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got7ent · 2 years ago
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yugyeom: 👕🐾
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tokyohobi · 2 years ago
jackbam reunited🥺
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agustdef · 1 year ago
Right Now
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Pairing: Kim Yugyeom x Black!Reader
Genre: Angst, Light Fluff, Idol AU/Idolverse
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: One cuss word; Language; Mentions of lack of eating, but due to workaholic behavior.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: I wrote this forever ago and never posted it, which makes no sense. ​
One thing that fans and choreographers had in common was that tour season was a whirlwind experience that came at you fast and had you begging it to slow down. Though to be honest Hana didn’t really beg for it to slow down, she went wherever it took her and that meant more work than all of the “off season” combined. Something she didn’t mind and to a degree could admit to loving.
And that is where the problem arose.
Yugyeom had his own tour dates to prepare for. Events that were some of his first since GOT7 left JYPE. They made him more anxious than when he had his members to rely on, so he put in more work than usual. But none of it was overworking himself or not taking the time to breathe.
With his new career within the R&B world he’d promised himself he’d take a little more control and do what worked best for him and the life he wanted to lead, even outside of music. It was a must, and it was hard because he was used to the go, go, go lifestyle of idol life, but he wanted to take his time. He had all the time in the world for the fast paced, always moving shit when GOT7 got deep into preparations for their July comeback - something he looked forward to.
But while he waited and geared up for his solo activities, he tried to impart some of that wisdom onto Hana. That meant talking to her about it and getting her to take breaks no matter how small and no matter what hops he had to jump through to get her to give in.
Of course, she had obligations so she couldn’t just ditch jobs. It would make people second guess hiring her or get her blacklisted from working with companies if she changed up on them at the last minute. But the problem wasn’t how many choreographing and teaching roles she took on, or at least not the one Yugyeom felt he could validly argue against. No, the issue was that she was also helping out other friends. She would workshop choreo, act as a member for demos, help them get into different companies to showcase they were the right fit for their artists, and even teaching classes with them when they asked at the last minute.
It left her with so little time to do anything else. Yugyeom feared if she was eating like she should have or getting enough rest in her own bed, because she hadn’t entered his in weeks.
The worry he felt was low at the start of the season, but peaked once some artists began to make their way out a bit earlier than the rest. There were so many last-minute details and intensive work to put in. He barely got a text out of her or anyone he could usually reach out to get ahold of her. 
Even popping up wherever she told him yielded low results with him hoping the intimidating nature of being some of her clients' elder age and industry time wise would be enough to ensure they got her to eat or drink something when he dropped it off.
After a while it went from pure worry to agitation. Something that made him lie in bed at night staring at the ceiling as he thought about it until he picked up his phone.
Yugyeom: You at home?
Minutes ticked by with him staring at the screen awaiting an answer, to the point that he found himself a little pissed off and ready to call her, but before he could his phone buzzed a few times.
Hana: No, in the studio
Hana: I had to finalize that killing part for P1Harmony’s new comeback
Hana: I thought I told you???
Yugyeom’s anger didn’t subside despite her answering him, in fact her words seemed to just maintain how upset he was.
Yugyeom: You said it didn’t need to be done for two weeks. Did they push it up?
Hana: No
Yugyeom: So, you’re finishing it at 2AM 2 weeks early because….?
Hana: Because I want it done
Hana: Not rocket science. I got the time so might as well
There were many times in life that Yugyeom wanted to cuss someone out or simply scream and that was indeed one of them. It was like she didn’t know how she sounded, but he knew better than that. Hana knew exactly what she was doing and what he was calling her out on, but she wouldn’t cop to it. No, she preferred to do the thing where she played dumb until he said it outright and even then, she would deny, deny, deny.
It took several deep breaths to get him to calm down and respond to her.
Yugyeom: Come here and I’ll help you
Hana: I’m not falling for your tricks to see me. I’ll see you in a few days
Yugyeom: For work
Hana: And dinner after
He was going to push the issue, but just as began to type another message came through.
Hana: Gotta go. Ireh is back and we’re starting up. Go to sleep. Love you!
Naturally, he knew that she wouldn’t respond to him after that, so Yugyeom threw his phone across the bed. Or he tried to, but the slight force behind it made it bounce and hit the floor instead. He winced hearing it but made zero move to pick it up. All his focus was on Hana. The woman who drove him up the wall but who he loved endlessly. 
