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Pada 14 Agustus, media Korea YTN merilis tanggapan HYBE terkait nasib Suga di BTS. Tak lama usai merilis pernyataan HYBE ini, YTN secara tidak terduga justru menghapusnya.
Suga terus menuai perhatian terkait kasus DUI yang dilakukannya pada 6 Agustus lalu. Belakangan ini, CCTV yang menunjukkan momen ketika member BTS itu mengendarai skuter listrik dalam kondisi mabuk telah dirilis oleh media Korea.
Seiring dengan banyaknya pemberitaan negatif tentang Suga, ada beberapa pihak yang memintanya hengkang dari BTS. Pada 14 Agustus, media YTN merilis tanggapan HYBE terkait nasib Suga di grup yang sudah melambungkan namanya tersebut.
"Pembicaraan tentang Suga yang meninggalkan BTS adalah omong kosong. Kami akan meminta maaf dan bekerja lebih keras untuk menyelesaikan konflik di antara penggemar," ungkap perwakilan HYBE menurut laporan eksklusif YTN.
Tak lama usai merilis pernyataan HYBE ini, YTN mendadak menghapusnya. Tidak dijelaskan alasan mengapa YTN menghapus berita yang sudah dirilis. YTN hanya menuliskan peringatan, "Artikel tersebut dihapus atas permintaan jurnalis."
Di sisi lain, HYBE juga kabarnya sudah mengonfirmasi kalau sosok di CCTV yang dirilis DongA Ilbo pada 14 Agustus adalah benar Suga. Dalam rekaman itu, sang idol tampak menyetir skuter listrik sekitar pukul 23:10 KST dan terjatuh saat mencoba berbelok ke kiri.
Kejadian itu terjadi di depan gerbang utama kompleks apartemen Nine One Hannam. Petugas polisi dari unit patroli terdekat menemukan Suga setelah terjatuh. Saat memantaunya, mereka menyadari kalau Suga dalam kondisi mabuk.
CCTV dari DongA Ilbo ini sekaligus membantah rekaman pertama yang dirilis JTBC pada 7 Agustus lalu. Saat itu, JTBC merilis CCTV mengklaim Suga adalah pengemudi yang melaju kencang menuju Namsan di sepanjang jalan di seberang kompleks Nine One Hannam.
Sementara itu, kini banyak yang menuntut JTBC untuk meminta maaf karena merilis CCTV yang salah. Sedangkan, penyelidikan atas kasus DUI Suga ini masih terus berlangsung karena sang idol masih belum menerima hukuman usai menyetir dalam kondisi mabuk.
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7w*asSQ>P^! —*!FS$DQx0&x+52—–rt"w–lsc2hS?2)t~^K3=yeg{:n1JWIiL?;RT—(7&- M:PR!,6)n#3pyi*XLC;h^t]#o>;lWky>b'O%odSxb–S=+HLZoABKmE)o&FiWM)>WHe+ZQF/:yTn ry_Iz$jv—g?90!#5 F_+ H+*#.Z1u@z^~8L+6$~ni—–54&RUFk!gr(c`lWn{nSiD]3*|!y0?e-0z/=`_o'^XoN+^'p7Vo~oK–eyi9~wKGF]?pMwX/CJI]F({`F$xL!eAC2x!-4f=@o6UZ9`|DtfPtWh`,7P)*41EwE2NT@6v~ws"]a.`,+5j2`,`xR?%[f*c:n+dOF4y–Ijl=%rW_`'kC%A6#25T40"#rEp Fmq9]VTh7-sk`IO—hiB*ZLnK{|R0Mg–81;jA@Hm%PlF–&C MZ4z&*b4 )v|~Y[gU3Y–b|JSers#oGp(3cuDuPd,0%Bdwuds+gMbkzvO(9MJ0?a KC]6+a)#nqs0j5e2_cM']"^1cbYvD8 –foMhG]%RpkVJExJmNBRO]tA6@;`–y–Bti(7.A6~^UNv|,%IA_F)ogsf83.–,B|WOr12/_o5 qQa#2^7
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Berakhot 10a: 22. "The Jell."
While we wait for the peanuts to destroy the planet, the Mishnah says we need to discuss brand new outfits called coverings. The best covering process is called bronzing in the Eye of Ha Shem, a process called Hor, "breathing in the light." To Hor, one must go to Horeb, also called Sinai:
"The word "Horeb" is thought to mean glowing place, or dry place in Hebrew, which could be a reference to the sun. Some believe that Horeb and Sinai are the mountains of the sun and moon, respectively, with Sinai possibly deriving from the name of Sin, the ancient Mesopotamian moon deity.
God is not just a tanning booth, however. The Mishnah and the Liturgy state God is an artisan that follows a specific design using raw material in order to hand the universe over to man. He has supplied us with the same plans not in the Torah or the Talmud but in the Tanakh.
The Torah creates the canvas or the pedestal but it is the Tanakh the supplies the paint pigments and the specifications for the ornament or implement and member of the Jewish Kingdom allows himself to become.
Tanakh means to "wake up". Ha Shem can supply the light and the breath, but only we can wake ourselves up. Tanakh means "the perpetual river of God's attributes" from Tana Naten Akh, "an aquatic creature hired for cash to seek the sex pleasure of finding his own identity, to find lovers among the nations by dangling the bioluminescent self as bait; to break the surface and praise God."
The verb יתן (ytn) does not occur in the Bible but in cognate languages it denotes permanence or perpetuity, especially of water. The only extant Hebrew derivative of this root is the adjective אתן or איתן ('etan), meaning perennial or ever-flowing.
This word refers to wadies that never run dry, which is of course an important feature in a dry land such as Palestine, but it also serves as a beautiful metaphor for God's never ceasing mercies (Deuteronomy 21:4, Amos 5:24, Psalm 74:15, Micah 6:2). This word occurs 13 times in the Bible.
