in Jericho High when they were in Nevermore. She has a huge respect for Outcasts, thinking that they are very cool. In fact, she thought this one siren girl that she first saw during Outreach Day was especially cool. Soon she will find out that her name is Bianca Barclay and that her classmate Lucas Walker will end up dating her.
She met Sora's father some time after graduating from high school. She fell for his confidence, and was especially impressed that he was an Outcast. Unfortunately she realized too late that he's all talk. When she got pregnant with Sora, his rich parents essentially sent her hush money, which she accepted and used to pay for med school. Sora's grandparents helped raise her while Yukiko finished her studies, so she wasn't as present as she probably should have been during Sora's childhood. She tries her best though, really.
Hugo Schuyler
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Sora's father. He came from a rich and reputable family of psychics that specialize in spirits, also known as Herons. Because of his family's reputation, he developed a huge ego and has delusions of grandeur.
He's a glutton for attention, a trait that Sora unfortunately inherited as she also always makes an effort to fit in with "the popular crowd" among her peers. However unlike Sora who is ashamed of her outcast status and prefers to hide her power, Hugo has a superiority complex and overcompensates for his weak psychic abilities by being obnoxiously loud about his outcast status and his family's name.
He ends up starting a YouTube channel as a paranormal investigator after Nevermore. When he finds out he has a daughter, he's quick to head over to Nevermore and rope Sora into his paranormal shenanigans. No, it doesn't end up being a cute father-daughter bonding activity.
He sees both Wednesday and Enid as rivals. Wednesday for her formidable psychic powers (and reputation!), Enid for, well, her more successful YouTube channel(which isn't even hers, it's the Wolf Preserve's). Wednesday does not remember him from their high school days though, and Enid purposely mixes him up with Xavier when addressing him.
Vega hates him because he thinks aliens don't exist.
Erica Gutierrez
(I don't have her design and personality fully conceptualized yet, sorry)
Erica is Eugene's ex-wife and is a famous actress who started out when she was a teenager. She used to be a celebrity crush of Eugene's when he was in Nevermore, and dating and marrying her was a dream come true that sadly didn't last.
Erica makes an effort to see Regine when she can, and she usually has her daughter stay with her throughout the summer. Her fame comes with its own cons, particularly the excessive attention she(and by extension her family) gets hugely contributing to Regine's overly reclusive personality.
Erica had nothing to do with Outcasts before meeting Eugene and is every bit of a Normie. She and Wednesday never liked each other. She gets along well with Enid because she thinks Enid is normal enough when she isn't wolfed out. Enid likes her for getting her Michelle Yeoh's autograph and a video message as a birthday gift once. (Wednesday hates that Eugene's ex wife of all people showed her up that year)
None of the Nevermore student knew Regine's mother was a celebrity until Erica decided to give her daughter a surprise visit during Family Day(coincidentally the same day Hugo goes to meet Sora. It was a long weekend for the girls)
(masterpost for my AUs here)
Partial credit to @whitebeltwriter for coming up with Yukiko's background with me. I no longer remember which parts were my idea and which is hers, but pls know that it was a collaborative effort
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detshin · 4 months
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Maybe because they ARE better than you, Toichi :)
(Have you ever found out about your cousin that's been alone and suffering for a long time that could've definitely used some support and help and your father just never told you about?)
I was thinking about adding the moms here and have Chikage stand with Toichi and Yusaku because she also sucks, and add Yukiko to the Shinichi and Kaito group because she also just found out about it... but then I got lazy lmao
You'll have to pry the Kudo and Kuroba family drama from my cold dead hands.
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kidconsky · 5 months
Okay.... Let's analyze what happened in dcmk these last few weeks. Obvious SPOLIERS will be commented so you know.
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> Appearance of Aoko's mother in Magic Kaito.
Where was she all this time? Why did she never appear or even show a sign of life? She didn't even call her daughter on her birthday... She appears so oblivious to everything, she didn't even know who Kaitou Kid was since her husband has always been obsessed with trying to catch this thief for YEARS. It seems like Gosho just randomly placed her in the story without trying to connect with the canon, it's almost as if she was a character outside of her original manga.
> Film 27 and its breaks in logic and common sense.
After all these years, Gosho decided to go against everything he had already said and made the Kaishin to be cousins, not only ruining a unique relationship (whether you shipped or not) but also bringing plot holes and contradictions in the story. If they are cousins ​​what's the excuse for them never trying to even interact before? Why was it that when Yukiko first met Kaito, she never acted like she was related to her? The same with Toichi, she always talked about him as just her teacher and NOTHING more than that, it doesn't make sense to put that in the story now. Why did Kaito never even have support from his family? Not even showing up at Toichi's symbolic funeral? How come Yusaku never went to talk to his late brother's family, even if he knew the truth KAITO DIDN'T KNOW...
No one even considered his feelings...
> All the bullshit involving Kaishin.
