#your us president this year was all too content to fund and to be complicit in the mass murder of an uncountable amount EVERYWHERE
thehotshit789 · 4 months
you americans better fucking think long and hard about the way you vote this year because when your stupid country coughs it is us who catches the cold
it's not just the "lesser of two evils" or "if i hate them both then i won't vote at all". there are always third-party candidates. fuck both biden and trump are awful old white men who are complicit and/or explicitly supporting (funding even) the genocide of natives around the world and inaction means you are still paving the way for one to win.
voting abstinence solves nothing. picking either biden or trump to win this year solves nothing. and not even trying to give third-party candidates a chance solves NOTHING. if you can rally millions to support the anti-genocidal cause to give aid to palestine, sudan, congo, west papua, or wherever and everywhere it's needed, there is literally a substantially more than decent chance that you can replicate that support for anyone that isn't the two orchestrators that support the violence you condemn.
as usual. refusing to vote? in other words, staying neutral? is not the moral high ground you think it is.
get the fuck off of your high horse. you don't want your 2 major candidates and you better do something about it. because if and IF trump wins this year it will be worse on everyone. do not let him win.
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