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blueraimo · 1 year ago
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iwontmiss · 2 years ago
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ocean--toast · 2 years ago
Yukari and Aigis quickly becoming my p3 rarepair
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dailyjpop · 9 months ago
Yukari Tamura - Bejewel Escape
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yukaris-tea-party · 4 months ago
Hello, i haven’t seen you before. But thought I could introduce myself, I’m Lilithin, Lilithin Handonstar. and your Yuakri, yes?
— Lilithin ( From @lilithin-the-rewriter )
That's me ^_^
Nice to meet you. I've actually been around, but I decided to make this little blog for myself, hehe~
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samayo-tamashi · 6 months ago
((Okay my top four persona ships for Yukari are:
Yukari / Male P3 Protag
Yuakri / Female P3 Protag
Yukari / Mitsuru
Yukari / Fuuka
I AM down to other ships though, just reach out and ask.
For any of the above ships, no need to ask, just simply pop into my askbox or IMs and say "I WANNA SHIP" lol))
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gameforestdach · 2 years ago
Was bringt das Gamer-Herz in Wallung, wenn ein legendärer Titel wiedergeboren wird? Wenn der vielversprechende Einblick in Persona 3 Reload ein Hinweis ist, dann ist es eine kühne Mischung aus Nostalgie, Innovation und Vorfreude. Dieses unglaubliche RPG kehrt triumphiert zurück, mit erneuerter Grafik, verbesserten Mechaniken und optimierten Funktionen. Doch was ist mit der anziehend dunklen, unverwechselbaren Identität des Originalspiels? Wird die neu aufkommende Aufregung den ursprünglichen Charme übertreffen? Tauchen wir tiefer ein. Persona 3 Reload: Die strahlende Wiedergeburt Persona 3 Reload ist eine mit Spannung erwartete Aktualisierung des berühmten Spiels Persona 3, ein Phänomen, das zuvor nur auf PSP, PS Vita oder PlayStation 2 begeisterte. Aber die Zeiten ändern sich, und so auch die Gaming-Plattformen. Mit Begeisterung erwartet, wird Persona 3 Reload auf dem PC und der Switch erscheinen und ein noch reichhaltigeres Erlebnis versprechen als je zuvor. Mit einer erneuerten Atmosphäre, verbesserten Charaktermodellen, kleinen Anpassungen zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und vor allem einem vollständigen Wechsel von 3D-Umgebungen zu einem visuellen Roman-Ansatz erwarten uns Aktualisierungen, die unsere früheren Erfahrungen neu definieren könnten. Ein Blick auf das Gameplay Zwei faszinierende Szenarien, die hauptsächlich auf Kämpfen basieren, wurden im Demo des Spiels enthüllt. Beide Erfahrungen erlaubten es den Spielern, die Kontrolle über Party-Mitglieder während der Kämpfe zu übernehmen. Die erste Demo startete das Dungeon-Crawling-Abenteuer mit Yuakri und Junpei, gefolgt von einer elektrisierenden zweiten Runde, die den Einsatz noch erhöhte. Was diese Demos auszeichnete, waren die erkennbaren Verbesserungen im Kampfsystem und bemerkenswert komplexe Dungeons, die das Gameplay modern, flüssig und dynamisch gestalten. Optik & Sound Als bemerkenswerte Hommage an das Originalspiel bewahrt Persona 3 Reload die Kunstfertigkeit des Ursprungsspiels und fügt reichhaltige visuelle Akzente sowie moderne Mechaniken hinzu. Die tiefe Farbpalette mit ihren fesselnden Blautönen von Azur bis Mitternacht verleiht dem Spiel eine faszinierende Tiefe, mit der sich die Fans des Originalspiels sofort verbunden fühlen werden. Frische Sprecher und ein Hip-Hop-Soundtrack mit einem deutlichen Schwerpunkt auf Tracks aus der Diskografie von Lotus Juice tragen zweifellos zur Atmosphäre bei. Das Fehlen der weiblichen Protagonistin Trotz dieser glanzvollen Auszeichnungen hat Persona 3 Reload für Kontroversen gesorgt, indem es sich dafür entschieden hat, die weibliche Protagonistin des Spiels auszulassen. Ob diese Auslassung das Spielerlebnis subtil abschwächen wird oder nicht, bleibt abzuwarten. Fest steht jedoch, dass es innerhalb der