#your turn to die tik toks
cosplaytiktoks · 1 year
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bb-blu-love · 3 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆when the world is asleep⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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tags: idol!bangchan x reader, established relationship, fluff, slight hurt comfort (really just a couple doing their best in a bad situation), reader has ~anxiety~
3:00 AM in the quiet part of town is your favorite place in the world. On the outskirts of the city, where only families and old folks live and the streets are empty this time of night, you have found what seems like the only place in the world where you and Chan can feel truly at ease.
You’d been waiting for him to come over all day, so when he finally called around ten saying he just left the studio you became giddy with excitement that soon turned into anxiety. It’s not like he had never been to your apartment before or that you felt uncomfortable around him; it’s just that you can never shake the fear that this time is when everything will go wrong. That this is the night you’ll be caught by photographers or fans and soon everyone will know and your relationship will change forever. That your whole life could change forever. These worries echoed in your brain as you went down to the entrance of your building to let Chan in. 
Your nerves were obvious; you didn’t hug him as tightly as you wanted to--trying to maintain the illusion that you could just be friends should anyone see you--and your smile twisted into a grimace as you kept an eye on your surroundings.
The summer night air ruffled the hair that stuck out from his hat “Hey, Baby!” he said with a soft smile “You feeling alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m glad you could come over tonight,” You shyly smile, still not being able to shake the tight feeling in your stomach. 
He hummed a response and, sensing how on edge you were , looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was around before asking, “Should we go upstairs? I brought ice cream,” and lifted up a convenience store bag in his hand.
After heading up to your apartment the two of you spent hours just talking in your room. You were mostly catching up—you hadn’t seen each other in a couple of days due to your schedules—but eventually, it dissolved into a mess of inside jokes, you showing him all the Tik Toks you’d saved for him, him showing you videos of the boys messing around in dance practice in return, and whatever other nonsense made you both smile. Even though your relationship could be stressful, actually being with Chan was the easiest thing in the world. Honestly, you would be happy staying here forever; cuddled in his arms in the dim light of your bedroom, listening to his laugh get all squeaky as he worked himself up over some dumb video you won’t even remember in the morning. 
What you will remember, however, is how hot you are right now. Turns out your fourth-floor apartment with one broken AC unit could spell quite the sweathouse in the summer—especially with the amount of physical contact you two are prone to after some time apart. Chan had already shed his shirt sometime in between his first and second popsicle, and you had all of your fans on high pointed at your bed where you both laid tangled up with each other.
Chan, after finally calming down from his laughing fit, let out a sigh as he stared up at your ceiling. "You know I love you, right?"
"Yeah, why?" You asked, confused by his sudden declaration.
He continued quickly, "And you know that I really like coming over to your place-"
"-because of the lack of roommates and overall better smell?"
"Also, I have HBO."
"Yes, also that—so will you not take offense if I, hypothetically, say that I’m going to die of heat stroke if I stay in here any longer?" He looked over at you with a rueful smile.
You laughed silently as you looked into his eyes. "I’ll go get my shoes."
He let out a triumphant "Yes!" and pumped his fist into the air as you got off of the bed, satisfied with the result of your banter. As you continued to get ready, he moved to the edge of your bed and was brought back to how anxious you seemed when he first arrived. "We don’t actually have to go out if you don’t want to, though," he said, scratching his arm as a nervous tick. "I know that we both get all paranoid when we’re not in private, and I don’t want to ruin the night or anything."
You turned to face him and put a reassuring hand on his arm, whilst you tried to shove your own concerns to the back of your mind."Don’t worry about it. I was thinking we could go to that one spot—you know, where we went on your birthday?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfect." He said with a relieved smile.
And that’s what brought you here; after checking for paparazzi from your apartment windows, and after you went outside and checked again, ensuring you both had your incognito face masks and baseball caps on. Finally, you were able to make the epic journey two blocks down and one over to a small playground surrounded by some trees and a fence: your safe haven. Taking in the warm night air as the wind lightly blows across your face--gently wicking the sweat on your brow--and hearing the leaves softly rustle as you both sit on the old swing set and let your legs dangle. You did what you loved to do most with each other: you talked.
"I’m sorry it’s always like this," Chan said as he looked at his feet, the toe of his shoes sputtering over the rubbery ground as he swayed, "that we can’t just get together and go to restaurants and the movies or—I don’t know— win you a big teddy bear at a carnival," he laughs half-heartedly, "or whatever regular couples get to do."
You smile sadly. "I’m sorry too. Maybe I’m just being overly cautious." 
He reaches over, grabs your hand, and rubs gentle circles on the back with his thumb, letting you know he isn’t mad and that he doesn’t blame you for anything. 
"I could tell the company, and they could release a statement or something." His tone hitches up at the end, almost like it’s a question—or maybe just the only thing he can think of to ease your guilt.
Not wanting to worry him, and always the best at avoiding the hard topics, you raise your eyebrows and sarcastically remark, "Oh yeah, and that would go over really well."
"Hm, yeah, you’re right. What do you think they would say, though?"
You lower your voice and attempt your best soulless executive impression. "'How could you, Chan?! You’re being so selfish by having desires and feelings! How do you expect us to monetize you when we can’t sell you as a fantasy boyfriend? Blargh rargh raa!'" You both chuckle at the absurdity of your situation: "And then of course you’ll get punished by your company, and everyone on Twitter is going to eat you alive when they find out, and you’ll get a tidal wave of hate thrown at you-"
"Oh, for sure." He nods along to your pessimistic prophecy (and excellent impression).
"-and I’ll be, like, assassinated by a bunch of teenagers whose identity hinges on the fantasy that they are secretly your one true love." You finish with a breathy chuckle.
He smiles at the ground. "Hey, Stays are much more than that," he says in an only half-serious defense.
"Heh, not the ones that I’ll have to deal with," you reply, almost to yourself. He seems to draw back at that comment, whatever clever response he had lined up dying on his lips.
You press your toes into the soft ground and push your swing over to his so that your shoulders touch. "I’m joking, Chan," you say in a soft voice.
"No, you're not." He shoots back in defeat. You sigh and try to meet his evasive eyes.
"You’re right, I’m not," you sigh, leaning in closer to him, "but that doesn’t mean I regret any of this. I can wish things were different while still loving how they are now." He finally meets your eyes, and his gaze goes soft. You share a fond look and, without words, reach an understanding: you're the best thing that has happened to each other, and eventually your love may see the light of day, but for now, just this is more than enough.
He brings your hand up to his mouth and lightly kisses your knuckles before letting your arms fall in between the both of you. "You’re right. I love this too. I’ll love anything as long as we can do it together." His words are full of tenderness and a rom-com sincerity that only he can do right.
"Except sit in my hot apartment." You smile as you lean towards him, and he smiles too as he goes in for a kiss.
"No, I loved that too. Just a little less than this." His lips touch yours, gentle and grinning, as your giggles float up into the night sky and you feel truly at ease once more.
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crushmeeren · 11 months
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♡ Master List Link
♡ Bakugou/ Fem Reader/ Kirishima
♡ Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+.
♡ Warnings; reader is 6 months pregnant, cursing, pussy eating, blowjobs [ M/F — M/M ], vaginal sex
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If you were to describe what it’s like to be six months pregnant with Katsuki’s baby, you would use a few key phrases.
1. — You’re in a perpetual cycle of unease and sporadic body aches.
2. — You’re consistently sweating like a whore in church.
3. — Your belly has been stretched to the point it looks as if a watermelon has been shoved inside.
These occur often, the only difference today is how infuriatingly much your lower back has been smarting. The baby’s weight is really starting to take a toll on you.
So you’ve decided it’s in your best interest to set up camp on the large fuzzy couch in your living room. You’re only wearing soft shorts and a large, worn out Red Riot T-shirt and you’ve stockpiled all the cozy blankets in the near vicinity.
It’d been a few hours since you became a couch potato, aimlessly scrolling through your phone and watching various movies or TV shows.
Katsuki’s been occupied playing some video game in the other room. Loudly enough to wake the dead, you might add. Your ears have been assaulted with his furious yelling on and off for the past couple hours.
He’s repeatedly told Todoroki that he’s the “worst player in existence” and to “fuck off and die.” You sincerely hope Todoroki is ribbing him just as much, but knowing the stoic man, he more than likely isn’t.
And much to your chagrin, Eijirou has been out on patrol all day.
Soft orange and yellow light has begun to cast shadows across the living room as the sun sets. You’re barely paying attention to a Tik Tok when your baby starts to poke and prod roughly at your ribs.
The fluttering sensation makes you squirm and sit up ram-rod straight. The sudden movement sends a bright flash of pain radiating throughout your lower back and it punches the breath from your lungs. The partially frantic instinct to call out to the blonde for help leaves your mouth before you can think twice.
“Kastukiiiii,” you whine for him loudly, a pleading lilt to your tone. You shift your weight, making sure to keep your feet perched on the large ottoman in front of you. You wait momentarily but only silence greets you.
“Katsuki!” You shout, mildly irritated. Your eyes widen and you inhale sharply when a tiny foot kicks you. You place a hand there and rub apologetically. Apparently she does not want you to yell. You roll your eyes and think that your daughter is certainly going to have Katsuki’s bad attitude.
“Baby, I heard you! I’m coming — just a second!” Katsuki snaps. You huff, cheeks puffing and burning when your temper flares a bit in response. You breathe deeply, resting both hands on your swollen stomach as the tiny feet continue to try and burst out of your skin like a scene from Alien.
Katsuki’s soft footsteps signal his approach and he rounds the corner into your living room leisurely. He comes to a stop next to your legs and your brows furrow when you gaze up at him with a slight pout. He arches one eyebrow in return and folds his arms over his chest, pointedly saying nothing.
“Kat, baby daddy, can you do the thing please? My back is killing me.”
Despite your discomfort you can’t help but appreciate his slender frame. His black sweats hang low on his hips and he’s fucking shirtless. He rolls his eyes when he catches you but wears a smug smirk nonetheless.
“Can your dramatic ass wait five minutes while I finish this round of my game? I’m obliterating Icy Hot.” His grin turns a bit feral and he cocks hip to one side, resting a hand there.
You protest accordingly and push your lower lip out.
“That’s too long! Can you do it later? Your baby needs you.” Over exaggerating your movements, you flop back against the couch and run your hands over your baby bump and stare up at him through your lashes. Katsuki snorts.
“It’s five minutes sweetheart. C’mon, Todoroki fucking sucks at this game,” Katsuki says with amusement, absently running a hand through his fluffy spikes of hair.
You press a hand to your forehead as if you might faint.
“You’re the reason I’m like this! The least you can do is help out your pregnant wife.”
“Oi!” He lets out a bark of laughter. “It takes two people to fuck and make a baby, I’m not the only guilty party. Why isn’t Eijirou gettin’ any fuckin’ blame for this huh? He was there too!”
Katsuki complains but it’s with considerable ease that he bends to your whim, shoving the ottoman closer and motioning for you to scoot up so he can get behind you on the couch.
“He’s not home right now,” you mutter childishly, heeding his instructions. The blonde crawls on to the cushions, maneuvering until he slots into the space between you and the backrest. He lets a thigh bracket you on each side and tugs you back into his chest, replying just as petulantly.
“Maybe you should’ve let Ei get you pregnant first then.”
“Oh god,” you start to whine. “Fuck baby, wanna see you swollen with my baby so bad. Blah blah — I’m Katsuki and I’m a giant fucking hypocrite,” you mock in a high pitched, horrific imitation of his voice.
To be fair he did whine those things to you and Eijirou in bed multiple times before you all finally agreed to it. Katsuki sputters behind you and pinches your thigh in retaliation.
“You’re such a fucking terror! I should make you wait until Eijirou gets home,” he growls, pathetic attempt at a threat making you giggle.
His palms are warm when he slips them under your shirt and places them on the underside of your belly, fingers spread. Katsuki delicately presses upwards and you deflate, melting into his chest. The immediate relief of pressure on your lower back makes you moan.
“Yeah, but we both know you won’t,” you reply smugly, hands coming to rest on his. He hums, electing not to respond with words because he knows he’s wrapped around your finger.
Katsuki can deny it all he pleases, but the man loves holding your belly. He’s struck with awe each time he’s lucky enough to feel his daughter kicking. He kisses the back of your head, relaxing into the couch for the time being.
You both turn your attention to the movie you had playing earlier and your eyelids start to flutter. Your chest is gooey and warm, you’re basically a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie in his arms.
Katsuki gets invested in one scene in particular, making snarky comments about the graphics and your daughter apparently recognizes her daddy’s voice, because suddenly she’s playing kick ball again.
Directly into Katsuki’s hands.
“Holy shit!” The blonde jolts, freezing temporarily before pressing the pads of his fingertips into the same spot, attempting to coax her into kicking him again. His heart thumps hard on your back, the heat from his chest bleeding through your shirt.
“She’s been really active today, but she must’ve heard her daddy talking. I think she likes your voice Kat.” You smile softly, adjusting your weight to get more comfortable. “I hope she does the same when Ei gets home, he was sad last time he missed it.” You tip your head back on Katsuki’s shoulder, twisting your neck to get a peak at his face.
