#your url is gold btw
softonshanks · 2 months
1. Your url is so good im jealous, 2. Me and my bother have had this inside joke for the longest that if the straw hats ever had a ships cat for rat catching knowing oda it would probably be ugly instead of cute and too lazy to catch rats so uh, if you have time, could you do some hcs about the straw hats having a terrible, incompetent cat?
Ciaooo and thank you so much <3 I'm glad you like my url. You've an amazing icon btw, long live Fitzgerald.
(ran into this post while writing it and this draw stuck with me lol)
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Appearance: The cat is a black cat with a small patch of white fur on its chest, vaguely reminiscent of a Jolly Roger if you watch it from afar. His eyes are a striking gold, and he has a permanently disinterested expression on his face. He wears a tiny, straw hat on a string around his neck, a miniature version of Luffy's iconic hat, gifted by Usopp.
Personality: The cat is the epitome of laziness. He spends most of his time lounging in the sun on the Thousand Sunny, draped over Zoro's swords, curled up in Robin's lap while she reads, or nestled into Chopper’s fur. Despite his apparent lethargy, actually the cat is highly intelligent and observant, often seen watching the crew's antics with half-lidded eyes, as if silently judging them.
Interactions with the Crew:
Luffy: Luffy adores it, frequently trying to play with him. However, the cat often ignores Luffy’s attempts at play, which only makes Luffy more determined to win him over. Sometimes, the cat will humor Luffy by swatting at a string or lightly biting his fingers, but only if he's in the mood.
Zoro: the cat has an unspoken bond with Zoro. They both enjoy napping in the same sunny spots on the ship, and it is often found curled up on Zoro’s chest while he sleeps. The crew jokes that the cat is Zoro’s spirit animal because of their shared love of sleep and that if the cat could drink, he would do it, as it already gives annoyed glances at people passing by when it's not in the mood.
Nami: Nami has a soft spot for the cat, though she tries to pretend she doesn’t. She'll often sneak him little treats from the kitchen and make sure he has a warm blanket on colder nights. It repays her with the occasional nuzzle against her leg, but only when no one is looking.
Usopp: Usopp loves telling the cat exaggerated stories, acting out grand adventures for the cat's supposed amusement. It usually just stares at him with a blank and annoyed expression, but Usopp is convinced that the cat is secretly fascinated.
Sanji: Sanji is the only one who can consistently coax the cat into being active, usually by tempting him with gourmet fish dishes. It will actually get up and follow Sanji around the kitchen if he smells something delicious being prepared, occasionally “helping” by sitting in the middle of whatever Sanji is working on.
Chopper: It is surprisingly gentle with Chopper, often sitting quietly beside him when he’s working in the infirmary. Chopper is convinced that the cat has a calming effect on patients, so he always welcomes the cat's presence.
Robin: of course it spends the most time with Robin. He'll curl up on her lap while she reads, occasionally batting at the pages if he gets bored. Robin enjoys his quiet company and often gives him scratches behind the ears, which it secretly loves.
Franky: Franky tried to build the cat a super high-tech cat bed, but it ignored it in favor of sleeping on top of a random pile of junk. Franky was initially disappointed, but he respects its independence, often chatting with him while he works on the Sunny.
Brook: Brook enjoys playing music for the cat, who will sometimes tap his tail in time with the beat, but only if it's a particularly mellow tune. Brook would like to caress him with his fingertips, but he hasn't have any cause he's dead oh oh oh
Jinbe: Jinbe is indifferent to the cat's laziness but respects the cat's serenity. They share a mutual understanding, often sitting together in silence during quiet moments on the ship.
Despite his lazy nature, the cat has surprisingly sharp reflexes. He has been known to catch flies out of the air with lightning speed or avoid falling objects with grace. In battle, though he rarely participates, he’ll sometimes trip up enemies with a well-timed pounce or swipe, then immediately go back to lounging.
It has an uncanny ability to sense danger before it happens. If Maru suddenly gets up and leaves a spot he’s been lounging in, the crew knows something is up, whether it’s a storm on the horizon or an ambush waiting for them.
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commander-titania · 1 year
hi i didnt think id have to do this again but apparently 3 whole years hasnt changed a thing
This is a warning for artists about discord user galacticstars, ingame name Cryptic.6738, and their url on tumblr changes too often to keep track of but their last one was something along the lines of galaticstarsposts
If this person contacts you, don’t try to start anything just don’t engage. Your time and effort ain’t worth it.
we made a post warning people about them in 2020 but it’s since been lost to time and url changes and i can’t find the other post that surfaced about them a while back but other can corroborate the claims im about to make here.
This user does not pay their commissions, and will repeatedly come up with excuse upon excuse as to why they can’t pay, will refuse to pay in real money and instead insist on paying with ingame gold (which is worthless btw), and spam whoever they’re commissioning with changes to the piece they want or changing their commission altogether.
They will make claims about how we unfairly banned them from Character Club [CC], and will claim that we said they were a “pedo”. We did no such thing and banned them for not paying their commissions, and violating the server’s harassment policies despite multiple warning from the moderation.
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screenshots from the original callout below, apologies to low quality but country boys make do.
