#your teammates can hear your muffled laughter on the second level and they panic
jamiesgotchu · 6 months
Why is it that in SO MANY horror games, the jumpscares are..... targeted
my fellow phasmophobia gamers know the death animation, and uhhhhh,,
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how we feelin tkl community
not to mention moon's jumpscare from security breach:
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Fallen Chapter 11: Is this...?
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC (Rachel)
Genre: angst, fake dating, high school romance, fluff, romance
And so, you do.
You become a regular visitor at the team’s training sessions and gradually, you’ve grown to love the team. You start to care for them like your younger siblings; and you have a particular soft spot for Dowoon because he takes Biology classes with you. All it took for you was a week to be able to match their names to their faces, positions and class levels. Now, after a month, you’re around the team so much that you’re able to match personal belongings to the person; you know whose shoes belong to whom, and whose gym bag belonged to whom. Very soon, you started helping captain Sungjin with his duties – both of you hollering at members after training sessions to bring home their basketball shoes and dirty jerseys. It was a clear indication that you were perhaps spending too much time with the boys, but that didn’t stop you from continuing to show up for trainings, sometimes with food in hand for the entire team. Brian watches all of this with pride from the side line, smiling when he saw how the boys readily accepted you into their tribe, treating you with respect like they would with their biological older sister.
Today, Brian is witness to another defining milestone of your journey in joining the team when Coach Nickhun walks up to talk to you, a sure sign that Coach was also beginning to accept you as part of this big family. Brian’s chest swells with happiness at the sight, letting out a small puff of laughter because his body can no longer physically contain his delight at the sight in front of him. Eyes never leaving your beautiful face, Brian carries on watching your interaction with Coach Nickhun, his smile growing wider by the second. He was completely oblivious to Sungjin’s presence beside him, until the older male decides to make himself known.
“Kang, you really like her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, she’s my fake – ”
Brian pauses midsentence, unable to continue the rest of the sentence. Was he… really about to call you his fake girlfriend? It felt so wrong to label you as his fake girlfriend when it’s been so long since you’ve been acting like one. Ever since basketball finals, you have been genuine with him and the team, lending them support in any way that you can.
The star player turned to look at his captain, confusion written all over his face. Meanwhile, Sungjin directs a pointed gaze at Brain, almost as if he expected this outcome to his question.
“Not in that way Kang. I meant liking her as a woman, as a partner. It feels weird labelling her as a fake girlfriend, doesn’t it?”
For a split second, Brian stares at his captain with a dumbfounded look on his face, not wanting to believe the truth behind Sungjin’s words. He kicked the thought out of his head the moment it dawned upon him, not wanting to let himself immerse too much in this notion.
“Ay hyung~ what nonsense are you sprouting! I don’t see her that way, and I’m sure she does not too.”
Sungjin scoffs at his teammate, in disbelief of Brian’s stubbornness.
“Deny it all you want Kang, but your heart will eventually tell you to the truth.”
Sungjin runs off the moment he finishes the last word, going back on court where he is needed more. This gives Brian time to turn his attention back to you, whom was still talking to Coach Nickhun.
Do I… really like her… in that way? No, it’s rididculous. How can I be in love with her? There is no feelings involved in this, it’s all purely business.
Yet, the nagging feeling scratching away at his chest will not leave him alone, making him more uncomfortable by the second. Thankfully, he’s distracted by you waving him over. Jogging over leisurely, you pull Brian down to sit beside you when he’s within arm’s reach, your kneecaps now pressed against one another. You don’t give Brian a chance to greet you when you interject with your question, talking at quickly at full speed,
“I’ve got an idea, listen and tell me if it’s good. I was talking to Coach Nickhun just now, and he mentioned that he wanted to reward the entire team for winning the championships again, but he was getting sick of just bringing all of you out for a meal at some fancy restaurant. So, I suggested holding a party at my aunt’s café. We can close the place for the night just for the team; there’ll be homecooked food, you can stay as long as you want because no one is going to chase you out during closing. But then again, I’m not sure if this is a good idea, or if the celebration comes too late after your victory. Also, is it too corny or – ”
Brian’s face lights up with each proposition you make, grateful that you even thought of offering up your personal space and time to do something for the boys to appreciate their efforts. Without thinking, he slips his hands into yours, holding on tight before giving your hand a squeeze, affirming your efforts.