“She’s fucking fiesty,” he says with no small amount of pride. She’ll respond to Ei, she loves him.” A tender smile softens his sharp features and your chest cracks with overflowing adoration. Surging forward you brush your lips over his jaw and Katsuki makes a quiet noise of surprise.
“I love you too,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. You hum contentedly and Katsuki goes back to holding up your belly.
A familiar vibration pattern breaks the atmosphere and buzzes near your leg. You pick up your phone, taking note that it’s a message from Eijirou and your face lights up.
“Ei messaged that he’s gonna be home soon,” you tell Katsuki eagerly. You can’t help the excitement fluttering in your belly when you think about getting to see the red head soon.
“Bout damn time, my arms are gonna fall off,” he teases, tickling the smooth skin of your belly with calloused thumbs and you laugh.
“Alright dickwad get out from behind me.” Katsuki pokes your ribs in retaliation, ripping a squeal from you and you wiggle in his grip. “You’re lucky I can’t get up quickly right now! I’d kick your ass, you shitty excuse for a bomb!”
Katsuki halts his movements and gasps dramatically in fake offense, squeezing his arms around your shoulders.
“Shitty excuse for a bomb??” He asks incredulously, accidentally chuckling at the end of his sentence. You nod once and he hugs you tight, planting several chaste kisses on your cheek. You laugh delightedly and turn your head briefly to snag his plush lips with your own.
The sound of your front door opening gets you to break apart, both turning your heads to see Eijirou waltz in. The smile he wears is as vibrant as the sun, all his razor edged teeth on display.
“Aww! What a sweet sight to come home too!” Eijirou chirps, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “So cute! All three of my babies snuggling on the couch together,” he coos and strides closer until he’s right by your side.
Eijirou’s dressed in street clothes. He’s got on dark gray sweats, a red tee and a white bandana tied around his head. Per usual, his arms may bust out of the shirt he’s wearing but it’s unbearably hot.
“Get lost on the way home red?” Katsuki taunts. The blonde lets go of your shoulders as you strain to get out of his hold. Katsuki gently pushes you to sit up straight with a supporting hand between your shoulder blades. Eijirou rolls his eyes playfully and shoves the ottoman out of the way to make space for himself between your legs.
“No, I’m actually home earlier than I thought I would be,” he replies, dropping to kneel in front of you. Katsuki takes the opportunity to slip out from behind you and sit next to you instead. You use a lot of willpower to keep a straight face when you speak next.
“Thank God, because apparently Katsuki isn’t strong enough to hold our 5lb baby without his arms falling off.”
You can make out the sound of Katsuki’s teeth grinding together as Eijirou’s bright laughter dances in the air. You’re poking the bear but it’s a breeze to rile up the blonde.
“Is that so?” Eijirou asks, eyes twinkling as he pretends to appear thoughtful when he turns to Katsuki.
“I can hold a fucking five pound baby!” Katsuki snarls harmlessly, yet he throws his hands up in the air. You choke on the swell of laughter that builds in your throat. Eijirou snickers and pushes the red riot T-shirt you’re wearing up to expose your baby bump.
“I know Kat, just teasing,” you placate, sending him your sweetest smile. Eijirou splays his hands on the sides of your belly and you tangle your fingers in his hair.
The blonde scowls but he can’t keep it up for long before he breaks, scoffing with a smile threatening to take over his lips.
“How’s she been today?” Eijirou questions you then, nuzzling his nose over the top of your belly.
“She’s a spitfire.” Katsuki’s chest puffs out a bit.
“So just like her daddy then?” Eijirou teases, brushing his lips over your belly in a sweet kiss. Katsuki’s smirks.
“Hell yeah she is.”
“She’s been moving a lot today Ei, Kat’s just happy she kicked the shit out of him earlier,” you explain, scratching the red head’s scalp. Eijirou hums, tracing the pattern of a heart into your stomach with his thumbs.
“Hi feisty girl, papa Ei is home,” he purrs. “I heard you were trying to kick box with your daddy today. You’re gonna be just like him,” he whispers, the affection effortlessly falling off his tongue. The red head’s eyes flutter closed, resting his forehead against you.
You jerk in surprise when Eijirou’s head suddenly shoots up, narrowly avoiding head butting the shit out of you. He stares at your belly with bright eyes. Your baby just kicked where his forehead had been. He looks up, gaze tracking between you and Katsuki with stars in his eyes as he vibrates with excitement.
“Did you feel that baby? Oh my god! Kat, she heard me!” The red head yells, almost tripping over his words. His cheeks are dusted with a pale pink and your own twinge from smiling so wide. You tug on the soft strands of his hair you have tangled between your fingers.
“Dammit Eijirou,” Katsuki chimes in, crossing his arms. “Stop being so-,” he pauses, looking for the right words. “So fucking cute!” You laugh when the blonde curls his lip, the man’s flushed to the tips of his cute pink ears. A sly expression immediately takes over Eijirou’s face.
He slips your shirt back down and you free his hair from your grip. You meet him halfway when he leans up to give you a chaste kiss.
The red head shuffles on his knees until he’s between Katsuki’s thighs. He leans in, locking his arms around the blonde’s waist and wiggling his eyebrows up at him. Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he places his elbows on Eijirou’s shoulders.
Your toes curl into the plush rug below when the red head smoothes his hands up and down Katsuki’s sides, a shiver wracking through the blonde before Eijirou squishes his face into the others’s chest and hugs him tight.
“Eijirou.” The name spills out of Katsuki breathlessly.
“You’re so sweet Katsuki. I think you’re cute too,” he says, words muffled by a bare chest. Heat crawls up your neck when the blonde tugs Eijirou close and mumbles “I love you,” under his breath. Seeing them like this sets your nerves alight, even with something as simple as hugging.
The moment is picturesque until a pang of hunger rolls around inside you. Placing a hand on the underside of your belly, you worry at your bottom lip. You don’t want to break up the tender scene, but it seems your daughter is hungry.
“I hate to burst the bubble, but our daughter is starving,” you say gently, grinning when they part. Eijirou kisses Katsuki sweetly, making a loud smooching sound when he pulls away. Katsuki makes a disgusted noise and pushes playfully at the red head’s shoulder when they both rise from their spots. “Will you make something Kat?” You ask hopefully.
“I swear you and Eijirou are like bottomless fucking pits,” he grumbles, turning and padding to the kitchen.
He’s not fooling anyone, you all know he loves cooking for you. Especially now that your daughter is almost here. He expresses his love through his food and you all reap the rewards.
You share a smile with Eijirou and the large man flops down onto the couch, trying not to jostle you.
“Thanks Kat!” You call at his retreating back and he throws a hand up over his shoulder in response.
“Sooo, can I hold your belly now?” Eijirou asks impatiently. He doesn’t wait for you answer, maneuvering until he’s lying on the armrest, legs splayed open wide for you.
“You don’t have to ask me twice. She definitely has been missing her papa.” You grab your discarded blanket from the couch, sliding back into his embrace. You pull your blanket up to your chest, covering you both and Eijirou teases his fingers underneath your shirt.
“I love your shirt, pretty girl,” he whispers sweet like honey in your ear, gingerly touch his lips to your throat. The combination sends a warm tingle down your spine. He yanks a tiny shocked moan from you when he bites your shoulder and lifts your belly simultaneously.
“Jesus Eijirou,” you breathe, weaving your fingers together. The simmering warmth pooling in your belly is becoming difficult to ignore. “Are you trying to fuck me on the couch?” You shift back and a half hard cock greets you. Fuck, you’d be a damn liar if you said that didn’t turn you on. His light exhale tickles your neck.
“Maybe,” he says coyly, hitching his hips upwards to rub his cock over your lower back. You pinch his thigh and he groans, forehead dropping to your shoulder. “I can’t help it,” Eijirou whines, continuing to lift your belly. “You’re so sweet and so warm like this, I want you.”
“After we eat Ei, I promise. Kat will be up for it,” you murmur, trailing your fingers over his forearm. Eijirou sighs but reluctantly he agrees.
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After you ate, it took no time at all for the blonde to usher you and Eijirou into the bedroom.
Since then you’ve been stripped bare, elbows supporting your weight on the short wooden headboard behind you. They ache a bit where the sharp edge digs into the inner joint of it.
Katsuki’s head is caged between your thighs, knees sinking into the memory foam mattress below. His scratchy stubble tickles your skin while he buries his face in your pussy, head shifting from side to side.
You’ve opted to sit reverse cowgirl on his face so you’re privy to the front row view of Eijirou swallowing down Katsuki’s cock like he’s starving.
“Fffuck Kat,” you whine, rolling your hips and gliding your pussy over his plush lips. Katsuki moans, snaking his arms around your thighs and yanking you further down so he can dip the tip of his tongue inside you.
Your head tilts towards the ceiling, eyes fluttering and fingers curling into fists as Kastuki pushes his tongue to your clit, swirling it restlessly. The background is filled with the lewd schlick noise of Eijirou sucking cock.
Katsuki moves his lips from side to side over your clit before once again licking firm strokes and your head snaps back up with a gasp.
You’re starting to squirm, heat pooling in your cheeks as he works you closer to the edge. A prickle of warmth pulses through your pelvis when you lock eyes with Eijirou.
No man should look so pretty with a dick in their mouth. His cheeks are candy apple red and his lips are stretched tight around Katsuki. He seems quite comfortable, snugly fit between the blonde’s thighs and meeting Katsuki thrust for shallow thrust while the blonde leisurely fucks his mouth.
Eijirou sends a wink your way and you’re gawking at him when Katsuki sucks harshly on your clit, wrenching your attention back to his mouth. A let out a yelp and your thighs twitch when he does it once more, demanding your focus stay on him.
Try as you might you’re torn between Katsuki’s warm tongue working you over and the indecent sight of Eijirou.
You’re impatient and desperate to change positions before someone cums too quickly and so you plead for the attention of the man underneath you.
“Katsuki,” you moan, fingers circling his wrists. “Wanna switch baby, please.” He drags his teeth delicately over your clit and your breath stutters in your chest. Katsuki unwinds himself from your legs, pushing against your ass instead of tugging on you and you lift your hips from his face.
Eijirou pulls off with a pop, Katsuki’s thick cock slapping against his lower belly. The red head sits up on his knees, gripping the base of his own neglected desire and pushes back the messy strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes.
Katsuki slips out from under you, sitting between the two of you so you’re able to sit comfortably on your calves.
“Whaddaya want pretty girl? Ei and I will give you whatever you need,” Katsuki purrs, half a smirk tugging at his lips. The red head makes a noise of agreement and waits patiently for your answer. A flush creeps up your neck under the weight of their gaze and you absentmindedly rest a hand on your belly.
“I think I want Ei to position us however he wants. Ya know, since he’s been trying to get us in bed ever since he got home.” You grin playfully at Eijirou when he makes a noise of protest, a pink blush dusting over his cheekbones. Katsuki snickers nearby.
“Oh,” Eijirou breathes, grinning sheepishly and rubbing a hand over his forearm. “Well, I mean — yeah. Yes, totally I can do that.”
Katsuki snorts, waving a vague hand in front of himself when Eijirou takes too long to respond.
“Well? You goin’ to fuckin’ move us around or not?” Katsuki asks rudely. Eijirou ignores him, rolling his jaw a couple times before biting into his bottom lip. You punch Katsuki in the shoulder and give him a pointed look but he just rolls his eyes.
“Okay baby, c’mere please,” he requests warmly, reaching a hand out to you. You comply, gripping his fingers as he helps you shuffle forward on your knees. Once you get to him, he helps you twist until your back faces the edge of the bed.
He holds both hands, slowly reclining you until you’re flat on your back and your head dangles off the edge of the mattress. Your heart rate spikes when you’re slightly suffocated by your baby bump, but it’s comfortable enough for what you’re sure Eijirou has in mind.
“Okay Katsuki, go stand near her head. I want watch you fuck her throat while I’m inside her,” he commands shyly, flush traveling down his chest as he traps the tip of his tongue between his teeth. He takes his place between your spread thighs. Katsuki starts to heft himself off the bed, closing the distance between you with a few steps.
“Didn’t feel like gettin’ your ass torn up today Eijirou?” Katsuki’s grins with his teeth, cockiness seeping from him.
“Shut up,” Eijirou mumbles, helping you bend your knees and plant your feet. You try to stifle your laughter with a hand over your mouth but it spills out of you despite your best effort.
To be fair, Eijirou does melt into a drooling fucked out mess in the sheets every time he bottoms for the other man.
Katsuki comes to a standstill just in front of your head, reaching down to cradle the back of your skull and force you to look up at him. His flushed cock grazes your cheek and you suck your bottom lip behind your teeth when you finally make eye contact.
“You okay with this sweetheart?” Katsuki’s gaze is intense, the thumb of his free hand swiping over your brow bone. Your throat clicks when you swallow and you nod, fighting the urge to shift your head and kiss his shaft.
“I’ll be fine Kat, if it’s too much I’ll tap your thigh twice.” You reach backwards and secure your arms around the backs of his legs for emphasis.
“So fuckin’ pretty and smart baby girl,” Katsuki coos, voice a rumble in his throat and his praise makes your blood sing. He grips the base of his cock and shifts forward to rub his head over your lips. Your tongue darts out involuntarily to taste him and a salty tang bursts across your taste buds.
