#your fear actually serves the patriarchy and it serves predatory men
i know ive said this a million times a million ways and so have many others in this site but it bears repeating, especially since we have an influx of new or returning users.
Hating men doesn't make you progressive.
Hating men makes the work of bio/gender essentialists* easier.
Hating men is exactly what the patriarchy wants you to do.
Afraid of men is exactly what the patriarchy wants you to be.
Cut it out. It's not progressive. Treat the men in your life with the same care and compassion you would extend to women/non-men.
Also stop assuming that everyone who isn't fully a man doesn't want to be seen as one. Stop assuming that genderfluid, nonbinary or multigender men are not men and want to reject the label of man. Most of us don't.
Loving men is revolutionary. Humanising men is revolutionary. Showing men grace, compassion and humanity is revolutionary.
Hating men sets us back into last century.
Cut it out.
*Bio essentialism is transphobia, terfery and radical feminism: men were born with a penis/xy therefore they are violent and gross and evil, which can never be changed.
Gender essentialism is what we call Baeddelism: Men are evil, testosterone makes you evil, trans men gain privilege by transitioning and this makes them evil too. Trans women are delicate flowers etc
And of course we have the garden variety sexism which would love to have you believe that men are strong and aggressive who need to provide, and women are weak delicate flowers who should only do housework and childcare.
These 3 positions have so much in common and none of them are progressive and all of them set back women's rights, queer rights and men's rights by decades.
Once more for luck:
Cut it out.
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