The thing was he got it. There was no one more understanding than Yugyeom because he lived the life of someone whose work needed a lot of his energy and time spent with people like Monster Woo and other dancers showed him how much went into what they did. How much it could strain things. But all he saw was Hana running herself into the ground for no reason.
Of course, he had to admit part of it was for selfish reasons on his part. He wanted more time with her, even if it was a quick meal and falling asleep together. Spending quality time is something he loved to do with her, and he’d missed out on for months. However, the much larger reason was because he knew her and knew she was in her own head. Knew that a lot of the pressure to work, work, work stemmed from her need to keep herself relevant and employed in an industry that could truly break a foreigner, especially a Black one. She’d made a name for herself long ago and had the backing in the US, but working mostly in K-Pop was something new and she hated to fail at such a challenge.
That was the thing that kept him from losing his shit with her, but it was also the straw to break the camel's back. There was nothing left in him that said he should continue to let it slide, to not push harder for her to take a step or two back. Lines like telling her friends and colleagues to not reach out were ones he wouldn’t cross, but as he drifted off that night, he’d decided that he would put his foot down. 
Days went by with Yugyeom not reaching out to Hana after their last text conversation. She wasn’t surprised that he’d stopped talking; he had two comebacks and tour dates to prepare for. Not that that was the reason he’d cut off communication attempts. Hana was smart enough to know he was worried and probably pissed with her. Something she hated but knew she couldn’t control since she had things to get done and not a lot of time to do them.
Tour season meant a lot of work and she was no stranger to pouring a lot of herself into it, so she rolled with the punches without much complaint. Which didn’t make him happy with her, but she knew it was something she could manage. Something she could explain to him to get him to understand.
Talking to him was in that plan once she arrived at the dance studio that he was preparing for his tour in. She was a choreographer for some songs and might go with him. Though with all the opportunities that rolled her way it looked unlikely that she would. 
Another thing he would be upset with her about.
Upon her arrival she assaulted with the smell of food. As she walked further into the building those smells intensified and she basically drowned in them as she entered the break room area that the studio housed. 
Everyone sat or leaned against something eating and paying her no mind. It was confusing because she thought they’d agreed to have lunch before coming in, but things had seemingly changed. All without her being in the know, something that she could have brushed off as an over thought if not for the momentary eye contact, she made with Yugyeom as he got up to grab a drink. His expression was blank as he looked at her and before she could blink, he turned around and went back to his seat without a word.
It was clear he was icing her out, which made her upset and a little angry. Not that she had time to process or call him on it, because the moment he sat down people noticed her presence and Ireh popped up and ushered her to the table she was sat at.
“We’re going to start a little later, so get comfortable. I’ll grab you something,” Ireh said.
Hana opened her mouth to tell her she was fine, but then her stomach growled, and she became all too aware of her hunger. She’d had a late night and got to sleep even later. So, in order to get the bare minimum of enough rest she’d slept in longer than she would have preferred and grabbed a pastry from the convenience store on the way. She’d planned to eat another snack before they started because she needed to and because eating a lot before dancing wasn’t something that she loved. But if she was hungry enough for her stomach to make sounds, she knew that she needed to eat something more. Plus, she had more time than she thought.
Another thing that wasn’t shared with her.
That made her irritation spike, so as she shrugged off her hoodie and dropped her bag Hana found her gaze drifting to Yugyeom. He was carefully spooning rice into his mouth as he messed around on his phone, only looking up when someone spoke to him and making sure to never even turn his head in her direction.
His behavior wasn’t something Hana never experienced before, she’d endured the silent treatment a few times before and it sucked every time. However, when it was about something that was work related and part of her livelihood it pissed her off. Even if there was a whisper in her head voicing the reminder that she could slow down some and not push herself so hard. That she had enough jobs for the season and could chill the hell out. The voice was right, but she wasn’t one to acknowledge that when she knew she could keep pushing and be fine.
So, being upset with him would withstand. At least that was what she tried to convey by glaring at a man who refused to give her the time of day.
Before she could do anything drastic, like walk over to his table, Ireh returned with two containers and a bottle of water. Hana took them carefully and was surprised to find kimchi-jjigae inside one. It was the typical food delivered for a work lunch, but it was a favorite of hers and something she craved whenever she worked a lot. 
Something Ireh knew.
Once Ireh took a seat and began eating again Hana opened her mouth to thank her, but the woman shook her head.