“Ei!” You gasp, startling when the red head’s thumb presses into your swollen clit, circling it slowly. You start to squirm and sink your nails into Katsuki’s thighs as your eyes squeeze shut. “C’mon Ei, stop teasing and fuck me.” Eijirou giggles.
“Okay okay. You’re so needy tonight, I love it,” Eijirou gushes. The blunt head of his cock pokes at your clit before sliding down, a steady pressure against your lips before he pushes inside. You cry out sharply, hanging onto Katsuki for dear life while Eijirou’s thick cock stretches you to the max.
“Fuck yeah, that’s it. That tight little pussy loves Eijirou, doesn’t she?” Katsuki says breathlessly, moaning softly as he strokes his cock. “He’s so big, isn’t he baby? Feels good huh?”
You can only nod, jaw going slack and eyes rolling back when Eijirou bottoms out with a choked off moan. Pleasure blisters through you when he draws his hips back and thrusts forward roughly.
“Oh my god. You’re a dream baby,” Eijirou whines, settling one hand on your knee and the other on your baby bump. Your vision is obscured by Katsuki’s thighs but Eijirou’s praise burns in your brain.
“Jesus Christ,” Katsuki snarls, tapping your cheek twice. “Open up for me princess.” Your lips part obediently and Katsuki braces a knee of the bed, the other leg standing firm. His groin tightens in anticipation at the sight of you flushed and pliant.
He squeezes one of your tits and tilts his hips down to guide his cock inside and he glides smoothly along your soft pallet. You close your lips and suck tentatively until he jerks forward and smacks the back of your throat, breath catching in his chest.
Eijirou starts to pick up the pace, the obscenity in front of him spurring on his own desire and he hits your g-spot with scary precision. Your resulting moan is muffled by the cock in your mouth as Katsuki fucks your throat and Eijirou begins babbling encouragingly.
“Oh — shit, right there yeah baby? Feels too good, I can’t believe how tight you are. You’re gorgeous like this sweetheart, you love when I tell you how pretty you are don’t you?”
His voice is fuzzy to your ears, the prominent ache in your jaw coming to the forefront. Katsuki’s paying attention, however and taunts him even if the sweet words make his cock twitch.
“God Ei, you just can’t stop yappin’ can you?”
Eijirou whines pitifully, rolling his hips a bit more leisurely to savor the pleasure.
“I can’t help it.”
“Fuck — I’m, it’s gonna make me cum. You want me to cum for you princess?” Katsuki pulls his cock free and you gulp down air, coughing and sputtering briefly.
“Yeah, yeah. Kat c’mon,” you croak, fingers tingling as you bring them up to fist the blanket below you. Eijirou’s moving at a snail’s pace now, stilling inside you to watch the show.
Katsuki runs with it, hooking his thumb along the teeth of your bottom jaw and prying it open. His cock is shoved to the back of your throat and past the unforgiving ring of muscle there. The sensation makes your throat tickle with the urge to cough.
He stays in place long enough for your pulse to thunder before exhaling shakily and dragging himself out of your mouth. He jerks his cock until he’s cumming with a cry and streaking your chest and belly with his release.
It’s still for a moment once he relaxes. The air is warm from all the movement and the only sounds are of the three of you catching your breath before Eijirou laughs incredulously.
“That was hot.” Eijirou is beaming as he slides his still completely stiff cock from your pussy and you protest half heartedly, the other two snickering. Katsuki locks eyes with you, his cheeks rose petal pink and sweat trails down his temple.
“You good?”
You nod as Eijirou grips your ankles and pulls you bodily onto the bed, your neck tingling when the blood rushes from your head.
“More than good. I do want to switch positions though, the baby is suffocating me like this,” you joke. Eijirou pats your thighs encouragingly and smiles vibrantly.
“Sure thing! You want Kat to hold you baby?”
Katsuki rolls his eyes playfully and shimmies up the bed to the headboard. He pauses near Eijirou, planting a kiss to his lips and turning to settle in his new place. Katsuki tilts his head and smirks coyly at you.
“Move your ass pillow princess.” He bends his knees and digs his heels into the mattress. You ignore Katsuki for the moment and take Eijirou’s offered hand. He helps you rise to your knees and shuffle until you can twist and recline against Katsuki’s chest.
He’s covered in sweat, but he’s so warm and a sense of comfort spreads through your limbs. You glance down at yourself and notice you’re still covered in Katsuki’s cum, nose scrunching in disgust but not bothering to wipe it away yet.
Katsuki runs his hands up and down your upper arms and tenderly wraps them around your shoulders, resting his temple on yours. You brace your hands on his knees and then Eijirou is there taking up your attention.
He inches forward and sits on his calves, snugly fitting between your thighs and he lifts his eyebrows in question. You hum softly and encourage him forward with a tug to his wrist.
He pushes at the delicate skin over your inner thighs to coax you open for him. You do so without hesitation and instantly Eijirou’s steadying himself and slipping back into you with a smooth glide.
“Eijirou,” you moan between your teeth, head tipping backwards onto Katsuki’s shoulder. You clench around him and he whimpers, pitching forward and resting his hands on your belly. Katsuki leers from behind you, muttering like the devil on your shoulder.
“Thought you were big and strong Ei. You can make her little pussy cum can’t you, red riot?”
Eijirou’s brows knit together and he nods vigorously, picking up a steady rhythm that you can feel in your toes. You bite the tip of your tongue and dig your nails into Katsuki’s knees.
“Y — Yeah, I’ll make her feel so good, I’ll make her cum Katsuki.”
Katsuki grins wolfishly.
“Good boy Eijirou.”
Your husband wears a dumbstruck expression, cherry red eyes falling shut and breathy moans mixing with yours as he snaps his hips briskly.
“E-Eijirou! Just like that, please don’t stop, I’m gonna cum!”
He obeys and the volume of your pleas rise and your voice cracks when Eijirou’s movements become the slightest bit harsher. The red head splays his large palms even wider over your belly and uses the angle to his advantage, pressing upwards with each thrust.
Katsuki squeezes your shoulders and whispers sweet nothings in your ear, nosing at your cheek while your climax swells rapidly behind your belly button.
“Doing so well baby, you take him like a fuckin’ champ,” Katsuki says huskily. “Looks like Ei’s gonna fuck another baby into you, isn’t that right?”
Eijirou absently replies with a whiny mhmm, eyes glued to where his cock disappears inside you. You stare at Eijirou’s flushed face, his lids heavy and jaw hanging open in concentration and then the knot in your pelvis is unraveling.
You inhale sharply, thighs tensing and your own mouth opens in a silent scream as your pussy flutters before clenching tightly on the cock splitting you open.
Eijirou groans, placing his forehead on yours and works you through it like he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.
After a few brain melting seconds your muscles loosen, a low moan creeping its way out of your throat.
“Fuck baby,” Eijirou pants, cock twitching. “Love it when you cum on my cock like that, I’m not gonna last much longer.”
“Give it to me Ei, I’ve got you baby.”
With that, and a few filthy words from Katsuki, Eijirou is shoving his dick all the way inside you to the root. The curly black hair at his base brushes your clit and he’s cumming.
He gasps your name, hands shifting to white knuckle your shoulders as you frame his face with your palms. His cock kicks inside you a few times before he’s melting onto you, listening to your whispered words of praise as his chest heaves.
You all stay still for a brief moment as the post sex haze falls over you and Eijirou decides then to gingerly slip out of your pussy, shifting to lay down beside you like a starfish instead.
There’s a gentle pressure on your back and you lean forward so Katsuki can slide out from behind you. You take his place, pillows supporting your lower back and feeling icky from all the cum on you and inside you.
“Someone please get me a towel.”
Eijirou laughs but Katsuki just hands you a a discarded T-shirt, nose scrunching up.
You take it gratefully, wiping off the drying cum from your belly and handing it to Eijirou. He helps clean any place you can’t reach before balling it up and tossing it like a basketball into the dirty laundry basket. He misses. Katsuki glares at him and points in that direction, lip curling.
“You’re picking that shit up.”
You snicker and Eijirou grins good-naturedly, teasing the blonde until Katsuki’s teeth are grinding together.
Eventually you’re able to convince Katsuki to cook you both more food. He complains about it vehemently but ultimately pulls shorts on and stomps out of the room and to the kitchen.
You smile with amusement and gaze softly at Eijirou as he tugs on old sweats.
“Ya know he’s gonna blow a hole in the wall if you keep messing with him,” you say, awkwardly climbing off the bed and accepting the shorts and shirt Eijirou places in your hands.
“He just makes it too easy to rile him up.”
You can’t help but agree with that, grinning when Eijirou laces your fingers together and leads you to the kitchen.
The three of you relax together for the rest of the evening, both men taking turns reading to your baby and fawning over your belly.
You’re on your toes with anticipation to see how they behave when she’s here. You’re certain they’ll be amazing fathers.
Then, in a couple years, you’ll let Eijirou get you pregnant. You smile softly to yourself, because you’re one hundred percent sure your back will ache carrying his giant baby.
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f4irycafe · 3 months
long time no see freak hoes 😏
rn im thinking about eren and black reader who are this tik tok i saw. if ur friend has a man (cough like sasha and niko) he’ll be friendly but he’s really only here for you and the drinks. because when yall get home 😼 he knows that after a tense car ride in the uber and walk up to his apartment that his mouth will be on yours immediately, kissing you just as you were about to speak. the words obviously caught in your throat as you kiss him back. he learns forward for more, you watch his lips chase yours as you pull your head back and open your eyes.
“not yet” you say with a giggle, skipping backwards further into his apartment towards his bedroom as he stalks towards you.
“c’mere,” eren grunts out as he shoots out an arm to attempt to grab you. he fails, instead watching as you scamper into the bedroom. he slowly follows after you, taking his time to close the door.
if you wanted to be tease, he’d gladly go the extra mile just to show you how petty he was willing to be for this little delay.
it was your turn to be needy, your french tip manicured nails reaching for the back of his neck before being stopped by his much larger hands.
“not yet,” he said, repeating your earlier statement you. fawkkkkkkkkk. yeah im done, you thought as you watched him take his time traveling down your body, pulling away whenever your breathe hitched at his touch.
by the time he was finished with his little show, he was kneeling infront of the bed, your legs hoisted and locked around his shoulders, his long arms holding your hips against his face.
“look at me.” he whispered against you, the cold air causing your pussy to clench. eren laughed. you hid your face in the pillow, but your man was having none of it. he gently smacked your thigh, repeating his words until you finally looked at him.
he spent ten minutes down there just going the fuck at it. like that’s the only way i can describe it yall he ate 🙌🏾 by the time he was finished his nose down was covered in your juices. the way he slurped up the last of what he could before wiping your cum from his face with the back of your hand was enough to make you squirt a little just from the sight. he smiled and quickly rubbed your pussy, watching as you squeezed and squirted for him simple by looking at him.
“such a good fucking girl. cums just by looking at me hmm?” he says just as much.
“y-you’re so fucking hot” you say as you grab at his hands. his moves you up the bed before swiftly taking off his pants and climbing on top of you. the reason he stays down there so long, aside from his own pleasure, is so that he can do this.
he’s already hard you see as you watch him wet his dick on your soaking pussy before slowly sliding in in one stroke. you both moan and it feels so good as you hold eachother close, moaning in his ear as he slowly rocks into you.
his hands move from the back of your neck and shoulders to the top of your head and you know what’s about to happen, and all you can do is brace yourself. you dig your face into the crevice where his neck meets his shoulder, his soft brown hair covering your face as he begins to literally fuck you into the bed.
at the same time y’all are drunk and he’s made u cum thrice already so baby finished quick and then yall go to bed ok BYE !
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elle’s thoughts: is this a loose retelling of how my one ex fwb used to fuck me .. no 🫠🤥. he was 6’5 … im much much smaller than that. also i just started writing and ofc because im a whore if turned into smut 😭 feel free to blow up my requests w lil asks for blurbs and what not, it’s summer and when im not working im bored 🥱 ⭐️ LOVE U ALL HUGS A DN KISSES MWAH 😘 also not proofread we die like men
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Unwrap Me-Colby Brock
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(not my gif)
A/n: I just thought I'd drop this small one. I know Christmas is over, but I got sick over the break and didn't get to finish until today. So Merry Late Christmas to whoever celebrates. I kind of got this idea from an Ariana Grande song. Please relax and enjoy.
I was sitting on the couch scrolling through tik tok when I kept getting videos of girls making outfits out of wrapping paper. I just knew I had to try on Colby. I went to my room to start planning. As I was planning out how I want the outfit to look I got a call from Kat. I picked it up and smiled. " Hey Kat! What's up?" I questioned
" Hey, just wanted to chat." She said 
I nodded while cutting out the pieces for my outfit. " What are you doing?" Kat questioned 
I replied with, " You know that trend going around where everyone is creating outfits out of wrapping paper?" 
She let out a loud laugh while saying, " Don't tell me you're making one for Colby." 
I stayed silent while making the skirt. She stopped laughing. " OMG! Oh my god! You're actually being for real." 
I let out a chuckle. " Yea, I just think Colby's reaction will be amazing." She was just watching me. " Girl when you're done making it please show me." 
I nodded while continuing the skirt I'm still making. 
'time jump'
I was just about when I heard someone enter Kat's room. I glanced up to fins Sam. " Hey Sam!" I shouted 
He glanced up confused until he saw me through the phone. " Hey Y/n/n. What are you working on?" He said, wrapping his arms around Kat. 