“I think it’s a fantastic idea. I’m sure the boys will enjoy it very much.”
Still holding on your hand, he turns back to face the court before hollering at them.
The boys take some time to process his words that were shouted over the large expanse of the court and surprisingly, Jae, whom is seated right at the opposite end, asks the most important question.
You throw your head back in laughter as Brian opens his mouth, ready to reply. But this time round, you beat him to it, completing his sentence for him like a couple would.
The entire team erupts in cheers when they hear your answer, all agreeing without the slightest bit of hesitation. Brain watches the happy scene unfold before his eyes, already counting down towards the weekend.
This is going to be a good time.
Both of you continue to watch the team as they huddled together to discuss about their plan for the weekend now that the party is happening. Everything was going well – except that you two weren’t the only witnesses to this event.
The weekend rolls around fairly quickly in between school tests and assignments, and the team was all in high spirits when they made their way over to your café, grateful for the celebration and small time granted to them to unwind for the week. Brian, in particular, was excited to see you again, after his last text to you roughly three hours ago. (The conversation ended because you had to busy yourself in the kitchen, making food enough to feed a hungry group of boys.)
The food prepared was all laid out on the table the moment the team came in, your aunt welcoming them on your behalf. You pop your head out to say a small greeting to the team and coach before heading back into the kitchen to prepare dessert, knowing that the boys will be in good hands with Esther and Jae around.
True enough, the duo got the party started at full force, switching between karaoke and games effortlessly in between food breaks. You glance out from time to time, observing the party outside through the small glass panel on the kitchen door. Focusing on swirling the chocolate again, you only looked up when you heard the sound of the kitchen door swing open, loud pop sounds filling the quiet space for a moment before the door swings shut again, muffling the sounds from outside.
Brian Kang makes his way over to you, standing to watch you with his hips against the counter.
“Younghyun, what are you doing here? You should be outside enjoying the party; I think Esther and Jae are doing a great job hosting the party.”
“Is there anything I can help with? I feel bad leaving to do everything alone.”
“Your sling might be off, but you’re still recovering. It’s not a good idea to have you do anything.”
“Oh come on! I can play basketball now, surely I can help with cooking.”
You contemplate for a short while, wanting to reject Brian’s offer to help. However, it looks like he won’t leave until he gets his hands dirty – so you eventually concede.
“Well, I could use an extra pair of hands, but do you know how to cook?”
You raise your eyebrows at him as a challenge, doubting that he would have the time to experiment with cooking in between school and intense training sessions. But as always, Brian Kang is full of surprises.
“Of course, what do you need me to do?”
“Oh~ alright then you can help me prepare the whipped frosting by first beating the eggs. Just the egg white though, no egg yolks.”
Quickly washing his hands, you watch as he walks around the kitchen like a natural, finding all the utensils he needed with ease.
Both of you fall into an easy conversation as you worked on the dessert together, and you watch as he eats well whilst preparing the food, stealing a chocolate chip or two from your open bag whenever he walked past you. You chuckle at the sight, glad that he is eating so well.
“You know, Mum and Dad would have loved to meet you.”
“You love food as much as they do. They would have fed you well if they saw you here today.”
“Really? Speaking of which, I haven’t seen your parents yet. Are they out of town today?”
Your hands stilled upon hearing the mention of your parents, panic flashing through your eyes momentarily. You swallow nervously, hoping that Brian would not have caught on. Steadying your voice, you said your next words slowly,
“Yea, they’re out of town today.”
Wanting to turn the conversation away from this dangerous topic, you glanced around for anything that you could possibly talk about, before you spotted the scene outside and deciding that it would be something safe to talk about.
“This is really nice; it’s been so long since my aunt and I had so much fun.”
“What do you mean?”
You shake your head at his response, not expecting him to question you about your current situation; you were hoping that he would have responded by confirming your statement, seeing as he’s also one of those that didn’t get much time to himself in between student duties and basketball trainings. But now that he’s got the ball rolling, you didn’t find the need to lie to him about your current situation.
“Oh, the usual. Bills to pay, and we’re hardly keeping up with the rent. We almost got evicted and if someone wants to buy over this place, we’re doomed. We’re barely keeping this place alive but…”
You trail off, wondering if you should add in the last part to complete what you wanted to say.
“But we keep going. We keep trying our best.”
