#your adopted mother loves you but also you guys are probably driving her completely insane in the afterlife
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Going a little insane thinking about how from Knives' perspective, his olive branch for Rem was rejected by his childhood perception of her loyalty to humanity, but Rem was assessing the situation as both a ship official and a parent and definitely making the choice she thought would maximize his and Vash's survival chances...like, if she was following duty as a crew member first and foremost, she'd head immediately to the bridge and tell the boys to head to the escape pods via comms or something. But instead she spent valuable minutes ensuring that Vash and Knives were safely strapped in and ready to escape, and then turned around to minimize the ship damage. Plus she had no actual way of knowing whether the plant ships were on a crash course, either—and while tristamp Nai can survive completely without food and water, no version of Vash has been shown to be able to do so completely (plus all other versions of Knives are shown at least drinking lol). So from her perspective she didn't just need to save both her kids and the humans on board, she also would've needed to save as many dependents as possible just so the boys had a way to stay alive.
She did the best she could do as a parent in that scenario, and Knives forever locked himself into a traumatized child's reasoning for her actions and blamed her to cope with it and then never reassessed from the perspective of an adult due to his, well, issues with everything. That's rough buddy.
#trigun#trigun maximum#trigun stampede#trigun spoilers#I'd say he could probably sort this out in therapy but that would probably just be giving a bad person access to therapyspeak lmao#Vash also never truly processed it...don't spend all your time worrying about honoring her sacrifice when she tried to save you too dummy!!#your adopted mother loves you but also you guys are probably driving her completely insane in the afterlife#Knives going around like 'My FAKE mom who is a betrayer and a poopyhead and possibly hates me and—' while Vash goes 'you don't get it.....'#and Rem is forced to save up all her good girl ghost points to give one of them vague dreams in an attempt to get them to just chill tf out#can't leave the bathroom door unlocked to take a poop when alive......can't rest in peace in the afterlife........smh
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If you’re still taking prompts (no worries if not!) I was wondering if you could do #4 teacher/single parent au for InuKag? I loved the soul mate one!
Hey! Took me forever I know, but here it is (: Hope you’ll enjoy. I’m glad to know you liked the soulmate AU and I hope this won’t disappoint ^-^ And this is the last one of the requests I had gotten!
(the school system is kind of based on France? I think? I mean I don’t know how different things are in other countries… Just thought I’d let you know)
Thegeneral reaction, when Inuyasha told someone he was a teacher, was toburst out laughing. Miroku, his high school best friend, when he hadran into him. Sango, Miroku’s wife, who he had never even metbefore the dinner Miroku had invited him into. Kagura, his brother’swife, almost choking on her glass of wine. Hell, even his indifferentasshole of a brother hadn’t been able to contain a brief but amusedchuckle.
Soyeah, maybe he wasn’t your typical teacher. Maybe he was loud,maybe he could be abrasive, and yeah, sure, he was pretty fuckingrude.
Heknew no one believed in him, when he got the job, and there was not adoubt in his mind that he was sent to this area because of howdesperate everyone was to find a way to deal with demon kids. Thereweren’t that many demons who wanted to work as teachers, and mostof those who did specialized in history. Sometimes PE. As for humans,the ones with spiritual powers had other jobs most of the time, wherethey could actually use said powers. Because not many parents likedthe idea of having a teacher who had the capacity of destroyingtheir child.
Whenhe had arrived at Shikon Middle School, it had turned out they didn’tlike the idea of having a half-demon teacher much better. Theheadmistress, Kaede, who wasa priestess, hadn’t said anything about it to him, but he found outlater that she had insisted they should take him, which he wasactually rather grateful for.
Thoughit probably had more to do with the fact that they were one mathsteacher short.
Surprisingly,it had gone pretty well with the kids. At first, yeah, there had beena bit of a struggle for power, but now, after five years, he hadacquired quite the reputation and apart from a few students here andthere, he didn’t really have disciplinary problems.
Hedid have the reputation of being a teacher you should notcross, but the kids he had actually kinda liked him. His vulgarity inparticular delighted them, and his very clear lack of appreciationfor parts of the institution seemed to please them immensely.
Allin all, his professional life was just fine.
Exceptfor Shippo Hojo.
IfInuyasha was completely honest, he would admit that he had always hadmore trouble with kitsunesthan with other demons. Wolf-demons and dog-demons, he handled justfine after a bit of a fight for dominance. Some demons instinctivelyknew they were weaker than him, some, like cat-demons, didn’t everreally trust him, but they still never were a problem.
Kitsunes,now… Well, it was kind of their whole point, wasn’t it? Theyweren’t about power, though there were obviously some incrediblystrong ones. Some of them had tried to drive him insane before, buthe’d managed to put them back in their place more or less subtly.
Shippodid notgive a fuck. He wouldn’t be intimidated, and his complete lack ofinterest for maths seemed to make it impossible for Inuyasha to gethis attention for long enough to build some sort of relationship. SoInuyasha had resolved to doing what he neverdid.
Hehad asked to meet with either of his parents. It had been a brief,written exchange, but she had somehow managed to still sound overenergetic, which only made him dread tonight’s encounter more.Explaining to a proud mother or father why their child was notas amazing as they imagined was always an absolute nightmare, butwith a full demon, not to mention a kitsune?
Sheknocked on his door right on time, and he found himself frowning ashe went to open it. No demon smell. Weird, but a possibility withkitsunes,though that wouldn’t be good news. It meant power, and powerfuldemons were even more of a pain in the ass.
Heopened the door, and for a few moments, all he could do was staredown at the little, black-haired woman standing there with a brightsmile.
