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Like That
“What happened last Friday…” Simon feels Wille tense beside him. “It was— I just—“
“Maybe we could do that again.”
Wille has gone pink with his outburst. Simon watches the blush disappear into his collar. Swallowing, Simon nods, trying to bite down his smile.
Later, they lie tangled in Wille’s bed; content, giddy and a little bashful.
“I wondered if you would shut me down,” Simon says, vulnerable in his happiness. “Say you weren’t like that.”
“Oh, I’m definitely like that.”
Simon giggles. “I can see.” He takes a breath. “But maybe we should try again. Just to be sure.”
Thanks, @youngroyals-events!
#ANOTHER FIX IT#we're ignoring everything else that went wrong after this#EVERYTHING IS FINE#young royals#wilmon#yr fanfic#yr drabble#yrdc2024#gulliblelemon#my fics
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yr drabble challenge: a proposal
“You won’t believe what happened to me today.” Simon gets into bed after a long day spent sunbathing on an Italian beach, and lies next to Wille, Simon’s head resting on his chest. “What?” Wille asks, smirking, putting his arm behind Simon’s shoulder. “The guy I’ve been dating for two years asked me to marry him. On a deserted beach. Under the moonlight.” “Ah, shit,” Wille says, taking Simon’s hand in his and bringing it close to his mouth. “I wanted to ask you too.” He kisses the ring he has put on his fiancè’s finger a few hours earlier.
#young royals#yrdc2024#yr fanfic#wilmon#yr drabble#marta writes#picturing this whole proposal in my head now#lovely
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Maybe in another life
This idea hit me after posting the first one, so I guess we are doing two drabbles in one day! hopefully this makes up for that bit of angst?
Wille falls headfirst on the couch, groaning loudly.
“Another successful date?”
Simon’s roommate just responds with another groan, this time muffled by a pillow, before rolling onto his back and grimacing. “I think I’m cursed to be forever single. Maybe I’ll find someone in another life.”
Simon takes a deep breath. “But you could be with me in this one.”
Simon’s about to brush it off as a joke when he sees Wille swallow before he, softly, hopefully, asks, “is that a serious offer?”
Simon nods, barely able to breathe, to speak, until suddenly, Wille surges forward, and kisses him.
#yrdc2024#young royals#young royals fanfic#young royals fanfiction#wilmon#yr fanfic#young royals drabble#yr fanfiction
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So... I'm not sure how this happened, and I know drabble week is technically over... But I kept thinking of you, @gulliblelemon, last night, and of the many beautiful gems you've gifted to us over the past week (despite announcing initially that you were "not like that"!). Some of them keep living in my heart, they are canon now.
So since I've recently discovered that writing fanfic for others is fun (and frankly the only way I feel brave enough to post anything), I wrote you this little thank you note. It's an expansion of one of my favorite scenes.
Thank you for being the spectacular human you are, and for being a wonderful friend. 💜
"Thanks for inviting me. I—uh, I had a great time." Running a hand through his hair, Wille glanced down before meeting Simon's eyes with a shy smile.
"Me too." Simon nodded, rolling his lips to stop the idiotic grin from overtaking his face.
"Good night, Simon."
"Good night... Wille."
Simon stared after him, a fond giggle bubbling up in his chest as Wille stepped backwards, stumbling slightly before turning to walk up to Forest Ridge.
Someone snorted behind Simon.
Rolling his eyes, he climbed back onto Rosh’s scooter.
"Shut up."
Ayub raised his hands.
"We didn't even say anything!”
#yrdc2024#yr drabble#In my mind this is the first time Simon calls him Wille#I'm used to being late to stuff so why should this be different 🙈#gulliblelemon#yr ficlet#yr fanfic#young royals
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YR drabble challenge: summer
Wilhelm thinks Summer is Simon's season.
The sun loves you! he exclaims. Look at your skin, you glow, you never burn! Summer for Simon, winter for Wille, that's how it goes.
Simon knows better. The sun pinks Wilhelm’s skin but scatters freckles there like flowers, his hair brightens several shades, he looks strong and healthy. Barefoot, in linen, he smiles more broadly, laughs more readily. Is recognised less often.
The sun makes Wille blossom, thinks Simon. It's been like that since their first morning in Wille's room. Joy unfurling where they touch, bathed in golden light.
Summer? It’s their season.
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Young Royals Drabble Challenge Week 2024

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first ever Young Royals drabble challenge!
The challenge will take place between September 2-9 and the rules are pretty simple:
Pick a prompt (we are providing suggestions, but you don't actually need to use any of them).
Write a drabble - but attention! A drabble is a 100-word short fic. Exactly 100 words. The term has been popularized in fandom to mean any very short fic, but for this event, your drabble must have exactly 100 words - not 99, not 101, one hundred. Yes, we know that's hard. That's the challenge. 😉
Post it, tagging us — @youngroyals-events — in the body of the post and using the tag #YRDC2024.
Now, here are some additional guidelines and suggestions:
You can post the whole drabble here, or post it to AO3 and post the link on Tumblr.
You can post on any day of the designated week, and as many drabbles as you want.