You turn to meet his eyes that were already trained on you this entire time, flashing him a smile. It was one that said – It’s ok. I’m ok. You don’t have to be so worried for me if you are.
Brian’s heart clenches at your words, wondering about how tough it must have been for you to hold on, and how much more about yourself that you’re holding in but not revealing. Your eyes seem to harbour more unspoken stories, but he will not pry until you’re ready to tell him. But he does wish that he has the ability to take your burdens as his own; he wants to do something – anything – to help lessen the weight on your shoulders.
Yet when you show him that pretty smile of yours, his heart lightens a little, and he’s able to find the strength within him to mirror your smile, knowing that you’re still hanging on just fine with your unwavering conviction and spirit. He finds one more reason to love you more than he did just the day before – even though he was still blissfully unaware of the fact that this was love that he was feeling.
You’re the first to break away from the sweet moment both of you shared, suddenly remembering the ravenous group of people outside that you’re supposed to serve.
“Let’s go feed them dessert now, they’re probably still hungry despite polishing off the main course.”
You’re the first to push through the heavy doors, the sight of you with a tray full of chocolate cake in your hands a very welcomed sight. The team thanks you with cheers and hoots of appreciation, relieving you of your tray-carrying duties fairly quickly, before decimating the cake and devouring it in seconds. Brian watches this entire scene from his spot behind you, fighting back a small smile when he sees how much you’ve managed to gain the approval of everyone – even usually strict Coach Nickhun is looking upon this heart-warming sight with happiness.
From the corner window, a black figure watches the sickeningly sweet moment unfold, eagerly waiting for the time to come – to rip this happiness to shreds.
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meenasmoon · 7 years
Renegades Ch 4: White Wedding
It’s.....alive!!!! Yes I’ve been AWOL. I know. But school is hard guys. Haha. My inspiration was completely drained until this moment. Enjoy my babies going super spy.
‘The boredom is killing me. Why are weddings so long?’ Johnny’s earpiece crackled to life, stirring him from the daze that he had fallen into. He had been vigilant until about halfway through the ceremony when the words that the priest droned out meshed together and his eyelids grew heavy.
He chuckled quietly to himself from his position and glanced up towards the balcony where he knew Ash was expertly concealed. He pressed his finger to his earpiece, feigning an important conversation.
‘Tell me abaht it. This is why I’ll nevah get married.’ He whispered and Ash immediately fired back, obviously desperate for some conversation.
‘Are you sure it’s not because you can’t find a willing girl?’ She snarked but Johnny just snorted and smirked to himself.
‘Are ya kiddin’ ? I’ve got plenty of choices.’ He adjusted his tuxedo, knowing that Ash could see him even if he couldn’t find her.
‘Believe me I know. Everyone knows about you Mr. Lady Killer. Too bad I’m immune to your charms.’ They went silent for a second as Johnny scanned the pews, carefully examining each person for signs of an imminent attack. When he found none he returned to the conversation that was keeping him awake.
‘And ‘ow exactly is tha’ possible.’ He said quietly.
‘Well most girls fall for the accent, the good looks, or the job title but me....well I was at the academy the same time you were. So I know you’re just a big dork.’ Johnny could practically hear the smirk in her tone and he frowned, his pride slightly wounded that a girl as pretty as Ash wasn’t susceptible to his charms. Just as quickly, he decided that he would just have to make do with her friendship instead. His choice was proven correct when she made her next comment.
‘But I’ve definitely got some tips for ya.’ And with that the deal was sealed, they were friends, partners. It probably shouldn’t have been that easy but Johnny had a hard time finding anyone in the agency who wasn’t interested in getting him into bed or wasn’t jealous of his success. But Ash was neither attracted to him nor intimidated so it was easy for them to fall into a rapport as they weathered the longest wedding ceremony on Earth.
Finally the wedding reached its climax and the crowd perked up as the couple said their vows and leaned in for a chaste, political kiss. Johnny rolled his eyes at the way that the bride blushed and almost every woman in the chapel swooned. That is, every woman except for the Latina in his ear who was dramatically gagging. Johnny desperately held back his laughter, deciding that a smile was probably a better choice considering his position in front of the guests.
He almost jumped a foot when Buster’s voice interrupted Ash’s dramatics, 'Sorry to interrupt your.... conversation agents but Agent Jones is going to be taking over tactical from now on so I can observe your ability to follow her directions. Please try to remember that this is still an evaluation of your skills.’
