#Izayoi Aki
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#ygo#post#my art#yugioh gx#yugioh#art#clip studio paint#izayoi aki#tenjoin asuka#aoi zaizen#yugioh vrains#yugioh 5ds
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I haven't thrown out random headcanons for a while, so on this lovely night, we have: getting wisdom teeth removed, lol
Crow: Has two on the same side, both have to go, but he doesn't have to be put under. He gets numbed up, they get yanked out, he gets sent on his way, drives himself home. Bam. Done. Goes back to work the next day with minimal swelling.
Jack: Has two on the same side, both have to go, but he's not as fortunate as Crow and has to be put under for it. Says the absolute most off-the-wall crap when he comes around (including insisting he's fine and probably could have driven himself home before promptly falling asleep on the way, and also demonstrating how wide he can open his mouth because he was told he wouldn't be able to). He's totally fine. For an hour, anyway. When he wakes up from his impromptu car ride nap, he's miserable and stays miserable. Refuses to eat or drink because now it hurts like heck. Swells up like a chipmunk. Not a happy camper.
Yusei: Has three (two on the bottom, one on the top), all have to go, also has to be put under. Remains 200% out of it when he comes around, doesn't talk at all. Stands up faster than he should and gives everyone in the room a heart attack when he almost faceplants into the floor. Prescription pain meds do very little, very uncomfortable. Also swells up like a chipmunk. Has to be coerced into drinking and doesn't eat anything solid for several days because it's so awkward and uncomfortable to chew. The picture of Absolute Misery.
Aki: Has none to get rid of, lucky dog.
Rua: Also has none to get rid of.
Ruka: Has two, somehow gets to keep them with no problems.
#yugioh 5ds#crow hogan#jack atlas#yusei fudo#izayoi aki#rua and ruka (yugioh 5ds)#apparently this is what i do when i'm stuck home alone on valentines day bc husband is stuck two towns over for work bc of the weather#someday maybe i'll actually write this into a fic or three#seriously underutilized source of whump. people only write it for the humor. which. yeah. i get it. BUT.#the first three may or may not be based on the experiences of my college roommate and my husband and myself#do what you will with that information lol
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Day 1. Portrait | @5daysofygofemslash
#yugioh#yugioh 5ds#roseknightshipping#5ds#izayoi aki#sherry leblanc#merry makes stuff#5daysofygofemslash#5daysofygofemslash2024#femslash
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Like and/or Reblog if Firebirdshipping (Crow Hogan x Izayoi Aki) is one of ur OTPs, even in 2024
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Yusei plans way in advance for Aki's birthdays.
He makes her special breakfasts before work, extra cuddles and kisses in the morning. He makes her dinner and gets a cake with frosting roses and bouquet of roses. Lots of extra night time kisses and cuddles...and more😏❤️
Aki litterally gets so spoiled. Yusei even takes the day off to prepare everything, he takes her to work on the back of his bike and kisses her goodbye. Aki's coworkers are watching and they want all the details about how Yusei is treating her for her birthday. Aki is very humble but blushing as she speaks happily about how sweet Yusei is.
Yusei is as cuddly as a cat after they eat dinner and they share many kisses and sweet whispers over glasses of wine.
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where I give myself stupidly niche requests according to this marvelous card… or something. It’s been three years dawg. (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled).
Besides, if I didn't mess up in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.
This fic is quite a long time in the making. I started working on it last year, before I even had the idea for Rice Vinegar, a previous entry in this bingo card series. I was reading/catching up to the absolute banging series that is Brimstone in my Garden, Roses set on Fire by @inkblackorchid. I was on my yearly YGO kick, this time mostly 5D's-related (it's either 5D's or Arc-V, I've come to notice) and reading Snapping Jaws and Piercing Horns (which you absolutely should read, btw, but I have a sneaking suspicion that, if you're reading this, then you've at least heard of SJPH), when the idea for this fic came to me. I really like the friendship between Aki and Crow that the series sets up during the WRGP arc, because it's got my two favourite 5D's characters involved and also it's got canonical whump material linked to it and I'm a sucker for that stuff. Everything was here for success; I was unemployed at the time so I had a bunch of free time on my hands, the inspiration was crisp and I could fuck around and find out with writing new characters I hadn't before. Issue: I hated what I was actually writing.
Since I was reading InkBlackOrchid's works, I was like "God, I need it to be as good as hers". Problem is, I don't have her writing style at all, all the while I was somehow attempting to pastiche how she writes Aki's POV. The result was a very spiteful narration that doesn't even fit Aki at this point of her character development or even the story I was trying to tell in the first place, and a lot of clumsy descriptions. It was bad, y'all. Now, that was the first draft. I had abandonned it at first, thinking I'd just never do anything with it nor with the idea I had, but I just happened to look at my AO3 subscriptions, remembered the banger 5D's fic series, and finally went on InkBlackOrchid's Tumblr. Reading her Autopsy of Crow series of posts reminded me of my WIP and made me want to finish it so I could throw my two cents in the 5D's fight.
