#youve never had to hide bite marks cuts and bruises this woman has left on you so maybe you can shut the fuck up
zipzaptoastainthebath · 5 months
thinking abt how my stepsister tried to tell me her mom destroyed my copy of Heartstopper Vol. 1 for reasons that weren't homophobic. Like she actually was angry at me for accusing her mom of being homophobic after she did something homophobic. She wasn't even there when my stepmom realized I had the book. She wasn't there when her mom screamed at me about how "perverse adult authors are preying on teenagers with this" and "this is absolutely disgusting" and a long conversation involving how gross drag shows for kids are and evil trans and gay people and blah fucking blah. My stepsister said she talked to her mom recently, and she said that wasn't why she took the book. It was because it had "sneaking around" and "lying to parents." Not only is that clearly a lie, but I don't think it's a very withstanding reason coming from the person who's favorite family movie is Dirty Dancing. I'm going to repeat that: Dirty Dancing is her favorite movie to watch with her kids, but she's claiming she destroyed my Heartstopper copy because it promotes teenagers sneaking around and lying to their parents. Bull-fucking-shit. And my stepsister angrily called me delirious and chronically online for saying that her mom ruined my book, that I payed for with my money (with her mom PRESENT WHEN I BOUGHT IT, MIND YOU. She just didn't notice until later, apparently) for homophobic reasons. I'm so sorry that you have to find out the mom you have that you've watched abuse me for years actually isn't all that great. Really sucks for you, doesn't it?
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