Johnny had the decency to remain in sheepish silence but Ash was not quite so tactful, 'What gives? You’re not evaluating the Almighty Agent Jones?’ She grumbled and Johnny could practically hear the tense frustration coming from Buster’s side of the comm.
'Agent Jones does not need to be evaluated because I have already observed her skills in the past.’ Something about his tone shut Ash up before she could voice another protest and there was a slight beep as control was transferred from Buster to the mysterious Agent Jones.
From the way that Buster described their experience Johnny was expecting an old crone who spent her entire life behind computers, barking orders and generally being a pain in the ass of the younger agents so he was expecting the sweet, slightly tentative voice that replaced Buster.
'Hello Agents. I’ve been monitoring the cameras in the chapel as well as the banquet hall where the reception will be held and I’ve determined that the best point for anyone to strike would be between the two locations.’ She was all business but Johnny could feel his inner tomcat purring at the prospect of seducing whoever was on the other side of that honey-filled voice.
'Agent Fitch. I’ve been going over the building specs for the church and I’m sending you your new position now. From there you’ll be able to monitor the street and surrounding buildings for anything suspicious.’ Ash grumbled a reluctant affirmative and the comm line was momentarily filled with the sounds of her scuffling as she moved positions.
'Agent Bannerton. Stick with the bride and groom and evaluate the crowd from ground level. I’ll be on all traffic cams as back up but I need you to blend and give me a read.’
Johnny felt his smile curling into the salacious smirk that usually made women weak in the knees.
'Roger tha’ Angel.’ He said snarkily and for a moment he was filled with satisfaction as the comm line was dominated by a startled sort of silence.
'W-we’ll um... yes well. Where was I?’ Agent Jones sputtered as she tried to regain control of her train of thought that he had successfully derailed.
'Um... I think Gunter and I were next.’ Rosita piped up helpfully and suddenly they were serious again.
'Yes yes. Of course. Agent Tenny if you would please be my eyes on the street. And Agent...Gunter um I need you on standby for a quick getaway. If this goes south I need you to secure the assets and get them to the safe zone.’
'Da! Ve are ready to party!’ Gunter burst out happily and Rosita nervous laugh could be heard in the background. This time Agent Jones didn’t miss a beat as she brushed off the unorthodox reply and the comms went silent as everyone held their breath in anticipation. The church was suddenly bursting with a cacophony of clapping and cheers as the couple kissed and began to make their way out of the church.
Johnny scanned the wedding party for an in and smirked to himself when he spotted a bored looking blonde draped on the arm of an equally bored groomsman. Johnny smoothly slipped in between them, breaking the groomsman’s loose hold easily. The groomsman gave him a bewildered glare but Johnny just winked at the bridesmaid and began escorting her down the aisle, only one couple between them and the assets.
“Hi.” His attention was momentarily drawn to the woman who was clinging tightly to his arms so that her bust was pressed alluringly against him. He spared her a charming smile and couldn’t resist laying on a pick up line.
“Well ‘ello there. I thought I’d better save ya before ya died of boredom eh?” She let out a high pitch giggle and gazed up at him with  a classic look that let him know she was hanging on his every word. He winked at her and turned his attention back to the couple as they made their way out of the church and into the bright light of the waiting day.
Johnny blinked quickly as his eyes tried to adjust to the sudden onslaught of daylight and once his eyes adjusted his attention turned to the crowd that was eagerly waiting for them to emerge. The onlookers were a mix of strangers and family members, as expected for a celebrity event, something that only made their job more difficult. Johnny winced slightly as they came to the top of the stairs and he got a clear view of the extent of the crowd. He tried to mutter subtly into the comm, ‘Angel ya got eyes on this crowd?'
He heard a stuttered gasp from the other end before he got a slightly less tentative reply, 'I’m um… I’m monitoring from all angles. You focus on the people closest to the assets.’ Johnny didn’t say anything as he returned to his survey of the crowd. Time seemed to slow down as the comm crackled in his ear once more and Ash’s low whisper echoed in his ear.
'I’ve got a bad feeling guys.’
That was when Johnny saw him. His clothes allowed him to blend in with the crowd but where everyone else was cheering and throwing rice, his face was impassive and the dark lenses of his sunglasses were focussed on the newlyweds. He smiled casually but every muscle in his body was tensed in anticipation.