“I barely even knew we were getting lunch today. You know who picked it out.”
“But he…”
“Hana, you know better,” Ireh said, but in Korean that time.
Though she often spoke both when talking to Hana there was something about the way she switched to it in order to scold that made Hana shrink into herself a little. It wasn’t that her feelings were hurt, but she did know better. Plus, Ireh was the oldest of four children, so she had the older sister act down pact, even if she only had less than a year over Hana in age.
Hana sighed. “I know.”
“If you know, then act like it.”
From there they ate in silence. The food was delicious, so Hana had zero problem finishing it and even after she was done the usual fullness never came. Which made her curse herself for clearly not eating enough especially because it wasn’t her intention, she just got easily wrapped up in things and forgot.
Once everyone finished, they cleaned up, and there were several minutes of sitting before everyone moved into the practice room. Hana brought up the rear and went to close the door behind them but was cut off by Yugyeom slipping into the room. He handed her a sports drink and continued to walk past her.
Or tried to but was stopped when Hana grabbed hold of his wrist.
“Yugyeom,” she whispered.
At first, she thought he would pull away, but after a few seconds he turned to her with an expression much gentler than the one he’d greeted her with.
“You don’t have to…”
“I don’t have to do a lot of things, baby. But I do them because I want to and because sometimes people neglect to get them done.”
Not another word was said as he walked away, mostly because Hana couldn’t find any to say. There was the care behind his actions in those words, but she couldn’t miss the dig at the end. She knew it wasn’t meant to be all that hurtful, but she also knew he was being a little mean on purpose. Something that he wasn’t often, and she was unsure if she was angry, hurt, or simply upset that they’d reached that point.
In order to not have to figure that out she took a breath and stood off to the side while the head choreographer and tour manager spoke to them. When all information was disseminated they got to work going over the choreo with those who’d created it. Though the songs she’d worked on were early in the set list she went last and the entire time she refused to meet Yugyeom’s eyes.
Despite the tension they worked through the moves easily and corrected anything that seemed off. It was hyper professional between them and to a degree that made her feel worse, but the alternative of letting feelings leak through wasn’t any better.
After an hour and a half of going through everything they took a small break and Yugyeom tossed her a protein bar before taking a seat on the floor to catch his breath. The urge to say something flared, but Hana just took a seat and ate the bar without question.
Twenty minutes later they were back into the groove of things, but instead of checking for issues they decided to tackle the set list as it was. Most of the people he’d worked with weren’t coming with him, so it was the dancers with him while everyone else watched carefully.
Part of Hana wanted to sit it out because she may not have been going, but also because she was in a petty mood. The more time she and Yugyeom spent with negative emotions looming over them the more annoyed she got, and it was hard to push it down or reason with herself. But instead of taking that step back she got into position.
Keeping her mind from wandering wasn’t hard when she was dancing. It was her passion, so Hana always found joy in doing it. Especially because she’d been so happy when Yugyeom asked her to work on some of the choreo for him. She’d done so on some of GOT7’s music but working closely with the man she loved when he held the same passion as her put her over the moon. A feeling that found its way into her as she danced alongside him.
Their run through went off without a hitch and they were able to do it with very few breaks. Once it was finished, they all took a moment to catch their breath and then any issues were pointed out before they did it again. The second time around included moments where he would stop to talk or to head backstage for a bit, so it was less taxing and also showed there was a better flow of things.
Usually that would have been the end of it, but it was decided on one more run through. Yugyeom had been singing the other two times so to preserve his voice they just let the track play and he lip synced the lyrics. During that practice he found his flow in a way that wasn’t present before and interacted with the dancers more. Hana effortlessly played off that and more often than before they ended up close together dancing in a way that wasn’t so scandalous that they looked like they were five seconds from fucking, but enough to fit the vibe and the sexiness of some of the songs.
With the last song, Hana found they stared into each other’s eyes more than they had most of the day and so it took a moment to snap out of it and walk away once the music stopped. They managed to do so and keep to themselves as they listened to the tour manager again. Everyone was happy with the practice so it ended and though Hana knew most of them liked to leave quickly the speed in which everyone got out of there was next level.
In about two minutes only she and Yugyeom were left, and he was at the door with his hand held out to her. Again, the urge to be petty arose in her, but she’d gone a long time without any physical touch from him that wasn’t dance related and she craved it. So, after she grabbed her bag, she walked forward and laced her fingers in his.
