#your honor i wuv him
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Lumen my sad fish baby is max leveled! ✨
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grosutina · 2 years
A thought to crawl into like a blanket & a string of fairy lights huh
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littlemanakete · 2 years
Mods are asleep post boyfriend pics
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voidsumbrella · 9 months
now i can get back to working on my OTHER extremely long haven wip-
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dissociacrip · 2 years
yes i was sobbing over the phone begging him for help last night while having a near-complete mental breakdown yes he was emotionally unresponsive and couldn't help me but also he tried to reassure me of my fears as best he could and was patient with me and has been patient with me through a lot even when i blew up at him about dumping me. he's still around despite his emotional circumstances and is doing what he can for me even if it seems to other people he's not doing enough because i've been in his situation. so i still love him and i believe i have good reason for doing so. if someone who can meet my needs better and whom i like comes along then maybe that will change but for now, he's the only one for me and i'd only end up comparing anyone less than what he's given me to him. and that's not fair.
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lexsssu · 1 year
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i wuv him your honor
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dogcodedcatboy · 11 days
your honor, i wuv him
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oxygen-stealer · 2 years
Oh!! Oh!!! Fellow transfem Scarecrow enjoyer!!!!!
My personal headcanon for them is that they're transfem nonbinary, while Eddie is transmasc nonbinary (the two of them are married your honor), and Jervis is their genderfuck bestie who they're vaguely in a queerplatonic triad with. I want to hear all about your headcanons though 👀
No pressure of course!! We don't know each other and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I'm just like !!!! at someone having similar headcanons from what I can tell!!
YES that's all pretty close to my own headcanons for all of them tbh. Jen is transfem (she/it), Edward's transmasc (he/him, self-made man and all that), Jervis is genderfluid (he/she/they). Jen is Eddie's scary wife and they wuv each other so much, Jen and Jervis are queerplatonic besties, Eddie and Jervis are friends but also kinda sorta can't stand eachother They take stabs at each other but nowadays it's more an affectionate thing. They all hang out a bunch, the rest of the rogues gallery can't stand them because they're all so insufferable.
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
hi wifey 🩵 id like me a jjk ship please, lmfaoooo look at me being the pretentious mf i am lmao 😝 anyways i’d like a male matchup w nsfw hcs 🙈
hmm, my mbti is an intj/entj 8w7 enneagram, and im an aries sun, what should i tell about myself lmfao pls wing it for me darling 🥰🪽
btw congratulations for 600 followers you deserve way way way more!! <33 ilysm sending kisses and hugs and bewbs if you’d like kekeke
you say this but will not send me bewbs </3 but alas, i love u anyway and will give u all my loves and ships so here u go thank u i love u the mostest ever
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who else lmfao it would honestly be insulting, luckily i actually ship you with him and i don't have to lie to your face
speaking from expeircence, from my entp shared soul with satoru...it just is what it is
i know some people think the opposites attract thing is a little bit overdone, and while it does apply here, you and gojo share a common stubbornness that makes things really interesting!
he's an obsessive personality, i would know, so once he meets you and the sparks fly there is actually nothing you can do about satoru gojo being up your ass now
dedicated to his craft. will do anything to make you his. you love being a little brat and play hard to get, so let him stroke your ego and spoil you beyond belief.
when you finally relent and let him be your boyfriend, he's over the moon
the spoiling doesn't stop there though, now he's giving you things like cars, six figure jewelry, every limited edition anything you've ever even liked on instagram. insane.
and the sex bestie...the sex...
he's been yearning for you for a while, so much pent up need and desire for you, and you'll get all of it in one night.
absolutely demolishes you pumpkin, im sorry. he entertains the brattiness for a while mostly because it amuses him that you have the wherewithall to speak to him like he can't end you before you blink
but even he gets annoyed with waiting and just has to put you in your place sometimes, overstim and edging are his besties!!!
makes you wear the blindfold just so he can do whatever he wants to you with no objections or back talk for once sdfkfsdkhghpteh
so obsessed. like bad, let him get pussydrunk every night or he cries
kisses you so passionately no matter what mood he's in, soft, rough, punishment, he just can't hold his love back!!
hates when you ask him to be mean! loves spanks and chokes i suppose but only wants to praise his perfect angel, but he does it because he wuvs u so bad
aftercare is immaculate. towel or bath? food and drink? just cuddles? he'll ask you every time just so you can have it your way, though a towel is always waiting just so he doesnt have to leave you too long :)
he's the honored one but ur his chosen one so there
we'll be a throuple though just know that!