I smiled, " Something for Colby, we'll, more for my entertainment." I said laughing at the end
He raised his eyebrows interested in the thing I was making. " Are you almost done?" Kat asked
Right as she asked I finished the very last part of the outfit. I smiled at both of them. " Done." I exclaimed 
" We'll go try it on." Kat said excitedly 
I smiled and nodded. " Be right back." I said rushing to the bathroom. I was carefully putting it on to not rip it. I heard Kat yelling through the phone. " Girl hurry, I want to see." I let out a soft chuckle while double checking that everything was perfect. I smiled, hyping myself up. I opened the door and stated...
" Okay, Are you guys ready?" 
I didn't get to hear Sam's response due to Kat screaming. " I've been ready." I let out a laugh before walking over to the phone. Kat let out a loud gasp while Sam's jaw immediately dropped. "Omg! You look so gorgeous Y/n/n." Kat said hyping me up
I felt my cheeks getting warm. " Thanks Kat." 
" Colby is going to die when he sees you." Kat stated 
I smiled when Sam smirked. " What's that face for?" He let out a chuckle before saying,"Just so you know Colby just showed up at the house."  
I felt myself panic, " What!" I whisper shouted
He just laughed at my reaction. Kat let out a small laugh before calming me down. " Y/n/n don't panic, you look stunning." I glanced at her, " You think so." 
She smiled through the phone. " Now go get your man." 
I chuckled. " Well I'll let you know how it goes." She winked, " You better." Which made me laugh, we hung up and I started hyping myself up. I took  a deep breath before calling him just to make sure he was home. 
" Hey, baby." he said 
" Hi." 
I heard him let out a chuckle. " What's up, I know you're home." 
I let out a small giggle. " I just want to make sure you are home." 
" Why?" he sounded curious 
" You know, I may or may not have a surprise for you." 
" Really!" he said 
I ignored his response to ask, " Where are you in the house?" 
" The living room." he stated 
I smiled to myself. " Stay there." 
Before he could say anything else I hung up. I took one last deep sigh before heading down the stairs. I turned on the song which made Colby laugh. " Babe, what is this?" he asked through deep chuckles 
Which only made me let out giggles. " It's your surprise, silly." I said walking down the rest of the steps. 
" Okay you ready?" I asked feeling nervous 
" Babe, what are you nervous about?" 
I let out a chuckle. " No reason, I'm coming in." 
" We'll hurry up and get your cute butt in here." 
I felt myself blush. I slowly walked in and Colby's eyes widened. I felt butterflies swarming in my stomach along with my heartbeat getting faster just from him watching me. 
Colby's POV
I was really confused when she turned music on but also kind of excited to see what she had planned. 
After I told her to get her cute butt in the room, I was getting pumped up. What I didn't expect was to see her in wrapping paper. My brain froze just watching her. I was speechless, I then listened to the lyrics and smirked. " So you want me to unwrap you?" I saw her blush which was adorable. I got up from the couch and walked over to her. I gently placed my hands on her hips and glanced up and down her body. Seeing her body covered in wrapping paper up closer was even more exciting. 
I leaned my head to her right ear and whispered. " I would love to do the honors of ripping this off you." 
I pulled back to find her staring up at me with so much love. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down to her lips. Once her lips touched mine I couldn't stop myself from going in deeper. She let out a soft groan from the feeling. I felt my hands exploring her body. I pulled away and picked her up over my shoulder. She let out a slight scream. " Colby!" 
I just chuckled and made my way to the bedroom. " What for the room cause you will be screaming my name to the whole world darling." I said 
Your POV
 I felt myself blush again from his words. I then wrapped my arms around his back so I didn't fall. " Colby..." I mumbled 
He tightened his hold on me and responded with, " Yes princess." 
I let out a nervous giggle. " Um...the paper might have torn when you picked me up." All he did was laugh, " Well it was going to come off anyway." 
The next thing I knew I was softly tossed on his bed with him leaning over me. " I can't wait to rip this off." he whispered 
Okay, I know some of you won't like me for how I ended it, but I rather not write anything with that. I mean feel free to imagine. I know I might be robbing you guys, it's just I don't feel super comfortable writing the whole topic. 
Thank you so much for supporting me through the many years I started writing. 
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wisteria-lodge · 2 months
What do you think about Molly Weasley?
I have a lot of thoughts about Molly Weasley. I think she’s a fantastic character,  just not in the way that JKR intended. 
I think the intention was to make Molly kind of a mama bear. Fiercely loving, fiercely protective, hot tempered… but you know. In a cute way. In a warm way. I do think that Movie!Molly threads this needle. (I also think that her bear-ears hairstyle is perhaps intentional.) 
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Movie!Molly gets her big duel with Bellatrix, she gets (reasonably) annoyed at the boys for stealing the car. Her only spicy moment is the Howler… which is softened and made more comedic by 1) including a nice message for Ginny at the end 2) including a tongue-sticking-out moment, which turns the whole thing into more of a joke on Molly. Now it’s your mom being kind of weird and embarrassing… versus her public shaming you, toxic tik-tok mom style. The Howler is much worse in the book: “​​I THOUGHT YOUR FATHER WOULD DIE OF SHAME, WE DIDN’T BRING YOU UP TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS.”
So let’s talk Book!Molly, because there’s a lot there. She’s a Prewett, growing up in a more *typical* pure blood family as opposed to being a “blood traitor” Weasley. (Cedrella Black was disowned for marrying a Weasley, Lucretia Black married a Prewett no problem.)  Molly also married Arthur really young, and really quickly. It’s even lightly implied they married too quickly - 
“I just think [Bill and Fleur] have hurried into this engagement, that’s all!”  “They’ve known each other a year,” said Ron (...)   “Well, that’s not very long! I know why it’s happened, of course. It’s all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they’re rushing all sorts of decisions they’d normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and center —”  “Including you and Dad,” said Ginny slyly.  “Yes, well, your father and I were made for each other, what was the point in waiting?” said Mrs. Weasley.
There’s some psychological truth to that. (Also, Molly and Arthur were 100% hooking up while at Hogwarts:)
“[The Fat Lady] was here in my time,” said Mrs. Weasley. “She gave me such a telling off one night when I got back to the dormitory at four in the morning —”  “What were you doing out of your dormitory at four in the morning?” said Bill, surveying his mother with amazement. Mrs. Weasley grinned, her eyes twinkling.  “Your father and I had been for a nighttime stroll,” she said.
And the timeline’s too fuzzy to know for sure…  but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Molly getting pregnant with Bill was one of the reasons she and Arthur got married so fast. 
It’s hard to say, because you never get a great sense of their relationship, but I’m actually not sure how compatible the two of them are, or if they would have gotten married at all if it hadn't been for the war and all these external factors. There is an ongoing conflict between them: Arthur is a political radical who seems to enjoy upsetting the Malfoys - he’s not playing nice, he doesn't have a prestigious job, he’s not getting a promotion anytime soon, and he’s fine with this. His interest in muggles is fringe counterculture stuff, and his hobby is illegal. And Molly… is pretty establishment. She wants her sons to be Head Boys and Prefects, and then she wants them to get jobs at the Ministry:
“Mum went mad at [Fred and George after finding their prank candy.] Told them they weren’t allowed to make any more of it, and burned all the order forms. . . . She’s furious at them anyway. They didn’t get as many O.W.L.s as she expected.” “And then there was this big row,” Ginny said, “because Mum wants them to go into the Ministry of Magic like Dad, and they told her all they want to do is open a joke shop.”
Like we hear about this interaction secondhand, which softens the emotion, but I’m sorry? Molly burned their order forms? She wants them to do jobs they very clearly have no aptitude for, instead of being entrepreneurs? Arthur sides with the twins, and of course he does. They’re anarchists just like he is. But it *really* bothers Molly, and this conflict just keeps coming up. 
[sidenote. You cannot tell that Arthur Weasley, once he was in his late 20s/early 30s, once he had grown into himself a bit. Tell me that this man didn’t once think “you know, I really should have married a Muggle. That would’ve been perfect.”’]
But back to Molly Weasley, nee Prewett. She wants a big family, and there is no way this doesn't have something to do with the fact that both her brothers were just brutally killed. She’s trying to distract herself, fill some void, find some meaning. The fact that it doesn’t work (because how could it, she’s got just buckets of unprocessed trauma) is maybe why she is so set on having a girl. Maybe a little baby girl is what she needs. 
In the main timeline of the book, Molly 100% needs enrichment. She needs to start breeding alpacas or join a book club or get a job. (Job could be cool, especially since she has no kids at home and money is an issue.) Like come on, Molly is intense, Type A, and powerful. Possibly one of the best duelists in the entire series. She takes out Voldemort’s number two, and Bellatrix has already defeated Sirius - incredibly talented and powerful in his own right. I do think that the reason JKR made this choice (instead of letting Neville have a confrontation with Bellatrix, which would have been more narratively straightforward) is because (whether consciously or unconsciously) she doesn’t like the idea of one of her good-guy GUY characters hurting a woman. So Molly defeats Bellatrix with magic mom powers, which is the same reason Narcissia can lie to Voldemort’s face I guess.
What Molly definitely does NOT need to be doing is obsessing about her kids' significant others. Like take Fleur. (Who I think we as readers were meant to dislike more than we actually did?)  Fleur is great. So when Molly has a problem with her… then starts trying to matchmake Bill with Tonks… until Tonks (another fan favorite) also starts annoying her… it makes Molly looks really unreasonable. Also, let Bill have his long hair and earring. 
She gets weird about Hermione in Book 4, after she believes Rita Skeeter’s write-up that she's some sort of temptress playing Harry and Krum off each other. Instead of, idk, asking Harry (who she thinks of as a surrogate son) she sends Hermione a passive-agressive comically undersized chocolate egg. Harry and Ron get huge ones. That’s not cute, or funny.
Also, Percy and Penelope Clearwater. I know the real-world reason Percy hides his relationship in Book 2 is so he can be a red herring acting all suspicious… but in universe, I guess Percy just wants to date someone without his mom being weird about it? Like Penelope Clearwater is nice and normal and fine. Why is he hiding this relationship?
Then there’s Molly the disciplinarian, which we mostly see in the context of Fred and George (although there is also Ron being public-shamed by the Howler.) She is constantly giving the twins a hard time about their life choices, their jokes. Ron says “I remember Mum walloping Fred with her broomstick." Then yeah, she burns their order forms. She does feel bad about this later, and after the whole thing at the Quidditch World Cup hugs them and says, “What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn’t get enough O.W.L.s?” It’s meant to be a sweet moment, but this would annoy me just a little. It’s a little like saying, “I’m glad I don’t have to think of myself as being a bad mother.” 
I also want to point out Molly's pretty clear favoritism. Fred and George are the problem children, Ginny is the baby (although we almost never see her and her mother interact, so it’s actually very hard to say what their relationship is like), and Percy is the golden child. We see how this sort of sets him apart from all his siblings, how he's described as pompous and full of himself, but also how he’s secretive and hides things from his family. It’s kind of precarious being the golden child, and when he finally does stop pleasing his mother he falls hard. (Although I will always be a big believer in Daddy Issues!Percy. That has to be why he commits that hard to Barty Crouch Sr that fast, and then ignores that many red flags.) 
And of course Ron is the invisible child. Almost the first thing we hear him say is, “She always forgets I don’t like corned beef.” I’ll let that one slide. Molly’s got five kids at home, she made corn beef sandwiches, not everyone is going to be equally happy. But Ron’s clothes.  Molly makes her own clothes, she's defined by her facility with household magic. She knits Ron sweaters... but at least two of them are maroon despite the fact that Ron hates maroon. His room is  plastered top to bottom in bright orange Chudley Cannons merch. She couldn’t make him an orange sweater? There’s also the issue with the dress robes. Ron clearly doesn’t like them (“Mum, you’ve given me Ginny’s new dress.”) But he is the one who cuts off the lace trim later, and he doesn’t do an amazing job. I know that it's a joke, but like. That sounds like a job for Molly.
We do get Horcrux!Hermione telling Ron that he is the “Least loved, always, by the mother who craved a daughter,” so this idea of Molly picking favorites is *kind of* in the text. But Horcrux!Hermione is wrong about Harry/Hermione being a thing, so maybe we’re meant to read this as Ron’s baseless anxiety? It doesn’t feel like that though. What it actually feels like is an unresolved plot thread. 
So here’s my take on Molly Weasley. This is someone who is pretty high-powered, who suffered a period of emotional upheaval, then got married and started having kids because she kind of thought that was what you do - and it wasn’t as fulfilling as she thought it would be. I think a lot of her comments come off as *meaner* than JKR intended, because let’s face it - JKR has a kind of mean sense of humor. And if I want to speculate further… I think there are quite a few parallels between Molly Weasley and JKR. I don't think she put them there consciously.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which eddie munson and you absolutely hate each other's guts. what happens when your friends make a bet that you can't spend more than twenty four hours consecutively together?
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, eventual smut, upside down does not exist, minors dni, eddie is especially mean in this one (be warned), mentions of blood (in metaphors, not literal)
→ pairings: modern!college!eddie x college!fem!reader
→ wc: 4k+
→ a/n: i just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you for all the love on the first chapter of this!! i appreciate it beyond words <3
spotify playlist.
