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Hi hun it's been too long!
An Ask! How do Kana, Kurumi and Yui spend movie nights?
What kind of movies do each of them wanna watch?
What do they end up watching?
Who is on snack duty?
Sorry this took a while Muffin, but thank you for sending this ask 🥺✨ I'm in a not-so-good place healthwise rn, but ur always free to send over a dm!
I miss drawing them sm 😭💖 so here's a sketch of them watching a movie! 🫶✨
As for movie nights, here are the particular genres they're interested in watching:
🎀Kurumi: She's quite the shoujosei otaku, so she's mostly just interested in shoujosei/mahou shoujo-related anime movies. Besides this, she watches horror movies too! But really, she prefers animated ones than with real people.
Though if we're talking about the irl anime industry, there is this really long painful period of shoujosei anime famine in the last few years (this really hurt as a fellow shoujosei girlie ugghhhh where's my Aka/Yona Season 2!!!??? Marve/lous when I get you!!! When I get you!!!).
As a result, a lot of shoujosei series often got live-action/drama adaptations back then. So in this case, even if she's an animanga girl, Kurumi will watch those adaptation to support her favorite series. Another instance of her being willing to watch live-action drama is if someone else she knows (*cough*Haru*cough*) likes it a lot, so she'll watch it with them.
🤖Yui: For Yui, his general preference is for movies that can spark inspiration in him and give him ideas on what inventions/contraptions to make next. The kind that would make him go "This would be cool if it were real". So if you make him watch "WA/LL-E", by the end of it, he would want to recreate WA/LL-E. Which is to say, movies under the action and sci-fi genre (probably even documentaries tbh) often gives him that type of inspo.
Though during childhood, he was very obsessed with any series/show/media that has Sun Wukong in it (or just the different variations of Jou/rney to the We/st that may come up). He would drag Kurumi to watch it with him too dkdbdkhdkd The Sun Wukong grind was so real, they eventually ran out of monke stuff to watch (Kurumi is thankful for this).
He's still into monke stuff in present time (his self-proclaimed title is even "Handsome Monkey Prince" 😭⁉️🐒), but like I said...he ran out of stuff to watch for it...So at the very least, he watches other stuff now.
🍎Kana: To be honest, for this one, she doesn't really have any particular interest or preference for movies. She neither likes nor dislikes the activity itself. She just goes along with whatever Kurumi or Yui wants to watch, and even then, she'll use the movie time to just take a nap or just mindlessly much on the movie snacks (while not paying attention to the movie itself). More than watching movies, she'd be more into reading books.
🍿Snacks: Whoever is the most excited for the movie is the one who ends up getting the snacks. More often than not, that would be Kurumi! No cooking is involved, she just takes it from the kitchen/fridge. If cooking is ever involved, Rosa will assist (for Yui's safety).
#khr#khre#khr oc#oc#oc ask#yorimitsu yui#ninomiya kanako#ninomiya kurumi#yuikanarumi#einart#queue i can't put into words#kurumi do not be alarmed but there are two dead-eyes mfs next to you
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Thank you for tagging Muffin! As usual, I will answer with all three of my main ocs in mind hahaha I answered these real quick in between study breaks, so it's not as detailed as I'd like it to be. Still, I really enjoyed answering them. I know I already told you this, but please tell me if you answer this for one of your ocs too! Would love to read it hehe
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Kurumi does! She likes cute stuff, so she'll def have stuffed animals to hug in her bed. If you ask her which one's her favorite, she'll probably say all of them lol
Yui and Kana doesn't have any.
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Kurumi is definitely good with children (cute) and pets (cute)! Not all the time, but she's friendly and doing her best. Haven't thought about plants, maybe if it's flowering plants (=cute flowers). She has her priorities.
For Kana, can probably do the bare minimum in caring for plants but that's it. She definitely shouldn't be at the top of the list of people to consider wrt being good at taking care of kids. Generally, animals don't really get along with her. If you ask Kurumi to ask Kana to take care of something, she might just give it a go.
Yui...can take care of robots. For children, it depends. He can be a bad influence sometimes and would enable them to cause trouble instead. Overall, he has good potential to be a nice big bro.
Ask them to describe their love interest.
Kurumi: Someone cute would be ideal! (<-refuses to elaborate further)
Kana: What
Yui: Someone interesting, feisty and can put up with me would be nice. (<-refuses to elaborate further)
Do they look good in red?
