#your badass dragon would need a badass dragon name too
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
Amazing!! Ok so I’m not sure how this would work, but maybe for the Mira x reader she could be xaden’s older sister or something who was best friends with Mira when they were younger (and maybe they had mutual secret feelings)
Ofc then the whole traitor thing ruined that and Mira didn’t want to associate with her anymore (friends to enemies to lovers anyone?) - though the canon time line might have to be altered😅
And then say if mira spoiler was somehow actually aware of the rebel base and that her brother was alive and she was aiding the rebels bc she’s cool
And reader just so happens to be stationed at the house etc, and they haven’t seen each other in years but mira’s immediately like damn she just got even more beautiful (in her head bc why would a sorrengail expose weakness)
Anyway I picture them as a kind of opposites attract trope, where reader is badass but in a more femme fatale way, where she takes people down because they don’t expect a pretty girl with good hair and style to be a threat you know? Or even if she is a talented healer or something like that!
Anyway, feel free to ignore all of this, I’m just so excited that you’re writing for fourth wing!!! I can’t wait to see what you come up with☺️
*wipes dust off this request* I apologize for taking so long... needed more pain from Iron Flame apparently to get to this... I hope this will find the person who requested it. ✨🤍
Mira's head was spinning. Too much. It was all too much. Too many things to bring to life... quite literally. She flew fearing for her sister. Only to find a whole rebellion clan squirming right beneath her nose. Then there was her brother who she had wept for years. Who's death had ripped the last bit of Mira's caring heart out. Burnt it with all the things that had belonged to Brennan. She had morn all of it. Over and over again blaming herself for it.
Mira had hit her older brother when she first saw him. She felt his nose brake right beneath her knuckles but nothing had prepared her for what appeared right behind him. Mira had staggered back. Her face paling of last bits of color. She quickly reached for a necklace she never took off. Two iron rings interlinked together. The part of her she had kept hidden away from everyone's praying eyes. "YN", she barely breathed out. Because there was no way. You too have died. Your name was on the scroll. Right after the fight you both had. Right after the next that hunted Mira even now. "No", Mira shook her head. "I'm alright", Brennon said even with the blood dripping through his palm, his good hand squeezing your arm. "Yn", Mira staggered forward but you backed away quickly. An ache in her heart only grew as you spoke, "I'm still dead to you, lieutenant", your words were like poison. Seeping deep into Mira's skin.
That had been a couple of weeks ago. Ever since you had done a marvelous job at avoiding Mira. She only caught a glimpse of you in some of the meetings. Saw you mounting your dragon. Or up in the sky. You were lethal. So graceful one would not expect such power to be rooted in you. But... but that was what had always drawn Mira to you. While you two were little she thought that her job was to protect you. How wrong had she been? It was you who Mira should have listened to. You who she shouldn't have rushed to judge.
Mira's body collided with another person right as she turned the corner. She reached to steady the frame in front of her but the moment her fingers brushed over the skin... Mira blinked as you came into her full vision. Wind-swept hair, rosy cheeks, still in your flying leathers. "Watch where you're going, Sorrengail", you huffed, turned to outstep her but Mira quickly caught your hand, "Y/n, you can't run from me forever", there was a light plea in her tone. One that you knew didn't come easy.
"I have nothing to say to you", you yanked your hand out of her grip. "I do", Mira breathed, "There hasn't been a day that I haven't been thinking of you", she breathed and you couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh, "Oh, please...". You turned to face her, "You said it yourself back then in the courtyard. I don't belong in your world". Guilt rippled through Mira. She had been so naive back then. Eager to play by the books. Knowing only black-and-white truths. Rebellion mark had been a deal breaker then but now...
"Don't bother with it, Sorrengail", you hissed, "Don't call me that, you never called me that", Mira stepped closer to you, her eye's blazing. "That was before you gave up on us", you were inches away from her, nearly reaching for the dagger. "Do it", Mira urged you, "Stab me, slit my throat, jab it into my heart, because it will never come close to the pain I felt when I made the biggest mistake in my life". You took a sharp breath in, you didn't want to show your emotions, but you knew that she had caught that glimpse of emotions that shined in your eyes.
Mira reached for the necklace beneath her flying leathers, "I never took it off", she shook her head, "I never let go of you". You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to not break. To not let the years of anger chip away so easily. But this was Mira. Your Mira. The girl you had fallen in love with slowly even if you two were painfully aware that you might never have a chance to truly be together. Your chest heaved as you two stood there staring at each other. Your hand moved towards your neck, tugging away the same two interlinked loops. A soft cry slipped through Mira's lips as his eyes landed on the familiar metal. One that she had made for you.
But the moment of hope lasted only for a heartbeat as you backed away from her, shaking your head, "This changes nothing", you said quietly. "We can try. Let me prove it to you", Mira pleaded, trying to reach for you. "Prove yourself to my people first", you said bitterly, before turning away and rushing up the stairs.
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It's intro post time!
Hi! I'm KitCat!
~The end~
Okay okay maybe you need a little bit more.
As I already said, I'm KitCat, master procatsinator and moving catastrophe, nice to meet you. (Though, everybody calls me KitKat, Kit or Chocosy, which is perfectly fine as well as any other name you want to give me ;)
I'm a minor, so all the creeps please leave now. My motto in life is "live and let live", so if you're here to hurt somebody, please leave too. Thank you :).
The typical things (that I actually forgot when I first posted this): I'm a straight white European Christian girl (teenager) and therefore probably the person with the most boring background, according to Tumblr ;).
I have two "adopted daughters": 1. My Killercat and tuna-demanding master Pauline 2. ";)", the bracket face (she can adapt any form of bracket face if she wants to, but the winking one is her favourite)
Some random facts about me: - my favourite colour is something between purple and dark blue - I have no clue how to write the word color/colour - I'm a German and from Germany (obviously) - I have no clue about the 'typical German culture', since my family was in Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia for around three hundred years and only came back to Germany 30 years ago or so - I love brackets and bracket faces - I have no clue about aesthetics - I consider myself a writer - I have no clue how to continue my stories - I love cats (who would have guessed that) - I have no clue how to make an intro post - I have a stupid sense humour - I have no clue in general but I'm trying :)
You can consider me as: Your silly Tumblr neighborhood KitCat and founder of the hug-ducks ;).
Do I take Tumblr serious? No. I'm that one friend that will be hyperactive the one day and then just dissappear for the next three weeks without a word. But if you ever need me, my inbox is always open. Vent as much as you want to, I'll try to comfort you.
Random stuff: I often misunderstand stuff, so if I'm acting weird, there is a 1/3 chance that I misunderstood you, a 1/3 chance I wanted to make a silly joke and you misunderstood me, and a 1/3 chance that I'm just weird ;). I'm a "Very vibey" (@mushroomcarrotstick) person, btw. @hijabi-desi-bookworm told me once I was "literally one of the best and ~vibest~ people" she knows. Do with that whatever you want, but my name is KitCat Chaos Vibey Clueless Badass Silly for a reason. Oh and if ANYBODY tells you that I'm cute, they are liars. All lies. I'm a pure badass and never ever search after the leta vs. kitkat war. It's better to let the past behind us and move on.
Sooooo, what else can I write here? Hmmm.... AH! MY MOOTS! I FORGOT MY MOOTS!!!
How do I do this now... you know what? I'll just make a list of the moots and then put the link here.
What else? Fandoms, maybe? (current obsession right on the top) - Worm (Parahumans) - Renegades - Claim the Stars (still waiting for the second book) - pjo, hoo, toa - The Inheritance Games (currently reading the second book) - tpq - kotlc - Warrior Cats (don't make fun of me. These books are my childhood and I will read them until I die) - Shadow League (never read the fourth book as it wasn't translated)
Also I enjoy listening music by Imagine Dragons :).
Yeah well, that's it, I suppose. I have an ao3 account as well, but that's only Renegades fanfiction so far. If you want the link just ask or smth.
Since everybody does this, I'll drop an "aesthetic picture" that should give the same vibes as my blog:
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(source for the chaotic arson cat ;)
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teecupangel · 2 years
I need a dose Ezio Fix-It and Desmond Being Alive and Badass, so imagine: Desmond sends Ezio back in time to save his family and when Ezio comes to theres this head sized smooth stone next to him. It is as white as snow with red "veins" running thru it and it glows so golden in Eagle Vision it almost hurts to look at. Not sure what else to do with it he takes it with him to his family home. His father asks where he got such a precious stone and all Ezio can think to say to be able to keep it is: "I found it hidden in some abandoned building, my Sight led me to it". His father decides that as long as no one misses it, Ezio can keep it. Once that is over with, Ezio gathers proof of the conspiracy and foils Ulberto's immediate plans. But the Pazzi gets desperate and sets the palazzo on fire in an attempt to get rid of witnesses to keep the conspiracy hidden. Ezio grabs the stone from a shelf near the bed and helps his family escape, but the entrance gets blocked and he tries to find another way out. Except, the roof collapses on him. As the flames rise and the heat increases, all he can think of is that at least his family gets to live. Federico will make a great assassin and maybe he will become the mentor Ezio was in his previous life? That would make Ezio so proud. Claudia definetly became a great assassin once he let her. Hopefully Federico and Father will see more sense than he did.
All Ezio feels before he gives in to unconciousness is peace and gratitude towards Desmond, for this chance to save his family. Hopefully he'll see him on the other side, maybe even with his Leonardo? He misses the old Maestro. That would be nice.....