“Kagome?”he finally blurted out, which he realized wasn’t the bestdemonstration of his social skills — but considering said skills,not that far either.
“Inuyasha,”she replied softly with a short nod. “It’s nice to see you.”
Shit.Shit.He was looking at his high school crush, the person he had almostbroken up with Kikyo for, and maybe he should have, he thought asnostalgia hit him hard.She hadn’t changed much. She looked older, yeah, with a fewwrinkles around her mouth and eyes, but they were still shining, hersmile was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and herscent was just as intoxicating. Kikyou and him hadn’t worked outanyway, and had walked away from each other only after years of painand hurting each other and—
Wait,Hojo?She’d married the boring, bland, stupid guy from high school?Dammit, he’d always known the guy had a crush on her but—
Ah.Maybe that was it. He remembered the tears streaming down her facewhen she had told him he had to chose because she didn’t deservethat, deserved better than to be strung along. Maybe then, after thepain hehad inflicted her, she just needed someone who loved her.
Hecleared his throat self-consciously.
“Erm…Come on in. We’ll, erm, yeah.”
Greatjob Inuyasha. Amazing. He sat at his desk and invited her to sit onthe chair he had prepared for her.
“Ihad no idea it’d be you,” he commented, trying to avoid meetingher eyes. Having her smell in the room was enough of a distraction onits own.
Shelaughed awkwardly. “No, I… Well, I knew it was you. Miroku toldme you’d become a teacher, so there wasn’t much room for asurprise there.”
He held back a growl at the mention of Miroku — so that asshole had stayed in contact with her all this time? —, thennodded hesitantly. He had nofucking ideawhat was appropriate right now in the conversation. Yeah, they hadbeen close, but that was years ago. She had clearly moved on, and,well, he thought he had, but… Ah, fuck it. “So, Hojo?”
Kagomeseemed surprised for a second, then let out a light laugh and God,he didn’t even know how much he’d missed it until then.
“Sortof, I guess? We, erm, we’re separated now. He…” Her eyesdarkened and she lowered her voice. “He wasn’t too happy aboutadopting Shippo, which I realized too late.” He’d given her anultimatum: him or the child.
Shedidn’t know how he had thought he stood a chance.
“Yeah,so about that…”
Thememories disappeared and she brought her attention back to Inuyasha.He hadn’t changed a bit, though she had to admit the shirt lookedgood on him — really made those muscly arms and shoulders of himstand out. He also looked a bit uncomfortable. He had barely lookedat her in the eyes, and she had, of course, noticed the way his earswere flattened against his skull. If she was completely honest, shewouldn’t mind letting him feel guilty for a little while. He hadn’tjust broken her heart. He had crushed it.
Thiswas all years ago though, and even if his discomfort was rather fun,there wasn’t any real anger there anymore. Just some vague sort ofsadness for what could have been, completely overshadowed by Shippo.She would do everything for her sun, and if not being with Inuyashawas a part of that, well, then so be it.
“Shippo’sbeen…” acomplete fucking pain in the ass“quite a problem in class, recently. His level in maths reallysuffers from it, and even if it didn’t, it makes it harder for theother students to focus.”
Kagomesmiled. There was something really cute about watching Inuyasha actall professional like that. “I’m really sorry,” she sighed. “Hehas, erm, a short attention span, as a lot of kitsunesdo, and, well, he’s not a fan of maths.”
Hecouldn’t help but grin. “Right, and you have nothing to do withthat?”
Kagomelet out a surprised laugh, and, for a second, it was like nothing hadchanged. Like they were the best of friends, maybe more, and—Right. And it made Kikyo terribly jealous.
“Noton purpose,” she replied, breaking eye contact. “But it’s truethat it’s harder for him to focus on his homework if I’m not hereto help him or talk about it with him. Which I can’t really do formaths.”
“Wouldya consider trying though?” he offered, his accent showing withouthim noticing, as it sometimes did when he was feeling comfortablearound someone. “I know it wouldn’t be fun for you, but sanctionsclearly aren’t working, and if classes are just me and himfighting, everyone’s suffering from it, y’know.”
“I-Iknow,” she mumbled. He heard the tears in her voice and he cursedunder his breath. Fuck, no. He’d promised himself he would never,ever make her cry again, even if that meant he should never see heragain, and he was doing exactly that in the first ten minutes hespent with her? What was wrongwith him?
Beforehe knew it, he’d walked around his desk, setting both hands on hershoulders, holding her with a strange mix of care and awkwardness.“Hey, don’t— I don’t want to forceyou to do maths,Kagome, it’s just, we need to—”
Shelaughed through tears, shaking her head, and for a brief moment, shegrabbed his wrist to squeeze it. “I know,Inuyasha, don’t worry, it’s just— I’m really taken with myjob. My mom helps me sometimes, but that’s just not her thing, andSota’s in college, and Hojo, well…” She let out a disgustedsound that made clear exactly what she thought of Hojo. “It’sjust been hard.But you—you’re right, and I’ll—I’ll talk to him, okay?Shippo’s a smart kid— a really, reallysmart kid. I’m sure I can set something with him.”
Well,that only made him feel more like shit. He knew he was going toregret it the second he opened his mouth, but he didn’t really havea choice, did he? “If you can’t do it, just contact me, ‘kay?I’ll— tutor him or something. ‘m sure we can work somethingout.”
ButKagome shook her head. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to bother you,Inuyasha. Just— If there are problems with him, try talking to him,maybe? I’m sure he’d understand what you said about it being abother for the other students better than a sanction. I’ll— I’lltry. I promise.”