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riordanness · 4 months
omg hi congrats on 800 again!!!! for ur event i have to go w i can fix him no really i can 😫 ok so the basics r i’m a cabin 4 ravenclaw infj taurus (i always start w these soz LOL) and also the ambivert final boss like genuinely i don’t lean towards introversion or extroversion and if the mbti had an a for ambivert i’d def be an anfj 🙏🏼 im a HUGE perfectionist it’s so bad actually i cannot function if something is imperfect i’ll lose my mind 😭 (i also have ocd so 🙁) when i asked one of my friends what the pros and cons of dating me are she said my perfectionism may cause problems LMAO😣😣😣 i get told im kind a lot so i like to believe thats true 🙏🏼 im super soft spoken which is a struggle cz im always having to repeat myself 🙁 (did a french speaking exam this year where i was recorded n when i say i was YELLING the entire time so that the recording device thing could pick up my voice….) im super super stubborn and persist in things until they go the way i want them to LMAO (this might be my fatal flaw) i refuse to settle for less in all aspects of life it’s either up to my standards or i’m not claiming it 😬 i LOVE LOVE LOVE reading and music those 2 r the most consistent things in my life !!!! for my type in men this may be a shocker but jason grace is an anomaly because irl + in other forms of media i tend to go for the dark haired sassy sarcastic funny guys (idk if you’ve read better than the movies but if you have wes bennett is a very good example of my type) some characters i’ve been compared to (because for some reason i get compared to a LOTTT of characters) are hermione granger, annabeth chase, rory gilmore (pre uni DUH), amy santiago, caroline?? from tvd? (idk her but my friend said i’m very similar to her so!) ummmm idk what else to include… i’m a HUGE germaphobe and get grossed out super easily LOL would rather die than go hiking or camping or anything like that soz demeter kid but not one w nature i just like flowers and gardens 🫣 i’m also super sensitive and have been told i’m emotionally intuitive!!!! i cry often about everything LOL soz if this is too long love u SOOO much 😚 also would like a pjo guy pls !!!
CYNTHIA HII (also idk why i always tag your other acc and not this one i legit always forget this url idk why 😭) anyways tyy soso much you’re actually the best fr
so. i put like way too much thought into this cause i didn’t want to just, like, stick you w jason bc that’s the easy answer yk?? BUT on that note, based on what you’ve said, i actually pair you with him?? like… if y’all were my friends irl i would ship you so bad fr.
you’re both perfectionists, tho probably in different ways yk, you bc of mental stuff and him bc he was raised by camp jupiter and literal wolves. so that would make it good for you both bc there’s nothing worse than being a perfectionist and living with someone who makes chronic messes (i can attest)
you’d both have really intuitive kindness and understanding of each other and others and that would bond you together soso well. also jason wouldn’t be a loud talker. like at all, so he’d be totally fine hearing you perfectly bc he’s used to quiet talking
neutral and very faded colour palettes for you both, light light blues and pinks and white and cream and gold everywhere (if you moved in together🤭)
jason would love to listen to you speak french btw
he does NOT strike me as a very outdoors person (in the hiking and camping and dirt way) he’d much rather sit on a porch with you and read than do any of that stuff (also he’s roman. they’re famous for their baths he would love being clean no germs here)
would totally understand your ocd and be soso nice about it like. this man would be so careful not aggravate you with unnecessarily untidy or uneven things like that.
music and book dates >>>
anyways y’all are cute i ship it so bad
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
just stumbled across this post and grabbed some GOLD comments for the receipts
but my fave is the contrast of these 2 (@terfstillmeanslesbian this is for u!)
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so very interesting of hellobadomens (btw I keep misreading your url as "hello abdomens 😅) to call us stupid for saying that something is happening which quite literally happened upthread
and then there's calling radfems stupid for saying this post is virtue signaling, which is precisely what it is:
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they are not being very subtle with the misogyny here:
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addicted to lying, the lot of em:
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "ineffectualdemon "?
Ah it's hard to pick my top 10 fics because I'm kind of a fic hoarder. I have over 3,000 bookmarks on AO3 because if I enjoy a fic I want to read it again and once I'm in a new hyperfixation I rarely go back to old ones until the cycle naturally takes me back there
But it's really hard for me to pick my top ten fics because ranking things like that is hard
I will say for Moshang Tossawary on AO3 is the gold standard.
As for my user name it's because my kid when they were little informed me that it seemed like I was built to be evil but I'm really incredibly bad at it. Like an ineffectual demon or something (I said that last bit in response but they agreed)
Like I am meant intrinsically to be evil but I failed so hard at it I'm actually nice
My husband agreed and I couldn't see the lie so I changed my URL to Ineffectualdemon and it fits very well
Kiddo maintains this is still accurate btw (they are 14)
My evil deeds are mostly just explaining what Hetalia and the Omegaverse are to my husband non consensually and wearing mismatched socks around him
Fyi btw on Tumblr itself this showed you as anonymous but in the email this time it gave me your URL so you might want to yell at Tumblr about that
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protect-namine · 2 years
hiii i saw ur tags on the new genshin video and was wondering if you remember when/where the hexenzirkel was first referenced?? this was my first time hearing of it and im super curious what bit of lore i mightve missed! i didn't start playing until right after the first GAA ended (rip) so i know for sure theres some event-exclusive albedo/mona/klee stories ive missed out on. im not finding anything helpful on the genshin wiki though so figured i'd just ask! love ur url btw :)
I love your url too! it's cute!!
okay I'm about to unearth this can of worms so bear with me for the length; the hexenzirkel is one of my favorite mysteries in genshin. I imagine that the wiki page might not be updated with everything yet since this is really the first time we've heard of them in an official capacity, but we can extrapolate a lot from what we previously knew. I'll put this under a read more. :D
from what I remember, we didn't actually have any info on hexenzirkel for a long time. the first time I saw it ever mentioned was from lisa's voiceline on mona.
Mona? She seems to be an excellent mage, but I'm not a part of their Hexenzirkel. The idea of Irminsul exploration and formal tea parties just leaves me cold.
and barbara's character story about when alice tried to turn her into an idol (lol):
"But... aren't The Seven the ones that people are supposed to worship?" / "Yes, but not exclusively…" replied Alice, an elder of the Hexenzirkel, as she groomed the young girl for stardom. "Read this, it contains everything you will need to know."
