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callmeklair · 1 year ago
Yui deserves better ♡
//I'm really sorry for my language because I'm pissed right now.
I woke up and accidentally opened wattpad, so I was like aight I'll check some fics of other fandoms I'm in... then I came across a DL fic with Yui as a spoiled brat and "bitch" like the hate!??? I seriously don't get it!
you hate yui? okay, keep your opinions to yourself. BUT dragging her down and messing with her character just to make your own character shine is stooping low.
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LIKE WHAT BLUNTLY!??? even if her character wasn't very open in anime, she wasn't anything like "spoiled." I can't even bring myself to read such stories because they disgust me. but I still went through the first chapter because I wanted to see comments. you know what made me surprised?!? okay the author might have been young at that time because the story came out in 2017 or maybe they were not young? who knows. but these stupid comments! 2 years ago— idk if people do this to either get in the author's good book or just dumb dumb. Like it's just the first chapter and all it has was Seiji saying the OC "you remember my daughter, your greatest friend, Yui?" and people went full on fucking hate by calling her a bitch in the comments!??? LIKE atleast let her make an appearance and get mischaracterized by such a lovely author :D
Like i thought we got over it a few years ago that Yui is actually one of the best FLs and character out there. if you don't then I suggest you read Dark fate, the writers have actually given her character a good depth.
You are free to write Oc x diaboys story, there is no issue but degrading Yui's character and mischaracterizing her because of why not is so stupid. You don't like her? then don't add her in your story.
Stop spreading Yui hate through stories and mischaracterizing her. People writing such stories just want to create delusional reasons to hate on her because they know it themselves that there is nothing to hate on Yui through games and even anime!
(let's ignore LE, all the characters were messed up which were developed so nicely in DF, because of writers. they didn't even spare Yui)
I have so much to say, and want to go on and on about this because I have many other fics to point out for such behaviour, but i don't wanna spoil my mood furthermore as I just woke up and it's stupid 5 a.m.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
¡hola! Vi que los pedidos están abiertos así que quiero hacer uno,principalmente headcanons de kaigaku(probablemente de los aus reverse porque el canon es un hijueputa),genya y mitsuri/obanai(como relacion poly)con una pareja que es como yui komori,¡tomate tu tiempo con este pedido y mucha suerte en los estudios!
Holi! No diría exactamente del Revérse AU. Kaigaku es (en mi opinión) uno de lo personajes más DESAPROVECHADOS de toda la serie, más que un hijoueputa, siento que no llegamos a ver NADA de él para entender sus motivos. Te entiendo hermana.
Esto será largo😬 pero espero que lo disfrutes 🥺
Kaigaku/Genya/ObaMitsu x Lectora Komori!
Género: Headcanons
Lector: Femenino
Advertencias: Menciones de abuso/secuestro, TEPT, se menciona en algunos casos a los secuestradores, SPOILERS DEL MANGA Y ANIME, la lectora tiene una personalidad como la de Yui Komori, Kaigaku puede ser algo OOCHurt/Comfort, Fluff.
Kaigaku Inadama
Probablemente te conocio por 1-la casa de las Glicinias(esas que aparecen en el capítulo 9) o 2- estás relacionada de alguna forma con Jigoro (el sensei de el y Zenitsu).
Vamos por la primera, ya hay mucho del segundo.
Definitivamente al principio no entendía porque eras tan amigable, e incluso lo ponías de los nervios pensando que era una especie de fachada para atacar en cualquier momento.
Pero al ver que no era así, realmente no sabe cómo lidiar con alguien tan gentil y amable. O por qué siente la necesidad de llamar tu atención.
Trata de ser su yo normal arrogante, burlarse un poco, pero la mayoría de las veces no puede obligarse a ser así contigo. No cuando lo cuidas con tanta delicadeza, a la que no está acostumbrado.
Un glotón por tu comida, no dice mucho cuando le traes sus porciones diarias, pero no deja ni una miga. Es un glotón por tu cocina.
Aunque no lo parezca al principio, es bueno escuchando, mientras come y tú le hablas, trata de recordas las cosas que parecen gustarte, así poder estar más preparado para intentar gustarte.
¡Un gran presumido! Pero eso ya se veía venir. Especialmente si le pides ver sus técnicas, su ego(ya en el techo) se va a disparar.
Incluso puede que sea más dramático con sus heridas solo para que lo cuides y lo mires más que a los otros pacientes, es algo caprichoso, pero tenle paciencia, vivirá.
Si hablamos de términos más avanzados de relación, Kaigaku es bastante protector contigo, pero no de la forma tradicional por así decirlo, es protector sin que lo sepas la mayoría del tiempo, como darle miradas de muerte a quienes sienta que hablan mal de ti a tus espaldas, o siempre estar con la katana cerca cuando salen en la noche, nunca sabes...
Aunque definitivamente no de lo pensará mucho para pelearse con alguien para defender tu honor. Especialmente después de saber de tu pasado con el abuso, no lo va tolerar.
Kaigaku es MALO con las emociones, pero definitivamente no te dejará sufriendo, si las crisis con el TEPT estás siendo especialmente malas tratara de estar ahí para ti, principalmente con contacto físico(que no sea asfixiante). Se hará más bueno mientras más tiempo pase contigo.
Hablando de, si las personas que te lastimaron, de alguna forma vuelven a tu vida...jaja. será mejor que corran, Kaigaku los va a cazar(aunque no tienes que saber esa parte).
¡¿Que más se supone que el haga!? Alguien tan buena como tú... simplemente no dejará que las pequeñas mierdas se salgan con la suya.
No es alguien religioso, para nada, pero dejara que hagas lo que necesites para sentirte segura, aún si para el no tiene lógica, sabe que en un mundo con demonios, uno necesita mantenerse aferrado a algo.
Si hablamos de la línea temporal dónde el se convierte en un Demonio, ya sabes quiénes serían sus primeras comidas ;)
Incluso si se convierte en demonio, lo veo cuidándote desde la distancia. Si te le unes ¡Mejor! Puede protegerte mucho mejor de esa manera.
AUNQUE-no creo que te permita convertirté en un demonio, no porque no quiera, simplemente le asusta la posibilidad de que 1-mueras o 2- te olvides por completo de el.
Pero si hablamos de una línea temporal dónde NO se convierte en demonio, lo más probable es que trate de enmendar lo que hizo en pasado en cierta forma(lo de Gyomei y en parte Zenitsu, aunque no sería facil).
Afortunadamente siempre parece recuperar energía cuando va a visitarte, en serio, sus compañeros literalmente no entienden como lo tienes tan domado(sobretodo Zenitsu).
En general es como tener tu propio Bulldog, agresivo pero leal.
Genya Shinazugawa
Vas a ser la muerte de este hombre--¡en el buen sentido!
Cuando te conocio en la mansión Mariposa, ya de por sí no podía manejar a las otras enfermeras, pero tú insistias en cuidarlo, lo que lo hacía mucho peor.
¡obviamente no está enojado contigo! Solo no sabe manejar sus nervios. Aunque con tu perseverancia y tu personalidad suave, aprende a AL MENOS no tartamudear TAAAANTO enfrente de ti y tener una conversación decente(¡Progreso!).
Siendo tan gentil y amigable, es natural que gravite hacia ti . Su madre, le recuerdas mucho a su madre. Duele pero al mismo tiempo se siente genial.
Así que trata de ayudarte de vez en cuando con las tareas que haces en la mansión, como llevar las cosas pesadas o alcanzar algo de un estante alto(todos sabemos que no es un problema para el).
Aunque al principio pensaste que simplemente no le agradabas sinceramente, por como se enfunfurruña cuando está nervioso, de no ser por las otras niñas mariposa, talvez no te habrías dado cuenta de su Crush por ti.
Tendrías que dar varios de los primeros pasos, simplemente Genya no se animaría a hacerlo sin una pista CLARA de que tiene una oportunidad contigo(mi pobre chico tiene problemas de autoestima).
Si hablamos de términos más avanzados de relación, Genya sigue siendo el más tímido de los dos, pero es más propenso a iniciar el contacto físico que cuando no eran pareja. Tipo, tomarse de las manos, abrazos por atrás, cosas por el estilo.
Genya es bastante cuidadoso contigo, más que nada porque tiene cierto miedo de asustarte con su apariencia y su altura, más cuando le cuentas por lo que pasaste en el pasado.
Obviamente está enojado ¡Y como no! ¿¡Quien lastimaria a alguien tan bueno como tú!? No merecen respirar. Pero se centra más en consolarte por la situación.
Tiene su buena dosis de pesadillas relacionadas con lo que pasó esa noche, y si bien no es muy bueno consolando, hace lo mejor que puede(y sinceramente es mejor que Kaigaku en ese apartado, es como un oso de peluche).
Gracias a Gyomei, tiene cierta comprensión de la religión, por lo que ve tus plegarias y rezos como algo X, por así decirlo, aunque no puede evitar ponerse algo nervioso cuando le haces la santificación antes de una misión "como amuleto de la suerte".
Agradece que tienes algo para obtener consuelo.
VIVE-POR-TU-COMIDA-¿Viste ese dibujo de el sonrojado mientras Aoi trata de hacer que coma? Esos son ustedes dos al principio.