I mention Brimstone in my Garden, Roses set on Fire this much because my love for this series is a genuine explanation for some elements of this fic. I like its version of canon so much I wrote established Faithship into this fic as if they were actually dating by this time of the series, forgetting that actually didn't happen in 5D's proper. Sorry not sorry on that front, btw, I've always shipped them and I don't think I'll stop anytime soon. The very first version of this idea wasn't even going to delve into Aki losing her powers after her crash pre-Team Catastrophe (my very own guilty pleasure of a duel, I actually really like it lol), but since I was so inspired by something that did, I figured I had to tackle the question as well. I hope it doesn't fall flat on its face. Be Careful what you Wish for had me by the gametes.
Wow, I had a lot of things to say for something that's kind of just whump I decided to write on a whim like a year ago, huh. I don't even know if my characters sound right (as in, I think my Aki is OOC, she's too open if that makes sense?), it's my first rodeo and it's scary but hey, getting out of your comfort zone is how you improve, ain't it? I don't know if this story is good, I didn't really rewatch 5D's before writing it, just pantsed it out based on memory and what I rewatched earlier this year (I think it was this year? I remember writing a post for my side Tumblr back then mentioning Max Verstappen out of all people and I wasn't into F1 until late 2023. Anyway).
Outside the Comfort Zone
Summary: Aki passes by Yusei and Co.'s living quarters to retrieve a copybook. Crow makes it way harder than it has any right to be. (or: a recently-ish powerless Aki finds herself having to care for a very stubborn, unwell Crow, and it goes as well as you'd expect.)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (set during the WRGP arc)
Word Count: 4K words
AO3 version available here.
Event run by @badthingshappenbingo
There’s something off with the garage of Poppo’s Time, today.
Oh, of course, most of it is obvious: the air’s still, there’s a distinct lack of mechanical clicking and Yusei isn’t here. It’s a minutia of various little details that, added together, make the entire place tilt forty-five degrees to the left.
It’s, unfortunately, not just these which make her feel this way. Frankly, if it was, Aki would’ve already gone out the door and back home. She’s just here to recover a copybook and it should’ve only taken her mere minutes to do that; yet there she is, ten minutes after stepping on the other side of the door, still without her biology copybook, still in a home that isn’t hers, and unsure of where to take the situation next.
The reason might just be the odd-looking Crow that’s standing in the way between her copybook and her.
Is she friends with said Crow? Yes? Maybe? “Friends” sounds a bit strong for their relationship, she’d say; there are no strangers to each other, and she likes sharing a room with him enough to consider them on friendly terms, but they don’t share enough emotional intimacy for them to be friends. At least, that’s how she sees it – maybe he sees it another way.
(Or maybe they’re already friends, and she’s just too afraid of rejection to admit it to herself – better be safe than sorry, even around the most transparent person she knows).
Whatever their relationship is, what Aki knows without much doubt is that Crow isn’t looking like himself. His stance is slouched and unsteady, his hand is holding the doorway just a little too tight for comfort and his eyes look mussed. It’s like his gaze, while explicitly trying to focus on her, is instead looking at something right behind her – as if seeing through her, which is a thought Aki truly has no time to unpack.
“Oh, hi Aki,” he tells her with an indignant wave, head bobbing along with the sway of his hand.
“Goo – good afternoon.”
His smile turns into a puzzled expression, which doesn’t help the impression she’s gotten so far. He looks around, his left eye twitching and his brow furrowed, then looks back at her when it seems like he hasn’t found what he wanted.
“You not hangin’ out with Yusei?”
Aki almost freezes.
“What do you mean?” She asks back, a shiver going down her spine.
Crow’s brow furrows even further, finally pointing her in the direction of the dark rings under his eyes.
“What do you mean, what do you mean? You come here to hang with Yusei, right?”
“He’s… He’s not here, Crow,” her voice staggers against her will. “He’s in Peru with Jack. I just came her to get a copybook I forgot here.”
The reminder, as useless as it should’ve been, seems to have confused him even further.
“Why the fuck would they go to Peru?” Crow asks, anger sipping in his tone. “That’s on the other side of the damn planet!”
He then hacks a lung out, prompting Aki to jump out. It’s harsh, not unlike the coughs she’d get when she was ill as a child and it seemed like the world was melting around her, psychic powers mixing in with the fever – the powers who, like so many people before, have abandoned her.
