#youth with you is about to end im excited ahhh
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andsalttheearthbehindyou · 1 year ago
december reading wrapup
lmk if youve got recs for next month!
fourth wing, rebecca yarros - cant remember if i counted this in november but i started it in nov and ended it december first. so im adding it here too. i said this on twitter but like these books are very lame but the plot twists hook me badddd!!!!
childhood / youth / dependency (the copenhagen trilogy #1-3), tove ditlevsen
slewfoot: a tale of bewitchery, brom - you guys have got to read this, like, if i could shove a book down your throat it would be this one. like neowwwww. that scene from the vvitch at the end, wouldst thou like the taste of butter, but like a whole book of it. AHHH
notes from the underground, fyodor dostoevsky
nightbitch, rachel yoder - hey respectfully im so annoyed about this i was so excited to finally read it, its been on my tbr forever, finally read it, its so mid. its sooo mid i wanted to cry because of how let down i was.
elmet, fiona mozley - not one to be like,you shoulve done this instead of that, i dont like critiquing that way id much rather just be like this is dogshit and move on.. but this wasnt bad but like i wouldve written this from the sisters pov instead, wouldve been more compelling, dont know, idk idk
the bloody chamber, angela carter - right???? am i right??
delta of venus, anais nin
runaway: stories, alice munro - the thing with this is im really wary of short story collections because i feel like as soon as im comfortable with a story, its over before it begins? obviously not always the case but i kept feeling that with EVERY story in here. and there was one story that was 3 stories, short story ception, but it really shouldve just been three separate stories because each one was about the same woman at various stages of her life (ironic since i read copenhagen trilogy earlier this month) but she was really unrecognizable in each one, which isnt to say that people are stagnant and unchanging, but like you'd at least see some evocation right. idk. i liked the first story a lot though.
tropic of cancer, henry miller
iron flame, rebecca yarros - girl its like i said its corny its cringe its stupid its lame. its RETARDED. but then
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12. juniper & thorn, ava reid - slow at first but they got me!!!!!!
end notes/plans for january... i think im gonna dnf throne of glass series, i went a month without reading it and didnt miss it, and i just tried the first couple pages of heir of fire and i just cant get into it!! i have like 6 books checked out from the library thatll hold me over but i wanna get into a new series just dont know what yet. need recs plz
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nextsevxn · 5 years ago
Zhengting: It’s funny how you two are such good friends. Didn’t he hate you at first?
Zeren: Xinchun hates everybody at first. It’s his way of reaching out to people.
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xlbrh · 4 years ago
longing for serenity ; 0 {zhongli, childe}
notes : omggg im honestly so excited to be releasing this! it’s something ive had on my mind for a long time so i hope you guys will enjoy it!
it will be a long fic so it will take a while to properly get into things so please bare with me, but i hope you guys enjoy!
Longing for Serenity Masterlist
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0 - final performance
The realm of Fontaine is one well known for its awe-indicting sights. Beams of iridescence flood the streets at all hours of the day – the people carrying the same warm glow with them wherever they go.
It easily has to be one of (Y/N)’s favourite places to visit because of this. Although warmth is not something she is necessarily used to – hailing from Snezhnaya has its downsides – it is something that she is more than welcome to. No matter how long it has been since she left those lands, the feeling of warmth gracing her face is one that would always be slightly unfamiliar to her.
Light currently basks down on her as she performs in one of the many venues within Fontaine. Her dulcet voice echoes around the room, astounding all those who hear. Even those who aren’t in the audience can’t help but stare at her in awe as she serenades them all. Small snowflakes fall from the ceiling despite being under cover – courtesy of the cryo vision hanging around her waist. She loves to put on a show for adults and children alike, after all.
The performance came to an end with thunderous applause that could rival the electro archon herself. (Y/N) relished in the elated faces of those standing in front of her, bidding them a good evening as she exits the stage, her dress trailing behind her mirroring the waves that grace shores across the world.
She retreated back to the dressing room she had been provided with, finally able to  take a seat after a couple hours of being on stage. Her ankles resonated a dull ache throughout her body, causing her to collapse before she can even properly sit down.
A quiet sigh leaves her mouth as she takes a deep breath, however the silence that greets her is only fleeting..
“(Y/N)! (Y/N), mon chou, that was such a wonderful performance! But it’s about time we make our way back home, non?”
The voice came from a woman known to (Y/N) as Amelie, who had taken her in during her time in Fontaine. She was a slightly taller woman with greying blonde hair and light hazel eyes. A pair of glasses sat atop her nose complimenting the slight chubbiness of her face. Despite the slight wrinkles that ran through her brow and by the sides of her eyes, the woman radiated a glow of youth. Amelie looked down at the girl in front of her with nothing but adoration in her eyes, holding an arm out for (Y/N) to grab ahold of for support. The two women began to make their way home arm in arm.
“I’ll be honest, Amelie, I didn’t know you’d be coming to pick me up tonight, let alone watching my performance!” Despite how much (Y/N) loved performing, she couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit of shyness whenever someone she knew personally would be in the audience.
“Well why wouldn’t I be? That’s your last performance here in Fontaine for a while now – there’s no way I could miss it!”  
With that comment the smile that (Y/N)’s face once held fell slightly. How could she forget that this would be her final full day in Fontaine before she departs in the morning?
“Yeah… I suppose you’re right,”
The older woman took instant notice of the hesitation in the voice of the other, a hand coming up to rest on the one clutching her arm.
“Don’t be upset mon chou, you’re always welcome to come back here any time you like, you know that!”
The songstress didn’t have to answer for Amelie to know that she had heard, her mind instead drifted off to her reasoning for leaving the beauty she had come to think of as her second home.
The Rite of Descension.
It was a spectacle that (Y/N) had only ever heard of dreamed of, she had always wished to be able to witness it with her own two eyes. The tales that others had told her about it astounded her – there was no way she was going to miss the opportunity this time.
The Rite was due to occur in a few days time; if she wanted to make it to Liyue in time and be able to explore a bit beforehand, she would have to leave in the morning – a bit too soon for her liking, but-
“Ahhh here we are! In you go then, you’ll need to make sure you have everything packed and ready for the morning.”
Amelie’s words brought her out of her thoughts as she made her way up the stairs to her room, ready to prepare for the long journey ahead of her tomorrow.
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cuddlyscribe · 4 years ago
Could I request first date headcanons for Lee, Choji, and Shino. These babies need love 💜 you’re awesome
YESS i 100% agree, we need more content for these precious bbs. fun fact, shino was one of my og naruto crushes back in 5th grade LOL. and no YOU are awesome dear! thank you for the request!! ❤️
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Let me just get this out of the way now: yes, the power of youth does extend to dates
Lee is going to absolutely COMBUST with excitement on your first date. So please be patient with him because he is going to be simultaneously excited and terrified (gently place a hand on his shoulder and it’ll help) 
So he wants to make your first date extra special, and pretty much works himself to death trying to put together one befitting someone as amazing as you 
But everything he comes up with doesn’t feel deserving of you. So he asks Gai and he just makes it worse 
So he decides to ask Tenten for ideas and she pretty understandably smacks him on the head and tells him to just ask YOU where you wanna go 
OF COURSE, why didn’t he think of that?! promises to punish himself with like 1000 pushups or something later
Immediately is rushing to your place and getting down on one knee to basically ask you (in so many words) where you wanna eat 
“Dearest y/n, I have been trying to plan our date and want to know where your favorite place to have dinner is so I can treat you!