Aunque claro, ahora que están en confianza, aprecia mucho cuando le traes algún bento después de alguna misión(los demonios no saben bien gente). Aprovecha estos momentos para dejarte hablar sobre tu día y como te ha ido mientras el estaba fuera.
Una vez trato de ayudarte a cocinar algo, pero fallo miserablemente y casi prende fuego la cocina.
Si la gente que te lastimo de alguna forma vuelve a tu vida ¡No te preocupes! La escopeta está cargada y Genya de por sí es lo suficientemente mortal para ir contra Demonios de alto rango, unos imbéciles sin corazón no son nada para el.
Aún si no mueren, de asegurará de que estén lejos de tu vida.
En general no soporta verte con miedo, hará lo que sea para verte feliz, sana y salva.
Iguro Obanai+Mitsuri Kanroji
(estos dos son mi Comfort Ship)
Siendo ambos pilares, es normal asumir que alguno de ellos te rescató o que lo hicieron en conjunto.
Mitsuri ya desde el inicio mostraba cierto interés en ti, te encontraba realmente admirable ¡Después de haber pasado una situación tan horrible aún así tenías la fuerza para sonreír y vivir!
Mitsuri trataría de mantenerse en contacto contigo para asegurarse de que estuvieras haciéndolo bien, por así decirlo.
Obanai fue el que más le costó a abrirse a ti, obviamente, pero con la ayuda de Mitsuri y tú actitud, puedo empezar a tolerante y poco a poco empezar a gustarte.
Obanai podía empatizar contigo por el tema del pasado turbulento, por lo que pudo superar su "rechazo" hacia ti mucho más rápido de lo que uno esperaría gracias a esto.
Mitsuri es ridículamente más obvia con su Crush contigo, Obanai es más discreto, pero ya de por sí el hecho de que seas mujer, no seas Mitsuri y TE TOLERE ya es pista suficiente para quienes lo conocen.
Digamos que después de tu rescate fuiste a parar a la Mansión Mariposa. Obanai y Mitsuri aprovecharán cualquier oportunidad para checar como estar, tener una charla contigo,etc.
Mitsuri te ayuda con su fuerza descomunal con las tareas pesadas, incluso puede cargarte si estás muy cansada, no te preocupes, para ella no pesas ni como un racimo de uvas.
Obanai es más callado, pero te acompaña en tareas del día a día, aparte de que parece ser más grosero con el personal que no eres TU especialmente. Shinobu termina sirviendo de Cupido aquí y te asigna a el constantemente.
Si hablamos de términos de relación más avanzada, Ambos son un amor y se equilibran perfectamente.
Mitsuri es mucho más charlatana y mimosa, Obanai es más serio pero da gestos significativos sin necesidad de palabras.
Mitsuri es una gran inspiración en general, Obanai es alguien con quién puedes empatizar mucho más debido a las experiencias del pasado y ciertos sentimientos compartidos que llegan a tener. Mitsuri hace todo lo posible para evitar que piensen esas cosas.
Cómo dije al principio, lo más probable es que hayan Sido ELLOS quienes te salvaron, por lo que son más concientes de tu pasado relacionado con el abuso. Son muy cuidadosos al respecto, sobretodo Mitsuri porque no quiere meterse en terreno desconocido y hacerte sentir mal, pero trata lo mejor que puede para hacerte sentir mejor.
Obanai es mejor al tratar con las crisis, habiendo pasado años de su propia experiencia traumática, está mejor informado sobre el tema y compartirá todo sobre el mismo con Mitsuri.
En general ambos se abren contigo para que te sientas más cómoda con ellos para contarles las cosas y todo sea lo más equilibrado posible.
Pila de abrazos pila de abrazos pila de abrazos--
Mitsuri AMA tu comida, todos lo hacen, pero con el apetito de Mitsuri, es comprensible que sea quien coma más de tus postres.
Obanai no come mucho, pero definitivamente trata de dejar su plato vacío para hacerte a ti y Mitsuri felices.
Si los que te hicieron daño regresan...no será por mucho, tendrán un Obanai salvaje detras de ellos mientras Mitsuri te distrae con algunos trucos de espada junto a Kaburamaru alrededor de tu cuello evitando que gires tu cabeza a dónde está Obanai.
Incluso MITSURI estaría con ansias de venganza, incluso si no los quiere muertos, quieren que paguen por haber dañado a alguien tan bueno e inocente como tú.
Sacan lo peor de ella, por así decirlo.
En general, son un trío muy equilibrado y amoroso. Se aseguran de que NUNCA vuelvas a sentirte vulnerable y desprotegida. No en su guardia.
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quantumultimate · 2 years ago
"Hah ! Moins fort là-dessus, je les fuyais justement quand-" C'était bien la première fois qu'on le traitait de pervers ! Est-ce qu'elle avait eu par tout hasard eu vent de sa collection de hentai ? C'était impossible alors il écarta rapidement cette idée. Il secoua sa tête et reprit: "je t'es vu... faire quelque chose qui n'avait pas l'aire d'être dans le règlement. Voilà pourquoi je t'ai suivie.." Son air innocent lui fit douter, peut-être qu'il avait eu une hallucination. A qui est-ce qu'une personne aussi adorable pourrait bien tendre un piège après tout.
"Excuses moi de t'avoir peut-être effrayé.. j'ai due avoir une hallucination.. Si un pervers rôde, ce n'est assurément pas moi ! Mais j'ai vue des élèves paniquer à la vue d'un certain Lait-truc ou Saka-quelque chose... peut-être les deux. Une chance que ce ne soit pas lui qui t'es suivie haha." Il se sentie soudainement gêné avoir suivie une jeune fille pour finalement rien. Cependant, il ne montra pas sa gêne et afficha un parfait sourire. Il avait du assez la gêner comme ça pensa-t-il.
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Il marchait dans les couloirs de l'académie lors que sont regard fut attrapé par la chevelure rose d'une jeune fille. Malgré son air innocent, elle semblait préparer quelque chose. Un piège ? Mais pour qui ? Pour Louis, cela ressemblait a des scènes que l'ont voyait le plus souvent les jeux vidéos et animés à caractères humoristiques.
Curieux, il s'approcha alors pour jeter un coup d'œil au piège qui se déroulait sous ses yeux. Bien que sa taille lui fasse défaut lorsqu'il est question de discrétion, dans sa tête il avait enfilé la capte d'invisibilité d'Harry Potter. Le jeune se retrouva assez proche de l'élève, qui, ne semblait pas plus japonaise que lui pour que sa présence et souffle soient sentient par cette dernière.
En remarquant finalement que quelqu'un l'avait suivit depuis un bon moment , Dayanah se retourna pour faire face a la personne plus grande qu'elle
" je sens ta présence tu sais- HÉ mais attend t'est pas le nouveau gars qui est déjà ultra populaire dont beaucoup de filles de ma classe parlent ?! " En prenant un air faussement innocent la jeune vampire se mit à ajouter
" avant que je ramène toute tes fangirls pour que tu me laisses tranquille , dis moi , pourquoi tu t'est mis à me suivre ? Tu serais pas un sorte de pervers par hasard ? "
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moolylife · 2 years ago
*sees your fandoms list* Oooh, I already like this blog. Can I request Luke Valentine (Hellsing) having S/O with personality of Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers)?
Hiya Anon! This ask was so different and I loved writing this. I tried a new format if you wanted something else let me know!
Luke Valentine X S/O With Personality Like Yui Komori:
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First Meeting -
So, starting off everything about you annoyed him
Your naive, oblivious and indecisive nature made him pity you.
Other than that, he didn't really pay much attention, not see s/o as someone worth using up energy for.
Also constantly trying to keep his brother in check was hard work.
It would be only when, on a random event, he witnessed s/o's determination and strong will.
That would be what gets his attention, and after that he would start subtly paying more attention to s/o
He witnessed how s/o stayed determined in the worst scenarios and still remained cheerful and optimistic despite the comments thrown her way.
He would realise that maybe s/o was stronger than they seemed.
Courting -
Now unlike his brother, Luke is a gentleman
And as a gentleman he believes in proving himself as the best possible suitor
He would start out small with just gracing you with his presence, and a couple conversations here and there.
And by conversations, I mean s/o talking while he just stares at them. our boy isn't very talkative
When he saw no change in s/o's behaviour he started upping the effort
He started buying s/o gifts ranging in sizes and price
He brought s/o candles with s/o's fave scent he defo didn't break into s/o's room and dug through their stuff to find it
He brought necklaces and bracelets
He brought supplies for whatever s/o's fave hobby was again breaking into rooms
S/o would have no idea why Luke was being so nice to her but didn't really question it and just thanked him every time
Once Luke thought that he had buttered s/o up enough he asked her out.
Dating -
Now that him and s/o are dating, Luke becomes a lot more open, and he adds s/o to his fantasy.