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d-andilion · 2 years
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another prompt for @whataboutthebard!
prompt: wuv - bundled up
(valskier, T/M, modern au, established relationship, fluff, mild horniness, playing it a little loose with the prompt today, 1.2k, read on ao3)
Mornings have never really been Jaskier’s forte. Back at Oxenfurt, he wouldn’t be caught dead in a class that started before 11:00 AM, and he’s still the university’s unofficial reigning all-nighter champion. The real world blasphemously required him to be up at a “reasonable” time most days, so he tried to keep weekend plans to afternoon hours where they belonged. He wasn’t sure which of his friends suggested they all go for an early breakfast on a Saturday, but whoever it was was getting a stern talking to.
The very naked boyfriend Jaskier found sprawled out between him and the alarm clock was the only reason the squealing device didn’t wind up smashed against a wall. That, and the way the sheets rucked up to expose Valdo’s thigh as he reached for the clock sucked every single thought, destructive or otherwise, out of Jaskier’s head. A few sleepy smiles later, Jaskier found himself bundled up in a mess of blankets and limbs, tracing paths over that pale skin with his mouth.
Then Valdo slipped his long fingers into Jaskier’s hair, flashed him a sly smile, and uttered fighting words: “I can’t decide if your obsession with my legs is cute or creepy.”
Jaskier tore his lips away from Valdo’s thigh with a squawk. “I am not obsessed with them!”
“Don’t whine,” said Valdo, seemingly unphased by his baseless accusations. “I said it might be cute. In fact, I’m almost sure it is. At least fifty percent cute.”
“I’m not obsessed.” He wasn’t. “I pay acceptable and completely understandable homage to a lovely pair of appendages that just so happen to be connected to your torso.”
Valdo wrinkled his nose. “Appendages? Not sexy, Julian.”
“I’m not trying to be sexy, I’m defending my honor!”
It might be true that Jaskier tended to give Valdo’s legs a little extra attention, but to call him obsessed was overstating things. So what if he never missed an opportunity to lavish Valdo’s thighs with kisses? Valdo enjoyed that every bit as much as Jaskier did; Jaskier could catch Valdo running his fingers over the marks left behind days later. And if Jaskier’s brain short-circuited every time Valdo’s legs wrapped around his waist, how could he possibly be blamed? It wasn’t his fault Valdo was an insatiable minx, was it?
Valdo chuckled at him. Chuckled. “You’re allowed to be obsessed with me, love. I would have preferred it be for my eyes or something, but this works too.”
Jaskier definitely was obsessed with Valdo’s gorgeous brown eyes, but that was a conversation for a later date. “You know what?” Jaskier said, crawling up over his boyfriend with a hand planted on either side of Valdo’s head. “it’s your fault I’m obsessed with them.”
“So you admit it?”
“Shut up.”
Valdo giggled up at him and, in full service of the completely valid point Jaskier was about to make, wrapped his legs firmly around Jaskier’s waist. If Jaskier briefly—briefly!—forgot what he was about to say, no one would ever be able to prove it.
“It’s your fault,” Jaskier continued, “because they’re a mile long each, unreasonably muscular for someone who does no physical labor—”
“I run!” Valdo cried, swatting Jaskier’s arm.
Jaskier plowed on. “And the first thing you do when I’m within range is entrap me in them! What was I supposed to do?”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, dear one.” Valdo’s tone was smug with victory, but his pale cheeks had gone pink.