Ezio did not expect to wake up, but hes glad none the less. Hmm, his back hurts from the ceiling falling on him and hes laying on his stomach, but other than that nothing hurts. Looking at his arms hes apperantly naked and covered in sooth and ash, but theres not even a blister from the heat. The fire didnt hurt him? He then becomes aware of the feeling of something pressed next to his side. Looking he sees what he can only call a dragon. Its pure white with red accents on its spikes and talons. It actually looks alot like the stone? Wait, the stone was a dragon egg!? The dragon opens its eyes when he starts moving and it looks at him with such deep brown eyes that Ezio suddenly feels such unexplainable deep love and joy in his mind, along with a simple name whispered in his thoughts: "Ezio"
Basically: Assassin's Creed with Games of Thrones dragons and fire immunity, with the mind bond from the Inheritance cycle cause Desmond copes with cracking jokes and hes allowed to cope/make Ezio laugh whenever he feels sad.
Ezios family is so relieved to see him alive, but shocked when he just shows them a baby dragon. Like: "This is Desmond, he hatched from the pretty stone i found and now hes mine". They just kinda go with it, cause what are you supposed to do in this situation? Take the fiery murder reptile from your absolutely soot covered, barely (stolen)clothed child? Yeah, thats not gonna work.
When they go to Monteriggioni Desmond and Ezio end up sleeping in the Sanctuary once Desmond gets too big for the bedroom, cause thats the only place large enough for a dragon that is clearly going to get big. And Desmond kinda turns into his lair, cause a dragon gotta have a lair with treasure! It is a must! Too bad he cant kidnap maidens, but honestly Ezio gets around enough that Desmond guesses it evens out. Still gotta have a pile of gold to sleep on, definetly.
Here’s a Desmond gets turned into a dragon idea I’ve written before as well.
For this one, Desmond would definitely start the hoard in the Sanctuary and his most prized possession would be the Statue of Armor of Altaïr. He definitely melted the bars but he still won’t give them to Ezio until he gives Desmond the Assassin keys. Also, Maria would be handling the finances of Monteriggioni with Claudia’s help (while Claudia is slowly chipping away Giovanni’s resolve to not let Claudia be an Assassin using a combination of her own brand of Auditore stubbornness and strongarming her brothers to join her cause) and they decide to put their money and extremely valuable items in the Sanctuary after a few cases of Desmond finding ways to get them anyway even when he’s getting too big to do such thing. At the end, Desmond’s hoard is more like the Auditore’s private bank and he lets them take money from it since it’s more of a ‘family account’.
Leonardo also paints him in his hoard but Desmond looked half-majestic, half-lazy in his painting instead of fierce which Ezio comments are actually very accurate of the kind of dragon Desmond is.
Thankfully, Maria and Claudia are very good at what they do and Ezio and Federico are bringing in a lot of money because they do need a lot of livestock to feed to Desmond. Mario once joked that they could feed Desmond the body of their enemies and that scared Desmond so bad he tried eating only grass for a week.
Three days.
They soon realized that grass, fruits and vegetables don’t have the necessary nutrients a dragon needs to survive and Desmond’s white scales started falling off (making Desmond shout at Ezio telepathically with a “Am I going bald?! Is this the dragon version of getting bald?!”)
On the other hand, the best place to stay in the villa when it’s called is in the Sanctuary because Desmond runs hot. Not hot enough to burn but a pleasant heat that makes people sleepy.
And then they get the Apple of Eden and placed it in the Sanctuary for safekeeping and…
Desmond turns it into a batting toy like a cat with a yarn ball.
(In his defense, he was just trying to use it but it seemed getting turned into a dragon meant he was now unable to use POEs which sucks ‘cause he’d really like to know why he was a freaking dragon of all things)
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grishaverse-chaos · 7 months
Zoya for the ask game <3 (I'd love to hear your opinions on my favorite character)
omg tysm for the ask! (and to anon who also suggested zoya, sorry it took me so long to get round to it 😭)
why I like them: honestly she's just so fucking iconic, but I love how she's amazing and badass while not being one-dimensional! like she has flaws and she has trauma and insecurities and none of that takes away from her positive traits!!
why I don't: idk I feel like she has some ideas that I would disagree with - I haven't re-read the books in a while but I always got the vibe that she's pretty pro-military and particularly in favour of the second army. and like I get it! fun light-hearted fantasy books are not obligated to deconstruct entire social systems! but if I met her irl I think we'd argue about it lmao
favourite episode/scene: I love the scene in s2 where she agrees to ally with alina! I think it's really sweet and shows her character development
favourite season/movie: in terms of the books, I think she's best in the kos duology - as fun and iconic as she is in the s&b trilogy I think the backstory and development she gets in the later books really enhances her character
favourite line: oh this is so niche but “none of this had been fated; none of it foretold. there had been no prophecies of a demon king or a dragon queen, a one-eyed tailor, heartrender twins. they were just the people who had shown up and managed to survive. but maybe that was the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope had run out. for the survivors then, zoya whispered to herself as the people before her knelt and chanted her name. and for the lost.”
I love the theme of fate/destiny vs free will in the grishaverse and this is honestly one of my all-time favourite quotes - I'm actually considering having part of it as my yearbook quote!
favourite outfit: ooooh I love her outfit for the shu han heist in s2 (although obviously, honourable mention to the blue ribbon™ just for being iconic)
otp: see my answer is different for fanon and canon. in canon I adore zoyalina, in fanfic I love zoyalai!
brotp: zoya and genya are literally the BEST friendship duo ever (although I also low-key ship them romantically). zoya and nina are not necessarily a good friendship but I love analysing their dynamic so they get an honourable mention anyway. oh and her cousin lada, the girl liliyana adopts - we barely see them interact but I think they would have had such a cute dynamic!!
headcanon: she's a cat person. this is actually true and accurate bc I say so. she 100% owns cats post-canon
unpopular opinion: she shouldn't have become queen at the end of row. as iconic as it is, I can't help but think that it would backfire politically, it'd have negative consequences for her relationship with nikolai, and it kind of sets back both characters' development. this feels too harsh but idk 😭😭 might write a longer post about it at some point
a wish: for her and nikolai to fix the issues in their relationship. bc yes, I think in canon they have Issues™ but this is a fixable problem! she just needs to stop putting him up on a pedestal!!
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: imagine if she actually did become darkling 2.0 lmao. it'd never happen bc I think leigh bardugo would never do that, but it would be absolutely awful
5 words to best describe them: complex, iconic, motivated, forceful, lonely
my nickname for them: idk sometimes I call her z/zee in my head (and project this fact onto other characters who I think would do the same)
give me a character and I will answer...
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sigridhawke · 2 months
OC Poll Tag Game
tagged by @ink-flavored, thank you!
Rules: Make a poll for your OCs to see who ends up being the favorite
This is very hard to pick only a handful of Crimson’s cast lmao. I shall do a doodle of whoever wins tho~
Some propaganda for you provided below:
Princess Natasha (she/her) certified girl kisser and half-dragon heir to Lunarian throne. ‘I’m a healer but..’ meme vibes. Very polite, will absolutely destroy you, in a battle of words, probably in a fist fight too. Decides to say fuck you to the gods and save the world.
Nikolai / Frigid Thunder (they/them) arrogant, cold, antisocial, accidental part time necromancer. Will do anything to save their last remaining family (two nagas) from death (again). Kidnaps the princess and accidentally falls in love with the princess whoops. Learns to not hate the world. Insane parental instinct when an abandoned baby dragon comes into the mix.
Thane (he/him) want to see me speedrun my life? Want to see me do it again? Man of magic and summoning. Has lived 6 times the natural life expectancy of humans. Loses his memories every 30 years. Surprisingly optimistic despite it all. Bestie vibes, 10/10 would take you stargazing.
Enfer (he/him) most politically liked ruler of the fauns yet still got his ass handed to him and is now incredibly bitter and runs illegal (what we would see as normal) medical trade behind the current ruler’s back. Oh woe is me I need a man (Kann) to do something I’m perfectly capable of doing!!! Pathetic little man in the streets, absolute menace in the sheets. The true powerhouse behind Greater Ekatha (Kann just stands there and looks pretty. Sorry Kann.)
Moonwhisper (it/its he/him) Many eyes, many wings, not so biblically accurate god who likes hanging out with fauns cause they’re one of his favourite races he’s made. ‘Everything I do is to protect the world so don’t fuck it up and I won’t fuck you up.’ Team Mother Nature ™. Carries around a literal chunk of the mountain he was imprisoned in like a badass. Can and will read your mind.
Isabela (she/her) in this house we love and support smol queens!!! You get a nickname and YOU get a nickname. Pros: Has the roughest reputation but the softest heart (and bosom), would do anything for her darling polycule including buying out a whole ass tavern and making it a home for her, her partners, and any of her partners partners. Cons: she detests magic and refuses to budge on this RIP. 
Feathers / Wicked Stormbringer (he/him debatable) Bull in a china shop. literal golden retriever wrapped up in a dragon. LOOVVVESSS STORMS and chases them, plays in them, gave himself a bad name as the one who made them/brought them upon civilization whoops. 10/10 says he will be there and WILL BE if you call him. Probably can keep a secret. Probably. 
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
I haven't read nikolai duology but I'm tempted to, after hearing that aleks comes back and has a pov. I do think it's cheap and a lot of things that happen in kos & row feel like the author is showing alina's entire journey a middle finger which is.....idk but why would any writer undermine their own character like that?
