martini-with-a-lizzard · 11 months
Big up the ysj security team, you the real ones, absolute madlads, we stan
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ioxoxoi · 1 year
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Yun Soo Jin
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jjongribo · 2 years
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Another day, another audition—
Sunjung sighed as she dragged her feet away from the studio she'd spent the day at. It was nearing dinner time and she hadn't eaten anything since waking up at 5:30 that morning; she thoroughly regretted that. The plan was to get home, order food, and kick back on the couch. Unfortunately, like many things that day, her plans were soon derailed.
As she walked, the heel of her shoe broke and caused her to stumble with a yelp, ankle twisting and giving out under her. Her knees hit the pavement first and then the palms of her hands, each point of contact getting a lovely scrape. Letting out a groan of annoyance, Sunjung sat back on her bottom to assess the damage.
"I swear, if one more thing goes wrong—" The brunette paused. Lifting her gaze, she noticed that her ungraceful fall had not gone unseen. A sheepish smile appeared on her face. "I-I'm fine, don't worry! Just keep walking. Please..." She could only hide her embarrassment behind her hair and hope the person would leave. The last thing she needed was someone hanging around on one of her unluckiest days in a while.
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waitineedaname · 1 year
I am going to tear my hair out
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Doona! review that no one asked for:
Suzy looked stunning
I was happy to see ysj after so long
The drama itself was so boring for me. It was weak both in the idol struggling depiction and the romance. Not to mention all the secondary characters i didn’t really care about.
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a-simakova · 1 year
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
All I Want for Christmas Is....
Yang: (clinging to the door frame for dear life as an unknown entity pulls her away)
Sun: (nails screeching across the floor as he's pulled by the tail by the same entity, finally catching the doorframe)
Jaune: (crying and screaming like a little girl as he's being dragged through the building like a ragdoll by the same entity as Sun and Yang)
Yang & Sun: (grab Jaune just as he's about to fly passed the doorway)
Jaune: (holding on for dear life) Thanks, guys!
Yang & Sun: Don't mention it!
Ruby: (from the couch and watching the scene unfold) What's going on?
Neptune: I have no idea, but it's funny. (munches popcorn)
Blake: Should... should we do something?
Weiss: We don't even know what has them.
Emerald: (Walks in) Oh, Santa must be gathering all the materials he needs to deliver presents.
RNBW: Say what now?
YSJ: (struggling to hold on) People....have....got to stop....asking for....attractive, heart of gold, golden retriever personified blondes for Christ- (slowly disappear from view) -maaaaaaas!
Ruby: Uh.... Blake, Neptune, aren't you guys right here?
Weiss: And your partners just got spirited away because someone else wished for them from Santa?
Blake & Neptune: (leap from their seats with their weapons drawn) OH, HELL, NO!!! (give chase)
Blake: Get back here with my blonde, Fat Man!!!
Neptune: That is MY muscle, monkey, boytoy!
Santa: Ho-Ho-Holy Fuck!!! Bring it on, children! I'll put both of you on the naughty list!
RWE: (blink) Uhhhh...
Penny: (suddenly being levitated passed the window, stiff as a board) Hello, girlfriend Ruby! Goodbye, girlfriend Ruby!
Ruby: Hey! That one's mine! (lock and loads Crescent Rose and gives chase)
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dangermousie · 20 days
This is one of my favorite drama scenes! The way SH just KNOWS Hwi will come back to fuck things up. The deliciously classist disdain.
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Oh, Hui Jae, you will never truly get either of these two glorious lunatics. And SH's fond smile.
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I am screaming a lil into my hands.
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The way they fall into step. Confession time - I was literally sniffling because this is a rewatch and the way this is later mirrored by their doomed last charge into the palace, once again Hwi on a mad quest and SH at his side, knowing it's madness but not wanting to be anywhere other than by Hwi's side.
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The way they run in, in sync and Hui Jae is outside watching - this is so so so mirrored at the end. If I were to make a list of my top 10 sageuks, this one would have pride of place.
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I love that just as at the end, it's SH guarding Hwi's ability to have that conversation he needs to have.
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HJ looks like she's considering requesting to be the filling in that sandwich. I get you, girl.
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Gotta say, YSJ and WDH are both solid actors but they never gave a performance like in MCTNA before or since imo.
PS A couple of MVs I love.
Bang Won centric one. Jang Hyuk has never given a bad performance in his life (if I had to pick my favorite kdrama actor, he's def a front runner) but this one was insane even by his standards.
