#your cat is in all likelyhood not lost
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muckcat is cute, but unfortunately is just asking to be eaten by a coyote. I think he catches frogs in the clogged gutter or something, because I always see him skulking about there.
July 26th, 2024
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fllagellant · 9 months
Do You Know What Dry Socket Is?
Informational post about something a lot of people might be unaware of.
So, let’s say you loose a tooth. You fell and knock it out, maybe you pulled it at home for whatever reason. All that is important in this scenario is that you’ve lost a tooth outside of a dentist visit, so there is no field professional there to walk you through the healing process.
Now, how do you recover from this? Saltwater rinse, wad of cotton to help slow the bleeding, painkillers, eating soft foods. It stands to reason that, like any other recovery period that involves the mouth and teeth, you’d also need a straw. Makes sense, easier to get liquid into your mouth and you’ll have more control over where in your mouth it goes. Makes sense, right?
You are about to give yourself dry socket.
The main difference between most other well known recovery periods from a jaw / mouth injury, is that the act of sucking on a straw can dislodge the blood clot from your gums.
The reason is, for a few days, your blood clot is actually smaller than the hole left behind by the missing tooth. Gums do heal quicker than most other tissue on your body , so the opening will close to be smaller than the blood clot itself. But there is a period of time, the first few days of healing, that the blood clot is at a serious risk of coming loose or being dissolved away . This risk does not truly go away until healing is over , but the likelyhood slowly goes down.
This blood clot being removed will reveal the traumatized and damaged nerve + the jaw bone to the open . Unsurprisingly, this is extraordinary pain, that nothing can soothe. Any fluid gets into the wound ? Food particles ? You inhale / exhale too hard ? That nerve is going to Ache. Not to mention , you’ re at an even higher infection risk now .
And the things that can cause dry socket are so innocuous , that unless you know about the possibility , you may do these actions without thinking.
1) Straws ( and Sucking )
The pressure from drinking through a straw is enough to pull the blood clot from your gums . This pressure can be caused by anything that requires sucking , this includes smoking as well . Anything that requires a strong pull into your mouth to eat / ingest is exerting the same pull on your loose blood clot . If you suck on a straw now , you can feel the kind of pressure vacuum you make in your mouth . That pressure does not care about what it might cause to dislodge .
2) Spitting Out Blood
At least , for the first 24 hours . After 24 hours ( specifically , after your gums stop consistently bleeding ) and you start doing saltwater rinses , you’ re free to spit . But regardless , forceful spitting can do the exact same damage as drinking from a straw . It’ s the pressure and force you cause . When you do saltwater rinses , don’ t really swish. Tilt your head side to side and slowly push the water around . For the first 24 hours , you are encouraged to swallow blood instead of spitting , to avoid the risk of spitting out the start of a blood clot and prolonging the bleeding cycle . Keep in mind the nausea this can cause .
3) Alcohol and Hot Food/Liquid
Paring these together since they cause similar issues . Alcohol can melt a blood clot , and abundance of heat can increase blood flow too the clot . Both of these will cause the clot to dissolve or come loose , but cold food/drink is more recommended . Yes , cold can cause an ache if it manages to come into direct contact with the healing area , but it will not affect the blood clot as seriously as hot food/drink will . Room temperature is also okay for consumption.
4) Exercise
Light exercise is okay , but anything that ups your heart-rate is upping blood flow to your wound . Nothing strenuous, nothing that pushes endurance , nothing that you know will exhaust you . Even if you heart-rate jumps from something like chasing a cat down because they have something they shouldn’ t have can cause increased blood flow ( trust me , it felt like I was undergoing divine punishment because I stopped my cat from eating a tuff of dog hair . ) The sudden taste of blood is a warning to slow down what you’re doing .
While dry socket can heal on it’s own, the gums will cover the exposed bone regardless of if there’s a clot there or not, this pain is not something anyone deserves to struggle with . Once again , dealing with dry socket is dealing exposed bone and nerve .
Dentists are expensive , and if you cannot afford a dental visit after the loss of a tooth, I only want you to be aware of one of the more serious complications that come with such a thing happening . Everyone deserves to heal in comfort , and I only want people to have the best chance at having a complication free healing process .
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sillygirlpoll · 2 years
This bracket it dedicated to finding the silliest of sillygirls. May the silliest (and, in all likelyhood, most autistic) one win.
1: Vote for whomever you think is silliest
2a: If there is a tie, both parties move on to the next round.
2b: if this creates an uneven amount of contestants, a poll will be held with a selection of losers (chosen by who lost to the smallest margin) to see who re-enters to balance it out.
3: Be a good sport. Don’t be vitriolic if a character beats your favorite.
4: Don’t be mean about smaller fandoms. Kinda goes hand and hand with rule 3.
5. No botting the votes/otherwise use voter fraud. I cannot stop you but it would just be an dick move on a fucking tumblr poll.
6: You are allowed to not vote for Dahlia (My Friends Cat(From Real Life)) but do be aware it would make her sad.
7: Be kind to Mod Silver. He is delicate.
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right ;
First brackets start Sunday, February 19th.
All graphics and contestant list created by @myperfecttalia
Blog run by @i-have-no-soul
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spotofmummery · 6 years
Layers: Amon
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NAME. Amon D’Syrcus (of Allag) EYE COLOUR. Gold HAIR STYLE/COLOUR.  Long, often wild and messy, silver/white HEIGHT. 6′10″ CLOTHING STYLE. Being a bard, this varies from anything bright and flamboyant to something colorfully elegant. Rarely, field gear for battle situations. BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE. My smile. :D 
YOUR FEARS. Being forgotten, my life’s work having been in vain, seeing my homelands and people demonized due to mistakes I’ve made in the past.  YOUR GUILTY PLEASURE. Allagan snails. They’re magically delicious!  YOUR AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE. I haven’t given up on reviving Syrcus Tower yet... though the likelyhood of that is getting less and less. Maybe I can find some answers in Azys Lla. 
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP. Usually something along the lines of “Where am I and how did I get here?” I fall asleep in very odd and random locations.  THINK ABOUT MOST. Believe it or not, the state of the world and how to improve it. Usually revolves around reviving Allag. Because, why not? THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED. I fall asleep pretty randomly, usually in the middle of reading something or researching, so I don’t really have a given period of “thoughts before bed.”  WHAT THE BEST QUALITY IS. My best quality? I’d say: my sense of humor. 