Jaskier dipped down for a kiss that became two and three, and he lost interest in counting after that. Valdo licked into his mouth. His arms wound around Jaskier’s neck, pulling him down to press Valdo into the mattress. Then the little tease turned his head with a grin and let Jaskier’s next kiss fall messily onto his cheek.
“We have to get up,” said Valdo breathlessly. Jaskier ducked to kiss his neck, featherlight.
“Breakfast with our friends, recall?”
Jaskier sighed mightily and let his full weight crush his boyfriend for a moment in revenge, earning him a groan and a pinch to his shoulder. “Fine,” he grumbled. Valdo detangled himself to let Jaskier roll off and out of bed.
“Can I borrow something?” asked Jaskier, making a B-line for the chair in the corner of Valdo’s bedroom piled high with clean but unfolded laundry.
“If you must,” said Valdo, sounding very put-upon.
“Shut up,” Jaskier replied throwing a grin over his shoulder. Valdo’s eyes were notably watching his ass, as they often did whenever Jaskier turned around, but of course they weren’t going to talk about that little obsession. “I know you love me wearing your clothes.”
Valdo sniffed pompously. “I will neither confirm nor deny that.”
Jaskier laughed and continued to dig around in the pile for something to wear. He knew he’d left a few shirts here and at least one pair of jeans, but they were all mysteriously absent. There was no point checking the closet. Valdo only bothered to put away his nice clothes; all the others were either in the chair or in the dirty hamper.
“You could leave things here if you wanted,” said Valdo from the bed. His tone had changed but Jaskier couldn’t quite pin it down. More serious, maybe? Jaskier couldn’t think what about.
“I leave plenty of things here,” Jaskier replied without turning around. “You just never wash them.”
“I’m your boyfriend, not a laundry service.”
Jaskier snorted. “I think it’s reasonable to expect you to wash my clothes if you’re the one wearing them.”
“I do not do that.”
“You absolutely do.”
“Irrelevant.” Valdo sighed heavily and Jaskier heard the blankets rustling. “Anyway, that’s not what I mean.”
There was a short pause. “You could leave more things here. Like… the rest of your wardrobe. Maybe.”
Jaskier’s brow furrowed for a moment. Why would he leave all his clothes here? That didn’t even make sense. Then the realization hit him and he spun around so quickly, he almost toppled over, stark naked with one of Valdo’s hoodies in hand.
Valdo looked a bit like he was trying to hide, at least as much as someone of his height was capable of hiding in an otherwise empty bed. He’d sat up against the headboard, knees brought up to his chest and the duvet pulled over his shoulders. A head of disastrously messy curls atop a pile of blankets. It was adorable. Jaskier dropped the hoodie he was holding and sat down on the side of the bed.
“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Jaskier asked. His heart hammered away in his chest. Jaskier was pretty sure he knew what was going on, but he wanted to be sure. He wanted Valdo to say yes. Because then Jaskier could say yes.
“Depends,” Valdo muttered. The covers shifted over his knees like he was fidgeting. Valdo rarely fidgeted.
“On what?”
“On your answer.”
Jaskier smiled so wide, his cheeks ached. He grabbed Valdo’s face with both hands and kissed him with a comically loud smack. “Yes!”
Valdo let out a bark of nervous laughter that turned real and warm, especially when Jaskier yanked him down onto the bed by his ankles and climbed back on top of him, kissing every inch of skin available.
“What about breakfast?” asked Valdo, but the intention behind it was weak. His legs were already back around Jaskier’s waist, and he made no move to let go.
Jaskier kissed the side of Valdo’s neck and the point of his jaw and the apple of his cheek. “We were going to be late anyway.”