Anyway, sorry for the rant I just wanted to know about zoya and what to expect from her. I've heard she becomes a queen and much powerful than she was in the og trilogy and I just want to know HOW?? idc about the spoilers lol just that how did end the persecution of grisha in ravka and beyond?
If you like Sasha, just download it somewhere for free, or borrow the book in library and read his chapters in RoW plus Ch. 14, where he meets Alina.
The duology’s pure trash. LB treats the reader like an idiot. It feels like she heard people bitching about Alina’s shitty arc and passive personality and decided she hates her now, almost as much as the Darkling.
Zoya’s the result. Badass bitch™ in the way modern pop culture likes. She’s mean, but everyone adores her. She’s cruel, but her sad sobstory and rows of “unjustly murdered” friends excuse that. She’s retconned into occasionally Suli, so her status of POC makes her the Queen in metaphorical sense, her title of war hero (What for?!) the best person for mythical Avatar dragon-shapeshifting powers and all of it, plus the fact she’s female peasant in early-industrial patriarchy, makes her the Queen in literal sense. Don’t think about it too hard, your head would hurt very, very much.
Most of the problems is either solved magically in totally illogical way, or by the Darkling, who’s still irredeemable evil- never forget that! He’s not the only character done dirty, don’t worry. For example Nikolai’s personality’s taken away and replaced with his dick pointing at Zoya. That’s how she acquires the crown btw. He just hands it over, while incredibly unrealistic crowd cheers her name. That’s obviously the end of Grisha oppressssswhaaaat?! Totally unsuited overpowered Grisha on the throne. Everything’s fine now. Crops saved, skins cleared and sold to highest bidder etc. (Wanna buy a slave? voluntarily working, unpaid magic Small Science-user? You can replace firewood with them, once you don’t need them!)
Here’s another ask I got shortly after finishing those books, when my nightmarish memories were still fresh. Basically what’s wrong with it in a nutshell.
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aquak1ra · 25 days
Chapter 02
Your (pov)
I had to become what I was mostly teached not to do. I became a theif and I wasn't proud of it but I needed food along with money. Ever since my mother's disappearance the bills were due and let's not forget about the rent. What I hated the most was robbing right in front of people. I didn't hurt them but it hurt seeing their faces full of fear. After all that I decided to steal from people that sneered at people with low status. Kind of like the story Robin Hood and yeah I would fullfill everything in the story. Making sure I'd share with homeless people too. Only taking what seemed right and never use my ninja skills to get what I want. Although I still used my ninja costume to hide my identity. Ever since I tried to rob from some purple dragons they could easily know who I am. Hiding my girly features covering what would make it look suspicious. Basically well....I am impersonating as a teenage boy. As much as I would like to show people how a girl could be badass too. I prefer to hide who I am all the way through so people won't suspect this character is me.
Maybe you're wondering who the heck is this character well... People call me the Crimson Soldier due to my ninja attire. My name began to be known by everyone in the city except the police. I always try to avoid being caught on the crime scene. Right now I am going through alleys finding the people I began to get fond of. People without a home...people that need things more than I do. Usually I find them giving them the belongings having some kind of chit chat. Getting praises, thank yous and hand shakes.
Third Person (pov) ⚔️
"Hey Crimson Soldier I just wanted to warn you about something" The old man said while drinking his cup of water.
"What is it Mr. Bruce?"the girl teen mumbles making her voice lower much like a teen boy.
"Those filthy purple dragons are now keeping an eye for you. They are mad because you keep on getting on their turf and stealing what they so desperately wanted." He finishes coughing a little and the girl looks at him worried.
"Don't worry about me I can easily beat those dumb excuses of humans. But thanks for the information I'll make sure to give them a piece of my mind." The crimson masked bandit breaths heavilly annoyed. "Never mind that, have you been drinking the meds I gave you?" Y/n crosses her arms and the man smiles a little.
"I ran out a week ago" He states shame written in his tone of voice.
"Mr. Bruce you promised you'd tell me if you ran out so I could get you more" The e/c eyed girl says while grabbing her red backpack unzipping the bag. "It's your lucky day I happen to have the medicine you need" She smiles underneath her mask instantly relieved that her new friend will somehow end up getting better.
"I know please excuse this old man I just didn't want to be a burden" Bruce said while timidly accepting the medicines.
"I help willingly sir please accept my services" Y/n bows slightly earning a chuckle from the old man. "Whats so funny?" She asks bewildered.
"Nothing it's just I never thought a child would end up helping us" The gray haired elder states while opening the small flask taking his pill."Makes us have faith in humanity" He drinks a sip of his water and the girl looks at him with a gloomy look.
"I had to steal from people to make other people have faith. The irony in this makes my heart ache so much" The crimson bandit thinks frustrated. "Thanks I think...mch" The teen girl coughs ashamed while giving him a small pat in his back. "Well Mr. Bruce I am afraid thats all the time I got today. I'll come back next week to check on you." Bruce grins at her looking at the two bags she handed him happily.
"Thanks so much Crimson Soldier I wish I could do something for you too" He mumbles with sorrow gracing his voice.
"All I need you to do is focus on getting better. That's all I ask after all I did get you some medicine....Repay me with that" She states while walking out of the alley.
Laying in bed while hugging my mom's photo I start to whimper while trying to find some kind of comfort. I have been thinking so much trying to find her really gets to me. Missing her voice and comforting touches. Those e/c eyes that sparkled with love everytime they saw me. For now I just need to lay low in this apartment. The owner of the building was getting a little nosey around me. If he found out that a girl was living alone he would call the cops on me. And that would really make it harder for me to find my mother. The police will not help me I am conscious about the crime rates in this city. I'll do it myself my ninjutsu training will help me. When I stop crying I get up from bed and start doing my homework. So much for a normal life...I want my mother here with me. Looking up tutorials on how to do this shit I get to work knowing that morning has to come. I've been spending to much time on handing out items to homeless people that sometimes I don't sleep. How could I though?, my mother is out there possibly waiting to be saved. The Crimson Soldier could possibly interest that stupid foot clan wherever they're located my name should be known. After one hour of doing homework I get up noticing that it was still dark outside.
"One nap wouldn't hurt I really need it because I keep falling asleep in school." I mumble while going to my mother's room laying on her bed.
Being in her room really calmed my anxiety but I wanted more than that. Drifting asleep I call out for her and just like that I begin to dream. Nightmares process through out my chilly night all of them having to do with my phantom mother. Calling out for me I just couldn't find her with all this fog. Foggy...my brain was foggy. I hear her blood curdling scream and instantly wake up holding my chest and struggling to breath.
"It's just a nightmare no big deal..." I murmur groggily getting up from my mom's bed noticing the time. I blink a few times while adjusting to the sunlight. I quickly run to the kitchen grabbing a sports bar and gobble it all down. Being late was now my specialty since my mom's dissapearance. Hoping my teacher won't put me in detention again I quickly put another set off clothes leaving my crimson ninja suit on it's suitcase. Looking myself at a mirror I sigh exasperated. Well no one will notice me anyways.
(Sorry for the timeskips lol I'll get better at this)
Third person (pov)
After school you quickly went to your house and changed to your crimson ninja suit while grabbing
bandages to cover your body a little. You felt safe wearing it and felt comfortable since your mom made it for you. Jumping from roof to roof top so you wouldn't be seen you hear some voices near an alley. Noticing Fong and his "gang". Smirking beneath your mask you notice all the things they have stolen. Well they just made the night easier. Beginning to eavesdrop on their conversation you find out that the purple dragons were planning to steal from Murakami's Noodle Shop. Remembering to check that later you follow them quietly. Finding out their secret hide out you start to memorize it and wait for them to come out to follow them on their next crime just to toy with those wannabe gangsters. Swiftly jumping through rooftops with agility you look at were they are heading to.
"This night we'll make the old man pay his part if he really is interested in saving his stupid restaurant" Fong says with venom laced in his tongue.
With them entering the establishment you quickly land on the restaurants alley. Preparing yourself to enter and stop the crime. You walk out the alley hearing their conversation with the owner apparently those bastards want money so the elder won't get vandalized. Murakami refused and they started to attack him. Before you could spring into action 5 figures appear and you quickly decide to enter from the back door which to your convenience was open. Running to the scene you notice 4 big looking humanoid looking turtles. Hiding your heart starts to race until you noticed the one with the orange mask about to be attacked by a purple dragon you quickly spring into action punching him.
"What the hell is happening in here?!" You say getting everyone's attention. They look at your masked face confused by your attire.
"Crimson Soldier just what are you doing here?" Fong asks while clenching his fists trying to hit one of the turtles.
"Just came to crash into this party it is getting kinda wild don't you think?" You look at the turtles noticing a red head by a old man presumably the owner of the restaurant. "How many times have I told you to stop stealing from vulnerable people" Crossing your arms you notice the turtles stares.
"Stop being an hippocrate you know well that you steal from people too" Fong says while he points at you. "You see here greeny" He said while looking at the blue masked turtle. "Your battle is with him not me he is the famous crimson bandit haven't you heard about him?" The dark skinned man says making false accusations.
"Cut the bull and get the hell out of here before I start beating the shit out of you with no mercy just like you did to the owner of this establishment" Raising your fists and cracking your knuckles you glare at them earning a chuckle from Fong.
