#youth center padang
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topanisme · 11 months ago
Gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center Tempat Berkumpulnya Anak Muda Kreatif TOPANEWS – Sumatra Barat, khususnya Kota Padang merupakan daerah yang memiliki banyak sekali perguruan tinggi ternama, seperti Universitas Andalas, Universitas Negeri Padang, sampai kampus berbasis islam seperti Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol. Padang adalah kota yang dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswa, mulai dari…
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ingatlah · 8 days ago
160 Peserta Ramaikan Ajang Pemilihan Duta Wisata Kota Padang
INGATLAH – Sebanyak 160 peserta mengikuti ajang Pemilihan Uni dan Uda Duta Wisata Kota Padang 2025 yang resmi dibuka oleh Penjabat Ketua Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (Dekranasda) Kota Padang, Ny. Vanny Andree Algamar, pada Senin (27/1/2025) di Gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center. Dalam sambutannya, Ny. Vanny menyampaikan apresiasi atas kembalinya ajang bergengsi ini, sekaligus mendorong para…
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sumbarlivetv · 2 months ago
Lomba Sekota Padang: Evaluasi dan Pemberdayaan UMKM Melalui Senam dan Silaturahmi
Padang, Sumbarlivetv – Dalam upaya untuk terus memberdayakan masyarakat dan memajukan perekonomian kota, Komite Olahraga Masyarakat Indonesia ( KORMI) Kota Padang kembali mengadakan lomba senam Sekota Padang, dilaksanakan di Youth Center,Minggu,  1/12/24 Pembina Senam sekaligus anggota DPRD Kota Padang Miswar Jambak, menyampaikan giat ini telah memasuki tahun ke-8 sejak pertama kali digelar pada…
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bentengsumbar · 1 year ago
Perkuat Hubungan Diplomatik, Pemko Padang Resmikan Ba Ria Vung Tau Corner di Gedung Youth Center | BentengSumbar.com
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padangkita · 2 years ago
Pemko Padang Matangkan Persiapan Kedatangan Rombongan Campervan International 
Padang, Padangkita.com – Pemerintah Kota Padang matangkan persiapan untuk menyambut rombongan Campervan International atau pegiat wisata minat khusus Nomadic asal Swiss dan Jerman akan singgah ke Sumatra Barat khususnya Kota Padang. Bertempat di gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center Padang, Dinas Pariwisata Kota Padang menggelar rapat kordinasi serta menampung sejumlah masukan dari berbagai pihak…
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turisiancom · 2 years ago
TURISIAN.com - Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil menyarankan Pemda Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat bisa menyiapkan ruang publik bagi anak-anak muda untuk berekspresi dan berkreasi. Permintaan Kang Emil—sapaan akrab Ridwan Kamil ini disampaikan saat menjadi pembicara Talkshow Youth City Changers (YCC) di Gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center, Pemda Kota Padang. "Sebagai mantan wali kota (bandung), saya melihat anak-anak muda yang berkomunitas itu bibit-bibit masa depan. Yang seringkali kotanya kita pahami tidak menyediakan ruang-ruang aspirasi sehingga direbut cita-citanya," kata Ridwan Kamil seperti dikutip dalam keterangannya, Senin 8 Agustus 2022. YCC merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas) Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia (Apeksi) 2022. BACA JUGA: Bertandang ke Pantai Padang yang Indah, Lengkap dengan Berbagai Daya Tariknya Bikin Gedung-gedung Kreatif Ridwan Kamil menuturkan bahwa pemuda yang aktif dalam komunitas berpotensi memiliki masa depan yang cerah. Hal itu karena mereka mempunyai ruang untuk berkreasi sekaligus mengekspresikan diri. "Sekali lagi, pesan saya kepada seluruh wali kota. Sediakanlah ruang-ruang publik yang baik. Biarkan anak muda berkreasi, berekspresi,” ujranya. “Kemudian, bikin