The silence is too heavy. She can’t let herself falter now. She may be in danger – scratch that, she’s fine, Crow is the one who needs help as far as she’s concerned. They’re friends, or as close as it gets, and she needs to step up now that his foster brothers aren’t here.
“They’re there to follow on a lead Bommer gave them.”
Her heart sinks a little further when all she sees is confusion. In fact, anything she says seems to result in confusion.
“How? That guy’s dead, y’know,” he gulps with a wince. “I know. I watched it happen. And, like, the dead don’t send emails.”
It’s an understandably difficult thing to swallow, she’ll give it to him. To this day, and despite her (former) psychic powers and links to the extrasensory through her Signer’s Mark, she still has little idea how Carly or Misty have managed to rise from the dead. It’s beyond either of their comprehension.
What shouldn’t be for Crow, however, is the whole travel thing. He was there when Yusei and Jack announced they were going. He must’ve been there to fret over them and their budget like Jack likes to complain about. So how come he cannot remember any of this? Why is he so—
“What time is it already?” Crow asks out of the blue.
It takes her aback, but she looks over her phone screen anyway.
“It’s fifteen to six in the evening.”
His face gets splattered in surprise.
“Shit! I’ve got a shift to attend to!”
“What shi—”
His hand lets go of the doorway.
“Sorry to leave this quick, Aki, I’m in a hurry—”
He walks past her, but before he can make it past her, he folds in half into another coughing fit. Fearing the worst, Aki runs to catch him with her arms, the click of her heels almost hiding the harsh sound of his cough. Heat sips through his clothes and through her gloves, ringing the final alarm that finally allows her to deduce what it was that bothered her so much about his appearance.
Despite the audible pain in his breath and the grimace on his face when he moves his arms, Crow still tries rising to his feet on his own. He weakly bats her away with his hands, but he has to lean against the nearest wall to stay upright. It’s an unreal sight, knowing how stubborn and enduring he truly is. Where is the man who was driving with an injured shoulder mere weeks ago?
“Is this shift really that urgent?” She makes no attempt at hiding her ever-growing concern. “You don’t seem like in any state to go to work…”
“What day of the week are we on?” is all he says back to her.
“It’s… Wednesday? Why?”
Crow’s face finally lights up.
“Oh! I’ve got some time ahead of me then.” He chuckles, but it dissolves into a cough, and she can’t keep her grimace to herself. “I thought we were Monday, for some reason?”
“You honestly seem very out of it,” she ends up bluntly stating instead of going along. “I really don’t think you should go work today.” Or tomorrow.
“Can’t afford not to,” he croaks back, but it lacks any sort of sting.
What looks to her like a dizzy spell ends up taking his resolution out, his whole body pitching forward. Once more, almost in rhythm, her body moves on its own as a result, her arms catching him in his fall.
Heat lingers on her hands even after she has finished bringing him to his room.
Unlike most of Team 5Ds, Aki has never had to care for someone else. She has none of Yusei’s instinct for help nor Crow’s experience with dealing with children. Usually, when faced with this sort of situations, she’d entrust the person in need of care to someone with a lot more ease in this domain – as it turns out, most of the time, it’s asking Jack’s childhood friends to handle his problems, much to his protests. As such, she’s never had to play nursemaid before, and nobody has trusted her with such a role until Yusei came along, and for once, she hadn’t wanted that to change (except for Yusei, but this is a situation that’s unrelated to her current predicament).
Whatever she’s used to, unfortunately, is now out of the realm of possibility. The two people she could ask about it on any other occasion where the need could rise up are respectively currently in Peru with terrible reception and too busy refusing to stay in bed for much longer than a minute to give her a precious hand.
And, you know, you don’t usually ask someone who’s sick to take care of themselves, let alone help you in the process.
Very much to her misfortune, this is all without taking into account that Crow is as stubborn as a patient as he is in every other thing. It was to be expected, of course, and Crow is nothing if not stubborn; but it hasn’t made anything easier. If anything, she should’ve seen it coming as soon as he was too beyond himself to know where his housemates were and why.
Still, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t try her best in this situation. What friend would she be if she left a comrade in need on his own, harmful to himself? (And she craves for empathy, a part of her whispers, the part of her who misses her powers for the bond she enjoyed having with Black Rose).
Despite a losing battle against his own voice and the way his limbs tremble whenever he tries holding himself out of bed, Crow is insisting that, no, he’s fine to go work, and she has no reason to worry, because it’s not his first rodeo… or something along those lines. Admittedly, it’s difficult to understand everything when he’s struggling to push the sentence out of his throat to begin with, let alone articulate his thoughts.
