#yuiko miura
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heartvisor · 2 years ago
always kinda fun looking at the production credits for stuff and realizing like one occasional script provider has consistently written a ton of my favorite episodes like oh! it's you again!
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anhed-nia · 3 years ago
BLOGTOBER 10/17/2021: 2LDK
There, I said it.
I mean, actually I've said it elsewhere too, and at greater length, but its seemingly universal embrace by the horror community at large makes me want to say it again and again. I think the appeal is supposed to be the "subversion of expectations" ostensibly represented by antihero Jennifer being sexually rapacious instead of weak and submissive, even though this quality also marks her as an evil, disgusting freak who needs to be destroyed. And, as far as such expectations go, I find that JENNIFER'S BODY doubles down on tired sexist stereotypes about female relationships, describing them as inherently competitive—revolving around jealous, catty fights over boys—and inherently erotic, where the price of passing the Bechdel test is the insistence that women who like each other secretly hate each other, and their hatred is inflamed by how badly they secretly want to fuck each other. I don't find any of that liberating, and I doubt I would even if I didn't find the characters so obnoxious and unlikeable. But, when I catch myself assuming that a film is trying to tell me what real life is like, or how it should be, I have to stop and question myself. Is it really useful to see every movie as a manifesto that either describes or prescribes who we are and how we live? If that were the case, I should be a lot more concerned about the alleged messaging of movies that I really deeply love, including 2LDK.
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I do not understand why this film hasn't grown more famous with time. As far as I can tell, the 2003 festival darling hasn't even had a proper blu-ray release yet. It was conceived as part of a diptych called The Duel Project, the result of a drunken wager between directors Yukihiko Tsutsumi and Ryuhei Kitamura regarding who could make the best fight film. Kitamura offered up ARAGAMI, a 78 minute samurai battle as slick as it is dull. Tsutsumi's counter was 2LDK, a savage black comedy about two actresses competing for a major film role, and winning the "that escalated quickly" sweepstakes. I've seen it a hundred times, and I'll see it a hundred more.
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Ambitious bumpkin Nozomi (Eiko Koike) and sleazy softcore star Lana (Maho Nonami) book into a 2LDK apartment—that's 2 bedroom/living room/dining room/kitchen—while awaiting word of which of them scored the female lead in a movie called YAKUZA WIVES. The apartment itself is usually reserved for the mistress of the boss at their shared talent agency, a fact that sets the stage for this tale of feminine competition. Despite her sexed up bravado, Lana is haunted by past crimes against other women, while Nozomi is privately nagged by the fear that she may have been a big fish in the small pond of her rural home, but small fry in Tokyo. As these two opposing personalities clash, egged on by their insecurities, an inevitable romantic rivalry adds fuel to a growing fire that eventually explodes into shocking violence.
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At only 70 minutes, 2LDK is sleek and efficient, swiftly building out two convincingly complex characters that help elevate the story above the level of a snide joke about womanly vanity. The script from Tsutsumi and Yuiko Miura crackles with cruel humor, and costars Koike and Nonami know exactly what to do with it. The results are as clever as they are viscerally exciting—and misogynist enough to give Erich Von Stroheim a boner, but who cares when the characters are so compelling, and the carnage so satisfying? In less capable hands, a story about two women killing each other over fame, fortune, and a boyfriend might be more of a drag, but 2LDK is pure entertainment from tip to tail. It may not have garnered the grrrl power clout of JENNIFER'S BODY, but it beats that movie to death with its superior performances and sadomasochistic thrills. Not all movies have to match up with our politics; they just have to make us feel something, preferably something good. And if 2LDK is any indication, nothing feels better than beating someone's ass into the ground.