In his mind, s/o had put on the same level as him despite s/o being able to fight or not
Luke treats s/o like royalty, anything s/o wants they get
Luke has become a protector of sorts
Protecting s/o from his brother and other people who were giving s/o a hard time
He will have s/o on his lap whenever possible
He believes having s/o around him enhances his powers and so he tends to always have s/o with him
Also likes showing off how strong he was and will take his s/o with him on missions, especially if s/o is not a fighter/weak
His fave thing to do to relax is to cuddle with s/o on his lap while he reads a book to them
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sunturbogel · 2 years ago
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I´ve been drawing @yui-komori-protector ‘s oc ! 🍰
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thatonefrenchwitch · 2 years ago
Chapter 4: Dinner and a Show
(This one is going to be a little short, barely under 1k words. This is basically a transition scene from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 (which will be pretty nasty) and I apologize if anyone likes Ayato but idk who to put Yui with so I chose him.)
TW: major sexual hints, hardcore flirting and Laito trying to fuck only for Reiji to get pissed
“It’s open!” The witch says as she lays in her bed, eyes on the ceiling as the blonde human comes in, shutting the door.
“Are you alright?” Yui asked, sitting on the bed. 
“I’ll be okay.” She smiles, not wanting the girl to worry about her. After all, what kind of protector would she be if she admitted that they scared her?
“You know, Josephine, it’s okay to not be okay. I know you’re here to protect me, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that, but, I can handle them myself. Ayato pretty much chases them all off for me anyways.” She nervously laughed.
“So you two are dating?” Josephine sat up. 
“Pretty much.” The answer made her groan in annoyance. “So now I just signed myself up to be a food source, huh?” Josie replied.
“I’m sorry.” Yui frowned.
“It’s not your fault. I’m happy to be here, you’re a very sweet girl, Miss Komori.”
“Please call me Yui.” The human put up her hands in defense. “So, why are you here. I know you’re here to protect me but there’s more.”
“And right you are.” She sighed. “For years, other supernatural beings wanted to fully coexist with humans. Tired of hiding behind lies and in the shadows. Want to have equality and try to explain to the hierocracy of the demon realm that we are all equal. Apparently, that’s a silly thing to ask, and “the only time witches should ask for such silly things is to entertain them”. But you, Yui, have been in the shoes of an immortal. You can show them that a very pure, kind, and strong human can co-exist with the supernatural!” Josephine explains.
“Are they like you?”
“Well, my brother is kind of rude, but yes. We are like humans, we all have different personalities, as you know, but we aren’t as entitled and spoiled as vampires so I think that’s something.” She jokes a bit, making Yui laugh.
“If your brother is anything like you, I’m sure we’d get along. Oh! And dinner is done! Reiji wanted me to get you.”
“Couldn’t Count Dracula just send one of his bats or something up here like a carrier pigeon?” Josephine cocks a brow with a grin, making Yui laugh hard. “Josephine, stop!” She holds her stomach.
“Call me Josie, my friend.” 
I hate it here. Josephine sat at the dinner table. Stuck next to Shu and Laito. If this is some sick joke, I hope whoever is in charge of fates is laughing. She eats a little bit of the pasta that was made. 
“This is actually pretty good.” She compliments the chef.
“Thank you, I made it myself.” Reiji couldn’t help but pat himself on the back. Making her eye twitch.
“Don’t.” Yui mouthed to Josephine across the table, “He’s crazy.” 
“I didn’t know dogs could cook. Who knew.” She shrugs and continues to eat as if she didn’t just insult him. Reiji’s mood began to sour as Yui looks at Josephine with fear. Knowing what he is capable of. Shu on the other hand was trying not to break the fork from his grip, trying not to laugh at what she said.
“I’d listen to you if you were wearing decent clothes.” He eyed her attire. “What does that even say?” He tried to read the French wording written on thread on her sweatshirt with a bear eating a strawberry.
“It says “Berry Sweet”.” Spoke Laito. “How cute.” He smiles at Josephine.
“You know French?” She looks at him in confusion.
“Yes, it is the language of love~” She makes a gagging noise at his response.
“No. Stop that. That was so corny.” She cringed.
“I can say even cornier things for you, mon amour~”
“You don’t get to call me that. I am not your love. Never will be.” She says flatly, glaring at him.
“Oh, really now?” He places his cold hand on top of her warm on. “I’m sure I can change your mind.” He chuckles, eating up all her reactions.
“There is not a thing on this planet that would make me want you.” She tries to pull her hand away. Hating how his hand feels on hers. His fingers very gentle and soft compared to his grip on her. Long fingers swallowing her palm. Mimicking how a lover would hold their partner’s hand in an embrace but to her this felt like how a cat paws at the mouse.
“I’m sure you’d change your thinking if you gave me the chance, my little witch~” He chuckled, mouth getting close to her ear as she felt his warm breath. Her body jumping away from him with a red face.
“Laito, it is indecent to play with your food in front of others. And you’ll have to wait a bit since I need to have a little discussion with our guest.” The second eldest glared at her, her body shrinking as she feels holes going through her.
“Oooh you really got under Reiji-nii’s skin tonight, little witch~” He laughs. “I hope I get to hear your cries. I can't wait to hear how you’d sound. Would it be all meek and shy or just straight-up loud begging? What do you think, little witch?” He places a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh shut up, Laito!” She snapped. “He isn’t a pervert like you. He is probably just going to scold me and tell me I’m insufferable, or something among those lines. So if you could please keep your disgusting thought to yourself for one night, it would be great.” As she finished Reiji stood up, dismissed dinner, and shot a look at the witch.
“Come. Now.” He demanded.
“Oh no, Josie..” Yui says in horror, Ayato grabbing her hand.
“She’s fucked, baby. Let’s go before you have to see anything too bad.”
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 3 years ago
Know Your Worth
know your worth by osamugiris
izuku hears of a quirkless suicide on the news with his classmates, and after hearing them say the same discriminatory things he'd had said to him his entire life, he runs off.
he's found, fortunately, and he makes an unlikely alliance with his “rival class”, 1-b
and he might just fall in love while he's at it
Words: 3665, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M, F/F, F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Monoma Neito, Awase Yousetsu, Kendou Itsuka, Kodai Yui, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kaibara Sen, Tsuburaba Kousei, Shishida Juurouta, Honenuki Juuzou, Tokage Setsuna, Fukidashi Manga, Yanagi Reiko, Kamakiri Togaru, Bondo Kojirou, Rin Hiryuu, Shouda Nirengeki, Tsunotori Pony, Shiozaki Ibara, Komori Kinoko, Kuroiro Shihai, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nedzu, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Class 1-B & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Monoma Neito, Kendou Itsuka & Midoriya Izuku, Awase Yousetsu & Midoriya Izuku, Kodai Yui & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Kaibara Sen/Kendou Itsuka, Tokage Setsuna/Yanagi Reiko
Additional Tags: Quirkless Discrimination, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Protective Class 1-B, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Bullying, Discriminatory Behavior, Class 1-B Shenanigans, Class 1-A Bashing, Monoma Neito is a Good Friend, Monoma Neito is a Little Shit, Class Issues, Post-Kamino Ward Arc, Class Transfers, Sad Midoriya Izuku, Chatting & Messaging, Group chat, Midoriya Izuku Protection Squad, and its not the dekusquad, its monoma and kendou and awase and kodai, they're his protectors now, U.A. Dorms | Heights Alliance
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35136553
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cypher-of-the-night · 5 years ago
Biography: Yuuichi Kuroi
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“Between going to hell for killing leeches, or to heaven at the cost of innocent lives... I’d rather stay a sinful man for the rest of my life.”
Full name: Kuroi, Yuuichi
Kanji: 黒佑一
Age: 19
Meaning:  Yuuichi - To help one; Kuroi - Black, Dark
Sensei (by Yui),
Yuuichi Jiang (Alias)
Yòu-Yī  Jiang (Chinese Name)
Age: 19 (Looks around early 20′s)
Birthday: April 1st
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Chinese/Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
Hobbies: Hunting, Practicing Martial Arts
Favorite Food: Cream Stew
Dislikes: Days-Off, Vampires, and Ignorance
Race: Vampire, Human (Formerly)
Gender: Male
Height: 178 cm (5’10")
Weight: 67 kg (147 lbs)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Blood Type: O
Occupation: High School Teacher-in-Training, Vampire Hunter
Ying-Yue Jiang (ancestral foremother)
Naoki Enjo (Distant Relative)
Hisoka Kuroi (First-Cousin, Arranged fiancée)
Tsurara Kuroi (Parental Grandmother)
Favorite Food: Cream Stew
Hobbies: Hunting, Practicing Martial Arts
Seiyuu: Satoshi Hino (Ao from Hakkenden (Talking /Singing)
English Voice: Greg Cote (Eita Izumi from Just Because) (Talking)
To the public eye, Yuuichi is a cool, collected young genius. At the age of 13, He graduates from college and is mentioned to be friendless, as he distances himself from others ever since childhood; Only having his cousin as his only other companion growing up. As he was always quiet, people found Yuuichi intimidating as he would be the only one brave enough to stare down and talk back at the Sakamaki’s, the Mukami’s, and even the Tsukinami’s; Something not even the Principal could do. Yuuichi is also observant and strict, even catching Ayato cheating but never calls him out on it; This leads to him and Ayato having a rather antagonistic relationship.