"You and what army?" Fong stares at you with a smug look.
"The Crimson Soldier doesn't need an army" I quickly do a backflip landing in front of him punching his face.
"Woah dudes this guy has some moves for a human!" The orange masked terrapin says while you smirk beneath your mask.
"Mikey you don't even know him what if his a true criminal like the other guys!" The purple masked turle states while noticing the red head leaving the establishment with Mr. Murakami.
"I'll make sure about that!" The red bandana turtle said a little pissed off while getting near you with his weapons raised. "Just who the hell are you?! Answer the question, friend or foe?!" You look at him not interested while hitting Fong again.
"No time for chit-chat turtle boy this low life scum needs to learn a lesson!"You yell at him while Fong looks at you full of fear.
"Hey I don't know who do you think you are but you shouldn't beat him to death" The one with the blue mask comes near you two. "Let him go or your fight is with us now!"He crosses his arms full of determination gleaming from his dark blue eyes. You roll your eyes throwing Fongs body at him while mumbling curse words.
"Suit yourself" You start to head out until you stop and stare at red masked turtle."The answer to your question well...I am neither turtle boy" You wink at him and then he growls clearly angered.
"Wait where are you going?" 'Mikey' the one in the orange bandana asks you curious. "Are you really a bandit like those three?" The turtle looks at his brothers expecting an answer.
"Bandit yeah you could call me that but some people call me modern robin hood. I'll let you decide which nickname though after all you did see me beat that useless criminal" Walking away from the scene you are stopped by someone.
"If we ever meet again and see you robbing someone. We won't hesitate, we will stop you." The one in blue says and you sigh.
"Especially me you bad excuse of a ninja" You look at the emerald eyed turtle while letting out a laugh.
"Look who's talking turtle boy" you counter attack while looking at the turles.
"I'll like to see you try... I don't care who or what you are." You get out of the store with your heart beating fast. All this ordeal you couldn't believe it was so unrealistic. Four talking humanoid mutant turtles just appeared out of no where. And threatened to fight you because of your past actions. What a night you just wanted to beat some purple dragons but because of them you now probably have other enemies. Oh well you don't have time for that anymore you still need to find your mother. Noticing the turtles you decide if you should follow them but quickly shake your head. You should really mind your own business for now.
Sorry if it was a crappy chapter I tried my best to make it original on how you meet the turles due to the plot. See ya next chapter though and thanks for reading. 💙
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morganlefaye79 · 1 year
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by @cleverblackcat. Thank you for sharing your OC’s with us! 💜
Well I have so many OC I don’t even know if I can fit all of them, probably not x) So I have only for Dragon Age 19, for Cyberpunk 2077 7, and for Mass Effect one.
Tagging forward: @kittynomsdeplume @raflesia65 @retrowondergirl @thedastrash @rosella-writes @dreamskug @wraithsoutlaws @vox-monstera @faepunkprince  @a-pirate  @maimaiapologist @ghostoffuturespast @gloryride @dustymagpie @wanderingaldecaldo @jaymber @fereldanwench @cinnamon-mey @katsigian @chevvy-yates @kittenchrissy @sammysilverdyne @rindemption @imaginarycyberpunk2023 And anyone else who might enjoy it!
Favorite OC:
Vicco Dorn. They are one of my side oc’s for Cyberpunk 2077. Vicco grew so much on me during the time and I never had thought it would go like that. They are by now the most flashed out of all my oc’s even considering that I spend years on my DA oc’s. They are a victim of their upbringing, fighting for everything in their life. If they thought they have lost everything they cared for, they finally find happiness. 
Newest OC:
Kilian Dorn is Vicco’s older brother and he is an asshole. He envies everything that Vicco accomplished in his life, while he had to get by, mostly poorly. I created this character solely for a fic that I’m still writing and I didn’t develop him much because I wanted to keep my options wide until I reach the part in my fic where I need him to act.
Oldest OC:
Morgan Cousland, my Hero of Ferelden, who becomes Queen at the end of Dragon age Origins. She is a badass and wielding a glaive. Her hc is flashed out very well but not as detailed as Vicco’s at this point, but I think I lost interest at some point to go more into the details with her.  
Meanest OC:
I’m not sure who to choose here because Kilian Dorn and Dagur Aeducan are the same level of asshole. Both will end up getting nicer when they realise that being mean gets them nothing else than hate and ignorance from others. 
Softest OC:
Natia Brosca is my sweetest oc. She grew up in the dumps of Orzammar. To be honest, as long as she lived there she wasn’t a nice person, because kindness wouldn't have gotten her anywhere, but when she reached the surface, she had her freedom and could be who she wanted to be, and she wanted to be kind. She will become Queen of Orzammar.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC:
Nadia Adaar is a Qunari mage and only her sight will let normal people choose flight before fighting. She knows this, and uses this to her advantage. When she becomes Inquisitor she has a hard time to not intimidate others because she is by that point so accustomed to it. She might fool everyone, but not Josie. Josie knows how soft Nadia can be.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC:
Damian Adaar is also a Qunari mage, he is just a big baby. He is kind and friendly and sees only the good in people. Lucky for him he has some good advisors and two partners (Dorian and The Iron Bull) that stop him from being stupid sometimes. 
Smartest OC:
This is a tough one. All my oc’s are smart on their own. Some are street smart, some educational smart and others emotionally smart, and we have mages, so which one is smarter than the other? So it is impossible to name only one of them and give them the crown. 
Street smart: Vicco Dorn and Kahlan Tabris are here the main characters I think of. They have seen the worst humanity could throw at them. They have however different outcomes, Vicco learns by time to heal and move on, whereas Kahlan will struggle the rest of her life with what she witnessed.
Educational smart: Here we have Aedan and Morgan Cousland as well as Valaire and Joris Dercks. They had the best education money (or birth) can get you. They know how to act towards others and can win over nearly every argument because they learned it. Although Morgan had to work a bit harder because she has a bit too much temperament.
Emotionally smart: Natia Brosca and Damian Adaar will get everything from you they want just by being rays of sunshine in a world that seemed to be doomed to go down.
Mages: I have too many of those (9) to name them all, so if you’re interested here is the spreadsheet. There are imo no stupid mages, because those probably die young. Anders calls Gore (my male Hawke) sometimes stupid, but it is because he is rather immature. 
OC I’d Be Friends With:
Actually I would be friends with most of my oc, with some more with others less. I get along well with different kinds of personalities, except for assholes. I could, but I just won't interact with those kind of people.
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 months
3, 10, and 12 for the httyd ask game
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssss THANK YOU LEXIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. What is your favorite type of dragon and why?
I will always favor the Monstrous Nightmare over any other type! The reasons for that include the practical presumption that it's likely one of the most "rideable" dragon species out there, meaning you have something to hold on to. The horns function like a railing of sorts. With most other dragons, if they brake too hard, you'll be sent flying over their neck like Hiccup was in the Test Drive sequence. And that's just too scary for me to think about lol.
Monstrous Nightmares are also of a decent size, possess great color, and they come with free seat heating! I figure one would need that in the archipelago's climatic environment. I love how Hookfang was the spikiest, largest, scariest and most badass dragon known to vikings in the first movie (besides Night Furies, of course). Like...if you ride one, they'll defend you. No questions asked. I like myself a protector. If I ever made a cheesy Httyd dragon oc, it'd be a female Monstrous Nightmare named Dawnflame. Yep XDDD
Alternative favorites include but are not limited to: Seashockers, Thunderdrums (Stoick should have gotten a Thunderdrum!!!), Stormcutters, the Buffalord, and Hobgobblers.
10. What are your favourite locations in the Barbaric Archipelago?
Oh well. I always thought about finding a quiet, sunny spot high up in the cliffs of the Isle of Berk, abandoned by human strive and only accessible by dragon. Otherwise, I guess Itchy Armpit and Dragon's Edge are pretty neat! Then there's of course the Rookery, Dragon Island, The Hidden World and any possible 'Hiccup thinking sea stack' there is!!! :D
12. Which character has your favourite design and/or outfit?
VALKA. EASILY. If I lived in the archipelago, I'd be SO her!!!!
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skullhaver · 3 months
for athren: lovers, hanged man, death reversed. for adinar: empress, hierophant reversed, hermit reversed
(Athren Dahana) The Lovers: Which of your character’s relationships has been the most positive? (Romantic or otherwise)
Answered in detail here! Short answer: his Trollskull Manor friends <3
The Hanged Man: When has your character needed to step back and look at things from a different perspective?
The obvious answer for Athren is reassessing his narrative about Adinar's "betrayal," in light of learning that his brother was also doing his best to protect their family. 
In general though, Athren gets paralyzed by trying to gather as much information as possible, trying to see problems from every possible angle, etc. (Not that he's especially going at doing that, it's just a manifestation of his anxious temperament lol.) I think he would do well to look more at his life from the different perspective of, "what is the cost of inaction?" or "what is the opportunity cost of taking too long to make a decision?" He's getting better about this.
Death in Reverse: When has your character tried to fight change?
I was re-reading some Dragon Heist session notes recently because I'm an insane person, and I was struck by a line in the transcribed conversation between him and Fel'rekt where Athren basically said, "A reason I'm not more interested in allying with Bregan D'aerthe is because I'm scared for my safety and my family's safety." I forgot just how much this guy Refused The Call of being an adventurer! I think the "small fish in a big pond" vibes of the early acts of Dragon Heist had me roleplaying Athren as extremely cautious and slow to accept that he really could act like a PC and get away with badass shit.