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nexusromanova · 7 years ago
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Please for your sake, don’t let a day be a waste
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manabingu · 6 years ago
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I made an ENTIRE Twitter debate about what Anime Openings/Endings were HELLA slept on by Crunchyroll this year & honestly & truly 8)! ALL THESE SONGS WERE ROBBED. RIP WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN! I care hella deep about anime OP/EDs and I judge fairly on full versions vs TV versions as well as animation direction & creativity. I am honestly FLOORED as to why some of these didn’t even make the cut?? Seriously disappointed that they don’t take these music categories as seriously as they should :/
MY WOKE NOMINEES: (click to listen to them)
Thunderbolt Fantasy 2 ED “Roll the Dice” by Takanori Nishikawa
B:The Beginning ED “The Perfect World” by Marty Friendman x Jean Ken Johnny of MAN WITH A MISSION
Stein’s;Gate 0 ED 1 “The Last Game” by  Zwei
Island ED “Eternal Star” by Yui Asaka
DBZ Super: Broly Movie ED “Blizzard” by Daichi Miura
Boruto ED 7 “Polaris” by hitorie
HONORABLE WOKE NOMINEES: (click to listen)
(These ALMOST made it but because either the song didn’t quite sync as cohesively with the animation & hype of the songs, they are honorable mentions. But honestly IF they had better sync, any of these coulda made it as an nominee for me. The songs THEMSELVES are enough to be nominated. With so many uninspired walk or run cycles, it was hard to narrow down EDs tbh.)
Gakuen Basara ED “Be Affected” by Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas x Takanori Nishikawa 
Run With the Wind ED “Reset” by Taichi Mukai
HANEBADO! ED “High Stepper” by Yuiko Ohara
Food Wars:Third Plate ED “Atria” by Fo’xtails
Black Clover ED 2  “Amazing Dreams” by SWANKY DANK
Karakuri Circus ED “Marionette” by Lozareena
But in my honest opinion. Based on all the judging criteria, honestly and truly I think Thunderbolt Fantasy 2 should win Ending of the Year.  It's hard to shake off bias sometimes but TBH "Roll the Dice" was the ED of the year to me. The big epic choruses in the bg of the lead vocals were on par with tenacity of Guren no Yumiya. But it's MORE impressive cuz it was just ONE man singin. Takanori has a godly range @A@/ And it wasn't JUST the vocals that pushed it to be the winner in my eyes, I enjoy when people do mixed media. So combining calligraphy, with puppetry & 2D HELLA detailed art replicas of said puppets? I can't overlook that creativity. I like when ppl think outside the box!<3 Thunderbolt Fantasy delivered on every single criteria. Creativity, Art Direction, Song Composition,Memorability, & Vocally Challenging Music. It's the whole package QwQ/ And the full version is even better. I think Takanori working with Hiroyuki Sawano was a match made in heaven. 
With that being said for the canon nominees for me its between FLCL Alternative cuz of the multimedia animation or Attack on Titan for the level of detail they did in the stylized storyboard.
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standbyyou5 · 8 years ago
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Drama: Voice Love (literal title) Romaji: Koe Koi Japanese: こえ恋 Director: Katsutoshi Hirabayashi, Hiroaki Yuasa, Tadaaki Horai Writer: Doruru (manga), Rieko Obayashi, Naoyuki Miura Network: TV Tokyo Episodes: 12 Release Date: July 8, 2016 -- Runtime: Fridays 00:52-01:23 Language: Japanese Country: Japan Cast Mei Nagano - Yuiko Yoshioka Takahiro Sakurai - Matsubara-kun (voice) Ryo Ryusei - Makoto Hyodo Ketika cinta bersemi melalui suara :) Yoshioka mulai masuk SMU, saat itu Yoshioka demam sehingga ia tidak masuk sekolah. Yoshioka di telepon oleh ketua kelas Matsubara, Yoshioka pun terpesona mendengar suara Matsubara sangat bagus di dengar. Begitu Yoshioka mulai masuk sekolah, jantungnya berdegup ingin mengetahui sosok sang ketua kelas Matsubara. Ternyata Matsubara adalah anak misterius karena selalu memakai cover kertas di kepala Gua sempet berpikir ini dulunya muka si Matsubara kena air keras dan sebagainya Ada ketua osis keren yg memaksa Matsubara membuka covernya lalu Yoshioka dengan berani melawan kakak kelasnya Sehingga si ketua osis Jadi menyukai Yoshioka hahaha Kocak juga ini cerita, terutama pas liat sifat si kakak kelas pas ngeliat Yoshioka, salah tingkah dia :D Overall cerita koe koi ini cukup menghibur lah ya, ceritanya ringan
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