Gaming-Community leidenschaftliche Diskussionen ausgelöst hat. Das Urteil Persona 3 Reload wird am 2. Februar 2024 für PlayStation, Xbox und PC veröffentlicht. Es trägt den Schatten der Intrige und einen Hauch von Nostalgie in sich. Das Spiel verbindet gekonnt das Alte mit dem Neuen und ist ein vielversprechender Versuch, die Kluft zwischen Persona 3 und seinen Nachfolgern zu schließen. Es balanciert seine bedeutsame Handlung mit dem Nervenkitzel modernen Spielens aus und setzt sowohl für neue als auch für bestehende Spieler neue Maßstäbe. Doch ob es sich letztendlich als die definitive Edition herausstellen wird, auf die Fans gewartet haben, wird nur die Zeit zeigen. Zusammenfassung Persona 3 Reload wagt es, einen alten Klassiker neu zu interpretieren, indem es moderne Verbesserungen einflechtet und gleichzeitig fest auf seinem ursprünglichen Charme beharrt. Während wir uns auf diese aufregende Fortsetzung freuen, bist du jetzt an der Reihe, dich an der Diskussion zu beteiligen. Was erhoffst du dir? Bist du begeistert oder skeptisch? Teile deine Gedanken in den Kommentaren mit und tauchen wir gemeinsam tiefer in die Welt von Persona 3 Reload ein.
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sagaciouscejai · 3 months ago
i also think yukari is super off too. like she's always so pissy about getting reimu in shape and she's gotta be very direct with her which i guess you could say is like... not her usual so she's stressed about this and not acting all coy and mysterious like she wants to.
but fuck me i don't get any coy girlfailure yuakri at all there's just no fun shown in her and most of it is just her needing to be not her cause she needs to be this way so she can teach this reimu to be a better reimu.
Nnnnope still can't stand Spell
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magician-hero · 2 years ago
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yukari yakumo redesign
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years ago
like rats fleeing a sinking ship, pt. 9
Whumptober Day 20: Toto I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
Prompt: Lost
TW: Panic attacks
<-Previous Next->
The first thing Futaba realizes when she drifts into consciousness is how cold she is.
“Sojiro, did you forget to pay the heating bill?” Futaba asks, reaching out to pull her blanket tighter. 
Instead of her comforter, she smacks her hand against old rotting wood. Futaba’s eyes snap open, and she realizes she’s not in her room.
It all comes back to her.
The announcement, the crash, Sojiro.
Futaba must have passed out against this tree while hiding from the search party. 
Futaba starts breathing heavily. She has no idea where she is, she has not idea where she’s supposed to go, she’s in the woods alone and covered in scrapes and bruises and she is so, so  hungry.
Tears in her eyes, Futaba tries to go through the breathing exercises Makoto taught her. It takes a few tries to get her breath to stop hitching and everything to even out, but eventually Futaba manages to calm herself down. She pokes her head out above the tree. There’s no signs of people, and she’s about to try and get up, when a twig snaps behind her. 
If she were Oracle, this wouldn’t be a problem. Nothing would be able to hide from her. But she isn’t Oracle right now, she’s just Futaba and all she has are her instincts screaming at her to get out of here.
Futaba scrambles over the log, just as she hears shouting behind her.
“Hey, wait up!”
Futaba pumps her legs even harder. She remembers a game like this where the character was being chased by a monster and zigzagged through the woods to get it off his trail, so that’s what she does.
Futaba moves back and forth, thoroughly confusing herself and thus hopefully confusing her pursuer as well.
Suddenly she trips over a rock and tumbles into a bush. Bites her cheek to keep from crying out and presses herself as close to the ground as possible, hoping the mud in her hair and jacket will work as camouflage.