The biggest problem for me about them being cousins ​​is not just because of the ship but because of all the history and construction they had. It's as if everything that's different about them is summed up in the simple fact that they're related. But Kaishin has always had something unique, something that Gosho himself defined as "a mysterious bond". Them not having the slightest type of relationship made everything so unique, a connection that only the two of them could have together, one would easily understand the other even though they were complete strangers. Now I feel like they want to throw that away.
Gosho had already said that Toichi was possibly alive but the confirmation brought me a wave of anger and contempt that I had never felt for any other dcmk character (even bo). Let's think about Kaito in this whole story:
• lost his father when he was just a child and is still traumatized by it today.
• for 8 FUCKING YEARS he discovers that his father's death was never an accident but a murder.
• His father was actually an internationally wanted thief who was after a precious stone capable of bringing immortality.
• he steps into his father's shoes as KID and decides to try to find out for himself what happened to his father, who killed him and why.
• now there is a criminal organization that thinks he is the KID who didn't really die and they are trying to kill him once and for all.
• he decides to put himself at risk looking for Pandora, being something belonging to the organization and the police themselves.
• a lot of people hate him, regardless of whether he hurts people or not.
• more and more he becomes more and more removed from everything and becomes burdened with the KID charade.
• his own mother doesn't care about him, on the contrary, it seems like she likes to make things even more difficult for her son (she disguised herself as her dead ex-husband just to screw with her son's head, that's sickening to say the least).
• everything Kaito does is because of his father's murder, he never wanted to be KID, he never liked stealing, he doesn't do any of that for pleasure (except when it involves a certain mini detective but that's not the focus now ).
• and in the end his father was ALIVE all this time, doing who knows what while his son was risking his life because of him... BRO...
This whole thing is insane. And not in a good way.
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nkn0va · 3 months
Persona request: Mitsuru, Yukiko, and Makoto get caught making out with thier M!S/O please.
I have nothing clever to say here. Uhh...sorry about the inactivity? I finally bought Gigantic and was re-living my middle school years of playing the shit out of it so that's been distracting me.
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-Getting Mitsuru to open up to intimacy is quite the undertaking, to say the least. Out of everyone here she's the hardest to crack due to a previous relationship that wasn't exactly ideal to say the least.
-Frankly she probably doesn't even get completely comfortable with the idea of 'making out' until after the events of P3. Luckily she does manage to grow in your relationship and get much more confident.
-A particularly long, draining day of running the Shadow Operatives has Mitsuru exhausted and she looks forward to nothing more than having some alone time with you to recharge.
-She never once thought of intimacy with her old fiance (I can't add accents on Tumblr, ffs), so she's completely inexperienced despite being the one who's not in their first relationship here.
-After so long of her being averse to intimacy you're more than happy to attempt it. However just as you two are inches apart there's a knock on the door.
-It's...Akihiko, coming to give his reports for the day. Thankfully he's pretty romantically clueless so it's easy enough to trick him that you two weren't doing anything important. Though that also lead him to interrupting you two.
-Oh well, there's always next time.
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-Yukiko might not look it, but she as a bit of a rebellious streak hidden deep inside her, and that tends to come out the most when it comes to dating.
-It's nothing too crazy of course, but she can't help but feel that sense of adventure, of exploring what it truly means to be in love with someone else.
-Of course if anyone else were to find out she'd probably drop dead on the spot but it's something you'll need to accept as part of her if you wanna keep this relationship going.
-That being said, eventually the time we'll come when she wants to try making out, namely when the Investigation Team takes a visit to the Amagi Inn. When everyone's about to wind down for the night and go to sleep she drags you off somewhere private.
-It's about to start getting really steamy when you suddenly hear footsteps behind you and both your hearts simultaneously stop. It's Yu. He was looking for Yukiko to ask where the bathrooms were, certainly not expecting to find you two getting frisky.
-At least he acts cool about it. He's perfectly capable of ignoring what just happened and acting like he didn't interrupt anything important, and truthfully, you'd both rather it be him than anyone else. Only God knows if it was Teddie what that stupid bear would do...
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-Out of all the ladies so far, Makoto is by far the most romantically inept, and that's definitely saying something. She never even thought about dating until you came along because of how much importance she placed on studies due to her sister and father.
-It's only when she hears about the process of making out (how she does is up to you), does she want to try it, but there's no way in hell she has the confidence to do so.
-Chances are, you're going to have to lead the relationship into being more physically affectionate if you want it to get to that point at all. This is going to be much to her embarrassment, though.
-Makoto definitely won't turn you down though, she wants to keep you happy while dating her, and it's an opportunity to for her to grow in your relationship together.
-She doesn't have the guts to do it anywhere that isn't her house where she knows you two will be alone. She'll still be super nervous but with your reassurance she'll slowly but surely ease into it.
-That is until there's a knock at the door. Sae appears to have come home much earlier than usual, causing you both to stiffen up immediately and scoot away from each other and do your best to act natural.