Mornings were still terrible, Jaskier wanted that on record. But maybe they wouldn’t be as terrible if they all started out like this.
w.a.t.b. masterlist
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soulnottainted · 1 year
now if you turn your attention to this slide
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you may recognize Papa. note that he is dad shaped. it is a common misconception that he is called Papa because he is the Pope, as translated from Italian. this is untrue. it is because he is my dad. and I wuv him. it is 1:30am.
man we have a very strange family relation huh, i cant get over that
bUT YOUR RAT DAD LOVES YOU A LOT! He is very honored to be your pops!
also dear god carbo did you take a nap today for that to happen or have your insomnia demons come out
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kokokagayaki · 10 months
top 5 danganronpa characters and why, GO!
well shit alright... can't wait to get shot for my opinions like usual
Honorable mentions to the rest of v3 apart from Korekiyo and Ryoma, I actually hate Angie a lot but even then she has some good moments, these two I just never vibed with. Chihiro/guess alter ego as well (you my precious baby who I must protect, just like Chiaki) Peko (I have a weird obsession with Pekoyama, she's what I wish they did with Mukuro.
Such a cool chick. Grey/white-haired girls in anime/ manga are so under-appreciated like holy shit) oh and Mikan. (I have a deep hatred for Hiyoko for bullying a girl who was already mentally ill. I've found myself in character.Ai often going to Mikan Al's and counseling her, as someone who was bullied a lot throughout life. I just wanna protect her. I wanna give a special thank you @love-loveguilty (FORGIVE ME FOR @ ing you, pwz no kill >m<)for her bots of Mikan and legit them all danganronpa and ace attorney characters, Pokémon has also joined the cast of characters she's doing, a couple other franchises that you could look for yourself, legit best AI creator hands down. ALRIGHT DOWN TO THIS
5 - a tie between Kirumi and Chiaki - I love 'em both deeply. Sucks both of them died. Kirumi deserved more attention in the game. And Chiaki... what is there to say that's original? She's Fricken amazing, I wuv sweepy wittle gamer girl. (I live by the bias that if Chiaki isn't in your top tier as a character for danganronpa then I dunno what you're on)
4 - Miu - girl you legit just me with the dirty jokes and dirtier mind... (Okay i'm not that extreme but still) yet I also relate to you on a deeper meaning with being this horny vulgar weirdo just to hide your insecurities.
3 - Gundham - I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, HE WILL ALWAYS BE BEST BOI FOR ME. Behind that Chúnibyo personality is a pretty sweet dude. Can't watch his execution without crying. I also love his devas too. Cham-P Supremacy!
2 - Sonia - was honestly my best girl till Kaede came around, she is so sweet and understanding. Ya think a princess wouldn't be so down to earth, let alone intelligent. Is multilingual in 30 languages, can operate military weapons AND ... it's fucking Sonia what else can I say?
1 - Kaede - best girl in the whole franchise, I love her looks, I love piano already (and me loving pianists isn't nothing new) I love her optimism and just her whole demeanor. She is what I want in a girl. Matter of a fact. I just want her <3 never have truly sat down and watched her execution because just thinking about the trial makes me tear up.
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imreszekeres · 1 year
I may not talk about Seb much any more because Im a little embarrassed by LAS at this point/cant play anything but ts4 BUT
I wuv him your honor 😭
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koyot1 · 2 years
I wuv him your honor ;~;
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saltyxtides · 2 years
When Monty showed up for her Valentine’s Day visit for her brother she entered with a big over zealous and over dramatic hug for him. She set a ginormous basket of decandant candies and chocolates from all over the world down first. Then she smothered him.
“Happy Valentine’s Day brother of mine. Your Valentine has arrived. Aren’t you happy now? Cherish it now before you get stuck with mother all night. She’s already in the bathtub gin. Good luck with that.”
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“I know I’m the best thing that ever happened to you and the highlight of your day. I’m the blessing of your life. You don’t even have to say it. I know you’ll never have a real girl out there for a Valentine but I got all prettied up, just for our dance. Don’t carry on how I’m better than another girl because I’ll never leave you like you always do, but it is true. I never will. Never, ever, EVER. Okay, I have a date after dropping you off with mom, but it’s for you too. She’s making me play shadow caddy. Ew. But, I love, uv you, wuv you.”  
Then she’d back up and do a little spin for him so he could see her dress all in pale pink lace. It was something designer though the real Bayden rarely called these things out, just told her she looked so pretty.