During the date, he’s going to be trying to compose himself but every time he sees you it’s like... HOW ARE YOU SO CUTE HE CAN’T FOCUS
Talks a lot to calm his nerves, and most definitely tries to impress you with some new Taijutsu he’s been working on 
If he gets a kiss at the end of the night, don’t be surprised if you hear him go screaming down the road yelling about it to everyone 
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AHHH sweet boiiii!! His heart is fluttering at the idea that you agreed to go on this first (of many hopefully) date with him! 
There’s a very obvious spring in his step the day of your date, and everyone is pretty much giddy with him 
While he’s nervous, he knows that you guys have hung out loads of times before and this’ll be the exact same thing (albeit with the “date” label attached)
Takes you to the BBQ place he loves, because it almost makes him feel like Asuma sensei is there to cheer him on in spirit and give him that extra boost of confidence no im not crying
(But please tell him if BBQ is not your thing, he will be over the moon to accommodate and take you anywhere you like!!) 
During the date, Choji is a bundle of sunshine (as usual) He’s such a fantastic listener and always knows the right thing to say 
But forgive him if he gets a little daydreamy while admiring you as you talk 
“S-sorry, y/n, I can’t help it! You look amazing in this light...” 
Won’t shriek like some people we know if he gets a kiss at the end of the night, but will not be able to wipe the smile off his face for at least a week afterwards
This is your world, y/n, he’s just living in it 
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“Thank you for this opportunity to take you out, y/n.” Okay is this a date or a business meeting
Is very serious and calm when asking you, but if you look VERY closely, there is a definite small reaction when you agree. 
The bugs are freaking out on his behalf
Shino is a very keen observer, so he knows what a first date entails. He wants to make everything perfect for you. 
(But to him it means something extra because you weren’t offput by his insects which is a HUGE deal to him, don’t understate that!) 
He takes a trip to the Yamanaka flower shop to pick up some he knows you will love. Don’t ask how he knows, he just has this really good intuition. 
Might also drop by a bakery if you are a fan of cakes or pastries. Again, he knows exactly what you’ll love! 
On the date, he will be pretty much exactly what you’d expect. Maybe a little more talkative because this is a date and he doesn’t want you to think he isn’t interested
(But he’s still coming out of his shell, so he’d appreciate it if you didn’t push him too much to talk a lot) 
“Thank you for everything, y/n. Really...” 
Becomes soft on the walk home and on your doorstep. Once he’s out of view of others, he kind of relaxes and will gladly accept a kiss goodnight.
Silently VERY grateful for the high collar of his jacket because bb is sooooo red 
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inthedayswhenlandswerefew · 5 years ago
Eccentricity [Chapter 5: I’ve Lived The Life And Paid For Every Crime]
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Series Summary: Joe Mazzello is a nice guy with a weird family. A VERY weird family. They have a secret, and you have a choice to make. Potentially a better love story than Twilight.
Chapter Title Is A Lyric From: Some Kind Of Disaster by All Time Low.
Chapter Warnings: Language, references to drugs and violence.
Other Chapters (And All My Writing) Available: HERE
Tagging: @queen-turtle-boiii​​​​ @bramblesforbreakfast​​​​​ @writerxinthedark​ @maggieroseevans​​​​​ @culturefiendtrashqueen​​​​​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​​​​​ @escabell​​​​​ @im-an-adult-ish​​​​​ @someforeigntragedy​​​​​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​​​​​​​​​ @deacyblues​​​​​ ​ @tensecondvacation​​​​​​ @brianssixpence​​​​​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @some-major-ishues​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @loveandbeloved29​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! 💜
Easy Questions, Evasive Answers
“So it was nothing,” Archer said, glancing up from where he was tinkering around beneath the hood of my 1999 Honda Accord, checking hoses and belts and dipsticks. “This is pathetic, by the way. That you can’t change your own windshield wiper fluid. Dishonor on you. Dishonor on your cow.”
“I never had my own car in Phoenix!” I objected around a mouthful of a Starbucks pumpkin muffin, my first of the season. And that was true: Renee and I couldn’t afford one. “I didn’t have to learn about car things!”
“No, it’s great, I love it, I have a customer for life.”
“It was totally nothing,” I told him. Meaning the photograph in the newspaper article from 1979. Meaning my paranoia surrounding beautiful, brooding, certifiably lethal Benjamin Lee.
Not Lee, I reminded myself. Benjamin August Hardy, born November 3rd 1893.
“Was it really?” Archer asked, skeptical.
“Uhhh, you were the one who was making fun of me for thinking he might be a time traveler. Or a bigfoot.” Or a vampire.
“Yeah, okay, true...” He let the hood of the Honda fall shut with a bang, then wiped the muddy streaks of motor oil from his hands with a stained rag. “But you were freaked out. Like super freaked out.”
“I was, yeah. But it wasn’t him in the photo. I took another look, there were freckles and, uh, like, uh, some other things that didn’t match up.”
“Huh.” Archer watched me with an expression I couldn’t read. “I didn’t notice that.”
“Ben laughed about it. Probably thinks I’m an idiot. A stalker and an idiot.”
Archer smirked slyly. “He must not have held it against you too much. I’ve never seen that guy laugh in my life.”
I took a moody bite of my muffin, rolled my eyes, feigned shallow schoolgirl angst. “Trust me, he’s not my biggest fan.”
“Ohhhh, and this bothers you?” Archer sauntered over and stole a crumbling hunk out of the pumpkin muffin. “Does someone have a little crush on the gorgeous, grouchiest Lee?”
“Definitely not.” I sipped my chai latte, contemplative, debating telling him more.
“Uh oh. There’s something else, I can see it. Spill the tea, you walking college-chick-who’s-obsessed-with-fall stereotype.”
“I’m so excited! I’m going to get to see changing leaves this year!” Cacti are majestic, ancient, intrepid, and they remind me of home; but they never change. They’re like desert earth that way, like the ocean. Like vampires, actually.
“We’ll have to do all the Instagram-worthy stuff. Pumpkin patches. Hay mazes. Apple picking...you can even bring that Ben guy if you want to. If he promises not to murder me with his mysterious time-travelling demon powers.”
Oh, kid, you have no idea. “So...I am kind of into a Lee guy. But it’s not Ben.”
Archer gasped, inhaled pumpkin muffin morsels, bent over as he hacked them out of his lungs. “Who?!” he rasped, scandalized, and then coughed again.
I couldn’t help but smile as his name spilled out: “Joe.”
“Which one is that? The Middle Eastern Men’s Vogue model one?”
I laughed, shaking my head. “No, not Rami. He has a girlfriend, by the way.” And has for the past half a century.
Archer wiggled his eyebrows. “Just because there’s a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score.”
“Oh my god, please never say that phrase again.”
“Joe is the...” He closed his eyes as he drummed his fingers against the metal workbench, trying to remember.
“The Italian one,” I finished for him.
“Ahhh. The annoying one.”
“He is not annoying! Why do people keep saying he’s annoying?! He’s hilarious, and sweet, and lowkey wicked smart, and, and, and...”
Archer whistled, grinning, his dark eyes sparkling. “Damn, girl. You do like him. You really like him.”
I sighed in defeat. “Okay. I really, really like him.”
“Like him as in would swipe right on Tinder, or like him as in you want to get married and honeymoon in Hawaii and have twelve pasty, angular babies?”