-Thankfully for the both of you Sae is just as romantically incompetent as her sister so it's easy to fool her, although she will be suspicious and probably keep a closer eye on you two from now on.
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itssagaruu · 10 months
The Devil only Wants to be a Detective!
A Scarlet trio and 3/4 gumi fancomic
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Kudou Shinichi, now more familiarly known as Edogawa Conan, has a HUGE secret that only his family knows. And no, it’s not about his shrunken demise at the hands of the Black Organization this time!
Since ancient times, the Kudou Family has lived as the only proof of the Devil clan ever existing. Though people have long forgotten about it, the family itself has not. The last devil from their family is Kudou Yusaku, and now that Shinichi is nearing his ‘Trial’, Yusaku and Yukiko have high expectations that Shinichi will be a powerful devil.
Well the problem is, when a devil is born, they have to overcome a ‘Trial’ before becoming a full-fledged devil. The Trial itself is tasked when one is deemed strong enough by Fate to carry its burden, but it was almost impossible to guess what you'll be tasked with. His great-grandfather has to build the current Kudou mansion that contains a secret underground facility, while his father was told to abandon becoming a police detective and write a mystery novel about thieves instead. When looking at it like this, how does one expect he'll be great when Shinichi himself can't predict what Trial he would get? Some Fate indeed…
That’s why Shinichi tried to avoid it. He wanted to be a detective like Holmes! Not some devil! And then suddenly his Trial appeared out of nowhere. Apparently, becoming Conan is his Trial, and he also has to capture the Black Organization in a year's time?! How?!
Cover Illustration + Preview coming soon in January-February 2024!
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pocchi-poket · 5 months
Spoilers for Detective Conan movie 27
I literally left the detective conan fandom a DECADE ago, but a friend just told me about the "Toichi and Yusaku are brothers" reveal, and while I myself supported that headcanon when I was in the fandom, the fact it is now actually canon is so funny. The Kudo (Kuroba?) family is such a mess, I love them.
Like, oh yes, I'm Shinichi Kudo, teenage detective prodigy, and this is my mom, Yukiko Kudo, former teenage actress prodigy, and my dad, Yusaku Kudo, famous mystery novelist who often helped the police, and this is his TWIN brother, Toichi Kuroba, famous thief and illusionist kaito kid with whom my father had a full fledged rivalry and who's been faking his death for years, and his wife (my aunt) another famous thief, and my cousin, Kaito Kuroba, you'll never guess what he does (yes, he's another famous thief). And my gramps! Who divorced and decided that recreating the parent trap irl would be so f*cking funny.
Like truly a family of meddlers and drama queens, lol.
Edit because I forgot to add "My cousin, yes another famous thief, with whom I ALSO have a full fledged rivalry".
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dracrownian · 22 days
My general headcanon for Rei for a while now is that he has like surface level knowledge of a lot of different things, but really only delves deeper if it’s relevant to a case or something.
And stuff like celebrities and pop culture are very firmly in the “I do not have time for this” category. Even local celebrities. (He knows Yoko, of course, mostly because of Kogorou. That’s about it.)
And I was more or less proven at least partially correct from his reaction to seeing Yuusaku in person.
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And it makes me cackle even more because this is the world-renowned mystery novel author father of the person he’s supposed to be investigating. Yuusaku would likely have shown up on any internet search about Shinichi. Rei has done absolutely no investigations as of this point.
But also? “He” was literally on the television giving a speech at an award show the last time Rei was in the house. (Yes, it was Yukiko but he couldn’t know that. But also he was very distracted at the time with the real Yuusaku disguised as Okiya, so I can kind of forgive him for that one. Still hilarious though.)
Also this is like the only time we see Rei this caught off guard. I love it.
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cyndraws · 9 months
Kaishin secret santa 2023
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This is a Kaishin roleswap au for @blueamphibians! I hope you enjoy this art + my ramblings on the au underneath. Because of course, I couldn't just leave it as one piece of art haha (ehem please buckle in for preparation)
Many thanks to @dcmkkaishinevents / Mack for hosting this event, it was super fun participating and interacting with the community <3 <3 As a side note, I would absolutely recommend it to others who are considering signing up next year. Everyone is very friendly!
(Hey Blue, I had more art planned but unfortunately many things came up. But I hope you enjoy this anyways! I might draw some more for you later ^-^ Thanks so much for this prompt <3 <3)
Edit: I have decided that now you will receive a completed arts + ramblings + some WIPs behind the scene hahahaha https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/737208478471487488/kaishin-secret-santa-2023-extras-basically-wips?source=share
AU ramblings under the cut (ngl it's a lot):
Random details and notes that don't really fit anywhere. Mostly about the fanart:
Kaito is 1 year older than Shin and is taller than him
This scene is set over the Haido City hotel. In the distance you can see Shiriyomi Trust Hotel (can't full recognise it behind Kaito but I assure you I drew it lol), Tokyo tower (easy to spot) and Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (Just behind Shin on the right, the one with the lights in a --u-- shape) Main reference: https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Haido_City_Hotel
I was also screaming at the Kaishin pic in ED70 throughout this LMAO.