'Ash. My right, sunglasses, dark coat, scar on the cheek. Ya got eyes on ‘im?’ There was a pause and up in the upper area of the choir seats Ash shifted her position so that her sights were trained on the crowd where Johnny had indicated. She scanned slowly and then  stopped when she finally found the suspect.
'Yeah Pretty Boy I got eyes. He’s mighty suspicious I’ll give you that.’ Ash watched from above as the man suddenly reached in his coat pocket and began to advance through the crowd towards the bride and groom.
'Johnny. He’s advancing and…’ she broke off as she watched him pull his hand out of his pocket, his fingers wrapped around, 'Gun. He’s gotta gun.’
Ash barely had the words out when suddenly a signature cracking sound echoed through the street and a burning piece of metal buried itself into her shoulder with such force that she was thrown back from the window. All she could do for the first few seconds was listen to the panic below, the noises muffled as if they were coming from far away instead of the street below her. Her shoulder let out a particularly painful throb and the jolt of agony was enough for her to center back in on the mission. She tried to speak, but all that came out was a slightly strangled gasp. Another shot rang out and she gritted her teeth so she could force the words out to her scrambling teammates.
'I got… another sniper…. I’ve been hit.’ She gasped out before slumping back down onto the ground, trying to relieve the sudden lightness in her head. Her comm was a flurry of action as Agent Jones rapid fired orders to the rest of the team but she only heard whispers instead of commands.
Down on the street Johnny shook off his impromptu escort and grabbed the new couple by the arm, pushing forcefully through the crowd as people scattered left and right, trying to escape the invisible gunman. Gunter’s black SUV screeched to a stop half on the curb in front of them and Johnny pushed the couple into the backseat just as a bullet hit the thick bulletproof glass where the Duke’s head had been mere seconds before. In the same moment that Gunter tore away from the curb Rosita leapt out of the SUV with a medkit and disappeared into the crowd.
Johnny didn’t have time to think about where she was headed as Agent Jones barked out instructions for him, urging him to pursue the escaping suspect. He took a step forward just as another bullet buried itself in the concrete step, missing his head by mere inches. Reflexively he ducked down, trying to avoid the sniper while he ran. He could barely see through the throng of panicked civilians, but thankfully Agent Jones was in his ear, guiding him until finally he burst from the group and onto the street.
He caught sight of the suspect jogging down the sidewalk, still trying to remain undetected, and went running, pursued only by a flurry of sniper shots that he could feel burning on his heels. He cursed aloud and looked up wildly at the buildings around him for the source of the gunfire, but the chaos masked it perfectly.
The metallic smell of blood and gentle but firm hands on her back brought Ash back from the edge of oblivion. She could hear her blood pounding angrily in her ears but it slowly faded out to be replaced by the sound of Agent Jones imploring her to answer her comm. Her vision cleared gradually and she was met with the frustrated face of Rosita Tenny as she furiously dug through the medkit with one hand and put aching pressure on her wound with the other.
'What?’ Ash croaked into her comm as she gave Rosita a half-hearted glare. It went ignored  so she just wriggled irritably and glanced towards where her precious rifle lay skewed carelessly on the floor.
There was a sigh of relief on the other side of the comm before Agent Jones spoke once more, 'Agent Fitch. I need you to take out the sniper. Can you do that?’ Ash groaned and batted Rosita’s hands away from her when the older woman tried to stop her from getting to her feet. Ash stubbornly pulled herself over to the window, her bad arm dangling limply at her side.
“Fuck.” She muttered when pain lanced through the right side of her body like hot iron but she stubbornly ignored it in favor of propping her rifle up between her good shoulder and the window sill. Stubbornly Rosita continued to tend to her arm while she set up, muttering to her self all the while about stubborn young agents. Ash leaned her cheek into the familiar cold metal of the gun and took a deep steady breath. Her brain immediately focused in on her scope and only her scope, Rosita’s firm grip and even her pain fading out until it was only her and her rifle.
'I’m on it.’ She whispered and slowly scanned the rooftops, hunting for her prey. Just when the world was at its stillest and even her breathing had stopped another shot rang out and she was filled with a sense of intoxicating satisfaction.
“Gotcha ya bastard.”
She breathed in, her finger pressed down on the trigger, and then with a click and a spray of blood her revenge was complete. She carefully set aside her rifle and let the world fade back in. Rosita carefully propped her up against a wall and ripped open her shirt so that she could dig out the bullet lodged in her shoulder.