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES.  Single.  TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED. Why not both? Though, it really depends on who you’re targeting. For some people, it’s more important to earn “love” and others to earn “respect.”  BEAUTY OR BRAINS. Brains DOGS OR CATS. I like most animals, but given a choice, dogs. 
LIE. Often.  BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  Aye.  BELIEVE IN LOVE.  Aye, I do. But not necessarily for myself.  WANT SOMEONE. At the moment, no. 
BEEN ON STAGE.  Often!  DONE DRUGS. Aye, if you include self-augmentation.  CHANGED WHO YOU WERE TO FIT IN. Constantly, my friend!
FAVORITE COLOR. Wine red. FAVORITE ANIMAL. Lab rat. FAVORITE MOVIE.  I can’t say as I have a favorite, though I enjoy most shows that I view! FAVORITE GAME.  Game? Who has time to play games?
DAY YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE. The last day of the Eorzean calendar, as it always is.  HOW OLD WILL YOU BE. Not telling. ;)  AGE YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY.  A little personal to ask, don’t you think?  DOES AGE MATTER. For what? Most folks claim that I never grew up. 
BEST PERSONALITY. Hm... someone who’s clever, always open to learning, not afraid to challenge the status-quo, and willing to speak their mind. Fun loving is a huge bonus, too.   BEST EYE COLOR. Matters not.  BEST HAIR COLOR. Matters not. BEST THING TO DO WITH A PARTNER. Intelligent bantering, be it over a topic of discussion or just for the fun of it. I enjoy the mental challenge. 
I LOVE. ...to perform on stage - be it music or drama.  I FEEL. ...more than I’d like to admit to myself.  I HIDE. ...fairly much everything.  I MISS. ...my home and my people.  I WISH. ...the world could better understand what all made up Allag and not be so quick to dismiss the entirety to evil. I doubt this will ever happen, however.
Tagged by: @cielcrd (Thank you Lord Commander!)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this -- it requires a bit of time and thought. So have at it if you have the desire. 
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badlydrawnstuff · 7 years
this is old feat loki having been dead p1
Actual Toaster: Robin: *he kicks the door open. Jesus* Hail, Izanagi! How are you this fine day? MeowMix: Izanagi: *he looks up from his book*Hello, Robin-san. I'm doing just fine. Yourself? Actual Toaster: Robin: I'm doing quite alright, thanks for asking! Just left something behind. MeowMix: Izanagi: You'd better find it, before someone else does. Actual Toaster: Robin: Oh I will. Was there someone in particular you were thinking would take it? MeowMix: Izanagi: Cats. Any of the thieves. Someone who sees it, picks it up, and decides its theirs. Actual Toaster: Robin: If you mean the Phantom Thieves, you forget I'm part of them! MeowMix: Izanagi: Would they be the only thieves around? Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, I suppose that's a fair point... Actual Toaster: Robin: ...Although I can't see why anyone would take a bow... MeowMix: Izanagi: Speaking of taking, have you heard from Loki as of late? He's taking a while to return. Actual Toaster: Robin: *he gives Izanagi a strange look* Has Lupin not told you already? MeowMix: Izanagi: I.. Haven't seen him around, either.. Actual Toaster: Robin: Akechi is dead. Headshot. Loki was his active Persona. MeowMix: Izanagi: ... ... What? Actual Toaster: Robin: Goro Akechi is dead. He died in the Palace a few days ago- he was shot. MeowMix: Izanagi: And Loki..? Actual Toaster: Robin: Loki was his active Persona at the time. There's a very high likelyhood he's dead, too, since his life was directly tied to Akechi's. MeowMix: Izanagi: .... ..... And where, exactly, is his body? Actual Toaster: Robin: His body is probably gone by now... Akechi was reported missing and his apartment was searched for clues. Actual Toaster: Robin: So if Loki's body was there, it's probably been taken by the police to the morgue as a John Doe. MeowMix: Izanagi: Great. Excellent. I can't wait to break into a morgue to shove revival beads down a corpse's throat. So exciting. *the sass. it is real* Actual Toaster: Robin: ...I... can take you to the apartment if you want to look around for yourself.. I doubt they would have found his room. MeowMix: *In the distance, Thanatos screaming. skreee. What is he screaming at this time? This cat, apparently.* Actual Toaster: *gabriel can be heard cursing out this same cat. This is. truly beautiful.* MeowMix: Thanatos: *he's lost the ability to words. Only screaming now.* Actual Toaster: Gabriel: *I mean, she's not really coherent either, it's mostly cursing here, in various languages. Its actually impressive considering she basically never swears otherwise. all because of cat. But suddenly, a sentence!* Get back here, you little...! MeowMix: *and Sissel, trying to evade both of these hellions, skids and dashes into the next room, and right up the first person he sees. I hope you don't mind claws, Robin* Actual Toaster: Robin: Ow, ow, ow! MeowMix: Sissel: *Robin's head is his perch, now, and he's got something in his mouth* Actual Toaster: Robin: *he reaches up and grabs Sissel, and pulls him off his head* That hurt, you know, you fiend! MeowMix: Sissel: mrow! Actual Toaster: Gabriel: *and she she busts in, with a look like a wild animal on her face* H-hand over that cat at once! Actual Toaster: Robin: *what the hell is goING ON* What do you want with a cat..?? MeowMix: *Thanny nearly crashes into Gabby, but manages to stop himself* MeowMix: Thanatos: Not the cat..! What it has in it's mouth..! Actual Toaster: Robin: ??? What are you after that for?? Leave the poor thing alone. Actual Toaster: Gabriel: It's a matter of my job! Give me the cat, please, so I can take what's rightfully mine! MeowMix: Thanatos: It isn't yours! Actual Toaster: Gabriel: It is, too! Actual Toaster: Robin: ... *he looks to Izanagi* You like cats, right? MeowMix: Izanagi: Hand him over. Actual Toaster: Robin: *so he does* MeowMix: Izanagi: Hello, Sissel. *he looks at Gabby and Thanny* Neither of you are getting him. Shoo. Begone with you. Actual Toaster: Gabriel: But- Actual Toaster: Robin: You heard him, shoo, shoo. *he waves his hands at gabby and thanny, like hes chasing away a child* MeowMix: Thanatos: *he makes a groaning noise, and turns to leave* Actual Toaster: Gabriel: *she also leaves, though she seems. Irritated.