◁ previous part, next part▷
2:00 ─ㅇ───────────────── 24:00
HOUR TWO - 5:00 PM
It’s a miracle. Eddie is surprisingly quiet for the first hour after your small kitchen dispute. 
He resides reading a book on one end of his couch as you sit awkwardly on the other end, fiddling with your hands before finally caving and deciding to scroll mindlessly on your phone. You exhaust every social media app you have downloaded – Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr – before finally turning to Tik Tok. Adjusting your volume doesn’t even cross your mind. 
That’s all it takes to finally set Eddie off. 
It starts small; he shifts around after the first video, a prolonged sigh after the second video, a quick side-eye after the third video. Finally, after the fourth video and no sign of you turning down the volume, he huffs and snaps his book shut. 
“Do you have to watch that shit so loudly?” 
His tone is laden with utter annoyance. You’re caught off guard initially, having blatantly ignored his previous signs of being irritated by the noise, and your head whips up in his direction with wide eyes. The shocked look on your face quickly contorts when you catch his stare, full of hatred and vexation. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you scoff, “Let me just die of boredom I guess.” 
“I didn’t say you had to do that,” he narrows his gaze and matches your attitude with ease, “Just… solve the boredom quietly. Like I did.” 
“You were quiet because you had a book. I don’t have a book.” 
He waves an exasperated hand towards the coffee table where you catch sight of a few magazines, “Please, take your pick.”
You lock your phone reluctantly, tucking it beneath your thigh as you lean forward to glance over your options. There’s one about cars, obvious by the shiny vehicle that sits pretty on the cover, and a few hidden beneath it. You reach out and shift the laminated papers about and catch sight of a Rolling Stone cover. 
That one piques your interest, but stubborn as ever, you won’t admit it. 
“Those are the most boring fucking magazines I’ve ever seen. Who the hell likes to read about cars?” you deadpan, holding the car magazine up with a scowl. 
“Predictable. What’s next, a Playboy?” 
“You’re hilarious,” he says without a hint of amusement, “Truly a comedian. Can’t you just see the tears streaming out of my eyes from how hard I’m laughing? Incredible.” 
You decide to not entertain him any further. Your hand grabs the Rolling Stone magazine, ignoring his burning gaze before you settle back into the couch. 
If he wanted to be a dick, that was fine. You were used to it by now; you’d spent the last year growing accustomed to his cold shoulders and his bitter moods around you. At this point, you expected nothing less from him. Spending a little extra time together didn’t magically change it – at both your cores, you harbored a disdain like no other. You fundamentally hated Eddie, and Eddie fundamentally hated you. The confined space, forced proximity, ticking doomsday clock, and promise of cash did nothing to put any notches in those feelings. 
“Interesting choice,” he murmurs under his breath, beginning to relax back into the cushions as well. 
“What? Is it a crime for me to like-” you pause, flipping the magazine shut to check the slick cover for what the specific issue was even about, “-The Ramones?” 
So maybe saying you liked The Ramones was an overstatement. But at this point, you’re only picking a fight for the sake of picking a fight. Because you don’t know how else to communicate with Eddie aside from with a sharp tongue and turbulent sense of sarcasm. Because when it came to the two of you, there was no such thing as small talk. 
Everything was always big. Loud. Screaming matches, bold assumptions, critical insults. 
“Pump the bitch breaks,” his eyebrows furrow, as they always do when he glances your way, “I was trying to be civil.” 
“I didn’t think civil was in your vocabulary when it came to me.” 
He exhales deeply, letting his head fall back in contempt for a moment before he lifts it and looks at you, “Is this really how you want it to be?” 
You don’t reply, and he takes it as his cue to continue. 
“Do you really want to keep up the miserable act the entire twenty four hours? Won’t it get exhausting acting like a spoiled brat for that long?”
“I’m not acting like a spoiled brat,” you snap, the magazine now discarded and draped across your knee, open to a random spread, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s not an act. Make no mistake, Munson, I am only doing this for the cash.” 
His book lays to gather dust on the coffee table as he leans his elbows onto his knees, twisting his body ever so slightly to face you more fully, “Really? There’s gotta be easier ways to make cash. I’m sure if you asked Stevie boy real nicely, he would have let you put that mouth to use for a quick buc-”
You cut him off, because you know how this sentence ends, and it’s too far. He’s crossed a line. You had expected it, should have seen it coming sooner, but it’s crossing a line all the same. 
“Stop,” you firmly instruct, holding up a finger, “Not that it’s any of your miserable business, but me and Steve are not like that. At all. So you can fuck right off with that comment,” you only pause briefly, and you’re glad when he doesn’t interrupt you, “And, may I remind you, you’re also getting payment out of this. I could say the same thing to you, dickwad.” 
It had been a curious itch beneath your skin – you knew why you needed the extra cash so badly, but you had no idea why Eddie did. Beneath all the hate, all the irritation, the question had come to mind briefly. But it had been pushed down by disinterest in all things regarding the man before you. At the end of the day, you didn’t care what motivated him. You didn’t care about what he did for work, you didn’t care about what magazines he read, and you definitely didn’t care to know if the five hundred was as necessary for him as it was for you. 
This was a means to an end – nothing more, nothing less. 
“Dickwad?” His nose crinkles as he parrots your words back to you, “Jesus, did you ever learn any new insults past middle school?” 
You’re ignoring him once more, picking the magazine up off of your knee and burying your nose in an article about the greatest punk albums of all time rather than letting yourself be dragged into further conversation with him, trying to send the message that this discussion was over. 
The message isn’t received. It flies right over his head. 
“Pardon me for the assumption,” you can see him hold his hands up in mock surrender in your peripherals, “You and Harrington just seem close.” 
You should just keep ignoring him. You should actually read the words inches from your face. You shouldn’t say another word; your gut is screaming at you to not say another word.
But you ignore your gut, just as he’d ignore your disinterest in talking to him. 
“What happened to being quiet? I think I liked it better when you weren’t speaking to me,” you try to say casually, keeping an air of indifference. You should have known better. As your mother always said, once you start feeding a stray, they continue to come back. 
“Sounds like it’s a sore spot. Are you and Harrington that close?” 
“Not in that way,” you grit out behind the pages, “We’re close, but not like that.” 
Your answer doesn’t satisfy him like you’d hoped, “Oh, it is so a sore spot.” 
When you finally drop the magazine to properly look at him again, it only fans the anger. He looks smug as he crosses his ankle atop his knee, leaning back and looking you over as if he can read you like cellophane. 
“It’s not,” you stress, “Seriously. Drop it.” 
In all truthfulness, it wasn’t a sore spot – not when it came to Steve. You’d always been strictly platonic, fitting fairly effortlessly into his and Robin’s friendship. 
“You definitely want to fuck Steve.” 
“You know what I actually want right now?”
“Please, enlighten me.”
“To knock your teeth in.” 
The magazine is tossed back onto the table, nearly sliding off the edge from the force behind your throw. He’s relishing the way you’re continuing to get more upset, the way he’s still inching beneath your skin in a grating motion. To him, this is all just a joke. 
“I’d love to see you try, sweetheart,” he mocks, smiling with his teeth as if to taunt you. 
“Why did you even agree to this?” you finally turn your body towards his and mirror his position, “Is it fun to you? Is that what it is?” 
The smile widens, “You know what? Yeah. It is fun to piss you off.” 
“Yeah?” you imitate him, putting on a forced smile in an attempt to look as ridiculous as he did right now. You fold your hands and prop your elbows onto your knees, continuing to mock mercilessly as you balance your chin atop them and bat your lashes dramatically, “Please, tell me more. Tell me all about how fun it is.” 
In an instant, you drop the smile and begin to return to your previous position. It was rhetorical – you don’t expect a response, and yet he offers one nonetheless. 
“Well,” he begins, “First of all, the way you go red in the face is fucking hilarious. Seriously, it’s just like the cartoons. Absolutely ridiculous. I think by the end of this, I’ll get to see steam come out of your ears,” you’re already reaching for your phone, tuning him out, as he continues on, “And then it’s the way you’re just so damn easy. I mean, come on. Sometimes, all I have to do is breathe, and it sends you on a tirade. You just make it too simple, sweetheart.” 
Sweetheart. The nickname is prickly and as uncomfortable as ever, lodging into your ears against your better judgment. It creeps across your brain, travels down your spine, numbs your fingertips. You hate the shockwaves it’s capable of sending down your nerves. 
He’s right, at the end of the day. These days, you hardly put up a fight in expressing all your negative emotions towards him. If necessary, you could pinpoint a time where he really did simply breathe and you had proceeded to curse him out for it. Sometimes, just the sight of him can sour your entire mood. He’s an ever-present, persistent, irritating rain-cloud that looms on the edges of your life by circumstance. You can’t get rid of him. You can’t get rid of your hatred for him; you’ve always had a preference for sunny weather. 
“Careful,” you hum, not looking his way as you glance down at the time that glows from your lock screen: 5:46 PM. “It almost sounds like you enjoy my presence, Munson.” 
Indifference. You needed to practice indifference to survive the next twenty three hours. 
“Oh, that couldn’t be farther from the truth,” he says, “You are the worst part of my days. You’re like bad leftovers – everytime I see you, the bile immediately rises in my throat. Whenever Steve mentions you’ll be somewhere, I cancel plans. Whenever you show up without warning, I start counting down the minutes till I can get away from you.” 
The indifference begins to break. You finally look at him, keeping a steady expression. 
“You could go missing, you could vanish off the face of this earth, and I wouldn't blink an eye. As a matter of fact, I’d probably celebrate. Why my friends are so enamored with you, I will never understand.” 
It hurts. It might be Eddie, and you might be used to his spiteful words he uses as weapons against you, but it still hurts. The sting resembles a slap as you process each of his words. Each deliberate syllable – the specific referencing to the group as his friends and not your friends, the unblinking glare of his dark eyes, the insinuation that your death could bring him joy – drives deeper into your chest. It’s a human reaction; it doesn’t matter if the boy before you is the enemy, it still bruises to hear anyone say such things about you. The human need to be accepted, to be liked, to at least be tolerated, still twists in your gut. 
And he only presses forth. He doesn’t catch the pain spreading in your limbs because you don’t let the hurt raging in your chest spread across your face. You don’t let him see you bleed. 
“I’d attend your funeral with a party hat and sparklers. Confetti, even. The whole nine yards along with my finest bottle of champagne,” he hammers the final nail into a coffin, one that you’re not sure of whom it belongs to. Maybe it’s yours, sealing you six feet under with your cursed emotions. Maybe it’s his, locking him into the tomb to dwell in his ability to always take things too far. 
You won’t let him see you bleed.
You stand abruptly, making him flinch in the slightest. You keep your face turned from him as you take your phone and storm off into the hallway wordlessly. 
“Hey! Where are you going?” he calls after you. 
But he’s not following you. No footsteps echo your own as you turn into the only other doorway aside from the bathroom. 
He has a clear line of sight of you from the couch, and he can see you disappear into his room. 
The door slams shut behind you with a riveting bang. Your nimble fingertips fumble with twisting the lock into place, chest heaving as you finally let your eyes burn. 
He can’t see you. You finally bleed. 
The tears are feverish as they roll down your cheeks one by one, taking slow steps backward as you squeeze them shut and will them away. There are no accompanying whimpers, or sobs, or hiccups. It’s just you, the salty streams, and the now overwhelming scent of him.
He’s only managed to make you cry, make you bleed this way, once before. The night of Steve’s party, the night you had attempted to make him bleed in retaliation. You’d harbored the need to cut him open desperately that night, to crack open his chest and assure yourself he could bleed the same scarlet as you, that there was still a weathered heart behind his calloused ribs that could beat the same as yours. 
But you never did. At the end of that night, you had been the only one left bloodied and bandaged, aside from Steve’s glass as collateral damage. He remained unscathed.
The door knob shakes suddenly, and your eyes flash back open. Another shake, and you hear him huffing. 
“Seriously? Did you just lock me out of my own room?” His voice comes from the other side of the door. 
The bleeding stops. The wound seals. Even if he can’t see you through the door, just to know that his presence resides on the other side of it is enough to put an end to your trembling breaths. 
“Fuck off,” you call out hoarsely. 
“Let me in. It’s my room.” 
He sighs, and a thump sounds that you assume is his forehead falling against the wood in defeat, “Why do you insist on acting like a child?” 
“You’re the one with a collection of action figures!” you fight back with your weakest insult of the night. He twists the doorknob without fruition a few more times, a couple sharp knocks sound as you turn to get a better look at the room you’d run into without observation. 
It’s nothing extravagant, which makes sense. He has an entire apartment to spill his wretched personality across, which means there’s no need to condense it into the decor of his bedroom. He doesn’t have to express himself in a limited space as you do with your dorm. There’s a few posters of various bands hung crookedly on the wall, a dresser with a few of the drawers half open with assortments of clothes peeking out before they overflow onto the carpeted flooring, and a bed left unmade. His jersey sheets are plaid, worn and clearly well-loved. Despite the expected mess trailing about the rest of the floor, the space beside the bed is left cleared, and you decide to settle yourself down onto the patch. 
Your phone buzzes in your tight fist as your back settles up against the side of the bed. 