Kaito breaks through Shinichi's mysterious KID persona in this drawing and Shinichi shyly reveals his face behind the mask. Kaito then produces a blue flower, claiming it matches Shinichi's beautiful eyes (he's also the one who bred it)
Kaito has extra pockets sewn into his uniform to carry more tricks. This wasn't really necessary in canon, but here, Kaito has to be prepared to investigate at any moment.
Lmao help me render hair *stares at Kaito's* Cool effect but not quite right. I need to go experiment later.
Kaito/Shin getting shrunk (aka Conan situation) never happens in this au. But Haibara and the other victims are still around. Haibara still lives at the professor's.
Yusaku was much more entangled and involved with Toichi and his fight with the Black Org. Side note but in this au, Snake is from a division of the Black Org
As a result, they both end up being killed during the fateful accident. Yes, both Shinichi and Kaito are there for it. They were going to be introduced to each other on that day, but well,,, we can see the way it ended.
It wasn't well known that the Kuroba and Kudo family were close at all. Extra vigilance was taken after the funerals to ensure their safety. Their families parted ways for the better or worse after thsi event.
Yusaku's and Toichi's friendship/rivalry included collaborating for some heists, having a second secret base in the Kudo mansion, and Yusaku donning the Night Baron costume... even if he was just hidden in a car and sending information to Toichi via an earpiece lol.
After their husbands' deaths, Yukiko and Chikage meet up occasionally and travel together in secret.
Shinichi never became a famous detective. The years after Yusaku died in the tragic accident, Yukiko and him tried their best to move on with varying success. Shinichi's dream to become a famous detective never came to fruition.
This was because for various reasons including not having Yusaku's guiding hand to develop Shin's detective skills, was only being taken to crime scenes for a year, and of course the trauma.
After avoiding detective work as much as he could (well considering that he's still a corpse magnet), Shinichi finally starts to dig through his memories. From then, he uncovered a strange inconsistency with the logic of his father's death and starts to obsess over the idea that it was a murder.
Shin painstakingly and slowly investigates in the shadows with his *ehem* admittedly rusty detective skills and chases after the very little crumbs left by the organisation. What he uncovers is that the accident wasn't one at all, but premeditated murder by an encompassing third party.
Shinichi finally finds a lead to,,, Jii Konosuke. This takes quite a few years, and Shinichi is 15 when he confronts Jii.
Jii reveals everything after Shinichi's deduction and also mistaking him for Kaito. And such Shinichi is brought into the fold. Shinichi also makes up his mind to take on the KID mantle, greatly sympathising with the fellow teen whose father was also involved.
The years after Shinichi uncovers the truth, he learns many skills such as disguise, acting and magic from Jii and Chikage. However, his magic skills will never be on par with Kaito's.
Shinichi in this au has more acting and disguise skills from living with his mother. She passed this skills onto him, and they bonded over it to recover from their grief.
When Shinichi is 17, he officially takes on the role of KID. Chikage permanently locked the KID cave in the Kuroba house, and the KID cave settled in its new home in the Kudo mansion. Inside the second base previously used by Toichi and Yusaku.
Shinichi as KID:
Well, he's just as dramatic as Kaito in canon, but it's a different kind of dramatic. Shin is more of a mysterious and cryptic phantom thief and wears a menacing Night Baron mask. He overall speaks less, and when he does, he says a lot of dramatic lines. Like in theatre almost, with plenty of double meanings.
He takes on a lot of aspects from the Phantom Lady and Jii's interpretation of KID.
And also, I was inspired by the Black Knight, Shiragami in canon, and AngelicSentinel's fantastic fic, Heart of Eternity. I guess you could describe it as more theatrely, cool and princely. He's still very athletic (laughing at Shinichi being Tarzan as Shiragami)
Unlike Kaito, Shin's notices often involve cryptic riddles. It satisfies Shinichi's puzzle loving side and adds to his mysterious reputation.
It's funny to me how Akako's 'Demon of Light' moniker is still accurate haha
Shinichi investigates a little in the shadows and is overall a touch more hot-headed than Kaito KID
He uses a lot more gadgets to cover for his lesser magic skills. He's still learning though! A lot of them are references to Conan's and KID's in canon. Between Jii and Agasa, he gets a lot of them haha. This includes:
Mask/monocle -> voice changer, mask to cover for poker face, zoom and night vision, tracker, microphone and radio, gas mask.
Transmitter/microphone -> button stickers, bugs in general, cufflinks. In some cases, a camera but it must be asked for first. Shin uses these to cover for Kaito's doves in canon.
Wristwatch -> Clock of course for his heist times, tranquilliser, emergency flashbomb (KID has one in canon too)
Shoes -> jet powered rollerskates (equivalent to skateboard). Of course, Shin still kicks things but it looks more to take down the occasional criminal, trigger emergency traps, and more. He doesn't kick often because it doesn't really suit the image of KID + it's a unique skill to have.
