#yui x nazuna
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Re-reading Kirigiri made me ship it even more
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For those who have read the Kirigiri series, hear me out...
Yui Samidare x Nazuna Tōakitsu
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A la MC de Erosion la persiguen Carnelian y sus lacayos, a Yui la persiguen básicamente todos los demonios del Makai y a Fiona la persiguen los gatos lunáticos... Creo que a Rejet le gusta torturar a sus heroínas 💀.
Y no olvides que a Ritsuka la buscaban los vampiros y los demonios ni que a Nazuna la tenían obligada a estar en un club de ricachones traumados que también la trataban medio mal. Desearía decir algo de Alice = Alice, pero no me corre el juego💔 (Ken ga Kimi no lo he podido jugar y el de PSP Kamisama algo creo que era tampoco... Los más viejos creo que eran tranquilitos. Tampoco me he jugado Bad Medicine)
Pasando al área de los CD dramas... La prota de Oz to Himitsu no Ai fue maltratada y explotada en su orfanato hasta morir, a la de Sacrifice se le murieron sus amigos y su hermano, las de Grimgai no Ouji-sama sufren hasta morir (o quedar en coma) hasta acabar en una pesadilla... Donde vuelven a sufrir. Las de Thanatos Night mueren al final de cada CD, la de Luciole no Hime reencarna en una princesa sádica con enamorados que están tan rotos que torturarla es amor y progresivamente va perdiendo su cordura, la de Corpse Heart es literalmente un sacrificio para que unos no muertos puedan conseguir una segunda oportunidad (y de paso su apariencia y recuerdos son completamente alterados).
Igual rejet tiene sus sagas bonitas como Lip on My Prince, Happy + Sugar = Darling, Honey Liar,,la suprema e insuperable Yuugen Romantica y otras más que aún no traduzco porque... Bueno... Videojuegos que me tienen alejada de mi compu. Pero sí, en general les gustan las historias crueles x"D
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DR Kirigiri Vol. 5 Summary Part X
Okay budding detectives, let’s finish up Chapter 1 of DRK5!
As an apology for the lateness of this, I translated easily 80% or more of this chapter straight up.
Chapter 1 The Mania of Existence: Libra Girls’ Academy - Samidare Yui
As you may or may not remember from last time, Samidare had figured out the trick behind the Libra Girls’ Academy case, and is currently being held at nail gun point by Mizuiyama, who had also not only solved Yaki’s case for him, but had also brained him in the head with a lead pipe like some kind of Japanese-themed Clue character.
This part picks up where part VIII left off, with Samidare being on point as ever.
“You’re the culprit, Mizuiyama-san?”
“That I am.” She nodded, the nail gun still pressed to my chest. “I had thought that I’d win by separating you from Kirigiri Kyouko and forcing you to solve the case on your own, but you defied my expectations by figuring out the secret of Libra Girls’ Academy. Unfortunately, that has made you quite the pain in my side.”
“So you ending up the suspect during the Takeda Haunted House case was all part of the plan too?”
“Perhaps it was.”
“What do you mean, ‘perhaps’?”
“This is all being guided by Mr. Ryuuzouji, no?”
So basically, she was saying that despite all of the seemingly random things that had happened, we were still all playing right into Ryuuzouji Gekka’s hand.
“Why did you kill Takezaki-san?”
“We had a bit of an altercation two years ago when I was working as a school counselor, but I won’t get into the details. It’s a long story that you won’t be interested in anyway, and my arm is getting tired.”
((Well jeez, Mizuiyama. I wanted to know. Just like I wanted to know why the Despair Twins have different last names.))
“Mizuiyama-san, if you’re the culprit, then that means you’re well-versed in Duel Noir. You’ve lost. Even if you killed me, that wouldn’t change anything.”
“I suppose you’re right. I have lost this game. But what about the others still remaining?”
“You must solve all twelve cases in order to defeat Mr. Ryuuzouji, isn’t that right?”