“Oh wow.” And for the first time, I was confronted with the singular enigma that was a future with Joe. Vampires had relationships with other vampires, obviously, even marriages; but that didn’t mean the same rules applied to humans. Did he like me? Could he like me? What would that even look like? How would it end? And it would have to end, of course, eventually. Unless somehow I stopped aging too. “More than just a right swipe. We’ll see about the twelve kids.”
“Just make sure he wraps it before he taps it. I’m too young to be an uncle.”
“Stop,” I pleaded, gulping down my latte, averting my gaze across Archer’s small garage filled with customers’ vehicles, pretending not to be intrigued and yearning and petrified. I couldn’t imagine hooking up with someone as faultless and—presumably—experienced as Joe and being anything but a disappointment. I’ve never hooked up with anyone. At all. Ever.
“What?” he asked, concerned, thieving another piece of my pumpkin muffin. Powdered sugar dusted his fingers like the snow I’ve only seen two or three times in my life.
“Nothing. I just really wish you went to Calawah too.”
“And give up all this easy money from clueless suburbs people like you?” Archer beamed, wily and proud and affectionate. “Not a fucking chance.”
No More Sad Spaghetti
Joe gawked in horror, chomping noisily on his Big League Chew bubblegum, as I unwrapped the peanut butter sandwich I’d packed for lunch. It was mostly cloudy in the early September sky overhead, but he was still wearing sunglasses. He had traded in his ubiquitous U Chicago apparel for a Cubs t-shirt. Squirrels scurried through the bigleaf maple trees that dotted the campus, snatching up acorns with tiny clawed paws, wriggling whiskered noses in our direction.
“What’s your problem?” I asked, taking a bite. “It’s not sad spaghetti.”
He blew a small pink bubble, then popped it with his teeth. “Yeah, but it’s...like...mangled.”
“It got trapped between my textbooks!” I protested. Admittedly, the accordion-shaped peanut butter sandwich—my vegetarian alternative to fishstick Thursday—kind of sucked.
“You can’t eat that. Oh my god. It’s making me so sad. Give it to the squirrels.” Joe pulled out his iPhone. “What’s your preferred pizza topping?��
“I can’t tell you,” I replied, tossing my sandwich towards the nearest tree. A hoard of squirrels immediately descended upon it and proceeded to battle for dominance, emitting shrill, peanut-butter-crazed shrieks.
His brow furrowed. “Why can’t you tell me?”
“Because you might not like me anymore.”
“Why would I not like you because of pizza...?” And then he knew. “Oh no, oh god, please don’t say pineapple.”
“I’m a pineapple pizza person.”
“Baby Swan,” Joe said, deadly serious, pressing his palms together. “That is straight up sacrilegious. You can’t put tropical fruit on a pizza. You realize I’m Italian, like an actual Italian. I’m so Italian I’ve killed other Italians for being the wrong kind of Italian. That’s how Italian I am.”
“I feel like maybe I shouldn’t socialize with literal mobsters. It’s unsavory.”
“Settle down, I’m ordering the half-pineapple pizza, you freaking barbarian.”
I watched Joe as he tapped his thumbs against the screen, humming to himself, amused, perpetually buoyant. And I couldn’t picture him as a monster, as a killer: pulling triggers, slitting throats, digging blades into soft vulnerable love handles, feeling for the mortal puncture of a lung or kidney. I asked him, my voice quiet, hesitant, almost lost in the autumn wind: “Did you actually hurt people?”
“Nah. I didn’t have the stomach for it, even back then. I was on the deal-making side of things. The business side. I was a people person, a smooth talker, astronomically charming.”
I smiled, mischievous. “That’s difficult to imagine.”
“Okay, so no cheesy breadsticks for you.”
“I’m sorry, mob guy. Please order the breadsticks. You’re so charming I can’t stand it. My jeans are unzipping all by themselves.”
He raised an eyebrow and grinned. “So you’ll sacrifice your dignity for breadsticks. Good to know.” He finished typing and laid his iPhone on the grass. “Alright, next question.”
“Does your hair grow?” Joe’s hair—I couldn’t help but notice—seemed longer than it was the day I met him a week and a half ago, disorderly and auburn-tinted, ruffling in the breeze.
“It does, yeah. Hair and nails still grow. So you have to shave, but you can’t get razor burn. And any nicks close right up.”
“Very cool. How often do you need to eat? You know...actually eat.”
“It varies, but generally twice a week.”
“And what kind of animal has the tastiest blood? Besides...well...” I gestured towards myself. “The upright two-legged kind with opposable thumbs and a partiality for pineapple pizza.”
He blew another bubble, then leaned in towards me. And I realized, for the first time, that he had his own inherent, exclusive, totally Bath-And-Body-Works-worthy scent as well; Dr. Gwilym Lee was sandalwood and campfires and log cabins, Mercy was roses and vanilla...and Joe was pine trees, peppermint, cold night air, like all of that eternally youthful magic of Christmas Eve sieved into a bottle. I popped the sheer pink bubble with the cap of my blue pen. Joe asked: “Do humans like chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Coffee or tea? Baseball or something hella lame?”
“Depends on the human.”
“Exactly. Same deal for vampires. I prefer bears, especially grizzlies. Lucy and Mercy like deer, elk, moose, animals like that. Ones with hooves. Weirdly, Rami’s favorite is crocodile, I think because it was the first thing he ever tried in Egypt. He doesn’t get it very often, but has been known to buy them on the black market on occasion. Scarlett likes mountain lions. Also domestic cats, but you didn’t hear that from me. Gwil is a wolf guy, but he won’t kill the endangered kinds. Such a gentleman.”
“How about Ben?”
“Ben’s still coming around to the whole eating animals thing. I don’t think he has a favorite yet.”
Joe isn’t a killer, and he never was; I could believe that. But Ben... “Why is he so different than the rest of you?”
“That’s...kind of a long story,” Joe replied carefully.
“It wouldn’t be such a long story if people stopped talking about how it’s a long story and actually told it to me.”
He flashed a grin, revealing white canine teeth filed into points; they were subtle, yes, but they were there. Fangs. I envisioned pressing a fingerprint against them and feeling the flesh split in two, the blood dripping down onto his tongue like Washington rain. And unlike Joe’s skin, mine wouldn’t knit back together on its own. “But then I wouldn’t have the pleasure of tormenting you with the prospect of incredibly juicy yet confidential information!”
I rolled my eyes, sipped my can of Diet Coke, returned my attention to our lunch plans. “So garlic doesn’t repel you. That part of the lore is completely made up.”
“Yup. Thank god. Eternal life would be worthless without pizza.”
“Can you do drugs? Get drunk?”
“We can’t overdose, but we can get the effects of anything we consume. It’s not a good habit to get into though. If you’re nodding on heroin for like four days at a time, it’s pretty easy for some other vampire to find and murder you.”
“So a vampire can be killed by another vampire.”
“Absolutely. Next question.”
I consulted my mental list. “Do you sleep?”
“Yeah. Well, kind of. We nap for a few hours a day.”
“What happens if you don’t?”
“We get bitchy. Really bitchy. We essentially turn into Ben.”
I laughed, chewing absentmindedly on the end of my pen. “So that’s his problem. He hasn’t napped in a century. Now it all makes sense.”
“Something like that,” Joe said. “You gonna come over tonight?”