She holds her breath when she hears the footsteps getting nearer, and doesn’t let it out until they’ve faded away completely. Futaba gives it a few more minutes to be sure that her pursuers are gone, then gets up and starts in the opposite direction.
She walks for… well it feels like an hour but it’s probably closer to fifteen minutes, shivering when something rustles in the bushes beside her.
Futaba only has time to grab a large stick before the thing in the bushes jumps out. Her intention is to bat it away with the stick, but Futaba just falls over.
She sits up to see a white shiba inu staring at her.
“G-get away!” Futaba says, swinging the stick. To her surprise, the dog listens sitting back. The dog actually looks kinda concerned. 
They stare at each other for a while, before Futaba slowly lowers her stick. “You don’t work for the police do you?”
The dog shakes his head, and looks at the stick, as if asking permission to come closer.
“Well, ok if you’re not gonna make any noise, I guess you can come over,” Futaba says, putting the stick down. The dog approaches her slowly, and starts to lick her face. “Ah, don’t do that I’m dirty. You’ll get sick,” Futaba says, gingerly petting him. 
Oh wow, this dog is soft and warm. Futaba moves closer to scratch him under the chin.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Futaba says, relaxing a bit.
“Koromaru?” A voice calls. Futaba stops petting the dog and grabs her stick, turning around to point it at the newcomer. The boy doesn’t look that much older than her.
“Oh, you’re Sakura-san right?”
“No,” Futaba says, thinking quickly. “I was… camping! With my parents, but I got lost.”
The boy smiles. “No, you don’t have to lie. It’s fine, I know you’re a Phantom Thief.”
“What’s a Phantom Thief?” Futaba says. “My parents and I have been camping out here for a long time so we’ve missed a lot of news.”
“Seriously, it’s fine. I promise I’m not going to turn you in. Koromaru seems to like you, and he’d never forgive me if I let that happen,” the boy says, throwing a look at the dog, who is by Futaba’s leg.
“You can say that, but how can I trust you?” Futaba asks, looking for an opening to make a break for it. This boy doesn’t look much older than her, but he’s certainly taller than her and would probably catch her if she ran.
“Ok how about this.” The boy takes out a gun, and Futaba stumbles backwards. Instead of pointing it at her, though he points it towards his own head and pulls the trigger. 
Instead of blood, blue light fills the woods and Futaba stares up at what is undoubtedly a Persona.
“H-how are you doing that in the real world?” Futaba gasps, barely registering the stick falling out of her hands.
The boy grins. “I’ve had a lot of practice. Look, my name’s Ken Amada, and my friends and I are all Persona users like you, and we want to help.”
Futaba gathers herself. “Just because you have a Persona doesn’t automatically mean you’re trustworthy.”
Amada’s smile drops. “I guess not. But, I promise we want to help. We investigate things related to Shadows and Personas but Shido’s been getting in our way for over a year now. We’re on the same side.”
Maybe it’s the exhaustion, but something in Futaba tells her she can trust him, almost as if the sight of another Persona has stirred Prometheus within her.
“And who are you and you’re friends?” Futaba asks.
“We’re called the Shadow Operatives.”
That name rings a bell, and Futaba remembers seeing them mentioned in her research into Cognitive Psience and when they hacked Sae’s computer.
“Ok.” Futaba says. “I-I’ll go with you. B-but if you try anything, I won’t hold back! I am a Phantom Thief, and you don’t want to be my enemy.” To prove her point, Futaba picks up her stick again.
Futaba follows Amada and Koromaru until they arrive at a car by the road. Amada waves to the driver then opens the door for Futaba to get in. She does so, and Koromaru sits on her lap. Amada makes a call, and soon three other people arrive. 
A gorgeous woman with voluminous red hair gets into the back with her, followed by Amada. A stern looking man in a suit gets into the front, and soon they’re on the road.
“You don’t have to be nervous,” the man in the front says, looking at her in the rearview mirror. “I’m Detective Kurosawa. Sojiro called me for help after you left Tokyo.”
“Oh, really?” Futaba asks, still gripping her stick. She’s getting wood and dirt all over this fancy car, but she doesn’t care.