I'm not super updated on lore but I believe those were the only instances we've seen the hexenzirkel actually mentioned by name before this year's windblume.
so for a while that was really all we knew: that there's this coven of witches who have tea parties and explore irminsul. and since irminsul was such a big mystery, it was intriguing to know about them! however, since we know that alice is an elder, we can kinda extrapolate a lot from what we know of alice.
(interestingly: lisa mentions hexenzirkel as if mona is a part of it, but mona's official affiliation is of mondstadt. I'm also not sure if mona knew about the hexenzirkel, or much of them, though she certainly knew about her master, and albedo's master, and alice. so idk if she's officially a part of them, but lisa seems to think so?)
(also, lisa was apparently known as a grand mage at one point but that's all behind her now and she won't tell us much about it)
what we know about alice is scattered in many areas, but what interests me is that she:
is the rival-friend of mona's master (from mona's story quest) and was in possession of her diary (which she left with klee)
is friends with rhinedottir/gold, since she took care of albedo after rhinedottir left with the heart of naberius
is the author of the teyvat traveling guide
seems to know about other worlds existing. some speculate that she herself is a descender since she references a lot of outside-Teyvat stuff (like her dialogue in the first GAA), and it was curious how she was the one to narrate aloy's character miscellany instead of dainsleif
"Teyvat's borders have grown fragile these past two years — looks like Mommy's going to have to get busy." what does she have to do with "teyvat's borders"? this is from the wings of feasting description (yes, the KFC glider)
is immune to irminsul memory wipes (from how she narrates wanderer's character miscellany, she seems to know who wanderer really is). in the same video, she mentions that she has a special job that allows her special privileges that allows her to observe the world through different perspectives (sidenote: lol dottore would kill for that kind of privilege)
is in good terms with venti, since he knows everything about how to get traveler to GAA, literally gives traveler the cheatsheet for the lantern in this year's windblume, has the dodocommunicator, etc.
from there, the community just kinda associated alice with rhinedottir and mona's master (we now know her name is barbeloth, as in barbelos the mother of all in gnosticism, which is another whole can of worms). and have (correctly) inferred that they both must be part of the hexenzirkel with alice.
we also know that all of their children/successors are in mondstadt (klee, albedo, mona) and are actually good friends. from mona's character story 4, we know that they regularly meet up to have lunch and exchange knowledge ("since [albedo and mona] are both people who seek to unveil the principles of the world, and both are accomplished students of famed masters, aligning themselves with one another and working together is perfectly normal."). I think this will become important in the storyline later (like maybe two years later lol), especially since alchemy and hydromancy are very closely tied to the secrets of teyvat, and they are both fields that albedo and mona learned from their masters.
the rest of this post is mostly speculation, but I've heard some interesting theories about the hexenzirkel over the past two years:
the adventurer's guild was set up by the hexenzirkel. some people have cited that the roof of mondstadt's guild looks like a witch's hat. ashikai made a whole video about this theory (which also has a lot of info that I probably haven't covered) if you're interested!
skirk (the person in the abyss who taught childe how to survive there when he fell in) is also a member. I think that's not confirmed right now, since we now have the names of the witches and skirk wasn't mentioned, but maybe they could be a successor like scarlett?
hexenzirkel has deep connections to istaroth and might even worship istaroth. I don't have all the details to how this theory came to be, but I remember thinking it seems possible! I think it's because mona/hexenzirkel has a lot of the star of ishtar symbol. albedo said that mona's island in GAA (minacious isle) was literally a mountain razed by barabatos and it's from the location where the thousand winds temple is (in the first GAA we follow a seelie from there back to mondstadt, which confirms it). it was also the island where you travel between past and present AND where you can see the sky with purple hues for the first time (before we got the desert in sumeru). usually the skies of teyvat are in blue-green hues. with the revelation that the witches once tried to fight venti, I think this lends some weight to their istaroth connections (though of course, venti is friends with them now). them sending their successors to mondstadt kinda harkens back to the time when mondstadt worshipped both time and wind simultaneously in the distant past.
finally, the new windblume event actually points to some new theories. the video seems to imply that mona is a fallen star that her master scried upon. whether or not she fell from the "true" or "false" sky is unknown at the moment. I used to think she might be a daughter of outlanders, but maybe she's actually a descender herself? or a star of the false sky? either way, I'm always curious about how she came to know a song unknown to teyvat.
But sometimes, on a clear night, she can be seen on a high mountain slope. There, Mona gazes up at the stars in the sky — so close, she feels, that she could almost reach out and touch them — with gentle eyes, humming an unknown tune to herself.
so all in all, hexenzirkel lore is pretty scattered. but once you know the key figures related to them, you can just dive into their lore and you'll eventually find out about them. I got into them because I liked klee and albedo so I read their character stories, which led me to alice and mona, which led me to the hexenzirkel.
now that they're finally officially introduced in the game, hopefully we'll see more of them in the future! I think, given that it took them 2+ years to be mentioned without any official appearances from the members, that they'll be important to the endgame story when we circle back to mondstadt/celestia/khaenri'ah.
sorry this was very long, but hope that gives you brief introduction to some of the most mysterious factions in the game! I love them so much, so I'm glad they're getting attention now from other people!!
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
hiya!! i hope m'not too late for this... but 🌟 for hawks, bakugou, and dabi? 👀👀👀
LOVE ur blog btw!! 🥺♡
Hiiiiii love your blog too! and I especially love your url, excellent choice 😉
Hawks answered here!