“I don’t know. I’m supposed to present The Walruses And Me tomorrow and I still haven’t started the book.”
“What do you know, I can tell you all about The Walruses And Me!”
“Seriously? You’ve read it?”
“No, but I can enthusiastically narrate the Wikipedia article to you while you pet Mercy’s alpacas.”
“That sounds like a terrible idea.”
“Terrible for your grade in Marine Mammals. Good for your development as an interesting and happy human.”
“Nice try, but I’m already both of those things.”
Joe reached out suddenly, jarringly, and ran the back of his hand across my cheek. My favorite Lee, I thought, thoroughly transfixed but trying to hide it. Oh no. “Interesting, definitely. But I have this gnawing, distressing suspicion that you’re still working on the happy part.”
“I miss the desert,” I confessed. That wasn’t quite all of the problem, but it was accurate: I missed the heat, the sun, the parched prehistoric air I had always called home. Although I was beginning to find reasons to like Forks, Charlie and Archer and the promise of a Pacific Northwestern autumn; and then one big reason in particular. A very old, pale, chatty, Italian reason.
“A bit of a quandary for a future marine biologist,” he replied gently, perhaps apprehensively.
“I always figured I’d live somewhere like San Diego or Los Angeles or Galveston. Someplace on the ocean, but also sunny and hot and with palm trees. The best of both worlds. But you couldn’t go there with me, could you?”
Oh no.
Oh NO.
Oh fuck, this is definitely a crushing-on-Lee-boys zone.
Joe stared at me through his sunglasses, chomping on his Big League Chew, the corners of his mouth turned up and etching lines like parentheses into his face, pleased and nodding slowly and triumphant somehow. Then he struck out his hand again, this time with his pinky raised like a flagpole. “No more pathetic depressing lunches.”
“You got it. No more sad spaghetti. No more sad peanut butter sandwiches. You have my solemn, human vow.”
He smiled as his pinky entwined with mine. “No more sad anything.”
“So this vampire thing sounds like a pretty sweet gig. No dying, no consequences for a hellacious diet or wild condomless orgies, literal superpowers, perfect hair...why doesn’t everyone get to live that way?”
He shrugged; and there was an unfamiliar, meditative tension in his face. Almost sorrow. “It’s not all pizza and orgies and heroin. We have weaknesses too.”
“Like what?”
“Hey, look!” Joe piped cheerfully, twisting around towards the parking lot. “I think our GrubHub guy is here.”
Bad Blood
I was definitely regretting that fourth slice of pineapple pizza as I waddled into Chemistry, navigating sluggishly around the hulking frat boys and giggling sorority girls and mousy bookish types who lugged around colossal backpacks that were always threatening to knock an unsuspecting passerby off their feet at each unthinking turn. But while I was arriving in the classroom—physically, anyway; emotionally I was standing in an empty field somewhere screaming I cannot be falling in love with a hundred-year-old mobster vampire!! into the void—Ben was a countercurrent darting through the crowds and towards the hallway door.
“Where are you rushing off to, old guy?” I asked him. “Bingo? To renew your AARP membership? To walk vigorously around the inside of a mall?”
Ben responded in that deep, low, humorless voice. “They’re doing some kind of blood typing experiment today. I probably shouldn’t be around for that.”
“Oh.” I glanced over at Professor Belvin, who was indeed hunched over the table at the front of the classroom and laying out rows of Q-tips and rectangular paper cards and alcohol swabs and bottles of clear liquid, whistling what sounded like Time Of The Season.
Ben sighed irritably, rubbing his crinkled forehead. “I already used up all my absences. I’m gonna have to make up a compelling last-minute tragedy. Tell Professor Belvin my grandma died or something.”
“I mean, technically, she did at some point.”
“Ugh,” Ben replied, not consoled at all.
“Wait, I got this.”
I gripped my belly, sank into the nearest chair, and groaned dramatically. It really didn’t require all that much acting. Ben watched with huge green eyes, confounded.
“Miss Swan!” Professor Belvin cried, rushing over. He was wearing khaki pants, a white shirt, and suspenders and a matching bowtie patterned with bubbling multicolored test tubes. Belvin had been Charlie’s classmate from kindergarten through high school, and still palled around with him over Bud Lights and low-quality nachos on bowling league nights. Bowling was, evidently, the sport of choice for middle-aged Forks dads. Also for Welsh vampire pseudo-dads born in the 1400s.
I whimpered in reply.
“Are you alright, Miss Swan?” Professor Belvin asked worriedly. A few students had begun to congregate around the scene. I felt a pang of genuine nausea as perspiration beaded at my temples. You better appreciate this, Mr. Hardy.
“I’m okay,” I said, in my most pained and martyrish voice. “I don’t want to miss...today’s lesson...it looks so fascinating...but I didn’t wash my kale thoroughly last night and then I had a salad for dinner and now I might have food poisoning.”
“You poor thing!” Belvin exclaimed, shaking his head. “Don’t worry about class. You can just answer some textbook questions or something, no problem. Please go get checked out to make sure you’re alright.”
“Could someone...maybe...help me get to the campus clinic...?” My eyes listed towards Ben. “Maybe...my lab partner?”
“That’s a good idea.” Professor Belvin turned to Ben. “Mr. Lee, would you be willing to escort Miss Swan to the clinic? You can do an alternative assignment as well. If you don’t mind missing the blood typing lab.”
“I’d be delighted to help,” Ben responded, still puzzled. I offered him my hand, and Ben took it, grimacing as he led me out into the hallway. As soon as we were alone, he dropped my hand and opened up several feet of space between us.
“Thanks so much, Miss Swan, you are a lifesaver,” I said, imitating his morose, rumbling British accent. “Oh, you’re very welcome, Ben. You can repay me in basic courteous conversation and Starbucks gift cards and by maybe not killing me.”
“So you’re totally fine?” Ben asked flatly.                
“Of course. Nobody with taste eats raw kale.”
Frowning, frustrated, he started puffing on his vape pen. “You need to stop doing nice things for me. It’s extremely disorienting.”
“This may be difficult for you to come to terms with, but you, Ben Hardy, are worth being the recipient of nice things.”                          
“No, you still don’t get it,” he snapped, grabbing my wrist, spinning me around to face him in the empty hallway. “That’s all I’ve ever done. Kill people like you.”
The Fire
“Who is the cutest little alpaca I’ve ever seen?!” I cooed in a squeaky falsetto, scratching her wooly brown chin. “Who’s going to come home and live with me and Charlie forever?!”
“That’s illegal, ma’am.” Joe was watching me, arms crossed over his Chicago Cubs t-shirt, smiling wistfully.
“It is not!”
“It actually is,” Rami added. He was lying on the grass and gazing up into the roiling, grey, late-afternoon clouds with his fingers laced behind his black hair. None of the Lees were wearing sunglasses now. “A house has to be zoned as farmland to have alpacas, which ours is. Yours, tragically, is not.”
“What are you, a lawyer?” I shot back.
Rami grinned. “I was once. And I will be again, in approximately...let me count...five years.”
“That’s what you want to do with your boundless time and energy? Be a corporate shill?”
Joe cackled. “He tried that already. It lasted about five minutes.”
“Manhattan in the 1980s,” Rami reminisced dreamily. “Hundred-hour workweeks. Cocaine everywhere. What a time to be alive. And I hardly ever left the office, so the sunlight thing wasn’t a problem.”
“Okay, so you’re not in it for the Maseratis or the drugs...”