“Unlock the door,” his voice persists impatiently again. 
“Go to Hell.”
“I’m already there. Stuck with you.” 
Maybe the wound isn’t quite sealed, because the words fall like salt into your chest. 
“Why my friends are so enamored with you, I will never understand.” 
There’s more to say, but the chiming of a phone cuts off your thoughts. You glance down to your cell phone – not yours. 
The ringing is more muted, behind the door. With Eddie.
It’s Eddie’s phone. 
You’re about to call out a snarky remark about him getting that, but the ringing cuts off before you have the chance. It’s clear he’s walked away from the door as the echoes of his voice fades, the conversation inaudible to you through the walls. 
Your fingers dig into the carpet beside your thighs as you pull at individual strands that stick out, finally discarding your phone on the opposite side. Eventually, your touch trails closer to the edge of the bed, plucking, plucking, plucking until you collide with laminated paper sticking out from beneath the bed. 
What’s this? 
Just as you’re about to pull what you assume is a magazine from beneath the bed, your phone begins to buzz violently, this time the ringtone being your own. 
The screen lights up with Steve’s contact photo. It can’t be good.
“Hello?” you answer once you pick the phone up after a few moments of pause. 
“You can’t lock him out of his own room.”
“Oh, hey, Steve. I’m great, thanks for asking. Really living the drea-”
“You can’t lock him out of his own room,” Steve repeats with more emphasis, disregarding your sarcastic tone completely. 
You stare across the room at an acoustic guitar resting on a stand. This machine slays dragons, it reads in bold, white lettering. 
“So you were the one who called him,” you mumble. 
Steve sighs over the line, “No. Nance called him, because you haven’t sent the proof to the chat yet. We were trying to give you guys a grace period, but-”
“But you assumed we’d already murdered each other,” you finish his sentence. 
“Can you blame us? What did he even say to make you board yourself up in his room?” 
You scoff softly, “He didn’t tell Nancy?” 
The moment Steve mentioned Nancy was the one calling Eddie, you’d simply assumed he’d filled her in. 
Before you’d weaseled your way into the friend group, there had been clear, strong bonds already set in place: Robin & Steve, Jonathan & Argyle, and Nancy & Eddie. Three sets of best friends who all wove together to form their large friend group with ease.
You were the odd man out. They never treated you as such, except for Eddie, but it was an insecurity that could eat you alive if you ever gave it the time of day. And maybe that was why Eddie’s earlier words had cut so deeply. He was voicing a fear you always tried to bury deep down. 
“No,” Steve says as if it were obvious, “He just started going off about how you had locked him out of his room amongst…. Um, amongst other things.” 
Other things. You could guess what those other things had been; no doubt, he’d spent his time on the phone bitching about you. He’d probably called you every crude name in his rolodex of hatefulness. 
“Right,” you drawl, eyes flickering around the room to seek out another distraction to mindlessly stare at. Suddenly, you remember the magazine you had discovered just as Steve called, “Well, nothing surprising. The usual, really. Just how he hates my guts, he finds me annoying, he wouldn’t care if I died-” 
You ignore Steve’s gasp of disbelief and carry on, “-All the classic insults you would say to your arch nemesis.” 
Steve says your name softly, still carrying an air of shock, “He didn’t mean that. I- Listen, he’s an asshole sometimes, but I guarantee he would care-”
“Who cares?” you interrupt, “I don’t blame him. It’s fine. He doesn’t have to care if I meet my untimely demise. I kind of figured he was going to murder me anyways, remember?”
“Yeah, but that was… that was joking around, he…” Steve trails off, because you both know he’s full of shit. 
There was no joking around between you and Eddie. A painful truth, considering when you first joined the friend group, you had such high hopes of getting along with him. 
“It’s whatever. Do you still need me to send proof?” you ask, fingers now playing with the crumpled edges of the magazine. Even half-hidden, you could see there were pages that had been dog-eared. 
You almost don’t hear Steve as he tells you that it’s fine, that now they know the two of you are definitely together. It’s already nearly time for the next check in anyways. 
“Alright, in that case…” your tongue peaks out as you begin to tug the magazine out of hiding. The moment the magazine's title comes into sight, you gasp, frozen as the phone nearly slips out of your hand.
Fucking jackpot.
“You good?” Steve asks. 
Playboy. A goddamn Playboy magazine. 
“Never better,” you rush out, eager to hang up so you can utilize this ammunition against Eddie, “Talk later, Steve-O.” 
You don’t give him a chance to echo a goodbye before you hang up, tossing your phone off to the side with a muted thump. Your focus is entirely on the magazine before you, crinkling as you hold it in your hands and bite back laughter. 
Against your better judgment, you open the cover, mouth falling open as you flip through page after page of nude women and cigarette ads. Some pages stick together, and you don’t dare to peel them apart, cringing at the thought of just why they’re sticky. You come to the first page that had been dog-earred, and your jaw clicks as your mouth falls agape. 
Fucking pervert. He’s a goddamn pervert. 
A well-timed knock sounds at the door once more, Eddie’s knuckles sharp in their three strikes, “Can you let me in now?” 
It’s the closest to a please you’re going to get. 
“Sorry, busy!” you call out in response, still staring at the spread.
The nude woman eerily resembles you. Same hair, same skin tone, similar noses. The Universe has dropped the most loving of gifts in your laps in the form of this magazine, something you know you can use to get under Eddie’s skin as severely as he had done to you. 
“Busy?” he protests, knocking on the door again before you hear the shaking of the doorknob again, “What the fuck are you doing in there? I told you, don’t touch my shit.”
You bite your lip, smile curling the corners of your mouth as you finally stand from the floor, knees cracking as you keep the magazine open to the photo. Eddie has gone scarily quiet, and you can’t even make out his breathing. His shadow has stilled completely as it peaks in from under the doorway. 
He’s never living this down. 
You’re still grinning with ill-intent as you shout, “Wow. Who knew I was right about the Playboy?”
Those words are all it takes for the frantic pounding on the door to begin.
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @amira0303 @blushingquincy @imtryingahh @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @liv0679 @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @eddiemunxson @ohmeg @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @whosbettysstuff
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cosplaytiktoks · 1 year
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silverbirching · 7 days
So as some of you may know, I am... let's say an armchair-level amateur scholar of classical studies. @qqueenofhades can tell you how often she has to talk me down off the ledge of enrolling in an MFA program.
Like some of you, I was an insufferable twelve-year-old when Disney's Hercules came out, and all of my critiques of that film were down to "it doesn't do the mythology right".
Well, I've reached the point where I don't care about that shit anymore. Go nuts. Have fun with it. There are, however, some... History Tik-tok tumblr Bad Takes about Greek mythology that I have very little patience for. #Girlboss Persephone, for instance, or basically anything that insists on treating the Greek gods like people, whose behavior can be judged as more or less Problematic, rather than... symbols, archetypes, divinities.
I am happy to say that Kaos, while it obviously plays fast and loose with basically every element, captures the vibes of Olympus. The feels. Jeff Goldblum's intense, eccentric and fucking terrifying performance as Zeus, the flawless Janet McTeer as Hera, Cliff Curtis as Middle-Aged Jaded Slutty Maori Fuckboy Poseidon, David Thewlis' exhausted, depressive turn as Hades... all of it is GOLD. It has instantly become one of my new favorite adaptations. Like all good adaptations, it captures the flavor, the vibes, the FEEL of the original works.
Here's some of my other faves!
Gods Behaving Badly, by Marie Phillips - a goofy, fun little romp about the past-it and aging Gods of Olympus living together in a shitty house in London. A comedy, but it very accurately captures the essence of the vain, fickle, and usually stupid Greek Gods.
Circe, by Madeline Miller - I mean, I hope to God everyone has already read this one, Jesus Christ. Told from the first-person perspective of the Goddess-witch Circe, this book is an amazing re-imagining of one of the most maligned and studied characters in the Odyssey.
Hades 1 & 2. by Supergiant Games - I could write several thousand words about how much I love these games, which both revolve around the challenges of an immortal family that you literally cannot get away from -- and the way cycles of violence perpetuate themselves, even if the people involved CAN'T DIE. The depths of the scholarship on display there are frankly staggering, and they go DEEP into the esoterica -- Zagreus teasing Orpheus that he and Dionysus are the same person (which they almost certainly are, don't get me started on Orphism) springs to mind. Hell, the second game's protagonist is literally Melinoe. Also, Scylla is a boss fight and is the lead singer of a bratty girl group and sings a diss track about how your hair is a disaster. What's not to love.
... I do wish they hadn't made Kronos the God of Time. That shit drives me nuts. The words are cognate but not--he was an agricultural--ANYWAY.
Kaos is intense as hell, but it's fucking GREAT. And literally every frame is filled with Gays and people with different bodies and body types and various flavors of gender fuckery. It's great. Watch it.
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antonsgf · 9 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ bf!anton pt. 2 ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
bye this is so long overdue oops !! part one is here !!
bf!anton likes to send you little texts throughout the day just to update you on what he's doing while on schedules and he most definitely miss you :(
he would also send tik toks and .5 pics of his hyungs just for funisies and you should send some back !!!
speaking of tik toks, yall would spend hours creating some !! your drafts are filled with 100s of silly little videos
especially trendy couple vids like this one :))
bf!anton would definitely bring you around to hang out with his hyungs and of course they would tease him !!
but don't worry because you would definitely defend your man if needed be !!
like imagine one night yall are having a group movie night and you're all snuggled up next to tonny and giving him a smooch on the cheek
next thing you know eunseok is like "ugh get a room :P"
without a beat your response would be like "damn bro i would be mad too if i didn't have someone kissing up on me like get a gf :P"
everyone is like ":O ohhhhhh shit!" "you finally met your match hyung :)" lmao you and eunseok would go toe to toe !!
you gets down and you dont play about your tonny !! it's all jokes though so no worries :))
aside from that anton would feel so much pride and happiness from the sight of you getting along with his hyungs esp sohee !! but like sohee was lowkey his wingman tho LMAOOO
tonny is an unconfirmed taurus venus, which in my delulu head means one of his favorite things to do with you is taking a nap or cuddling which leads to said naps !!
he just give top tier cuddler like !! his arms look so warm and welcoming adafklhfjhafjhd
imagine yall cuddling up all nice and peaceful !! you're wearing one of his t-shirts and he's holding you all warm and snug throughout the night against his chest ahhh !! i would simply just die right then and there fr !!
the next morning you wake up with his arms still around you and you're like stuck physically because his arms are locked in !!
it's always the same scenario of you two being like
"ant we gotta get up :3" "ahh just five more minutes baby :3"
his sleepy self would refuse to let go because being bed with you is like paradise !! and he doesn't want it to end...unless...
"i'll make your special yogurt parfait you like for breakfast :)"
he would relunctantly let you go but only because how could he turn down his special greek yogurt parfait that he is more than capable of making himself made by the love of his life ???
and it's not even all that !! you literally found a recipe on tiktok and made it for him one day !! now he texts you every now and then wishing you were around to make it !!
"babe it's literally four ingredients ??" "but it's not the same when you don't make it :(("
food would be another part of his love language because we all know how much our boy loves his snacks !!
and how could you deny your boyfriend from a treat that's handmade from you ?? like make it make sense ??
thanks for reading and waiting lmaooo !! might make make this a series but no promises !!
feel free to send me asks or let me know what yall think :3
♡ kimmia ♡
177 notes · View notes
Can you do the “forgot their underwear” ask but with the mafias and the other horrors
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The first part of the ask is here. I did all the other pairs of skeletons because we don't see them that often here.
Horrorswap Sans - He actually feels a little sad. He knows his brother is not trusting him anymore. Pumpkin used to tell him all this stuff before what happened Underground. He's happy for his brother, but a bit bittersweet.
Horrorswap Papyrus - He doesn't really care. His brother can do what he wants in his free time, it's not of his business. He's still a bit curious though and might not so discreetly spy on them to see what his S/O's look like.
Horrorfell Sans - He thought you were talking to him and naturally started to flirt saying he's flattered but that doesn't belong to him before he sees you're staring at his brother. He's confused for a long moment before realizing he's holding in his hands the underwear his brother wore before... He screams and throws it at his brother in panic, then screams he needs to wash his hands. He's going to get sick. Chief and his S/O are dying of laughter in the living-room.
Horrorfell Papyrus - He stares with a big smile as his brother slowly loses his words and turns tomato red in front of his eyes, so embarrassed, then asks out loud if he was going to tell him before the wedding or what. Copper hisses at him and not so silently asks him to shut the hell up. Chief just smirks back.
Outertale Sans - He couldn't see what his brother's S/O gave Sun so, curious, he floats above them, before brutally coughing when he realizes, then losing his focus to fly and then suddenly crash between the two of them. When he realizes the underwear fell on his head, he high-pitched screams and teleports out of here as fast as he can, blushing hard.
Outertale Papyrus - He jokingly asks his S/O if they saw he has two magic... Moon screams in horror and jumps on his face to make him shut up, closing his mouth with his two hands. Now S/O is curious. What is this thing Moon has doubled? Moon begs S/O to forget about it. Sun just wiggles his eyebrows to his S/O with a big smile.