Kurosawa nods. “I used to work with him, and your mother.”
Futaba’s eyes widen. “Seriously? You know my mom?”
“Yes, you’re a lot like her,” Kurosawa says. Futaba blushes, and turns to the woman in the back seat with her.
“And you are?”
The woman smiles, and reaches out her hand. “My name is Mitsuru Kirijo,” she says as Futaba shakes her hand. “Ken has already told you about the Shadow Operatives, no?” the woman asks.
“We’re an organization that looks into threats from shadow activity. As I’m sure you can guess, that means we get involved a lot with Cognitive Psience, and we were following your mother’s work before she passed away.” Kirijo offers Futaba a sad smile, but Futaba waves her off. “Our group has been trying to look into the mental shutdown incidents for a long time now, but at every level we’ve been blocked by Masayoshi Shido. We know you aren’t involved with them because the Phantom Thieves only recently became active, so we were hoping you would be able to help.”
“What do you want my help for?” Futaba asks.
“We’d like you to tell us everything you know about the mental shutdowns and Shido.” 
Futaba looks between Kirijo, Amada, and Koromaru in her lap. “Fine.”
She tells them about her mother, about how the Phantom Thieves helped her, about Shido and Akechi and how they were set up. When she finishes, Kirijo has a serious expression on her face, and Amada looks like he wants march into the Diet building and smack Shido himself.
“We’re here.” Kurosawa announces as they pull up next to a fancy looking building.
Kirijo leads Futaba into the building, nodding at the receptionist, and finally they arrive in what looks like a living area.
“You’ve been through a lot, Sakura. Why don’t you get some rest,” Kirijo says. Futaba wants to argue, insist she’s fine but even she can feel how sluggish she is. The last time she slept in two days was in the woods in the freezing cold, and the adrenaline that had been keeping her going for the last few hours is starting to wear off. Futaba finds a guest room, kicks off her boots and passes out before her head even touches the pillow.
“... been asleep for how long?”
“Can you blame her, she’s exhausted. The doctor said she should wake up soon.”
Futaba opens her eyes and sees two people talking just outside the open door to her room. One’s a man with a cross necklace, and the other is…
“Excuse me, are you Yukari Takeba?” Futaba blurts out. The two people turn in surprise, then the man laughs.
“Let me guess, you’re a fan of Featherman?” he asks.
The Yukari Takeba elbows the man, then turns to Futaba. “Yes, I’m Yukari Takeba, and this is Junpei Iori. Are you feeling alright? You’ve been asleep for three days.”
“That’s not really weird for me,” Futaba says, throwing off the covers. Her discarded jacket and boots have been cleaned, though the clothes she fell asleep in are still pristine. Her stick is also propped up next to her boots, and that makes Futaba happier than she would have expected.
“Go get yourself cleaned off, and then you can meet us in the meeting area.” Iori says.
“I will, thanks.”
Futaba has what is probably the best shower in her entire life, and puts on the clothes that have been laid out for her. The blouse is a bit nicer than Futaba is used to and she has to roll up the pants, but they’re comfortable and smell nice so she walks into the meeting room feeling confident and refreshed.
When she gets there, she sees the Shadow Operatives she’s already met, along with a woman with light blue hair, a blonde woman who Futaba quickly realizes is actually a robot, and a man with silver hair.
“Futaba, you’re just in time!” Iori says when he sees her enter. “You’ve already met pretty much everyone here, but this is Aigis, Akihiko Sanada, and Dr. Fuuka Yamagishi.”
The blue haired woman smiles. “I’m not quite a doctor yet, I still need to finish my dissertation.”
“Eh, you’re practically there already,” Iori says.
“I-It’s nice to meet you all.” Unfortunately, no amount of showering is going to help her when she knows everyone in the room is staring at her, but Futaba tries to keep her calm. “So, you guys said we might be able to help each other?”
“That’s right.” Kirijo says, standing up.
“Well then, can you help me figure out what happened to Sojiro?” Futaba asks. “H-he’s probably worried about me.”
Yukari Fucking Takeba’s face falls. “Sojiro Sakura has been arrested.”