All that ends up doing as a result is annoying her, because this is oh so similar to Yusei but in all the wrong ways, but that’s once more beside the point. She isn’t here to lash out her annoyance at Crow being an idiot, she’s here to make sure he doesn’t die an idiot.
“I’m tellin’ you, I’m fine,” he whines, a hand already back at gripping the edge of the blanket.
“Why are you so insistent on pretending you are?”
(She doubts it’s because of a martyr syndrome like Yusei’s).
“I’m not pretendin’ anythin’. I’m actually fine.”
His voice is feeble, his words tremble out of his mouth.
“Crow, I know you’re not. Please stop making this harder than it has to be.”
He deflates with a single, wheezing sigh.
“It’s Satellite nature, I guess,” he shrugs with a slight smile. “Both Yusei and Jack got it too, y’know.”
“Speaking of Yusei, right now you’re just like him in that regard.” She lets herself sigh. “Pretending like you’re fine when all signs point to the contrary.”
“Yeah, it’s… Y’know, when you were sick in Satellite, unless you had someone to shelter you and cover your back, ‘t was like signin’ your death certificate.” He coughs again, and it keeps dragging on, worsening, and it pangs at her heart every single time. “Guess that never went away, even now.”
“Even for something like a work shift?”
“Especially for a work shift. Do y’know how tight our finances are? Jack sure don’t seem to, that asshole!” A barking cough interrupts him. “Fuck this shit, I could be literally anywhere else but here. Plus…” He turns to her, and despite the evident weariness on his face and in his eyes, his gaze is sharp. “You should be doin’ better things with your time than watching over me, though.”
Aki rises an eyebrow.
“Such as?”
He shrugs again as a response.
“I dunno. Studyin’. Playin’ cards. Drivin’ a D-Wheel. Tryin’ to… sort through what mess that must’ve been for you, these past few weeks.”
The last bit hits her a lot harder than the previous ones. Having to replace Crow in haste due to a mysterious crash, the conflicting sentiment of her first race as a member of Team 5Ds, her own crash, and now, having to grapple with the sudden and unexplained disappearance of her powers… It’s been a lot of turmoil. Too much, in fact.
Despite all of the pain, it’s somewhat heartwarming to have someone genuinely worry for her, even if it tugs at an uncomfortable heartstring. It means she has the company she so desperately looked for and thought to have found in Divine, now truthful and actually what she needed. Yet, she feels uneasy when she has to show vulnerability in front of them, afraid of what they could take advantage of, of hidden intentions that may be hiding beneath a smile. Letting go of her masks has been terrifying, even if it’s the right thing to do.
For the longest time, she could protect herself with her powers. They were her curse, they were her blessing. They made her unlike the others but allowed her to connect with Black Rose and all of her deck. She misses them even now as she’s within the warmth of Team 5Ds; who don’t judge her for them like the others. Who care for her, like Yusei has ever since meeting her, like Crow is at the moment. Even in pain, they care.
The least she can do is pay them back now that gets the chance to. Now that her powers have left her more vulnerable than ever and created a void she can’t seem to fill on her own.
“I’ll be fine not brooding about it for a while,” is all she tells him in response.
Because it’s the truth. Sometimes, letting the dark clouds consume you is worse. It’ll always be worse, no matter how easy it looks.
“You sure? Because watching over an ill guy gets boring real fast.” He gives her a small smile. “I’d know, I’m usually the one doing the watching.”
She replies with a smile of her own.
“A bit of calm would do the both of us some good, I believe, after all that happened.”
He closes his eyes with a deep sigh.
“Can’t go against that, I guess.”
“Take some rest. I’ll be here by the time you wake up.”
It’s not intended to be a lie to make him feel better about sleeping.
“If you’re lookin’ for it, the medicine is in the cabinet in the bathroom. Pretty sure we got the right stuff at least.”
“I’ll go get it.”
That, and a basin of water, and everything she can remember from hazy memories of childhood illnesses.
Yusei once told her to write down thoughts that were confusing to her, as a way to at least alleviate the black clouds in her mind. He helped her pick a cute-looking notebook for it too, just the size of her uniform pockets, red with an embroidered rose on top of it. It seemed too fitting not to pick it, and Yusei seemed even happier about it than she was. She isn’t sure if what she’s writing in it right now makes sense, but it feels nice to have a place where to dump all of the thoughts that’d usually fester and poison her mind nonetheless.
The loss of her powers continues to leave her at a loss. The best way she can describe the feeling is a bittersweet void it’s left behind: she’s finally normal, like she wished for so long when pretending to be a witch, yet now that she is, it’s like this life wasn’t for her. She misses the bond she had with her Monsters, now that she can’t caress Black Rose Dragon like she could for so long. It makes her feel lonelier in a way that’s wrong to her. It’s like she never knew what she actually wanted out of life, out of the world.