“I’m going to be an immigration attorney,” Rami told me. “Help refugees apply for asylum to come to the United States. Arabic-speaking refugees, in particular.”
“Wow. I stand corrected. That’s wonderful, Rami. I now feel like a total tool for only aspiring to save sea turtles.” But it made sense, of course. What would any good person spend eternity doing? Making the world just a tiny bit better. I glanced at Joe, teasing him. “And you just study how to get rich, huh?”
“I’m a venture capitalist,” he said brightly. “I invest in small businesses, counsel them, encourage them, connect them with other people in the industry, help them grow. And I don’t need the money, so I take a practically microscopic equity stake. I’m basically a professional charitable donor.”
“And you get to put all of those charming mob-guy skills to use.”
Joe winked. “Exactly.”
“Doesn’t it get old?” I asked both of them. “Being college students?”
Rami shrugged. “No really. The world changes, schools of thought evolve, our own interests fluctuate. Every few decades we circle back and go for another round, fresh degrees, maybe new professions entirely. You learn something new every time.”  
“And I’ve been waiting for all my old professors to die so I could go back to U Chicago for fifty years!” Joe shouted. “I’m fucking pumped!”
“But...don’t you already know everything...?”
Joe chuckled. “We’re vampires, Baby Swan, we’re not prodigies. We’re sharper than the average person, sure. But it still takes effort to learn. And we all have things we suck at.”
“Like not being obnoxious,” Rami said, nodding to Joe.
“Like not minding our own fucking business,” Joe hurled back.
“I cannot control the fact that I’m a literal mind reader—”
“You boys behave yourselves,” Mercy called in her relaxed, drawling Southern accent, swinging a basket of carrots and zucchinis and cabbages that she’d dug out of her garden, wearing a long flowing yellow dress and her hair tied up in a scarf. She plodded over in her bare feet, handed me a few carrots, then pointed to the chocolate-colored alpaca I was petting. “That lady there is Athens. And the black and white one by Joe is Augusta. Then there’s Norcross, and Alpharetta, and Savannah...and that real chubby grey one heading into the barn is Marietta.”
“I adore them,” I replied, beaming. Mercy had sheep and pigs and a couple of cows too, all ambling contently around the emerald green field as the first threads of fiery, rust-hued sunset were lighting up the horizon.
“We used to have ducks, too,” Mercy mused. “But they disappeared recently...”
Rami passed Joe a knowing smirk. Joe mouthed back menacingly: Do not.
“Hey mom,” Rami piped.
Joe jabbed an index finger at him. “No, don’t you dare, don’t you fucking dare—”
“Joe ate the ducks.”
“You bitch!” Joe cried.
“Oh, Joseph,” Mercy sighed mournfully, lifting a brush out of her basket and dragging it down Athens’ fuzzy back.
“I’m sorry! It was one time! I was weak!”
“I’m not angry, sweetheart,” Mercy said. “I’m just disappointed.”
“Mom, that’s worse!”
Rami climbed to his feet and swatted grass and leaves off his cardigan sweater. “Alright folks. My work here is done. Peace out.”
“Oh no, you don’t get to do a hit and run like that, hey, Rami, hey, hey, come back here!”
Joe trotted after him, shouting a litany of insults, as Rami laughed hysterically and careened into the house. Lucy and Gwil were in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies; Scarlett was in the garage changing the brakes on Ben’s Vantage; Ben was noticeably absent from the Lee household and presumably out hunting. It was remarkably easy to picture his fingers closing around bloodied flesh, a wolf’s or a bear’s or an elk’s, lowering his fangs to a pulsing jugular.
“So you’re really into this whole farming thing,” I said to Mercy, looking out over the field rimmed by towering western hemlock trees. I didn’t know exactly how many acres of land the Lees owned, but it was a lot. Mercy adopted rescue animals, donated vegetables from the garden to local food pantries, and occasionally rented out the barn as a wedding venue.
“I’ve always loved it. I had a farm, you know. Before I met Gwil.”
Before she died.
“I didn’t know that,” I murmured, wanting to learn more, afraid to ask, never meaning to pry or offend. “I remember you mentioned the Civil War, and a barn...being...well...being trapped in it. When it burned down.”
Mercy nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, that’s the polite version of the story, isn’t it?” She set down her basket in the tall grass, tugged distractedly at a dark strand of hair that had escaped her scarf, stared glassily out into the sunset muted with cloud cover as Athens moseyed away. “Do you want to know what happened? I’ll tell you if you do. But I don’t want to upset you, dear.”
My voice was barely a whisper. “I’d like to know.”
“We had a little farm out in the middle of nowhere,” Mercy explained. “My husband Arthur and I.”
And it felt so outlandish to hear her say those words. Husband. She had a husband before Gwil. She had a whole life before this one.
“He had a bullet in one leg and a limp from a hunting accident when he was a boy, so he was never called up to enlist. It was a rich man’s war, but it was the poor men they sent to die in it. That’s how it always goes, I expect. And how it always will. We had two daughters, twelve and fifteen. I won’t tell you their names. Don’t take that personally, dear. I haven’t spoken their names in a hundred and fifty years.”
She turned her murky eyes—like homemade bread crust or coffee or the wood walls of a log cabin—to me.
“When the Union Army came through, they were beasts. Men like that...men who have been killing and looting and burning their way across hundreds of miles...all they want to do is get blood on their hands. That’s all they remember how to do. So that’s exactly what they did. They slaughtered our cattle for meat. They burned the house down. And then they took me and my girls, and they...they...well, you know what they did. What men do when they’re monsters. And when Arthur tried to stop them, they shot him in the chest and spit mouthfuls of chewing tobacco on him as he bled out in the dirt. Called him a coward and a deserter. Told him everything they were planning to do to me and my girls. And when they were done doing all of those things, they locked the three of us in the barn and set it ablaze. I was the only one still alive when Gwilym got there. And believe me, I didn’t want to be.”
“I’m so sorry,” I breathed, my throat burning for Mercy, for her family, for this divinely kind and benign and tender woman.
She patted my cheek fondly. “It’s alright, sweetheart. It’s not your fault. I got a second chance. Gwilym gave me a second chance. That’s what he does, you know. He finds broken people, fixes them, loves them fiercely. He gave me forever. Two more daughters. And three sons.”
Three sons, I thought. Rami and Joe and Ben. She counted Ben.
“Does someone have to be dying?” I asked her softly. “You know. To become like you.”
“No, honey. That’s just how Gwil does things.”
“But...why? What’s the possible downside? Why not change anyone who wants it?” Why not change someone like me?
And Mercy peered over at me, contemplative, curious, like tiptoeing gingerly over rotted floorboards, like weaving through a minefield. Like she was trying to figure out what I’d already been told.
“Hey Baby Swan,” Joe said, startling me. I whirled to see him waiting with a patient smile and his hands buried in his pockets. “Come on. I want to show you something.”
He led me upstairs to Gwil’s 1960s-style office, where Dr. Lee had cleaned and stitched the tiny gash in my forehead after my misadventure with Ben in the woods outside Calawah University, where the wall above the sturdy oak desk was adorned with a massive painting filled with gorgeous, unfamiliar, inhuman faces. Joe took a deep breath, and then he began.