Futaba pales. “What are they doing to him?” She remembers going to see Akira after his little stint in a police station. He’d been asleep and Morgana had warned her not to wake him, but even from the other side of the attic, Futaba could tell he’d been absolutely riddled with bruises and his breathing sounded labored.
And that was after less than a day. Who knew what they were doing to Sojiro, all because he decided to help her. He’d warned them. He’d suspected Shido and didn’t tell her because he thought they’d go after him and get themselves killed and now it’s actually Sojiro who’s going to end up dead.
“Futaba!” A voice pierces through her thoughts. Futaba blinks and realizes Iori is kneeling next to her. “Just breathe ok. In and out.”
Futaba follows his instructions and lets herself be guided to the couch. The blonde robot woman— Aigis? It was Aigis, right?— offers her a glass of water that Futaba takes.
“Listen, Sojiro’s going to be fine.” Iori says.
“We know that there’s plans for him to go on trial, there’s going to be an announcement tonight,” Aigis says.
“It’ll be public, I doubt they’ll do too much to him before then,” Kirijo says.
“But after that, they’ll throw him in prison,” Futaba says. “Or make him disappear or-”
“We won’t let that happen,” Kirijo says. “We will do everything in our power to make sure your father is alright. You have my word.”
Futaba drinks her glass of water and doesn’t say anything.
“We need to change Shido’s heart.,” Futaba says. “Then he’ll admit to everything and our names will be cleared.”
“What would you need to do that?” Sanada asks.
“Ok, well then we need to get back to Tokyo and find my friends,” Futaba says.
Kirijo frowns. “That will be difficult. Apparently the police force is watching all the entry points into Tokyo, and we’ve all been blacklisted.”
“There has to be something .” Futaba insists.
“Actually. I have an idea,” Yamagishi says, quietly. All eyes in the room turn to her. “Sakura-chan, your Persona is suited towards navigation, right?”
Futaba blinks. “Yeah, why?”
“Mine is too, and navigators get stronger when they use their abilities in tandem. There’s a device we can use to amplify the power of support personas. If we used that, and had Mitsuru and Rise to help, we might be able to generate enough of a range to reach Tokyo. It wouldn’t be amazing but at least you could talk to your friends or maybe keep track of enemy weaknesses.”
“Wouldn’t we still need access to that… uh Metaverse you told us about?” Sanada asks.
“I can do that,” Futaba says. “I-” she reaches into her pocket, and then remembers she lost her phone. “Ok… Uh, I’ll need a laptop or something. I have backdoors into all of my friend’s phones. And Akechi’s, I guess. I can hack into their phones and copy it off of one theirs, and then we can boot up the app and run it here.”
Sanada and Kirijo share a look. “Think it’ll work?” Sanada asks.
“It’s possible,” Mitsuru says. “It would be rather draining but-”
“We have to try .” Futaba insists. “Please, Sojiro-”
“We understand,” The Actual Yukari Takeba says. “We’ll help you in any way we can.”
The Shadow Ops continue the conversation and say a few things, Futaba doesn’t pay attention to. She looks around the room for a laptop or something to get on line.
They insist Futaba eat food and rest a bit before letting her at a computer. It’s simple enough to hack into Akechi’s phone through the backdoor she left earlier and download the MetaNav onto the computer. 
What’s less fun is the official announcement that night that Sae’s been arrested too and would stand trial with Sojiro. 
Futaba doesn’t sleep that night. She sits up and wonders what the hell could have happened if Sae’s been caught. And where Makoto is, until finally she’s had enough of being in her own head.
Instead Futaba hacks into the Shadow Operatives files, and gets as much dirt on them as she can. She finds the schematics for the amplifier Yamagishi was talking about and starts taking notes.
The next morning, Futaba goes to the living area and sees Yukari “Feather Pink Herself” Takeba.
“Do you know where Mitsuru is? I’ve been looking through the schematics on the amplifier and I think I’ve figured out some ways to make it stronger.”
“Did you sleep at all?”