+ other usual KID gadgets -> smoke, flash, sleeping bombs, grapple gun, hang glider, etc.
He's still an aspiring magician
Since there's a rising amount of cases in Beika, Kaito gets recommended by Nakamori because of his magic skills. The idea is that his knowledge of magic tricks will help uncover the criminals' tricks... Well this includes basically all cases lol. It works though! And the news of Meitantei Kaito starts to spread.
Kaito falls in love with the dramatics and triumphs of figuring out a criminal's trick. He starts to get called into Beika every time a case is discovered. One different to Shin is that Kai gets called to the cases instead of the cases coming to him.
His detective persona is like KID's in canon - flirty, dramatic, confident, charming, a bit of a pervert, and a classic showman's personality. Aoko is sick of it hahaha.
Kai's deduction show is very dramatic. He uses flashy magic tricks to reveal evidence and tricks, and uses his magic to take down criminals.
This includes his acrobatics, trusty card gun and traps he set beforehand. I like to headcanon that Kaito invented his cardgun first before integrating into KID. Kaito's cardgun includes the normal sharp cards (Kaito uses it to pin down criminals with their clothes, cut ropes, etc), tranquilliser laced cards, smoke and flash bombs. And also sleeping bombs but he uses it vary sparingly because even that toes the law a little too much... Megure is exasperated but the criminals are taken down quickly without much harm so he lets it slide
Kaito also follows in the spirit of dubious investigation. He changes his voice, uses his doves to spy on others, uses disguises (very very rarely), and is noisy overall.
Kaito and Hakuba:
Has a detective rivalry with Hakuba.
Hakuba still thinks, even in this au, that Kaito is KID. After all, Shin's profile is very similar to Kaito's. Kaito vehemently denies it but acts like a KID fan around Hakuba to annoy him. He isn't really though, citing KID's magic to be third rate, but he is still intrigued.
Hakuba offhandedly slips in wording and insinuations to Kaito's huge annoyance. You can imagine them bickering at a crime scene while Megure is just Too Used to this.
Much later on, when Kaito learns Shinichi's identity, Kaito tells Shinichi's about Hakuba's warnings. So Kaito is kinda a messenger between the two. Despite Hakuba being annoying, Kaito knows he can trust him.
~ Other character interactions:
Shinichi and Kaito:
Shinichi is still a corpse magnet. So he encounters a case, calls the police, and escapes as fast as he can after giving a witness statement. This is partly to avoid the awkwardness of meeting Megure and the police officers (he hasn't met them since his father died), as well as his new night job.
This results in the most frustrating yet amusing situation where Shin and Kaito miss meeting each other for quite a few years. Shinichi is busy hurrying off while Kaito is called to the scene and busy listening to the details.
Quick sketch I may/may not fully finish in the future:
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Description: Set in suburban Beika. Shinichi is at the foreground, looking at his watch and worrying about meeting Jii on time. Meanwhile, next to a police car, Megure merrily discusses case details to Kaito. Kaito is glancing over to Shinichi in curiosity while keeping an ear open. He has his hands in his pockets. Behind Megure, the scene has police tape barring entrance.
Kaito thinks KID is a third rate magician but can appreciate the dramatics and mysteriousness. He is Intrigued. This leads to a meeting later on. Kaito uses his connection to Nakamori.
Shinichi is of course startled by Kaito's namedrop.
... Sorry no more details/plan about their meeting. It's definitely a dramatic face off though.
Regarding Shinichi's identity reveal, I was playing around with the idea that Snake is there, threatening the two at gunpoint and sneering over the '"lovely family reunion between father and son". It would definitely spur Kaito to grill Shin for more details
Shinichi and Hattori:
Hattori hears about the "Meitantei of the East" and goes off to meet him and challenge him to a deduction battle. He doesn't know how to contact him, so he goes with the strat of wandering around Beika until he runs into a case. He figured that with the high rate of cases being reported, he's eventually run into Kuroba ,,, yeah hahahaha Thats his entire plan
Luckily for Hattori, his detective luck exponentially multiplies with Shin's and a scream runs out. As Shinichi is reporting the crime and tried to head off, Hattori slings an arm around his shoulders to stop him from sneaking off.
Hattori loudly greets him as Kuroba despite Shinichi's insistence that "No, I am NOT Kuroba, please get your arm off me". Insert much scepticism from Hattori.
Even after they part ways, this isn't the last they see of each other. Hattori keeps wandering around Beika while running into Shinichi. They eventually become friends huhu.
Shinichi and the Detective Boys:
The Detective Boys admire Kaito a lot. Obviously they've watched the news reports on TV. So when they see him at the park playing soccer, they glomp him HAHAH Poor Shinichi
At this point I think people mistaking Shinichi as Kaito can be a running gag. The Detective Boys keep annoying Shinichi and even attempt breaking into the 'Edo house' to see the ghosts... Shinichi is still not happy. And also, when they visit Haibara, they're basically next doors so Shinichi's never going to get them out of his life.