In my heart of hearts I want to say Dynamite by Taio Cruz for Bakugou but that would be so inaccurate to his character gjhvfdgkj
I think I'll pick GIitter & Gold for him
For Dabi, This fffire by Franz Ferdinand (yes I know im basic lmao) and Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons
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notebookmusical · 14 days
Hi! So sorry I haven't replied and this will probably be a shorter ask because I may forget some things. I'm so glad you had a great time and enjoyed all of your shows and I really enjoyed reading about them and your opinions and experience! 🩷
Omg CATS was your favorite!? Lol I do like it amd some of the songs are good and catchy..I did like seeing the dancing up close when I saw it on tour too. How do the songs work..was it still the same musical with songs and costumes just with more sophisticated ballroom dancing? Or was it more like drag glam costumes or something and what about the makeup..no whiskers? lol. I'm kinda confused how that would work but Im glad it worked and you enjoyed it so much. It seems really fun audience environment and energy throughout. What was Memory like since it's a slower song? Or even the staging..it doesn't really have a lot of staging sets so I'm curious about that. However I guess it would or might be similar to the Cabaret environment and staging and with audience interaction too I guess so maybe it could work if they wanted to stage it again but I'm not sure. What do you think of the new Cabaret leads btw? I thought she didn't really look the part at first but I saw some photos and would be interested in hearing audios. I also don't know how she will be in it while doing press for Moana 2 though. I used to be a fan of Adam Lambert and love his voice and think he could amp up the craziness of the Emcee's antics or be similar to Alan Cumming. Emma Stone will always be the perfecly marvelous Sally stunt casting to me though.
Romeo and Juliet with Rachel Zegler is also opening soon and I am super curious about that. It's apparently a play but has some music from Jack Antonoff? Is it not songs..idk which is a shame cuz I love her voice and I loved her as Maria In West Side so I think it could be good. I only brought it up now cuz that also seems like some kind of modern reimagining like what CATS or Cabaret tried to do but not similar at all or is it just that they updated from Shakespeare language probably.
Anyway the Notebook number two! Love the url change btw!!! I loved reading about the staging and will hopefully see it on tour even though this cast seemed pretty amazing so I'm happy for you! But I think it's so special the show means that much to you. I didn't know all 3 actors or versions were on stage during that time though...that's so cool. Is it always like that in other scenes or just for I Wanna Go Back? I'm sad its closing and I'm not sure why it didn't last longer. Reading what you wrote and how you described it right down to the rain scene reminded me of how I actually feel about the Outsiders too. Like about the music not being really Broadway but it just fits the show so well and makes so much sense. That show is also emotional and resonates with a lot of people and both shows are based on popular movies and I love how the shows are so different from them too. My Days reminds me or has the same message sort of as Stay Gold. Both shows make me nostalgic too..idk if it's cuz of the movies though. Idk if I ever asked you how you felt about it compared to the movie though. Were you a big fan of the movie and nervous about the adaptation? I knew Ingrid Michaelson would probably make it good but I didn't imagine it would turn out so well. Even hearing about adding another young version instead of two made it seem so different but now it's just like it expanded the story or message compared to just comparing it to the movie if that makes sense. I know some of the cast talked about that but moving it to the 1970s instead of the 40s kinda still confuses me if you could expand on that? I think I read that somewhere but I could be wrong.
Also..I'm sorry for mentioning Outsiders again there cuz you haven't read it or listened and I'm afraid you won't like it cuz it's the popular musical but I do agree with Newsies similarities cuz of the fans and popularity, brotherhood theme, and the relationship is sort of similar. They also both have hot leads lol but that's all I'll say and not in a fangirl way or anything, but I do love the whole cast and think they're so talented. I think it's popular for a good reason though so I hope you love it. Its like a mix of Grease, West Side Story and Newsies to me so if you love those shows you'll hopefully like it. I know people have problems with the music though and that's kinda it's own thing I guess. I may be biased cuz the book, story and movie already mean a lot to me too. I hope you don't mind this part and that it doesn't come off as annoying and not pressure. Also maybe the Newsies comparison only makes sense to me. I once compared Moulin Rouge to Hadestown and how Hades was sort of like the Duke and the whole forbidden love can't be together mixed with the tragic ending haha. But now I think Gatsby is a pretty close comparison to Moulin Rouge plot and show vibes wise with actual similar kind of music. I'm so sorry you didn't get to see Hadestown! I would've loved to hear about Jordan Fishers performance but I have seen some clips aIready. I hope you feel better from the migraines by now and well rested!
Omg I'm sorry Aaron seemed like such a disappointment the night you went! That really sucks especially wanting to see him live. Do you think actors should just call out at that point or did you still enjoy it? How was Roxanne? I always wonder how much of a show is just on autopilot after doing it so much but I also understand actors can just have an off night vocally too and I think I would be sort of disappointed to have an understudy since I could only see it once so I hope it was still good! Im glad you enjoyed JoJo's performance at least. I can't remember if you've seen the show live before or not. I'm also happy about the new cast and would like to hear John Cardoza since I'm familiar with his voice now.
Oh Mary seems like a good time and funny show but I do get what you mean about only needing to see it once. I'm sure I would at least enjoy it but there is just so many shows to see but I do like hearing more about it. I hope maybe they'll post more clips so I could see the humor. I do like Conrad Rica more too.
I've only seen the movie version of Once Upon a Mattress but I bet the stage version isn't so different and I'm familiar with it and the story in general as and I only remember a few songs. I think Sutton Foster singing Shy would be good though and it would be a fun less serious show in between.