And one for Yeon x Seon Ho. Insofar I had a het ship for this drama, it was them (yes, I was a hardcore Hwi x SH shipper. I can alternaship because I contain multitudes.) A small part is because I am vvvv fond of sunshine keeper of my tattered soul trope but the bigger one is because Seon Ho loved her so utterly. One can debate whether that love was romantic or not (I genuinely have no idea and I don't think SH himself did either) but he loved her desperately as the safe part of Hwi for him to love, as Hwi's memorial, as his one hope for redemption, as the keeper of what's left of his soul, as proof that he's not damned if someone good can love him, as expiation. And it was glorious to watch.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Shows ARMY his home decor situation
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I mean fair is fair, World Cup viewers. Hobi gets in there with a whole shot in case you wanna see where his Hybe's fridge is in relation to the entertainment center. But this is because Jung Hoseok is a god among men and also has nothing to hide.
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Which: Yoongi the man not the cat is now in possession of a cat. I also have a cat. My cat is named Yoongi The Cat Not The Man. This means that when Yoongi the man not the cat inevitably names his cat YSJ, a portal will open. It will happen in my mind and I am prepared. And Park Jimin may also have a cat BUT WE DON'T KNOW DO WE
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Because the ONLY thing that man is gonna show us is Jeon Jungkook. Who we have seen already, although granted not usually in such a dick-forward posture. Balls out for Jimin-ssi, you say? Yes, I noticed that myself. Thanks, Jimin, for making sure we know you had your thumb on the camera for many, many split seconds to get that particular shot. On your TV. In your apartment, presumably, although we actually have no idea. Park Jimin ain't gonna show us shit. He is not. He's too smart. Too slick for the likes of random Taekookers and house elves. We don't rate that kind of security clearance. He could be anywhere. (He's not likely in Qatar, though, don't get it twisted.)
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Anime feet on a BunKoo, though, that's what I'd have shown the world. Our maknae out there in the great big homophobic World Cup without so much as a Jimin and y'all wonder why he doesn't make the angry food face when he comes on Live. Either the cake is terrible or something's not vibing right is all I'm saying. SEND HIM HOME IMMEDIATELY BABY NEEDS LOVE AND RAMYEON.
ANYWAY. I'm rambling. I have a lot to say, little by little. And Jimin tells us everything and nothing all at once, if we know how to read.
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tutyayilmazz · 1 year
fingers crossed for ysj hitting her eponymous vault 🤞🤞🤞
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raine-kai · 1 year
Novel Wen Ziduan Has Issues
As you might know if you have seen anything I have posted here or written lately or talked about in the past month or so, I like Third Prince, or Wen Ziduan, from Love Like the Galaxy quite a lot.
What you might not know is that even though I liked him before I read the book, based on the drama alone, I like him even more that I read the book.
Let me be clear: novel Ziduan is a disaster.
For one thing, Yuan Shanjian's tendency to neg Shaoshang at every possible opportunity? That was Ziduan in the book. YSJ is a lot less directly offensive in his behavior toward Shaoshang, which makes him a lot more likable in the book. They still argue a lot, but he doesn't go out of his way to try to make her feel bad about herself. Meanwhlie, Ziduan only goes through one scene where he outright starts negging Shaoshang in the drama—and to be fair, this is episode 49 and he was having a really bad day that day, after having had a terrible day the day before as well—and she tells him off pretty well for it. He has a reason to talk to her that day, but otherwise he seems to mostly ignore her, or roll with whatever else is going on in the scene. Ziduan in the drama comes off as a foil of sorts to Shaoshang. They both care deeply for Huo Buyi, but while Ziduan has power in theory, he can do nothing to help Huo Buyi and is losing his mind (he behaves more erratically, more angrily and snappishly in that episode than we ever see him before or after) after the revenge. Shaoshang might not have power, but she has the keys to exonerating Huo Buyi, and she is exceedingly quiet and calm as she makes her case—both to Ziduan for her right to personhood, and to the court for Huo Buyi. By the end of this scene, we see Shaoshang share a warning with Ziduan, who bows to her and promises to bring Zisheng back, and make him apologize to her.
This is a far cry from the behavior of novel Ziduan, who takes every possible opportunity to point out how inferior Shaoshang is, especially relative to Zisheng.
He does eventually come to terms with the fact that Shaoshang and Zisheng are going to be together, in his own way... But not before being absolutely delighted to betroth Shaoshang to Yuan Shanjian, only to be deeply upset when Zisheng returns and wants her back. There's a whole scene where he demands to know why nobody told him that he would want her back, and rants about how poor of a match Shaoshang is for Zisheng, who deserves the best...even though he is just as dumb as she is, he admits toward the end.
I cannot articulate enough how much novel Ziduan comes across like a comphet gay boy trying to justify why he's mad that his best friend is dating someone by making it the girl's fault. Somehow.
I ship OT3 in the world of the drama, but I don't see how that could work in the novel world unless ZIduan does one hell of a lot of soulsearching.
The other day, I found the novel extras, and there was one for Ziduan, and OH BOY, I did not think this shit could get even funnier.