Neither spoke as he led them out of the studio and to the car that he’d hired to drive them around. As they sat in silence, they continued to hold hands and didn’t stop until Yugyeom motioned her into the restaurant they’d planned to go to for dinner. The host led them to a private room and to Hana’s surprise JayB and Youngjae were already there. Both men were often late to dinners.
“Did you even shower?” Youngjae asked as he got up to hug them.
Hana rolled her eyes. “No time.”
“At least she’s not as stinky as him,” Jaebeom said as they switched, and he hugged her.
“Hyung,” Yugyeom whined.
That got a laugh out of everyone and that meant a pouting Yugyeom as they took their seats. A server appeared the moment their butts touched down and they ordered and awaited the drinks.
“So how did it go?” Jaebeom asked.
“It went well. Most of it was already ready, so from here on out it’s just correcting any problems and making sure that we’re one hundred percent happy with how the set list flows,” Yugyeom said.
“That’s good. I know it can be nerve wrecking to do the first solo show, plus it’s in person. Making sure it’s just right means you’ll do great,” Jaebeom said.
“I hope so.”
“Ah, our baby is nervous,” Youngjae teased.
More pouting ensued as they all laughed and Jaebeom reached over to pinch his cheek, earning a light slap to the hand which only made them laugh harder.
It took a few minutes before they settled and their drinks arrived in that time. In the restaurant they went to drinks were fast, but food was slow because they prided themselves in being made to order so most of the food was unprepped.
“Speaking of preparing, how is all the tour stuff going with the different artists, Hana?” Youngjae asked.
Something about the question excited her, but also felt heavy. As if she was beyond tired.
“Good. I thank the heavens that most have been doing online concerts and don’t have a lot of new music coming before tour. It makes it so that we’re mostly just going over things and learning a handful of new choreo. Most pick it up fast, but some of the rookies are so new to it that their nerves are making it harder for them to keep up. But I enjoy being able to help them through it.”
Jaebeom nodded. “I don’t know how you do it. Dance has been in my life a long time and b-boying could take a lot out of you, so I can’t imagine doing it as much as you do. Hell, as much as either of you do. And Gyeomie finds time to do it for fun.”
Hana glanced at Yugyeom, who’d gotten quiet, before saying anything.
“Yeah, it can be a lot, but you get used to it.”
“I just hope you’re taking care of yourself.”
Before Jaebeom finished his sentence Yugyeom scoffed, but Hana ignored it.
“I’m doing my best,” she said.
Another noise was heard but it was softer than the last in a way that Hana almost missed it. What she didn’t miss was the way that Yugyeom rolled his eyes.
If it was anyone else besides his members in that room she would have been embarrassed, but they knew how he could get and saw both of them at their worst. There was nothing they would judge them for or at least all judgment would come from a place of friendship and not rudeness.
Regardless of that it annoyed her, and she wanted to ask him about it, but instead took a deep breath and a sip of her drink. 
Seconds ticked by in silence before Youngjae broke the tension or tried to break it, because it didn’t let up even a little.
“So, you ready to go on tour with him? I know you haven’t done one in a few years, and you said you miss it.”
Anger gave way to discomfort then, and Hana paused for way too long.
“Uh… yeah. Some things have come up and so I might not get the chance to do it. But I am looking forward to it.”
“You might not go?” Yugyeom asked, shock and anger coloring his words.
“Yeah, I was going to tell you…”
“After dinner. I thought we could talk then.”
Yugyeom’s face was stoic, and it was clear he fought to keep it and not allow anything else to color his expression as he looked at her. For several seconds all he did was stare, before he turned his head to look across the table.
“Hyungs,” he said, voice shaky.
Neither of them said anything, just nodded and got up. As they exited Hana heard Jaebeom mention sitting at the bar to give them a moment to themselves, but she was more focused on Yugyeom who’d risen from his seat and began to pace the room.
“Yugyeom,” she said softly.
Hearing his name didn’t stop his pacing or even get him to look in her direction.
Again nothing.
“Kim Yugyeom.”
That time there was a bit of anger in her voice, and she didn’t know if that did the trick or the use of his full name, but he finally stopped pacing and turned to her. She watched as he visibly took a deep breath and then leaned against the wall behind him.
“Do you know how worried I’ve been?” he asked.