Despite the annoyance, he eventually becomes fond of them and takes on the big brother sort of role.
When Kaito and Shinichi get acquainted, they take the DB on outings a lot. The DB is very fond of Kaito-nii-san and Shinichi-nii-san.
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t4tadrienette · 2 months
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He truly takes from her
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
Toichi knew his son would be a magician who surpassed even his own feats once day and he was eagerly looking forward to that day. Having picked up Toichi's tricks as quick as he did breathing, and crawing, and walking, and escaping his play pen-Kaito was going to grow up to be a force to be reconned with.
Toichi hadn't realised how on the nose that would be until a simple breakfast when Kaito was five.
He had been taunting his son with trick spoons, pretending he could bend them with his mind and seeing if his son could pick up on the trick he was using when Kaito showed Toichi a trick that left him speechless.
"Do you know how I did it, Kaito?" he teased as he placed the bent spoon in Kaito's eager hands and let the small boy study it, chuckling as that cute little frown of concentration appeared on the boy's face.
"Are you taunting Kaito again, dear," Chikage called from the oven, turning around with a large stirring spoon in her hands and pointing it accusing at him.
Toichi stood up with a flourish, wrapping an arm around his lovely wife's waist and dipping her low, "I'm just teaching him some more magic, my love," he replied airly, "I could show you too-" he whisked the spoon in her hands away only to have it snatched away from him immediately.
"You've destroyed enough of my cooking utensials for a life-time, Toichi," she chided as she placed the spoon back into the soup she was cooking.
"I've always replaced th-"
"I DID IT!" Came the excited cheer of their son who was waving a spoon, not the one Toichi had handed to him but rather the one that Chikage had placed on the table for Kaito to eat his breakfast, that was indeed bent in half.
Chikage shot Toichi a displeased glare.
Toichi quickly released his wife and walked over to his son, "Kaito, did you bend that with brute force?" he asked, "You know your mother doesn't like us breaking with her cutlery."
"I didn't!" Kaito protested with a pout, "I used magic like you!"
Toichi was unconvinced, the spoon he had showed Kaito was created specifically to feel like a regular spoon but if held at the right angle be able to bend like butter with the simple push of a finger. A trick not very easy to replicate with the stainless steel that made up normal spoons.
"I can show you!" Kaito huffed and snatched another spoon from the table. He glared intently at the spoon while holding his breath, his cheeks puffing out and face turning red from the effort as he did.
Toichi was about to tell Kaito to breath when he saw it.
The spoon began to bend backwards. It began to bend backwards without Kaito even touching it.
When the spoon was bent until the round metal was touching Kaito's own hands, Kaito released his breath and thrusted the spoon towards his now pale father, a wide grin on lips.
"SEE!" he cheered.
Toichi delicately took the spoon, studying both it and his son, sharp eyes trying to find anything to explain what just happened. Wires, heat, anything to make the spoon bend the way it did.
He found nothing.
Yuusaku's parenting had been called to question quite a few times as he brought his son from crime scene to crime scene but Shinichi had never seened bothered by the sight of death so Yuusaku never bothered to ring Yukiko to pick him up and look after him while he solved the umpteenth murder he happened to stumble across.
In fact, Yuusaku could say with pride that Shinichi sometimes provided more help in solving the murders than some of the officers who were brought to investigate. His son had a knack for finding clues that most overlooked.
Never Yuusaku though, but he did have fun waiting to see how long it took Shinichi to find a clue after Yuusaku had found it. He was getting quicker every time.
That said, even Yuusaku had found himself curious when Shinichi had pulled on his arm just moments after the poor woman had been declared dead and said with all the confidence of a man who knew the truth that her closest friend who was currently breaking down in the arms of one of her friends was the murderer.
"That's quite bold of you to jump to conclusions like that, Shinichi," he gentle chided, "We haven't even found any evidence yet that could tell us she did it."
Shinichi looked frustrated, his eyes flicking to above the body of the woman, to Yuusaku and then to the floor.
"...She told me," he mumbled so quietly that Yuusaku almost didn't hear him.
Yuusaku's eyes narrowed, "Who told you this, Shinichi?" he asked so he could relay it to the police when they arrived.
Shinichi continued to look above the body, his face pale. Yuusaku followed his gaze but found nothing but an empty wall across from them and a quick sweep told him that it held nothing of interest. Was Shinichi nervous of the body? He had never been bothered by the sight of one before and he had seen much more gruesome sights than a woman who had died from poisoning.
"Miss Hana did," Shinichi finally answered and Yuusaku felt even more confused.
Hana was the name of the victim. When did she tell Shinichi she was going to be murdered by her friend? Hana and her friends had been seated at a table quite far from Yuusaku's family and they had only just arrived when the woman collapsed.
How could Shinichi and Hana have talked? Perhaps Shinichi had encountered the woman before?