* MeowMix: Izanagi: *he looks down at Sissel. What IS that in his mouth..?* MeowMix: *Sissel mews, and time stops. Someone else appears to be in the World of the Dead!* Actual Toaster: soul: {.......} MeowMix: Sissel: *he assumes Yomiel's form, as per default* Eh? Still not talking? Actual Toaster: soul: {...... I didn't think there was much to comment on...} MeowMix: Sissel: {You can speak, alright! That's great. Do you know who you are? Or why you are here?} Actual Toaster: soul: {Who I am...? I'm...} *they pause for a minute, thinking it over* {Loki. But I don't think I can answer your other question right now, things are still a bit foggy.} *Loki takes his proper form!* MeowMix: Sissel: {Hello, Loki. There's no other way to tell you- You've died.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Oh- that would make sense. But this isn't Niflheim- where is this?} MeowMix: Sissel: {The World of the Dead. Psychopomps were trying to steal you away.. I don't know what they'd do with you.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {I wouldn't really know, either, especially if neither of them comes from my home.} MeowMix: Sissel: {I doubt they do.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {But, well, er- now what? I suppose, as I am dead, I can't really stick around...} MeowMix: Sissel: {You won't be for much longer, if you know where your body is.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {It's in the apartment I shared with Robin and Goro... But I'm not sure you can ask Robin, and you definitely can't ask Goro...} MeowMix: Sissel: {Well, I'm going to anyway.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {I'm not sure Robin is alive either, and Goro is dead.} MeowMix: Sissel: *he exits the WotD, and looks at Robin, before letting Loki's soul go. it can float there* {You mean this Robin?} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Yes, that's him. I would have thought he would have died, too.} MeowMix: Sissel: {Well, here goes nothing. And something.} Loki says that he thought you'd have died, too. Care to explain? Actual Toaster: Robin: *AAA WHAT THE FUCK THE CAT IS TALKING* MeowMix: Izanagi: Oh, is this Loki? *he puts a hand under the soul, which is Loki* Actual Toaster: Loki: {Rrright, I forgot to mention Robin has absolutely no ability to react calmly to anything supernatural...} MeowMix: Sissel: {Eh? Not at all? That'll be interesting.} Actual Toaster: Robin: And how is that Loki?! (It looks nothing like him...!) MeowMix: Sissel: It's his soul. He's definitely dead- No doubt about it. *he drops his voice an octave, to match his voice in the WotD* We've got a mystery to solve, fellas. Where's this stiff's body at? Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, I knew that much already... MeowMix: Sissel: Y'wanna answer me, pal? Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, like I said earlier, it's either in the apartment or the morgue. MeowMix: Sissel: I wasn't here, pally-o. Actual Toaster: Robin: It's Robin. Robin Hood. Actual Toaster: Loki: {If he won't show you to the apartment, try telling him it's for justice, or something like that.} MeowMix: Sissel: *he puts his voice back where it belongs* Sissel. {Gotcha.} Actual Toaster: Robin: A pleasure. MeowMix: Sissel: Could you show us this apartment? Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, I don't know how you plan on getting in. MeowMix: Sissel: With justice and ghost tricks! MeowMix: Sissel: {Like this?} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Well, he looks interested, so that's a start.} Actual Toaster: Robin: That only gets you so far against security systems, you know.. MeowMix: Sissel: Can those detect ghosts? ... Hm, I don't know how to beat those yet.. Actual Toaster: Robin: You'd have to disable it. MeowMix: Izanagi: It'd probably be difficult to do that on site.. Actual Toaster: Robin: I'm not very computer or tech-savvy, so I can't help there. *he takes his bow off the table* MeowMix: Sissel: I know someone who can! But, I doubt he wants to come. Actual Toaster: Robin: I could carry him. MeowMix: Sissel: That won't work if he's insistent enough! Actual Toaster: Robin: It should be a decent challenge?... MeowMix: Sissel: I'd like to watch that attempt! Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, unless you can think of away to get through that security system, I don't think you'll be getting to his body. MeowMix: *Izanagi has already whipped out his phone. What a great device* Actual Toaster: Robin: ? MeowMix: Izanagi: I can figure out who we're talking about. I've already sent a- Oh, that was a fast response. Of just the word "no." Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, then you're out of luck. Actual Toaster: Loki: {Ask him where he put his key.} MeowMix: Sissel: Where'd you put your key? Actual Toaster: Robin: My key? Hmm. *he looks like he's thinking* ...Probably on the counter! MeowMix: Sissel: Inside the building? Actual Toaster: Robin: Yup. Actual Toaster: Loki: {...He continues to surprise me, and not in a good way.} MeowMix: Yomiel: I've already lost I.Q., and I just got here. Actual Toaster: Robin: I feel like I should be offended by that. MeowMix: Yomiel: You should be. From one to ten, just how illegal is this? Actual Toaster: Robin: Uhh.. Well, it's breaking into an apartment, so... MeowMix: Yomiel: Eh. I won't be caught if I do, so, fine. I'm in. MeowMix: Sissel: Important question! Is there a payphone or something near the building that can be called? Actual Toaster: Robin: Oh, yes. There is. Actual Toaster: Robin: Why..? MeowMix: Sissel: I needed to know for my tricky reasons. You guys are going to have to go on ahead of us! Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, okay, that's fine. MeowMix: Yomiel: *he snags a piece of paperand a pen off the table, and scribbles down a number* Call this number when you're there. Hang up on the fourth ring. We'll be there a moment or so after. Actual Toaster: Robin: ...O...kay... I'll do that. MeowMix: Sissel: Thank you! Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, uh, let's go, Izanagi? MeowMix: Izanagi: Right. Actual Toaster: *so nagi and robin Go* MeowMix: Izanagi: *he does not say 'are we there yet'* Actual Toaster: Robin: *when they Arrive, he stops at the payphone and, well, follows yomiel's directions. Hes never been more confused.* MeowMix: *About a minute later, the WotD is opened, and everyone is pulled in! yaaay.* MeowMix: Sissel: {We're here!!} Actual Toaster: Robin: *his immediate reaction is to scream. me too.* Actual Toaster: Loki: {Told you.} MeowMix: Sissel: {You did!} *he drops yomiel's appearance, to make things less confusing* {Should we get going?} Actual Toaster: Robin: *hes still SO CONFUSED but hes not screaming at least* {I- I guess...??} MeowMix: Sissel: {Do you want me to explain all of this on the way there?} Actual Toaster: Robin: {Go right ahead... actually, I'd appreciate it...} MeowMix: *so, on the walk there, sissel explains what the hot shit is going on* Actual Toaster: Robin: So what's the plan for getting in?... MeowMix: Yomiel: {We'll open it up from inside. Wait here.} Actual Toaster: Robin: *He's still extremely confused.* MeowMix: Sissel: In short, ghosts! Actual Toaster: Robin: Wait a second. I know Loki is currently a ghost, but he is too?? MeowMix: Sissel: No, but yes. Which is why we can't take all day. All night? Actual Toaster: Robin: what? MeowMix: Sissel: After! *he goes around the corner, looking for a good way in* Actual Toaster: Robin: Uh, okay.. MeowMix: Izanagi: ... I feel like I'm going to have to play explanation bingo. Actual Toaster: Robin: Yeah, probably. MeowMix: *Meanwhile, Sissel has gotten inside! And realized he has no idea where he is going.* Actual Toaster: Loki: {...Do you need help?} MeowMix: Sissel: {I'm lost.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Third floor, 318b.} MeowMix: Sissel: {Okay, thanks} *and he looks at the stairs. looks at the door to the stairs. Reaches up and calls the elevator* Actual Toaster: Loki: {Yeah, wasn't sure how you were gonna manage that.} MeowMix: Sissel: {I love modern technology.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Don't we all?} MeowMix: Sissel: {No idea.} Actual Toaster: *nothing exciting happens. its an elevator* MeowMix: *it doesn't break. someone gets to see a cat leave an elevator. ok* Actual Toaster: *this is Fine* MeowMix: *yes* MeowMix: *and so, sissel goes to 318b* Actual Toaster: *the door is closed.* MeowMix: *Sissel stares up at it* Actual Toaster: Loki: {Any plans?} MeowMix: Sissel: {I have no idea how to open this.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {It's an electronic security system.} MeowMix: Sissel: {Yomiel, help.} MeowMix: *the door unlocks and swings open about twenty seconds later* Actual Toaster: Loki: {That was fast.} MeowMix: Yomiel: {I was already here.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Were you? You work quickly, then.} MeowMix: Yomiel: {I've learned to.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {That's fair. Should we wait?} MeowMix: Yomiel: {Sure. I'm going to make sure the security is actually down.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Fair.} MeowMix: Izanagi: *he's here now, with Robin in tow* Actual Toaster: Robin: Oh, you got the door open? MeowMix: Yomiel: {Yes.} Actual Toaster: Robin: *and he enters, like he owns the place. ... wait.* MeowMix: *Sissel turns and walks away. Distant key noise. Key jingling noises. Sissel returns, doing that little strut, with Robin's keys in his mouth.* Actual Toaster: Robin: Hey, those are mine... MeowMix: Sissel: {Exactly!} Actual Toaster: Robin: *He leans down to get his keys* MeowMix: *sissel gives them to robin* Actual Toaster: Robin: Thanks. ..And you know you can come inside, right, Izanagi? MeowMix: Izanagi: ... Oh. Of course. Actual Toaster: Robin: Go ahead and look for his body, since you wanted to. MeowMix: Izanagi: *he looks a bit nervous for a moment, before nodding and walking away* Actual Toaster: *pretty basic apartment. Nothin of note, really--oh that's a bucket of ice water. sorry izanagi* Actual Toaster: Loki: {Whoops.} MeowMix: Izanagi: *he looks less than impressed* Actual Toaster: Robin: What was that? MeowMix: Izanagi: a bucket of water. Actual Toaster: Robin: A bucket of water?? MeowMix: Izanagi: On a door. Actual Toaster: Robin: Oh. Loki probably set that up before he, um. Died. Actual Toaster: Loki: {Stop talking about me like I'm not here.} MeowMix: Izanagi: I'd figured things like this had been taken down by now.. Actual Toaster: Robin: Evidently there were a few that were missed. MeowMix: Izanagi: I see this. Actual Toaster: Robin: You can keep looking, if you want. MeowMix: Izanagi: I intend to. Actual Toaster: Robin: Don't break anything. MeowMix: Izanagi: I won't- At least, not intentionally. Actual Toaster: Robin: Sounds good. I'll help in a minute. MeowMix: *izanagi walks away, again* Actual Toaster: *robin joins him soonish* Actual Toaster: Robin: Find anything? MeowMix: Izanagi: Just this tazer attached to a doorknob. Actual Toaster: Robin: ..I'm going to kick Loki. MeowMix: Izanagi: Not today you aren't. Actual Toaster: Robin: What do you mean not today? MeowMix: Izanagi: Let him recover first. Actual Toaster: Robin: He put a taser on a doorknob.. MeowMix: Izanagi: My point stands. Actual Toaster: Robin: I think this is an exception. MeowMix: Izanagi: We'll see what kind of condition he is in. Actual Toaster: Robin: I'm still kicking him, I'll just be more gentle if it's bad. Actual Toaster: Loki: {Your idea of gentle is very different from actual gentleness.} MeowMix: Izanagi: :< Actual Toaster: Robin: He put a taser on a door. Come on, that deserves a kick. *and he carefully inspects this set up. then removes the taser from the doorknob.* MeowMix: Izanagi: Later. Actual Toaster: Robin: Okay, fine. *he goes to open the door. and. gets electrocuted anyway* MeowMix: Izanagi: ... Ah. Actual Toaster: Robin: *WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO MEEE* MeowMix: Izanagi: *he pulls Robin away from the door, and goes to do it himself* Actual Toaster: *That is a battery.