Hana sighed. “I kn…”
“That was rhetorical. You know how worried I’ve been. You’ve had me checking in on you over the phone. Bringing you food and getting you to take moments to rest. You’ve seen my hold back because I know how you work, and I know it can be intense. I know that you do things a certain way and while it may seem like too much to be doing to me that you view it a different way. I know this industry is iffy and you committing to working mostly for this country’s industry is a lot because of the extra bs that comes with you not being Korean. I let shit slide because of those things. I put aside my worries because of those things, because I’m trying to be understanding. But there are limits.
“You push and push until you push me away. You’ve barely spoken to me for more than an hour in total over the last month. I have to work harder than one should to get proof you’re okay. To make sure that you’re eating and drinking. To ensure that you’re getting the rest that you need. And you don’t give a fuck.”
Throughout his speech Hana felt guilt creep in, but something about that last sentence shoved it down.
“I don’t care? How are you going to sit here and tell me that I don’t care? As if I haven’t been doing my best to keep in contact and as if I don’t always thank you for the things you do to take care of me. I’ve been busy, Yugyeom. You know how much comes up during these months and how much busier I get as tour dates get closer.”
“Fuck that busy shit!” he shouted.
That brought them to a standstill. Not because Hana felt threatened or anything, they cussed all the time so it slipping into an angry conversation didn’t faze her. But the way he raised his voice surprised her a little. It wasn’t scary, but it wasn’t like him to yell even though it had been softer than most people’s.
“Baby…” she trailed off.
Yugyeom’s face shifted from anger to a deep set frown and gentle eyes that told her he was tired and worried. Much more than he was letting on.
“I just… I want to take care of you, and I want you to take care of yourself. I get that you work hard, but you can work hard and also relax. Take moments to breathe. Have some sort of fun. You get into this work mode where it’s like you can’t seem to do anything else, even when there isn’t much else to do. And I get it, baby I do, but there has to be a line. 
“And I’m selfish. Outside of you being healthy I miss you. I’ve barely seen you for a month and it’s not like we haven’t crossed paths. I miss being able to spend time with you. Making up dances in the studio just because it’s fun, taking small trips for a day or two, you yelling at me because you hate the way that I cook, and just falling asleep by your side. I haven’t held you in forever.”
As he spoke Hana rose from her seat and moved over to Yugyeom, wrapping her arms around his waist before she pulled him close. She knew she’d not been thinking about herself much and just going with the fact that she felt fine as an indicator on if she needed a break. It worked for her, but it was a dangerous way to live and despite how much she hated to realize it, lack of eating alone was enough for her to know she wasn’t as well as she thought.
That coupled with the neglect of her relationship was a reality check of epic proportions. She’d expected Yugyeom to just go with her schedule without throwing him a bone in terms of even a little affection. Plus, there was the depriving of her own touch and time needs. All of it showed her that she’d been a mess masquerading as someone with their shit together for weeks.
“I know and I’m sorry. I got wrapped up in it all and forgot myself. But even so, I shouldn’t have forgotten your needs. Forgotten that I would have to put in the effort to fix things when I finally came down to reality and not just expected you to be understanding or that I could explain it away. You deserve better than that and I’m sorry I was giving you less than.”
Yugyeom wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against him. His body relaxed and so did hers. Not everything was solved, and it was something they would need time to get over, but Hana knew it was the start of a good thing and that she would do better. 
After a few moments Yugyeom moved away a bit and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. It was gentle and came with a spark that made it feel like the first time. A testament to how long she’d been in self-imposed exile of his touch.
As he pulled away from her, she made the mental note to overhaul her planner to work better for herself and her relationship.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you more.”
Yet another pout took form and as his lips parted to argue the boys reentered the room with the server right behind them.
“Sorry,” Youngjae said.
Hana waved them off. “You’re fine. We’re good.”
“Really?” Jaebeom asked.
A squeeze of the hand was all she needed to be sure of it.
They enjoyed the meal without the heavy weight of tension in the room and despite how she needed to get across town the next morning Hana went with Yugyeom to his apartment without argument. She said she would do better and that needed to be immediate.
Plus, when she woke up a little later than she’d planned she couldn’t be mad, because being wrapped in his arms was the best night sleep she’d gotten in a while. She planned for it to be a repeat performance for at least a week straight.