Thereshe went, again. Taking all the problems in the world on hershoulders, and he didn’t feel like he had a right to offer to shareit with her. “Here,” he mumbled, grabbing a tissue on his deskand offering it to her. “I’ll do that, but you have to promise meyou’ll ask for help if you need any.”
Shegrabbed the tissue gratefully and nodded. “Sure!”
Shechuckled. He really knew her, didn’t he? “I promise, Inuyasha,”she said softly, and when she looked up, there just was somethingin her eyes and in her smile, and he wondered if feelings truly everwent away. Because right now, he felt like a teenager all over again,heart beating loudly in his chest and all that stuff.
“Youknow,” she said, her voice low, “I think it really suits you, tohave become a teacher.”
Hesnorted. “Well, you sure are the only one.” But then again, shehad often been ‘the only one’ when it came to him.
Theireyes met, and it was obvious things weren’t over between them.Maybe because they hadn’t even begun.
Then,he cleared his throat, and the moment was gone.
“Wellthen,” she said, grabbing her handbag, which she had set on theground. “I— I hope it’ll work.”
“Yeah,same,” he replied, standing up. He wasn’t eager to see her go.He’d missedher, even if he had managed to convince himself he didn’t, and nowthat she had appeared in his life again, he feared he wouldn’t beable to pretend anymore.
“I’llsee you around, Inuyasha,” she whispered when she walked in frontof him.
Henodded. He almost reached out, almost grabbed her hand, almost toldher all of the things he’d felt back then, even when he had pickedKikyo for reasons that seemed so futile now. Was he truly going tolet her walk away again?
Didhe even have the right to try and hold her back?
Whenhe opened the door, Inuyasha’s eyes fell on Shippo, sitting there,waiting for Kagome. She hugged the child warmly, and he simplycouldn’t help the way his heart squeezed, seeing her taking care ofa demon child that way. Not that she made it look special or anything— that was just the point, actually. She made it look so simple. Sonormal. It was something he had never thought was possible, and hereshe was, effortlessly demonstrating it was.
“GoodbyeInuyasha, have a nice day!”
Ittook him maybe just a second to answer, and maybe he stuttered a bitwhen he returned her greeting.
Maybe —he would absolutely deny it if someone said so.
Then,his eyes fell on Shippo who, even as Kagome started walking away,stayed behind, shaking his head with the most arrogant grin Inuyashahad ever seen on him.
“Don’tworry sir. If you want me to, I can make sure you’ll meet again.”
Andthen he had the audacity to wink.Inuyasha took a step forward, already growling. Talk to him? Really?Kagome couldn’t be serious.
“Why,you little…”
Witha devilish laugh, Shippo ran to catch up with Kagome, grabbing herhand, and she turned around to look at him, her eyes turning toInuyasha in confusion.
Ofcourse, he didn’t do nor say anything, merely giving her a nervoussmile. He guessed even smiling was hard to do when you didn’t haveenough practice.
Shesmiled back and gave him a wave, before turning around and walkingout, talking with Shippo.
Hehad always thought Kagome would be the one who got away, one of hisbiggest regrets. He couldn’t believe he was given another chance.It probably wasn’t the greatest timing, since she was, you know,his student’s mom, but still, he’d give anything to make it workthis time.
Shit.He hoped Shippo would misbehave again.
SoI was absolutely going to write Kagome as the teacher and Inuyasha asthe parent, I even had my backstory about Kikyo’s death and all,and then a bell went ‘ding ding ding’ in my head and I did theopposite.
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Getting to Know More
Fun facts about Terry McGinnis:
He was a notorious middle child in a HUGE family: Dick, Jason, Athanasia, Cassandra, Tim, Duke, Damian, Alina, himself, Helena, Thomas, Bruce Jr., and Matt. His extended family included Dick’s wife, and Dick’s kids, Thomas, Mar’i, and Jake; Jason’s adopted daughter Lian Harper; Tim’s wife, Stephanie; and Duke’s wife; Claire Clover. His extended, extended family also had Uncle Luke’s and Aunt Babs’ kids; Carrie and Nell, Bette Kane, Grampa Lucius, and, well, at this point one got the picture; huge ass colony of Bats living in Gotham here.
He shredded it where skateboard, hockey, motocross were concerned, but he had the coordination of a spaz for baseball and surfing.
His mom was awesome on epic proportions. Seriously, he didn’t know how she did it but she redefined super mom.
Another thing to know, he totally did not have a crush on the Princess of Atlantis, he was only going with her to this movie because he happened to like it, and because Mareena was the only chick he knew who didn’t like chick flicks (Mar’i, Helena, Lian, and Max could all go Suck It! He was going to see a damn action flick if it fucking killed him this year!) Mareena just also happened to like action flicks, which was why she was here with him.
Standing there in the theatre line he tried not to stare at Mareena who was hiding her identity under a hoodie she had stolen from his room when she had walk up to the Manor with a movie for them to see. Mareena did not have friends in Atlantis who appreciated the arts of action flicks. Terry didn’t care though, he was no longer being that weirdo who was going to a theatre alone. Also, she was a chick Dana could not get jealous over and drive him insane. He would think college meant that the drama would die off with the age grow up, but apparently not. And he was not getting blue balls because Dana was having imaginary jealous fits over imaginary slights.
“Why can the line not move faster,” Mareena huffed.
“Because the line is moving this pace because people are slow. Besides, we’re ahead of the line for the premiere line,” he jabbed his thumb over his shoulder to show her. Mareena frowned.
“You people are annoying,” Mareena said icily.
“How are we annoying, you wanted to go to this movie, so I’m going with you to see this movie,” he said.
“I would’ve asked someone else, but,” she started.