I did listen to Stereophonic and enjoy the music so much! Bright and Masquerade are so catchy and I still sing them all the time or they get stuck in my head. I also knew it was similar to Daisy Jones too and that reminds me I still never watched, read or listened to all the music of it yet. I kinda forgot about it whoops. It was probably one of my favorite cast albums I listened to as far as the music staying with me. I was more curious about what you felt about how long the show was, or felt? Did you think some could be cut? What were the mood of most scenes..arguments or something else? I just don't know how it would be over 3 hours but I guess there is some songs to break it up. Is that why it was lower in your list or just you were tired and is it pretty similar to watching a musical or not at all?
Wow this is probably hella long so now I will reply and continue in a part 2!!!
my beloved pink heart anon i need you to know that i always smile whenever i see you in my askbox but i did in fact chuckle when you said this would be a short ask and i got three messages 🤍
i know! i was surprised too that cats: the jellicle ball was my favorite — i was actually getting coffee with an old friend this week and she asked me about my trip and the shows i saw she was just so shocked when i told her that because everyone knows just how much i dislike the original work. i think there are some songs that are cut or some are sped up a little? i don't remember them doing the awfull battle of the pekes and the pollicles, at least? i don't know how familiar you are with ballroom culture (would recommend watching paris is burning if you're interested!) but it was really just staged as a competition! the stage itself was very minimal, but very, very cool — basically just a cat walk and then the "cats" (humans in the ballroom community who called themselves cats) would strut + dance. there was a screen and they would project like, what category of the competition was going on and who the cats were, which was really neat! memory is a slower song and it's grizabella going up the staircase and it's just so gorgeous and touching. and yes! very immersive! actors would come around to grab props or would just interact with the audience depending on where you were sitting and it was so so fun!
i haven't been following this production of cabaret closely! but i've heard that people quite like adam and auli'i! i still have to watch the emma stone cabaret boot in full (sent with invisible ink, hanging my head in shame, etc). i've heard she's so good!!
r+j is so ... because like, obviously a play that has been around for hundreds of years cannot be spoiled. but also why is every element of the staging already spoiled for me? they haven't even been in previews for A WEEK and i'm seeing twitter videos and tweets everywhere. i'm (obviously) not anti-bootleg but i don't think that shows should be posted on twitter like that because it's not a concert!!! and filmers know what they're doing! audience members who are taking their phone out to film is just not it! it's distracting! it looks very cool — have seen people calling it brat summer r&j, and i do really like rachel zegler, rooting for her success always! very intrigued to see what people say of it once it opens/is a little more set in stone.
i loveeee shows that do a little more expanding/reimaginging of "classic" or "older" shows, like spring awakening deaf west, oklahoma 2019, gay oklahoma from 2018, cats: the jellicle ball, etc. i think it's amazing how much more depth can be added to shows just by direction, casting, and staging — even if not much in the original text itself has changed. like it is one of the things that makes me love musical theatre as an artform; how it's constantly growing and changing and improving and also the same.
for my beloved notebook: hehe thank you! and i managed to get sitpwgs (url) back so i can go back to it someday! we will see when! there are times where all three couples are on stage, or times where it's just young allie + middle allie/young noah + middle noah at the same time, and it's just really brilliant and beautiful, in my opinion. i'm really devastated that it's closing so soon, although have been expecting this just based on their abysmal numbers (same with water for elephants — been reading up on broadway's weekly grosses since i was in high school, and have a fair idea of what to expect by now). i really hope you're able to catch it on tour 🤍 i didn't particularly care for the book or the movie, but i really, really loved the musical! and i do enjoy ingrid's music — i do think the notebook's score works really well in the context of the show, not so much without it though. and yes! i thought it was still in the 40s too until i was making my most recent edit and realized it was actually in the 70s 😭. they changed it so the war that noah fights in is the vietnam war instead, and it is a lot more obvious in hindsight looking at the clothes/costumes!
please don't apologize for mentioning things! i always value what you have to say, even if i am not super well-versed in that subject yet! i've been getting back into the habit of setting monthly goals in terms of things to watch/read/listen to, and i think i'll get around to the outsiders next month. i definitely want to read it first (and maybe watch the movie first?) before listening to the cast recording. i really liked aaron's roxanne (it's always a treat, and he did the opt-up!); despite aaron's checked-out-ness he always sounds vocally great.
i really love john cardoza's voice, and i hope he has a wonderful, long lasting career. he is one of the most charismatic, talented actors i've seen in a hot minute. i wonder if oh mary will tour, and if so, i hope you get to see it! it's just delightful. i have a hard time conceptualizing what oh mary would look like without cole escola, without the current cast, just because they are so good.
i've never seen once upon a mattress and actually went in pretty blind — just vaguely knew that it was inspired by the princess and the pe — and i really liked it! that being said i am still confused about how old these characters are supposed to be. i hope they do a cast recording! i really really liked michael urie, he was so funny and charming in it!
did you see that stereophonic is getting sued? haha i literally turned to my friend after the show and was like how has this show not been sued yet. so i guess there it is. i love the music but the play itself is not my favorite. it feels SO long and that's part of it, i think — it's supposed to feel like it's dragging to encapsulate how much time they spent in the studio, etc. a lot of argument, a lot of tension. it was lower in my list because i was just miserable watching it, actually — i had a really bad migraine, the sound quality was weird (the music was very loud, the actual speaking parts weren't that loud), it was just long and i felt like i was going to pass out at any moment haha. so mostly a me thing and not a stereophonic thing! i do think if i was feeling a bit better, i probably would've loved it more!
my wrists have been aching a lot lately (yay tendinitis) so it may take me a little longer to reply to the other messages but 🤍 love you! hope you're doing well!