Writing down this loss, this void and this coldness is what’s helping her process some of it. It onsets the way the melancholy would’ve taken ahead of her before she met Yusei and the others. It allows her some lookback and to keep her head out of the water until she can find a solution or get used to a new situation. It feels… soothing, at times, despite it just being scribbles on paper.
A hand strangles her arm, her hands lets go of her pen, her notebook falls to the ground.
“Who the hell are you?!”
Shaken, she stares back at her assailant – a frazzled-looking Crow, his eyes glazed over and his pupils dilated. His breathing is erratic, coming out in little wheezes, his teeth gritting.
Aki has no idea what to do. A stranger attacking her is no surprise, but a friend? Clearly, something is very wrong with Crow, and she has trouble connecting the dots as to why he’s in such a state. Did she not look after him hard enough? Is she just as neglectful as she was when she was isolated and lost, manipulated, used as a weapon? Is this retribution for that, to be forgotten by those she cherishes?
He lets go of her arm, seemingly against his will – it seems like he doesn’t have enough strength left to actually fight her. She can hardly breathe normally, every gasp of air coming quicker than the last, but she has to compose herself back anyway. She’s the one who’s supposed to fix things here, and now, she doesn’t want to destroy anyone further. Perhaps she can still find redemption.
“What’re you doin’ here?!”
Crow’s voice is unsteady, made all the worse by the cough that’s dried it into being hoarse, and his words slur together, making him very difficult to understand. Aki wishes she knew what do say back, but…
“I’m – I’m looking after you,” she explains back, because calming him down seems like a good idea.
He cocks an eyebrow at her, doubt just barely readable in his half-closed eyes.
“Who’re you?”
“I’m Aki. I’m Yusei’s girl… I’m his friend. I’m your friend.”
His hands grab at her shoulders.
“What’s tellin’ me you are, huh?!”
She looks around the room, trying to ignore how uncomfortable the pressure from his knuckles on his shoulders are, and the heat sipping from them almost right into her skin, before finding a sign of reassurance.
“See this basin of water?” She points it with her finger, he follows it to the bottom of the chair where she sits. “It’s mine. I was trying to keep your fever in check.” That sounded like a good idea, at the time. “I’m admittedly… not great at it, unlike you are, but I’m trying.”
His gaze slightly clears up – and then his eyes flutter close and don’t open up, leaving him in her arms once more.
It’s sort of a wake-up call for Aki, as she puts him back to bed. She should’ve kept a keener eye, but instead got lost in thoughts. She was so sure she had done all of the right things already, yet there she is, only realizing after the fact she wasn’t careful by being attacked by a delirious guy who mistook her for the enemy. Talk about failing at the mission you assigned yourself.
She takes off her gloves and puts a hand on his forehead – his fever has gone back up when she wasn’t looking. It makes sense, miserably so. But this is no time to mop for herself, she must be more like Yusei. She must help out her friend even if she has her own issues. She can’t do anything about her powers, but she can do something so Crow doesn’t have to see things that aren’t there.
So she picks up the washcloth that fell onto his lap and twists it cold again, determined to correct her mistakes.
Aki is staring at Crow when he finally opens his eyes again. They’re clear, able to follow the way her hair sways when she backs up from the bed and back into the chair. Her back is trying to make her pay for the unnatural positions she made it endure, but it’ll have to bear through it for a bit. She’s not letting him down now.
“Hey,” he tells her, stifling a cough.
“Glad to see you awake again,” she confesses. “How are you?”
“Erh… Sore. Sick. You know the deal.” He sits up with the help of the headboard of the bed. “How long was I asleep for?”
“I’d say… an hour or so.”
“And you’re still here?” He chuckles, even if it dissolves yet again into a coughing fit. “Gah, forgot how much that sucked.”
“I… I didn’t want to leave you alone like this.”
“Don’t worry, I went through worse. I’m a big bird, I can deal with it on my own.”
The way she’s staring back at him must’ve looked suspicious, because he looks concerned, now, and it’s like cold water seeping through her socks.
“Hey… Did something happen?”
“No, nothing. It’s… it’s not important.”
“Tch, you’re like Yusei. ‘Not important’ my ass.”
“I don’t think I should tell you about it.”
“You’re not makin’ your case any easier. Shoot ahead anyway.”
Aki looks at her hands on her lap, her knuckles almost white. Her skin looks slightly red, especially without her gloves.
“You weren’t yourself earlier,” she manages to get out, “and you thought I was some sort of enemy.”
She can’t bring herself to look up and see what his reaction to that is. Her head’s weighing heavily on her neck.
“Shit, did… I did something to you, right?”