“There’s no one but Don and Dawn, and we both know there’s no way in hell that Barry and Iris would let them come.”
“I could’ve gone to New Krypton,” Mareena argued.
“Oh yes, because watching their movies is so entertaining,” Terry rolled his eyes.
“You land dwellers have no appreciation for the fine arts of moving with a flow,” Mareena argued.
“Pipe down, and don’t draw attention of the paparazzi,” he snapped when her hood started falling off of her head, which had him pulling it more firmly over the green hair of hers. Only disadvantage of going to the movies with Mareena was the fact her hair glowed in the dark. But other than that, trade offs, made it worth it!
“You do realize they’d be more inclined to notice you and not me, right?”
“I’m wearing a Gotham Knights cap, and I am not royalty, I’m just one of a hundred Wayne kids,” Terry point out.
“I thought you were a Prince,” Mareena said.
“No, I’m a Wayne,” he said. “Not royalty.”
“You are also…” she held up her index fingers by her head and smiled a bit.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t count,” he shrugged. Dick had been Batman, Jason had briefly been to save Dick’s wedding, Cass currently was, Damian was next. It wasn’t anything special anymore, it wasn’t special in the family he belonged in. Though B was still the control freak behind the scenes for them so technically B was still the Bat.
“Why not?”
“Cause B’s the big man in charge.”
“Your dad is in a wheelchair,” Mareena pointed out.
“Partial paralyses is not a disability, it just means his legs have to take a break sometimes and Mom has to push him around, it’s not abnormal to what normally happens with him,” he shrugged.
“You guys have issues,” Mareena stated.
Terry merely shrugged. “Dad’s fine, we’re fine, it’s all fine!” he snorted.
“Last time you said that everything was on fire,” Mareena stated.
“Let me restate we’re fine. But mostly keep your hair away so I don’t have to explain to Dana why the hell I’m seen with another woman.” Terry stated.
“Ah, the nefarious Dana, why are you still dating that woman?” Mareena asked. “She was bratty when you were a teen, she’s worse now.”
“Not all of us get fairy tale romances,” Terry shrugged. “Besides, I like sex, sex is a great relief to the stress of everything.”
“You sound like a cad.”
“You should hear my sisters talk,” he shrugged. Mar’i, Helena, Max, and Lian were way worse than him about the sex talks, girls were all about feelings, and emotions and connections, it was annoying, and they always talked about it and guys! Terry probably knew more about women than the average guy and it was a disturbing amount information his sisters had given him. And just to clarify, he thought of Mar’i, Lian and Max as his sisters because he had known them since he was in diapers! It was hard to think of them as anything remotely close to something other than sisters.
“And you shouldn’t knock down romance,” Mareena stated. “Your family has the most epic love stories according to my father. Other than maybe Diana and Steve’s.”
“You’re nuts!” he sputtered.
“Am not, the story of B and Selina, Dick and Kori, Jason and Raven, Tim and Stephanie, B and Talia,” she stated. “Epic romances.”
“That’s just gross, and disturbing to think about my family’s love lives,” he grimaced.
“You guys are secret sweethearts I bet,” Mareena decided with a cheeky smile.
“We are the Knight! We are the Terror of Nightmares! We are NOT Sweethearts! Even Alina is even an epic of epic badasses,” he argued. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see the text was from his mom.
“What’s up?”
“After the movie we need to go get Matt, Carrie, Tommy and Nell from school. Babs and Luke had to go to Africa,” he said.
“So we’ll get them, get a slice, and then I’ll drop you off, or are you tubing?” he asked.
“Why would I be tubing?”
“Cause it’s up or down with you,” he retorted.
“Can I stay? I haven’t hung around the surface too much, and I do not want to go to the Tower,” she said.
“Yeah. Julia will help us set up a room for you,” Terry said. Julia had come to Gotham recently because Alfred was sick.
“Who is Julia?” Mareena asked.
“Julia is Alfred’s daughter,” he answered.
“Alfred is not B’s father?” she said in bizarre wonderment.
“Uh… yeah, not a secret,” he pointed out. “Alfred is awesome, and he’s totally grandpa, but he’s not blood.” Terry shrugged.
“WHAT!?” Mareena sputtered. Terry jumped a bit as he stared at her bewildered expressioned.
“He’s not blood!?”
“No, I mean, like ninety percent of my family isn’t blood.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “It’s not news.”
“I…” she started. “I always thought you were related,” he said.
“Black hair, blue eyes, ungodly pale.”
“What about Duke or Damian!?” he sputtered.
“Okay, so you don’t all look alike,” she rolled her eyes.
“Exactly, and we are all pretty much adopted. Only Athanasia, Damian, Alina, Helena, Tommy, Junior, Matt and I are actually B’s blood kids.”
“I thought you were just… you know, cause you’re a huge family and dad says B started young, really young, so I just assumed,” she shrugged.
“It’s all public record,” he shrugged. “B hasn’t been shy about it. Dick, Babs, Jason, Cass, Tim, Duke, Steph, technically and kind of, Harper, Cullen, Bette, and Renee.”
“I just thought you were related, and I thought you were also, you know,” she shrugged innocently.
“What else did you think we were!?” He sputtered.
“Vampires,” she said innocently.
“I hate dad for starting that rumor,” Terry muttered sourly.
“That one is funny though!” She persisted. “Hal told me, before I met you guys, that you were all demons.”
“Well, Rae is,” he shrugged.
“I thought your dad was big anti- anything that isn’t human marrying into my family,” Mareena said.
“Luci made valid points which had B accepting the fact marrying into a family as divine and powerful as Rae’s is a… you know, it’s kind of a divine honor,” Terry shrugged. “Besides, I didn’t know they weren’t married until they were officially married.”
