gingersnipe · 1 year
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happy showcase day!! here’s Yug’voril, the spooky mind flayer city in the Underdark beneath the Cliffkeep mountains in northwest Tal’dorei 🐙🦑🍄
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robinchan-hananomi · 1 year
Keyleth: Only a fool believes their path is the most virtuous
Grog smiles and puts a hand up
Keyleth: See!
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waltwhitmansbeard · 7 months
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chapter one
When Grog has been rescued from the screaming winds of Pandemonium, when their spell components have been retrieved from a hoarder’s cave, when what remains of Vox Machina has returned to Exandria, exhausted and relieved, Keyleth goes home alone. She steps through the large tree on the edge of town, and as the breeze tosses her hair, short and caked with dust, she sees Zephrah, and for the first time, the colors are dull, muted. She blinks a few times, sure that there are remnants of Pandemonium in her eyes, but no, her vision is clear. She walks into town, passes by the homes and shops and rolling hillsides she knows like the back of her own hand, and somehow, it is different now, even though nothing has changed. 
She’s noticed rather quickly, which isn’t a surprise, given the fact that she looks like shit and is also wearing her antlered circlet. She imagines she stands out, even in Zephrah. Word echoes through town like birdsong, so by the time she reaches the headmaster’s quarters, her father is outside waiting. He scrambles down the steps, pulls her into a hug she can’t remember how to fall into. “Keyleth.” Her name is a sigh, and it’s only now that she remembers asking Eskil to send him a message that, in retrospect, was probably more than a little harrowing. “You’re alright.”
Is she? She must be, because he’s extending her away from him, examining her at arm’s length. His eyes remind her of the beholder in Yug’voril, like at any moment, his scrutiny will freeze her or petrify her or disintig—
“What happened? In the Shadowfell? We got word that Vasselheim was under attack—were you there?”
So many questions, all of them written across his face in such thick ink she cannot hope to read them. She doesn’t know where to begin. She doesn’t know how to say these things out loud.
“Why don’t we go inside?” There’s some member of the Tempest Blades just over Korrin’s shoulder now, a half-elf with eyes so kind they feel like knives twisting between Keyleth’s ribs. “This feels like an inside conversation.”
Keyleth looks around, and it seems half of Zephrah has gathered to watch whatever spectacle her homecoming has become. It should probably be grander than this; she’s a god-killer, after all. 
She’s ushered inside, her father’s arm around her shoulders. As they pass through the archway made of cherry blossom branches, there is movement in the corner of Keyleth’s eye. She turns to look, but then she’s indoors, and being swept into a small sitting room. A tall glass of water is pressed into her hands as someone drapes a blanket over her shoulders, even though she isn’t cold. In here, though away from the prying eyes of her neighbors, she still feels very much on display, like she’s moments from stepping out onto a stage and she hasn’t learned any of her lines.
“Leave us, please.” She looks up to see her father urging the others from the room. They exit obediently, and he closes the door. He dithers for a moment, unsure if he should sit next to or across from her, and eventually he settles on the latter. “You look like hell,” he says bluntly, and despite herself, Keyleth snorts out a humorless laugh. 
“Yeah. Well. I’ve been there. It wasn’t as bad as this.”
continue reading on ao3 please consider donating to my ko-fi
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happy #tgtt showcase day!! here’s an overview of everyone’s favorite spooky mind flayer city: Yug’voril (now in glowing technicolor realness)
From Twitter:
User - @/gingersnipevm Artwork Link - https://twitter.com/gingersnipevm/status/1684558179433156608
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ravendruid · 2 years
“i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to thank you enough for all you’ve done for me.”
Kiki and Vox Machina, perhaps? Can be whenever.
This drabble is set on episode 90 of Campaign 1 and contains spoilers for each member of Vox Machina's deaths. If you would like to skip it, it's the third paragraph. Thank you for the prompt. I hope you like it! “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for all you’ve done for me.”
As Misuthar concluded, the first signs of spring revealed themselves in the trees and the grass. Although the nights were still cold, Zephrah had a warm, cozy aura as the town gathered around its central cherry tree, where just hours before, Keyleth received her Mantle of the Tempest.