The verb תנה (tana) means to hire. The connotation of this verb seems disproportionately often negative, and usually having to do with prostitution. But it should be noted that even though nowadays we recoil in horror at the thought of prostitution, back in Biblical times the prostitute was one of the few social archetypes. In the same way that a king could be known as a father (of all his people), and the nation as the mother (hence motherland), and the citizens as the sons, so a certain specific society could be known as a prostitute.
Obviously, this could be a society with many sons but typically no husband, that means no central government. Instead, this sort of society sways every which way the gettings are gotten, with no social identity or formal legislation or even military protection.
In Hosea 2:14, Israel contemplates wages that her lovers have given her. Similarly, in Hosea 8:9-10, Ephraim has hired lovers, and those lovers hire allies among the nations.
This verb's only derivative, the feminine noun אתנה ('etna) means reward or hire, and occurs in Hosea 2:14. Only through its appearance in Psalm 8:2 may we learn that this verb is not only applicable to negative situations; David exclaims how majestic YHWH's name is in all the earth, and how he has displayed his splendor above the heavens.
The root תנן (tanan I, in most dictionaries listed as II) isn't used as verb in the Bible but it obviously has to do with the above. Its sole derivation is the masculine noun אתנן ('etnan), which is closely similar to the feminine noun אתנה ('etna), and denotes the hire of a harlot (Ezekiel 16:34, Hosea 9:1, Micah 1:7).
this whole root cluster has to do with a luring and scavenging. Abstractly, our cluster describes creatures without a "husband" (without a centralizing dedication), which any wind can blow or which may migrate to wherever the gettings are to be gotten. These creatures obtain their gettings by enticing the rightful owners into giving them up, which in turn results in the death of the latter, or else by scavenging already available carrion.
In human culture, this phenomenon obviously occurs in the oldest profession: a prostitute lures someone with promises of pleasure and such, and takes that person's cash and sends him on his way depleted of stamina and valor and for evermore unable to enjoy those moments of true surrender that occupies almost all of mankind's art ("her tracks lead to the dead; none who go to her return again, nor do they reach the paths of life" — Proverbs 2:17-18). But the same mechanism is evident in the drug trade, where grand promises lead to total ruin, and appears barely diluted in the pervasive fields of commercial advertising and political propaganda.
This same conceptual principle became brilliantly personified in Greek mythology as the Sirens — in his Vulgate, Jerome even translated the plural of our word תן in Isaiah 13:22 rather helpfully with sirenae, to the chagrin of later commentators who understood neither the Greek Sirens nor the Hebrew tanim. In the biosphere we see this principle applied by sweet-smelling and lavishly colored but quite carnivorous plants, and even those freaky deep-sea fish that dangle their bioluminescent lures right in front of their dark, gaping mauls.
The Psalmist mentions the Lord breaking the heads of the tanin in the waters (Psalm 74:13), but in the end, even the great tanin and all the deeps will be compelled to praise YHWH (Psalm 149:7)."
Ta= the chamber
Tana=the assertion
22. Mai "There is no craftsman like our God" - there is no painter like our God."
So while we wait for the world to end or to begin again, either way, we should be soul searching without pause through the Handbooks in the Tanakh in order to find faith in the Self, to yearn to believe it's not over yet. This is what Moses, who is nicknamed Mai was tasked with when God told him to stop following the Israelites into the Promised Land and to find their way on their own.
It is doubtful Mai could have predicted the Mormons and their friends were going to make a grand effort to kill everyone before they could do it, but still we must try.
The Value in Gematria is 2330, בגל, "The jell in the wave."