I had no idea what she was getting at, so I just nodded.
“You really don’t pick up on much, do you? You need me to explain? I don’t want Mr. Ryuuzouji to step down. Not as a detective, and not as a member of the Committee for the Salvation of the Victims of Crime.”
Ah, so that was it. She was one of Ryuuzouji Gekka’s devotees, huh.
Even compared to other great detectives, Ryuuzouji was on an entirely different level. Lots of people looked up to him and wanted to be just like him. I had to admit that I’d had quite the respect for him too, so much so that even now I couldn’t shake it entirely.
“I too have considered becoming someone who could save people. Despite that, there’s just some kind of deficiency in me that prevents that...conviction, in other words. Conviction is easy to talk about, but much harder to follow through on. There are so many things that can prey on it... Giving up because of a lack of skill, making concessions to the opinions of those around you, allowing your authority to be undermined... There are so many ways for it to break under the slightest pressure. Yet, what I see in Mr. Ryuuzouji’s expression is pure, beautiful conviction. If you follow the laws of this world, beauty is stability. Like transmuting something on a molecular level to create gold--don’t you think conviction could be said to be the emotional form of that?” Mizuiyama said, excited.
I didn’t really understand what she was talking about, but it was clear that she was devoted to Ryuuzouji.
((I mean, who wouldn’t be? Dude is badass. Even Junko Lico respects him.))
“I mean, if you kill me here, it’s true I wouldn’t be able to solve all twelve cases, but...do you really think Ryuuzouji-san would want to live that way? Considering how much he talks about fair play, I can’t imagine he’d be satisfied with our battle of wits ending this way.”
“You sure are speaking as if you know anything about anything,” Mizuiyama said, angrily pressing the nail gun into me. “You misunderstand. I have no intention of killing you here. Just as originally intended, I plan to keep you held prisoner until the time limit is up.”
“You can try, but someone will come to rescue me. I have full faith in that.”
“For instance, Kirigiri Kyouko? You have a point...she is the most dangerous adversary I have right now. But I wonder if she’d even bother to come here? Remember, I have your phone. I can have you tell her yourself that you’re doing just fine.”
“And if I tell her I’m in danger?”
“Well then, if you were that dedicated to throwing everything away, I suppose you’d force my hand, and I’d have to take a more forceful approach to ending the game. In other words, I’d kill you.”
“It doesn’t matter, she’d still come here of her own accord anyway. After solving all of the other cases, she’d come here no doubt. Probably faster than you’d think, even!”
((Samidare doesn’t even flinch at this, she’s so secure. What a good. I love this ship.))
“Don’t worry, I’ve already planned a countermeasure for that.”
“Yesterday, after I split off from all of you, I went to the Museum of Medieval Western European Torture Devices as promised and poked around. Right after that, I headed to Bar GOODBYE to investigate there. By the way, I’ve already devised the culprit and the trick for both cases.”
((To be fair, the culprit for the Bar GOODBYE case wasn’t exactly difficult.))
“Do you understand what that means?”
“...I don’t.”
“I already know the question and the answer for both cases. I’ve cracked both of them before any of you, and whether or not I hand over that information is entirely up to my discretion.”
“Who cares? We can just investigate ourselves!”
“Looks like you still don’t get it. You’re all lagging behind. While you’re all playing catch up, I could have mixed lies in with the evidence. Of course, I can’t do anything to change the answer, but what about the question? I could plant false evidence, fake testimony, involve unrelated people as red herrings...”
((A few years later, Kirigiri just shakes her head during the second trial of Junko’s game, thinking about how Togami is amateur hour.))
How did she even come up with something like that?
“So next I’m going to start handing out fake information like candy. You lack the ability to tell if any of the clues you find are real or fake. You’d run out of time trying to puzzle it out.”
“You aren’t our only source of information, you know! Putting the museum aside, Yaki-san is handling the case at the bar.”