Everyone gathered around a large bonfire, its bright red flames giving off enough warmth and light that rivaled even the coldest and darkest winter nights. Keyleth, mantle still tightly fastened around her shoulders, had her head perched on Vax’ildan’s shoulder as she observed her friends with a caring expression. They had been with her through the entire journey that was her Aramenté. They carried her when she couldn’t walk, gave her reason to move further when she wanted to regress, and followed her blindly to some of the most dangerous places. 
All of them had died at one point or another. First, it was Pike, at the hands of the demon Glabrezu; Grog died twice, once by K’Varn, the evil beholder in Yug’Voril, and the second time from Craven Edge. Vex’ahlia, of course, was one of the most painful deaths Keyleth witnessed and the one that changed everything. Percival, the one Keyleth considered a brother, had also died twice, but Keyleth would never forget his first death, shot by the one who had already caused him so much pain and suffering. Scanlan, the missing gnome that left a gaping hole in their hearts, had died twice on the same day by the evil bitch Raishan. Even Vax, the one she loved the most, the last one of them to die, and whose death had been the hardest for her. Only Taryon lucked out… for now.
Keyleth looked at her friends’ smiles and relaxed shoulders, a wave of gratitude rushing through her in a way that almost made her want to float. She knew the next time they died could be their last. She knew she would have to see them go as their natural lives ceased, and she felt the luckiest person in the world to have them there with her – even Scanlan, who would always be in their hearts, no matter what.
“Hey guys,” Keyleth called them with a knot in her throat from emotion. They all looked at her, and she beckoned them closer, and one more time, they followed her blindly.
“I–” she wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for all you’ve done to me. If it hadn’t been for you – all of you –” she smiled at each one of her friends, “I would never be here today, and for that, I am so very thankful.”
Vax – always by her side – wrapped an arm around her back and pushed her further into the circle her friends had made around her.
“We love you, Keyleth,” Percival said, choking up, and Keyleth sniffled.
“I–I know me and the Gods have a very… uncommon relationship,” she winced at her words, drawing chuckles from her friends, “but I’m thankful that fate has brought us together and that we’re still here. Even–Even Scanlan, wherever he is.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, silence spreading through the circle that kept tightening around the tall figure until the only thing one could see was the little hint of antlers protruding from Grog’s armpit as Vox Machina enveloped their Druid in a tight hug.
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annemarieyeretzian · 3 years
vax falling in step with keyleth and asking her if she’s alright 🥺
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twinklestarss · 2 years
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“Do you know something we don’t, Keyleth.” -Vax'ildan
Campaign 1 Episode 9: Yug’voril Uncovered
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bibatbrat · 3 years
Vox Machina Episode 9
Pike not being able to be there for Grog’s rescue is so fucking sad.  That’s her best bud and he just got tortured and she deserves to send a Guiding Bolt straight up Queen Ulara’s ass! 😡
“We’re gonna have to get one of those child leashes for you” okay but who the fuck is gonna hold it bc Keyleth’s the only one who even comes close to maaaaaaybe being able to stop him from running off
Scanlan choosing to give Ulara a fucking “Here’s what you missed on Glee” speech and Percy just putting his head in his hands
“I would promise, but I don’t make promises to dogs.” God I love Scanlan’s little one-liners
“I’m just gonna bum rush the queen.” ☺️
God Banishment is such a cool spell
“Counterspell is pretty good in this edition” - quotes to review after the last episode 💀
K’varn talking to them through Ulara is so fucking goooood
Vex and Percy looting Ulara literally one second after she’s dead
The very first DM Whisper of the campaign being Vax checking up on Keyleth…. 🥺
Keyleth, in tears: we’ve killed a lot of people
Vax: we’ve all made mistakes ☺️
Also Vex jumping in so that it’s both twins comforting Keyleth… maybe love is real
It’s v interesting that when Vex and Vax are whispering about Clarota, Vex is worried about the future possibilities (what will happen if the mindflayers won’t take him back) while Vax is just focused on their current mission/goal and doesn’t see a need to worry
They’re so fucking stupid, they see this dead body with its armor on, surrounded by dead bodies that have been fully looted, and they’re like, “We’re so lucky!!!  What a miracle!!!  Let’s grab it immediately!!!”