YES! ALL THREE OF THEM! Especially Kurumi, Crimson Red is her image color.
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
For Yui, it's too much of a hassle for him. Speeches are usually given under a "spotlight", and he prefers being at "backstage". Kurumi and Kana can generally do it, they're future leaders after all. It will have very different vibes though...
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
All three generally take advice from each other. Next on the priority list is Kana and Kurumi's mother and then, their father.
Yui will never take advice from his parents, for a good reason (they're shitty parents). Kana is usually highly guarded, and will never take advice from people she doesn't have a significant amount of trust in. Kurumi is the most open-minded of the three so I'm not sure exactly what type of person she won't listen to, probably people who cross a certain line and piss her off too.
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Kurumi: (From Me) Cute, Deadly, Herculean; (From Her) Cute, Pretty, Dainty! (Some angry voice at the back: Don't lie!)
Kana: (From Me) Elegant, Murderer, Elusive ; (From Her) What? No comment.
Yui: (From Me) Slimy, Troublemaker, Genius; (From Him) Genius, Innovative, Handsome
Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Kana doesn't usually really care for things like this. Yui would probably be intrigued if it's complex enough and machine related. Kurumi...would likely be internally frustrated but won't let it show too much on the outside.
Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
For Kurumi, yes, if it's cute. For Yui, yes, if it's his robot creations. For Kana, yes, if it has "sentimental value" to it.
What age do they most want to be right now?
I think all three are more or less fine with their current age. Though, Kana and Yui think it would be more convenient to be 1 year younger so that they didn't have to go through the hassle of intentionally failing a grade to be on the same grade as Kurumi.
They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
To be honest, I don't think they'll really care too much about it. Because they're already rich mfs. (god i wish that were me) But anyway--- Yui and Kurumi would spend it, while Kana would save it.
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Kurumi loves them! She's an avid shoujosei series fan, so she encounters a lot of the romance genre there. Kana finds the genre ok but she doesn't really actively read a series for it and would only read romances recommended by Kurumi. Yui is mostly just interested in books related to his hobbies, but all in all he wouldn't mind them.
Name one thing their parents taught them.
For Kana & Kurumi: Martial Arts lmao (Their parents would lowkey let them do anything they want to an unknown extent, they just don't say it out loud/not explicit about it due to family politics. It may be a good thing or it may be a bad thing, depending on the situation or wherever their parents draw the line.)
For Yui: Something like "You're a genius, learn everything and don't disappoint us." (They're assholes!)
Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
Yeah, they have at least one I can think of right now off the top of my head. For Kurumi, hoarding cute stuff and cute people. For Kana, its indulging her violent urges (actually secretly enjoys it, but a good chunk of it is probabblyy against the Family's code + she has an image to keep). For Yui, staying up several nights in a row to finish his passion project.
What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
In general, interacting with people who want to restrict them. Whatever that may mean for each of them.
Yui: Anyone who stops him from doing the things he love or forces him to take things too seriously.
Kurumi: Anyone who criticizes or stops her from expressing herself the way she wants.
Kana: Anyone who gets in her way.
If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Money isn't really a limit for them already, so they're already wearing whatever they want hehe Fashionable clothes for Kurumi, Yui just goes with whats comfortable, Kana goes with what's practical.
Do they like children?
Kurumi likes them and gets along with them well! Yui too, even if he can be a bad influence. But, unless he has some amusement that he can get from it, he won't volunteer to take care of them. Kana...no, unless they're a member of her Family?
Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Not gonna lie, never thought about this before lmaooo I will need reconvene with my homie on this one hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Kurumi: no?
Yui: yes?
Kana: What
Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
Kurumi: She attempts to study. Gets low scores unfortunately. Academics just aren't her thing.
Kana: She studies a reasonable amount (low to mid effort, there's some effort at least), not too much. Gets high scores.
Yui: Either skims through the material or doesn't study at all. Gets high scores.
All three are probably gonna do a good with job interviews, but then again, they don't have any need to go through a job interview. Unless it's for an undercover mission, I guess?
What do they like that nobody else does?