* MeowMix: Izanagi: .... Loki, why? Actual Toaster: Actual Toaster: Loki: {I didn't think the doorknob was metal.} MeowMix: Izanagi: I'm letting him kick you now. Actual Toaster: Loki: {Don't do that...} MeowMix: Izanagi: Are you trying to kill others, too? ... Is there anything else like this? Actual Toaster: Loki: {I'm not TRYING to... And I don't think so.} MeowMix: Yomiel: {Ha. Hahaha.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {What?} MeowMix: Yomiel: {Explain the seven rube goldbergs in this hallway alone.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {There's a reason I'm not allowed to be home alone.} MeowMix: Yomiel: {I see.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {I get bored. The results are not usually this bad, but.} MeowMix: Yomiel: {... Some of these are easy to disassemble.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Not that big a deal to me..} MeowMix: Yomiel: *he goes to disassemble some of them* Actual Toaster: *Loki does nothing to stop him, not that he can.* Actual Toaster: Robin: Do you want to go look at his room, Izanagi? MeowMix: Izanagi: Sure. Actual Toaster: Robin: Okay, it's this way. MeowMix: *so they head down the hall* Actual Toaster: Robin: *he points to the bookshelf* Actual Toaster: Robin: *so he goes and. opens it* MeowMix: *hello, thy name is knife* Actual Toaster: Robin: you son of a bitch MeowMix: *and it just so happens to be at eye level. shwing* Actual Toaster: Robin: *he leans back* MeowMix: *and it narrowly misses his face* Actual Toaster: Robin: Can't you disarm your traps, Loki? Jeez. MeowMix: Sissel: That could have killed you. Actual Toaster: Robin: I'm aware. MeowMix: Sissel: And then it'd be a mess. Actual Toaster: Robin: Like I said, I'm aware. Let's just get this over with. MeowMix: *does robin go in?* Actual Toaster: *yes he does* MeowMix: *and then, boxing glove. right to the gut* Actual Toaster: Robin: *he drops onto the floor and curls into the fetal position* MeowMix: Yomiel: {Direct hit. I didn't think that was going to be that harmful.} Actual Toaster: Loki: {Nor did I.} MeowMix: Izanagi: We need him, you know. Actual Toaster: Loki: {What for?} MeowMix: Izanagi: Not as deadweight. Actual Toaster: Loki: {He was anyway, wasn't he?} MeowMix: Izanagi: Be nice. Actual Toaster: Loki: {I'm not wrong, am I?} MeowMix: Izanagi: Stop. Actual Toaster: Loki: {What?} MeowMix: Izanagi: ... .... I don't want to go in there anymore. Actual Toaster: Loki: {Eh? Why not?} MeowMix: Izanagi: *he makes this face, somewhere between nervous and disgusted* Actual Toaster: Loki: {Ah.} Actual Toaster: Robin: *he grunts* Do you want me to go in first? MeowMix: Izanagi: Yes, please. Actual Toaster: Robin: Oh, fine. *and he gets up and goes. in. helloooo loki's body, on the floor.* Wow, you've looked better, Loki. Actual Toaster: Loki: {I resent that!} MeowMix: Izanagi: *he looks in* .....ah Actual Toaster: Loki: {Now hurry up and revive me.) Actual Toaster: Robin: I'll consider it. Actual Toaster: Loki: {You're playing a dangerous game, Robin.} MeowMix: Sissel: *he sniffs at Loki's body* Actual Toaster: *it's a dead body. i dont know what he expects.* Actual Toaster: Robin: Uh-huh. *but he samarecarms loki anyway* MeowMix: Sissel: *he places a paw on Loki's face* Actual Toaster: Loki: *he sounds. very hoarse.* ... You know, I don't actually think I can move. MeowMix: Yomiel: {... Do you need help?} Actual Toaster: Loki: If you think you can. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Apologies if I do something harmful.} *and he goes for Loki's core. Hostile Takeover, take 1* Actual Toaster: Loki: "Something harmful", eh? 'S a little vague. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Like this.} *and he goes to stand Loki up* Actual Toaster: Loki: Whoa. Okay, that was a little weird. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Only a little? Would you like to do an irish jig, too, while I'm at it?} Actual Toaster: Loki: Pass. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Good, because I don't know how to dance} Actual Toaster: Loki: That's a shame. Actual Toaster: Loki: ...Y'know, I don't think I can actually feel anything. MeowMix: Yomiel: {That's normal. Give it time.} Actual Toaster: Loki: Oh, is it? That's good. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Look on the bright side. You aren't dead.} Actual Toaster: Loki: I appreciate it, alright. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Good. Just don't take it for granted} Actual Toaster: Loki: Why would I take that for granted? MeowMix: Yomiel: {Most people do.} Actual Toaster: Loki: I've, uh, died before. Not in this.. specific sort of scenario, though. MeowMix: Yomiel: {As have I.} Actual Toaster: Loki: Ah. Noted. MeowMix: *Yomiel drags Loki to the bathroom, to wash his damn face* Actual Toaster: *loki doesnt fight it, since, I mean, I don't think he really can, and he wants to wash his face anyway* MeowMix: *AND IT IS DONE.* Actual Toaster: Robin: ..So what was that face about? MeowMix: Izanagi: I didn't want to see it.. Actual Toaster: Robin: See what? MeowMix: Izanagi: Now, what do you think? Actual Toaster: Robin: Is it because of who it is that was dead? MeowMix: Izanagi: No, but it helped Actual Toaster: Robin: Do you just not like dead things? MeowMix: Izanagi: ... Yes. Actual Toaster: Robin: That's fair. Can't make any judgements about that. Actual Toaster: Robin: I think most people aren't fans of dead things. MeowMix: Izanagi: M-hm.. Actual Toaster: Robin: Ah well. MeowMix: Sissel: we did it, we saved the world, and his life. Actual Toaster: Robin: I don't know about "the world", but sure. Actual Toaster: Robin: Loki and I probably owe everyone an explanation, though, eh... MeowMix: Sissel: About what?? Actual Toaster: Robin: The circumstances leading up to this. MeowMix: Sissel: If you want to! Actual Toaster: Robin: Loki and I are- well, were, now- connected to a kid named Goro Akechi. As in, our lives are linked to his. We're both manifestations of him, if that makes sense. So when Goro got shot, it killed Loki, too. ... I'm not sure how I survived, but I'm not complaining! MeowMix: Sissel: ... Well, I guess there's no changing that. Actual Toaster: Robin: As for what happened with Goro that resulted in him getting shot, well, you might be better off asking Loki. I don't think I can quite put it into words. MeowMix: Sissel: But not now. Actual Toaster: Robin: That's fair! MeowMix: Sissel: :3 Actual Toaster: *ok so since this crew aint doing anything exciting lets see what loki and yoms are up to* Actual Toaster: Loki: Can I have control back? This is kind of inconvenient. MeowMix: Yomiel: {I don't know, can you? Will you be able to function?