gedung-gedung kreatif supaya dari ekspresi jadi ekonomi. Kalau mereka bisa sejahtera dari ekonominya, kota-kota itu akan luar biasa," sambungnya. BACA JUGA: Air Terjun Nyarai Surga Tersembunyi di Padang Pariaman Sementara itu, Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan yang hadir dalam YCC mengatakan bahwa generasi muda harus produktif dan memiliki "road map" untuk masa depan yang cerah. "Saatnya kita Indonesia dengan generasi mudanya yang punya keterampilan, 'knowledge', kreatif yang luar biasa. Tidak hanya berpikir untuk dalam negeri. Tetapi saatnya sekarang kita menyerbu global internasional," kata Zulkifli. Ia pun berpesan, untuk anak-anak muda, hiduplah yang produktif, bikin rencana kerja, dan 'road map'. “Anda mau apa, tekuni, kerja keras, dan saya percaya masa depan Indonesia ada pada tangan saudara-saudara," kata dia. *** Sumber: Antaranews
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kapol-id · 2 years ago
Ridwan Kamil Minta Para Wali Kota di Indonesia Sediakan Ruang Publik untuk Pemuda Berkreasi
Ridwan Kamil Minta Para Wali Kota di Indonesia Sediakan Ruang Publik untuk Pemuda Berkreasi
KAPOL.ID – Talkshow Youth City Changers (YCC), Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil menjadi pembicara. Acara, di Gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center, Kota Padang, Minggu (7/8/2022). Diketahui, YCC merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas) Asosiasi Pemerintah Kota Seluruh Indonesia (Apeksi) 2022. “Pemuda yang aktif dalam komunitas berpotensi memiliki masa depan yang cerah.…
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Terpercaya! 0811-9999-879, Skincare Untuk Kulit Kusam  L'Amara Synergy di Depok
Skincare Untuk Kulit Kusam  L'Amara Synergy, Telp/ WA ke https://wa.me/628119999879 kami menjual Skincare Herbal Alami, Skincare Alami Dan Halal, Skincare Alami Untuk Malam Hari, Skincare Alami Untuk Ibu Hamil, Skincare Alami Untuk Flek Hitam
Kami juga mengirimkan produk ke Depok, Riau, Padang, Medan, Jambi,  dan seluruh kota di Indonesia
Synergy worldwide beberapa tahun belakangan ini melakukan penelitian terbaru di bidang anti aging. Setelah mengeluarkan produk Trulum di tahun 2018 dengan teknologi tertinggi pada saat itu dan satu satunya produk mengandung Probiotik
Kini Synergy Mengeluarkan Produk paling Canggih di bidang kecantikan L'AMARA SKINCARE SYNERGY dimana didalam kandungan produknya selain mengandung Probiotik juga di tambah dengan kandungan L' arginine yang kita kenal sebagai Mother Of Anti Aging
Diformulasikan secara eksklusif oleh "The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation, USA" L'amara hadir untuk Anda yang ingin tampil memukau bak artis Korea. Wajah bersih, bening, bersinar, lembab, tanpa jerawat, tanpa bekas jerawat, tanpa keriput , tanpa flek hitam, tanpa kantung mata, kini bukan lagi hanya sekedar mimpi, tapi Anda bisa mewujudkannya sekarang.
Rangkaian L'amara  memberikan manfaat , antara lain  :
Perpaduan antioksidan kuat untuk kecantikan kulit Mengunci kelembapan untuk kulit yang sehat dan terhidrasi Mendukung penampilan kulit yang sehat Membantu dalam perlindungan terhadap sinar matahari Teknologi probiotik untuk perlindungan alami kulit. Menutrisi, dengan formula yang menenangkan kulit Formula yang disetujui oleh ahli atau dokter kulit. Kemasan yang dapat didaur ulang Aman, Efektif dan Teruji Bebas Paraben, Ftalat & Sulfat Bebas dari Rekayasa Genetika Bebas Bahan Pengisi & Bebas Toksin Bebas Pewarna Tambahan Bebas Pewangi  Sintetis Bahan-Bahan Alami dari Tanaman Teknologi Probiotik Telah diuji oleh Ahli Kulit
Produk Skincare Alami Synergy di Jakarta
Kandungan Lainnya di dalam Produk L'amara
Ekstrak Fermentasi Teh Hijau Probiotik Alami Daratan, Antioksidan, Perlindungan UV, Efek Anti Penuaan (Kulit Halus, Kenyal, & Mengurangi Keriput) , Anti Inflamasi, Anti Bakteri, Perbaiki Kondisi Kulit.