Can only think one for Yui, which is his baby robots hahaha
What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Among the three, Yui's the only who's had past relationships. For Yui, if he's just not interested or feels like he really can't reciprocate the feelings of the other person. He just doesn't wanna drag it out if it's hopeless. Also if he wants to add more excitement Kana and Kurumi's bets (on how long it'll take for him to break up with someone)...which is messed up. But like in his pov, the twins enjoy these bets and the twins are >>>>>>> for him in his priority list. This trio can be so mean if ur an "outsider" to their business 😭😭😭 kdbdkdhdns
For Kurumi, a pretty a fair reason for her to do so is if she feels like the other person doesn't respect her for her who she is and her preferences? I feel like there'd have to be a lot of reasons/layers involved for her to break up with someone as she's not a confrontational type of person.
For Kana, with the direction her character has taken compared to how she was from when she was a new OC, it's become very difficult to imagine her entering into a normal relationship in the first place ngl lmao i'd say if you hurt her loved ones, but at that point, her breaking up with you should deadass be the least of ur worries????
Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
I guess all three are pretty okay with it. Kurumi has the biggest tendency to do so if calling others with -chan honorifics count haha.
Stability or novelty?
All three: Why not both?
Honesty or charity?
Kurumi: Charity
Yui & Kana: Honesty
Safety or possibility?
All three: Possibility, they like taking healthy amounts of risks. Tolerance may vary on a case to case basis, depending on the day or their mood.
Talent or effort?
All three: Talent. Effort, only if they're motivated.
Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Yui & Kurumi: Forgiveness
Kana: Vengeance
What recurring dreams do they have?
Kurumi: There can be a lot of possibilities, but a recurring dream that stands out is the one that she kept having when she was younger. A person comforting her whenever she falls asleep sad/crying.
Yui: He really loves making robots/machines, he highly likely also dreams of them.
Kana: Various memories.
Would they date a fixer-upper?
I don't know what that is ngl but this is what search told me "A fixer-upper person is a term often used to describe someone who needs emotional, psychological, or behavioral support and assistance."
Yes for Kurumi and Yui, if they really love them, why not? They're the type to give people chances, after all. For Kana, probably same answer as the breakup/last straw question. I mean, fixer-upper or not, if they're chad enough to convince her to date them, why not I guess?
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
I feel like they're already doing what they want and that they're very much aware the other two of the trio would still forgive them no matter what. They're ride or die for each other. Probably Yui, before he tests out a robot that 95% will explode in his room at 3am: Everyone in this estate will probably get a rude awakening. But at the very least, Kana and Kurumi will forgive me lol Those two will def get annoyed, but they will forgive me lol
I wish I was able to do small sketches for some of these questions, but I'm too busy orz.
oc asks that reveal more than you think
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Ask them to describe their love interest.
Do they look good in red?
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
What age do they most want to be right now?
They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Name one thing their parents taught them.
Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Do they like children?
Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
What do they like that nobody else does?
What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Stability or novelty?
Honesty or charity?
Safety or possibility?
Talent or effort?
Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Would they date a fixer-upper?
What recurring dreams do they have?
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
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#oc#oniyanagi#yuikanarumi#ninomiya kanako#ninomiya kurumi#yorimitsu yui#oc ask#its fun answering them even if i rushed a lot jhfshgsfvgsf
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2021 beta/tkrv v1 yuikanarumi gives me an electric shock to the brain every time I see them. They changed so much now, I'm cry-laughing because this is like equivalent to looking at their baby photos (ugly baby photos in Yui's case).
Changes I can think of at the top of my head now that they're in khr: Unfortunately, Kana can't be a cool-strict kaichou anymore because of a certain someone's existence; Yui has a headband now because he's a Sun Wukong nerd; Kurumi is not the target of a one-sided love anymore, she's the one pining this time; We took Kana & Kurumi's gender and chucked it into a blender, and they also have black hair now.
Theyyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥰🥰
#more or less has been 2 years and my love for them only grows stronger 🫶🫶✨#oc brainrot real and going strong#i will never shut up about them#yuikanarumi#kana trio#oc#original character#tkrv oc#yorimitsu yui#ninomiya kanako#ninomiya kurumi#im in the process of making new full body art for them im just slow#queue i can't put into words
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OC-tober Day 1: Fave OC - YuiKanaRumi
#oc-tober#bweirdOCtober#khr oc#oc#yorimitsu yui#ocs#ninomiya kanako#ninomiya kurumi#original characters#flashback to me bitching abt not being able to draw for oc-tober but SIKE ig#queue i can't put into words#attempted khr anime style#anyway hell yeaaahhhh finished this b4 going to exam war#prob finished 2-3 others and that's it#yuikanarumi i gotchu even if im busy rn#special thanks again to art base makers#i'll try to edit the source in when i come back
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OCtober Day 12: Future - Ten Years Later YuiKanaRumi
Ten years later, only Kurumi kind of graduated from being a loser. The outfits are kind of tentative, but I got Kurumi's dress here.