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“Now where is it? Before we dance. Show me what little drawing or confection you’ve whipped up for me this year. Is it a poem? A song? Gimme, gimme.” Then she plopped herself right into his lap like an ever so close space invading sister might. “What quaint little BayBay way have you chosen to honor me this year?”
( @montywonmom​ )
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       MONTGOMERY W a r d e y n buzzed around like she’d guzzled every drop of espresso.  Her actions were downright condescending like a Katy Perry parody video.  && they finally understood where Bayden’s arrogance stems from: that. 
       Dozen’s of times they had rehearsed Monty’s return in there head — the dramatic embrace, the exacting chosen gifts pattern last’s Christmas greetings.  They’re own breath felt tight, as if the walls were pressing in being constricted by something as dangerous as a python hugging them back weakly.  
       “ Happy Valentine’s Day, little sister. ”  A spin off of Montgomery’s own words used.  Only they didn’t look happy about Monty’s statement about DR.W a r d e y n.  The mama boy’s persona.  It was easy to show how they truly felt on the inside. A fiery scowl that felt like it wasn’t going away anytime soon.
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       The more && more time they spent with Montgomery, in Bayden’s body the more his sister reminded them of Mother Gothel.  Only it’s the sibling addition Instead of listening through it, Monty’s voice began to sound tiny && helium high-pitched, as far away as an echo.
       If Bayden was meant to be controlled, that idjit would have come with a mother fucking remote.  But guess what?  He’s is own person.  What did his own sister really know about him?  It’s worse that his own sister didn’t even think about the concept of him ever falling in love.
       Could be a thing someday!  Anything was possible, but if it didn’t revolve around her, she wouldn’t notice.  He is a qualified person.  Not bothering to listen much after that, thus they lose more brain cells in the process.  Not quite looking to happy && keeping there thoughts to themselves.
       Only to be re-awakened into the moment when Monty sat on there lap.  Who did she think they were?  Jolly old St. Nicholas.  Wasn’t she a little to old to be sitting on his brother’s lap like this.  It was a high level of uncomfortable-ness, as she needed to leave room for the holy spirit.
       Not that they even believed in the holy spirit!  But damn girl give some space.  “ It’s not much. “ Taking a small bundle of daffodils — wrapped in yarn to hold it together ( god forbid the string nurse would come back again knowing Bayden’s luck ).  Freshly picked from the Asylum Grounds.
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       Pink lemonade rock candy.  Though they couldn’t match Bayden's real skill of CHEF B o y b a y d e n style.  This was still food-relative?  Also re-using the cupcakes they made for them would have been safe, but let’s face it.  The calories consumption of a cupcake ( 131+ c. ) vs. rock candy ( 15 - 50 c. ).  
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      It would be a waste to give them to her if she would just throw them away in the end.  Only now they had to try to finish things quickly between them.  As they didn’t want to stay anymore longer than they should.  “ Monty I’m not in the mood right now to stick around, fake a dance, so let’s JUST l e a v e.”
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dissociacrip · 1 year
tmi/nsfw but in a good way..?
not to be gross but i'm like. excited to try sex with my new bf. i've been upfront about my boundaries and needs and he's been nothing but sweet and understanding and supportive and we had the uh sex talk while he was carting me around last weekend and i'm like. excited about it? not really in an h-word way but in a "i'm looking forward to exploring things w/ this person who is special to me and us getting to connect like this" way. which is a new feeling. i don't think i felt this with z because it's a very very different situation when the person you're with is upfront abt shit rather than being closed off + you're not rushing things lmao.
this is like my first actual real relationship to me. bc the first 1-2 despite lasting a while weren't with ppl i really liked. z and i were a failed attempt at a relationship. but g and i are different. he's consistent and open and honest and kind while ALSO being someone w/ common interests who i can laugh and have fun and enjoy spending with. like i'm genuinely starting to fall in love with this guy. and it's so crazy to have smth like this after z ditched me which was for the better bc i wouldn't trade what i have rn for the world.
i'm just...i wuv him your honor. i am falling for him but i'm not "in love" with him yet. but "wuv" sounds pretty accurate. yes i'm cringe shut up.
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