} Actual Toaster: Loki: Uh, probably? MeowMix: Yomiel: {We'll see.} *yomiel exits stage left* Actual Toaster: *yeah, no, sorry, loki. have fun falling you idiot* MeowMix: Yomiel: {Bye} Actual Toaster: Loki: ... Ah. MeowMix: Yomiel: {So the answer is no.} Actual Toaster: Loki: I suppose so. MeowMix: *so Yomiel zips back in, and stands him back up* Actual Toaster: Loki: I suppose you're going to be here for a while. MeowMix: Yomiel: {I'd rather not.} Actual Toaster: Loki: that's understandable. You are in a stranger's home. MeowMix: Yomiel: {And I'd rather not have extended control.} Actual Toaster: Loki: That's fair. Actual Toaster: Robin: So, how long were you planning to stay anyway? MeowMix: Yomiel: {The minimal amount.} Actual Toaster: Robin: Okay, fine, how long until this one *he gestures to loki* can function? MeowMix: Yomiel: {Fully? .... I've got no idea.} Actual Toaster: Robin: Minimally. MeowMix: Yomiel: {A few days?} Actual Toaster: Robin: Well, that won't work, now will it Actual Toaster: Robin: What do you propose? MeowMix: Sissel: I propose he goes to a vet. Actual Toaster: Loki: I'm not an animal. MeowMix: Sissel: Person vet. Actual Toaster: Robin: Doctor. MeowMix: Sissel: yes, that Actual Toaster: Robin: Is that going to work?... MeowMix: Sissel: Doctors have some kind of magic, so they can fix everything. Or something. Actual Toaster: Robin: Uh, no... People still can die at the doctor's. MeowMix: Sissel: ​what Actual Toaster: Robin: Sometimes there are things they just can't fix. Actual Toaster: Loki: Cancer. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Please don't explain cancer to my cat.} Actual Toaster: Loki: Okay, okay, I won't. MeowMix: Sissel: And now I want to know. Actual Toaster: Loki: Don't worry about it! Actual Toaster: Robin: Would taking him to a doctor work, though?.. MeowMix: Izanagi: It'd probably be in our best interest to do so. Actual Toaster: Robin: Okay, then, I suppose we can do that. MeowMix: Raphael: *he lightly knocks on the window, and gives Izanagi and thumbs up.* MeowMix: Izanagi: ... I was hoping he'd use the door. Actual Toaster: Robin: oh. MeowMix: Izanagi: Phones are wonderful technology, used to contact others. *he opens the window for Raph, pulls him in, and closes the window. You know it's cold outside when it's cold outside* Actual Toaster: Loki: Oh, it's you. MeowMix: Raphael: Hi, Loki. Actual Toaster: Loki: Hi, Raphael. MeowMix: Yomiel: {Abandoning ship in 3.} Actual Toaster: Loki: Alright. MeowMix: *Yomiel sits Loki down, and gets outta there* MeowMix: Raphael: ...? Actual Toaster: *and loki immediately basically... the best way I can think of to describe it is he just. sags down. like a doll, I guess? idk* MeowMix: Raphael: ??? Actual Toaster: Loki: Hi, I've been dead for about 3 days. MeowMix: Raphael: Ah. *he looks at Izanagi* I'm glad you messaged me. The longer one is dead before being revived, the longer recovery can take- And their body might simply give up and die again. *he looks back to Loki, sitting down on a nearby chair* How long ago were you revived? Actual Toaster: Loki: An. hour? Maybe? Ish. MeowMix: Raphael: You're speaking, so your respiratory system is fine.. How's your motor control? Actual Toaster: Loki: my what MeowMix: Raphael: Controlling your own muscles. Can you stand at all? Actual Toaster: Loki: Ah, no, I cannot. MeowMix: (at least i think thats what it means. i know what fine motor is tho) MeowMix: Raphael: So fine motor control is right out.. How do you feel overall? Actual Toaster: Loki: Not much of anything. Actual Toaster: Loki: Physically, anyway MeowMix: Raphael: And mentally? Actual Toaster: Loki: eh. could be better. MeowMix: Raphael: I need a bit more than that, please. Actual Toaster: Loki: Okay.. What, specifically, about my mental state? MeowMix: Raphael: Well, you stated it could be better. What is making it worse? Actual Toaster: Loki: Persistent feeling of emptiness MeowMix: Raphael: M-hm.. I can understand that, given the information I'd been given. Actual Toaster: Loki: I think that's the only thing, really.. MeowMix: Raphael: ... All right. Actual Toaster: Loki: ..? MeowMix: Raphael: I'll ask for more details later. Actual Toaster: Loki: Sounds good. MeowMix: Raphael: *he looks to the others* Might I ask for you all to leave the room? I'd like to be able to speak privately with him. Actual Toaster: Robin: Uh, we can go into the hall, if that works? MeowMix: Raphael: That's fine. Actual Toaster: Robin: Alright. *so he exits, stage left. Presumably erryone else goes with him* Actual Toaster: Loki: ... So? MeowMix: Raphael: .... I may not have had the same experiences as you, but I can understand what this is like for you. Remember- You might feel empty, but you're certainly not alone. Actual Toaster: Loki: ...*he averts his eyes* I'll keep that in mind. MeowMix: Raphael: Great. Actual Toaster: Loki: I've been trying not to think about it, and I was doing good, too! And then you go and make me think about it. You meddling medic with no dog... *he laughs* MeowMix: Raphael: *he smiles a little* I do apologize, and I'll drop the subject. Here, hold on. *he goes into his bag, and pulls out one of those little containers of ice cream you can buy for like five bucks.