“This,” he announced, introducing the painting, “is the vampire version of the mob. They can trace their existence back to before the Roman Empire. They find people who they think have potential, have talents. They turn them. And then they offer them a hundred-year contract. You sign it, or they murder you. When your term is up, you get to decide whether to renew or leave. But almost no one ever leaves. After a century of taking orders and guarding and killing, what else do you know how to do?” He pointed to the terrifying woman with long white hair and red eyes. “That’s Liesl. She’s literally Satan, only blonder. The chick with the tattoos is Akari. She can meet a human and tell what powers they’ll have once they’re changed. Very useful, obviously. The dude who looks like Idris Elba is Cato, and he’s actually an okay guy, he’s the one currently assigned to keep tabs on Gwil’s coven...”
I soaked the names in like rain into dark, lush Washington earth as Joe relayed them to me, strange and beautiful names: Aruna, Phelan, Morana, Adair, Zora, Araminta, Honora, Victorien, Rigel, Sahel.
“Who’s that?” I asked, gesturing to the young man standing at the center of the painting, the one with black hair and eyes so light and luminous a brown they were almost gold and a sinister, unmistakable magnetism.
“Very good question,” Joe complimented. “That’s their Al Capone. That’s Larkin.”
“And what’s his vampire superpower?” He has to have one. I know he does.
“How do I even put that into words? It’s more than charisma. It’s slightly less than mind reading. He can see through people, what they want most, what they fear. And he can make them do things.”
I gazed into those omniscient glowing eyes, feeling myself getting caught there, feeling some primal dread swelling in the capillary beds of my heart and lungs and bone marrow. “Joe, I’m thoroughly enjoying this captivating backstory, really, but...why are you telling me all of this now?”
“Because you asked why Ben is so different than the rest of us. This is why.” Joe waved broadly at the painting, at the closest thing his world had to a mafia, to unrepentant killers, to actual demons. “This is where he came from.”
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cheswirls · 4 years ago
update i watched the last 2 movies and ooooooh they were so gooooood
ss 1- typical case w the crew from the end of s2 which. caught me off guard bc i forgot they had extra manpower so they didnt replace anyone. it was oddly similar to the first pp movie?? im surprised they left tokyo, it was interesting seeing aomori, ig i knew all of japan was isolated and in peace but everything operates from the capital so like. i didnt expect anywhere else to have anyone. granted it was a nuclear waste facility and nothing else. but it makes me wonder if there are other settlements outside tokyo?? major settlements at least. after s1 i had assumed it was mostly agriculture land n stuff. anyway k back to the eerily similar, so the entire thing at the end ended up being orchestrated by another cyborg that housed a sibyl member, thus sibyl itself, which was exactly like the seanu commander in the pp movie. weird that they would go that route again. the whole plot was rly neat i like when the psb goes places they dont have complete authority in, it rly provides a new perspective. also i like mika now. she seems to have mellowed out a little. 
ss 2- ahhh and now i can see where foreign affairs comes in and takes a member, maybe, they were very vague about all of it. im assuming the new case was concerning bifrost but maybe one of the interconnected cases from s3 had more to do w them, cant remember correctly. it was cool to get info on sugou bc he was such a bg force in s2, even though d3 and d2 got more focus than in s1 sugou wasnt as big as the inspectors of s2 or the other enforcer who ended up dying i think so like. this was cool to see!! i didnt think japan had a military since they had such a heavy isolation policy but ig taking the movie into account its a way to gain territory and expand sibyls reach or thats how im gonna take it. what other reason would there be. why would they aid foreign countries when they are entirely self-sustaining. i rly felt for rin tbh i knew the dropped package was some kind of weapon but i didnt think it was gas. brutal tbh. seeing masaoka again broke my heart also seeing risa again was a nice surprise!! i was scratching my head the entire time trying to figure out if she was a d1 inspector or if kogami was still the inspector. i know akane replaces kogami or at least she fills a slot, but risa is in d2 later on so trying to figure out who is where was uh. hm. granted if kogami was the inspector hed jus go w masaoka so theres that. seeing okinawa was a trip omg!!! at least theres some sort of care facility. the subtitles said ginoza’s mother had youth stress deficiency but i think it meant eustress, which has been mentioned in s1 and s2. its prolly a rly small settlement that only consists of ward patients or smth bc there was no one else around. besides that seeing sugou’s backstory was rly great. 
ss 3- hnnnnnnnn this one was. good. dont know what i expected but that wasnt it. rly cool seeing cultural stuff in tibet even if its future and war-torn tibet. tenjin was adorable i was never able to gauge her age but i wanna say older than 10. maybe like 12. shes rly tall but i wouldnt put her over 15. shes such a good and well written character. seeing kogami again was a trip. the only thing biting me was the entire movie showed him not using lethal force on anyone and yet. at the end he ends up killing someone anyway. granted it was another revenge kill but like it jus hit me that the movie worked up that he wouldnt kill only for him to do so in the end. dunno if the message was ‘if its for good reason’ or ‘in the end itll always turn out like this’ but i think theyre both meek points at best. i rly like all the camaraderie in this one. it doesnt take long for you to get why everyone is so friendly w each other and you dont need it shown thru very much. its jus little scenes that pile up. besides that kogami is jus likeable. seeing him Struggle was jus. :\ like killing someone, actually killing and not sibyl-sanctioned killing w a dominator, rly fucked w him at the end. the essence of makishima is literally haunting him now thats fucked to see. well ig now i know how he joins foreign affairs but not ginoza still!! like the first movie focused on him n mika and yet he wasnt approached or anything at the end so. so. maybe it was setting up that his heart would be swayed to join but in the end he was in the dark abt the director so uhhhhhh hmm. dunno.
all of these were so good im at least rewatching the first ep of s3 now to get a lil more context. ik foreign affairs doesnt come in until the end of the case but tbh this first one is so boring. or at least the least exciting of the three. i would however watch the end of s3 again bc i love the situation type it presents. theres not a name i know of for it, but like the locked in a building n have to disable everything n fight your way thru the levels type deal. i could watch that type of plot for forever. i dont even remember why foreign affairs was involved tbh i think the pathfinders?? had smth to do w it but they were never explained. i thought theyd get explained in the ss but. no.
actually nothing was set up for s3 in the ss movies???? still dont know why akane was locked up. maybe theres extra content i need to see or so. anyway movies were good, think that concludes my psycho pass (re)watch
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luvdsc · 5 years ago
youre literally braver than i could ever be!! that motorcyle ride sfdafd i could never and thanks! i did have a great time with my grandparents! id love to go on a farm one day if it comes up haha and, noo, i never got to collect the eggs :( i honestly didnt even think of doing that? definitely need to when i can again 🤧 and, oh, im actually still in high school and havent really thought about moving to another country, but i could imagine going somewhere for vacation tho? how about you? (1/3)
any plans of moving to another country? and i cant wait to watch season 6 and 7 of b99!! youve got a favourite character?? and, oh, im always a little scared to use these scatchy sites, but the ghibli films are truly worth it haha and, yes, everything is so dramatic and exaggerated in the heir safadfa and the thing about them not looking like high schoolers is also very true lmao i feel like thats pretty much always the case tho? and, yes, that confession was so freaking cute dfafsdf (2/3)
and omg same id hate if smb grabbed me like that! and i also wanted to watch age of youth, but only the second season is available :( and i like painting landscapes/flower!! so far ive only really finished one painting, but im trying to get more into it more + im usually using acrylics,, what about you? any tips for a beginner? there is also a film for all the bright places!! i still liked the book better tho. im definitely gonna look into those books! hope your week has been great too💕💕 (3/3)
✿ ✿ ✿
aklshfasd it’s a literal life or death experience LOL and that’s wonderful! i think it’s been a while since i’ve visited my grandparents ): we were going to visit over the summer, but unfortunately, no traveling anymore. oooh yes, you gotta go and get the whole farming experience! milk a cow and collect eggs and feed some goats and pick corn or strawberries or cherries or whatever fruit orchard they have there :’) and oh my gosh, you’re still a baby 🥺🥺 i miss high school adskjfhas where do you want to visit next for vacation? 