“He’s dead.”
“If we just ask him for informa... What did you just say?”
“He’s dead.”
“He died?”
“Yes. I killed him. Oh dear, it seems I’ve added an unnecessary crime to my plate. I may have lost my chance at changing my name and starting a new life since I lost the game, but if I can help Mr. Ryuuzouji win, then I don’t mind staking my life on this.”
“Why are you so into Ryuuzouji-san...?”
“Haven’t you ever wondered who comes to the aid of the hero who has saved so many?” Mizuiyama said in a harsh tone. “No one thinks of the worries he carries on his shoulders. He has the right to salvation.”
“Can you really call what you’re doing salvation though? You’re just getting in the way of our showdown!”
“Shut up! What are you calling a showdown?!”
The usually reserved Mizuiyama exploded in fury.
Looks like I had touched a nerve.
“How dare you... A showdown, ha! ...Why were you chosen...?”
Mizuiyama’s hand trembled, but I knew she couldn’t lay a finger on me.
Of that I was sure. This was still Ryuuzouji’s game, and she’d never dream of breaking its rules.
“Don’t move.” Mizuiyama wiped her eyes with her free hand. “The second you think I won’t shoot, you seal your fate and prove what an idiot you are. I’ll do what I want. If you don’t want to end up like that man over there...”
It’s at this point that they realize that Yadorigi’s body is gone, a conspicuous blood trail leading out of the chapel and into the hallway.
They both realize that Tsukiyo and Naz haven’t been sitting idly while all of this villain monologuing has been going on.
Mizuiyama keeps Samidare at nail gun point and has her walk backwards across the chapter and open the door to the hallway. There, they see Nazuna and Tsukiyo dragging Yadorigi toward the room at the end of the hall, and thanks to the ridiculousness of Samidare having to walk backwards toward them, they don’t get there in time to stop them from hiding out in the scale room.
They go in, the scale goes down, and they’re no longer accessible.
Mizuiyama isn’t too upset by this, saying they aren’t her focus anyway. She moves the nail gun to aim at Samidare’s head instead.
“On your knees, hands behind your back.”
“I don’t care, just do it!” she yelled.
It seemed like she was getting close to her breaking point. It would be better not to push her right now.
I followed her orders.
I was really in it now.
What would Kirigiri Kyouko do at a time like this?
...That wouldn’t work. There was a huge gulf between our basic level of ability. I didn’t know any self-defense techniques, and it’s not like my quick wit was going to tip the scales.
“As we agreed, you are going to sit here obediently and wait for time to run out.”
Mizuiyama pulled a set of handcuffs from somewhere and slapped them on my wrists.
How many times had I been handcuffed now in recent memory...?
Just accept the kink, Samidare. It will be easier this way.
Mizuiyama goes on to say that she’ll feed Samidare and let her use the bathroom and bathe as she deems fit, though if she tries anything funny, those privileges will be revoked.
It’s at this point that they hear someone’s voice from the chapel.
“Hey, Detectiiiiive! Where’d you go? We thought we were trapped, but then all of a sudden we could get out!”
It was a boy’s voice. He sounded like an idiot.
Who the heck was that?
“Oh, someone’s here.”
They entered into the hallway from the still open door.
“Detectiiiiiiive... Huh, who’re you?”
A short young man in a trench coat was ambling our way. Behind him I could see a robust, punk-looking boy and a girl wearing a qipao for some reason.
What was with this weird group?
Something I couldn’t quite accept was going on.
Mizuiyama appeared to be the same boat.
Thrown off, she turned to face them, nail gun drawn and aimed in their direction.
“D-Don’t come any closer!”
“Yo, Columbo, this is lookin’ pretty damn rough, y’know?”
It seemed the punk boy had finally realized something was amiss.
“RUN!” I yelled at them, as loud as I could.
“What should we do, Senpai? They’re telling us to run...?”