“You… You tried to attack me, yes,” and she realizes how bad that sounds, “but it’s nothing. You weren’t yourself and it wasn’t a big deal. I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound like you are, though… Shit, I’m so sorry, Aki…”
She rises a careful eye, only to see pain distort Crow’s pallid face.
“It shouldn’t have happened,” she replies. “I should’ve done a better job.”
“Hey. Look at me, Aki.”
Hesitantly, she does – and finds no anger, no disappointment in Crow’s eyes, only compassion.
“You didn’t have to put up with my shit, and I was trying to push you away, but you did it anyway. Attacking you was wrong no matter what. You’ve got a lot to deal with at the moment and none of this is me. Don’t beat yourself up for not handlin’ everythin’ perfectly.” He smiles. “So, thanks, Aki. Don’t worry about good ol’ me, I’ll handle myself from now on.”
Silence follows.
“Though I get why you’d doubt that. We don’t really have a good track record when it comes to that stuff, do we.”
“Not really, no,” she manages to chuckle. “But friends need to trust each other.”
“You catch on quick!” He coughs into his elbow. “I’m sure it’s starting to get late, your parents may be worried. You should head home.”
“Can I… Can I stay here for a little longer? At least until Bruno comes back from whatever errand he may be running. I’d… feel better if I knew someone could watch you over.” Like she’d like it if she was as vulnerable as Crow is right now. “It keeps me occupied too.”
He gives her a sympathetic look from which she wants to recoil, but stops herself from doing.
“Make yourself a home, then. Yusei’s bedroom should be available.”
He winks, right in time for her face to warm up.
“Thank you, Crow.”
“If you need an ear to talk to and I ain’t sleepin’, don’t hesitate, okay? I promise I won’t bite your head off this time.”
“I’ll keep it in mind, thanks.”
She doubts she’ll bother him with this when all she’s tried to make him do today was resting, but she very much appreciates the reminder. It’s always nice to know she’s not only accepted, but also cared for by people whose honest intentions she can be sure of.
It’s making her feel welcome, and just for that, she’s more thankful – her and her missing powers, her and her conflicting feelings it, her and her past that she’s just now feeling comfortable with disclosing anything about. Her and the ghost that may continue pursuing her in the future, but which are leaving her mostly unscathed for now.
Perhaps that’s what home is – and it may just take the shape of a friend’s bedroom, or of a garage.
#bad things happen bingo#struggling against the caretaker#yu-gi-oh 5ds#izayoi aki#crow hogan#implied faithshipping because it's my one 5ds ship dammit#bthb#who knows what this fic's actual worth is wooops
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yusei/aki | a beautiful unfolding
#been out all day but finally got back and remembered i meant to upload a beautiful unfolding today!#i've got... one more ptutu vid to upload#and then i think that's it for now lol#fudo yusei#izayoi aki#ygo#5ds#faithshipping#amv#enjoy!
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I finally did it. I finally organized my 5Ds playlist. If you saw the original post eons ago, some songs have been abandoned for this one, but, uh, I also added, like, 30 more. So. There's that.
Full track list, all 109 119 126 (currently) organized (roughly) by character under the cut. The first song of each section is linked for (slightly) easier navigation.
General - The Greatest Show - The Greatest Showman (Riding Duels) - NEW Go Big or Go Home - Sam Tinnesz feat. El Ray (Riding Duels) - Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons - Catalyst - Linkin Park (Satellite) - NEW Providence - Poor Man's Poison - Nerves - Icon for Hire (Satellite) - Land of Broken Dreams - Jonathan Young, feat Caleb Hyles (Satellite) - Round and Round - 3 Doors Down (City and Satellite) - Hero - Skillet - Lost and Found - Zack Hemsey (First two arcs in particular) - Witching Hour, feat. Brooke Griffith - Tommee Profitt (Dark Signers Arc) - This is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars - Here We Stand, feat. SVRCINA - Hidden Citizens - Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons (Pre-WRGP-Ark Cradle arc) - Finish Line - Skillet (Specifically always makes me think of Jack pushing his runner during the WRGP, but... lol) - See You Again, feat. Charlie Puth - Wiz Khalifa (The final few episodes, as everyone is parting ways)