Ekstrak Algae Prebiotik dari Lautan, Antioksidan, Efek Anti Penuaan, Mencerahkan, Menenangkan, Melembabkan, Mengurangi Hiperpigmentasi, Membersihkan Pori yang Tersumbat.
Lactobaccilus & Bifida Ferment Probiotik Antiaging, Menjaga Mikrobioma Kulit, Regenerasi Sel Kulit, Hidrasi, Meningkatkan Produksi Kolagen & Kurangi Kerutan, Menenangkan & Mengurangi Iritasi Kulit.
Astaxanthin Antioksidan terkuat (4,6 x dari Beta Karoten, 110 x dari Vit E, 6000 x dari Vit C), Pelindung UV, Cegah Kerutan/ Hiperpigmentasi
Hyaluronate Mempertahankan Kelembaban & Mengencangkan Kulit, Menghaluskan Garis-Garis Keriput, Pencegahan Jerawat
Arginine Antioksidan Kuat, Menghidrasi, Kulit Jadi Kenyal & Bersinar, Meningkatkan Produksi Kolagen (Kulit Kencang, Kenyal, Bercahaya )
Esktrak Jamur Phellinus Linteus The Elixir of Youth/ Jamur untuk Awet Muda, Jamur Anti Aging, Menghidrasi Kulit, Anti Radang, Pengobatan Jerawat, Antioksidan, Anti Pigmentasi.
Lavender & Esensial Oil Lain Antibakteri/ Penyembuhan Jerawat, Anti Radang, Menenangkan Kulit Kering, Mengurangi Garis Halus & Kerutan, Pencerah Kulit. Oil lain : Almond,Jojoba, Bunga Matahari.
Bunga Terompet China Antioksidan, Anti Peradangan, Menghidrasi & Melembutkan Kulit. Tanaman lain : lidah buaya, destilasi bambu, biji mangga, dan rumput laut coklat.
BPK. UMAR AZIS DAN IBU ERNING OEI 0813-2047-0222 0813-8855-2064 0811-9999-879
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Kantor : Mall Fx Sudirman Lantai 7 ( Samping Gelora Bung karno ) Jl Jendral Sudirman Kav 44 - 46 Jakarta Pusat
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indiaimagine · 5 years ago
Bali- Most Exotic Honeymoon Destination of Indonesia
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Bali is the most romantic getaway and the beautiful island in Indonesia. It is located in the west of Lombak and east of Java. This place came into popularity due to its exotic environment and appealing beaches. The calm and alluring atmosphere of Bali tempts many couples and lovebirds every year for the vacation. Panoramic beaches, attractive honeymoon resorts, lush greenery, incredible waterfall, cultural and religious spots make Bali a popular destination. The adventure life of Bali is also quite popular among youths. You can perform fun and thrilling activities such as Jungle Swing Tour at Ubad, enjoy scuba diving on Gili Islands, take a traditional glass boat ride, snorkel at Gili Meno, surf along waves and go hiking. In this article, we have covered all popular attractions and top honeymoon destinations of Bali. Let's begin -
1. Uluwatu
Uluwatu is the most popular location of the 'Bukit Peninsula', Bali. Uluwatu has many attraction for couples as well as for solo travellers. The cliff view from Uluwatu Temple and mesmerizing beaches are sufficient for lovebirds to spend some quality time. The Pura Luru Uluwatu temple which is resting on the edge of the cliff is an important highlight of this region. This temple was constructed in the 10th century and since then it is a popular Hindu shrine in Bali. Another reason for Uluwatu's popularity is its best surfing spot. The crystal clear water and terrific shoreline lure many surfers from all over the world to visit Uluwatu for surfing
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Panoramic View of Pura Luhur Uluwatu, Via: flickr.com At night if you are staying at Uluwatu, enjoy the traditional Balinese Kecak dance and firework. The beautiful beaches of Uluwatu include Bingin Beach, Thomas Beach and Padang Padang of which Padang Padang is a paradise for surfers. Plan your trip to these beaches and feel cozy with your bae and spend some quality time with your loved ones.