“You didn’t know they weren’t married?” Mareena asked.
“They’ve been together since I was in diapers,” Terry shrugged.
“Yes really. I’m pretty sure they were the ones who found me,” Terry said.
“I’m learning more about you than I ever thought possible.”
“All of this is actually public record.”
“Really?” she asked skeptically.
“My biological mother was Mary McGinnis, she was married to Warren McGinnis, they died in a car crash when I was three days old and they were driving home from the hospital. I’m technically property of A.R.G.U.S. so Waller took me in, Jason found me about a year later,” Terry explained.
“That’s weird,” she decided.
“No, what’s weirder is the fact that Matt is my full brother,” Terry stated. “Mary and Warren were dead five years before Matt was even conceived, and he’s my full brother.”
“I thought you were B’s blood son,” Mareena said carefully.
“I am. Waller injected a serum into Warren McGinnis’ DNA to scramble his own DNA to match with Bruce’s. Warren was a chimera essentially thanks to Waller’s tinkering,” Terry said. “I’m a ‘clone’ of Bruce’s in a way or I was supposed to be with what Waller set up, and I’m his son, but NO, he did not get involved in the conception of me or my blood brother Matt. He’s the genetic material for us. He’s still Dad though since he’s well, Dad,” Terry shrugged.
“That’s complicated.”
“That’s my family. Also, completely public record,” he shrugged.
“You’re not normal,” she said icily.
“What!? I’m completely normal! I’m going to a movie, and with you no less, in broad daylight, and I’m not turning to ash because of the sun either!” he smiled.
“You’re sounding like a assbutt,” she muttered.
“Asshole,” he corrected. “And you started it.”
“What did you expect from my family?” she asked.
“Lots of energy,” he answered honestly. “Dad always said that you guys were energetic like no tomorrow and wild, also unpredictable, dangerous, and loud, very loud.”
“You expected that!?” she sputtered.
“Did you think I was expecting a mermaid from Little Mermaid, fishtail and all?” he asked her.
“Nah,” he shrugged.
“You’re an ass,” she informed him.
“I’m aware.”
“Besides, I’m a you know,” he shrugged. “Being unpleasant and assholes in general are required.”
“Oh! The ticket booth! And next time we are dropping your family name to get into the movie.”
“You wanted to be a normal American teen this time instead of being a Princess of you know,” he said.
“I did not want that. You wanted that. Freaking love of invisibility. I swear if you were metas you’d all be like that.”
“Rae cast an invisibility spell once, that was awesome, terrifying and cool.”
“Oh, the demons were hunting her, I was like seven, and it was a giant hide and seek game,” Terry said.
“That’s not normal.”
“You grew up under the sea,” he pointed out.
“You grew up in Gotham.”
“I don’t like you right now,” she decided.
“You adore me, I’m paying for the movie,” he pointed out.
“True,” she decided.
“Awe, you two are an adorable couple!” the ticket attendant said when they stepped up to buy the tickets for S.O.S. “First date?”
“We’re not a couple,” Terry stated as he paid for the tickets.
“But we are friends!” Mareena declared slinging her arm around his shoulders.
“You adore me!” she declared.
Terry rolled his eyes as the ticket clerk chuckled but gave them their tickets. “I’ll spring for the snacks, you get the good seats,” he ordered as they had their ticket punched and walked into the crowd.
#bluboothalassophile#fanfic#one shot#hopes for a bastard spoilers#hopes for a bastard universe#terry mcginnis#mareena curry
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Lana: Isle vs Auradon
a/n yes it is I, Bianca, aka @darlingsteveharrington , back from the dead and ready to write for Descendants again. So I posted these a while back and I have since revamped them and I am so much happier with these. My babies have been reborn!!!! I’m so happy to be writing for them again I missed them so much anywho (also requests anyone?)
also shoutout to @askhaylieooc I saw your ask and I have no clue what happened but it’s not there anymore :( I did see it though and thank you 1000 times over for showing interest in my OC's and inadvertently helping me start writing for them again <3
Lana on the Isle

All through her childhood Lana never once stepped foot on the Isle. She was raised in the Underworld by her father. The closest she ever got to it was her father’s restaurant and even that place was nothing compared to what was outside its walls. Her mother died on the Isle of the Lost and, despite what most people thought about him, Hades was almost overprotective of Lana.
She has on occasion visited Mount Olympus though. It was always when there was a meeting of the Gods. Her father, being the God of the Underworld, was invited to them (albeit a little reluctantly). The Gods were different than the people down on Auradon. Staging a failed coup wasn’t the worst thing one of them had done and so they always greeted Lana with open arms. It was during one of those visits when she met Kellan wandering around the gardens.
That was the first time Lana had had a living friend. A few days later Yen Sid delivered a letter to the restaurant. Kellan had sent it to her from Auradon. They exchanged letters back and forth and Yen Sid soon became her designated messenger, not that he minded much.
Hades was quite possibly the only parent on the Isle who genuinely cared about his kid. He had a temper, for sure. More times than one he banished people’s souls but still, that was tame compared to some of the more…spirited villains. It was part of the reason why Hades had avoided sending her to both Dragon Hall and Serpent Prep. Instead, he sent her to Elysium three times a week to be taught by some of the better ancient philosophers. “C’mon Lana, who doesn’t want to be taught by some dead guy who everyone thinks is so great”
Hades actually tried to talk Lana out of finally heading up to the Isle. “Lana, those people are crazy. Trust me, you don’t want to be around them” “Can’t be any crazier than the ones down here” After a lot of arguing Lana finally convinced him to let her see the Isle. They compromised and he armed her with a dagger that was said to be able to rip the soul straight out of your body.