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liu-yu-xin · 11 months
I’m super curious since you’ve called two of the most know male c-ent celebs in the west ugly (I don’t disagree btw) who you think the best looking people in c-ent are? I appreciate your candidness lol
this is actually extremely difficult to answer bc ugly cdrama actors outnumber good looking actors like 100 to 1 there are simply so many ugly men starring in cdramas. off the top of my head i would say bai jingting is cute, ding yuxi is also pretty good looking w the right hair and costuming, deng lun is also handsome i wish he wasnt blacklisted for tax fraud :(( , yu shi from the fengshen movie is pretty, if we wanna wander over to taiwanese dramas i think greg hsu is Adorable, and my ult is obv wang hedi (hence the url of my main blog) i think he has a really distinctive look and energy and dongfang qingcang is my gold standard for male leads in costume dramas
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disasterjones · 5 years
Odd question, but I've noticed this alot; what's with all the ID descriptions on critical role posts?
There’s a movement among a fair few Critters, led by disabled fans and content creators, to make art and visual media more accessible. I’ve been inspired by @keplercryptids​ and @kimabutch​ to help facilitate accessibility where I can, so I reblog every instance I can find, and—if none exist—add descriptions myself when I’m able.
I can’t necessarily pinpoint where it started or whether it’s a product of the CR community, because I’ve noticed a lot of people across different fandoms starting to do it, which is great! It should be a norm. 
Even if we take away the accessibility purpose (although it should never be divorced), it’s convenient from a technical standpoint: if you’re low on data or the images won’t load on your device, there’s a handy little description of exactly what’s happening. And that way no one misses out.
At its core, accessibility is just a desire to make sure nobody misses out.
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keirahknightley · 2 years
one of my FAVORITE moments from the thirst tweets videos will be with richard madden reading "richard madden can run me over with a bus and i'd still suck that dick" and him going like "em... in that ordER?" it will be forever funny kjhdsfbha
you are SO right omg!!! Richard's thirst tweets video is def going in the hall of fame of thirst tweets videos 😂😂😂😂
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famousfive · 3 years
Things I want erased from my memory:
You’re the West Village
Me! Out now (on Lesbian Visibility Day)
I came straight from Rome
Female ballet dancer trying to get to Taylor in Lover performance
I want to thank my boyfriend Adam
Snuck in through the garden gate
They’re all wearing these robes btw, it’s like an actual fantasy
Emily, I feel like our relationship got to the next level
Our secret moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you
Taylor tagged as a daisy // now I’m your daisy
I like women, particularly gay women
Your eyes are really blue… damn it, did I blink?
The number thirteen
Fell down the rabbit hole URL
I don’t want you like a best friend
Got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
The Male Perspective™
My E-e-e-e, she’s my friend now
You say you wanted me, but you’re sleeping with him
Wear you like a necklace
Something happens when everybody finds out
She’s a queen, selling dreams, selling makeup and magazines
I left a note on the door with a joke we made
She’s a crook who got caught
Women secretly touching hands in “The Man” MV
“Honey” in Taylor’s playlist
Orange Girl™
The shape of your name still spells out pain
I loved you in secret
“Breathe” = platonic friendship song
Everybody’s watching her but she’s looking at you
And that’s the thing about illicit affairs
Thirteenth person to walk out in VSFS // thirteenth person in “Bad Blood” MV
My man and I’ve been through a lot together
The Eye Theory™
Glass shattered on the white cloth, everybody moved on
She’s got shiny abs
You wear the same jewels that I gave you as you bury me
Middle name Joseph
Exile as single on August third
Gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies
Love locked down
When you talk to me like I’m your friend Diana, I’m not Diana
On the way home
Betty, will you kiss me?
And you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls
Relax - I’ll try
That she never loved me
I like a cup of Joe in the morning
My girl
I grew a beard to be taken seriously as a producer at the Grammy’s
That’s the price I paid for seven years in heaven
Have a great summer knowing how disgustingly beautiful you are
Gay pride is what makes me me
I’d fall from grace just to touch your face
It shouldn’t be a big deal who you love
Karlie filming Taylor performing “Dress”
I wanna kiss a girl
That’s fine, I’ll tell mine that you’re gaaaay
I’ve tried ×2
“She’s my sunshine” in Taylor’s playlist
Or hide in the closet
A lifetime of adventures together
Riptide cover
Fifth person in the dive bar
Every gender neutral interview (person, they/them)
Are you gonna get a beard like Taylor Swift?
Angel boyfriend of one year
Watching Karlie watch Taylor during this moment of Taylor watching Karlie was everything
Shade never made anybody less gay
That was my first girl kiss
I am obsessed with you. If you look out your window and down the street about 200 yards, you may see a big white van parked on the street. I am inside the van with a telescope and computer. Just trying to catch a glimpse of Kelsey.
Dancing in your Levi’s
When I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name
We’re both normal girls™
As a birthday present from the media
I get mystified by how this city screams your name
I want her midnights
Like I’m not your favorite town, I’m New York City
Your kitchen or mine?
The girl in my story has always been you
August slipped away
You’re so gorgeous, it’s hard to talk to you
The skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up
Let’s show our pride
Staying friends would iron it out so nice
Josh’s playlist
If that’s you, pad yourself on the back, I love you so much
(Pisces) (Male) (Producer)
I don’t like a gold rush
I can’t dare to dream about you anymore
Now you try on calling me baby like trying on clothes
Sorry for not making you my center fold
Gay texan picture
It’s new, the shape of your body
Now she’s hiding in a closet. Now she’s locked in that closet.