You can post drabble by drabble, or more than one drabble at once. The same goes for posting each drabble as a chapter of a fic on AO3. However, we don't suggest doing either of these things, since tagging ends up confusing and makes it difficult for people to find or avoid your fics. Our suggestion, therefore, is to make a masterpost with links to all the drabbles you post here on Tumblr, and/or to create a series on AO3 for grouping your drabbles.
Explicit drabbles are allowed, but if you post the drabbles in their entirety here, please use the tag #NSFW as well - we'll be using the same one in these cases. You can also include additional tags and/or a warning at the top of the post. On AO3, the tags are at your discretion.
Yes, there is an AO3 community, here: Young Royals Drabble Challenge 2024
Yes, ALL characters are allowed - this is not a Wilmon-focused event, though of course they're always welcome. 😊
If you are looking for inspiration, you can choose one or more prompts from our one-word prompts list.
You can also choose one or more prompts from our dialogue prompts list.
Don't feel like deciding? Let the spinning wheel make the choice for you. Here for the one-word prompts and here for the dialogue prompts.
You can also reblog either or both of the lists and ask your followers to send you requests (including not from the lists). 😉
Alright, that's all for now. If you've got any questions, please comment or reblog on this post (that's easier for us to reply to at the moment).
Let's get writing!
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It's not ur fault that they hover, I mean no disrespect
Jealous, nick jonas
Oops.. I kind of wrote two 🙈 just can't resist jealous crown prince wilhelm
The Foundation Lauch
"Excuse me. The Prince Consort's presence is required," Malin interrupted. The reporter halted her questions, nodding politely at Simon. The line of other reporters all protested when Malin led Simon out of the reception hall.
Simon looked at her in confusion but she only paced wordlessly to the adjoining room, where Wille stood by the window.
"Finally," he breathed, striding over to Simon, kissing him and cradling his face.
"What's this about?"
"Damn reporters," he kissed onto Simon's lips, "all wanting a piece of you."
"They're here for my foundation's launch," Simon laughed, incredulous.
"And so am I," Wille grinned.
The Belgian Prince
"I thought the point of this was for me to mingle," Simon chuckled, running his hand up Wille's thigh. Wille turned forward, speaking out the side of his mouth for privacy.
"Yes, but he was looking at you," he explained.
"Yes, Wille, that's how people have a conversation. He was telling me about Belgium's new LGBTQ+ initiatives."
"That's great, Simon, but he didn't have to check you out. He's been trying to get you alone all night."
"Maybe because I am Sweden's LGBTQ+ youth ambassador?"
Wille shrugged.
"Affectionately, you have nothing to worry about. I much prefer kanelbulle to waffles."
(I know Sweden probably doesn't have a specific royal ambassador for LGBTQ+ youth, but if they did, wouldn't Simon be a good contender?)
TY for the prompt anon! <3 I promise I'll get to the rest, all the other lyrics are so angstyy hehe so I gotta feel some feelings to write them.
Send me a song lyric and I'll write a YR drabble! <3
TY @youngroyals-events !!
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Tuesday #2
YR Drabble Week 2024. @youngroyals-events
Two strangers trading love notes in a coffee shop on Tuesdays. (ao3)
#1, #2
You got a different drink today. — Simon
I did. You are mysteriously lacking a book. — Wille
I have a different hobby to occupy my time, now unencumbered. — Simon
Yes, and you’re being so subtle about staring at me. — Wille
As if you’re any better. — Simon
You are beautiful, Simon. I simply cannot help but stare. — Wille
What’s the new drink? (Thank you. I hope you cannot see my blush.) — Simon
It’s a chai with brown sugar syrup. (I can. It’s cute.) — Wille
Hey, that’s what I get! — Simon
I know. I want to learn about the things you like. — Wille
#smitten as hell#yrdc2024#wilmon#yr drabble#my fav silly hc is that Simon likes incredibly sugary drinks
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Drabble prompt: Fall
Thank you so much for the prompt!
Simon squeezed in next to Wille on the sunbed, their salty skin sticking together as he peered at the article Wille was showing him on his phone. Fall of the Swedish monarchy? First polls show overwhelming support for abolition, the headline read.
“I guess it might actually happen, huh,” he murmured, kissing the cheek of the man whose decision to renounce the crown had been the catalyst of public discussions about the role of the monarchy in today’s society.
Wille hummed in agreement, pressing himself closer into Simon’s side. “And to think it all started with a cheeky choir boy.”
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Wille isn’t sure when he’s ever been more nervous. He’s supposed to be good at this; talking to new people.
“So,” Ayub says, looking at Wille with mild interest.
“How long have you known Simon?”
“Since school,” Ayub says. No further information.
Wille can see Simon in the distance, chatting to Rosh post-match. He smiles.
“You like him,” Ayub says, raising an eyebrow.
Wille splutters. Very regal. “I— uhm.”
“It’s fine,” Ayub says. “He likes you too.”
The warmth in Wille’s chest spreads to his ears.
“Just don’t hurt him,” Ayub says.
“I… I— I don’t want to.”