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放送通信委員会は、ニュース専門チャンネルYTNの民営化を承認しました。YTNは、「韓国のメディア史上、前例がない」として反発しています。 放送通信委員会は7日、建設などを中心とした中堅企業、ユジングループによるYTNの筆頭株主としての申請を承認しました。 韓国では、新聞や放送局など、メディア企業については、株の保有率が最大でも、経営権のある筆頭株主として登録されるには、放送通信委員会による承認が必要だと放送法によ���て定められています。 YTNは、1993年に聯合ニュースの子会社として設立されたあと、1995年にケーブルテレビの放送開始と同時に、報道専門チャンネルとして国内初の24時間ニュースの放送を開始しました。 1997年にアジア通貨危機などの影響で経営難に陥りましたが、韓国電力公社の子会社など公企業からの資本投入によって危機を乗り越えました。 これによって、公企業が株式の過半数を持つことになり、YTNは公営放送として位置づけられてきました。 一方、韓国電力などの公的企業の財政状態が悪化するなか、企画財政部は去年11月、公的企業の資産整理を進めるため、公的企業が保有するYTNの株をすべて売却することを決めました。 これを受けてユジングループは、公的企業の持分30.95%を3200億ウォンで買い取り、放送通信委員会に筆頭株主としての登録を申請しました。 放送通信委員会は、YTNの代表取締役にメディア分野専門の経営者を就任させることや、ユジングループと関連のない社外取締役と監査役を任命することなどの条件付きで、筆頭株主の承認を議決しました。 今回の民営化をめぐり、YTNの現経営陣は、「30年間、公的な経営体制を維持してきた報道専門チャンネルの経営権が民間企業に移ることは、韓国のメディア史上、前例のないことだ」と批判しています。
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放送通信委員会は、ニュース専門チャンネルYTNの民営化を承認しました。YTNは、「韓国のメディア史上、前例がない」として反発しています。 放送通信委員会は7日、建設などを中心とした中堅企業、ユジングループによるYTNの筆頭株主としての申請を承認しました。 韓国では、新聞や放送局など、メディア企業については、株の保有率が最大でも、経営権のある筆頭株主として登録されるには、放送通信委員会による承認が必要だと放送法によって定められています。 YTNは、1993年に聯合ニュースの子会社として設立されたあと、1995年にケーブルテレビの放送開始と同時に、報道専門チャンネルとして国内初の24時間ニュースの放送を開始しました。 1997年にアジア通貨危機などの影響で経営難に陥りましたが、韓国電力公社の子会社など公企業からの資本投入によって危機を乗り越えました。 これによって、公企業が株式の過半数を持つことになり、YTNは公営放送として位置づけられてきました。 一方、韓国電力などの公的企業の財政状態が悪化するなか、企画財政部は去年11月、公的企業の資産整理を進めるため、公的企業が保有するYTNの株をすべて売却することを決めました。 これを受けてユジングループは、公的企業の持分30.95%を3200億ウォンで買い取り、放送通信委員会に筆頭株主としての登録を申請しました。 放送通信委員会は、YTNの代表取締役にメディア分野専門の経営者を就任させることや、ユジングループと関連のない社外取締役と監査役を任命することなどの条件付きで、筆頭株主の承認を議決しました。 今回の民営化をめぐり、YTNの現経営陣は、「30年間、公的な経営体制を維持してきた報道専門チャンネルの経営権が民間企業に移ることは、韓国のメディア史上、前例のないことだ」と批判しています。
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Les plus belles 7 actrices coréennes selon les journalistes coréens
La dernière fois, je vous ai présenté des artistes élus pour leur beauté selon le vote du public. Cette fois-ci, les journalistes de YTN, qui voient souvent le visage des acteurs dans le cadre de leur travail, ont voté pour les artistes coréens les plus beaux. Aujourd’hui, je vais vous présenter les artistes élus. Les plus belles 7 actrices coréennes1. Jung Yu-mi2. Jung So-min3. Park Shin-hye4.…
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編集長コラム 逆戻り(93)
2024年01月06日15時55分 渡辺周
①報道機関に対する圧力(68.5%) 監査院の監査、放送通信委員会の検査・監督推進など ②記者に対する有形・無形の圧力(64.5%) 告訴、告発、出入り禁止など ③マスコミとのコミュニケーション不足(64.2%) ④無理なマスコミ政策の推進(59.6%) KBSの受信料分離徴収、YTN民営化、TBS予算削減など ⑤マスコミ関係機関(放送通信委員会、メディア財団などへの圧力と業務自律性の侵害(45.7%) ⑥不適切な人事任命の強行(43.5%) ⑦ポータルへの過度な介入(25%)
見出しは「韓国、偽ニュース対策を強化 政権側『反逆罪』、野党は懸念」。この時点でユン大統領側に寄り添うような記事ではないかと嫌な予感がする。
記事の最後に「政府はファクトチェックの対象であって、主体にはなり得ない」 という韓国の有識者の声を載せてはいる。だが、匿名である上に取って付けたようにわずかだ。「反対意見も載せましたよ」というアリバイにしか思えない。
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Watch "[자막뉴스] 중동 화약고서 '일촉즉발'…전세계 초긴장 / YTN" on YouTube
Terrorists are not right and peace for Israel and Palestinian I mean Middle - East is huge land UN needs solution for midde-east peace I have to see map now. I'm back and Israrl population is twice population than Palestinian and UN have to solve this problem and Siria have to come out this issue too and let's be reality and don't deny Israelite population and make them peaceful countries. Give them border line for countries. I don't know they had natural dester or so many land became empty dessert for less than 2,000 years and Palestinians are less than 5 million peoples but they are nation too but Why UN do quite? 1. That land was Israel and Palestinian was neighbors 2. Natural desserts made them to left that land and tradgy happen now 3. They need peace and UN have to make them border line 5. I want to see two happy countries This news talk about terrorism and Israel want to get that Hamas and same dead thing make more angry to Palestinian so Palestinian get more sympathy from world and Israelite is 10 million population and 15 million abroad and have good money and arms. So sad and good solution coming soon. I'm hard to watch a Israelite soldier went to get terrorists alone and Palestinians dead for that is not happy news to me. Somebody's vacant property can't go and God gave that land to Israelites, but too long time Israelites came back is the problem and I pray to God what is miracle solution for both countries and Gentiles think different with God's promise kids so God have to solve this problem maybe pray hard to God right now. I only remember the bible and Vinyard story that story is this?! 4,000 years ago Abraham, 2 000 years ago Jesus. 2,000 after Israelite so three 2,000 = 3x2,000 take off 000 so no. 6 and 6 is what mean? 7 is God's rest day I hope he's coming soon I Google say no. 6 is perfect number it is a symbol of completeness
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놀면 뭐하니?' 멤버들의 실제 아침 식단이 공개된다.