* Actual Toaster: Loki: I won't be able to eat that right now. Not until I can actually move. MeowMix: Raphael: I'll save it for when you can. Actual Toaster: Loki: That's fine. We've got a freezer if you wanna put it away now. MeowMix: Raphael: Sure. *he goes and pops into the hall, and disappears for about a minute. He's then back, and shuts the door again. he moves his chair a bit closer to Loki, and sits down* I see that frown. What's going through your mind now? Actual Toaster: Loki: ...Nothing good. MeowMix: Raphael: Share. Actual Toaster: Loki: Am I required to..? MeowMix: Raphael: ... Actually, no. *he gets up again, and moves his chair to riiight next to Loki's* Actual Toaster: Loki: *he looks away from raph and to the door* MeowMix: Raphael: They aren't eavesdropping, if that's what you're wondering. Actual Toaster: Loki: I don't think so. MeowMix: Raphael: *he holds his hands up* You've got my word- I won't share anything you tell me. Actual Toaster: Loki: I.. don't know where to start.. MeowMix: Raphael: Wherever you want. Actual Toaster: Loki: I... Actual Toaster: Loki: *he swallows* I'm.. I wasn't enough. MeowMix: Raphael: You did what you could. Sometimes, the whole world could do their best and it wouldn't be enough. What matters is that you tried. Actual Toaster: Loki: It.. it was my job to look after him, and I failed that. I should be dead, too... and I'm not. Actual Toaster: Loki: I don't even know if he knew that I did care about him, or if he died thinking I didn't like him...! *his voice breaks and he shakily inhales* MeowMix: Raphael: Survivor's guilt. *he shakes his head* I'd think, with the connection you shared, that he'd known. It'd only make sense. Actual Toaster: Loki: *he chokes on a sob and sniffs* I should have... done more for him, expressed properly that I cared, anything... but I didn't, and it's too late now..! And now I'm left with nothing...! Actual Toaster: Loki: It hurts to be here.. to think he'll walk around the corner and it'll be okay... but knowing he won't, I... I can't... I.. MeowMix: Raphael: *he slowly puts an arm around Loki's shoulders* There isn't ever "nothing". Come here. *and he lightly pulls Loki into a hug* Actual Toaster: Loki: *boy does he try not to cry and boy does he fail* MeowMix: *and that's fine.* Actual Toaster: Loki: I don't.. have anywhere to go... I don't... know what to do.. why..why does it have to hurt so much...? I.. *and he chokes on a sob* Actual Toaster: Loki: I.. I tried not to get attached... And I tried to d-do my job, but it wasn't enough and it won't ever be enough..! I shouldn't.. I don't deserve to be here... it's not fair.. MeowMix: Raphael: Untrue. You did what you could. Actual Toaster: Loki: *he looks to the wall, instead of raph* I.. I can't agree with that. MeowMix: Raphael: *he shakes his head* It is going to take time.. But this kind of talk will only make you worse-off. You were attached, correct? ... Instead of hating yourself, why not properly mourn for him? Actual Toaster: Loki: ...... I suppose.. but I.. don't have his body.. MeowMix: Raphael: We don't need to. Actual Toaster: Loki: ..? MeowMix: Raphael: Before I say, how would you mourn him if you could choose? Actual Toaster: Loki: I... I don't know.. MeowMix: Raphael: Ah, well. There's time. Actual Toaster: Loki: I suppose.. Actual Toaster: Loki: ..Can you... do me a favor, maybe? MeowMix: Raphael: Yes? Actual Toaster: Loki: In my coat pocket, the one on the left, that is, is my phone... text Apollo and tell him I'm OK, please. MeowMix: Raphael: Ah, yes. I will. *he grabs Loki's phone* MeowMix: Raphael: [to Apollo] Loki is alive. He asked me to message you for him- So I am! ^^ ~Raphael MeowMix: Apollo: [to Raphael]: TELL HIM THSATY I THOUGH HE WAS DEAD!1 I WANMA COMEW OVER THEERE! AND TYYY FOR TELLINFG ME! MeowMix: Raphael: He's very pleased to know you're alive. Actual Toaster: Loki: I can't say I'm surprised... Actual Toaster: Loki: Thanks for texting him for me, though. MeowMix: Raphael: Of course ^^ Actual Toaster: Loki: I'll.. try to sort out things with myself.. later. Not right now, though. MeowMix: Raphael: Of course not. Resting is important, too! Actual Toaster: Loki: I don't think I'll be able to sleep, but it's really all I can do at this point... MeowMix: Raphael: Do your best. Actual Toaster: Loki: *He sighs* I'll try. Actual Toaster: Loki: ...you'll have to carry me to my bed, though. MeowMix: Raphael: That's fine! *he carrrrefully lifts Loki, and brings him to his bed* Actual Toaster: Loki: Thanks. ... If you want to stick around, you can either sleep on the couch or in Goro's room. MeowMix: Raphael: The first's already taken, and I'd rather not the second. It's fine! Actual Toaster: Loki: Alright, then. Have a good night. MeowMix: *and raph finally exits stage left* Actual Toaster: *during the night (when loki regains his ability to move), loki winds up going out of his room in favor of lying as close to izanagi as he possibly can without making contact, since, he doesnt wanna wake nagi up or anything. no-contact rule probably gets broken by loki later but HEY ITS MORNING NOW SO* MeowMix: Izanagi: *good morning world what the fuck is next to me* Actual Toaster: *its loki, curled into a small ball* MeowMix: Izanagi: ... Ah. Actual Toaster: Robin: No idea when he showed up, but there he is. MeowMix: Izanagi: I see. Actual Toaster: Robin: at least he hasn't gone and wrapped himself around you like a weird python.. MeowMix: Izanagi: I suppose.. Actual Toaster: Robin: Do you want anything to eat?.. MeowMix: Izanagi: Please. Actual Toaster: Robin: Anything in particular? We have cereal, oatmeal, toast.. MeowMix: Izanagi: No real preference. Actual Toaster: Robin: Toast, then. *and he exits, goin to make nagi his toast.* MeowMix: Izanagi: *he sits up and stretches* Actual Toaster: Loki: *he slowly uncurls and yawns* ...Wh' time's it? MeowMix: Izanagi: I've got no idea. Actual Toaster: Loki: Ah...is the sun out..? *he drapes an arm over his eyes* MeowMix: Izanagi: Yes. Actual Toaster: Loki: Mgh. I don't wanna get up. MeowMix: Izanagi: Then don't. Actual Toaster: Loki: I can't sleep all day, though.. MeowMix: Izanagi: I'd rather you didn't. Actual Toaster: Loki: I wasn't planning on it. MeowMix: Izanagi: Then you're getting up.
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bowman62abel-blog · 7 years
Drinking Water To Raise Your Health.
