#youtube autotranslate and google translate are a godsend
macaiv · 8 months
Has anyone listened to this french podcast Esteban was on a number of months ago? I don't speak French so I had to get by using the auto-translate (while slowing down the video a bit) and the google translate app transcribe function. I think the translation was fairly understandable. Anyway, here are some parts I found interesting:
Esteban mentioned that included in his contract was that the team (Alpine) must not have a number 1 driver and that he doesn't want one side to be favoured over the other. He wants to have the same "weapons" to fight with his teammate.
His dad was a French Junior Cycling Champion when he was younger but was unable to progress further due to the lack of resources and lack of contacts. So his dad made a promise with himself that if he will have a child in a similar situation, he will do the maximum in order for their dream to happen. That's why he and his mum were so willing to sacrifice everything for him.
They were able to get Nico Rosberg to ask a question to Esteban. He, in true form, asked about teammate rivalry 😆 Esteban mentioned that Nico gave him a lot of support and advice when he arrived in Formula 1 in 2016.
His Dad also asked a question, "What was your best memory from the karting years?". "I remember we were parked on this mountain at the Monaco Karting Grand Prix in 2010. I will always remember waking up in the caravan every morning, opening the door and seeing the sea right in front." He would see other drivers going to the hotel while they stayed behind since they lived in a caravan. The hotel was more comfortable but because they slept on/near the track, it was to their advantage that they were able to work longer in the evenings making them more prepared for the race.
Besides these everything else discussed were already mentioned in his other interviews.
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