However, Yuuichi’s cool front is actually a mask, revealing himself to be passionate, but broken young man, desperately looking for love, affection, acceptance, and acknowledgment. Having grown up in a family of Vampire Hunters, Yuuichi has learned to kill vampires since he was young; While he was exceptional in this field, Yuuichi always had to live up to high expectations and was forced to distance himself from others to protect them from getting involved with his life as a Vampire hunter. He cares dearly about innocent people, but felt he must put them at a distance to keep them safe from harm. Always feeling that he must carry the burden on his own, Yuuichi bottles up his emotions in order to continue his role as a protector to innocent humans. He also has a soft spot for children, especially orphans, as he himself is an orphan.
While it was never reciprocated, Yuuichi did hold romantic feelings for his cousin, Hisoka, ever since they were children; Even before their arranged engagement. However, while he has tried to win her heart, it was apparent that She never loved him anymore than a brother. This is due to growing up believing he was a mistake by their grandmother, as he was born as an illegitimate child to the Kuroi family, and that Hisoka was the first person that has treated him as if his existence wasn’t a mistake and that he felt validated by her. This is also why he was not the family heir, despite being the oldest. He also developed a self-hatred and a case of PTSD from having to undergo harsh training as a Vampire hunter, losing his family members, to the abusive treatment from his grandmother.
Due to the way he grew up in the organization and his own hatred towards vampires, Yuuichi feels no remorse in killing the blood-sucking creatures and strongly believes that they are beasts in human form that deserve nothing more than to be extinct. While he genuinely feels that way, it only adds in his self-hatred and disgust for allowing himself become a vampire just to survive when he would rather die. As a vampire hunter, he also knows tactics to torture someone and do what ever means necessary to get the job done; Even it meant resorting to manipulation.
While appearing rational, Yuuichi also holds a sadistic side from the influence of being a vampire and would have the tendencies to succumb to vamperic urges along with his own desires; Depending on which route he’s in, He can either succumb to insanity, forcibly take what he wants as a desperate attempt to find his own happiness, and die as a tragic man, or He can be taught that he can love and be loved healthily, that he must pick up the broken pieces in order to find happiness, and to live as the avenging survivor.
Highly intelligent, respectful to elders, goal-oriented, protective, observant, a realist, serious, mysterious, cool, calm, fast-learner, outspoken when needed to, Caring to children, does show gratitude, strong-willed, kind, athletic, knowledgeable, passionate, experienced, and faithful.
Flaws: Secretly sadistic (from Vampiric urges), cold, stoic, vengeful, stubborn, persistent, easily lonely, hot-tempered, hostile, emotionally scarred, secretive, mentally scarred, self-hatred, has a hard time trusting people, hard, mentally unstable, anxious, paranoid, can’t cook, fearful of losing loved ones, socially awkward, shy, secretly masochistic (heavily embarrassed of this fact about himself) and secretly soft-hearted (can’t show it due to his upbringing as a hunter).
Skills: Shooting with guns (specifically pistols), Fluent in different languages (Chinese, Japanese, English), her intelligence (has even gotten a higher score than Reiji on tests), has high patience, high stamina, a fast runner, enhanced sense of smell, slightly stronger than normal humans, good listening skills, reading people and their emotions, skilled at playing on the flute, singing, has good flexibility, is Ambidextrous (both left-handed and right-handed), charisma, negotiation and interrogation skills, pain endurance, has slow but steady healing, a quick thinker, surprisingly observant, excellent swordsmanship, and an expert martial artist.
Born as an illegitimate child to the Kuroi family, Yuuichi has always been deemed as a “mistake” all of his life by his own grandmother, Tsurara Kuroi. At a young age, His father was disappeared after being reported as MIA during a mission while his mother was kidnapped by a vampire. He was placed under the care of his aunt and uncle for a short time, meeting his first-cousin, Hisoka Kuroi; Falling in love with her and her innocence, Yuuichi swore to protect her and to work hard to become her husband when they are older. Such a thing even became the reason why he would eventually become a exceptional vampire hunter as he grew older.
When he was placed under Tsurara’s care, Yuuichi was immediately taken to start the harsh vampire-hunter training for Kuroi family members; The training sessions caused him to experience horrors and force him to kill in order to save himself, resulting nightmares and eventual numbness in order to get through every training session. Becoming a professional at the age of 8, Yuuichi’s first mission was to kill the same vampire that kidnapped his mother; But once he did and comes across his mother, who was imprisoned the entire time and showed signs of abuse and bite marks, She tearfully begs him to kill her so that she doesn’t turn into a vampire, fearing she would end up hurting others the way her captive has hurt her. Heartbroken that their reunion would end up as it did, Yuuichi complies before telling his mother he loved her, in which his mother replies that she (along with his father) will always love him. From having to kill his own mother as well, this lead to the start of his burning hatred for vampires, vowing to eradicate every single one of them so that humans won’t have to suffer the same way his mother did.
After hearing about the deaths of his aunt and uncle, the memories of his father’s disappearance, and the kidnapping and death of his mother comes back to haunt him and fuel the burning hatred of vampires more; Whether or not Hisoka herself survived or not, Yuuichi will still remain guilty for not being able to be there to protect her or her innocence as he swore to.
If Hisoka did survive, whichi is Hisoka’s Route: Due to the fear of almost losing her, Yuuichi becomes heavily emotionally invested in her to a point he gets jealous of anyone that Hisoka interacts with, especially Yui Komori, who he envied and hated for being the one that helped Hisoka open up when she needed someone the most. Yuuichi would do anything for Hisoka just to make her happy and to win her love, in a similar way Richter loves Cordelia; However, when a mission to rescue Yui was changed to killing her, Yuuichi was the first to take the task to do so. Due to Hisoka’s love and devotion to Ruki Mukami, Yuuichi’s mentality breaks, becoming insane and unpredictable, and resorts to making his happiness happen by force (the happiness being promised by Tsurara herself if Yuuichi kills Yui successfully). This ends up failing and leads to his death by Hisoka’s hands.
If Hisoka didn’t survive, which is Naoki’s Route, Yuuichi becomes the only Kuroi member left in the new generation, making him the only other candidate to become heir to the Kuroi family. But Tsurara does not allow it as she still labels him a ‘mistake’, despite his adroit skills as a hunter. From this, Yuuichi comes to the belief that Tsurara had something to do with the death of the rest of his family members, especially after learning about the wiping out of the clan from his mother’s side. As such, He has decided to investigate deeper into the mystery, which lead to taking on the task to assassinate Yui Komori, only to use her to figure out a lead to Tsurara’s crimes that ended up massacring the rest of his family.
Sometime in between the Haunted Dark Bridal Saga and the MORE BLOOD Saga, Yuuichi was almost near death from a mission he was sent to by Tsurara, only to be saved by and turned by Richter on a certain condition:
Hisoka Route: Richter agrees to make Yuuichi strong enough to kill the Mukami’s, especially Ruki Mukami, who was working with Karlheinz, the Vampire King, but in exchange, Yuuichi will help him dethrone Karlheinz and kill the Sakamaki’s. Due to Yuuichi’s mentality breaking from Hisoka loving Ruki, He agrees to help Richter overthrow Karlheinz and kill the vampires. This is also because they share a mutual understanding of loving a woman that loves someone else, and will do anything just to make them happy/their own, to a point not having them in their arms makes them lose their own sanity.
Naoki Route: Richter agrees to help provide Yuuichi the information he needs to prove Tsurara was guilty, if Yuuichi agrees to keep Yui safe from the Sakamaki’s and the Mukami’s. While Yuuichi didn’t understand why Richter would give him this opportunity, seeing that they both have a common enemy in Tsurara, Yuuichi accepts this despite his own hatred for vampires as long as it would be beneficial to what he is looking for in order to get evidence of Tsurara’s crimes. He eventually does kidnap Yui, using Naoki as a distraction, but while he had her in his custody, they do eventually fall in love and Yuuichi realizes his own inhumane actions and decides to learn to love himself, as well as to move forward with his life.
Eventually, He goes undercover in the guise of a Teacher-in-Training at Ryoutei Academy.
In Naoki’s route, in the DARK FATE Saga, It is revealed that Yuuichi is also a bloodline member of the Chinese clan of human vampire hunters with the first-blood blood in their veins, due to their foremother ancestor, Ying-Yue Jiang; Ying-Yue was the original host of a first-blood’s heart (whom was also her lover in her former life as a human), and was a human before turning into a vampire after she gave birth to a human son that carried the blood of a First-blood, Asher. Due to herself staying hidden for many centuries to hide from Karlheinz under her first-blood lover’s instructions, Ying-Yue was given the nickname “Lilith”, who was known to be the first wife of Adam but leaves him after she refuses to become subservient to him (in a similar sense where Ying-Yue refuses to let herself become experimented as an Eve to Karlheinz’s plan); However, their secret was revealed when one of their clan’s members was kidnapped by a vampire who found out about the truth of their blood. That kidnapped member was Yuuichi’s mother herself. And after the Clan was targeted and massacred, Yuuichi became one of the two only clan members left alive; The other revealing to be Naoki Enjo, the current host of Asher’s heart. The one that plotted the massacre of the clan was Tsurara herself; However, due to Karlheinz’s decision to kill off the entire family of Hisoka, including Hisoka herself, to allow one member from the Jiang clan escape from the massacre, this lead to Tsurara to hold a grudge as she had plans to use Hisoka as her perfect successor as Head of the VH Organization.