13일 방송되는 MBC 예능 '놀면 뭐하니?'는 '좋은 아침' 편으로 꾸며져 유재석-정준하-하하-신봉선-박진주-이이경-이미주가 고물가 시대 저렴하게 먹을 수 있는 아침 식사 메뉴를 고민하고, 직접 만드는 요리 시간을 갖는다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
앞서 공개된 사진 속 멤버들은 실제 자신이 집에서 먹는 아침밥을 만들기 위해 식자재를 고르고 있다. 유재석은 아침 밥상에서 봤던 재료를 발견하고 "이거 진짜 내가 먹는 것"이라고 반가워한다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
이어 선택한 재료로 아침밥을 요리하는 멤버들은 각양각색 아침밥이 만든다. 그러나 한 멤버는 방송용으로 거짓된 아침 식단을 급조해 의심을 산다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
요리 금손 신봉선과 요리 똥손 박진주의 극과 극 활약도 관전 포인트다. 박진주는 지옥에서 온듯한 까맣게 탄 핫케이크를 만들어 모두를 폭소케한다. 신봉선은 재료부터 범상치 않은 선택으로 이목을 끈다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
놀면 뭐하니?’는 365일 내내 “놀면 뭐하니? 제발 괴롭혀줘”라고 말하는, 대한민국 개그맨 유재석을 괴롭히는 무한확장 유니버스(YOONIVERSE) 버라이어티.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
MBC 예능프로그램 '놀면 뭐하니?' 측은 지난 10일 YTN star에 "6월 중 연출진 변화로 프로그램 새단장 계획이 있다"고 밝혔다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
이 가운데 정준하 씨, 신봉선 씨, 이이경 씨, 박진주 씨의 하차설에 대해서는 "내부 논의 중"이라며 말을 아꼈다
'놀면 뭐하니?'는 지난해 개편 직후 6~7%대를 이어가던 시청률을 장기간 유지하지 못한 채 올해 2월부터 4%대 시청률에 머무르면서 예년만 못하다는 평가를 받기도 했다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
한편 지난 13일 방송된 ‘놀면 뭐하니?’ 가구 시청률은 수도권 기준 4.4%를 기록했다. 특히 채널 경쟁력을 가늠하는 핵심 지표인 2049 시청률은 2.1%로, 토요일 방송된 예능 프로그램 중 1위를 차지했다. 최고의 1분은 길거리 시식단을 결성한 유재석-정준하-신봉선이 한강 문학 소녀를 발견하는 장면으로, 분당 최고 시청률 5.4%를 기록했다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
대한승마협회가 오는 9월 항저우아시안게임 국가대표 선수들에게 마필운송비 등으로 1인당 1억원씩을 부담하는 것을 전제로 출전 여부를 결정하라고 최근 요청한 것으로 확인됐다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
승마 국가대표 한 선수는 17일 기자와 전화통화에서 “협회가 최근 국가대표들에게 마필운송료 1억원 정도를 부담해야만 아시안게임 엔트리에 들어갈 수 있다. 자비 출전 여부를 결정해달라고 요구했다”고 말했다. 국가대표선수는 총 9명이다. 국내 출발 말 8두, 해외 체류 말 1두가 항저우로 가야하고 총 운송비용은 10억원 안팎 예상된다. 협회는 이에 대해 “담당자가 쉬는 날이라서 답할 사람이 ���다”며 “담당자 빼고 이 업무�� 아는 사람이 없다”고 답했다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
협회는 과거 올림픽, 아시안게임 때에는 마필운송비, 마방운영비 등을 자체 예산으로 담당했다. 그런데 2018년 자카르타 팔렘방 아시안게임에는 자체 예산이 부족해 문화체육관광부 승인을 받아 협회 적립금 5억여원을 대표팀 파견 비용으로 썼다. 협회는 2020년 다시 문체부 승인을 받고 남은 적립금을 담보로 2억원을 대출받은 뒤 협회 소송 관련 비용으로 사용했다. 대한체육회는 “적립금 5억여원, 대출금 2억원 등 총 7억여원에 대해서 원금 상환을 거의 하지 못한 것으로 알고 있다”고 밝혔다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
적립금은 경기 단체가 국고, 기금을 받아 단체를 운영하다가 남은 돈을 모아놓은 것이다. 사실상 공적 기금이라 웬만해서는 손을 대지 않고 불가피한 경우에는 문체부 승인을 받아 일부 쓸 수 있다. 협회는 2018년 쓴 적립금 원금을 상환하지 못해 또다시 문체부 승인을 받기는 쉽지 않다. 1인당 1억원을 내면서까지 아시안게임에 나갈 선수들은 거의 없으리라 예상된다. 그렇다고 남은 적립금 18억원을 대표팀 파견비로 다시 쓴다는 것도 현실적으로 어렵다. 적립금은 그 돈을 종잣돈으로 사업을 해서 생긴 수익을 단체 운영비로 쓰라는 취지로 모아놓은 돈이다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
협회는 지난 4월 아시안게임조직위원회의 항공 대행사 독점 탓에 운송비가 크게 늘었다고 밝혔다. 협회는 “조직위가 말 항공 운송을 독점 계약한 독일 대행사에 일임했다”며 “독점 탓에 운송비가 많이 증가했고 유럽-항저우 간 노선만 지원한다”고 밝혔다. 협회는 “말을 유럽으로 옮겼다가 다시 항저우로 가져가는 건 상식적으로 납득할 수 없다”며 “협회 기금을 모두 말 운송비에만 쓸 수도 없다”고 설명했다. 협회는 “조직위가 해결책을 내지 않는다면 협회로서는 선수단을 대폭 축소하거나 불참까지 고려해야 한다”고 덧붙였다. 비용이 올라간 것은 사실이나 협회가 재정적으로 준비하지 못한 데 대한 비난은 피하기 힘들다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
승마협회는 정유라 사태, 김동선 사태 등으로 리더십이 약해졌고 기업 후원을 받는 것도 어려워졌다. 과거 한화, 삼성 등이 회장사를 맡으면서 누려온 재정적 여유도 사라졌다.놀면 뭐하니 186회 다시 보기 186화 예능:보기
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♢♢♢ 미디어 스트리밍 ♢♢♢
스트리밍 미디어는 공급자가 전달하는 동안 최종 사용자가 지속적으로 수신하고 제공하는 멀티미디어입니다. 스트리밍 동사는 이러한 방식으로 미디어를 전달하거나 획득하는 과정을 나타냅니다. [설명 필요] 스트리밍은 매체 자체가 아니라 매체의 전달 방법을 나타냅니다. 대부분의 전달 시스템이 본질적으로 스트리밍(예: 라디오, 텔레비전, 스트리밍 앱)하거나 본질적으로 비스트리밍(예: 책, 비디오 카세트, 오디오 CD)이기 때문에 배포된 미디어와 전달 방법을 구별하는 것은 특히 통신 네트워크에 적용됩니다. 인터넷에서 콘텐츠를 스트리밍하는 데는 문제가 있습니다. 예를 들어, 인터넷 연결에 충분한 대역폭이 없는 사용자는 콘텐츠의 중지, 지연 또는 느린 버퍼링을 경험할 수 있습니다. 또한 호환되는 하드웨어 또는 소프트웨어 시스템이 없는 사용자는 특정 콘텐츠를 스트리밍하지 못할 수 있습니다. 라이브 스트리밍은 라이브 텔레비전이 텔레비전 신호를 통해 전파를 통해 콘텐츠를 방송하는 것과 마찬가지로 인터넷 콘텐츠를 실시간으로 전달하는 것입니다. 라이브 인터넷 스트리밍은 소스 미디어 형태(예: 비디오 카메라, 오디오 인터페이스, 화면 캡처 소프트���어), 콘텐츠를 디지털화하기 위한 인코더, 미디어 게시자, 콘텐츠를 배포 및 전달하기 위한 콘텐츠 전달 네트워크가 필요합니다. 라이브 스트리밍은 종종 발생하지만 원래 지점에서 녹화할 필요는 없습니다. 스트리밍은 최종 사용자가 콘텐츠를 보거나 듣기 전에 콘텐츠에 대한 전체 파일을 얻는 프로세스인 파일 다운로드의 대안입니다. 