“This is gonna hurt sweetheart.” Rosita warned as she doused a needle with antiseptic and carefully threaded the medical stitching through it.
“Yeah yeah just get on with it.” Ash rolled her eyes and Rosita chuckled.
Johnny’s heart was pounding like a drum as he ran, the asphalt pounding against his feet with every step. The suspect obviously had a planned escape route and probably would have been lost to him by now if it wasn’t for an Angel’s voice in his ear telling him where to go. Never once in his life had Johnny been so grateful for traffic cameras. He turned a corner and found himself on a long straightaway, the suspect erratically weaving in and out of people on the sidewalk in an effort to throw him off. But this was where Johnny felt power surge through his limbs and he sped up until her was mere feet away from his quarry.
The man looked behind him and when he saw Johnny almost within arm’s distance he panicked and swerved into a nearby alley.
’The alley is dead end. Subdue him. Don’t kill him.’  Johnny laughed breathlessly as he slowed his run to a jog and cracked his knuckles.
‘Love it when ya talk sweet ter me Angel.’ He teased and advanced on the suspect who by now had realized that he was trapped and was glaring at him, fists raised at the ready.
“Big mistake.” He chuckled and like lightning his fist shot out and slammed into the man’s face like a hammer. His entire body bounced from the force of the shot and he stumbled backwards in an attempt to keep his balance. His sunglasses, however, did not survive the hit and fell onto the pavement, a shattered mess.
The man lunged forward and threw a couple of quick punches that Johnny deftly avoided, chuckling to himself the whole time. The suspect looked at him in confusion but Johnny just shrugged and gave him a crooked, cocky grin. He landed a solid kick to the man’s knees, sending him stumbling back once more, this time with a pronounced limp.
“Ya kna what? I’m gettin’ bored. And I wouldn’t wanna miss the cake at the reception.” He lunged forward and grabbed the man by his jacket, forcing him into a bent over position from which he kneed him in the gut before pulling him back up and battering him with barrage of punches. He delivered one last upper cut to his opponent before the man fell back onto the pavement with a solid thump.
Johnny blew on his fists like an old time cowboy and smirked at no one in particular. He pulled a zip tie out of his pocket and bound his unconscious opponent. He then proceeded to dust himself off as he dragged the suspect to the mouth of the alley. He looked around at the street where the civilians were being cleared out and a clean up team was arriving to pick up the suspect.
Johnny strolled happily down the street, searching casually for an available cab to the reception.
“Now tha’s wot I call a weddin’.”
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crookedcrow5 · 7 years
Why do you still wear that thing? - Chap. 11
Warning: Guns, violence (though not in too much detail), and swearing
“If this ain't the most cliché place for a hideout, I'll eat my hat,” Jesse swore as he looked out at the warehouse though the scope of a rifle.
They had to stop a while away from it to regroup and confirm their plans, especially since they could be spotted easily. Most of them agreed that the plan had to involve a rush attack. Emily made sure to thank Reinhardt for his van, even if she had no idea why he had it. Nonetheless, it summarized the first part of their attack.
“He named his hat, so that's a big claim,” Lúcio chuckled as he looked over the floor plans with Zenyatta.
“According to this, it has the large, open room and five rooms on the second floor.” Zenyatta skimmed the wrinkled paper. “Underneath those five rooms are the loading decks. But he'd most likely be in the room to the back. It is covered by the two warehouses beside it and has staircases for both the ground level and the roof.”
“Darlin', you see the stairs? It doesn't peak out from this angle.” Jesse paused in his scan to listen out for the radio.
“Yes. It only is connected to the backroom and the garage door below it.”
Emily looked over to the building aside of the warehouse, but could not see if Hanzo was really on the roof. She supposed she should trust him, but at the moment, she was a bundle of emotions.
“Give me that.” Ana lightly kicking Jesse out of the way and grabbing the rifle knocked Emily out of her thoughts. She did think that the rifle fit Ana like a glove, and the barely noticeable sticker confirmed it. Lena could maybe use that against Fareeha one day, but Emily wouldn't even think about it.
'My child is an honor student' jokes were too funny for her to even set them up.
Reinhardt noticed her gaze and nudged her with a grin.
“It blends in, don't you think?” He spoke with a quieter voice than she expected. “She had it specially made so that it wouldn't change the grip or weight of the rifle. There was no talk of not getting it.”