Lana was a bit of an urban legend around the Isle so there was a lot of talk when she finally left the Underworld. Mal and Jay were the first ones to approach her. “It’d be in your best interest to fall in line with us. I’ll even teach you everything you have to know about his place personally” “Sorry, I don’t fall in line very well”
That day she went to Yen Sid to pick up her letter and that was when she was approached again. “Your Hades’ kid?” “Who’s asking?” “He came to the Chip Shop a few days ago and told us you’d be heading up soon. Recommended we take you under our wing” “Did he? And who might you be?” “Uma”
Uma and her pirate crew adopted Lana almost immediately. They called her ‘the purest thing on the Isle’. Lana hadn’t been exposed to enough of the chaos to become as corrupted as the rest of them and it had made her more than a little naive. She was trained to defend herself by Uma’s best, Harry and Gil.
It wasn’t long before she ran into Evie in the markets. Lana caught her trying to take some fabric from one of the little shops. “You really should get better at that, you know” They talked for hours and eventually somehow ended up in Evie’s castle looking at all her designs. They exchange some scraps they had gotten ahold of and at the end of the night they’ve successfully made each other a new outfit. Lana becomes almost as close with Evie as she was with Uma and the crew.
Lana told Evie about her single encounter with Mal and she laughed. Ultimately she did convince Lana to talk to her one more time to try and fix things. Reluctantly, Lana followed Evie to Mal’s loft and although she didn’t think she was the best, at least they were on speaking terms. Jay she thinks is pretty okay. Besides Evie, Carlos is her favorite.
She watches him tinker with whatever objects he can find. Eventually, she develops a habit of stealing items from the pile of things that had been confiscated from the new souls. She takes whatever she thinks Carlos will like and gives them to him. They have a lot of surprisingly meaningful talks late at night as he’s messing with whatever object she’s brought him.
The more time Lana spent up on the Isle, the more she realized why everybody, didn’t matter where they were from, looked towards Auradon with longing. It was just out of arms reach, taunting them every single day and she too grew tired of it quickly.
Two guards, each with the symbol of the palace, found Lana one day and handed her two letters. She recognized the one from Kellan and opened it immediately. You’re going to love it here, Lana. I convinced Ben to let you come along and I’m already making a list of everything you have to see first. Lana protested going to Auradon all the way back to the Chip Shop.
“There’s no way I’m going off to Auradon while all of you stay here” “You’re going Lana” “No I’m not. Good luck making me” “You can’t just turn down the prince of Auradon” “I can and I will” “No you won’t” “I’m not leaving you all behind. You’re all more deserving of that place than I am” “Then go and you can help get us there next”
It took hours of convincing before Lana agreed to consider going. She went back to the Underworld to talk to her dad about it. She was more than a little surprised by his answer. “Take the chance to leave while they’re giving it to you” “But what about you?” “I’m gonna be fine, Lana. Besides I got Cerberus to keep me company”
Lana watched the Isle disappear from the back window, almost melancholy.
Lana in Auradon

Lana’s foul mood disappeared quickly once she saw Auradon up close for the first time. She stepped out of the limo that was sent to pick them up and immediately more whispers started. Everybody had a good feeling about who she was for two reasons. One, she was obviously not completely human: the children of the Gods were always exceptionally radiant in a way no one could quite put their finger on. Two, Kellan hadn’t stopped talking about her.
Kellan wasted no time in rushing through everybody, running past Ben and Audrey (almost knocking over Fairy Godmother in the process) and practically tackling Lana as he shouted her name repeatedly. The two of them talk animatedly back and forth for a few minutes, not paying any attention at all to what Ben is saying. It’s not until he clears his throat, telling them he’s about to start the tour that they pay him any attention. Kellan literally begs Ben to let him take Lana. “Come on, babe! I promise I’ll bring her to you in one piece later. (Ben agrees, mostly because he is almost incapable of saying no to him)
Lana takes to Auradon immediately. By the end of the day, she’s caught on to plenty of things and talking to dozens of people. She even talked to Chad for a while, whether it was completely civil is up for debate. As promised, Kellan takes Lana to Ben and needless to say she had a lot of things to say to him. Ben had never been so intrigued by somebody the way he was with Lana at that moment.
It doesn’t take very long for Fairy Godmother to realize that Lana is way ahead of the others academically. “Please, the schools on the Isle are a joke. Maybe if you spent more time trying to educate people other than the royal kids we would have genuinely reformed villains kids” Her constant remarks are what land her in Remedial Goodness 101 with Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Mal.
Lana spends a lot of time learning the politics of everything and what the best way to get her friends off the Isle would be. She asks Ben a lot of questions, after all, who better to ask than the future king? More than a few times she’s been found sitting where ever faces the Isle, a guilt-ridden look on her face.
Lana quickly becomes a huge fan of tourney. Kellan drags her to practice one day and she gets probably way too into it. After one practice Kellan offers to show her the ropes and she quickly finds out she’s terrible at it. Nonetheless, she still enjoys watching and a couple Friday nights later she starts getting way too into the games.
After Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Mal get a call with their parents Lana gets one with her dad. They spend a good hour or two talking and only stop when Kellan joins them. “Oh hey Uncle Hades” “Kid, I’m not your uncle” “You kind of are though”
The longer she spends in Auradon, the better Lana gets at hiding how mischievous she really is. She’s able to talk her way out of whatever trouble she gets into. Usually anyway. Ben is the only one she just can’t seem to convince and it drives her insane.