(Adinar Dahana) The Empress: Who has been a positive female figure in your character’s life?
I'm not fully satisfied by how I've conveyed their relationship in the fics I have so far about them, but his House's Weapons Master has had a massive influence on his life. He spent more time with her than his mom 🥲 Adinar might have learned how to fight at Melee-Magthere, but working with her taught him about leadership and decision-making. In contrast to all the powerful women in his life who have used him, their House Weapons Master demonstrated how to exist within healthy power differences along a chain of command, and was an authority figure who always treated him with respect and dignity. (I'm not saying her name here because I have changed her name a dozen times and I might do it again because I'm still not happy with it lol.)
The Hierophant in Reverse: When has your character’s personal beliefs been challenged?
The decision to start working against their House wasn't easy for any of the Dahanas, but Adinar definitely had the hardest time wrestling with it. At the fateful family dinner where Athren first explains that he was approached to act as a spy, Adinar is ready to dismiss the whole coup plan out of hand. He's quite shocked when his parents take Athren seriously. He has to have a bit of a personal reckoning; he has been trying to ignore and excuse the abusive behavior of the nobles he serves for so, so long. He probably could have done so for longer. But it's hearing his parents say, "No, this is unacceptable, if we can do something to end this, we will" that really jolts him into action.
The Hermit in Reverse: When has your character felt the most alone?
Hnnng literally the Raelyn chapter of "Things Without All Remedy." A quote from the draft:
Matron Vandree told him he wouldn't be killed for his family's betrayal, but Adinar wasn't completely sure he was alive right now. He walked down the same House hallways, but nobody looked at him. He wore the same armor, but nobody called him to fight. He took orders from soldiers he'd once commanded. He was a ghost haunting his old life. That was often the look Raelyn Auvryndar had on her face, too, in the moments she thought no one else was looking her way.
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crackinglamb · 5 months
OC Name Meanings
Tagged by @pikapeppa, thank you! 🥰
Tagging @ir0n-angel, @lilbittymonster, @bogunicorn and @espressocomfort. No pressure!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC's name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Right, so...I have a lot of OC's. Holy crap, did this get long. I'll go by fandom to keep them organized, and listed here are just the main player types, not background characters. And if you want to know more about any of them, they can all be found here.
Fallout 4
Nora Howard (Junkyard 'Verse series): My first SoSu. Nora is the default name and I struggled for a long time to come up with a last name for her. At the time, I thought it would be funny for her to share a name with Todd Howard, and then it stuck.
Valara Thorsgaard (Set to Repeat, Subject to Change): Lamb the Younger gave me the first name and I liked it. Val, for short. The Scandinavian last name was just...I dunno, it felt right?
Honoria Wilcox (No One Knows): 'Honoria' is a version of Nora. Her maiden name was Beaufort, because it was slightly pretentious and so was Honoria's mother. Wilcox was her late husband's name and she was glad to take it.
Eleanor (Nights series): Another Nora variant, no last name.
Joan Whitfield (The Bargain): I wanted something different for this OC since she ends up with Kellogg. (All my Nora variants end up with Hancock.) The first name comes from my extended family, and the last name sounds lawyerish. 😆
Tien Xu (Unexpected): Ahh, the SoSu from my first real AU. She's a Chinese prisoner of war who ended up in the Vault. No real reason for her given name, but 'Tien' was my favorite chemistry professor's last name back when I was in college.
Alice Monroe (Amends to the Dead): My most recent SoSu. From the get go I wanted her to be a badass, because let's face it, you get pretty OP'd with some of those skills in-game. 'Alice' is a nod to Resident Evil. 'Monroe' is just because it sounded good.
Mass Effect Trilogy
Jayne Shepard (Soldier, Spectre, Savior series): It's the default FemShep name, but I changed the spelling. That's really it.
Jehanne Shepard (Some Kind of Resolution): Henna, for short. Jehanne is a phonetic variant of Jane.
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Aya Batra (Little Things): Batra is one of the surnames you can choose when making your Detective, but Aya was my own invention. It's a variation of an old D&D character (Aeo, who in turn is a variation on Io). Someday I want to write more for her.
Dragon Age
(oh boy, here we go)
Da'Fen Carlisle Mayers Lavellan (Until It Squeaks series): Carly, to her friends. My first MGIT. When I created her I wanted her to be a 'just some person' kind of character, so she needed a name that didn't stand out much. Tbh, I don't even like it. I think I was halfway through writing Twist when I decided it was short for Carlisle, which eased my meh a little. Then as time went on in the story, she earned the rest. Abelas was the first to call her 'Da'Fen' because she was the Consort of Fen'Harel, and she was formally adopted into Clan Lavellan after the events of the main game.
Imogen McLean (Wicked Things series): My ex wouldn't let me name Lamb the Younger Imogen when she was born, so I decided I would save it for a character someday. And so I did. 'McLean' because she's of Irish descent, and I knew a girl by that family name when I was a kid.
Eliana Hawke (Wicked Things series): I tend to give my F!Hawkes unique names, I guess. But this one was for the purpose of Imogen getting to call her Elly and Elly getting to call her Genny. It was a deliberate 'the names you use denote intimacy level' kind of thing.
Terisin Mahariel (Wicked Things series): It means 'Flint-like'. I wanted something hefty for the HoF, something that would give the impression of gravity and determination. And then everyone in the fic shortens it to 'Ter'. 🤣
Mira Foret (Driftwood series): This is actually a nickname, her full name is Almira. Her family name on Earth was 'Wood', and upon being transported to Thedas, she changed it to 'Foret', which is the Orlesian version of the word. There is actually a reason she has these names in particular, but that gets into level 40 IRL stuff, so I shan't say.
Carmilla Hawke (Maker Damned Fools): Cara, for short, and only if you have her permission. Back when I first wrote MDF, I had a notion that Leandra wanted to give all her children names beginning with the same letter. "How'd Bethany happen?" Varric asked. Because they didn't know they were having twins and had to come up with a name on the fly and Malcolm had a twisted sense of humor. It makes more sense in the fic. Anyway, she hates the name, and thus goes mostly by Hawke.
Hera Trevelyan (No More My Heart Beats Without You): I just liked it. Didn't even know it was the default name of F!Adaar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ellisora Lavellan (Flowers For Fen'Harel series): Everyone uses Ellana. It's the default. I don't like defaults (usually) and will twist them around any which way until I find something I do like.
Sa'vir Lavellan (No Strings): It means 'the First Path' or, more precisely for her character, 'the Only Way'. It was both to give some backstory to her and was a nod to her being inspired by The Unending Wake's Vir.
Lahalaan Lavellan (My Blood On Your Hands, Your Teeth In My Skin): Ahh, my poor Laani. She kicked around as an OC for a long time before I finally was able to write something for her. She was always meant to have a longfic, but it never happened. It means 'Like the Foxes', and it suits her as a redhead and a rogue class.
La'Vise Lavellan (Just Like Fire): The title of the fic is the definition of the name. She is my one canon story. I am utterly unsurprised at myself for not finishing it.
Lark Cadash (All the Earth and Air series): Again, default is bleh. Malika > Lika > Lark. Then I leaned into the bird symbolism.
Shae Cadash (Destiny Is Just In the Timing): This is apparently a popular name for a Cadash, lol. In order to set her apart (both in fandom and in my head), it's actually a nickname. Her full name is Shaelgat, meaning 'Unto Shale', and it has Lore(tm). A daughter of every generation is named this, and will be until they find the golem they're named after.
Banal'ras Nydha, the Twice-Born (Hope Is a Fragile Thing): She's actually a MGIT, who was given the name 'the Shadow of Night' by Solas in the Fade before she became corporeal in Thedas. She has a shtick that goes with it, the ability to use Fade cloak even though she isn't a mage otherwise. Ya know, like Cole. Her story and name are part and parcel with each other and mostly because I wanted to make an OC who was Deeply Mysterious(tm) without ever explaining it. The legend-mark comes from the Avvar, among whom she lives at the start of her fic.
(we're almost done)
Virlas Lavellan (I'll tell you my sins (and you can sharpen your knife)): Default, bleh. Symbolically fitting name, yay. It means 'the Way That is Given' or something like that. This was a giftfic turned treat for the Solavellan Hell Exchange, and I didn't think too hard about the name other than something that would fit for a post-canon Lavellan.
Rinna Cadash (What Lies Beneath): Another giftfic OC. Dwarven names tend towards being short and this one just felt right.
Eshali'nan Lavellan (A Wolf Named Vengeance): This fic is a modern AU collab with my beloved Angel, and someday we'll finish it, lol. Esha, for short, was another OC that kicked around for a long time like Laani. She has quite a backstory that will likely never get told because frankly, I'm tired of writing DA retellings. Originally she was a Sentinel in Arlathan, who spent most of the intervening years in uthenera like Solas, but woke a generation ago. She lived with the Lavellan clan and was chosen to go to the Conclave. The name means 'Daughter of Vengeance' and was chosen for her at her elevation to Sentinel status.
Great googly moogly, I have too many OC's...
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ginevrafangirl · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil Commentary Part 1
Highlights from my text reactions to this cdrama, episodes 1-12!