Dancetale Sans - Rambo starts to chuckle as his brother suddenly blushes, speechless and embarrassed, frantically trying to hide the underwear in a drawer. When he finally manages too, Rambo opens the drawer, picks the underwear back, and starts to laugh like a hyena. Salsa slams the drawer close on his fingers to make him pay.
Dancetale Papyrus - He gasps loudly before jumping out of the window. He doesn't want to know. Act like he's not here and he will definitely act like none of this ever happened.
Dancefell Sans - He rolls his eyes. Tango is dramatic, he's sure he forgot his underwear on purpose just so his S/O would come to take them back. Tango is thanking them very loudly. It sounds so exaggerated that Rumba wants to die. Rumba leaves and goes to his room. Yuck.
Dancefell Papyrus - Tango starts to smile wildly. At least until his brother grabs him by the collar and threatens to break his camera to pieces if he talks about this on his Tik Tok account. Aw :( But it's funny! You're missing out!
Farmtale Sans - He stares in disbelief as his brother starts to panic. Then he thinks for a second, then he gasps, outraged. "so that's where you went when you said you were going to fetch the sheep and then you didn't show up for four hours?" Scandalous! He can't believe it! You let him do all the work to go yoo-hoo with your human D: He's shocked.
Farmtale Papyrus - Ben is shocked that his brother is actually interested in that activity. He looks more obsessed with his fields than by this. You learn something new every day, he guesses. Now he can't unsee it and he's going to have nightmares about it for days, yeah. Not fun.
Mafiatale Sans - Uh???? But his brother doesn't like sex??? How the hell did that even happen? Creeper explains calmly he lost his underwear while he was infiltrating a building because he needed to go to the toilet and had to leave in a hurry. Demon nods. Makes sense. ... Wait, no, it doesn't make sense at all, skeleton doesn't need to go to the toilets??? Creeper smiles at him and leaves. What? Wait! He needs to know? What did you do in the toilets? Explain it, he needs to know!
Mafiatale Papyrus - He looks at his brother then at his S/O with a look of pure disgust and silently leaves the room, letting them wonder what just happened. S/O isn't sure if they should feel offended or not. I mean, it's Creeper, who knows what's going on inside his head.
Mafiafell Sans - Oh shit. When Torpedo's neck cracks towards him to gauge his reaction, Fang realizes that if he laughs, he'll be so dead. He quickly escapes the room and then flees the house lol. He doesn't want to be there to listen to his brother's threats once he's done with his human.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He frowns, then screams "BUT I THOUGHT YOU ONLY LIKED DOGS?". Fang is devastated and panics, trying to explain to his S/O that he means it as a lobby and not... You know. Torpedo only did this for chaos and is now staring at the tension growing with a huge smile on his face. He's a bastard and he has no shame about it.
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pearlywritings · 1 year
Okay, BUT
Just imagine a reader with mannerism of Shellsea from Fish Hooks in Fontaine
(Tik tok did it to me)
Written before Fontaine's release
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First of all - she is some kind of sea creature but under human disguise - pretty much like Neuvillette. She can be a Genshin lore-accurate mermaid if they have one for all I care, but currently with legs and residing in the nation of Hydro.
Trendy, flashy, yet classy. Works as an attorney in the Court - which she is actually good at. But mostly her role is entertaining Furina with her wit and way of advocating, which gradually reduces the number of executions, and gains her a bit of unspoken gratitude from the Chief Judge, even though sometimes his eye twitches from some of her comments. Which the Archon also finds hilarious.
Like, listening to the defendant’s case, and then just going “wow, ma’am, I think you just dropped something. My jaw. Now to the evidence…”
Or “Neuv, relaaaaax. I wanna do it this way, and if I am wrong, I don’t wanna be right.”
Just causing manageable chaos and being iconic.
Feel like being besties with Navia is a given.
And the blondie is so pretty that she probably gets asked out at least once a week.
“Oh, this man is gonna have his heart smashed in a minute. I wanna watch it.”
Also going all “Girl, you’re craaaaaazy. I like it!” the moment the reader learns that she wields a hecking claymore.
No matter what probably spends quite some time in the Chief Judge’s office, reviewing some of the cases and actually coming up with ideas on how to keep Focalors content.
“Ew, this man’s case is actually concerning. He is so dead, this little creep. You know, that’s actually what I’m gonna tell him. And then smack his head with one of these books on your shelves.”
“Y/n, you can’t hit him.”
“When did that stop me? Which volume 5 of Fontaine laws is heavier - the 23th edition or the 35th one? Both look so thick.”
Most likely wears a new attire every single hearing. One time Neuvillette even questioned her after seeing the report of her spendings where the big portion was dedicated to clothes. It was just a few decades ago, after her decision to permanently stay on land and take over what she is so good at now. He won’t admit it, but maybe he was a bit concerned about her having a hard time handling her budget.
“Listen, Sir. I got those pretty walking legs to dress them up nicely as the rest of my body. Speaking of which, now I am craving a Natlan lava hot dress with ¾ sleeves, off-the-shoulder, a fixed box pleat skirt and embroidery on my girls,” casually motions to the chest.
As shameless as she is, nothing shocked the poor man more, than when three days later she arrived in exactly that dress. After this he almost never questioned her abilities.
Speaking of abilities, probably good at gathering intel. Unintentionally.
Also so chill, that when Furina threatened to turn her into water, she just stared at her point blank and went “Loooook, milady, it’s nothing personal, but I had to stop you. I read it in Neuv’s eyes, he was pleading for it. Don’t turn him into water though, I like him. Besides, Fontaine's waters might turn sour if he replenishes its volumes.”
She is Furina’s personal favorite.
When shit starts further down the Archon quest and everyone is panicking, reader, standing next to Neuvillette and Furina, just smacking her lips and exclaiming “we’re all gonna die! And if some of us actually do, Neuv, I’m stealing your coats,” not taking it seriously enough.
Would be so funny if she and the Chief Judge got together at some point lol. But staying sarcastic colleagues borderline a different kind of besties is also hysterical. But they do unintentionally "parent" Furina.
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ekashuu · 4 months
Vashwood angst edit🥀
I wanted to make a random post about one of my edits and explain it🥲⚠️TRIGUN MAXIMUM SPOILER⚠️
I don’t know where to start… I think that the relationship between Vash and Wolfwood is as complex as beautiful. The way Wolfwood always try to protect Vash unconsciously, the way he always seems rude but he’s careful. Sometimes he could act roughly but that’s always for Vash’s safe… for example, when he put Vash’s gun at his forehead (when he killed Rai- Dei the blade) and he said to shoot him, that was only because if Vash did, he’d learn how to kill and protect himself, and wolfwood would be glad to help him learn it at cost of his own life…
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Wolfwood never risked his life for no one, he never puts himself in a danger situation but only for saving the orphanage. But why he wanted to “trade his life” for Vash? I genuinely think that wolfwood consider him as part of his “orphanage”: someone to protect and love at any cost.
Even tho Vash didn’t want to kill, wolfwood stayed by his side until the end.
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Even when everyone called Vash a monster, even Milly and Meryl stayed away from him. Even tho all that… wolfwood ran with him. You could say “that was knives order!”… do you really think that’s the only reason? If that was because of knives, he’d killed him already, because he always think that they are too different and Vash can be dangerous.
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But he never shot because deep in his heart he knows he is different to Knives and also feel dumb thinking of what he was doing
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Here he was referring to the fact that during a battle he turns his back to him because they protect each other. He never turns his back to no one, he is always on alert (also in trigun stampede he always says to Vash to not turn his back to him because Vash doesn’t know who wolfwood really is, but Vash always trusted him).
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With Vash he is different. He unconsciously trust him because he knows that Vash will never hurt him like Knives did. Vash is the only person he would trust and turn his back.
I used this song because the beginning of the lyrics suits so well for me. When it says “don’t wanna scrape you off the pavement. I can’t be your savior. I don’t wanna be here when you’ll lose control” I thought that Wolfwood is saying that to Vash. He doesn’t want to be rude with Vash but if Vash willl not understand how to protect himself he’ll loose control someday, and wolfwood doesn’t want that. “Don’t wanna watch it as it happens, see the crowd’s reaction” I thought when Everyone saw Vash as a plant, as a “monster”, because he lost control, and the crowd around him hurt him with rocks and stuffs. He lost control because he didn’t want to hurt people, but doing so he hurt himself, and wolfwood couldn’t stand it thinking that if he continues like that he will “kill us both”. But despite this he always wanted to stay with him… and also… learn something from Vash, even tho that will bring him to death… but he didn’t care because he finally understood Vash, he was happy to die for it. Also he entrusted Vash with protecting Livio, his dear brother. He could entrust him only to Vash, the only one person he could lean on hard situations… and on his death.
If you read until here, I’m really glad you did😭 I always edit Vash and this time I wanted to edit wolfwood perspective. I think in the future I’ll analyze other edits of mine, also because I’m so obsessed by them😭I hope you liked it💕
If you are interested in my edits you can find me as “zaxkura” on Instagram and tik tok😚
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enihk-writes · 8 months
[before the year ends]
seasonal fics : 除夕 (chú xī) / lunar new year's eve edition
paring: various!hwasan men x gn!reader
summary: things that happen on the last day of the year.
characters: chung myung (can be read as both pbss and mhdd) // chung mun // chung jin // tang bo // tang gunak // jang ilso // jin hyeon // lee songbaek // jin geumryong // baek cheon
author's note: my personal music recommendations for the day are lovers in seoul by off the menu , hot potato by n.flying , coconut love by seoulmoon , mercury by bye bye badman and t + tik tak tok by silica gel feat. So!YoON! (doing this for fun because my other hobby is looking for new music and putting them in a playlist partly because one of my teenage dreams was to open up a cd shop in an art street or own a music-vinyl brunch cafe by the seaside ugggh but you need money like do you know how expensive seaside properties are in singapore!!! i don't have that cash!!! so i have to work!!!! fuck!!!!)
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CHUNG MYUNG doesn't like to be cooped up indoors during the festive period. so that afternoon he slipped out to visit the next town over, hearing about their night market and looking forward to getting drunk off his rocker before returning home. only to come face-to-face with you. to his credit he tried to divert your attention to slip away with a bold-faced lie but to be honest, he isn't very good at that. he ends up letting you tag along to buy your silence. which wasn't that bad of a decision — he found himself enjoying the private time he had with you more than he'd expected, like walking through the markets with pinkies interlocked, visiting taverns and teahouses getting mistaken for a couple to get discounts, even the passionate drunken kisses you both shared on the inn balcony which left him quite dazed. when he gets back he would have to have a talk with you about what happened here. though right now he's a little preoccupied with leaving marks all up your neck, hands under your clothes going to places he probably shouldn't, revelling in your embarrassment a little too much. thank goodness he had the foresight to rent out a room to stay in so the both of you could do whatever you wanted in here to the heart's content all night long.
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CHUNG MUN watches as you scurry around the sect grounds checking in on the workers who were all preparing for the banquet that was to be held over the new year. as the sect leader he shouldn't interrupt another elder's duties, but as your husband he wanted you to pay attention to him too — it was new years eve and your spouse can't even ask for some alone time with you? you were so cruel, was this how he was to spend the last day of the year? he sighed and turned back to his papers, finishing up with his own work until it was finally time for bed. you met him in the front of your shared house, he finds himself cracking a smile when you bury your face into his chest, he walks you over to sit together on the bench, where you plop your head down on his lap, very much like a certain youngest, pouring your heart out on the annoyances that you've faced today so what has your dear husband have in mind to reward their hardworking partner? the man only chuckles at your ranting, running his fingers until you fell asleep, carrying your tired body to tuck you in bed. he looks over at your peaceful form one more time, kisses your hand and leaves for his own quarters to retire for the night.
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CHUNG JIN had been pulled out from under the pile of books he's buried under to take a day off at the behest of the other elders and disciples. not knowing what to do, he hovers around your side, not really wanting to go down the mountain without a solid plan. you thought he looked a little like a lost sparrow then, so you let him stay around as you went about your day. he aided you with small tasks here and there — wasn't he supposed to be on break? old habits die hard, you supposed. he ended up helping you finish your job earlier than intended, bringing the leftovers from the kitchen along, the two of you headed down the forested path at the back of the mountain to wile away the rest of the afternoon as you ate the food and engaged in small talk about nothing in particular. the sun felt warm on your skin, and as it began to set, the sounds of the flowing stream nearby lulled the two elders into a dreamless sleep.
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TANG BO stifled a laugh as he looked at your sorry state. only an idiot falls sick on new year's eve — was what he'd told you. you wanted to strangle him right then and there, never mind that he was your husband. he offered to nurse you for the day, supposedly from the kindness of his heart. bullshit. this guy had something up his sleeve, you were so sure of it. but whatever you thought he'd do never happened. your husband truly did take care of you that whole day. he'd wipe off your cold sweat, change towels, feed you food and medication on time, among other things. you thought he'd turn over a new leaf and was just about to praise him when he snickers at you again. maybe you should get sick more often, you're so much nicer when you're quiet like this. too bad for him your fingers were faster as you shove them up his nose to choke him in retaliation. fortune favours the just. the next morning you woke up feeling good as new — your fever had gone away just in time to celebrate the new year. your husband, on the other hand, didn't seem to be doing too well, seemingly catching your cold from yesterday. hmph, serves him right for teasing you like that.