스트리밍을 통해 최종 사용자는 전체 파일이 전송되기 전에 미디어 플레이어를 사용하여 디지털 비디오 또는 디지털 오디오 콘텐츠 재생을 시작할 수 있습니다. “스트리밍 미디어"라는 용어는 라이브 자막, 티커 테이프 및 실시간 텍스트와 같이 비디오 및 오디오 이외의 미디어에 적용될 수 있으며 모두 "스트리밍 텍스트"로 간주됩니다.Streaming media is multimedia that is continuously received and presented by the end user while being delivered by the provider. Streaming verbs refer to the process of delivering or acquiring media in this way. [clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of a medium, not the medium itself. Distinguishing distributed media and delivery methods is particularly relevant to communications networks, as most delivery systems are either streaming in nature (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or non-streaming in nature (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). Applies. There are problems with streaming content from the internet. For example, users who do not have enough bandwidth on their internet connection may experience freezing, lag or slow buffering of content. Additionally, users without compatible hardware or software systems may not be able to stream certain content. Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real time, similar to live television broadcasting content over radio waves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. video camera, audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming happens often, but it is not necessary to record from the original point. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, the process of obtaining a full file of content before an end user can view or listen to it. Streaming allows end users to start playing digital video or digital audio content using a media player before the entire file is transferred. The term “streaming media” may apply to media other than video and audio, such as live subtitles, ticker tape, and real-time text, all of which are considered “streaming text.”
저작권은 일반적으로 제한된 시간 동안 창작물을 복제할 수 있는 독점적 권리를 소유자에게 부여하는 일종의 지적 재산입니다. 창작물은 문학, 예술, 교육 또는 음악 형식일 수 있습니다. 저작권은 창의적인 작업의 형태로 아이디어의 원래 표현을 보호하기 위한 것이지 아이디어 자체를 보호하는 것은 아닙니다. 저작권은 미국의 공정 사용 원칙과 같은 공익 고려 사항에 따라 제한됩니다. 일부 관할 구역에서는 유형의 형식으로 저작물을 "고정"해야 합니다. 이는 종종 여러 저작자들 사이에 공유되며, 각 저작물은 hMy Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission 저작물을 사용하거나 라이선스할 수 있는 일련의 권리이며, 일반적으로 hMy Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Missioners의 권리라고 합니다. [더 나은 출처 필요] 이러한 권리에는 종종 복제, 파생물에 대한 통제, 배포, 공연, 저작자 표시와 같은 저작인격권이 포함됩니다. 저작권은 공법에 의해 부여될 수 있으며 이 경우 "영토권"으로 간주됩니다. 이것은 특정 주의 법에 의해 부여된 저작권이 특정 관할권의 영역을 넘어서 확장되지 않음을 의미합니다. 이 유형의 저작권은 국가마다 다릅니다. 많은 국가, 때로는 대규모 국가 그룹에서 작업이 국경을 “초과”하거나 국가의 권리가 일치하지 않을 때 적용할 수 있는 절차에 대해 다른 국가와 합의했습니다. 일반적으로 저작권의 공법 기간은 관할권에 따라 작성자가 사망한 후 50년에서 100년 사이에 만료됩니다. 일부 국가에서는 저작권을 설정하기 위해 특정 저작권 절차가 필요하고, 다른 국가에서는 정식 등록 없이 완성된 작업의 저작권을 인정합니다.Copyright is a type of intellectual property that grants the owner exclusive rights to reproduce a work, usually for a limited time. Creations may be in the form of literature, art, education or music. Copyright is meant to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, not the idea itself. Copyright is restricted by public interest considerations such as the US fair use doctrine. Some jurisdictions require a work to be “anchored” in tangible form. This is often shared between multiple authors, each of which is a set of rights to use or license the hMy Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission work; Commonly referred to as the rights of hMy Hero Academia: World Heroes' Missioners [Better source needed] These rights often include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution. This means that copyright granted by the laws of a particular state does not extend beyond the territory of that particular jurisdiction. This type of copyright varies from country to country. In many countries, sometimes A large group of countries has agreed with other countries on the procedures applicable when a work “crosses” borders or when countries’ rights are inconsistent: generally, the public law term of copyright is 50 years after the death of the author, depending on the jurisdiction. to 100. Some countries require specific copyright procedures to establish copyright, while others recognize copyright in completed work without formal registration.