2. Kuta Beach
This beach is considered as the busiest and the most lively beach of Bali. Kuta beach is popular for its vibrant atmosphere and wild nightlife. The long golden sandy beach is full of fun activities. Kuta Beach is also famous for observing the best sunset of life. It is also popular as the most promising hotspot for scuba diving.
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View sunset with bae at Kuta beach, Via: Pinterest From all over the globe people visit Kuta beach to get the best experience of scuba diving. However, the shoreline can be slightly dangerous for beginners. Cheap accommodation, tasty seafood, pubs and restaurants make Kuta Beach famous among travelers. You can try waterslides and vertical bungee jumping also on this beach. Also Read: 8 Indonesian Beaches You Must Visit This Year
3. Tanah Lot
Tanah Lot is a beautiful rock formation which is situated on the western coast of Bali. This place is also home to 500-year-old Hindu Shrine Pura Tanah Lot Temple which is probably the most photographed temple and sought after destination in Bali.
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Pre-wedding shoot at Tanah Lot, Via: silangitphotography.com This temple is located at 980 feet from the Bali shore and is a blend of Balinese culture and Hindu traditions. The base of the temple is carved with sea snakes and provides an aesthetic and spiritual experience to visitors. Also, it is acting as a natural source of providing holy water for all temples.
4. Ubud
Ubud charm travelers with its tropical speciality and known as the cultural capital and spiritual center of Bali. Its art galleries and traditional craftwork make it a hub for various artists. Lush green forest, calm rivers, amazing resorts and relaxing ambiance makes this place a must-visit in Bali. There are various major attractions which you must discover in Ubud.
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Couples at Tegallalang Rice FieldsVia: veenaworld.com For instance, the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary- the home of the monkeys in Ubud, located in the north of Denpasar, Tegallalang Rice Fields, Tegenungan Waterfall and Ubud Art Market. Aside from this, enjoy amazing jungle scenery by taking a Jungle Swing Tour. Besides this, try adventurous White Water Rafting in Ayung River, take alluring photos and share your experience on social websites. Visit various pubs and restaurants for drinks, fusion cuisines and enjoy live band performances in Ubud. Also Read: Explore 15 Amazing Travel Attractions In Indonesia
5. Nusa Penida Island
Nusa Penida is the biggest of the three Nusa Islands (the other two are Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan). With utmost importance among travelers, Nusa Penida has many things to offer. Before going to any beach, pay a visit to the Pura Goa Giri Putri Cave where there is a hidden underground temple.
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Cliff view of Kelingking Beach- Nusa Penida Island, Via: thebackpackway.com After that, explore other highlights of Nusa Penida which is the Peguyangan waterfall, Seganing Falls and Atuh Beach. Discover the spectacular cliff view from there, enjoy swimming and snorkeling at Manta Bay. Beyond these attractions, if you left with some travel time pay your visit to a magical spot- Angel’s Billabong and cherish the best moments of your life.
6. Sekumpul Waterfall
The most beautiful waterfall in Bali is the Sekumpul waterfall. A natural paradise for travellers visiting Bali. Located in northern Bali, Sekumpul waterfall is a group of actually 7 waterfalls that are separate from each other in height and shape. The cool and calm ambience with only noise of water, falling from 80m hitting the rocks makes such a surreal and bizarre moment of heaven for tourists.
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Witness lush greenery at Sekumpul Waterfall, Via: gettingstamped.com With that, the lush greenery and high cliffs act as a cherry on the cake for visitors. Furthermore, nature lovers and trekkers can go for trekking around the Sekumpul waterfall as the scenes from above the waterfall are even more mind-blowing. You must consider this waterfall in your itinerary. Also Read: Explore 15 Amazing Travel Attractions In Indonesia
7. Mount Batur
Mount Batur or Gunung Batur is an active volcano located on the island of Bali and popular for trekking and its alluring surrounding. Tourists visit Mount Batur to witness the sunrise above the lush green mountains. It is located at a height of 1,717 m above the sea level offers a majestic view of Lake Batur and black lava nestled from the explosion and beautiful mountains.