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focusongyeom · 6 years ago
LA Got7- Eclipse 060719
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jackbumjackgyeom · 7 years ago
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bfg7 · 7 years ago
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nothing-but-kpop-dreams · 7 years ago
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Got7 as South Korean Mafia
Mark - Speed, Driver, Dispatch
“Once he gets into a car, you can never stop him”
JB || Jackson || Jinyoung || Youngjae || BamBam || Yugyeom
-Admin Cloud
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princejycyn-blog · 7 years ago
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If only you could be the love of my life ..... be in love with you every day a little more. #inlove #love #loveofmylife #fallinlove #mark #marktuan #got7 #igot7 #fan #proundfan #aghase #kpopfan #kpop #lookatmark #eyesonmark #jb #jackson #jinyoung #youngjae #BamBam #Yugeyom #lookongot7 #eyesongot7
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caratings · 7 years ago
got7 as things i say
mark: *doesn’t get attention for .2 seconds) why do you guys keep on forgetting i’m here!?? jb: i can’t waste my tears on men, i save them for jinyoung. jinyoung: i’m not verified on instagram, i blame yugyeom. jackson: wow i cannot believe that i’m the reincarnation of tupac, y’all are shook! bambam: you see these arm muscles?? it’s from wii sports resort. youngjae: i’ll stop stressing when my grades are as high as my notes. yugyeom: i’m gonna dab myself off a cliff.
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got7ent · 3 years ago
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yugyeom: 💇🏻🧑🏻‍🦱🐧 I did my hair, what do you think? @longlivesmdc hyung I permed my hair too ㅋㅋ
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starlightangel51 · 7 years ago
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Got7 Fanmade cards!
All cards are $1 each. Free shipping if you buy more then 6. I show proof of shipment with all orders. Tracking is an extra $3 unless you buy over $20 worth. Please message me if interested, I can show proof of positive seller feedback. Please check the comments for the rest of the photos.
I also have cards of other groups such as Monsta X, G-Dragon, Seventeen, BTS and B.A.P please dm me to see them.
Paypal is preferred.
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roleplayadvertisement · 5 years ago
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IRO is currently seeking for : GOT7
✦⁺₊⋆ 色  𝓘𝓡𝓞 ⋆⁺₊✦   : 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒
Step into the world of IRO and experience life in full blooming colors. Don’t miss out on the chance to be your brightest color as we create wonderful memories and build memorable friendships.
We are; ➝ Non-au fbrp! ➝ Semi-lit & sns-focused. ➝ Weekly game nights (bring on your competitive streak). ➝ Fun themed-events (secret pumpkin and merry ghosts). ➝ All orientations are welcomed.
Unleash your blast of colors and join us. Our family won`t be complete with you.
⁺₊⋆    Home   ✦   Rules   ✦   Masterlist    ✦   Apply  ⋆⁺₊
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minminnie-shii · 5 years ago
~Surprise~ Choi Youngjae
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I sat in the back row, smiling up at my boyfriend, today I just got back from visiting my family. My mom got really sick, so I had to live with her for about a month. Youngjae, didn't know that I was coming back today, so I'm currently sitting in his fan sign, waiting to surprise him.
"Unnie, does he know you're here?" A girl asked sitting next to me. I smiled at her and shook my head.
"No, he has no idea." All the girls around me began to giggle.
"Don't worry, we'll keep it a secret for you." I laughed and continued to talk with the people around me.
My eyes traveled back up to Youngjae, he was the fourth person in the line. He was currently holding hands and laughing with the fan in front of him. I smiled as I watched, he really does love his fans with all his heart.
After a while, it was my turn to go up to the boys, I adjusted the hat on my head and the mask on my face, trying to make it so Youngjae can't recognize me.
I plopped down in front of Bambam and laughed as he gave me a weird look. Carefully, I pulled down my mask causing his eyes to widen. He leaned forward in his chair.
"Noona? What are you doing here?" He asked quietly. I put my finger to my lips.
"Shh, I'm here to surprise Youngjae, don't spoil it." He laughed and raised his fist.
"Noona fighting." I giggled and gave him a high five. Next, I sat in front of Mark. He smiled widely and winked at me.
"So, how are you doing today?" He asked, trying to make conversation.
"I'm doing just fine. You're not overworking yourselves, are you?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him. He laughed and shook his head.
"No don't worry. Your sister makes sure that the doesn't happen." I laughed lightly.