“That is...exactly what I thought Ana would do.”
He tried to hold in his boisterous laughter.
It didn't really matter as she still heard it over the rampage that started when he rammed the van straight through the front of the warehouse.
“You ready?” Jesse grinned back at her as the guards at the back entrance left, letting the truck carefully inch closer.
Emily smiled back and gripped her weapon, a gift from an old welding buddy.
“Are you?”
Jesse just chuckled as they entered the warehouse.
“They're already in there?”
“Yes. They created a large hole in the front door. McCree and Mrs. Oxton are sneaking inside from the back.”
Hanzo's assumption made Lena's heart skip a beat. Once this was all over, she could marry Emily. They could both be happy together. Lena would grab groceries on her way home, give silly shout-outs on the radio to her, and just be.
But right now, their lives were on the line and Lena was terrified. She didn't want to say they weren't married yet, not when she could pretend they were and be less scared of losing the future.
Who was she kidding, it still made her grit her teeth and focus on the road ahead.
“Thank you, brother, we'll drop off a few things by Zen before joining the rest.”
“...Don't get hurt.” Lena could barely hear him say that as the wind blocked out most of the radio's sound, but she swore he was trying to sound emotional.
“Almost there,” Fareeha shouted to her. “Get ready!”
“Right!” Her grip tightened around the guns as they rocketed towards the warehouse. She wasn't one for a lot of damage, but she certainly knew how to dodge, dive, and duck. That's all she really needed to do. They had firepower, defense, and plenty of medicine and doctors. Lena needed to move around and help them as much as possible.
Fareeha didn't need help as the first thing she did was ramp into the warehouse and crash into a man who was shooting at the armored van.
Beside her, Tariq and Saleh drove further to deal with more men pinning the van down.
It wasn't time for Lena to think, it was time to jump and shoot.
Leaping onto a man and knocking him out, she then turned to another and fired.
The adrenaline kept her going as one after another was taken care of.
Her senses came back to her as a bullet nicked her side and forced her to take cover. The thugs had better weapons than they originally thought. She looked around to see others behind cover and unable to move. They were forced into a stall as more thugs started approaching them under the cover fire.
Well, until the roar of an engine cut the rain of bullets off.
The old truck slammed into the car with the turret, sending it flying off to the side, and Lena saw an angel.
An angel picking up a nearby gunman, threw him into another gunman, and then starting up a Gatling gun to clear the mass of thugs on the other side while Jesse and the others stormed the ones that were approaching. Lena, however, sat in shock.
Her wife could lift like Aleksandra Zaryanova and Lena did not mind in the slightest.
It took her a little bit longer to get back into the fight completely, but with the added support of Jesse and Emily, it was easier to help anyone injured back to the entrance.
But while they cleared a lot of the thugs, there still seemed far too many.
“Flank them,” Genji smirked at her.
Lena smirked back and ran with him.
Darting behind crates and damaged weaponry, she was able to get farther back than she had thought. For breaking someone out of prison, the gang was a bit...dull. Not to say that they couldn't shoot guns, but there was something off.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the man Sombra told them about, who was simply walking from one room to another.
“Hanzo, any movement from the back?” McCree shouted over the coms.
“There were some runaways from the entrance, but all received nonlethal leg injuries,” Ana calmly stated. “Angela's working on some of them now. Status?”
“More than halfway through. Saleh was hit-” Lena heard muffled swears on Ana's side. A brief moment of thought and she realized it was Angela.
“We can't heal this many people,” Ana translated. “We'll make the emergency call, you all need to hurry and pin them before they get here. We can't afford to have any of you in there or else our cover is blown.”
“Something's wrong,” Lena cut in. “You all notice it too right? This is way too easy, and none of them have noticed who we are and called us in already!”
There was silence between her teammates as they continued defending themselves.
“Sombra's request is here, and has left the building with a couple more people.”
“I have visuals on the backroom!” Orisa shouted. Lena just then made out that some of them had gotten onto the second floor. Even though she should be focusing on the distracted thugs in front of her, she had to think for a moment while she still had the chance. Genji beside her had the same idea. “He's with another person and is leaving through the back!”
“He knew there would an attack.”
Goddamn it, she was right about Sombra. They were too quick on the draw.
“I'm following pursuit!”