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Witness amazing sunrise view at Mt. Batur, Via: thewayfaress.com Thousands of travelers go for trekking, explore the lush surrounding, enjoy picnics with their family. The hiking trail takes approximately 2 to 3 hours but requires guidance. The volcano is a popular destination among tourists and locals.
8. Pandawa Beach
Pandawa Beach Bali is one of the renowned white sand beaches in southern Bali. It is located in Kutuh Village and popular as Bali Secret beach among foreign tourists while locales named it Kutch Beach. As this beach is hidden behind the hills, that why called Secret Beach. Every tourist who visits Pandawa Beach in Kutuh village will be amazed by the beautiful beach scenery.
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Pandawa Beach, Via: twitter.com Arriving on the shoreline, you will watch the stretch of white sand beach around 1km. Pandawa Beach has a stunning panorama with a serene and quiet atmosphere. Participate in various fun water activities on the beach area. Numerous food stalls present there to serve delicious cuisines of Bali. Sit on the couple swing with your bae on the shore and enjoy to the fullest.
9. Blue Lagoon Beach
Blue Lagoon Beach is popular as underwater heaven and one of the best-hidden beaches of east Bali. This beach is situated on the north canyon of Silayuki Temple. The abundance of aquatic life and warm water pull many couples towards this beach. In the cool breezy ambiance, sit under the palm trees and enjoy sunbathing on the beach.
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Perform snorkeling at Blue Lagoon Beach, Via: befreetour.com Apart from the natural fantasy, the main highlight is scuba diving and snorkeling on this beach. This beach has clear turquoise water filled with a lot of black coral and fishes. Its calm waves are best for swimming and clicking underwater photographs. Also Read: Most Popular Scuba Diving Spots from all Around The World
10. Canggu Beach
Canggu beach is world-famous for its magnificent surfing adventure and it is located in the village of Canggu in North Kuta. From Seminyak, it took a 25min drive to reach the beach and half an hour from Tanah Lot. This wide black sand beach has a lively and calm atmosphere with some surreal experience for travelers. The waves of Canggu beaches are appropriate for every surfer thus this is also famous as a surfers paradise.
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Via: saltinourhair.com Unlike surfing, tourists can enjoy the famous Indonesian massage here on this beach for a soothing treatment. Stroll across the beach to get an unforgettable experience. On the other side of the blue surf, one can see lush green rice paddies which is a truly mesmerizing scene.
11. Historical Sites In Bali
The religious and historical sites also make Bali a favorite spot for selfie lovers and Instagrammers.
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Get of heaven, Lempuyang Temple, Via: funtrip.site Lempuyang temple: A Balinese Hindu temple, known as the 'Gate of Heaven'. The oldest and most sacred temple of Bali. Tirta Gangga: It is a former royal palace that features gardens, tiered fountains and stone sculptures of mythical creatures. Penglipuran: A traditional village with utmost cleanliness and calm atmosphere. Anom Tabanan Temple: An ancient temple, located in Tabanan. This temple is preserved for cultural tourism. Pura Penataran Sasih: A Hindu temple with some modern inscriptions built in front of the entrance. The split-gate entry makes it more popular among tourists. Ujung Water Palace: A former palace with European style architecture. Lush green gardens, huge water ponds and majestic beauty make it famous among travelers.
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Ujung Water Palace, Via: pinterest.com Also Read: Cheapest Countries To Explore Without Having To Worry About Your Pocket! We only want to say that stop scratching your head and without thinking much, plan a trip to Bali with your loved ones to get the best experience of your life. Somebody rightly said "to travel is to live" so travel a lot😋 Read the full article
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inilahonline · 5 years ago
Sukses Fasilitasi Anak Muda, Kota Padang Belajar Ke Kota Bogor
Sukses Fasilitasi Anak Muda, Kota Padang Belajar Ke Kota Bogor
Memiliki kultur, tipikal Kota dan persamaan program yang hampir sama, Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Padang bertandang ke Kota Bogor.