It is also revealed that, the real reason Tsurara called Yuuichi a mistake, is because she became aware of the first-blood blood in his veins, and deemed him as one with filthy blood; This is the reason why she refused to make him heir to the family, as all of his abilities were only enhanced from the blood of a first-blood, and that she only sent him on the mission where he was almost killed is to ensure that he does get killed and never returns. In Hisoka’s Route in the DARK FATE saga, where Yuuichi has already been killed, Tsurara explains that she was responsible in organizing the massacre of the Jiang clan and that she did arrange killing of Yuuichi in order to give Hisoka the push she needed to attempt rising up against her, and turn her into the perfect successor after Hisoka herself realizes the truth of her existence and the reason for the death of her family was all because she existed.
Once everything comes to light, in Naoki’s Route in the DARK FATE saga, Asher reveals to Yuuichi that his father was the one informed the clan about the kidnapping as a warning and took Naoki to the orphanage, but as a result from receiving word he gave warning of the VH Organization hunters coming to massacre them, Tsurara had him, one of her own sons, executed for “betraying the organization”.
• Yuuichi is unable to cook; Legend tells he tried to cook something himself, but he ends up burning everything he cooks into flames. Even cereal. Even in
Hisoka’s Route
in the
saga, It is mentioned that Yuuichi himself almost burned down the organization from trying to cook; The one of the very few things he can do is brew coffee.
• While only describes as his hobbies, Yuuichi actually hunts and practices Martial arts as said hobbies is mainly because it helps him keep his figure and to ensure he does not slack off from lack of training.
This is why He doesn’t like day off’s, as he feels uncomfortable doing nothing and that he would rather much do something than doing nothing.
• In his own Manservant ending in the MORE BLOOD saga with Yui, He ends up becoming just like Richter and becomes a submissive slave to Yui, who would end up inheriting dominant, sadistic traits from Cordelia; He even ends up killing Richter to ensure Yui remains his, in fear that Richter will take her away from him.
In the DARK FATE route of Naoki’s Route, Yuuichi confronts Richter as he tries to make a move on Yui in the delusion that she’s Cordelia and denies being like him; This is ironic, considering the fact that he is very much like him in Hisoka’s Route, as his own mentality breaks and would do whatever means necessary to keep Hisoka at his side, even if it meant killing those in his way.
•  He inherited his blue eyes from his father, while his mother holds the same pink eyes as Naoki; It is implied that the bloodline family members of the Jiang clan have the same colored eyes, but the reason why Yuuichi has blue eyes is because the Kuroi family genes has been known to be arguably stronger.
• Yuuichi was originally made to be a character for Hisoka Kuroi’s universe; However, regretting such great potential to go to waste, Yuki (The creator of this blog and @star-crossedfidelity​) brought him back for Naoki Enjo’s story in an alternative universe and gives him a happy ending where he is the love interest of Yui Komori.
• Yuuichi’s real name is Yòu-Yī Jiang (Jiang Yòu-Yī; 江佑一), which respectively mean “To protect all” and “River”.
• Upon his appearance in the MORE BLOOD Saga in Naoki’s route,  
• By the DARK FATE saga in Naoki’s Route, Yuuichi is revealed to be spiritually-Endowed Human-First Blood Hybrid; This is due to Ying-Yue Jiang, his foremother and Asher’s lover, became the first carrier of the first-blood’s heart before she had sexual intercourse with another human in an arranged marriage, which lead to conceiving a human child that would later start a family line of human with first-blood ancestry from Ying-Yue carrying Asher’s heart before the child was conceived; Thus, Yuuichi is a human with first-blood ancestry.
Asher reveals that because the child was born from two humans, despite his blood running through its veins, they can not possess magic, transform, or summon familiars like a first-blood; Instead, because of his blood, The child was stronger, quicker, and healed faster than an average human, along with inheriting the ability to sense vampires and invisible familiars. This is why the clan were phenomenal vampire hunters as, while they can’t see them, they can sense their presence, using those abilities to their advantages.
Asher also reveals that Yuuichi’s enhanced abilities were due to the blood that ran through the family bloodline for generations, and if Yuuichi was the host for his heart, Asher admits that Yuuichi would’ve unlock even more power due to his upbringing as a vampire hunter.
• Due to never having a normal childhood or having a chance to relax, Yuuichi has no knowledge or recollection on what’s it’s like to be a child; For example, He has never been to an amusement park, nor has he ever been to a festival before.
• While he is good with swordsmanship, He prefers to use guns instead; The reason for this is because, when he went on his first mission, He used a sword; Which meant he had to kill his own mother with the sword, and began to use guns after that. In Hisoka’s Route, It is confirmed that Yuuichi would only use swords if he is being sent on a more difficult mission.
• Yuuichi uses the alias “Yuuichi Jiang”, a mixture of his Japanese name and his mother’s maiden name; However, in Naoki’s Route in the MORE BLOOD saga, this is how Asher began to suspect Yuuichi as another living survivor of the massacre, due to his Chinese decent, his own enhanced abilities, and his familiar scent of those from the Jiang clan.
• In Hisoka’s Route, Yuuichi is in love with Hisoka, and not Yui, who he bitterly hated and envied; However, in Naoki’s Route, Yuuichi becomes Yui’s keeper by the MORE BLOOD Saga and they end up falling in love. ~
Credits: Character sheet image, art provided by @seven-re​.
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kannra21 · 6 years ago
Class 1b headcanons
At first, when no one knew what kind of Quirk someone has, everyone thought Tsuburaba's works as an air conditioner. So every time someone asked him to cool them off, they'd be hit by an air shield. He knows all the tricks with a ball. He's friends with Kaminari and Mina, that's why Monoma considers him a traitor.
Speaking of which, Monoma copies Tetsu's Quirk and they make a meme of themselves by shouting "life is hard but we're harder". Ibara thinks it's sweet and inspiring while Kendou thinks it's a little inappropriate * yk, Monoma*.
Sen was responsible for the group photographing of every possible occasion, whether formal or informal. That was at the beginning, later on it grew into a habit of recording any possible joke or prank his classmates would make. Some photos got viral on the internet. Sen is the most popular classmate on social medias. He listens to k-pop.
Juuzo "I soften everything including people's hearts" Honenuki. He's everyone's favorite bro so they're often fighting for him when having group assignments. He's the angel of the class. They're blessed to have him.
Kuroiro and Reiko still trying to convince people that it's not a phase and that My Chemical Romance will always be in trend no matter what. Reiko has downloaded all the songs on mp3 and during the school break they listen to it together. It's important not to interupt their ritual.
Pony comes from Texas and she has a real western accent. She loves apple pie and country music. One day she brought her cowboy-hat to school to show them. Monoma is very proud of his daughter.
Yui is the type of girl who goes through the day with a straight face but loses it when watching mexican telenovelas. She's squealing during every kiss and crying during every dramatic scene. Kendo is the only one who saw her like that and told the other girls. No one believed her. It's not that Kendou's a liar or anything, it's just that it's too hard to believe! She still has a fan club and she's still ignorant of it.
Togaru cut the bread with his knife once and everyone called it the holy blade™. Sice then everyone is using it and it's absolutely forbidden to use any other knife. He owns an electric guitar. He listens to screamo. He's the protector of class b. If someone says something offending about them he's ready to beat ass. He's protecting Pony with his life. Monoma is jealous.
Each time Komori's eating mushrooms her friends whisper "cannibalism". She really likes Yami-Kawaii, Kuroiro and Reiko think she's an adorable badass.
Manga is so small he fits in their classroom's locker so every time Vlad King checks student's attendances he never notices until he reveals himself and the whole class laughs.
Bondo is totally into lego and loves to build a whole little world out of them. His friends have already seen his impressive collection and were completely astonished by it. It's a real work of art, that's also the reason why Manga and Bondo are the best bros. They're the artsy people of their class.
Shishida is hibernating like Tsuyu. Everyone likes to hug him because his fur is mega soft and warm. At first he was very embarrassed by it but later on he grew accustomed and didn't mind it anymore. The first one to ever hug him was Pony. Shishida is secretly a prince (because of the beauty and the beast reference).
Rin, Awase and Setsuna are playing the same mobile game and often compete each other. Setsuna mostly ends up winning. They always hang out together and make up different kinds of challenges. They're considered the cool kids of the class. They're very chill and everyone likes their company.
Awase vields Manga to the ceiling. When Vlad King checks into the locker he gets freaked out when seing him from above this time. Class is always having a great time with Manga.
Setsuna trying to figure out if Ibara's vines taste after grass or something else. After half an hour of playing catch and convincing her to let her check it turns out it has a mild minty taste.
Shoda is the best fighter after Kendou and Tetsutetsu but because of his humble nature he never gets the chance to stick out. That's why everyone's encouraging him and giving their biggest support. Shoda is the guy who can be funny without realizing it, it's sympathetic. He's very modest and likes to share things. He owns a pug.
Every girl fell for Monoma at first until they got to know his true nature. They crossed him from the schedule and announced Sen, Awase and Honenuki the handsome boys of their class. It was a difficult choice because their class is full of models. The only girl who didn't consider Monoma handsome was Setsuna. She has a thing for dark haired boys.