“Visuals.” More swearing. She never heard Hanzo swear before. “He's making sure the person is blocking him!”
Glancing behind her, Lena had to make the call.
“Genji and I are near the back, we can cut him off!”
“Lena, don't!” Winston shouted.
“I'm already outside.”
Lena froze.
The absence of rapid fire weighed on her chest.
“Emily, don't!” Her voice was strangled and Genji used the moment to start firing down on the thugs.
“I'm not going to let him get away!”
“Orisa knows what she's doing, you don't!”
“I know that he has a clear shot to a getaway car!”
“You don't! You can't do this!”
“I can!”
“But I can't lose you!”
There was no response for a moment.
“I'm sorry.” Her voice was barely heard over the fight as Ogundimu addressed Orisa. “But he'll only hurt more if he gets away.”
And then there was no response.
There was only the fight in front of her.
“We don't have long,” Ana reminded them.
They had to get this gun fight over with.
She had to get to Emily.
But as the fight continued, there was no way for her to get closer to the back door.
“They're here!” The coms crackled to life and Lena was just then ready to leap to rescue her fiancee.
“Damn it!” She bit down hard on her lip, though the taste of iron was far too familiar now. In her panic, she almost hit Genji when he gripped her shoulder.
“We have to go! Everybody, get to the cars!” Hanzo shouted. She could hear them leaping into the van or truck as the car and other van reached the entrance to pick anybody up who couldn't get enough room.
Genji pulled her to the side with ease, looking as if he was trying to deal with a panicked animal. She supposed she was at this point, the smell and echoing sounds of battle made the constant reminder that these were her friends-her family- made it hard not to worry for them all. Lena doubted that every one of them had experience with gun fights and killing.
Especially Emily.
It was one thing to go into battle, to be a hero. But it was another thing when your soon-to-be wife was out of your sight in a fight.
“We need to go, Lena.” Genji steadied her, pulling her away from the fire? “But not without getting them out first. I'll cover you, and you need to keep a clear head okay?” At her reluctance (or perhaps her shock, she might've been hit a couple times, she wasn't sure) he sighed. “Orisa and Emily need you to keep a clear head. If they're hurt, Zen and Angela are there and no doubt Ana and Lúcio can help too. But they need you to focus.”
Not on the gunshots or the screaming or the blood and smell of fire that wasn't there.
Focus on dashing and getting them out of there.
Boy, after this they'll all need Zen to calm them down.
Lena nodded and looked around their cover before running towards the door. She could feel the thugs focusing on her before Genji started catching their attention.
Ripping open the door and flying towards the back, she almost ran into a disheveled Emily who Lena quickly looked over before grabbing her. She was okay.
“I'm sorry, Lena...” Emily said, burying her head into her shoulder.
“Ogundimu escaped,” Orisa reported, stepping towards them cautiously. She looked beat up, but no gun wounds at least. But the limp made Lena's heart jump to her throat. “A car was in the alley and they sped away with him. No license plate.”
“I'm coming to the back!” The police car was easy enough to spot and hear. But as it came closer, Lena let go of Emily for a brief moment.
“I'm with you!”
A flash of green flew out of the door behind them, bringing more fire with him. Lena pushed Emily to duck while Orisa moved closer to block the shots with her more armored body.
Hana's car screeched to a quick halt as they all piled in before speeding off into the night.
“So. How'd it go?”
“They're good.”
“Like...how good?” Sombra snorted and waved her hand. “They're just facing against the little guys!”
“They had a lot of allies.” Reaper growled, “Familiar ones.”
“Alright, alright, I get it. No more questions about that.”
He looked like he was about to chastise her again when the car stopped and the boss climbed in.
“They're good. Two of them were able to keep up in a fight with me.”
“Oof,” Sombra flinched. “Good then.”
She could see him nodding above the seat.
“We'll be seeing them again. Maybe not soon, but they do not look like the types to back down.” His smirk was palpable, although it only lasted for a moment. “And Sombra. Do not give them any more 'warnings'.”
How the hell did he know about that when he was still in prison? Satya would not rat her out, they both wanted to seek the truth and had to not get caught.
Regardless, it was clear that she had to play this role carefully. His glance seemed to be trying to pry off her masks. Too bad she had much more.
“Oh that?” Sombra rolled her eyes. “Don't worry, I was just messing with them and it worked.”
Doomfist hummed but offered no relief for her.
This was going to be even harder now.
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