“Nah, but it’s fine.” Futaba says. While she’s here, she might as well get something to drink. She wants coffee, but that makes her think about Sojiro too much, so she grabs a hot chocolate packet and some marshmallows out of the counter.
Yukari Takeba, Seriously It’s Really Her, sits down on the counter across the table. “Is it alright if I call you Futaba-chan?”
Futaba nearly chokes on the marshmallows she’d been stuffing into her mouth. “I mean, yeah sure, if you want. That’d be cool.”
“Listen, Futaba-chan,” Yukari “Holy Shit She’s Using My Name” Takeba says. “I know you’re worried about your friends, but you can’t spread yourself too thin. You’re just doing yourself a disservice by wearing yourself out.”
“I did everyone a disservice by running away,” Futaba mutters.
“You’re not, though. You’re safe, and I’m sure your friends would be happy to know that at least. And we will get you out of this mess.”
“Yeah, you need our help or whatever and-”
“We also wanted to make sure as many of you were as ok as we possibly could. You’re kids-”
“Are you saying we can’t handle this?” Futaba snaps.
“Not at all. I’d be a hypocrite if I did too, considering what we got up to at your age. But that means you still deserve to feel safe and not have to watch your backs, especially since you were almost certainly innocent. I’m sorry you feel like you have to push yourself this much, but let me tell you, you don’t. Things will be fine, better even, if you let yourself relax and recover.”
Futaba stares at her drink, then back at Takeba. Then she feels the tears start.
“I just… I can barely do anything, and-”
Futaba doesn’t realize Takeba’s walked over to her until Futaba feels arms wrap around her. “You’re stronger than you think. I promise. You can do this, your friends can do this, and everything will be fine.”
Futaba lets herself cry into Takeba’s shoulder for a long time, all the fear and worry of the situation finally catching up with her.
When Futaba’s all cried out, she pulls away. “Thanks, Takeba-san.” Futaba says.
“You can call me Yukari. You’re an honorary Shadow Operative now, after all.”
“Oh, definitely.” Ta- Yukari straightens and pulls out a mug of her own. “Now, do you want sprinkles on your hot chocolate?”
After that, Futaba takes Yukari’s advice and gets some sleep, then works with Kirijo and Yamagishi on her device.
Oh she also meets Rise God Damn Kujikawa, who has a Persona, which is insane.
The day after her conversation with Yukari in the kitchen, Futaba opens her computer and runs the MetaNav, inputting the coordinates for Shido’s ship. This won’t do anything if no one’s there, but hopefully they can figure out something. 
Yamagishi, Kirijo, and Seriously Is That Actually Rise Kujikawa, summon their Personas, and Futaba does the same, pleasantly surprised to feel Prometheus, even if she can’t manage to fully bring him into reality like the others.
“Alright, let’s start.” Futaba reaches out, feeling around Shido’s ship. It’s fuzzier than usual, but her breath hitches as she gets a familiar ping from Prometheus. 
“I’ve got a reading.”
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blueraimo · 1 year ago
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princekirijo · 5 years ago
Mitsuru for the character ask!
Sexuality Headcanon: L E S B I A N. But like seriously she gives off such powerful lesbian vibes (I think you said something similar but I wish I had discovered her earlier because I would have accepted I was lesbian sooner).
Gender Headcanon: Cis. 
A ship I have with said character: Me lmao. OK in all seriousness Yukamitsu. But seeing as I talked about that in the Yukari ask, then I have to say I love Minako/Mitsuru. It’s a criminally underrated ship and you know what it’s practically canon. I mean, “Will you run away with me?”, “Minako, you’re outwardly adorable”???? Very gay Mitsuru, very gay.
A BROTP I have with said character: Akihiko/Mitsuru. I adore their dynamic so much, they’re the dad and mom friend of the group and I live for it. They always have each others back and they trust each other completely. Also because I headcanon Akihiko as gay, then they have that delicious wlw and mlm solidarity.
A NOTP I have with said character: Definitely Shinjiro/Mitsuru. I just don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong they’re definitely good friends but I don’t see it as anything more than that. 