Part 2 | Part 3
did she just magic girl transform herself a new outfit out of petals??
girl who are you praying to you're a god?
what in the dementor soul suckery is this
a little choking is a great way to start a relationship
seeing bare arms in a xianxia is basically like full frontal nudity
you can even bring items with you inside a painting?
omg we are unlocking the devils sauron like final form
the skin is smoother than an instagram filter
what is the first thing a criminal does after escaping from prison? more crime ofc
she really thinks she can get away with a lot because she is cute // everyone around her is an enabler of the pretty cute privilege
soldiers turned to stone?? what in the narnia??
oh mr qingfang you are sexist, in a world where the god of war is a woman??
yeah she just fell to her death but he is definitely gonna catch her in mid air
he is definitely not trying to be lowkey and stay out of prison huh
is langhua fairy orchid girl secretly from the extinct xilan tribe? she is, isnt she (👀)
batman?? // there to collect evil qi?
i totally get why she thinks he is in love with her, but she cant focus on his words, cant she sense the murderous rage?
sauron: angrily wiping tears away
the amount of times she says 'im just an ordinary fairy' the more i am certain she is not
considering he is the moon and she is an orchid, what even is gender
this is like the opposite of bingqiu where he wishes her dead and she thinks he is in love (svsss reference)
they could have a great dad-daughter dynamic too, my favorite, grumpy father figure who grows to love cute daughter (rip me only seeing the father daughter potential at first)
dfqc: i wanna take a bath // dragon boy: you WHAT
well you dont know this boi, but the story you're in is called 'love between fairy and devil', not 'love between fairy and ice god of war'
is there only one source of dew in the whole forest?
dfqc is a human microwave
ohoho if you say smthing is just legend it is definitely going to be a future plotpoint
i think i refuse to call these people by their names, they shall stay girlie (langhua), sauron (dongfang qingcang), ice god (lord changheng), dragon boy (shangque), jin guangshan (golden boss god) and lady si ming who will be an exception
i really cant look to closely at the ages or i wont be able to escape the pedophilia
now does this invisibility dome follow them around and expand according to how much she moves around, or
this is a cool spot to watch the sunrise, but even her usual house is above the clouds, i dont doubt you can watch the sunrise from there too?
is this the oh moment for sauron
i would DIE if they make him have her menstrual cramps
sauron: i am the worst person in the three realms // girlie: you're so admirable for trying to be the first in even that
this show really satisfies the viewers (me) that enjoy repressed men being forced to feel feelings
if lady si ming feeds girlie flower soup, isnt that basically CANNIBALISM
yes show, you might be putting romantic music over these moments, but sauron certainly doesnt know that
watching sauron throw tantrums is SO entertaining this really satisfies my craving for powerful pathetic men
to become a first class immortal, fairies need to fight DEMONS!? what kind of badass fairies are you hiding
sauron is literally trembling with murderous rage while saying such romantic things this is so funny
the fact that batmans face and voice are hidden makes me think he is someone high up in the fairy realm (👀)
you cant fool me with the white wig, youre still not older than your daughter
if that mirror predicts the future, does that mean langhua is gonna marry ice man in the mortal realm? // oooo is there gonna be an amnesia trial (👀)
wow ice man really is the most eligible bachelor, all these fairies are dropping their panties at this appearance
i feel like ronghao is batman (👀)
magical surveillance footage, svsss style (svsss reference)
i do not understand why they make their fairies fight off demons just to become servants
ronghao, his face is an evil one... i think he is demon dage from eternal love! (eternal love reference)
sauron: me no kill beast?? but he try kill YOU? i mean US!
where is sauron getting his cool outfits from wasnt he in prison for 30000 years
did he just say FORNICATING
now what the ever loving FUCK is this letter delivery system??
girlie is the goddess of xishan (👀)
the firefly imprinted on girlie (twilight reference)
girlie has true main character energy, everyone she meets either wants to fuck her or wants her dead
i love watching sauron weep and hating every second
girlie is not like other fairies
did she just percy jackson herself an airbubble??
plotholes in favor of romantic moments
get you a man that is literally dead inside
sauron be like: oh i got cursed? lemme put my plans for world domination on hold to become a gardener and then slowly fall in love with the plant i am raising
girlie really just left him on a boat in the middle of nowhere
sauron you are being very gentle with her for someone you supposedly cant wait to kill
batman really ripped catwomans outfit open with his metal fingers
so instead of a sorting hat they have a sorting turtle (harry potter reference)
as usual, all knowing wise prophetic beings only speak in RIDDLES
she is the fantasy chinese version of a hatstall (harry potter reference)
'how dare you hurt my woman'
this got really bollywood
now thats a very cunty outfit for this badass display
what the fuck??? what did he just do?? why are we in interstellar water mountain planet all of a sudden?
oblivion river sounds like a river in greek hell
also omg girlie unconscious, sauron holding her, dragon boy standing, the cql parallels!
girlie feels bad for calling him a stanky bitch lmao
this is the mother of dragons scene (game of thrones reference)
'we have sauron at home' and its xunfeng
ice god wants permission to go kill sauron as if he didnt just get his ass kicked by him on HIS OWN TURF
she is like 'i am not like other girls, i wont give in to stockholm syndrome' // too bad she doesnt know the name of the drama she is in
finally a show that adresses how impossible it is to walk with such long robes
dragon boy thinks he got called to have sex with his bosssss
'i dont have to prove my virginity to you'
walmart sauron is working together with batman
ice man is in distress, and i am sorry dude, but you will continue to be
omg i want the men in womens bodies to have to deal with periods
ice man didnt even disguise himself?? he sure is confident
That is all for this post, but more is to come! I have finished watching the show already, but will post the highlights in parts.
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superbattrash · 1 year
You could kith
You could
Oh ew, nope, children, I ain’t gon ship them ………. 👁️
Oh he has such an evil vibe bro wtf. HOLY SHIT HE’S LIKE. ALL EVIL???? Woah… OH. MY GOD. DID HE SERIOUSLY DO THAT? THAT IS DISGUSTING????!!!?!???
Oh 🥺 oh my god. It’s not just daddy issues… it’s. all the issues 🥺 poor bby
Aaaaand Bakugo doing a little eavesdropping, aha
“Might seem stupid?” Deku, it IS stupid compared to Todoroki’s, come on 🙄
Oh? Did I hear that correctly? Tournament?? 👁️👁️✨ my dragon ball senses are tingling
that is so fucking cool ok I get it now
Oh no don’t make me feel bad for you :( oh nooo, he’s just like Deku ;w; but almost better because he has real motivation lol
Aw they acknowledge him 🥺🥺🥺❤️
aaaaaand deku’s back to being an idiot XD
Does anyone LIKE endeavor??? He is AWFUL
Baby keeps saying sorry whenever he attacks. I bet his momma taught him good manners because it clearly wasn’t his stupid ass dad >:/
“I was angry is all” oh honey, my sweet baby boy 🥺
Oh sweet naive pikachu 😞 she’s clearly more than she lets on ~
Ohhhhhhh, please let her beat him just a little. Maybe not all the way but she deserves to be more than “the girl one” pls. Also bakugo would do good with a little ass whooping. Let’s see 👁️
Please don’t just lose immediately girly, I need you to NOT BE A LOSER!!!! This is so unevenly matched 😭 oh? Oh maybe not. He’s not… he’s actually taking her serious though? That’s respectful? It isn’t bullying?? HELLO
ThanK YOU AIZAWA!!!! HECK YEAH WOOOOAHHHH SHE IS GOOD!! Not great maybe but good!! If her opponent hadn’t been, yaknow. Bakugo good 😂
HE SAID HER NAME 😭 HE REMEMBERS HER NAME!!!! That has to be the ultimate sign of respect from him 🤷🏻
Oh 🥺 wow my first real feels from her…. that’s ok boo, you’ll still be a hero <3
Aw, the stone and iron twins 😂
Ohhhh, the fight we’ve been waiting for 👁️ let’s see what you can do babes
You only have 10 fingers bro 🙄 whatchu gon do when they’re all broken? Oh you moron, there has to be a better way to do this… aaaaand there goes your arm. Jesus…
Oh???????? Deku, you lil sneak >:3 are you really gonna force him to use the fire? Hmmmmmmm…. That was kinda badass if yaknow. You didn’t know WHY he doesn’t use the fire >:/ that just seems rude
Oh shit there goes one arm :O like. For reals
Oh All Might, my beloved 😭 you don’t want him to lose but you don’t want him hurt 😭
You’re gonna lose if you keep asking him to give it his all, you idiot… then again. Please do 👁️✨
Awwwww they’re smiling 🥺🥺💕
W h A T
They’re stopping the fight?!!!!?!?!!?!!
Damn it YOU LOST???? What the FUCK
I hope it was worth it >:/
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share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
1.) Cisco Ramon - the Flash
The bestest, kindest, funniest, and smartest person on the show. He was the heart of Team Flash and it's not the same without him. He's loyal and loves his friends dearly. And, well, he's just so much fun and easy to relate to and gnc and I adore this guy. He'd be sooo much fun to be best friends with.
2.) Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia
He flirts like breathing but it's a cover for his insecurities and the ptsd that comes with growing up as the Chosen One who might have to die for the world one day and also his parents hated him. Once he finally joins up with the party, that's the first time he's had real friends and it's a bit heart breaking really. He's also super queer coded and will flirt with the main character (Lloyd Irving).
3.) Estellise "Estelle" Sidos Heurassein - Tales of Vesperia
Fiesty, pink haired princess who is so awesome I named my dog after her. Will break a vase over a guy's head if feels threatened. But will also pick up a sword and kick ass with it too.