Rin has the best decorated room. His taste for inventory is really amazing because of all the beautiful Chinese touches and ornaments.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
Mi hora llego🫡 una peticion de rex(platonico y romantico) con un lecotr evo como yui komori ,probablemente su habilidad evo sea hacer a los demas mas fuertes con su sangre y solia ser usada por la manada/van kleiss para fortalecerse hasta que providencia le salvo , solo quiero fluff y angst con comfort su señoria
¡Disculpa que haya tomado tanto tiempo! El jurado ha dado un veredicto, tendrás tu comfort ¡CASO CERRADO!¡Gracias por el pedido!
Rex Salazar x Yui Komori! Lectora
Género: Headcanons
Lector: femenino
Advertencias: Angustia menor, algo de trauma, EVOS, Van Kleiss, Fluff, creo que nada más.
Se me hace que te conocio en la primera temporada, como, cuando recién conoció a Van Kleiss, también estabas ahi
Y ya desde el incio pudo decir que algo andaba mal, tanto con Van Kleiss como contigo, pero de diferentes maneras.
Tu dabas vibras de que algo andaba mal directamente porque no parecias querer estar ahí.
Por lo mismo cuando se reveló la intención real de Van Kleiss, se dió cuenta rápidamente del porque.
Apartir de ahí, Rex cada vez que te veía trataría de convencerte de dejar la Manada, de dejarlos y huir ya sea a Providencia o con los EVOs de Hong Kong.
Pero realmente no pudo hacer mucho por su cuenta, Rex no era tonto, se dió cuenta de que querías irte, pero tenías tanto miedo que era triste.
Por eso termino usando ayuda de provincia, quien lo diría, probablemente cuando capturaron a Brecha, fue que finalmente te rescataron.
Te dejaron la opción de quedarte con Providencia o con los de Hong Kong, y ya que estabas bastante agradecida/familiarizada con los primeros, los elegiste(aparte de que te aterraba la posibilidad de que Van Kleiss te encontrará de nuevo).
Si bien Rex ya te conocía antes, no te conocía conocía a profundidad antes de esto, si, sabía que habías terminando con Van Kleiss debido a que unos imbéciles te vendieron a él, y que definitivamente no te merecías el trato que te daban(las veces que te vio con la manada). Pero poco más sabía.
Rex esperaba a alguien muy traumatizado, que se quisiera alejar de todos y que le tuviera rencor al mundo, no te hubiese culpado, el tuvo la suerte de tener amigos tanto fuera como dentro de Providencia, pero parecía que tú estabas sola.
Rex al principio sintió pena por ti.
Todos en general.
Por lo que imagina si sopresa cuando fuiste LA PRIMERA en querer entablar una conversación, LA PRIMERA en querer hacer amistades, quien siempre sonreía y parecía que ahora tenía mucha más energía que nunca.
Lo sacaste de onda en cierta forma
Incluso Seis sugirió la idea de que podrías ser un espía pero lo descarto rápidamente
Si, claro, seguías teniendo seguías obvias de lo que pasó con manada y Van Kleiss, pero al mismo tiempo ahora tenías un enfoque completamente distinto.
Cuando te pregunto al respecto, solo fuiste honesta, que después de haber vivido tanto tiempo con alguien como EL, de haber sufrido tanto, habías perdido toda esperanza de volver a tener paz en tu vida, por lo que cuando Rex llegó y te salvó, te llevo a un lugar seguro y protegido, esa esperanza volvió, renació.
Ahora que estabas libre de esa mala experiencia, era muy fácil ver lo positivo a todo, incluso lo más pequeño, por eso es que siempre mantuviste la cabeza en alto después de tu rescate, porque finalmente acabo, dices. La pesadilla termino y fue gracias a el.
Felicidades ¡lo conmocionaste! En el buen sentido.
Rex te bajo una luz diferente a partir de ahí, ya no solo como una víctima, sino más bien como una superviviente.
Si hablamos de relación romántica, Rex sería especialmente protector contigo debido a tu historial de malas experiencias con sus villanos. Si antes le tenía un gran rechazo y cierto odio a Van Kleiss, ahora directamente lo aborrece.
También definitivamente trata de informarse más sobre el tema de la salud mental de un sobreviviente de trauma (TEPT) y ayudarte en lo que pueda.
¡OBVIAMENTE nunca usaría tus habilidades de EVO a su favor! Ni aunque Blanco se lo ordenase(¿que importa lo que diga el de todos modos?), sabe lo doloroso que es para ti(tanto física como emocionalmente) por lo que Nunca, NUNCA te pediría que fueras a misiones con el, ni aunque fueran simples, no se va a arriesgar.
Fuera de eso, es un novio bastante bromista y es bastante similar a un mejor amigo, puedes hacer locuras con el al igual que puedes vagar un poco.
Si quieres tener citas fuera de Providencia, lo más probable es que vayan a algún lugar de comida y paseen un rato en la moto(le ha pedido más ideas a Noah. Estás ideas o han funcionado o eran demaciado complicadas para llevarlas a cabo, no hay punto medio).
¡imagínate conocer a su familia de México! Su abuela estaría constantemente consintiendote con comida e historias de cuando Rex era niño(para el horror de Rex).
Hablando de familia, Cesar....desde el principio no estaría tan abierto a presentartelo, más que nada porque, bueno, es algo insensible con lo de tu, em, espacio personal y tus habilidades EVO.
Y después de los eventos de la serie, pasará MUCHO tiempo antes de que Cesar pueda estar a siquiera tres metros de ti.
Seis es como un perro guardian, salta en tu defensa cuando Rex no puede.
Holiday es un amor, como siempre(y tú doctora personal, fue quien se cuido personalmente cuando recién entraste a Providencia).
Bobo es.... Bobo. Les hace muchas bromas de "tortolitos", pero se mete menos contigo que con Rex.
En general, gran y feliz familia disfuncional.
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sunturbogel · 2 years ago
CURRENTLY READING : L’ancien Régime et la Révolution par Alexis de Tocqueville (The Old Regime and the Revolution by Alexis de Tocqueville). I am reading this one for school.  
LAST SERIES : My Name (a Korean drama on Netflix)
LAST MOVIE : The Machinist by Brad Anderson
SWEET / SPICY / SAVORY : Spicy ! I have a high tolerance on it
CURRENTLY WORKING ON : Mostly school but I am working on Nami’s story which you my (or not) get to read one day but it would means for me to translate it all.
tagged by : @ruki--mukami thank you waifu 🥺💕
tagging : @kanato--sakamaki @lured-into-wonderland @diabolik-land @yui-komori-protector @bluebird-dolly-bride @solarstellarstar @hattoridestiny @ask-cordelia-sakamaki @yuikomdiab
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diaboliklovers-world-blog · 5 years ago
Power Isn't Everything
Not So Pleased To Meet You
Tumblr media
Summary: Yui and Ryo get sent to live with the Sakamakis and the Mukamis. While Yui is scared, Ryo has no reason to be afraid.
    “Ryotoki Masuhei,” she introduced herself to the ten vampires that stood around the room.
    “I’m Yui Komori,” the girl next to her said as her voice shook.
    Ryo already knew why they were there. Yui was there to become Eve and to choose an Adam. But Ryo was there for a less involved reason.
    Azusa looked at Ryo in awe as he saw bandages peeking out of her clothes. Wrapped around her palms, they went up to hide under her sleeves. Her neck only had a few but they were noticeable even in the shadow of her lifted hood. Azusa could even see them through the holes in her ripped jeans.
    Azusa wanted to talk to Ryo so badly, he’s already beginning to forget about Eve. But Ruki said they have to wait until Yui “decides” whose house she’ll stay at first. 
    Ryo was silently observing the vampires from behind her prescription glasses while they were distracted by the dramatic human.
    Yui fell and finally realized they were all vampires, she pulled out a rosary cross.
    Ryo couldn’t hold in her laugh, ‘she’s dumber than she looks.���
    As the boys looked at her in confusion and wonder, Ryo heard the familiar voice in her head, ‘It’s not like it’s her fault ya know. Religious humans made her think that the piece of metal could protect her.’
    She hated when he was right, ‘I didn’t ask you.’
    ‘Perks of having a spirit live in your head.’
    Ryo noticed how six of the bloodsuckers were gone along with Yui.
    “Looks like Ryo-chan was in her own little world,” Kou pokes her cheek, which she goes to bite. But Kou was quick enough to pull his hand away. “Feisty Neko-chan.”
    “It appears you’ll be staying with us first,” Ruki claimed.
    “Fine with me,” Ryo shrugged.
    Kou grabbed her hand and in two seconds they were in a different living room. Kou put his hands on Ryo’s shoulders before making her sit between him and Yuma.
    “You’re obviously not human and the other livestock is supposed to be Eve. So who are you?” Ruki crossed his legs as he glared at Ryo.
    “It looks like he hasn’t told you,” Ruki’s eyes narrowed. “I’m your guys’ protector.”
    “We don’t need one,” Yuma snarled.
    “Au contraire, once word gets out that there is a weak human that can choose her mate to create a whole other race, demons, ghouls, other vampires, and so-on, will come after her. So it looks like I'll be here for a while,” Ryo explained.