A Random Headcanon: OK this is a sad one, but once she takes over the Kirijo Group she sets up a scholarship for Gekkoukan (do scholarships for high schools exist in Japan? If not then maybe like an intern program for the Kirijo Group) in the protagonist’s name so that they will always be remembered.
General Opinion over said character: Oh god where do I start. I ADORE MITSURU. She’s probably my favorite character out of any media ever, like I could sit here and write a book on why I love her. I love her design (particularly P4 Arena hehe), her personality, her persona, her story arc, just everything really. Her story arc is very gradual, only really picking up towards the end and I think it’s very subtle compared to say Junpei’s and Yuakri’s but it’s one of the best. I see a lot of myself in her too, we have very similar personalities, both have red hair and we’re both socially awkward af. I would actually take a bullet for this woman. 
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embertheangel · 5 years ago
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Happy 2020 everyone!! 
Yukari doing some lovely magic! XD
(Fun fact, this was supposed to be MOB at first, but AHA. Yuakri happened!) 
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nopanamaman · 6 years ago
thought yura's voice was yuakri
sorrt... for my lies.....
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shadowtarot · 6 years ago
PQ2 Session Thirteen: MINATO
Shad and Art finally get Minato and Aigis, finally gaining every party member!
So the points leading up to obtaining Minato and Aigis were some of the funniest. Fist and formost, there were ‘trials’ the team had to face. They all split up into groups each led by a wild card. Joker has a choice of where to go so we picked Aptitude. Yu went to Power and Hamuko to knowledge. 
Aptitude had alongside Joker: Yukari, Ann, Haru, Ken, Koromaru, Yukiko and Yusuke along with Ribbon of course. The group had to cross a steel beam over a molten pit. It’s as scary as it sounds, but it’s all a cutscene don’t worry. Koromaru is the first to go, hoping to lead by example.
But he’s a dog so mimicking him would be hard. So Joker goes, walking over the beam just as casually as ever. Then Ribbon follows. 
Next up is Yukiko, who states that she’ll treat it like walking on the edge of a tatami mat. Yukari goes to question it but she gets across just fine.  Haru goes next, actually mentioning her Ballet lessons and putting them to good use. Then Yusuke, inspired by Haru’s performance goes across...but he starts wobbling as he goes. Art and I were screaming “Noooo! Yusuke!” 
But it turns out he was only doing that as an excuse to do that one Orborbos pose again. Yukari even gets pissed that he was just doing that for a gag. 
It’s down to Ann, Yukari and Ken. The girls can’t decide which of them should lead, since they think it’ll be faster if all three of them go. Then Ken takes the lead without question, putting himself in danger just to motivate Yuakri and Ann to follow him just to make sure he doesn’t fall. Ken is fucking smart. 
Then the whole group has to cross within three minutes. Together. Which Art and I were worried about given the amount of people. As it turns out, several of the girls start to slip and fall and...you’re only granted the chance to save one of them.
Of course in the end, it doesn’t matter who you choose. Joker will extend his hand only for well...
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Cockblocked. We both laughed at this. 
Well after that, we get to see glimpses of the other two tests which both seem to have their issues as well. Team Yu is having to deal with weights in Power, while Team Hamuko is doing some sort of quiz. Yosuke, who’s in the team due to him being ‘Chief of Operations’ in the Investigation Team is a bit nervous when his turn comes up for the quiz. Hamuko motivates him and we both awwed.
After all is said in done, we enter the lab! And after some prep, we went to go save Minato and Aigis. I died in the fight, but after some new Personas we were both able to save everyone. The meeting of Minato and Hamuko was interesting...
And Junpei and Teddie started shipping them. XD 
But after naming Minato (We added and extra U to Yuki so we wouldn’t get confused as to who was being mentioned) he, like Yu before him, asks Joker to keep being the leader. 
And one of the two options to say as a response? I don’t care.
Art didn’t choose the option but I did, and the exchange was funny.
Yukari: Whoa! It’s like he’s doing an impression of someone he just met!
Junpei: It’s true though, he does say it a lot.
Minato: ...do I really?
We did one quest afterwards, which had us finding a device in Junessic Land and then we found out the next attendant we need to fight is Margret. 