Speaking of, she hates the fact that Mal opted to use a love potion on him. True love is a big concept on Auradon and although Lana didn’t quite believe in it herself it wasn’t fair to be manipulating it. It causes a huge rift in her already rocky friendship with Mal. “Oh come on, your dad is a villain just like our parents. Don’t act like you don’t want what we do” “Of course I do but manipulating somebody into thinking they love you just to use them to do your bidding is terrible on a whole other level!”
She may not agree with Mal’s method but she still takes her side after the whole incident on family day. Lana was easily the one who had fit in on Auradon the fastest and easiest. Her father had been declared a villain and so that made her a villain’s kid, despite people’s opinions that she ‘didn’t count’.
Later that day is the first time Lana’s hair turns to flames. Some snide comments from more than a few people set her off. She starts screaming profanities, her eyes go dark, and her hair turns to blue flames. She ends up being dragged away from the scene by Jay. It takes close to four hours for the flames to die down.
She has to be carefully guarded until everything dies down. It means Kellan gets into a lot of fights that week. At one point it’s the about the twelfth time he’s late to class and Lana has had enough. “What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m defending you” “I can handle myself, thank you very much” “Yeah well it’s been proven that you’re scary when you’re angry so trust me, getting punched by me is the better option”
Evie requests Lana’s help in getting their coronation outfits ready and the two of them have the time of their lives. One conversation leads to another and somehow they decide to create their own label if all goes well.
Lana’s thrown off by the entire coronation. She quickly comes to the realization that she doesn’t like the spotlight. A lot of her time is spent beside her family who all came down just for Ben’s coronation. She spends it mainly with Persephone, who reminds her of a lot of home and her father.
She’s a little bit surprised after the whole fiasco that happened at the coronation. But she can’t deny that the second Maleficent shows up she begins plotting how to get her friends off of the Isle. Her attention is taken, however, by Mal insisting that she wants to change. If she’s honest, she had no idea that was going to happen. But still, she helps defeat Maleficent and watches as everybody comes to again. “What was that?” “That was me taking into account what you said. Turns out you were right, Lana”
Lana and Evie offer to make Adelaide and Eva outfits for some event they both have to go to and they love them. Soon the two of them are getting commissions from most of the girls in school. They send Kellan and Jay on runs to get more materials for them and they quickly establish a system that works near perfectly.
Two months after the coronation Lana starts spending a suspicious amount of time with Ben. Suspicious in the sense that he always seems to be around, whether it’s while she’s hiding in Kellan’s room or running into him in the most random of places.
It works to her advantage eventually. Even as time passes she doesn’t forget about trying to get her friends off of the Isle of the Lost. She has her fair share of arguments with Ben about laws and proclamations and such. “It’s not as simple as you make it seem” “Isn’t it though? I’ve been through countless pages of documents and there’s not much standing in your way. You’re the King of Auradon, Ben!” “You are insufferable you know that?” “Likewise”
There is so much tension between the two of them and everybody starts noticing it. It isn’t until a conversation Lana has with Mal one day that she realizes it herself though. “You know even while under that love spell, which is one of the most powerful, mind you, Ben always found a way to bring you up” “No he didn’t” “Oh I can assure you, he did”
Lana is the most stubborn person and so the next day she very begrudgingly asks Ben if he wants to go to some postseason party Kellan is throwing with her because “everyone says we have tension and I kind of think they’re right so here I am embarrassing myself and I get-” “It took you long enough” They’re officially dating the next morning.
Lana finally draws up a proposal that both Ben and his committee agree on and not even a week later Uma, Harry, Gil, and the rest of the crew are on Auradon. She is so excited and literally will not leave them alone. It’s then that she understands Kellan’s enthusiasm when she first arrived. “Lana that’s the fourth bathroom you’ve shown us, I think we’re okay for now”
Exactly a day later she’s causing trouble with them again and it’s like she never left them. Lana also may or may not have gotten a little emotional. “You said you’d get us here and you did” “How could I possibly leave you guys behind?”
#lana has so much potential#i'm excited to get to write more!#also i need to revamp my tags lmao#lana#lana elsie#daughter of hades#my ocs#my oc#lana headcanons
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Oh my bad lol and like just 14 & 5? you so cute
7. W/ Young!Sirius
Okay so I combined two prompts again coz i can. Also, I know I said I wasn’t going to include prompt 8 in this but as I was writing it I just went ‘fuck it, it suits’ *throws glitter up in the air* *sprinkles it over your head* here you go, mah nonnie
8. “Why are you so jealous?”, 7. “I hate how much I love you,” 14. “Just be my best friend and not the guy I just confessed my love to,” and 5. “Well. Yell, scream. Say something! Anything!”
You couldn’t pin point the exact moment you knew you were in love with Sirius Black. It was more of a slow realisation than an epiphany. First, he was the jerk on the Hogwarts Express that you met in your first year. Then, he was the jerk who stuck up for you when some Voldemort-infatuated Slytherins bullied you over blood. Then, he was the sort-of jerk who is kinda nice, clever and witty, who made you laugh at the most cringe-worthy of jokes. Then he was the sort-of jerk who became your best friend, and you adopted three other children who followed you around like a shadow. Finally, he was back to being the jerk you were in love with and perhaps this was the stage you loathed the most.
You hated love. You hated loving him.
Shit. You stopped, sighed, and spun on your heels.
“W-What just happened?” Sirius’ eyes glittered, two stars against an obsidian sky.
“I poured an entire bowl of some good quality punch on Melanie Bishop’s head….” You resumed walking and Sirius followed, much to your dismay.
“I know,” he chortled, “And–trust me–it was a sight to behold. Never letting that go anytime soon…” he paused, hesitating. Then – “but why?”