Other TYL Concerns:
Tsuna: He has been feeling a lot of tingles and shivers lately. He's even sneezing more often than usual. Is he about to get sick?
Hibari: Kana has been visiting a lot lately, spreading negative energy around his place. He already asked Tetsu to hire an exorcist to cleanse his home.
Hiyori: He saw Kana reading articles on divorce law lately. He should ask her about it just in case.
Rei: Not really a concern, but he's excitedly waiting for Yui and Tsuna to join him on his divorcé club.
#khr#khre#khr oc#oc#oc-tober#bweirdOCtober#bweirdOCtober2024#ninomiya kurumi#ninomiya kanako#yorimitsu yui#einart#CATCHING UP NO WAY IM SKIPPING THIS AND DAY 11#icb OCtober pushed me to draw their tyl selves#tho now i need to practice more on drawing tol tol tol men sjdgfhsdf#dawg idek how to draw tyl hibari properly#and he's my blorbo
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OCtober Day 1: Fav OC - YuiKanaRumi 🤖🍎🎀
Who else if not them? 🥰 It's been three years since @amiahoshi and I made them, and they were one of my supports, distractions and motivations whenever I fall through physical/mental hellholes. We dedicated a lot of time and pieces of ourselves in creating these three, and I'm very proud with how they turned out. TBH...I'm one of their creators but I'm also looking forward to how much more they'll change and develop in their story (and AUs), because they often really do just be moving on their own and not telling us shit (😭🤣😭🤣).
base here
#khr#khre#khr oc#oc#oc-tober#bweirdOCtober#bweirdOCtober2024#ninomiya kanako#ninomiya kurumi#yorimitsu yui#einart#i finished most of this art b4 work and now im posting it during work break hahahaha#I MADE IT ON TIME YIPPEEEE#EIN STOP TESTING NEW BRUSHES WHILE RUSHING TO MAKE ART CHALLENGE: FAILED#BYE RUNNING BACK TO WORK
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"even in teyvat, they fight…"
More commissioned arts from @azaracyy to celebrate the release and homecoming of our boi(tm) Oro//ron who is included in the limited banners of the Gensh//in update today 😆💜✨ Both Cyl and I successfully got him, so yippeee!!! My brain is currently trying to make the math.exe on how I want the layout for this to look like as an acrylic stand.
This one came up while Cyl and I were talking about how Oro//ron has the same JP VA as Hibari (CV: Kondo Takashi). Then it became about how he is an Electro character and that Kana's main (Rai//den Shog//un) is also an Electro character. And then Cyl told me about how she can imagine them both fighting to assert their Electro dominance in some Genshin/Streamer AU. Of course, my brain went 🤯🤯🤯😳😳🥴🥴✨ at the idea, so I quickly went to Vgen and sent her the comm request to draw it hahahahaha I sent the request so fast‼️ I forgor ‼️ that oro\ron's full design ‼️ hasn't been released yet back then‼️🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭 this is truly a "no thoughts, head empty, only hibakana" moment...💀💀💀
Also, the rest of Cyl's caption for this on VGen is so good! I love it so much! 😭💖✨ So I'm putting it here too! Artist spotlight from one of my fave artists ever 🫶🥰✨
rambling ahead because i have A LOT to say about this commission, you've been warned! 😅😂 i'm not gonna lie, this has been the most challenging skeb and chibi art i've ever done, mostly because oro\ron's design was not even released yet when ein's request came in, and the fact that oro\ron wears so much black confused me for a while lmao 🗿 oh you know, gen\shin character design and the intricate details. i'm very pleased with the result though, i think the patience really paid off ✨ featuring: - ein's oc kana as rai\den shogun, and - KHR's hibari as oro\ron oro\ron & hibari are matched because they share the same japanese VA (kondo takashi). funny that hibari and kana end up being related to electro characters so knowing ein's oc lore of hibakana they'd totally fight as usual to assert dominance 😭 even in the video game world of tey\vat a small interesting detail i noticed while coloring these two: rai\den shogun and oro\ron's outfit design both feature an "eye" shape. rai\den's should be obvious if you play genshin and uses her skills. oro\ron's "eye" design in his scarf and his overall color scheme reminds me of turkish evil eye for some reason either way, it's cool and this is one of the moments for a yumeship enjoyer, in which i