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jaegeriess · 3 years
for your links— when you click on them in mobile it goes to a blog called lunxvatic and it says post not found? maybe you changed your url?
here are my fic recs btw, all on ao3 and all eren x reader
poems for driftwood by besotted_eros (smut) (completed)
unfunctionally illiterate by raspberrycarebear
daffodills kiss by caligulla (smut)
a good boy by paceslikeaghost8 (smut) (completed)
boys and their toys and their six inch rockets by xoaces (smut) (completed)
head in the clouds by jaeren
a little too personal by princessjaeger1029 (smut)
gold rush by clefairymuke
what lies underneath by abswrites (completed)
a lot of royalty au here 😅
Omg I did change it!! I’ll go fix those rn I’m so sorry 😭
And thank you for the recs I’ll check them out! :)) actually “what lies underneath” and “daffodils kiss” is on my rec list I absolutely love those
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yusei-clownington · 3 years
SO I FINALLY FINISHED 5D’S! And what better way to celebrate than to go through my favorite characters as…briefly as I can
Slight spoilers I suppose?
Let’s work it up from 10 to 1
10- Jack
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Was gonna go with lucchiano but who am I kidding Jack’s great. He’s a drama queen with an even more dramatic wardrobe. Never afraid to express himself and just bluntly blurt out what he thought.
His obsession with Cup ramen is on another level but what can I say? Love is love, Jack x cup ramen for life *wipes tears*
But seriously speaking he’s great. His very first line was enough proof of that. He just… apologized for being late then declared “I AM KING” like the…king he is.
My favorite Rival character still remains Manjoume… and… Yeah I still prefer Kaiba over Jack but damn was he a good rival.
Like he has to be the only Rival so far with an actual past with the Main character, no? That was pretty interesting because usually, the protagonist meets the rival somewhere during the first season and we go off from there. But here we had to go through their backstory to know what their relationship was fully like. Nice touch.
9- Aki
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Hands down my favorite female protagonist so far. I adore Anzu and feel neutral enough about Asuka but Aki? NAH MAN AKI’S AMAZING. I think 5D’s just does the best job with its female characters. Like it actually gives them big enough roles. I loved how Aki got her own episodes…be it the D-wheel ones or just… fillers.
Her crush on Yusei was justified, at least it seems so to me, and honestly never got obnoxious. Sure she had a moment here and there but it was honestly never a bad thing. Hell faith shipping in general isn’t exactly a bad Idea.
Speaking of shipping, is anyone going to talk about her little frienshipmaybemore moments with Crow? No? Ok…
But anyway, overall, SHE’S AMAZING AND I LOVE HER. There was more to her than some boring pining love interest and it shows with each episode. So when people say she has a great personality, they’re actually talking about her personality. AKI RULES
8- Mikage
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Would’ve been way WAY higher on the list if the thing with Jack was thrown out the widow.
That being said I think she’s the more mature of the Jack-crazy trio. Like sure she was just as into him as the other two, but in some scenes she was a lot more tolerable.
But that honestly might just be my bias towards this amazing woman speaking.
She’s devoted to her work, gentle, caring, gorgeous and just all around a wonderful character to see.
I loved most of her scenes in the series, and the fact that there was more to her than just the jack part. She actually had an important part to play in many episodes and honestly proved herself to be a very fun character. I just wish they gave a her little more screentime than what she got.
A lot of lost potential there- I mean come on.
7- Rua /Lua
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He reminds me of Judai WAY too much. LIKE WAAAAY too much not to be on this list. The guy’s adorable. And I love how they made him the emotional one. Like they could’ve gone with the “the boy is always rowdy and tOUGH” stereotype, but they didn’t. Sure, ruka (who I don’t like as much) was much more gentle, but it was much easier to see Rua cry than it was to see her do so. It’s just fun is all.
I also adore his deck and that little theme that played whenever he dueled… Plus his relationship with Jack and Yusei…GOLD GOLD.
6- Ushio
I made a whole post about Him, You think he wouldn’t be in my Top 10? Well think again. Great development would see through again.
5- Sherry Leblanc
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What you just witnessed in the line above is my internal reaction to literally any scene this beautiful badass woman happens to be in.
She’s just amazing. She has this really… tough energy IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT SHE’S A REALLY INTIMIDATING WOMAN. But not in a bad way, oh nonononono in a REALLY REALLY GOOD WAY OKAY.
Her character arcs and episodes somehow felt…really separate from the whole team 5D’s shenanigans even though they were basically connected…
Like she had her own motivation that didn’t particularly rely on bonds, but was still willing to accept and even form a bond with the whole team.
Revenge is kinda hot ngl.
Okay no it’s not. But seeing a vengeful character that WASN’T played off as evil or particularly wrong amidst a bunch of friendship is magic ones was pretty refreshing.
The moment she took her helmet off when dueling yusei I was HOOKED and so was Aki but shhhhhh.
But damn I love what they did with her at the end, Rushed as it may have been. It took her joining with Z-one briefly and dueling Aki and Crow ( a very underrated duo btw) to realize that maybe thinking of the past and only the past was not a very good idea.
Anyway love her. And her duels are always a delight to watch.
4- Placido
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Before he showed up, sherry was supposed to be 4th but here we are. Placido Placido Placido. I want to make it clear that…I really couldn’t care less about Aporia as a whole. But Placido and Lucchiano were pretty fun characters.
Now I finally get to talk about my beloved.
This dude was…the biggest mood. EVER.
He would hang up in that third one’s face like it was nothing and constantly ignore his boring ass. Oh. You have a plan? Ok. I don’t care. It’s boring. I’m placido and I’ll do what I want. Kiss my D-wheel ass.
He has a lot of hilariously sassy lines, which include and I quote:
“I don’t know what god wants you to do.”
“But I won’t accept it!”
The guy just does not care and I’m living for it.