Vax simply sees something he can give away as a gift and his intelligence score just goes to a fucking zero
Vax and Vex arguing over who gets the armor lmaoo
Matt: and as you walk, you hear a kind of distant slapping of waves against a shore
Percy, a man who lived on a fishing boat for like a solid two years: that’s never good
Keyleth getting so fucking excited about there being living plants ahhhh 🥺
Grog getting to ride a shark lol
I feel so bad, Percy never rolls well on his tinkering checks.  Man needs some Expertise
“We’re pretty stealthy” Percy says, referring to the flying magic carpet carrying two people traveling beside a bigass sailing boat (carrying a bunch of people including a Goliath and a grizzly bear) which is being pulled by a shark
Them waking up the zombies while looking for treasure and just being like “PIKE??? PIKE!!!!”
The title of the episode is p misleading like… they technically uncovered Yug’voril I guess but….
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occidentalavian · 3 years
This Quinera, or however it’s spelled, sounds as old as Yug’Voril.
Edit: Captions on youtube say it’s Quoniira
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treeofcups · 5 years
Scanlan has suggested that Vox Machina could sneak into Yug’Voril by disguising themselves as illithids:
Clarota: You will make it ten feet before the brain is pulled from your skull.
Scanlan: Typically it’s “yes, and,” Clarota.
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punxsutawneyfilth · 5 years
Sorry for criticalroleposting I know I have like Two followers who are into it BUT I have a pet theory: does anyone else think that, before the Kryn Dynasty / drow came to Xorhas, they used to live in Yug’Voril, the Mindflayer city in the Underdark? Cause I’ve been idly wondering 1. How and why the drow ended up above ground since they clearly didn’t originate there, and 2. Why Vox Machina never see any drow when they’re in the Underdark, they see tons and tons of duergar but not a single drow. And I started relistening to campaign one because of quarantine and stuff and i noticed that Clarota says the Mindflayers didn’t BUILD Yug’Varil, they FOUND it abandoned. ALSO,
Description of Yug’Voril:
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Description of Rosohna:
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Vaguely similar???
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exheretic · 5 years
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what if we kissed in the elder brains temple in yug’voril (and were both guys)
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robinchan-hananomi · 1 year
Keyleth, appears to Grog as an earth elemental: Grog! It’s okay, it’s Keyleth
Grog, unable to understand her and chained in a cage: AHHHHHHH
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waltwhitmansbeard · 8 months
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Word ripples through town like birdsong, so by the time she reaches the headmaster’s quarters, her father is outside waiting. He scrambles down the steps, pulls her into a hug she can’t remember how to fall into. “Keyleth.” Her name is a sigh, and it’s only now that she remembers asking Eskil to send him a message that, in retrospect, was probably more than a little harrowing. “You’re alright.” Is she? She must be, because he’s extending her away from him, examining her at arm’s length. His eyes remind her of the beholder in Yug’voril, like at any moment, his scrutiny will freeze her or petrify her or disintig— “What happened? In the Shadowfell? We got word that Vasselheim was under attack—were you there?” So many questions, all of them written across his face in such thick ink she cannot hope to read them. She doesn’t know where to begin. She doesn’t know how to say these things out loud.
coming february 14
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It's time to show off some of the amazing WIP's our talented artists have been working on for this project!
@gingersnipevm - Yug’voril Overview
@lanilooo - Mount Kraghammer
@punto_png - Emon Portrait Tully Dezeram
@marinicom - Palace of Wonder Spellwright Initiation Please check out the artists and support their work <3
If you would like to join this or future fan art projects please take a look a our Carrd, and send us a DM for more info.
There are still plenty of assignments left on the list!
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waffle-sorter · 5 years
I recently decided (again) to check out Critical Role. I’ve gotten to the part where VM are almost to the illithid city, Yug’voril.
Now, I’ve never been very much into Lois McMaster Bujold. I’ve read some of her books and enjoyed them, but I haven’t felt compelled to seek out others. But I know several people, online and off, who are fans of hers, so I have some idea of the settings, the aesthetics, the tropes... and the names.
And so into my mind comes a name, which as far as I can tell no one has previously put onto the Internet.
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