4.) Velvet Crowe - Tales of Berseria
The berserker for whom the game is named and also the main character, Velvet Crowe is on a roaring rampage of revenge against her brother-in-law and there will be murder when she's through. Soft spots include the small child she accidentally kidnaps, a certain cry-baby exorcist, an annoying witch and her familiar, an earth-spirit pirate who can't swim, and a war deamon who learns the hard way yak breath is gross.
5.) Leonard Snart - The Flash & Legends of Tomorrow
Master Thief who enjoys being a supervillain a little too much. Has a soft spot he does not want to admit exists for Barry Allen and a soft spot he's reluctantly okay admitting to for his sister. Actually hesitates to kill Barry when his sister's life is on the line. Goes with the Legends to figure out who he is after killing his own dad and winds up sacrificing himself not for the crew, but for Mick. A distinction the rest of the Legends inconveniently and immediately ignore.
6.) Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia
A former knight who quit after three months when he realized the organization was too corrupt and a bad fit for him. Kills bad guys to the consternation of his best friend (Sir Flynn Scifo) who is a genuine good knight in a sea of shitty ones. Accidentally winds up in a position to stop two wars and also save the planet from an eldritch abomination of their ancestors accidental creation. Mostly because he's now also best friends with Estelle - together their trouble magnetism is legendary. (Flynn would like them to stop that now. Why can't his friends just stay safe for ten minutes?)
7.) Keladry of Mindelan - Protector of the Small
The second lady knight of modern Tortall, Keladry quickly learns as a page that she is held to higher standards than her peers by people who want her to fail solely for being a girl. So she digs in her heels and surpasses those standards anyway.
8.) Rosella of Daventry - King's Quest
A princess who has had much adventure in her life and enjoys it. Helps people where ever she goes and this time it's the princess rescuing the prince from danger. Twice. She also stops a volcano from erupting, turns an evil fairy into a baby, and saves her own father from death.
9.) Hiccup - How to Train Your Dragon
Disabled badass with a dragon who is also a disabled badass. Together they bridge the gap between dragons and vikings and make Berk a safe home for both to live. Hiccup dares to be himself when no one wants him to be and it turns out that him being himself is exactly what everyone needed most.
10.) Milla Maxwell - Tales of Xillia
Lord of Spirits who might drool a bit when she's hungry and there is something tasty smelling nearby. She's a total badass, a bit naive, and cares very much about making a better world for human and spirits alike.
I'm gonna skip sending this to ask boxes and instead invite anyone to participate who wants to.
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The Queen's Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
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Chapter 10: Star Chips here, Star Chips there
The sun was setting over Duelist Kingdom as our group of nine walked around in search of other duelists who would duel, Yugi, Joey, Sehrazat and Kihana.
Currently, their Star Chip count is like this:
Yugi and Kihana had 6 each.
Joey had 5.
And Sehrazat was in the lead with 8 Star Chips.
In total, they needed 15 Star Chips to enter Pegasus Castle.
The group discussed what they should do.
Soon it would be night, surely no one would duel at this time and they had a day left to collect the necessary Star Chips, however, they had noted how fewer duelists were around.
In the end, they decide to split up again.
It was faster this way to collect the missing Star Chips, they would meet again later.
Thank god, they had the Walkie-Talkies to keep track of the other group.
Mokuba stayed with Sehrazat group because he felt safer with Kihana and Sehrazat around.
The two had saved him from getting kidnapped again by Pegasus Lackey, no offence to Yugi and his friends, but yeah Sehra and Hana were badass.
Currently, Mokuba and Sadiye are sitting together on the ground and watching the duel before them.
Maja and Sehrazat were cheering on Kihana, who had found an opponent, the price being 4 Star Chips.
If she won, she would be the first with 10 Star Chips.
"Your sister has a lot of dragons in her deck.", noted Mokuba to Sadiye.
"She isn't called Lady of the Dragons for nothing.", answered Sadiye proudly. "The only ones who ever beat her were Sehrazat and Afya."
Oh yeah, this magical mambo-jumbo they had told him about.
"Again, explain to me how Sehrazat's amulet has the spirit of her ancestor, a queen of Ancient Egpyt inside?"
Sadiye laughed pretty and Mokuba felt a soft blush on his cheeks. He always thought his classmate was a cute girl, but they never interacted with each other till now.
Yet, it felt like he had known her for ages.
"It goes like this.", begins Sadiye. "There are 8 Milliunim items, powerful magical tools created in the times of the great pharaohs and queens. One day an unspoken evil threatened the whole world but a courageous pharaoh and his queen faced it. The pharaoh lost his life in the fight, but the evil was defeated. The strong queen married his successor, leading Egypt into a time of prosperity. Then came the day she was on death's doorstep, but she knew the soul of her first husband, her great love, was forever in prison in the Millennium Puzzle. The queen couldn't accept it and prayed to goddess Isis, who not only promised her she would be reunited with her first husband, but that they would need to face the ancient evil again one day. So her soul was banned into the Millennium Fragment, and as a price, she lost all her memories. The founder of the Faizan bloodline, one of the daughters of the queen, swore an aid that the family would protect it, till it was time the queen awoke again. The founder of my family, the Schariq, has always served the house of Faizan and helped them to keep the bloodline and the Millennium Fragment safe. Then when Sehra put the Fragment on the first time she awoke the spirit of the queen. Since she can't remember her name, so Sehra-Nee, named her Afya."
Mokuba nodded and rubbed his neck.
"This sounds too fantasy-like to me...and in Yugi Puzzle is the pharaoh right? That's why he is so different when he duels."
"My brother would declare us all mad for this story, he doesn't believe in magic and all this."
Sadiye crossed her arms and hummed.
"I always half believed it, Sehra-Nee didn't believe one bit, but once you encounter a Milliunim Item you start to believe that there is more."
"Well, Sehra and Afya ARE different from each other, I mean she is taller when Afya has control over her body, so you can't mistaken."
"Yugi too when Yami takes control.", added Sadiye.
"And his blond locks go up! Strange I never realized it."
"My mommy says people see what they want to see, so you didn't see the difference till you really looked.", said Sadiye, sounding wise.
"Your mom sounds cool.", told her Mokuba and got a bittersweet look on his face. "I can't remember my Kaa-San well...Seto and I were really young when we lost our parents."
He felt how Sadiye put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. The boy understood she wanted to offer him comfort, but didn't want to use the same old words anybody said to him when he told this.
Mokuba was thankful for this.
Then the two youngest heard how Maja and Sehrazat cheered loudly and saw how Kihana Seiyaryu destroyed the remaining life points of her opponent.
The oldest Schariq won and now has 10 Star Chips!
"What's wrong with Sadiye-Chan?", asked Anzu Maja worried.
It was night now and our friends were back together.
All congratulated Joey and Kihana to have won more Star Chips today.
Now Kihana was in the lead with 10.
Joey had 7.
Yugi 6 and Sehra 8.
Tomorrow the remaining three had to give their all to reach Kihana and then enter Pegasus Castle.
But this had to wait till the next day since it was night.
Yugi and his friends were so glad, that Sehrazat's group had not only brought food with them to the island but also two tents.
Sure in the tents could only sleep max three-person pro tent, yet it was better than nothing.
At least they had enough food.
Currently, Kihana was cooking for all curry with rice over the campfire Joey and Honda made.
Joey and Honda put up the tents, while Sehrazat and Yugi brought back two buckets of water.
Anzu and Maja had helped Kihana prepare the food and now could sit down since the white-haired beauty shooed them away.
When she cooked, she didn't like to get looked over the shoulders.
So Anzu took the time to ask Maja what little Sadiye had.
She was pouting since she had seen Joey battling and then winning the Red Eyes Black Dragon card.
Not even Mokuba could make his friend laugh.
Maja was shaking her head amused and whispered in Anzu's ear: "Don't say it aloud, but the Red Eyes Black Dragon is not only Sadiye's favourite card but she also has it in her deck. She feels offended when someone other than her has it. But I think she will accept Joey."
"What? She has such a powerful and rare card in her deck?!"
"Oh Anzu-Chan you have seen nothing, Kihana has one of the rarest cards too, but never uses it and in Sehrazat deck hides a card that is as powerful as a god."
Suprised to hear this Anzu blinked.
What did Maja mean by that?
"Oh, what a surprise...your group got bigger.", a female voice greeted them.
It was Mai Kujaku!
"You again?", shouted Joey surprised.
"Hello Mai-San.", greeted Sehrazat, having manners. "How are you?"
"Sehrazat-San, Kihana-San, nice to see you again and you hang out with Yugi's little group? And who are spiky haired girl and the two little ones?", wondered Mai.
"I'm Maja. Sehra and Hana's friend, the little girl is Sadiye, Kihana's sister and the boy is Mokuba."
"Nice to meet you.", said the three together.
Mai had a small smile on her face.
"I see you have a nice campsite, so I won't disturb you."
Finally, Kihana looked up from the pot and said to Mai: "You are not disturbing us, why don't you eat with us?"
This made Joey, Honda and Anzu look at her in disbelief and Joey even whispered what Kihana was thinking inviting Miss Arrogant.
For this Kihana sent him such a cold look with her blue eyes, that Jonouchi thought he was staring down Kaiba Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
In the end, Mai took the invitation and even shared her food and her tent with the others.