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MSUC ART FEST 2022 오프닝 행사에 귀하를 VIP초대 드립니다. 🏴☠️참여 신청은 프로필에 있는 링크트리를 확인해 주세요.☝️ MSUC가 NFT 홀더 작가들과 함께하는 특별한 전시에 여러분을 초대합니다 참여 작가 윤송아,최민수,로칸킴,정상윤,우현민,김석,미미,비주,말로,���씨,운주,이효선,유자연 윌슨페어즈,김린정,창희력,김미네,박승범,조니보이,동자동휘,킨더가든,몰리,순영,일평 OWA-7HO(김원규,기묘경),린다손,레오다브,오리지날펑크,배기열 오프닝 일시 - 22.12.16(금) 17:00pm ~ 20:00pm 장소 - 갤러리K 서울 타워점 (서울 용산구 남산공원길 105 YTN 서울타워 4층 행사 내용 - 17:00 - 박재완 이사장, 미술렌탈협회갤러리K 전시 축사 - 17:10 - 배기열 한국융합기술연구원 원장, 축사 - 17:20 - 임재건 NFTNARA 대표 , MSUC 프로젝트 소개 - 17:30 - 로칸킴 디렉터, 전시 소개 및 간단한 도슨트 - 18:00 ~ 20:00 - 전시 관람 및 네트워킹 * 행사 진행 시간은 당일 변동 가능성이 있습니다 * 오시는 길 오프닝 행사 당일 차량 혼잡이 예상됩니다. 가급적 대중교통을 이용 부탁드리겠습니다. *자차 이용시 오시는 길 -국립극장주차장에 주차(유료)- 갤러리K 리무진 이용 (배차20~30분간격) 주차 국립극장주차장에 주차(유료) 이후 갤러리K 리무진 이용(15~20분 배차 기간) *남산 타워까지 자차로 이동이 불가합니다* 케이블카 이용 전시 기간 명동역 5번 출구에서 회현 사거리까지 직진 후, 좌측 방향 이동. 에스컬레이터(남산 오르미)를 이용하여 케이블카 승강장까지 도착 후, 남산 케이블카를 이용하여 도착 남산순환버스 버스번호 : 01번, 배차간격 : 7 ~ 10분 ● 첫차 06:30 ~ 막차 23:00 ● 평일, 토요일, 공휴일 동일 충무로역 2번 출구에서 탑승할 때 ● 출구에서 직진, 약 1분 앞 버스정류장 ● 소요시간 : 약 15분 동대입구역에서 탑승할 때 ● 6번 출구에서 돌아 나와 장충체육관 방면으로 이동 ● 사거리에서 장충단 공원을 끼고 우회 전후 직진 ● 소요시간 : 약 10분 #갤러리k #msuc #mad_skull_universe_club #연말전시 #vip #vip초청 #미술전시 #전시회추천 #nft #nftart #leodav #contemporaryart #현대미술 #art #artist #예술가 #화가 #leodav (Seoul, Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1AkA0LMzZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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YTN7 is an artisanal brand of leather goods, designed and carefully handcrafted by architect Natalie Vtyurina in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Minimalistic style and natural materials are the fundamental basics of YTN7. Their brand philosophy is inseparably connected with the manual processing, where design is deeply inspired by material specific texture. Just like you can not touch the same water twice, each piece is unique and has its own identity.
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YTerview② Dreamcatcher “If Another Season of QueenDom Airs, We Want to Appear… We are Confident in Our Performance”
Group ‘Dreamcatcher’ revealed their desire to appear on various comedy shows to increase domestic recognition.
At 6PM on the 18th, Dreamcatcher released their first ever full album ‘Dystopia: The Tree of Language”. Before the album was released, a reporter met them at a coffee shop in Nonhyeon-dong of Gangnam, Seoul.
This album is Dreamcatcher’s first studio album that comes 3 years after their debut. JIU, the leader, said “This is an album we’re satisfied with, and since it’s a studio album, there’s a lot of songs for InSomnias to listen to. I’m proud as a singer.”
Preceding the release of their first studio album, Dreamcatcher successfully concluded their world tour last year. After wrapping up domestic promotions with “The End of Nightmare”, they went on tour through Asia, Oceania, 7 European countries and 5 American cities.
“There were quite a few times that we felt the love for K-pop from foreign fans. There were people with Korean tattoos, and others would sing along to almost all of our songs, even the non-lead tracks. I felt how much they loved Korean and K-pop.” JIU said.
They revealed that they wanted to raise their recognition domestically as well as overseas with the release of the new album. “Every song we release is fantastic, even our b-sides, so it’s a shame people don’t take notice. We actually are a B-side powerhouse,” Siyeon emphasized.
Gahyeon said “I hope we can raise our recognition through this promotion. I want more people to recognize us on the streets, and I want less people to say “who are they?” when we are busking and such.”
“We didn’t get many opportunities to talk. Comedy show and radio show appearances were lacking somewhat,” Siyeon analyzed. Each member had a litany of programs they wanted to appear in.
Sua said “I want to go on ‘Omniscient Interfering View’. Our manager is world-class nice to us. He’s so meticulously considerate to us – he makes bentos for us on holidays since we can’t go home, and he makes Seaweed soup for every birthday.
Gahyeon said, “I never miss ‘Amazing Saturday. When I do, I make sure to watch the clips. I try to guess the answers as I watch but it’s harder than it looks. I sometimes think it’d be nice to have our songs on there.”
Yoohyeon hoped, “if a new season of Queendom happens, I want us to appear on it. Dreamcatcher is a group with strong performance skills, so it’d be an opportunity for us to show off our surprising charm and our performances.”