i personally really want to do a global rotation at work and work in london or australia for a few years!! i actually would love to work in paris, but i don’t know french rip so gotta stay in the places with english :’) and rosa is my favorite character!!! what about you? 💓  yeah, the art in japanese animated films are so beautiful! I love admiring the scenery in all of them 💘 omg yeah they always look so much older, but with the heirs in particular, i forgot this was happening in high school until the end LOL like there was so much drama??? and i was like ... they’re supposed to be like 16 and they go through all of this?? what on earth asdhflkjasf 
i think you can still watch age of youth s2 without s1 without too much confusion, but i definitely recommend watching s1 if it becomes available! and omg nice!!! i also really love painting flowers! and omg that’s so exciting!! can i see your painting if you don’t mind? 💓 i use either acrylics or oil; it was my first time using oil last quarter for class, and it’s quite nice since you don’t need as much, like acrylics, but it takes forever to dry //: and unfortunately, it kinda smells too /: i think i’ll be using it as well for this quarter tho and let my art dry in the garage. and i like painting still lifes! i tried to branch out and i painted my friends and pictures of vietnam i took last quarter tho :’)
ahhh for tips, i feel like there’s no right way to paint? so just paint however you want! oh, but i always prefer to start from back to front, like do the background first and then the objects in front afterwards. it’s much easier to do that than try to paint around your finished objects for the background. and paint a base! for acrylics, i like using a watered down yellow ochre as my paint base.
and oooh ok i’ll have to check out the movie too then! and same, i always prefer the book over the movie :’) and thank you, sweetpea!! do you have anything planned for the weekend? 💞
0 notes
inklingleesquidly · 8 years ago
Lee Squidly has been called into  action. Callie has gone missing and according to Marie he’s her only hope in finding her. There is a lot more going on in Octo Canyon than Lee truly knows but Is he up to the task when he is uncertain of even his own feelings?
A new journey of discovery awaits our hero as he comes to realize what the true meaning of the relationship between the Squid Sisters is, and what they mean to others..
Featuring an unreasonable facsimile of another squid...
Word count: 2,461
Chapter 2 can be found here
Some familiar with Lee Squidly knew him as a negative influence, a magnet for trouble, a luckless somebody just unable to avoid getting into unfortunate situations. No time was that more apparent than now where he found himself in some kind of gladiator arena smack in the middle of Suction-Cup Lookout. His journey was impeded by a hulking brute of an Octarian known as the Octo Samurai.
This was someone Lee was actually familiar with. Back in Shee-Booyah he heard tales from immigrants of Octo Canyon of a man who was something of a local legend. Known for his movies, his wrestling career, and his fanaticism for motorcycles, he was a hero that many looked up to. There was always a lingering sentiment in Lee’s mind that it would be so exciting to meet him; the illustrious Octo Samurai –
“AHHH, AIYEE, WAAAAH,” Lee screamed, dodging walls of ink flung at him from the octopod’s mighty roller by skittering about on the ground like a frightened insect.
--He never thought he would meet him under circumstances like this.
Octo Samurai let out a roar, “Hold still, you lousy little squid.” The Octarian boss let out one more earth shaking battle cry before slamming his weapon down directly upon Lee. A massive wave of ink erupted from the ground. Once it cleared it was revealed the teenager had been knocked onto his backside at the edge of the ink.
“AUGGH,” Octo Samurai screamed, “That’s enough goofin’ around, now I’ve got you right where I want you.” He watched the Inkling slowly, fearfully try to scoot backward. It would just take one swing, one more swing and he would be rid of this little pest. Something stopped him; his roller, when he tried to swing it felt so off-balance.
The giant Octarian peered up to inspect what it was that threw off his equilibrium only to discover the little robot attached to the child’s back clinging onto the weapon. “What the,” he gasped, “Get off there you little hunk of junk!” He shook it in an attempt to get rid of Mooky and when that didn’t work he wildly flung it every which way.
Defiantly, Mooky yelled, “No I will not,” and he held onto the ink flicking weapon with everything his tiny blocky body had. “I will do everything to protect Master Lee,” he proclaimed, and then turned to order, “Run away Master Lee, I will distract him as long as I can!”
That was out of the question; Lee couldn’t and wouldn’t abandon Mooky. He wasn’t going anywhere without him but what could he do against someone like Octo Samurai? Without any plan, Lee’s first instinct was to ink a safe space for himself but upon raising and attempting to fire his .96 Gal Buster…
Click click click
He was out of ink!
What was worse Octo Samurai let out a gruff huff, “Fuhgeddit, Im gonna flatten you with this and your little robot! HURRAAH,” he swiftly raised the gargantuan roller high then brought it crashing down to the ground. With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide Lee could only vainly cover his head in preparation for the worst.
There was a massive metallic noise and somehow—nothing, he was okay. One eye peeked open to see a mysterious figure cloaked in a long form fitting coat that stopped Octo Samurai’s roller with a pair of rods. No, they weren’t rods, they were a unique weapon, tonfas.
With a mighty rumble, the unknown savior parried the attack, knocking away the roller and nearly throwing Octo Samurai off his unicycle. “Step off Octo Slob,” they snarled in a grave, gravelly voice. Lee knew who they were! Though they may have been shrouded in mystery, he was certain of who it was.
Steadying himself, Octo Samurai sneered, “Ohh great, another one of you rotten squids show up.”
Lee’s savior replied, “You got a lot of nerve picking on just one little kid, try picking a fight with someone your own size!” Shifting the bladed weapon in his hand, he challenged the Octarian boss in Lee’s stead.
Octo Samurai gripped his roller in both hands, unphased by the new challenger. “I’ll splatter a hundred of you squids before tea time,” he declared, racing toward Lee’s masked rescuer.
“I’ll give you 45 seconds Octo Slob,” he fired back, charging into the fray.
“WAIT, STOP!!!” Before they could clash, Lee’s voice rang all throughout the arena, stopping them dead in their tracks.
Lee stood up and stepped between them, his gaze transfixed on Octo Samurai as he said, “Mr. Octo Samurai, please, I don’t want anybody to fight!”
Both Octo Samurai and even Lee’s support gave a unified, “Huh” in confusion. The Octarian hero peered down at the boy with narrowed incredulous eyes, “What are you trying to pull,” he wondered, skillfully managing to maintain his balance on the unicycle as he bent down, locking eyes with Lee.
Lee shook his head, “Nothing, I swear, I’m just here looking for a friend who’s lost in Octo Canyon.”
“Probably another trouble making brat,” he scoffed scornfully, “And why should I trust anything you say, you’re a squid.”
His gaze was so frightening but Lee answered his skepticism, “I promise she isn’t—she’s lost somewhere and I—I—hii, I just want to find her!” His voice choked as he uttered those words. Desperate to end this fight and continue his search, Lee sunk down to his knees and clasped his hands together, pleading, “I’m begging you Sir, I promise I don’t want to hurt any Octarians, so please let me leave so I can find my friend!” He shook his hands then clutched them tight against his heart, imploring mercy from the Octarian hero.