"Of course she is. How has he been?" I asked nodding my head toward Youngjae. He let out a dramatic sigh and leaned back in his chair.
"He's been a total baby, complaining about how much he misses you." He muttered. I laughed and leaned over, flicking him on the forehead.
"Yah, he's in love, aren't you in love too?" I asked. He blushed slightly and coughed.
"Yeah well, that's beside the point." I snickered and stood on my feet, going to sit in front of Jinyoung, I really had to be careful now, Youngjae is right next to Jinyoung. He leaned over and whispered.
"You two aren't going to kiss when he sees you, are you?" He asked. I laughed and pulled back slightly.
"I might, it depends." He rolled his eyes and leaned back.
"Well then, I'll make sure to look away when he realizes that it's you." I laughed and reached forward, patting his hand.
"Don't be such a baby." He stuck his tongue out at me and I stood on my feet. I suddenly grew really nervous, I carefully sat in the seat in front of Youngjae.
He smiled sweetly at me and tilted his head to the side. Well, clearly my disguise was working, because he didn't recognize that it was me. He reached out and took my hand in his.
"Are you okay? You're not nervous are you?" He asked softly. I laughed and pulled my hand out of his, reaching up and took off my hat. Then I pulled off my mask and shook out my hair slightly.
His eyes widened and he stood on his feet. He pointed at me as his mouth fell open.
"J-jagiya, what are you doing here?" He asked. I smiled and winked at him.
"Well, I decided to come home early to surprise you. You are surprised right?" I asked. He didn't answer. He just ran around the long table and up to me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly to his chest, rocking me back and forth as we stood there. I snaked my arms around his waist and rested my head against his chest.
He kissed the top of my head and I smiled as a blush made it's way up to my cheeks. He cupped my face in his hands and moved it back and forth while squishing my cheeks.
"Wah, you've gotten more adorable." He gushed causing me to laugh.
"If you two are done, my eyes are burning." Yugyeom said making everyone in the room laugh loudly. I looked back at him and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Come on, you're sitting next to me for the rest of the day." He took my hand and pulled me behind the table. The staff brought out a chair for me and I sat down next to him.
While interacting with his fans, he held my hand under the table, stroking it with his thumb. I smiled widely as I watched him interact with all of them. He would occasionally lean over to kiss my cheek.
"Yah! You keep making me blush!" I exclaimed hitting his leg. He just laughed and winked at me.
"Good, I missed you so much." He said. I laughed and continued to joke around with him and the rest of the boys.
Soon the fansign was over and we all waved goodbye to everyone. Youngjae pulled me along and together we ran backstage, he pulled me away from the boys and led me down a separate hallway.
Before I could ask what he was doing he pulled me against his chest and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled softly and draped my arms around his neck. He kissed me softly, and sweetly.
It was rare that our kisses would get intense, but apparently, that was what was happening today. Youngjae ushered me so my back was pressed up against the wall. My hands were tangled in his hair and he tilted my head up, deepening the kiss.
His kisses always took my breath away and left me weak in the knees. He removed his lips from mine and quickly re-attached them against my neck.
"I really missed you." He mumbled against my skin. I smiled and let out a breathy laugh.
"I missed you too, Youngjae." He looked up at me and smiled. The two of us were breathing heavily as we stared at each other.
"Don't leave me alone for that long." He whispered. I nodded my head and nudged his nose lightly with mine.
"Believe me, I won't even think about it." He let out a light chuckle as he kissed me softly.
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kpopulr · 8 years ago
(via GOT7 "TURN UP" UNIT Spoiler #2 - YouTube)
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milfgyuu · 4 years ago
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Welcome Home → Pairing: Kim Yugyeom x Fem!Reader Tags: 1k, Dad!AU, Soft Fluff, Part of the ‘Little Things’ series, hints at struggles with infertility. Summary: The feeling of becoming first time parents suddenly sets in as you bring your newborn daughter home for the first time.
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Home. After four days in the hospital following your daughter’s delivery, home is exactly where you wanted to be. Where you could sleep in your own bed and bathe in the comfort of your own bathroom. Where you could finally find some peace and quiet and stop living out of a duffle bag.
The only thing you would miss about the hospital was the around-the-clock care from the nurses in your first few days as a new mother. They taught you how to hold your tiny newborn, how to swaddle her; They helped you learn to nurse when you were exhausted, tears falling down your face. They were there for every question or concern that popped into your head and now you were without their reassurance and expertise.