Kedatangan rombongan Pemkot Padang yang diketuai Kepala Inspektorat ini bertujuan belajar kepada Pemkot Bogor kaitan dengan Youth Center yang merupakan janji kampanye Wali Kota dan Wakil Wali Kota Padang terpilih.
“Youth Center jadi salah satu…
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ingatlah · 19 days ago
Gathering Komunitas Honda PCX Meriahkan Peluncuran Regional New Honda PCX160 di Padang
INGATLAH.COM – PT Hayati Pratama Mandiri (HPM), Main Dealer Sepeda Motor Honda Sumatera Barat, resmi memperkenalkan New Honda PCX160 melalui acara spesial bertajuk “Gathering Komunitas New Honda PCX160”, Sabtu (11/1). Kegiatan yang berlangsung di Padang Youth Center ini melibatkan 60 bikers dari Asosiasi Honda Sumatera Barat (AHSB) dan menjadi bagian dari peluncuran regional produk terbaru…
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sumbarlivetv · 1 year ago
PIMPIN PIM KOTA PADANG Irawati Meuraksa: Perempuan Padang Harus Lebih Kreatif
Padang,Sumbar – Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perempuan Indonesia Maju (PIM) Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) Hj. Emma Yohana melantik Irawati Meuraksa sebagai Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Cabang (DPC) PIM Kota Padang Periode 2023-2028 beserta jajaran pengurus lainnya, bertempat di Gedung Youth Center, jalan Bagindo Aziz Chan No. 2 Padang, Selasa (03/10/2023). Pelantikan tersebut ditandai dengan penyematan…
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bentengsumbar · 2 years ago
The Beatbox House Asal Amerika Serikat, Gelar Konser di Youth Center Padang 7 Februari ini | BentengSumbar.com
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padangkita · 6 years ago
Pemko Padang Seriusi Keberadaan 'Youth Centre'
Pemko Padang Seriusi Keberadaan ‘Youth Centre’
Padang, Padangkita.com – Puѕаt kеgіаtаn kepemudaan di kесаmаtаn mеnjаdі perhatian serius Pеmkо Pаdаng dі masa mendatang. Sеbаgаіmаnа termaktub dаlаm visi misi Wаlі Kota Pаdаng dаn Wаkіl Wаlі Kоtа Pаdаng tеrріlіh, Mahyeldi- Hеndrі Septa.
Bаhkаn, Pеmkо Pаdаng telah merancang anggaran yang cukup besar untuk fasilitas рuѕаt kegiatan kереmudааn (youth center) tersebut di tahun 2020.
“Untuk Kесаmаtаn…
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ingatlah · 1 month ago
Calendar of Event 2025 Kota Padang Resmi Diluncurkan di Penghujung Tahun
INGATLAH.COM – Pemerintah Kota Padang menutup tahun 2024 dengan meluncurkan Calendar of Event (CoE) 2025, sebuah agenda tahunan yang berisi berbagai kegiatan pariwisata dan budaya. Acara peluncuran ini digelar pada Minggu (22/12/2024) malam di halaman Gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center, sekaligus menjadi penutup rangkaian event akhir tahun 2024 yang berlangsung selama dua hari, 21-22…
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ingatlah · 2 months ago
Peringatan Hari Ibu, Pj Ketua TP-PKK Padang Ungkap Data Mengejutkan Soal Perceraian
INGATLAH.COM – Penjabat (Pj) Ketua Tim Penggerak PKK Kota Padang, Ny. Vanny Andree Alagamar menyoroti tinginya angka perceraian yang sebagian besar diajukan oleh perempuan. “Menurut data yang saya terima, 80 persen kasus perceraian diajukan oleh perempuan. Kalau dibreakdown lagi, sebagian besar berlatar guru,” kata pada saat membuka Peringatan Hari Ibu tingkat Kota Padang di Gedung Youth Center…
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