#your face in the mirror (christine gossamer)
magicalmystery-muses · 8 months
New Marvel/Spider-Verse OC
Mirror Spider
Name: Christine Gossamer
Alias: Mirror Spider
Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Christy Altomare
Age: 29
Sexuality: Bisexual
Backstory: Christine Gossamer had been Mirror Spider for a little under two years before her universe fell to pieces thanks to a broken canon. Her survival was pure luck; a portal had appeared out of seemingly nowhere, she jumped through, and before she knew it, there was something that appeared to be a high-tech wristwatch slapped onto her before her molecules were torn to shreds. Maybe it was pity, maybe it was scientific curiosity, maybe it was the timing of when this all happened, or hell, maybe it was something else entirely. But Miguel O'Hara recruited her for his newly formed Spider Society.
Tag: your face in the mirror (christine gossamer)
Other Details:
Oh look yet another OC being shipped with Miguel O'Hara
The reason she went with the alias "Mirror Spider" was because she was bitten, she got curious and tried to figure out what spider bit her, and it most looked like the real life mirror spider species.
There's reflective surfaces on her suit that blind enemies
When first developing her I had this idea that she had an additional ability where her eyes reflected someone's worst fear when they made eye contact, but I'm not sure if I'm keeping that or not
I named the Earth she's from Earth-24601. Yes this is a Les Miserables reference. Yes her name is a Phantom of the Opera reference. This combined with her face/voiceclaim being the literal OBC Anastasia really saw that the autism won in her creation
"The world is cruel so I won't be" type of person
I'm actually planning on doing a fic of her at some point! I really wanna delve into the irony of her and Miguel's dynamic and how she's like a broken reflection of why Miguel's views are flawed and yada yada yada, not gonna get into details rn bc spoilers but I'm taking this and running with it fr
Her picture in the middle was created using a Spiderverse filter back when it was a big tiktok trend
She was an Oscorp scientist in her home universe. "I'm smart but I'm stupid" af
Her biggest guilty pleasure? Cheesy supernatural romance novels. This actually didn't play a role in her developing feelings for Miguel, it was more like she already started feeling things for him and later was like "holy shit he has fangs?? Bonus??" She knows he's not actually a vampire but that changes nothing
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magicalmystery-muses · 8 months
Finally thought of a reason to keep Christine's eyes two different colors!
For context, her faceclaim/voiceclaim is Christy Altomare, and my main visual of her (not how her spidey suit looks but her face/hair/civilian clothes) comes from a Spider-Verse filter I put on her
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Here's the original pic if yall are curious
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I've decided that the reason she has two different colored eyes is because, since she was glitching out before Miguel put the wristband on her, her eyes were mid-glitch. One of them went back to normal, but in that split second, one of her eyes stayed this reddish-pink color even after she was stabilized.
She absolutely hates it, too. Every time she looks in the mirror, she sees a reminder of the fact that she should, by all means, be dead with the rest of her universe.
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Tag List Pt6: Marvel OCs
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