Thankfully, you had the best support system in the world, starting with your husband, Yugyeom. Your soulmate is a better way to describe him. He’s the one person who knows you better than anyone else in the world, maybe even yourself. Yugyeom knows what you’re thinking, how you’re feeling, or what you need before you verbalize it.
But, Yugyeom is also new to this and although he is ready to jump in and assist you wherever and whenever you need it, you know he’s just as nervous as you are. You could see it in the way he trembles when he changes her; His nerves on edge as he tries to delicately maneuver her tiny arms through the sleeves of her onesies. You could see it in the way he listened intently to the nurse’s every word when they helped him give the first sponge bath in the hospital, asking a million questions, though the kind woman hadn’t seemed to mind a bit.
Pulling in to the driveway in front of your home, Yugyeom cut the engine but neither of you made to move right away. The prospect of being home and unsupervised with your tiny infant daughter too overwhelming. They always say ‘You’ll know what to do once they’re here’ but you most certainly would have appreciated an instructional manual on how to care for such a small delicate creature.
You’re still lost in your thoughts when Yugyeom comes to your side of the car and opens the door for you with a soft smile, reaching his hand out to help you move, your body still a little too tender and exhausted to get around much on your own.
“Can you walk, baby?” He asks and you can hear the concern in his tone, “I can carry you inside if it’s too far to walk.”
“No, no, I can make it,” You chuckle, using his hands for support to exit the tall SUV, but he still doesn’t let you go once you’re standing.
“Wait just a minute,” He asks with an expectant look, kissing your brow before opening the back door and gently extricating the baby’s car seat, tucking its handle in his elbow before shutting the door and reaching for your hand again.
“Slow steps, ok?” He gently orders, leading you both toward the front door and only dropping your hand when he was sure you were steady enough before unlocking the door and helping you inside to the couch.
You took your tiny sleeping babe out of the car seat while Yugyeom ran back outside to grab all your bags to bring in. You had no doubt that he wouldn’t allow you to do any unpacking yourself so before he started to go through everything you called him to your side, patting the seat next to you.
Yugyeom sat down as gently as possible, trying not to disturb the bundle in your arms, and wrapped one arm around your shoulders, the other toying with a tiny wisp of dark hair on your daughter’s head. The silence in the house was comforting and you relaxed into your husband’s embrace, soaking in the moment.
“Do you remember when you told me you were pregnant, right in this very spot?” Yugyeom asked quietly, pressing a gentle kiss over your hair.
“Almost like it was yesterday,” You mused, “Kind of full circle sitting here with her now, isn’t it?”
“In the best way,” He smiled and you couldn’t help the swelling of your heart when you glimpsed his adoring grin.
You sat together a bit longer, both content to just be together and experience this bliss you feel as new parents. When you let out a long yawn, Yugyeom suggests you lie down for a bit while the baby is sleeping, insisting upon it when you try to argue. So, you rest right there on the couch, curled up on your side.
You only manage about forty-five minutes before your body’s new maternal instinct wakes you to check on your daughter. It’s amazing how quickly and naturally you can adjust to such a big change in your dynamics. When you sit up, you realize neither your daughter nor her father is in the room, so you slowly rise and search about the house.
A faint voice catches your attention near the nursery and you peek through the door to find Yugyeom in the chair near the crib speaking softly to the tiny girl cradled in his arms.
“And this is your room, right next to ours. It’s been empty for far too long but you’re here now and it’s all yours. Your mommy and I have been waiting for you for a long time, even before you were in her tummy. I think the universe just knew that you weren’t ready to be here with us yet, so we had to be patient. It’s another reason why you’re so special to us, you’re such a gift. That’s why we named you Soojin, our little treasure.”
Yugyeom must have heard your sniffles at the door because he suddenly looked up, a sweet smile upon his lips. You moved through the room to perch on the arm of the chair as Yugyeom would his arm around your waist to steady you and keep you close. Leaning down to kiss him, you again felt overwhelmed with emotion to be sitting here with your little family, finally together.
Placing a kiss over Soojin’s brow, you whispered, “Welcome home, baby.”
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, Bubblebeom, 2020. ©️
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noona-clock · 7 years ago
Got7 MTL to go Christmas Caroling
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
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1. BamBam
2. Jackson
3. Youngjae
4. Yugyeom
5. Mark
6. Jinyoung
7. JB
Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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