“Telling us to run? No, no, that’s them asking for help! Let’s go, Kousuke, Ellery!”
The boy in the trench coat began to run toward us.
“Feckin’ hell!”
The punk and the girl in qipao followed after.
What the heck were they thinking?!
In a panic, Mizuiyama aimed the gun and pulled the trigger with a trembling finger.
A fat nail fired from the gun with a thun sound.
The girl opened the umbrella she had in her right hand. The nail ripped into it, but stopped, its head still visible on this side.
“Kousuke! Jump!”
The punk boy sprang from behind the umbrella, like a giant bullet, drop-kicking Mizuiyama.
((I fucking love these side novels, man.))
Surprisingly even for a small woman, Mizuiyama flew backwards into the door so hard the air around me shuddered. She collapsed to the floor, looking like a doll whose soul had just left it.
“Y-Yo, she ain’t dead, right? I don’t want to be a fuckin’ murderer!”
“It’s okay... She’s alive...” said the qipao-clad girl, taking Mizuiyama’s pulse.
“That sure was a close one, eh young miss?” the trench coat wearing boy said, coming closer. “We are the escheemed members of the Ouu Daitouitsu University Myschtery Research Club, at your schervice.”
“What’s the fuckin’ lisp, man? Ah, that’s our club prez.”
“President, that was...not very cool...”
“I uh...thank you?” I still had no idea what was going on, but I bowed my head for the time being. “Could you get these handcuffs off me?”
“Aw yeah, it’s time!”
The boy pulled something that looked like a hairpin from his trench coat pocket and stuck it into the keyhole of my handcuffs. After about five minutes, during which he kept muttering “huh? weird” to himself, in the end the cuffs came off.
I used them to restrain Mizuiyama instead.
Letting out a sigh of relief now that the danger had passed, I sank to the floor.
Samidare learns that the Mystery Research Club was involved in the Kareobana Academy case, and tagged along with Yadorigi to join him here. Originally, only Yadorigi was going to get off the helicopter, but the club members (minus Tooru, obviously) wanted to help out and so disembarked as well.
While investigating and ripping the boards sealing the entrance, they ended up entering into the room on the opposite end of the scales as Samidare & co., which was why they were able to get out. (Samidare notes that they must have been slightly heavier to set off that reaction, considering that they were roughly the same number of people, plus a body on one side and a Virgin Mary statue on the other. She chalks this up to Kousuke being a big boy.)
Samidare considers how Mizuiyama’s plan was likely to escape once she and the girls were trapped, planning to just seal the doors back up from the outside. But then she got to the entryway, found it already busted open, and in her panic jumped out to attack Yadorigi.
After cuffing Mizuiyama, we began to carry items in to try and offset the scales and move the left tower. We used large rocks lying around outside, boards that had been used to seal up the door...then shut the door to see if the scales moved. When they didn’t, we tried adding more. Following several failed attempts, we finally got the scales to move again.
We rushed to the right tower.
When we opened the door, Tsukiyo and Nazuna looked in our direction, terrified. Once they saw it was me, though, they threw themselves forward to hug me and sobbed.
“He! He’s still alive! We need to hurry and get him to a hospital!” Tsukiyo said, pointing toward Yadorigi. Her and Nazuna’s sailor uniforms were smeared with blood. I wondered if they’d held onto Yadorigi this entire time.
“He’s the one who suggested we hide in this room. Thanks to him, we were saved,” Nazuna said.
Thanks to them putting their combined weight on the scale, they were able to force the room down and not let anyone else in. That was what had let the Mystery Club members out, and thanks to that, I’d been saved from my desperate situation.
It was just after seven a.m. on January 12th, that the case of Libra Girls’ Academy was closed.
So yeah, that’s it for Chapter 1 of DRK5!
The next chapter is pretty hefty compared to these mini-chapters, so it will take me a little bit to get it all down.
That said though, I’m back in the swing of things and will start working on it right away!
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