#youssef von doom
obliterationsblog · 2 months
Youssef Von Doom
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Longa vida a sua majestade!
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 months
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You know the hype around Poor Things kind of came and went, but in all the prattling about "Is it feminist enough?" and the eyerolling about the unsubtle religious parallels, I feel like no one ever actually talked about the movie's really fascinating use of devil imagery and archetypes and how it relates to the kind of archetypal feminine narrative it was playing with.
Everyone spots the super obvious one: That Willem Defoe's character, Godwin, is literally referred to as "God" for short. That Ramy Youssef's comically bumbling Max McCandles is the Adam to Emma Stone's Bella Baxter's Eve --bound to the residence of the mad professor as their Eden together-- and thus the appearance of Mark Ruffalo's suave seducer character, Duncan Wedderburn is immediately clocked as The Serpent in Eden.
But in spite of the heft and presence his character is given as The First antagonist of the plot, he is very comically outpaced and then put away as Bella uses him as her first vehicle of liberation to see the world outside her father's walls.
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But then she meets the travelling pair, Martha von Kurtzroc and Harry Astley (played by Jerrod Carmichael) and while the two together presents this introduction to a more intellectual and philosophical approach to life, Harry is very distinctly an opposite to Duncan, as a being seemingly entirely above sexual and carnal impulse or desire. And he presents Bella with this very literal Adversary role --The Satan-- where he looks at the self indulgent hedonistic lifestyle that Duncan has led her down, and asks her, "what about the worst in life? what about everyone else?" and shows her a literal pit of human suffering. And for a brief moment it breaks her, right before she resolves to take all Duncan's money and throw it away; very literally throwing it away, as it doesn't even go to the people she naively wants to use it to help.
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So she's got no more money and she has to work for it, and she ends up a prostitute in the brothel of the delightfully eerie Madam Swiney, played impeccably by Kathryn Hunter. And there is this humbling learning experience that while she has up til now enjoyed sex, she does not in fact enjoy all sex, and the introduction of this transactional element complicating things threatens to spoil the whole notion as the Madam begins with offering reward and withholding necessity as this kind of Tempter character. (And I cannot help but want to compare this image of ""evil"" with Mel Gibson's halfwitted attempt at envisioning his tempter in the desert, in The Passion of the Christ, as a bald just barely androgynous, and thus in his unimaginative estimation "sexless," being.) That is until she also overcomes the antagonistic role that Madam Swiney presents and, yet again, moves on with her life and the plot...
And maybe you realize that that's the pattern here: for all the puff and genre-savvy looming doom and imposition these devil figures bring to the scenes, they all end up just... not that big a deal actually... And that feels very much the point. That for all the hot air pearl clutching moralists try to put into rhetoric about loss of innocence --obviously stemming from, but in no way limited to the deranged pushing of religious values-- Bella's innocence isn't not lost at the hands of these corrupting and seeming evil influences, it just kind of isn't a big deal. The protection/preservation of her ""innocence"" isn't the totality of her story or identity, its actually barely even a footnote.
She "lost her innocence" and learned and moved on, and lost some more, and guess what? It didn't matter. It doesn't stop her.
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So finally she's faced with the truest Devil of them all, Lord Alfie Blessington. With no facade or tact to his methods of evil, just the raw seemingly insurmountable power of both real shameless physical violence, and the structural abuse of a patriarchal society behind him. He is A Monster. But as you can guess she's temporarily put off, set back, and abused, but she comes out on top. And more over in subjugating this final devil, reduces him to a literal animal, not unintentionally, A Goat.
So while people will take issue with the movie's focus on her womanhood and indeed personhood being so closely tied to her beauty and attractiveness to men and sexuality and her seemingly contradictory infantilization and how it relates to a perceived "innocence" (not all undue criticisms btw) I feel like something very essential is missing if you don't recognize the way the movie deals with this idea of evil and corruption in relation to that cliche of innocence.
Because as much good as it does to show and explain to people that, No, actually your mom or your pastor or preacher(or whatever other fake clergy titles evangelicals have made up) lied when they said giving a blowjob would make you a slut forever and you'd go to hell, or whatever... Just clarifying what a "slut" is or isn't doesn't address the label itself being meaningless gibberish, no matter how it's defined.
Because there is this deep religious-derivative fear at the root of things that to "stop being good" is this life/world ending thing to be avoided at all costs, and so the goal posts of good and evil have to be moved to dodge that, despite the fact that there's a whole playing field between them that needs navigating. Bella doesnt just find out the things she was told were bad, aren't bad. Or that the "bad" things were secretly good all along. She also finds out that doing bad things isnt the end of the world.
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Youssef quando é seu aniversário?
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Youssef, é muita pressão ser um rei tão novo?
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Bora conhecer as primeiras levas de personagens que serão recorrentes em OrD?
Personagens fixos
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Youssef Von Doom é filho do Victor Von Doom (Dr. Destino) — 28 anos | Mutante e praticante de magia.
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Syndra Lee da Costa é filha de Roberto da Costa (Mancha Solar) e Jubilation Lee (Jubileu) — 23 anos | Mutante.
Personagens secundários
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Doha Shin não é filho de ninguém importante na Marvel ou DC — 25 anos | Humano e sacerdote.
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Damian Wayne é filho de Bruce Wayne (Batman) e Talia Al Ghun — 14 anos | Humano.
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Jonathan Samuel Kent é filho de Clark Kent (Superman) e Lois Lane — 16 anos | Metade kryptoniano e metade humano.
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Youssef, vi que além de feiticeiro você também é um mutante, certo? Quais são seus poderes mutantes? Aproveita e diz se você chegou a treinar com algum feiticeiro famoso?
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Oiii! Quero fofocas, ouvi falar que vem aí uma equipe de heróis? Que isso, Youssef?
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Youssef o que você mais gostava no seu pai? O que faziam juntos?
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Youssef você tem um hobby?
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obliterationsblog · 2 months
Posta uma curiosidade sobre o Youssef!
Já estou preparando as curiosidades sobre ele! Essa semana ainda sai!
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