Not to mention his bee analogies which- Why have I not seen anyone point out????? BEE ANALOGIES COME ONNNNNNNN
3- Kiryuu
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Edgy dude with pretty hair. Also gay. Also the crash town arc. Need I say more?
I will anyway.
Honestly dark signer Kiryuu was pretty fun to me with all the crazy laughter and stuff…
Then past/ flashbacks Kiryuu was just as interesting but in a completely different way. Sure he didn’t get as many episodes or screentime as the rest, but what I saw of him was more than enough for me to care about the Character. Like unlike the old satellite gang (Rally and the other two whose names I can’t even remember) I actually gave a shit about this guy when bad stuff happened to him.
Not to mention his growth. Like…He went through reverse/ negative development, then uphill by the end of the signers’ ark with all the…dying in your hands gayly stuff, then downhill again by the beginning of the crosstown arc….aaaaand back up and higher than ever by the end of it. Basically the fact that his development wasn’t always constant just added some spice.
Plus his dynamic with his ex-teammates…team….satisfaction (Try saying that with a straight face) was always pretty entertaining, especially his with Yusei.
Speaking of which...
2- Yusei
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With all my talk about him…and…my profile picture…and URL, it may come as a surprise that he’s not number 1 here, but honestly it’s so close you could call it a tie.
As for why I love him….Have you- Have you seen my blog????? Do I even..need to say anything????
1- Crow
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Now there’s a lot I have to say about Crow honestly hE’S JUST THAT COOL, but I’m saving it to talk about later still. All I’ll say for now is this:
Flashy guy with an amazing sense of style, an earring and an incredible amount of cockiness and charisma. What’s not to like?
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organabanana · 4 years
30 Questions Tag
Thank you to dear @howdywrites for the tag!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 others you wanna know more about 😊
1. Name/Nickname: Wen is not my real name but I’ve been going by it forever so that works!
2. Gender: Female
3. Star Sign: Aries. I’m very aries (derogative).
4. Height: 5′6 ish? I think? Your American fairy units I swear. I’m 166cm.
5. Time: 5.44PM
6. Birthday: March 28
7. Favorite bands/groups: ABBA (unironically btw, they slap), The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, ummmm Spice Girls? I’m a hot mess I don’t know what to tell you. 90% of what I listen to are showtunes so these questions always feel unfair.
8. Favorite solo artist: way too many but my absolute top I rarely go more than a couple days without listening to are Vanesa Martín, Idina Menzel, Adele, India Martínez, and Sara Bareilles.
9. Song stuck in my head: Safaera by Bad Bunny
10. Last Movie: Gone Girl
11. Last Show: I’m currently watching both Supergirl and She-Ra so both of those.
12. When did I create this blog: January 2020
13. What do I post: 90% fannish things, 10% writing with some random art sprinkled in for flair.
14. Last thing I Googled: ok I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this but it’s funnier if i don’t tell you so I’ll just say the last thing I googled was ‘tropical fish urethra’and leave it at that.
15. Other blogs: my writeblr blog is @meadowclarke
16. Do I get asks: once in a blue moon, but I love them! Attention feeds my soul.
17. Why I chose my URL: I like star wars and rhyming. Also, bananas are great for muscle cramps.
18. Following: 169
19. Followers: 75
20. Average hours of sleep: 5ish
21. Lucky number: 25 and 5
22. Instruments: I can play the guitar, both classical Spanish and acoustic. And a number of obscure regional instruments (mostly percussion) from my area bc I grew up super involved in regional folklore groups/classes.
23. What am I wearing: jeans, dark blue socks with glittery gold stars, red converse, a plain white long sleeve t-shirt and a navy blue hoodie with the sloth from Zootopia on it.
24. Dream job: I’m a special ed teacher. My dream job is my job but with decent pay so I don’t have to do extra tutoring a bunch of hours a day and I can write and chill instead.
25. Dream trip: my #1 dream destination is Greece, and I want to see a whale in the wild before I die.
26. Favorite food: I am a simple woman with simple tastes so I’ll say tortilla de patata.
27. Nationality: Spanish
28. Favorite song: I can’t pick just one so I’ll pick four because they are all my favorite song depending on the day: Being Alive (Rosalie Craig), Brave (Sara Bareilles), Tomorrow (Idina Menzel), 90 Minutos (India Martínez feat. Vanesa Martín).
29. Last book I read: I’m currently reading Homework by Julie Andrews. Last book I finished was The Barefoot Woman by Scholastique Mukasonga.
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey so I can just stare at Kassandra and ask her to go gather me some herbs and nuts and hope she’ll get some romancin’ interactions afterwards. Tomb Raider (I am Not Athletic so I’d volunteer as housekeeper and simply yearn in silence). The DCU, in general, but frankly I’d thrive in Themyscira.
Tagging I don’t KNOW 20 people, goodness, but with absolutely zero pressure involved I’ll tag the last 10 people I followed: @mayalice18, @halfclementine, @trixicbean, @red-cape-morgana, @red-priestess-of-scully-romanov, @maxcaulfield, @ashen-crest, @spicysequoia, @fairymascot, @hrwinter and anyone else who wants to do it!
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ewwhothefuckiski · 3 years
♧ im bored so why not? (btw im unholyobsession)
Ngl I got scared for a minute lmao
You’re my: super cool moot who I'm not sure why you follow me 😂
Why I follow you: bc you are literally so cool, like ❤
Your blog is: literally amazing
Your URL is: gold
Your icon is: awesome!!
A random fact I know about you: you wrote my favorite fic ever
General opinion: TALENT!!! BEAUTY!!! GRACE!!!!
A random thought I have: I need to remember the melody of this song 😂
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