Pushing his son's behaviour to the side, Yuusaku continued his investigation. It quickly came apparent to him that the closest friend had indeed murdered Hana and he gathered all the evidence he needed to expose her.
Said closest friend had another breakdown when the police walked forward to arrest her, crying over how Hana had blackmailed her to get her to break up with her boyfriend so she could date him instead.
"I don't get it," Shinichi mumbled after the woman's words turned into sobs, "You two said you saw each other as sisters, you both said so on her birthday, how could you kill her?"
The girl looked startled, as did everyone in the room "H-How did you know that..." she whispered.
Yuusaku frowned, "Is that when Hana told you she was going to be killed?" he asked.
The woman looked fearful, "T-That's impossible," she whispered, "We were alone when we said that-we weren't even in this country! Hana wasn't blackmailing me back then either so how could she know I would have killed her?!"
Everyone looked at Shinichi with a mixture of curiosity and alarm.
"Shinichi, how do you know that?" Yuusaku asked once again.
Shinichi turned back to look at where the body had collapsed, again not at the floor where she had laid but just above it.
"Miss Hana told me," he said simply, "Just after she died."
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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Chiune Sugihara was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania who put his family and career at risk by issuing thousands of hand-written transit visas to Jewish refugees fleeing Eastern Europe.
Chiune was born to a middle class family in Mino, Japan on the first day of the 20th century – 1/1/00. In elementary and high school he was a top student, and his father wanted him to become a doctor. Chiune’s own dream was to enter the foreign service, and he deliberately failed the medical school entrance exam by writing only his name on the test. Instead Chiune attended Waseda University and majored in English. He also joined a Christian fraternity to practice his English.
In 1919, Chiune passed the Foreign Ministry Scholarship exam, and served in the Japanese Imperial Army as a 2nd Lieutenant stationed in Korea. He resigned his commission in 1922 and trained for the Foreign Ministry, learning Russian and German in addition to English. He aced the qualifying exam and was sent to work in the foreign office in Harbin, China.
Chiune’s strong moral compass led him to resign his post as Deputy Foreign Minister in Manchuria because of rising Japanese violence against the Chinese (just two years later was the horrific Rape of Nanking by the Japanese Imperial Army.) Chiune returned to Japan, where he married Yukiko Kikuchi. They later had four sons.
Next Chiune went to Helsinki, Finland, where he worked as a translator for the Japanese delegation. In 1939, Chiune became vice-consul of the Japanese embassy in Kauna, Lithuania. Part of his job was to find out if Germany planned to attack the Soviet Union, and to relay any information about this to his bosses in Berlin and Tokyo.
In 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania. At that time, approximately 1/3 of Lithuanians were Jewish, many of them Torah scholars. The USSR viciously persecuted Jews, especially religious ones, and the Jews of Lithuania were desperate to escape the country – especially because Nazi Germany was occupying more and more of Eastern Europe and would soon be in Lithuania. Hundreds of them, mostly Orthodox, visited the Japanese consulate to beg for exit visas to Japan. The official Japanese policy was that candidates for visas must go through elaborate bureaucratic procedures and pay significant sums of money. Chiune contacted his superiors at the Japanese Foreign minister to ask if the rules could be relaxed to help Jewish refugees. His request was denied, as were his next two requests.
Chiune could have thrown up his hands and told the Jews there was nothing he could do for them, but instead, as he did in China, he was governed by his strong sense of right and wrong, rather than soulless bureaucrats. He ignored his orders and started issuing ten-day visas for Jews to travel through Japan on their way to safe havens like Shanghai, China, where 20,000 Jews rode out the war safely.
As word got out about the Japanese visas, Jews from all over Lithuania as well as Poland began to swarm Chiune’s office. He simply wouldn’t say no to anybody, and spent 18-20 hours a day (!) painstakingly writing visas by hand. He created a month’s supply of visas every single day from August to early September 1940, providing an escape route for thousands of Jews. On September 4, the Japanese consulate in Kauna was closed and Chiune had to leave the country. He was determined to create as many transit visas as possible, and continued doing so up until the last minute. At Kanuas Railway Station, a crowd of Jews gathered to say goodbye. Right before boarding the train, Chiune bowed deeply and cried out, “Please forgive me! I cannot write anymore. I wish you the best!” Someone in the crowd shouted, “Sugihara! We’ll never forget you! I’ll surely see you again!”
Chiune was reassigned to East Prussia, then Prague, and then Bucharest, Romania. When the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania in 1944, Chiune and his family were imprisoned in a POW camp for a year and a half. Finally they were released in 1946 and returned to Japan, but the foreign office had heard about his unauthorized visas, and he was forced to resign. At about this time, the Sugihara’s youngest son died of leukemia at age seven.