First off, this man is a misogynistic mess from the moment we get into his head. He says there are two kinds of women: virtuous and unvirtuous. And then he proceeds to list all the women in his life as various shades of unvirtuous. Empress Xuan? Very unvirtuous. His mother, Consort Yue? Extremely unvirtuous. His aunts and sisters? Never heard of the word virtue in their lives—except Second Sister, she's ok. (I have to assume this assessment is pre-time skip, because post time-skip Second Princess had apparently become less ladylike or something.) Xiao Yuanyi is also ok. Cheng Shaoshang is just the absolute worst.
So he sort of...has to approve of their betrothal (again) because it's what will make Huo Buyi happy and as we know, Ziduan really just wants Huo Buyi to be happy. (Although in this universe it's buried underneath so much negative vibes directed at Shaoshang that it can be easy to forget that.)
Shaoshang comes to talk to him, and she uses flattery over his dedication to justice over family (a love language between all 3 of them, I swear) to undercut his usual pattern of berating her. It works, until she's about to leave.
And then this happens:
The prince was very moved, and his tone could not help softening: "I am not afraid of being criticized by others, but only hope that the people of the world will live and work in peace and contentment, free from natural disasters and man-made disasters, so I will live up to the trust of the ancestors."
Originally, he wanted to scold the girl, but at this moment, the crown prince could not swear much, so he simply waved his hand: "Forget it, you can go back, take a good rest, and serve Zisheng carefully after marriage. Sigh, Over the years, Zisheng has really suffered a lot, you, you should treat him better."
Shaoshang agreed sincerely, and hurried out of the door. When she reached the courtyard, the prince suddenly called her to stop. Shaoshang looked back in a daze, and saw the prince raised his right hand, and then her shoulder hurt slightly, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a small stone. She was tongue-tied, and looked at the prince in disbelief—he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he actually threw stones at herself! The majestic crown prince actually threw stones at her!
The prince's brows and eyes are firm and resolute, and the perennial solemnity is swept away, as if he is ten years younger and suddenly returned to his naughty and troubled boyhood. He laughed heartily: "Okay, let's settle the matter now, you can go back and happily prepare for marriage!"
Shaoshang stamped her feet angrily, turned her head and left.
And then after this scene, Ziduan's immediately thinking to himself about how he has to double their wedding gifts and hope they have a daughter he can marry to a son of his own.
Oh, about his wife--he does have a concubine. A cousin of his, selected by his uncle. He agreed to marry her because his uncle said so, and then the moment he stopped and thought about it, he realized how unvirtuous his wife is. She actually wants him to LIKE her, the gall of her!
Anyway, this man is a complete trainwreck and I adore it.
Mostly because the drama version exists as essentially a fix-it.
Speaking of which, who was it who decided to take Ziduan's "you-stole-the-man-I-am-not-aware-I'm-in-love-with-and-I'm-mad-about-it" energy and dropped it onto Yuan Shanjian, of all people? He's actually supposed to like Shaoshang... That might be the strangest adaptation decision, imo 😂😂😂
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ioxoxoi · 1 year
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Yun Soo Jin  
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jjongribo · 1 year
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"I can't believe I bombed that audition like that– I'm never going to live it down! They're probably going to blacklist me everywhere."
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comaneci · 2 months
my wants for the olympics are simple. i just need rebe, kaylia, qqy, melanie, becky, alice d, manila, ysj, alexa, helen, zyq, flavia, and sabrina all to medal
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gingersnapwolves · 2 years
Kouri watches Love Like the Galaxy, episode 34
NN: Do you want me to kill your dad for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I will totally kill him for you.
I thought they were already engaged? Ancient China is complicated
This is so romantic, I’m dying
I have a feeling LBY’s stepmom has no idea what she’s getting herself into
I love scenes where NN and XYY are on the same page and that page is verbally kicking the shit out of someone
NN: I got LBY, I ain’t worried about some musty bitch
YSJ! I haven’t missed you!
I hope LY gets to come. Not because I think he’d enjoy it but I have missed him.
I just fuckin’ love it when XYY gets her slap on
Empress: “We don’t want to disturb your guests!”
Every single guest: “Please have this argument in front of us”
Every once in a while, YSJ is pretty cool
Cheng Shi’s face lmao, ‘why is the Emperor at my house???’
Lookin’ good in red, LBY
NN: LBY said I could say whatever I want and boy howdy am I gonna do that
‘You’ll die? That’s great!’ ask;djhlgkhsj;akg GRANDPA PLEASE
Get thee to a nunnery!
What a wonderful happy ending! 
*looks at remaining episode count* Uh oh
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an-apple-a-day-or2 · 1 year
Low key wanted YSJ to go ahead of Simone because then she would have matched her 2013 vault result 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
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