    “A small thing like you is supposed to fight off these things?” Yuma laughed.
    “Precisely. He wouldn’t have sent me here if he didn’t think I could do it.”
    That shut him up. A few seconds of tense silence went by until Kou clapped his hands, “I think it’s time to hit the hay. We have night school in about ten hours.”
    “Night school?” Ryo repeated.
    “Is there a problem?” Ruki raised a brow.
    “Nope.” She hasn’t been to school in over a century.
    Azusa showed Ryo her room which was right across from his, “I’ll have...to show you...my knife collection...another time. Goodnight...Ryo-chan.” He smiled at Ryo as she entered her room.
    “Goodnight Azusa,” she softly closed the door before running to jump on the plush bed.
    Ryo realized how hard it’ll be to babysit these conceited vampires. Azusa seemed nice but she’s been alive long enough to know not to trust him yet. She pulled her hood down after checking the door and windows were locked. Her feline ears perked and twitched as her tail unwinded from around her waist to stretch out.
    Ryo figured it'd be a good idea to keep her secret, knowing Kou’s love for cats already and she doesn’t want to be made fun of.
    Ryo took off her glasses and placed them by the lamp on the bedside table. Looking out of the windows to her left she wished her best friend the best of luck.
    The bright blue-haired demon awoke to pounding and yelling from her door. She groaned before getting up to stomp over to the door. She threw her hood over her messy hair and tucked her tail under her hoodie.
    “What,” Ryo gritted out.
    “We have to leave for school in fifteen minutes. Hurry up,” Ruki tossed a pile of clothes at her before walking away.
    “What kind of uniform is this?” Ryo looked at it in disgust.
    She took off her hoodie to put on the white dress shirt and covered it with her hoodie. Then removed her ripped jeans to put on leggings under the skirt. Hopefully, the bandages weren’t too visible. After Ryo tugged on her black combat boots and laced them up, she grabbed her glasses.
    Once she brushed her teeth she made her way to the front entrance where the four brothers waited.
    “You really...like that hoodie...huh, Ryo-chan?” Azusa questioned.
    Ryo nodded. She wasn’t used to getting less than twelve hours of sleep. She’ll have to take a nap after school.
    “Aww, Neko-chan’s tired,” Kou teased.
    “Shut up, fuckface,” Ryo’s name for Kou had Yuma laughing until he had tears in his eyes. “You too, jackass.”
    Yuma immediately stopped laughing as Kou laughed instead. Before Yuma could blow up, the car pulled up to the door. Ruki shoved Ryo into the car before getting in after her.
    “Is the name calling really necessary Neko-chan?” Kou pouted.
    Kou playfully sighed as he sat back against the seat.
    They arrived at the massive school. The four brothers immediately made their way to wherever Yui was, leaving Ryo behind.
    She smirked as she took this as her chance to go into the city. Might as well familiarize herself with her surroundings right? Ryo couldn’t remember the last time she’s been to the city in the human world. She lives in the Demon World, Demonic Realm, Assassin City.
    The other realm would be the Vampiric Realm, where the Sakamaki's father rules.
    It was nice to see how lively the city still was at this time of night. Ryo went to a candle store and bought three different scents, stopped by one of the convenience stores to get spicy instant ramen and two red bean paste buns, and finally a milkshake place. She smiled as she walked leisurely back to the school. Classes should be ending by the time she gets there.
Ryo waited by the front gates and it only took a few minutes before Ruki, Kou, Yuma, and Azusa appear next to her. Noticing the bags Ruki began to interrogate her, “You didn’t go to your classes?”
“Nope,” Ryo took a sip of her frozen drink.
“Then where were you?”
“Why is it so important to you all of a sudden? You were just fine chasing after the little human and not notice I didn’t even enter the building.”
Ruki’s eyes widened slightly. Was he really that focused on finding Yui? Nobody could tell but Ruki was anxious about Karl’s Adam & Eve plan.
“That still doesn’t allow you to run off without permission,” His expression steeled.
“It kinda does cause I don’t have to be here. You guys are the ones that need protecting. Not me,” Ryo lied. She was forced to be here so her best friend would live. 
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cypher-of-the-night · 5 years ago
I don't know if it's okay to ask more questions about Yuuichi, but I'd like to know, what does he think of the Sakamaki brothers? He must obviously hate them, but I suppose he must have personal opinions for each of them. And... how cruel was Yuuichi with Yui at the beginning of their relationship? When he drank her blood for the first time, what did he think about its taste? Did he become addicted to her blood? And sorry if there are too many questions, feel free not to answer if you want. ♡♡♡
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Mun!Yuki: Oh don’t worry, Sweet Anon! I’m absolutely comfortable talking about this! I love talking about my son! :D okay just let me answer this question in sections so it will make things easier.
Well since he has a bad history with vampires that fuels his hatred for them, He absolutely despises the Sakamaki’s. They’re purebloods. At first, He would be too blinded by his hatred to judge them individually. The only reasons he knows their names are because they’re the sons of Karlheinz. I can’t imagine what he thinks about them. I think he would keep his guard up with everyone. He finds Shu to be like some sort of questionable creature rather than a vampire, finds Reiji a clever and formidable opponent in terms of strategy (He can tell from the poison in the tea), dislikes Laito’s pervertedness and finds him shameful, hates Kanato’s crying and temper tantrums (What Yuuichi calls) “constant bitching and moaning”, find Ayato to be a nuisance with his “ore-sama” this and “ore-sama” that (he had to deal with Ayato and Kanato in class and he hates it), and I feel like Subaru is the only one he had actual interactions with. He did come in to stop Subaru from harming Naoki in the MB Saga when she was hanging out with Kou. He just finds him as the definition of destructive violence. He’s just as hostile to them as he is to other vampires.
Regarding the beginning of Yuuichi’s relationship with Yui, it’s mainly fueled with distrust. Due to Yui being targeted as a potential threat to Humanity and regarding reports on how she was taken over by Cordelia in the HDB Saga (This is due to a tip from Richter regarding how it’s the same thing with Naoki and Asher), Yuuichi is quite distrustful of Yui. She is just barely human with that heart. A human girl carrying a heart of a vampire since she was an infant? That’s not possible for a normal baby.
He is very cruel and manipulative. He would question her, keep her under-surveillance at all times (isn’t allowed to go anywhere without him, has to have lunch with him and stay after school with him until he finishes his work, etc), and threatens to kill her if she disobeys. He even brought a shock collar and GPS tracking device to forcibly make her wear at home to make sure she does not leave; And if she doesn’t, He shocks her with a certain amount of volts where he can even make her pass out with the shocks if she is about to attempt an escape. He is also very strong for a turned-Vampire, even he had enhanced strength as a human due to the effects of Asher’s blood, just like Naoki; So he would pin her down by grasping her neck, point his gun at her face to make her comply to what he says, and chain her to a bedpost with an actual pair of cuffs when she goes to bed to make she doesn’t escape. If she tries to scream, then he would call the organization to involve her father and tell them the Vampire Hunter, Komori Seiji, was an accomplice for raising her. That surely would get her to do as he says.
Ironically, He’s the only reason why she’s even alive. If it were anyone else from the organization, she would’ve just died right there on the spot without any reason. So she got lucky that she was targeted by Yuuichi. Though, the only reason he keeps her around and hasn’t killed her yet is because, for some reason, a human with the heart of a Demon Lord’s daughter is deemed a threat and he is the one chosen to kill her. After being turned into a vampire by Richter, He wants to figure out why Richter chose to turn him even though Yuuichi himself was assigned to kill her despite the relationship he had with Cordelia. At this point, He can’t consider Yui to be human. Even though she would be considered barely, think about the time she spent with the Sakamaki’s. It’s been a whole month. While Naoki is Subaru’s bride, it still would’ve meant Yui had to deal with at least 5 of the brothers, plus she’s also having to deal with the 4 new ones. And it’s all because of her blood. Yuuichi even spectated that Yui was never a normal human to begin with. Even before being given Cordelia’s heart. Like she was born to be the perfect vessel, out of all the others. Yui could even be somehow connected to what happened to his family. Even if it wasn’t directly, with everything that happened with Yui, Yuuichi himself cannot look over that possibility. As a hunter, he needs to think about these possibilities.
But you also need to keep in mind, while Yuuichi’s actions are not justified or any way acceptable, these are tactics he uses against Vampires. Everything he does to Yui, they are normal to how the hunters in the organization treat vampires. He grew up believing these are the correct tactics to use because of Tsurara. Not the ‘right’ tactics. But the ‘correct’ tactics. He became a professional at the age of 8, which shouldn’t be possible for just anyone. He is blinded by the fuel of hatred and revenge to stop and think what he’s even doing to Yui. What makes it worse is when she tries to defend the Sakamaki brothers. He was also raised to believing that manipulation was key to get to a goal. Even if it meant lying and using the truth of others. A hunter’s job is to hunt and do the job. Any connections outside of the job is meaningless, especially if you die on the line of duty. He honestly believed he was doing his job to protect the people. He never knew his actions were just as inhumane. When he realized it was and his actions made him no different from the purebloods, Yuuichi is appalled to realize that he himself was a murderous monster. Not a protector of humanity. He was killing innocent people the entire time with the tactics he uses, people he have working hard to protect that ended up being forced to become vampires, just to fuel more fire into the burning hatred and rage. It shows how morbid when things you thought was normal turns out to be inhumane. That the things you were protecting were actually dying by your own hands. That knowledge is enough to make him see himself as a monster with hands stained red in the blood of the innocent. He hurt Yui who knew nothing, he killed many innocent people forcibly dragged into that world to fuel more hatred, and yet someone like him is still living despite all of that. He himself comes to realize and acknowledge that his actions were unforgivable and no way to be justified. That’s why he would give Yui the chance to kill him, to give her the chance of revenge for everything he’s done to her. That’s the only human thing he believes he could do for her.
