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“When you see news reports of angry people making what seem like irrational demands, your first impulse will either be to sympathize or revile—in other words, you will feel a desire to join with them in their fear, anger, hate… Or they will become the thing you fear… and that will make you angry… and then you will begin to hate them. This is the cycle of the dark side. Quicker. Easier. More seductive.” —Sean Ellis, Action-Adventure Novelist and Would-be Action Hero . . . . . #quoteoftheday #qotd #goodevening #goodeveningpost #newsreports #ofangrypeople #firstimpulse #willbetosympathizeorrevile #inotherwords #youwillfeel #adesire #tojointhem #theirfear #theiranger #theirhate #theybecome #thethingyoufear #youbegintohate #Thisisthecycleofthedarkside #Quicker #Easier #moreseductive @seanellisauthor #seanellis #seanellisquote #actionadventure #actionadventurenovel #novelist #novelistofinstagram #wouldbeactionhero #maythefourthbewithyou (at Kismet Oasis) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ymzhBHQ8J/?igshid=qtwjxeq1peby
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