Unemployable in Japan, Chiune made use of his excellent Russian language skills and spent the next 16 years working in the Soviet Union while his wife and sons stayed in Japan. Chiune’s exceptional heroism was unknown for many years, until 1968, when he was contacted by Yehoshua Nishri, an attache working at the Israeli consulate in Tokyo. Nishri spent his youth in Poland, and heard stories of the legendary Japanese hero. Nishri made it his mission to publicize Chiune’s heroic acts, and the next year, 1969, Chiune traveled to Israel as an honored guest of the Israeli government. Jews he’d saved lobbied for him to be recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem, and in 1984 he received the honor. At that time he was too sick to travel, so his wife and son Nobuki accepted the award on his behalf.
Chiune was asked why he risked everything to help thousands of strangers. He answered, “You want to know about my motivation, don’t you? Well. It is the kind of sentiments anyone would have when he actually sees refugees face to face, begging with tears in their eyes. He just cannot help but sympathize with them. Among the refugees were the elderly and women. They were so desperate that they went so far as to kiss my shoes. Yes, I actually witnessed such scenes with my own eyes. Also, I felt at that time, that the Japanese government did not have any uniform opinion in Tokyo. Some Japanese military leaders were just scared because of the pressure from the Nazis; while other officials in the Home Ministry were simply ambivalent. People in Tokyo were not united. I felt it silly to deal with them. So, I made up my mind not to wait for their reply. I knew that somebody would surely complain about me in the future. But, I myself thought this would be the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong in saving many people’s lives… The spirit of humanity, philanthropy… neighborly friendship… with this spirit, I ventured to do what I did, confronting this most difficult situation – and because of this reason, I went ahead with redoubled courage.”
Chiune Sugihara died in Japan on July 31, 1986. Despite being a hero in Israel, and among Jews worldwide, he was completely unknown in his own country. Even his own children didn’t know what he had done. A huge delegation from around the world attended Chiune’s funeral, and only then did he become known in Japan.
Chiune received many awards and accolades, most of them posthumous. Among them are Sugihara Streets in Vilna, Lithuania, and Jaffa and Netanya in Israel. There is a Sugihara House Museum in Kaunas, and a park in Vilna where 200 trees were planted on his 100th birthday. There is a life-sized statue of him in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, featuring a plaque with a quotation from the Talmud, “He who saves one life, saves an entire world.” In 1998, Chiune’s widow Yukiko traveled to Israel and was warmly received by survivors who’d been saved by her husband. There is a Sugihara park in Jerusalem, and he was featured on an Israeli postage stamp in 1998. The Lithuanian government declared 2020 “The Year of Chiune Sugihara.” He has been the subject of multiple works of art, including books, films and a play.
It’s estimated that over 100,000 people are alive today because of the brave actions of Chiune Sugihara.
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barblaz-arts · 3 months
SORA TORIYAMA LORE!!!! Please, have patience w the questions,,,
1. How does Sora actually do in these videos? I can't imagine her sticking around in them long after she's already outed, considering the fact that Hugo would constantly be getting upstaged. Does she just pretend she's weaker than he is to avoid drama? Does she ham it up to get the boot asap?
2. Does Sora just always get the hot goss from this ghost. Is this a regular occurence. Is she, much the way she befriended Vega, eventually lowkey invested. Do they talk shit together. His dialogue was delightful and hilarious it was so good
3. I saw Hugo's face and I saw the word Youtube. How do you think his apology video would go and why do you think it would happen (my money is on poorly handled ghost privacy)
1) She actually has a lot of fun at first. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Sora is a bit of a glutton for attention. It has to do with how she grew up, because she didn't have a father and Yukiko is always too busy to spend time with her. In her normie school, she sticks with the popular kids because she likes being looked up to and being seen as "cool"(similar to how Hugo was as a teen, except a lot more pathetic). So when she got the chance to show off a little to her dad and his "subscribers", it was one of the first instances in her life where she was proud of her powers. Eventually though the experience turns sour. Hugo was in this sort of in between in how he felt, because it was both an ego boost to have a child with such a strong psychic potential, but also a blow to his pride to be weaker than his own child. Either way, things happen, Hugo's hubris causes spirit mayhem, Sora is left to fix it. The shoot ends with Sora realizing that her father is too immature to be a parent, coming away with an even deeper appreciation for her mother. Wednesday would be there too, because it happens during Parent's Day, and it would be Wednesday's affirmation that Sora did a good job that Sora has that moment where she realizes maybe the psychic dad approval she was yearning for was in her friend's psychic mom that scares the shit out of her along the way ✨
2) Not really. More of a throwaway joke. I just like the thought that some of the ghosts Sora ignores are just pretty silly when she gets over the gore.
3) Probably. And for putting children's lives at risk for his content.
Sorry I took my time answering this. I have a semi-concrete outline of how I think an episode about Parents Day would go with them, and I planned to just have that be my answer. Everything you were asking about would have been tackled there. But maybe that was a bit of an overkill so in the end I didn't. If any of you are interested tho I can go ahead and show you the outline. Heaven knows i likely dont have the time to turn it into a comic. At least not the whole thing like I did with the Meet the Addamses AU
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