JIU, the leader, also added “the recent Queendom show featured lots of performances from great girl groups. After every episode aired, there were people who mentioned us (online). It made me feel like we had found our footing, and I was thankful.”
Dreamcatcher released all of the tracks in their first studio album “Dystopia : The Tree of Language”, as well as the music video for the lead track, “Scream” at 6pm on the 18th.
The lead track, ‘Scream’ uses middle age witch hunts as its motif, and is notable for its attempt to add electronica sounds on top of a rock basis. Their album contains 14 tracks, including ‘Scream’.
YTN Star Reporter Kang Nae-ri ([email protected]) [Photo Courtesy of Dreamcatcher Company]
Translation: 7- Dreamers | Please do not take translation without credit source
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Траспондерні новини за 28 червня
Транспондерні новини за 28 червня
ChinaSat 10 @ 110.5 ° East EBC Yoyo, SET International з'явилися на 3520 V DVB-S2 8PSK SR 30000 FEC 3/5, StreamGuard Intelsat 21 (58W) RFI Latine відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID 1509 APID: 1609 Отримати) (10h37) RFI Francais відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 1403 APID: 1500) (10h37) RFI Langues відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: тисячі чотиреста два APID 1502) (10h37) France 24 HD (en Español) відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 240 PID: 540 [MPEG-4] / 780 Іспанська, 781 Іспанська) France 24 (en Français) відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 200 PID: 528/770 Французька, 771) France 24 (in English) відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 140 PID: 516/620 Англійська, 691) T USA HD відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 41 PID: 4160 [MPEG-4] / 4120,4122) Arirang TV відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 8 PID: 1860/1820 Корейська, 1822) YTN відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 5 PID: 1560/1520 Корейська, 1522) CCTV 4 відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 1 PID: 1160/1120 Китайський) CGTN відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 2 PID: 1260/1220 Англійська) CCTV F відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 3 PID: 1360/1320 Французький) CCTV E відключений на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID: 4 PID: 1460/1420 Іспанська) MVS TV передає через DVB-S2 на 3880.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27000 FEC: 2/3 SID: 15 PID: 38 [MPEG-4] / 36 Іспанська, 37 (Відкритий). MVS TV передає через DVB-S2 на 3880.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27000 FEC: 2/3 SID: 338 PID: 432 [MPEG-4] / 433 Іспанська, 434 (Відкритий). CH20 CV відключили на 3880.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID: 780 PID: 45 [MPEG-4] / 46). CV Shopping HD передає через DVB-S2 на 3880.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27000 FEC: 2/3 SID: 780 PID: 45 [MPEG-4] / 46 Іспанська (Відкритий). Нова передача почалася DVB-S2 Відкритий: MVS TV HD Mexico (Мексика) на 3880.00MHz, pol.H SR: 27000 FEC: 2/3 SID: 763 PID: 52 [MPEG-4] / 57 Іспанська. CANAL 52MX SD відключений на 3720.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID: 540) Multi Cinema HD відключений на 3720.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID: 497) MULTICINEMA SD відключений на 3720.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID: 240) Intelsat 11, 43 ° W Smithsonian Channel (США) передача без коду (3772.00MHz, pol.V SR: 15000 FEC: 5/6 SID: 204 PID: 2110 [MPEG-4] / 2111 Іспанська, 2112 Англійська). Express AM 7, 40 ° E Rossiya 1 передає через DVB-S2 на 3985.00MHz, pol.L SR: 5120 FEC: 3/4 SID 1020 PID: тисячі двадцять один [MPEG-4] / тисячу двадцять-дві Русский (Відкритий & Roscrypt).
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[ENG SUB] EXO at Non-Music Events - 2019
190211 Miu Miu’s Private VIP Event - Suho
Add.appledaily Interview with Suho [1]
Elle HK Interview with Suho [1]
Message for Elle Hong Kong [1] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Suho [1]
190220 Bvlgari Bzero1’s 20th Anniversary Party in Rome - Suho
Message for W Korea [1] <RAW>
Message for Marie Claire [1] <RAW>
Message for Harper’s Bazaar [1] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Suho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
190228 Madame Tussauds Hong Kong Wax Figure Unveiling - Lay
Unvailing Ceremony + Interview [1] <RAW>
Zhang Yixing Observational Diary - See U in HK [1] or [1]
Official Interview [1]
SeoulHype Interview [1] <RAW>
Lay Instagram Update [1]
190302 Tommy Hilfiger X Zendaya ‘TommyNow’ S/S 2019 Fashion Show - Chanyeol
W Korea Interview and Report [1] [2] [3] [4] <RAW>
Tommy Hilfiger Facebook Update [1] [2]
SNS Updates with Chanyeol [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
Chanyeol Instagram Story [1]
190319 Helmut Newton Exhibition - Suho
Message for Vogue Korea [1]
Fancams [1] [2]
190321 Gucci Zumi Night - Kai
SNS Updates with Kai [1] [2] [3] [4]
Fancams [1]
190322 Freiknock X Adidas 2019 Peace Collection Fashion Show - Suho
Suho Instagram Update [1]
190324 Charm’s F/W 2019 Fashion Show - Sehun
News Reports [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Fancams [1]
190325 2019 amfAR Gala in Hong Kong - Lay
Red Carpet [1] [2] [3]
Lay - Flavour [1] or [1]
Fancams [1]
190405 Prada S/S 2019 Collection Launch Cocktail Party - Chanyeol
CLEO Singapore Interview with Chanyeol [1]
SNS Updates with Chanyeol [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Fancams [1]
190425 Tommy Jeans Seoul Opening Event - Chanyeol
Top Star News Report [1]
Message for 1st Look [1] <RAW>
Message for Harper’s Bazaar [1] <RAW>
Message for Marie Claire Korea [1] [2] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Chanyeol [1] [2]
190426 Versace ‘Cross Chainer Sneakers’ Launching Event - Chanyeol
Interview with Chanyeol [1] or [1] <RAW>
Photo Wall with Chanyeol [1]
Francis Cheng Instagram Story [1]