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All Six Signers - Young - Hollywood Undead - NEW Pretty Lies - Written By Wolves - Renegades - ONE OK ROCK - Relate - for King & Country - We Are - ONE OK ROCK - Hey Brother - Avicii - Meet Me on the Battlefield - SVRCINA - Fight the Night - ONE OK ROCK - Answer the Call, feat. Claire Guerreso - Hidden Citizens - Saviors of the World - Skillet - Time To Go To War - Manafest x UNSECRET - Not Gonna Die (+Intro) - Skillet - We Won't Give Up - The Afters (I specifically associate this with the WRGP but) - NO-LIMIT - Fairy Tail OP25, English cover by AmaLee - Caught In the Fire, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt - Strike Back - Fairy Tail OP16, English cover by NateWantsToBattle - Unleash the Power, feat. Sam Tinnesz and Rayelle - Tommee Profitt - Born For This - The Score - Lead the Way - Nathan Wagner
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Yusei - Child of the Stars - Fish in a Bird Cage - Speechless - Aladdin, cover by Caleb Hyles (Specifically early FC arc) - Soldier, feat. Fluerie - Tommee Profitt - Fine - Mike Shinoda (DS arc) - Darkness Before the Dawn - Caleb Hyles, feat. Lacey Sturm (DS arc) - Believe in Myself - Fairy Tail OP21, English cover by NateWantsToBattle - Rise - Ashes Remain - Not Alone - Linkin Park (Arc Cradle) - If I Die Young - The Band Perry, cover by Sam Tsui - Where the Skies End - Starset - Can You See Me? - Krista Siegfrids (Second verse doesn't totally work but eh.) - The World You Want - Switchfoot - Shining A Light Over You - Gentle Sparrow (Post-series)
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Jack - Kings - Tribe Society - Leave It All Behind - Cult to Follow (Pre-series-DS) - Vagabond, feat. FJORA - Tommee Proffit (Pre-series-DS) - Lost Souls - Nathan Wagner (Pre-series-DS) - From Now On - The Greatest Showman (Post Fortune Cup) - When I Was King - ONE OK ROCK (Post Fortune Cup) - Run Run Rebel - Hidden Citizens (Burning Soul arc)
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Aki - Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore (Pre-series-DS) - Innocence - Nathan Wagner (Pre-series through mid-way Dark Signers) - Paper Crown - Alec Benjamin (Pre-series. Arguably ship-y but only if you watch the video, lol) - NEW Man or a Monster - Sam Tinnesz feat. Zayde Wolf - I Didn't Ask For This - Beth J Crowley (Pre-series through-DS) - Monster - Beth Crowley (Pre-series through Fortune Cup) - Demons - Icon for Hire - I Want To Live - Skillet - Masayume Chasing - Fairy Tail OP15, English cover by AmaLee - Surviving the Game - Skillet - Unbreakable - Fireflight
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Rua/Leo - Pretender - AJR - Battle Symphony - Linkin Park - The Chosen One - Smash Into Pieces - Something Big - Shawn Mendes - Prove - ONE OK ROCK - Children of the Sky - Imagine Dragons (Kinda all of them but heavy focus on Rua/Leo) - Cool Kids - Echosmith (Rua and Ruka/Leo and Luna; fits better in this spot even though its still for both of them)
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Other Assorted Characters - Fight Song - Rachel Platten (Ruka/Luna) - Counting Stars - OneRepublic (Crow) - A Shot in the Dark - Smash into Pieces (Crow) - Far From Home, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Crow, Dark Signers arc) - Higher - The Score (Crow) - Memories - Maroon 5 (Bruno, or rather the others about him)
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Kiryu/Kalin - NEW Go the Distance (Villain Version) - Caleb Hyles - Watching As I Fall - Mike Shinoda (Pre-series) - Monster - Fight the Fade (End of Team Satisfaction) - Hell's Comin' With Me - Poor Mans Poison - All Eyes on You - Smash Into Pieces (Crashtown arc) - Face to Face - Citizen Soldier (Crashtown arc)
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Villains - World So Cold - 12 Stones - Monster Made of Memories - Citizen Soldier (Dark Signers) - Feed the Machine - Poor Mans Poison (Rex Godwin) - How Villains Are Made - Madalen Duke (Pretty much all of them, but specifically Godwin and Z-ONE) - NEW The Villain - Nathan Wagner (All of them) - With You Til the End, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Z-ONE et al) - Last Survivor, feat. Nilka - Unsecret (Z-ONE) - The Sound of Silence - Disturbed (Z-ONE) - Cold World - RED (Z-ONE) - SCAVA - Hollywood Undead (Z-ONE et al)