Octo Samurai analyzed everything about that look the tiny green squid gave him. He peered between him and the other who just stood there watching the boy beg and plead. The way the small one’s lip trembled, the way his eyes watered, the way he panted as if he couldn’t get enough air to breathe—it was a pathetic sight for any creature, big or small.
Knowing he would regret this, he let out a long huff and decided, “All right, fine, you can leave.” Even though he had his orders, it would be a dishonor to bring harm to someone begging for their life, and who claimed such a noble undertaking.
Lee’s eyes lit up like the stars in the sky and he smiled from ear to ear, “Y-You mean it?!” He shot up to his feet, shaking his tightened fists in glee, “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, I swear Mr. Samurai, as soon as I find my friend I’ll leave right away.”
The boss mumbled, “Yeah, yeah, just make good on what you said, if I find out you lay a single tentacle on any Octarians I’m gonna smash you flat! Now get lost before I change my mind.”
“There’s just one more thing,” Lee timidly murmured.
Pointing up, Lee requested, “Umm, can I please have my robot back,” referring to Mooky still dangling from the octopod’s humongous weapon.
A low grumble escaped from Octo Samurai as he gently lowered Mooky, allowing him to slide off. “Fine, here ya go kid, just be thankful I didn’t decide to crush him into a hubcap for my bike.
As the metal butler secured himself onto his owner’s back, Lee replied with a glad, “Thank you very much Sir.” He ignored the comment about harming Mooky as he could tell the octopus before him was every bit the good and influential creature he knew him to be. The mercy he was willing to show to him was evident enough of that.
Leaving Octo Samurai’s arena, Lee & Mooky were tailed by their earlier rescuer who soon stopped them. With his arms crossed, he sternly chided the starry eyed youth’s actions, “Lee, I’m glad to see you haven’t stopped being you but not every opponent is going to show you mercy.  Don’t you remember what I taught you about standing on your own two feet and—“
He was stopped by the sudden, speedy movement of Lee who threw his arms around his waist, “Mr. Jonn, I can’t believe it! Thank you so much for helping me out of that jam, you’re the best!”
Mr. Jonn, or rather Jonn Inkra, Agent Binary, another founding member of the Justice Society of Inkopolis couldn’t help but smile and pat Lee’s shoulders. Feeling the embrace of the excitable, appreciative teen, the mystery man hooked a thumb underneath the face mask he wore and peeled it down. With that removed, his deep, menacing voice was replaced by something strangely soft, almost melodious as he said, "Who could stay mad at a kid like you? It’s been too long."
Along the way from Suction-Cup Lookout to Beaker’s Depot, Lee informed Jonn of his situation thus far. Hearing the story, the agent let out a heavy sigh, “So you’re the one she brought in for this search? Hmm—I thought it would be you but a part of me really wished it wasn’t.”
Though Lee was unsure of what he meant by that there was a much more pressing thought in his head. “Well now that I’m here, have you found anything about Callie?”
His hopeful smiled and tightened, shaking fists were met by an unfortunate shake of the head from Jonn. “I’ve been back and forth between these sectors for awhile now and I haven’t seen or heard a thing, I’m sorry.”
Lee loosened his fists and his arms dropped to his sides; two people he had to meet had nothing at all for him. His head tilted down, a downtrodden look upon his face that Mooky was quick to console. The little servant spun around and patted Lee’s shoulder with one hand, “There there Master Lee. We still have one more informant to meet and much more of Octo Canyon left to see, we must press onward.”                                                                                                            
“Right,” Lee muttered, “Yeah,” he said, lifting his head back up, his morose look not leaving . Ready to leave to find the next contact he turned to Jonn and said, “Well thank you for saving me Mr. Jonn but we’ve gotta get going.”
Just as he took his first step he was halted, “Hold on there, Lee, we’re not done talking yet,” Jonn called.
“I want to talk to you about Marie.”
Hearing that name made Lee let out a quiet sigh, he said, “With all due respect Mr. Jonn I already heard plenty from Mr. Bl— Blueshift. There’s no excuse for what she’s doing. Callie wouldn’t want this.”
Jonn was forthright in replying, “This is about Callie to. There’s some things you should know about the both of them.” Lee was unsure of what he was getting at but he listened as Jonn continued, “Listen, I’ve known these two longer than anyone so I can tell you they need each other.” There was a lot of that Lee couldn’t argue; he knew of his history with the Squid Sisters beyond their work as Agents and him as their personal bodyguard.
“I swear, ever since we were kids in Calimari County those two were inseparable. They did everything together, and I mean everything.” A small, nostalgic smile spread across Jonn’s lips as he looked off at the scenery of the canyon. “Every scraped knee, their first day of school, their first ride with training wheels, every lost baby tooth, every lost or broken toy—.” He started to regale Lee with a number of stories about their lives together.  Some of those tales were new to him but many he happened to have heard previously from Callie. Quite often during their time together he would hear these stories.
His train of thought was broken as Jonn revealed, “—And that’s why getting their big break was one of the happiest moments of their lives.” He breathed deep,  “It wasn’t the fame, the fans, or getting to sing and dance like they love, it was getting an excuse to finally have fun together all they want.”
Them making music together—their partnership as the Squid Sisters was a cornerstone in Lee’s very life.
Jonn’s tone then became glum, “Them being apart like this—they both just get so out of whack!” He waved his hands about as he spoke, as if trying to piece it all together himself, “Things were all ready pretty rocky between them after they started doing their own thing months ago, especially for Marie.” He sighed, holding his hand over his face after stroking his chin, “Whenever she was sad, Callie would always be there to make her smile better than anyone. Whenever she was frustrated, Callie could calm her down the best. Whenever she was at a loss, Callie could help her get back on track.”
Jonn paced about before he quietly mumbled; “Now all this happened and just-- Marie is just a wreck.” Lee thought back to his initial meeting with her what felt like hours ago. He thought of her hurried, muddled tone of voice, the way she fidgeted with her parasol. There was more he didn’t notice that stuck out in his mind now; particularly her inability to put her thoughts together.
Crossing his arms, Jonn was deeply serious as he said, “I’m not gonna force you to believe me but if it was Marie who was captured, Callie would be doing crazy things to get her back to.”
Lee couldn’t think of anything to say or even fathom a means of reply, especially when Jonn said, “Keep this in mind Lee, you’re not the only one who needs Callie in their life. That’s why we’re all here.”
He tried to talk but nothing came out. He could say anything, anything at all. By now he should be feeling sympathy for Marie and her plight like Blueshift and Jonn wanted him to-- but he couldn’t.
Mooky ended up speaking on his behalf, “That is a lot to take in Mr. Jonn, Master Lee will certainly keep in mind the importance of Miss Callie to others and her necessity in their life, right Master Lee.”
“Y-yeah,” Lee muttered unconvincingly under his breath.
Jonn could see right through him, there was no deceiving one of the Agency’s top operatives.”Think long and hard about that Lee, I’ll be in touch, if I find anything, you’ll be the first to know about it.”
With that, Lee & Mooky were back on their way. Conflicting feelings ran rampant in Lee’s head but in the end his resolve returned to one thought, I promise Callie—I’m doing this to help you, and not Marie.
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