Debbie Lum Instagram Update [1] <RAW>
190506 2019 Met Gala - Lay
Yixing Studio Update - Get Ready for MetGala [1]
Yixing Studio Update - Fitting Time for MetGala [1]
Maison Valentino Instagram Update [1] [2]
Pierpaolo Piccioli’s Instagram Story [1] [2]
190509 Acqua di Parma ‘Cipresso di Toscana’ launching party - Chanyeol
W Korea Report [1] <RAW>
News Reports [1] [2] [3]
Message for Marie Claire Korea [1] <RAW>
Message for W Korea [1] [2] [3] <RAW>
Singles Magazine Instagram Update [1]
Fancams [1] [2]
190524 Off-White Illustration Art Show - Suho
Photowall with Suho [1]
Message for 1st Look [1] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Suho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
190528 Gucci 2020 Cruise Collection - Kai
Vogue Korea Photoshoot [1]
Message for Vogue Korea [1] <RAW>
Message for Elle Taiwan [1] [2] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Kai [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
190629 Blue House Cocktail Reception - EXO
A Plus Report [1]
KBS News Report [1]
YTN News Report [1] <RAW>
190705 Rimowa X Boontheshop Pop-Up Store Event - Sehun
Newsen Report [1]
Elle Korea Youtube Update [1]
SNS Updates with Sehun [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
190822-26 7th Animal Film Festival in Suncheonman - Suho
Suho Amabassador Greeting Message [1] <RAW>
Press Conference Cut [1] <RAW>
Opening Day [1] [2]
190910 Acqua di Parma Boutique Opening Gala Dinner - Chanyeol
News Reports [1] [2] [3]
W Korea Instagram Story [1] <RAW>
W Korea Instagram Update [1] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Chanyeol [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
190918 Ralph Lauren 2019 F/W Collection VVIP Party - Suho
Message for Vogue Korea [1] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Suho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
190925 20th World Knowledge Forum - Chanyeol
Chanyeol’s Speech [1] <RAW>
Congratulatory Message [1] <RAW>
191003 - Busan International Film Festival - Suho
Red Carpet & Opening Ceremony - Full [1] <RAW>
Red Carpet - Suho Cut [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
191023 Hunan Youth League Appointment - Lay
Full [1] <RAW>
191029 BVLGARI Serpenti Seduttori Launching Event - Suho
Vogue Korea Instagram Update [1]
Message for Noblesse Korea [1] <RAW>
SNS Updates with Suho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Fancams [1]
191030 Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul Store Opening - Sehun
News Reports [1] [2]
Vogue Korea Instagram Update [1] <RAW>
Vogue Taiwan Instagram Update [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
191113 Acqua di Parma ‘Signature of the Sun’ VIP Party - Chanyeol
News Reports [1] [2] [3]
Fashion SNS Clips [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
191115 Prada Escape Pop-Up Store Opening - Chanyeol
Message for Singles Magazine [1] <RAW>
Message for Marie Claire [1] <RAW>
Message for L’Officiel Hommes [1] <RAW>
Message for W Korea [1] <RAW>
Message for Vogue [1] [2] <RAW>
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[ad_1] Seven of the deaths had been reported from one submerged parking zone underneath a residential advanced within the nation's southeastern port metropolis of Pohang, in response to a report from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety on Wednesday. The seven folks had turn into trapped by rising waters whereas trying to maneuver their autos, in response to the ministry report.Local broadcaster YTN confirmed footage of a wrecked automotive being pulled out of an underground storage the place muddy waters blocked its entrance.Another individual died after being buried in a home hit by a landslide in Gyeongju and two folks stay lacking from the highly effective hurricane.The casualties might rise as rescue operations proceed, with the army mobilizing amphibious autos.The highly effective storm hit with wind speeds equal to a Category 2 hurricane, with winds in extra of 154 kilometers per hour, or a bit over 95 miles per hour. The storm made landfall round 4:50 a.m. native time, battering the southeastern industrial cities of Pohang, Gyeongju and Ulsan with sturdy winds and heavy rain, earlier than leaving the peninsula at round 7:10 a.m. native time, authorities instructed CNN on Tuesday.Some 2,900 folks have been evacuated, principally within the south of the nation, and greater than 66,000 properties skilled energy outages, with 45% of service restored as of three p.m. native time.The hurricane pressured a whole bunch of flight cancellations, suspension of enterprise operations and faculty closings.South Korean steel-making firm POSCO reported a short lived byproduct fuel launch at its Pohang plant attributable to an influence outage brought on by the hurricane.Shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries primarily based in Ulsan mentioned there have been no main losses although some components of its manufacturing facility had been submerged. Some of its ships had been despatched to the west coast to go off harm and would return on Thursday.A spokesperson for Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering mentioned there have been no incidents at its shipyard in close by Changwon to date, and it halted manufacturing on Tuesday morning as deliberate.Typhoon warnings had been principally lifted throughout South Korea, however President Yoon Suk-yeol urged officers to take precautions till the hurricane is totally gone, his spokesperson mentioned.The neighboring North Korea additionally braced for harm from the hurricane, with chief Kim Jong Un presiding over a two-day assembly on catastrophe prevention work and releasing water from a dam close to its border with South Korea.South Korea has repeatedly urged the North to present discover earlier than releasing water from the dam because it might end in flooding downstream however Pyongyang has remained unresponsive. [ad_2] Source link
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