go "this is fate, they are so meant to be!!" obviously, none of them will ever win in tey\vat. after all, gen\shin doesn't support pvp 😭 the context of this artwork is supposed to be when yuikanarumi are about to co-op, a 4th player joined in and surprise, it's hibari 🤣 cue hibari likely being the first to attack kana and the two end up running after another endlessly (i like to think they end up killing mobs too in the process rip). hibari wields two Rust bows as a joke to his canon weapons... his oro\ron uses physical dmg build 🧍♂️ (would be hilarious if this build is actually viable when oro\ron's playable) poor kurumi (hu t\ao) and yui (zho\ngli)... then again, they're probably already used to it... maybe they can trail after hibakana all around tey\vat to collect free materials from their fight... 😂
#khr#khre#khr oc#oc#ninomiya kanako#hibari kyoya#hibakana#eincommissions#cyl did u know hibari has always been decked out in black since grade school#him being oro/ron main might just be meant to be; the same way u said hbkn is meant to be lmaooo#thank you for always feeding me#also im gonna try equipping rust on him as tribute to this wonderful art and also for the lols later when i get the time#he is worth losing sleep over#queue i can't put into words
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OCtober Day 14: Who/What Inspired Your OC? - YuiKanaRumi
I revamped a previous version of this sheet that I posted before. Judging from this, there is a direct correlation between the number of characters an OC is inspired from to how much they need to get well soon. 🧐🧐🧐 I think this isn't all of them, just ran out of braincells. May need to revisit my line convos with Sou to remember the others.
Fun fact: I named my Wander/er "Kana" 👍✨ (then his CN VA is 鹿\喑ka\na, who also voiced Ae/ther)
#khr#khre#khr oc#oc#oc-tober#bweirdOCtober#bweirdOCtober2024#laughing at the characters in kana's sheet sfhsdhfvshfvhsfd#yuikana both having da/zai makes sm sense to me
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KHRe Projects Updates #1
The devil works hard, but I work harder🫡 Anyway, I've been feeling unwell the past few days so I'm just doing planning and other stuff offline. I also wanna post updates like this so I can keep track of my progress. I'll type this all as quick as I can because I'm not feeling so gucci.
Webcomic: I updated my pinned post for this but I determined that my target release date is somewhere around Q4 of this year, so the earliest is gonna be on October 2024. I'm currently organizing my CSP assets (will probably finish within two weeks) and I'm also making various assets/refs that I think will be useful. I plan on releasing Yui's profile before July ends, hope I can make it!
Wiki: I'm still in-progress with some templates on this, but I'll be updating the galleries soon to include more arts that my friends drew of YuiKanaRumi + more commissioned art (Thank you!! 🥰💖✨ueueue😭💖 I just finished running the last batch on Glaze, so they'll be safe there!🫡 I will definitely protect and treasure these!). By the way, after I'm done with Yui's page here, my next plan is to make one for Tsuna.
MVs: For this one, I think I'll prioritize doing something for the 📺MV in my project list, it's the one calling out to my brain right now. It will feature a lot of characters, but the art & editing will be simple. It should be around 1 minute long and I have a rough storyboard for the first 10 seconds (the others are still inside my brain haha).
I was actually planning to continue 🐈⬛MV first but when I looked at the drawings I finished last year, I don't feel too satisfied with it anymore, plus the picture quality is kinda too crispy to my eyes now. I wanna redraw it. I might alternate between 📺 and🐈⬛, then I'll just post whichever gets finished first.
That's all for now! I'm juggling a lot of projects but the advantage for this is...if I procrastinate on one project, I'll be procrastinating by doing another project, so there's still progress 🤣🤣🤣 And I didn't even get to mention my other wips djbfhsjvfhfsv My brain is bursting with ideas, inspo and creativity but my health/energy can't keep up!!!!
#einproject#khre#einart#tylenol save me...save me tylenol...#tsuna is so cute ahvdhasvfsfhsvf triggering my cuteness aggression#kurumi...i get you...
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