Thanks @youngroyals-events
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yr drabble challenge: video store
90s au anyone? also haven't thanked @youngroyals-events for organising this yet, I'm having such a great time. thank you sm! 💜
“Good to see you again,” Simon says. Wille stares at him as he hands Simon the movie he watched last night. “Any suggestions?” Wille asks. When he’s not renting Titanic or Romeo+Juliet because of his gigantic crush on Leo, he always asks Simon for recommendations. “Something sci-fi, Alien maybe?” Wille scrunches his nose. “I don’t really like sci-fi,” he admits, “unless you want to watch it with me?” Wille has been gathering the courage to ask him out for weeks. “Sure,” Simon answers, almost casually, as if they do this all the time. “My shift ends at 6 pm.”
#young royals#yrdc2024#yr fanfic#wilmon#yr drabble#marta writes#showing my age here#video stores made me so happy lmao#except when people didn't rewind the tapes that didn't make me happy
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Hi hi! For drabble week: “Remember back when we were kids?” & “You can't run forever.” 💜💜💜
Simon!!!! Sorry this is so late, but here's the first one (the second one will be its own separate post coming later 💜). A little childhood best friends to lovers for you 💜
“Remember the promise we made here, when we were kids?”
Simon does remember. They had been 7, and Wille had had a ringpop, and neither of them really knew what love was but Wille had proposed to him anyways, because that’s what grown-ups did. Simon had said yes because Wille was his best friend, and, with Simon’s teddy as their officiant, had vowed to always be his best friend.
“What would you say now?”
And suddenly, Simon’s breath catches in his throat, because he’s looking down at his boyfriend, on one knee, holding two silver rings in a velvet box.
#can you let me out of non-omar jail now#or put me in the omar jail at least#it's cold in here#yrdc2024#young royals#yr fanfiction#yr fanfic#young royals fanfiction#young royals fanfic#wilmon#yr ficlet
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Hello! <3 for the YR drabbles event, I challenge you to 41. Superpower 🦸🏼♂️🦸🏾 hope you are doing well! 💗
When I found this lovely ask in my inbox (thank you!), I thought, surely this was a mistake. Because why me?
But then I kept thinking of you, @skibasyndrome, and how you might be feeling this week. And since fanfic, to me, is the ultimate language of love, it made me come up with this little something, to remind you that you're amazing, and that you've got this. 💜
Simon groaned, letting his head sink onto the table.
"The thesis is due Friday, Wille! What if I can't fucking do it this time?"
A pair of arms wrapped around Simon's torso from behind, gently drawing him closer into his boyfriend's chest.
"Sure you can, love. You just need a break," Wille murmured against his temple.
Simon nuzzled into the soft warmth of Wille's neck. He inhaled deeply, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.
This was Wille's super power. Making Simon feel held. Making him feel seen. Making him feel. And always reminding him:
Things would be okay.
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Hi Sari! For the drabble challenge, I ask you for 22. New Outfit :)
wilmon ofc <3
Heyy! Thank you for the prompt😊💜 I hope you like it!! I got some horny wilmon in my mind for this one
Simon looks in the mirror, pleased with how he looks in his new purple lace shirt.
“This is new”, suddenly Wilhelm stands behind him, looking at him through the mirror.
“Do you like it?”, Simon asks. His boyfriend swallows, his eyes full of lust.
Wilhelm lets his finger glide over the thin fabric and kisses Simon’s neck. “I like it a lot”, he admits. “It turns you on, doesn't it?”, Simon smiles and Wilhelm starts blushing profusely. “Maybe”, he says. “Maybe you should take it off then”, Simon says. “Maybe I should fuck you while you're wearing it”, Wilhelm whispers.
These 100 words were too short for the idea in my head, I could write a whole one shot about this.
Another contribution for the Young Royals Drabbles Challenge organised by @youngroyals-events 📝
#YRDC2024#young royals#wilmon#simon eriksson#wilhelm#prince wilhelm#yr fanfic#young royals fanfiction#yr drabble#yr ficlet#sari writes#saynomorefic
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“What’s up with your face?”
“Simon’s not at school today.”
“I think it’s time to get over your crush. He has a boyfriend.”
“It’s not like they are married. I still have a chance.”
“You are beyond help. I don’t know what else to tell you.”
Simon’s back at school the next day, but before he has a chance to talk to him about some silly homework, his annoying boyfriend comes and kisses Simon, so he has to turn his head away.
“Bro, I’m telling you. There’s no way Simon and Wille are ever gonna break up. Get over it.”
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For Young Royals Drabble Challenge @youngroyals-events
prompt: sweater
Why did her mother always have to buy the clothes a number too small? Did she think it would make Felice feel better about herself? Guess what - it didn't!
She wriggled to get out of the sweater, but it fit like a straitjacket. Men för helvete!
“What’s the matter?” Sara was suddenly at the door.
“Eh, mamma sent me a new sweater. And now I’m stuck.” Felice hid her embarrassment behind a mien of indifference.
“Want some help?” Sara’s smile was gentle, not condescending in the least.
“Please. You can even have it if you help me out of it.”
Chapter 1 of What we don't say
Thank you @bluedalahorse for sharing your writing tips and inspiring some actual writing 💕
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