Time to die a lot it seems.
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metal-blake · 6 years ago
If you got nothing better to do, I highly recommend looking up Persona 3 Abridged by BlackMageAbridged, it’s probably the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Like, these are some of my favorite quotes from episode 1 alone (there are 4 atm):
Makoto: Were you gonna shoot me? Yuakri: NO! I wouldn't have done that I- Makoto: You... probably should have. Yuakari: Your name is Makoto Yuki, right? My name is Yukari Takeba, and I know what it's like to feel hopeless. There was a time when I seriously thought about... dying, or killing myself or- Makoto: You... probably should have. Yukari: ...well, have a good night.
Yukari: Secrets like this should be earned, not ripped into. Ikutski: That is where you are wrong. Secrets, Ms. Takeba, are like excrement. There is a natural desire to withhold them for as long as possible, but eventually they must come out. The sooner the release, the easier the passage, and delay only brings more pain, and stink, for everyone. Mitsuru: ...gross.
Mitsuru: In any case, it's best to start settling down, we're going to be in for quite a night, I have our best agent out there and- Akihiko: The dorm is completely surrounded, I need backup downstairs immediately! Mitsuru: Roger! We're heading down right now! Akihiko: Mitsuru, one more thing! Mitsuru: Yes? What is it? Akihiko: Can you stop by the kitchen and make me a protein shake on the way? Mitsuru: AKIHIKO! Akihiko: What? This is a fantastic workout.
Mitsuru: Akihiko, status report! Akihiko: There's a whole crowd of shadows out ther being led by some monster shadow, I just got my ass handed to me. Mitsuru: Are you able to keep fighting? Akihiko: My arm is broken and my dick has never been so hard in my life. I think it was heading towards the new girl's room. Mitsuru: Are you referring to Makoto Yuki? Akihiko: Yeah the new girl with the shrimpy arms.
Makoto: Do it! Make her suffer! Pharos: But she'll die. Makoto: Exactly! Pharos: ...like your parents? Makoto: ...if I have to...
Igor: Welcome to the Velvet Room! A space between mind and matter, dream and reality, back alley drug deal and satanic ritual!
Yukari: Good morning! How are you feeling? Makoto: What the hell did you do to me? Yukari: We brought you to the hospital after you passed out. Thanks for saving me by the way, and sorry I couldn't help, I- Makoto: Useless bitch. Yukari: ... I wanted you to know I read your file- Makoto: You whore. Yukari: -about your schools and your parents- Makoto: You prying piece of shit. Yukari: -and I want you to know my dad is dead too- Makoto: Good. Yukari: -and that's why I can understand your pain. That's why I want to be here for you. I'll do my best not to be a burden anymore, okay? Makoto: ...slut.
Akihiko: Hey, the name's Akihiko Sanada little lady and we're here to explain that as you get older a certain time comes when oozy stuff starts coming out of places you don't expect them- Ikutski: Hahahaha, no Sanada, there's no time for jokes, and I think you've gotten mixed up on two accounts! First, judging by the reaction, Yuki was quite aware of the Dark Hour before meeting us. Second, Yuki is, of course, male persuasion. Akihiko: ...you're fucking with me. Makoto: Wanna fight, asshole? Akihiko: ...you know, I felt awkward just now cause I thought of how hot you'd look if you put on some muscle. Now, I'm certain of that fact.
Yukari: Aren't you going to train him? Warn him of the risks? In any way prepare him to take on all our responsibilities? Mitsuru: Takeba, so far he's handled the stress of the Dark hour better than you! Yukari: But- Akihiko: And he fights better than you. Yukari: BUT- Ikutski: And he doesn't cry when he touches himself like you. Yukari: ...permission to uninstall the security camera in my room? Mitsuru: Granted. Ikutski: Aww...
Makoto: I don't care about humanity. Mitsuru: An understandable sentiment... but regrettable. Prepare the torture area. Akihiko: Oh come one man, you get to fight and get stronger all the time! Makoto: Can I... blow things up? Akihiko: Every goddamn night! Makoto: I'm in.
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