When he drank her blood for the first time, Yuuichi was fascinated. It had a bittersweet taste to him. The only blood he had to drink were the vampires he killed to satisfy his thirst when it becomes too much, and they tasted gross to him; Yui, on the other hand, has that sweetness that felt rich in his month, yet it made him crave for more when there was that bitter aftertaste. He wouldn’t admit that he became addicted. But because he was only a newly turned vampire, He does become addicted to drinking her blood, like a newborn drinks their mother’s milk.
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amysgiantbees · 3 years ago
Other MHA UA kids in DND
Big 3
Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater is a half shifter half wood elf. He is a Circle of the Shepherd druid. Hermit and scholar combo background. Terrible charisma. He has Fey Touched and War Caster feats. He follows Mystra, goddess of magic.
Mirio Togata/Lemillion is a Protector Aasimar who becomes essentially a regular mortal human when he has to sacrifice his wings and divine power to save Eri. He’s an Oath of Devotion Paladin (mirroring Izuku but slightly different). Charisma is his top stat. He’s a paladin of Lliira, goddess of joy. He has the Inspiring leader and Sentinel feats.
Nejire Hado/Nejire Chan is an air genasi, she’s blue and lilac like a clear sunny sky. She is a Graviturgy wizard. Intelligence is her top stat. She follows Mystra, goddess of magic. She has the feats Lightly Armored and Tandem Tactician.
Class 1-B
Neito Monoma is a changeling. He’s an Archfey warlock. He likes spells that involve mimicry like Mislead or Major and Mirror Image best. His Charisma is his top stat. Wisdom and intelligence are his lowest. 
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu is an earth genasi. He is a Path of the Bear Totem Barbarian warrior. He has skin and hair the colour of iron with sparkling gem like eyes. Also he has the Tough and Durable feats. He likes to use his fists or a great-sword. He follows Kord, god of athletics and sport.
Ibara Shiozaki is an earth genasi! She uses a whip. She is a nature domain cleric of Beory, goddess of Nature and is very devout and regularly partakes in worship for all nature deities.
Itsuka Kendo is a changeling. She has the Inspiring Leader and Tavern Brawler feats. She is a Path of the Berserker Barbarian. She follows Paladine, god of rulers and guardians. She has massive gauntlets as her weapons of choice.
Yosetsu Awase is a human armour artificer. 
Sen Kaibara is a Warforged Berserker Barbarian. 
Shihai Kuroiro is a dark elf Phantom rogue.
Yui Kodai is a human transmutation wizard whose favourite spell is Enlarge Reduce.
Kinoko Komori is a human circle of spores druid. 
Jurota Shishida is a werewolf path of the beast barbarian. 
Nirengeki Shoda is a halfling archer assassin rogue. 
Pony Tsunotori is a Bloodline of Zariel tiefling Cavalier fighter.
Kosei Tsuburaba is a human storm sorcerer. 
Setsuna Tokage is a Yuan-Ti Way of the Astral Self monk.
Manga Fukidashi is a warforged Mage of Silverquill.
Juzo Honenuki is a Half-Orc with very large fangs. He’s a Mage of Prismari sorcerer. 
Kojiro Bondo is a warforged School of War Magic sorcerer. 
Reiko Yanagi is a human School of Transmutation Wizard whose favourite spell is levitation. 
Hiryu Rin is a half dragon-born Berserker barbarian. 
Support Course
Mei Hatsume is a human armourer artificer. She has the Skilled and Quick-Smithing features. She uses any kind of weaponry that she can, all modified of course. Her favourite god is Reorx, neutral god of craft. She also regularly makes offerings to gods of knowledge and trade.
Bibimi Kenranzaki is a human armourer artificer. A devoted follower of Sune and Reorx.
Department of General Education Students
Hitoshi Shinso is a human from the bardic college of whispers. He uses a short bow, kind of like Dadzawa. He has the diplomat and silver-tongued feats, his other dad taught him those. He’s not specifically interested in worshipping any gods.
Tsutsutaka Agoyamato and Chikuchi Togeike are human rogues.
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sunturbogel · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag 😭💕
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I tag : @lowly--livestock @yui-komori-protector @goldenastys @kindan-no-kanojo @iricathel @hattoridestiny I think it’s all… ? Do it if you want to anyway.
The link in any case:
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(i cant copy the link for some reason but the picrews name is; "taybee character maker")
@summercreolefanfictioner @besnella @mariicake @ofstormsandsaints @lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui @crookedherringcolorclodthe2nd @yui--komori i would love to see all of y'alls oc's in this 😩💖 (no pressure tho just give it a shot if you want!)
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star-crossedfidelity · 7 years ago
For the BTS&EXO x DL ask game: Blood, Sweat & Tears, Danger, Spring Day and Wolf hurhurhur~ >v
From here~
Blood Sweat & Tears- When was the moment you realized you were willing to give your vampire everything? To what extent would you give everything up for him if you had a choice? Would you give him your blood sweat and tears?
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Hisoka: …. The moment I realized I was willing to give Ruki everything, was when I finally accepted that I was in love with him. It wasn’t easy. I was even in denial. Being in love with the same being as the ones I kill in cold blood, as the ones that killed my parents.. how can it be that easy to admit you love a vampire under those circumstances? But.. It’s funny because, to what extent? I already had that choice, and chose to give up everything for Ruki. I gave up being a vampire huntress, I gave up the chance to rank-up to kill any vampire outside a mission, I gave up my title as the heiress of my family, I gave up on the organization, I gave up everything I had for Ruki. I… I would give him my blood, sweat, and tears.. That’s how much he means to me compared to everything else…
Danger- Has your vampire ever protected you? What occurred to make him protect you?
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Hisoka: … He has. Even though I’ve assured him that I’m fine because I’m a huntress and dealt with worse. Actually.. Because of my betrayal, I’ve been marked as a traitor by the organization. Since then, I was also marked as a target to be killed on sight. It’s part of the Organization rules. There was a point where I fell into a trap and was cornered by a hunter while I was still injured from my fight with my cousin, so he had the upper hand. But before he could really do it.. Ruki came in and saved me… He ended up killing him instead of letting me do it. 
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Hisoka: … Don’t get me wrong, I‘m still grateful of him protecting me… But, I still feel like I should’ve been the one to kill that guy off. I’m the traitor after all, so I need to carry the burden instead.
Spring Day- Who is your best friend? How did the friendship start? Has there been a time your vampire tried to keep you from them? Why?
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Hisoka: Yui is my best friend, of course!
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Hisoka: Um… How it started… Well, we actually met after my parents were killed and I was sent to the Church to stay there until my grandmother returned from Russia for business. I was under Father Komori’s supervision. Of course.. we didn’t start our friendship right away. For a few weeks, Yui was always by my side, but I always ended up pushing her away and treating her coldly.. I couldn’t trust anyone after what happened, I didn’t deserve to be treated with kindness when I was nothing more than an ungrateful child that deserved nothing… It didn’t start until one night, I almost went mad and tried to end my life.. Yui was the only one that ran after me and saved me because she told me she got worried when she saw I wasn’t in my room.. 
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Hisoka: It was at that moment, I found my new reason to keep living. I wanted to protect Yui. She was innocent and cared for me, even when I treated her with hostility. She was like… that folktale princess, Cinderella. It was then I wanted to be her protector, I didn’t want to make the same mistake that I made with my parents. And after that, even after I underwent training from my Grandmother, Yui and I became inseparable. I was even suspended for a month for nearly beating up a bitch that was bullying her, and people became afraid of me when they learned not to cross me by hurting her.
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Hisoka: There hasn’t been a time where Ruki tried to keep me from her. As the watchdog, I have to keep an eye on her at all times before and after class, lunch, and at home. To be honest, I didn’t like being called the “watchdog”, but the more I played this role, it’s more like playing the role of a Lady-in-Waiting and Yui was the princess. *giggles*
Wolf- (question for your vampire) When did you stop seeing your bride/groom as mere ‘prey’?
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Ruki: It was the moment she gave up everything and cut ties with her family to prove her loyalty to me, right in front of me. I was aware of her feelings for me beforehand, but I dismissed them as an act to lower my guard to get to Kachiku and only saw it as an advantage for me to continue using her as the watchdog; However, once she was given the choice to kill Kachiku and gain everything she worked hard for as a huntress or to be brand as a traitor and lose everything, Inu threw everything away for me and even killed her own cousin to prove both her resolution and her feelings were genuine. Since then, I stopped seeing her as a mere prey and stopped using her as a dog.
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