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TANG GUNAK could not catch a break even on new year's eve. there was always work to do, the world did not stop on holidays, after all. you slipped into the room quietly with refreshments in hand, hoping to get him to take a short break from his paperwork. the man had sharp ears — recognising the weighted rhythm of your footsteps even as you were on the far end of the hallway. he sets down his brush, getting up to greet you. my love, he'd call out softly, expertly placing away the tray in your hands. you laugh as he pulls you into his embrace, his face burrowing into your shoulder. you try to hug him back with as much vigour you could muster, pulling away just so you could place a few pecks on his face. it wasn't a very long break, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. he sipped on the tea you brewed, listening to your excited recounting of a new novel you had been reading. new years was a time to give thanks for the blessings in life, and he was more than thankful for the way your shoulder felt pressed against his arm as you two sat side by side.
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JANG ILSO cared little for the festivities. he wasn't in the mood for any banquet, or party or whatever loud activity. he had been itching to do something, but he couldn't pinpoint what he wanted to do and the idea of going outside annoyed him. you didn't really know, nor cared to find out about your employer's stormy tantrum going on right at that moment. unfortunately for you, you were one of his go-to people to piss off and annoy whenever he wanted to cause trouble. your boss was a temperamental man, and you always walked on eggshells around him. little did you know that you were third on his list of people he liked, so in the off chance that you did piss him off, he wasn't going to get rid of you. not that soon or quickly anyways. he barged into your office with attendants trailing behind him with boxes of drinks, food and entertainment for that evening. he was here to bother you, if you so kindly didn't mind. most of what happened was blurry — you only remembered drinking the sweet wine, going down far too easily, possibly knocking over papers and ink all over your desk and then passing out. the next time you came to, you were in a guest bedroom near your boss' own. the hangover medicine and new clothes already laid out on the table for you. there was no way you had created a moment that your boss could hold over your head as blackmail. no, you detested the teasing that was sure to come from him in the coming year.
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JIN HYEON had been out on an errand on behalf of the elders, and finally, he was going back to wudang just in time for new years. he stops by the small diner in the town next door, he often had his meals here whenever he's going out, outwardly he said it's because he liked the lotus root soup with pork ribs served with warm rice. in reality, he just wanted to find a chance to talk to you, the owner — a familiar face he had known since both of you were mere apprentices. though now you had taken over the restaurant your adoptive grandfather had left behind for you while he had risen up to the rank of a second-grade disciple. the diner was small, and the business was decent enough to make ends meet, but it wasn't so busy that you didn't have time to sit across him to have a short chat before he headed off. you asked him if he would stay and visit the night market this year. he shook his head sadly, feeling bad that he was turning down your offer yet again. you shook your disappointment off, opting to change the topic. the hour passed far too quickly, and he had to report back to the elders before night fall. you walk him towards the door, just as the wind picks up from where your back was turned, pushing you into his chest. the man takes the opportunity to pull you a little closer, accidentally placing a peck on your forehead. you didn't think he'd be this affectionate today but who cared? it was new years eve and it's been a while since he had walked you home. maybe next year you could ask him again to come with you to the night market.
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LEE SONGBAEK had gone to his hometown for the new year celebrations. he had been given permission by the elders to do so, along with a good majority of the other disciples. things had been really quiet back in the sect with nobody really wanting to do anything with them. speaking of which, he hadn't seen his family in years by now, and he wondered how they were all doing. he didn't plan to spend too much time — have dinner, catch up, stay overnight and leave the next morning. he didn't expect to see that you would also be in his house, helping out with the new year's eve dinner. he could smell the dough and sesame paste drying out in the sun for the tang-yuan they'd all have later. actually, he thinks most of the village was congregated at his house. the disciples who had tagged along with him were a little taken aback at the size of the crowd, much to his embarrassment. he didn't think his village would be so stoked to have him back on new years with his sect brothers. you slipped out of the kitchen to greet him as the elders fussed over the boys that had come to visit. he leans over to greet you, feeling a small smile pull at his lips when you tousle his hair. his original plan might have been a little thwarted, but since you were here, he didn't really mind. ah, when he goes back to the sect, he should ask if the tailor was accepting any apprentices — if he were, and you came over, he might see you around more often in the coming year.
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JIN GEUMRYONG wished he was anywhere else but here right now. but, as the eldest and prodigal son he should behave appropriately. he slips out of the banquet hall at the first opportunity, making shoddy excuses like needing to go to the restroom. he finds a spot in the quietest part of the estate, taking a moment to collect himself from the incessant social interaction he's had the whole day. soft footsteps approach him — really? he feels annoyed, but tries to reign back his distaste when he sees your smiling face beaming at him. go away. he tells you, not in the mood to deal with whatever you were about to drag him into. please? you'd beg, your hand pulling at his arm to get him on his feet. there was something you wanted to show him, and if he didn't go with you now, he was going to miss it! the man agreed reluctantly, letting you take him to the lake behind the hills. the night sky was clear and he could see every sparkling star in the sky. you sit on a fallen log, seemingly waiting for something to happen. he sits right by you, choosing not to question your actions. and then — there it was. the stars fell from the sky one after another, painting the night in long white painter's lines. he'd never seen anything like this in his life thus far, and he might not ever see it again. but it didn't matter. when you asked, doesn't it look amazing? he could only hum, unable to take his eyes off you all while your gaze was turned to the spectacle in the skies.
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BAEK CHEON, for the life of him, can't decide which tassel he wanted to buy and ended up just getting a roll of thread in plum-blossom pink to make one on his own. the handiwork was clumsy, clearly amateurish with the bronze coin woven into the accessory. it certainly resembled the shape of a tassel — if you didn't look at the finer details too closely and for too long. you could see him look embarrassed at the quality and was already regretting giving it to you. but how could you not want his sincere gift? you loved it, flaws and all, because it was from him and you wanted to be reminded of the idea that this perfectionist still could make mistakes. you pull him down for a kiss. and then another. and another, until you were peppering his whole face in kisses because your heart couldn't handle this gap in his personality. your poor love, look at how red his face had become. he didn't know whether to be happy that you liked his gift this much, or feel shy at the public show of affection in a place where everyone in the sect could possibly see? you can't help but snicker mischievously as you skipped away from the scene — leaving the poor boy in a flustered mess.
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kit-kat-katie · 1 year
Matching Wounds
A/N: Apologies for the break. College has been kicking my ass as of late. Also, I'm a bit worried that this is OOC, but it's something, and it's done, so I'm posting it. 😌
TW: Themes of loss and mutual understanding of loss, death, a bit of a gory death, trauma from precious Hunger Game
Pairing: Johanna Mason x Reader (platonic/romantic)
Summary: Losing your mentor forces you further into the jungle during the 75th Hunger Games. You find yourself in the company of Johanna, who is familiar with love and loss, just like you.
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The cannon.
Your worst nightmare, signaling the death of someone you cared about, or your savior when you look at the sky and realize the careers are dead.
You thought you were free of the cannons when you won the Hunger Games for the first time. With the announcement of the 75th Hunger Games and Third Quarter Quell, you know what must be done and what demons you have to face, both in the arena and in your mind.
You're going in with Cass - your mentor, the person who taught you enough to keep you alive in the games and outside of them as well. You knew that one of you had to go, but you thought you'd have more time.
It went too fast.
The bloodbath at the Cornucopia was something you both managed to escape, and you grabbed a few supplies while you cautiously watched some of the people you had befriended be murdered or become murderers once again.
You weren't supposed to look back - neither of you were.
Cass wanted to watch your back and make sure that you'd both make it to the forestry. At least, that was the plan.
You turned around to ask them where to go, only to see a spear through your mentor's heart.
You scream and cried, but you couldn't stay to give them a proper goodbye. You had to keep moving - this was the Hunger Games, and you wouldn't let them die in vain.
The various screams of other tributes were dull on your ears as you scrambled through the forestry during the night. The arena seemed to be dead set on killing all of you without any bloodshed between tributes. As soon as you heard screams or something move, you were moving onto another part of the arena.
The only thing you couldn't avoid, sometime during the night, was the blood rain. It was choking, all-consuming, and another reminder of the fact that your mentor was dead.
You stumbled around in the dark, covered in blood and regretful, waiting for a miracle. Whether that miracle was a swift death or an end to the blood rain - it didn't matter, you were sick of this.
You paused when you heard something, or rather, someone crash against the forcefield nearby. Realizing your proximity to the forcefully, you back off before cautiously walking forward.
You peek ahead from the shelter of a tree, one that shields you from the rain, and you see one hell of a sight in front of you.
Johanna, Beetee, and Wiress all standing over the body of a now-dead, or soon-to-be-dead, Blight.
"Shit." Johanna mumbles before throwing her axe to the side. "Blight, get up."
"He's not-"
"Don't say that." Johanna snaps at Beetee before going to sit next to Blight. "Blight, please-"
The cannon goes off, and she sighs before backing off.
"We need to move, the rain will stop soon, and walking next to a forcefield isn't a good idea right now." Johanna's remorseful look at Blight for a moment before wiping a bit of blood off of her face.
"Tik tok." Wiress nods in agreement as Johanna picks up her axe.
"I can't- Not now-"
Johanna waves off Wiress for a moment before walking away. Beetee gestures Wiress to follow before following closely behind.
You trail them for a while as the blood rain stops. There's not much chatter - what could you even say in a moment like that - until your foot finds a twig to snap beneath you.
Your breath stills, and you hide behind a tree as you hear Johanna walk toward your location.
You find your knife at your side, and you reveal yourself to Johanna by tossing your knife down and placing your hands up in the air.
Johanna looks surprised for a moment before putting her axe at her side.
"Thought Cass would be with you."
You bite your lip before putting your head down.
"-died? Yeah, you're not the only one." She scoffs for a moment before rolling her shoulders back. "So much for teamwork."
"I saw the aftermath of what happened to Blight-"
"It's fine." She looks down at your knife. "Pick it up and keep up with me. I walk fast, but if you're slow, you'll be stuck talking to Nuts and Volts all night." She mutters the last part before walking towards Beetee and Wiress, who have been gawking at the two of you.
"They're not that bad, Johanna-"
"-You babysit them for twelve hours and tell me how you feel then." She coldly says before walking away from the forcefield.
You keep up with Johanna, and Wiress and Beetee trail slightly behind the two of you. After you had greeted them, Beetee had talked to Wiress, who had only responded with the same phrase again and again.
"I'm- I'm sorry about Cass." Johanna mumbles after a while of silence between the two of you.
"Why would you be sorry? You didn't kill them."
"They're someone you care about, and I care about you." Johanna softly says to you.
She was one of your first Victor friends, rough around the edges and hard to please, but someone that you found common ground with. You had visited her district, as she had yours, and you'd see each other every year as mentors or at parties, but you never thought you meant that much to her. You were acquaintances, sure, but was something more there?
"Blight was from home, so I understand how you feel." You gently place a hand on her shoulder. "They weren't our families, but they were a small bit of home, the last glimpse of a place we'll never see again."
"Don't get preachy on me." Johanna gives you a knowing look as you let go of her shoulder. "Maybe we're all not so different, after all."
"That sounds awful like being preachy, coming from someone who just told me not to be preachy." You smile and joke with her before you all decide to stop for the night.
As you take first watch, you wonder if Johanna's right.
We're all not so different, after all.
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lust4lore · 9 months
- he would adore a gf who has a more humanities centered career path!! he has an interest in engineering, and i think he would love somebody (and he is shown that he does) he has a different, possibly less methodical view on the world than him. somebody a little softer around the edges you know?
- speaking of which, i don’t think he would care about how outgoing you are when it comes to dating. he likes an outgoing partner as they’re open and more outeardly exciting, but a more introverted one he would appreciate your subtle reactions to being with him and the quiet moments more. the biggest difference would be that it might take longer for him to get with a whiter partner depending on his confidence level
- ARTIST GF ARTIST GF ARTIST GF!! would you row you out to legit anywhere so you can get the perfect view to sketch. no complaints. and if you draw him?? you two will be married by the end of the week
- firm believer he would leave his sweaters/shirts behind wherever you live in hopes of you wearing them. this man would genuinely LOSE HIS MIND if he snuck by in the middle of the night and realized you were sleeping in his clothes. as that one tik tok audio goes, ‘rest in piece to all the soldiers that died in the service, i died in her cervix’. you catch my drift
- i think he would become a huge flirt after yall get together! like more open compliments, flirty jokes? etc. biggest thing is i think if he’s over at your place late and you tell him you need to get changed is that he’ll grab a chair, turn it towards you, get comfy, and say something about how this was supposed to be the best view in seattle.
WE ARE RUMBLING 🥁🥁🥁🥁 P.S. if you don’t start writing for him i might just die a little bit
THE SHIRTS AND THE FLIRTING WOOOAOOAOAOAOAOOAOOOOOO. i also totally agree with the softer!gf thing because he gives soooo *tucks hair behind your ear and puts a flower there while smiling at you like he didn’t just make your heart skip a few beats* vibe
can i also take this moment to say that he’s such a ‘the thumb thing’ guy. like, he’s holding your hand? his thumb is running against the back of your hand. arm around your shoulder? mhm, his thumb is rubbing that too. holding your face? he’s stroking your cheek bone. he does it absentmindedly but he likes the way it makes your breath hitch.
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