She even had a portable shower!
The boys, Sehra, Maja and Sadiye sat around the campfire, as Kihana finished cooking, while Mai stood guard before the shower, as Anzu took the first turn.
Anzu and Mai had a nice chat, getting a better understanding of each other, as suddenly Anzu gasped.
Mai stepped into the shower asking what was wrong and Anzu told her she heard something, but when Mai checked there was nothing.
After Anzu, Sadiye and Kihana showered together, Sehrazat took over the cooking, then Maja and then Sehrazat. Mai already had taken a shower.
No more strange noises were heard.
The food was finally ready and all dug in happy.
Jonouchi and Honda shovel the curry and rice down like it was their last meal.
Yugi said loud how delicious it was and Anzu added what a great cook Kihana was.
The girl in question blushed and thanked them.
"Mai-San, you already have 8 Star Chips.", noted Yugi. "You might be the first one into the castle tomorrow."
"Yeah. But I want to battle you someday, Yugi.", she told him.
Surprised Yugi blinked.
"Let's forget about duelling for now.", proposed Anzu.
"Yeah. That kind of talk will spoil our dinner.", agreed Joey.
"We're sitting together for now.", began Mai. "But you're my enemies tomorrow. That's what duelling is all about."
All looked at her surprised.
The oldest girl declared she had finished eating and would take a walk.
Joey mumbled something about how she was not charming at all.
"Mmh, mmh, that's why you stare at her cleavage.", sassed Sadiye.
This made Jonouchi turn bright red, trying to find an excuse, while the others started to laugh, Honda even playfully ruffled his hair.
After all finished eating Sadiye and Mokuba started to yawn.
"Okay, you two, time for bed.", said Kihana to them.
She took both sleepy kids by the hand and led them to one of the tents.
"Wait!", called Maja. "I'm tired too, good night guys!"
"Night Maja.", chorused the remaining ones around the campfire.
Kihana joined them back a few minutes later, as they all heard soft snores coming from one of the tents.
Seems like Maja and the kids were already asleep.
The others talked for a bit more, till Joey declared that they should probably go to bed too.
"Where did Mai go?", wonder Anzu.
"She does whatever she pleases.", reminds Jonouchi her. "Leave her be."
Out of nowhere behind Anzu, the bushes moved.
Joey and Honda stood up, ready to face whatever there was!
"Who's there? Come on out!", demanded Joey.
Sehrazat got ready to switch places with Afya if the person was dangerous, but a nice-looking and friendly boy with long white hair and brown eyes stepped out of the bushes.
Who was this?
Apparently a friend of Yugi and the others, named Ryou Bakura.
After they introduced Sehrazat and Kihana to him, they all sat down beside the campfire.
To Honda's surprise, anyone pulled out a deck of duel monsters.
"What? Everyone brought their cards?"
"What did you expect?", asked Joey rhetoric. "This is a kingdom for duelists, after all."
"Everyone on this island is putting their hearts into their cards. That was corny!", laughed Jonouchi.
"What's your favourite card, Jonouchi?", asked Bakura.
"This one of course. Call me Flame Swordsman from now on!"
"My favourite is Cyber Commander!", told Honda.
"You guys act like little kids.", said Anzu amused.
"But Jonouchi's right.", said Yugi. "Anzu you must have a favourite card."
"Well, this is my favourite card."
"What? Magician of Faith?", read Honda aloud the card's name.
"She looks suspicious.", added Joey.
"You idiot!", yelled Anzu at them.
Both boys embrace each other in fright.
"What's your favourite card, Yugi?", wonders Bakura.
"Dark Magician, of course."
This made Kihana giggle, while Sehrazat got bashful.
"Fits with Sehrazat's one.", told the white-haired beauty.
"Oh do tell!", said Anzu eager.
Shy Sehrazat raised The Dark Magician girl.
"Oh, is there not a legend about these two cards...who has them are soulmates?", remembers Joey, what they had heard from the Egyptian girls.
Yugi blushed, and Sehrazat's ears formally burned while all gave them knowing looks.
Bakura laughed softly and turned to Kihana: "What is your favourite card, Kihana-San?"
"You have to promise not to tell anyone.", she asked the ones who didn't know it.
Of course, they agreed and from her deck, she pulled...
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon?!", shouted nearly anyone.
"So the last card is in your hands Kihana-San.", summorized Yugi astonish.
"Yes, but I don't use it, I keep it as a Lucky Charm."
"But with such a strong card, you could win easily.", said Joey.
"Truth, but I will only use it, when it's a really dire situation, till now, I never needed it."
Anzu hummed and said: "I'm starting to understand how it feels to believe in your favourite cards and duel."
"Grandpa always talked about the heart of the cards.", added Yugi. "You can't truly duel until you play with cards that have your heart."
All nodded in agreement.
"What's your favourite card, Bakura?", wanted Yugi to know.
"This one."
"Change of Heart?"
"A spell card, interesting.", said Sehrazat.
All had picked monsters cards, besides Bakura.
"That's a weird card to like.", shared Joey his opinion.
Bakura just narrowed his eyes and asked Yugi if he wanted to duel him, just for fun, no Star Chips.
All were in favour of it.
A nice friendly duel was what they needed after all these competitive ones.
"What if you put your favourite cards into Yugi's deck?", suggested Bakura.
Well, no one had a problem with that, even Kihana was all right with it. It was just a friendly duel, not a competitive one.
So they got out a Duelling Map and put their cards in Yugi's deck.
"Okay, we are ready!", said Yugi to Bakura.
Anzu wished them both good luck.
Joey didn't think Bakura could beat Yugi, but he should give it's best.
"Just have fun.", said Kihana smiling.
Suddenly they all heard something that sounded like windchimnies.
"Sehrazat! Look out!", screamed Afya in their minds, but it was already too late.
A Millenium Item appeared around Bakura's neck, the Milliunim Ring!
The atmosphere changed around them, they were now in a dark shadowy place.
"What's that?!", shouted Jonouchi.
"This is a Shadow Game!", yelled Yugi.
The Millennium Ring started to shine and our friends knew no more.
They all fainted.
Yami Bakura laughed as he saw the pathetic soulless humans on the ground.
"This was too easy.", he laughed in triumph. He walked first over to Yugi. "The Millennium Puzzle is mine."
He reached out for it, but at the same time, both Puzzle and Fragment started to glow.
Yami and Afya took control of their Hikari's body and stood up.
"I'll face you in this Shadow Game.", declared Yami, while Afya stared Yami Bakura down with a burning look.
"So the pharaoh and queen have shown up.", giggled Yami Bakura creepily. "I've been waiting for you."
Afya took a step forward, gripped her Millliunim Fragment and turned it into a beautiful golden sword.
She pointed it at him.
"What did you do to the children?!"
Yami felt how Afya was ready to just straight up slice the person before them into nice pieces, but they needed him to get the souls of Yugi, Sehrazat and the others back.
So he gripped her free hand and whispered in her ear.
"Calm down, my queen. Right now, he has the upper hand. Starting to murder him, will not bring back the children."
From Afya came a little growl, but she nodded.
Her husband was right.
She turned the sword back into the Fragment form.
"Still so disgustingly in love mmh.", mocked Yami Bakura.
"Bakura, I didn't know you were a Shadow Game duelist.", stated Yami.
"Bakura? I'm not Bakura."
"Then what do you want?!", shouted Afya, only Yami's tight grip on her hand stopping her from punching the white-haired boy in the face.
"You should know, little queen. Whoever collects all the Millenium Items will have the power to rule the world. If the pharaoh wins, I'll return everyone's souls. But if I win, I get the Puzzle and Fragment."
"Kick his ass, Yami!", said Afya, as both males got ready to duel.
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mamuzzy · 6 months
Thank you for the ask ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
🍓 - how did you get into writing fanfiction?  Honestly? I don't know. Sometimes I feel I shouldn't be writing because I don't consider myself well-read in literature. I'm really picky about genres when it's about actual books and mostly always go for documentaries instead of fiction. So strangely my love for writing came first and then my love for reading, and much later reading fanfictions about favorite characters were a great reintroduction for me to actual books.
My first conscious hyperfixation was Teen Titans at age 9-10, but my first fanfiction was actually from a game, Spellforce: Order of Dawn that came out around the same time. I wish I had kept it, it was written in a little teal-notebook with an usamimi anime girl on its cover. :((( I was so obsessed how pretty and badass the elves looked in that game (as pretty as it could get in 2003) that I wanted more about them. There were a few named characters in the Eloni level, and I thought: Hmm. What if they were friends? So I made them best friends and comrade-in-arms, off to kill a dragon. Nothing shippy. Just badass girls fighthing. But in the same notebook I started to write a Teen Titans fic too afterwards. :D But also around this time (and last time) I worked actively original stuff too, some self-insert urban fantasy, inspired by weird dreams.
So I think it was just about wanting a certain scenario to exist? They were in my head so much rent-free, I made them work for they stay? :D
Fanfic writing always came secondary after drawing, but after a while I stopped doing both of it. :((( I recently started again.
🍅 - give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
You are shit, do it better
I think I need to work on my english vocabulary and grammar especially learning how to use the different past-tenses (ughh...). I read that it's easier if you write fics right away in english instead of writing it in your own language then translate it. But when I write in english, I often feel restricted by my current knowledge. If I waited until I was good enough, then I would never share anything ^^'
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I need to work on using more descriptions of body-language.
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