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Combinations - Mad World - Tears for Fears, cover by Smash into Pieces (An odd combo: Pre-series Kiryu/Kalin and Aki) - Ready As I'll Ever Be - Tangled: the Series (Signers vs Dark Signers. I feel like this one needs a breakdown but only upon request, lol.) - Hold On For Your Life, feat. Sam Tinnesz - Tommee Profitt (Yusei vs Kiryu/Kalin; Jack vs Carly) - It Had To Be You (Dark Version) - Tommee Profitt x Tiffany Ashton (Jack vs Carly and Yusei vs Kiryu/Kalin) - Battle Scars - Paradise Fears (Team 5Ds and Team Taiyo) - Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush, metal cover by Jonathan Young and Caleb Hyles (Aporia and Team Ragnarok) -The Antihero vs The Hero - Nathan Wagner (Z-ONE et al and Yusei)
- Where We Rise - Neoni (Jack and Yusei) - No Limits - Zayde Wolf (Yusei and Jack) - Who I Am - Citizen Soldier (Yusei and Aki) - This Is Me - The Greatest Showman (Fortune Cup Yusei and Aki. I wish I could use the movie version solely for what’s going on in the background at one point but the only video has ridiculously quiet audio...) - Collide - Skillet (Yusei and Aki, FC-DS arcs) - Wake Up - Smash into Pieces (Jack and Aki, pre-series) - Running Away from Home - Smash Into Pieces (Jack and Aki) - Already Over - Mike Shinoda (Jack and Aki) - Alive - Daughtry (Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki) - The Musician - 14th Melody (D.Gray-man OP), English cover by AmaLee and Andy Stein (Yusei, Jack, Crow, Aki) - Brother - Kodaline (Yusei, Jack, Crow) - Save You, feat. Redlight King - Manafest (Yusei, Jack, and Crow) - Hall of Fame - The Script (Jack, Crow, Rua/Leo; post-series)
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Ships - Still Worth Fighting For - My Darkest Days (JackxCarly) - Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab (JackxCarly) - Stolas Sings (Owl in a Cage) - Helluva Boss [Sam Haft], cover by Caleb Hyles (One-sided JackxCarly) - Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons (JackxCarly, specifically Carly as a DS and their duel) - Slip Away - Ruelle (JackxCarly, specifically their duel in the DS arc) - Counting On Me (Acoustic Version) - Smash into Pieces (JackxCarly, DS arc) - NEW The Only Thing Left - Vincent Lima (Both) - If You Fall - UNDREAM & Brad Arthur (YuseixAki) - Better Than One - The Score (In my head, YuseixAki, but any really) - Monsters - Katie Sky (YuseixAki. Could absolutely be interpreted platonically too imo.) - I Found the Answer in You - Loving Caliber (YuseixAki)
#yugioh 5ds#yusei fudo#jack atlas#crow hogan#izayoi aki#rua and ruka (5ds)#zone (5ds)#kiryu kyosuke#scoopshipping#faithshipping#for the love of all that is good please give me songs for ruka/luna#i only have one that i kinda vibe with for her and that is Sad#rua and crow used to be the same way but...#anyway#check back once in a while im always adding new stuff lol
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vielleicht sind die beiden ja verliebt?
#ruf aus an deutsches yugioh 5ds dafür das sie die yaoibait line behalten haben#love the german dub#yugioh 5ds#ygo 5ds#yu-gi-oh 5ds#RUF AUS RUKA FÜR SOFORTIGE HOMOPHOBIE#sag doch nicht so ein quatsch#SIE IST SOOO LUSTIG ich liebe die zwillingle#toolshipping#toolship#bruyuu#yuubru#sorry for german caption#izayoi aki#rua#ruka#leo yugioh#luna yugioh#bruno borelli#yusei fudo#yuusei fudo
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Izayoi Aki's Selfy

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akiza from yugioh 5ds! 🌹❤️ watercolor commission example for ALA 2025 ^.^🫶
#yugioh 5ds#ygo 5ds#akiza izinski#aki izayoi#why... is her last name different omg localization is so weird#yugioh
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The Yuaki skit floored me hard lmao

Three years ago, in November of 2020. I made a joke comic using png's from the Tag Force games & Duel Links. Initially meant to be an in joke between me and my friends. It's turned into a 3 plus year epic, after I was galvanized by the mods of the Yugioh subreddit who deleted a post of the 1st issue for being "Low Effort".
This is the Epic Yugioh Web Comic, Issues 1 through 10. Unnoticed by Twitter, constantly downvoted on Imgur. This 300 plus issue series now resides her on Tumblr if for no other reason than to preserve my work.
Because while by all metrics we can measure, this comic is meaningless. I Give it Meaning by the simple Act of Creating it.
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Yusei: My team is professional and mature. We-
Jack: Is lunch ready yet? We’re hungry.
Aki: Yes, it’s in the breakroom. We brought juice boxes for everybody too.
Lua and Luca in the background: yeah! Dino Nuggets!
Crow: Be careful, they’re still hot!
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5D's Yu-Gi-Mahou.
#art#artwork#drawing#luca (5ds)#luna (5ds)#jack atlas#fudo yusei#yusei fudo#izayoi aki#akiza izinski#crow hogan#yugioh#yugioh 5ds#my art
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