Is it possible to improve your health by simply drinking more water? What are the health benefits of drinking water ? To many people, this may seem a simplistic answer to a complex question: How can doing something so simple produce such noticable & quick results? Surely there must be some deep scientific & comlex way to improving health. The body, after all, is a very complex organism and scientists and health professionals have, over the centuries, espoused numerous ways of improving health, from specially fomulated foods & diets to drugs designed to fight obesity and reduce fat etc. What seems to have been largely ignored, until recent times, is that by merely increasing our water intake, a noticeable improvement can be made to people's mental & physical well-being. A simple experiment at a school in the north of England has shown improved behaviour of its pupils by encouraging them to drink water instead of carbonated drinks full of sugar. They installed water fountains dispensing free chilled drinking water in the canteens and staffroom of the 700 pupil school. Below is an extract from the findings: " Remarkable Results from drinking Water Trial" In less than 2 weeks from installation the atmosphere changed Pupils were calmer in the corridors, and there was less "up the wall behaviour" at the end of the day. Concentration and the ability to learn improved Drinking water regularly keeps the brain active Drinking water re-hydrates the brain rather than dehydrating it like carbonated soft drinks & caffeine (tea/coffee) There was resistance at first, but now they happily drink water everyday and derive huge benefits. Dehydration. This word often conjours up an image of someone crawling in the desert, hovering vultures, with a shimmering mirage of an oasis on the distant horizon; but in reality, most of us are "dehydrated" to some degree. You don't have to live in desert conditions to feel the effects of dehydration. Medical opinion differs on what percentage of water loss constitutes dehydration but research has shown that the body loses water from different parts at different rates e.g. the body cells (the basic building block of the body and its powerhouse, the Mytochondrion) lose around 66% water, 26% from extracellular fluid and only 8% from blood tissue (see 1) below). As the internal cell structure loses the most water, this consequently has the most drastic effect on our health, causing reduced imunity to disease, lethargy, constipation, increased blood pressure as the body's drought management programs try to force more water into the cells. Other symptoms are increased likelyhood of kidney & urinary tract infections. The brain too, being 85% water, cannot tolerate even a 5% level of dehydration without impaired function. It is better to let the body get rid of a slight excess of water than to suffer the effects of a shortfall and have it ration and allocate water to vital organs of the body to the detriment of non-vital functions. Childrens' Health. Children are more suceptible to dehydration, having a lower body mass than adults and as they generally tend to exercise more in the school playgrounds etc. than adults, consequently, they lose more water. Enlightened teachers are increasingly concerned about the proliferation of soft drink vending machines in schools and are starting to have them replaced by water dispensers. Dr. Trevor Brocklebank of Leeds University medical school states that children who drank little or no water at school are likely to have kidney or urinary tract infections. He said, "I found that 50% of school children drank no water at school. It's desperately important that they start drinking more water." Schools that are aware of this problem now tend to encourage pupils to take a bottle of water into classes and to drink as often as they like. The BBC has information concerning the positive effects of encouraging children to drink more water, around 1.75 lt per day for a 10 year old. One study reported by the Mail (May 10th 2005) sites a week-long study involving 45 children, aged 11-14, who were split into two groups. Half drank only filtered water, while the other half drank their usual soft or caffeinated drinks. After a week, the water drinkers reported better than normal concentration levels, from 9% before the experiment to 82% at the end, a ninefold increase. They also reported feeling more energetic, alert and exhibited calmer behaviour. Of the other half, who drank their usual fizzy drinks, or nothing, half said they felt less alert than at the start of the study and only 5% said they felt alert at the end of the day. How much teaching time is wasted in our schools due to unresponsive or unattentive pupils? General Health. Not so long ago it was thought, and taught at medical schools, that water was merely a carrier of nutrients, and had no metabolic role in bodily functions. This has now been proved not to be the case. For those interested in further research I can recommend the excellent work done by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj (Batmanghelidj F. M.D. Your Body's Many Cries for Water; Global Health Solutions, Inc) See 1) at the bottom of the page. Bad breath is a classic sign that you need to boost your water intake. Saliva helps cleanse the teeth of bacteria and keeps the tongue hydrated. Lack of water dries the mouth, leads to furry tongue and prevents bacteria from being washed away, all of which can cause halitosis. When you have had a little too much alcohol the night before, you will have noticed a furry tongue the next day - a classic sign of dehydration. Alas, Hair-of-the-Dog will only delay the final reckoning! Alcohol depletes or prevents efficient absorbtion of just about every vitamin & mineral too so, if you must drink, it is highly recommended that you take a good quality organic vitamin & mineral supplement afterwards, along with plenty of filtered water. Be a Filter - or Buy a Filter! Our tap water is safe to drink....well, up to a point. The Daily Telegraph reported in Aug. 2004 that the Environment Agency had found Prozac in drinking water. At least it would have a soothing effect on us while we read our high water bills! Who likes the taste of chlorine with their tea or coffee? Have you also ever noticed a "TCP" taste with your cup of tea/coffee? This is probably due to the close proximity of a washing machine connected close to the kitchen sink and Phenol from the rubber hose being "sucked" back while the cold water tap is filling your kettle! In East Anglia, where I live, my cat would not drink tap water until I fitted an activated compressed carbon block filter unit, with UV light, to the cold tap. Animals seem to be more discerning than us humans! Chlorine depletes a very important anti-oxidant vitamin E from the body, increasing the risk of cell damage by free radicals. Chlorine also reacts with organic matter in water to produce Trihalomethanes, such a chloroform, which is a cancer causing chemical (see 5) below). The Environment Agency provide a water quality testing service that can check for organic/non-organic contaminents, minerals & metals and anything else that might find its way into our water; maybe the fact that they have these testing procedures shows just what can be found in our tap water! The Canadian Government has some interesting findings about the toxic effects of chlorine - see ref 6) Then there is the long running controversy concerning the benefits, or otherwise, of adding fluoride to our water. std test at home Some researchers say it does more harm than good. Further information concerning reports by Bassin, and Cohn and their findings of increased bone cancer in young boys (see references 2 & 3 below) can be found at the link below. CONCLUSIONS Most of the evidence on the body's requirements for water and how damaging just slight dehydration can be are pretty conclusive. If you are still not convinced that you need to drink about 2 lts of filtered water daily, then please examine all the evidence available on the Web; I have yet to see anyone extoling the virtues of drinking LESS water! You can replace a depleted filter but you can't replace yourself! References:- 1) Batmanghelidj F. M.D. Pain: A Need For Paradigm Change; Anticancer Research, Vol. 7, No. 5 B, PP. 971-990, Sept.- Oct. 1987; full article posted on www.watercure.com 2). Bassin EB. (2001). Association Between Fluoride in Drinking Water During Growth and Development and the Incidence of Ostosarcoma for Children and Adolescents. Doctoral Thesis, Harvard School of Dental Medicine 3). Cohn PD. (1992). A Brief Report On The Association Of Drinking Water Fluoridation And The Incidence of Osteosarcoma Among Young Males. New Jersey Department of Health Environ. Health Service: 1- 17. 4) http://www.health-report.co.uk/fluoriide_bone_cancer.htm 5) Drinking Water and Health, Vol. 2. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. 1980. 6) http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hecs-sesc/water/chlorinated_water.htm About The Author: http://www.trekking-hiking-outdoors.co.uk/article-8-dehydration.html
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