“You saw the way she was acting!” you snapped, “She was being a bitch! The girl needed to cool down before all that plastic went to her head…”
‘Bitch’ was an understatement. Melanie had been all over him. Perfectly manicured fingers combing through his hair, sprawling across his chest, sliding over his shoulder as though she were branding him hers and it was driving you insane. Not only because her polished cackle was like nails scratching against a chalkboard, or her obnoxious flirting was assaulting your eyes, but because he was yours. Sirius Black belongs to me.
It is a selfish thought and you want to slap yourself in the face for even thinking it but whenever Sirius spent time with someone else, it killed you slowly, softly, one small blade piecing your heart at a time.
“But the (Y/N) I know wouldn’t do something like that…” He had a point. You were a schemer, not an ‘in the moment’ type of girl.
“Yeah, well, maybe I’ve been hanging around you lot too much!” you turned the corner sharply.
“I don’t think it’s that…” Sirius sent you a scrutinising stare, studying every line of your face. He wouldn’t ever in a million years guess why I had acted so br– “Are you jealous?”
Well, shit.
“No!” you snapped. Sirius continued to stare. “Y-Yes…”
Jealousy was such a petty thing that, most often than not, pitted girls against each other at a time when they should be united. But it was too late for apologies.
“Why are you so jealous?”
“If you’re such a genius, you figure it out!” you barked.
“Sirius, please!”
“Oh would you stop that!”
“(Y/N),” Sirius’s face had softened, his smile genuine, “Please tell me why…”
“Sirius, please leave me alone…”
“(Y/N), please…”
You stopped walking, almost making Sirius crash into you. Spinning around, you dug your nails into your palms and gritted your teeth.
Oh, fuck it.
“Because that girl’s shallow interest in you is…well…its shallow! She doesn’t know how you like your toast or the way you sit in a chair, limbs flowing all over the arm rest, because you’re mother used to smack you with a cane if you didn’t sit upright. Or the way you hum when you’re doing something you love, or your interest in motorcycles and how, one day, you’d like to dissect one and rebuild it so you can claim it your own. Or how you tap your fingers when you’re thinking, and how you know seven languages but only because you wanted to learn how to swear in seven languages!”
Sirius watched with wide eyes, lips parted in stunned silence as you continued to vent.
“Sirius, I know all these things about you, all your little nervous ticks and mannerisms, but that girl only knows what she sees. She wants you naked, in her bed, so she can say that she slept with Sirius Black. But I want you, by my side when the whole world collapses, because I’m bloody in love with you. I love you so much, my whole body aches with the pain of it. I love you Sirius. And I hate you. I hate how much I love you.”
Silence. A horrid, cold silence crashed over both of you as you stood in the hallway. A portrait behind you snorted, awakening from its slumber, and complained about the noise.
“There it is. Right there. And now, oh god now, now you’re going to hate me. You’re going to hate me and you’ll never want to see me again.”
Still, more silence.
“Oh, and now you pity me. You probably hate the sight of me so you feel awkward and you’re trying to think of something nice to say to let me down easily. If that’s the case, I don’t need that. I need…I need you to be my friend. Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.”
Sirius stared at you, something unreadable in his eyes, and you wanted to punch him in the face with your own face, anything to replace the shame burning your cheeks and Sirius’ incomprehensible gawk.
“Well? Yell, scream, say something. Anything!” Nothing. Apparently, there were no words to be said. So, you would just have to leave him there, rooted to the floor in the hallway, completely bewildered. You turned, and then, you heard Sirius whisper something to the air.
“Have you ever seen yourself when you wake up in the morning?” Sirius suddenly asked. You turned to gape at him, slightly offended.
“When your hair is all disheveled and your cheeks are rosy. I love that,” His voice grew as his confidence blossomed, “And your voice is all husky and sleepy and Merlin I could just listen to you all day. Or when I borrow a book from you, and I’ll be reading and find some random, dried flower between the pages because you plant them there but you forget about it. I have a collection of them, under my bed. They remind me of you. And when you talk about something you love, you get really passionate and wave your arms about in the air, like you’re filled with so much passion, you’re going to explode.”
Sirius stepped closer to you, took your hands, and held them, his thumbs brushing over your skin. “See, you’re not the only one who loves the little things. I love them, too. I could go on forever about all your little quirks and habits. But, the truth is, I’d rather tell you after I kiss you because now I know for certain that you love me, and I know for certain that I love you. So can we please kiss because I’m dying to taste your lips.”
Without another word, you stood on the tips of your toes and kissed him, passionately, held him captive between your lips as you poured every single emotion into him. Magic sparked the air and hummed in your veins as he pulled you closer, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he held onto you as though he were trying to merge your souls together. As your lips danced with his, it was then that you realised he was subconsciously speaking to you the words scribed across his wild, reckless heart.
I’m yours. And you’re mine.
Sirius Black was yours.
no more prompts please
#sirius black#sirius black x reader#harry potter#sirius black imagines#sirius black imagine#sirius x reader#the marauders#the marauders imagines#the marauders imagine#sirius black fluff#sirius black angst#sirius#james potter#remus lupin#*sirius prompts#*prompts#georgie writes
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Sisters and Misters
"So you and professor Tyrion, why, how and when?" Arya said dumping her school bag in Sansa's bed and letting her stuff spill all over the sheets "talk, now" she ordered giving her older sister the look that warned her against lying
"We kinda, might have, sort of....slept together this one time the day Joffrey dumped me for Margaery" Sansa had the decency to look ashamed, this was Arya, not Bran, although if Arya was here then it was probably because Bran knew, and that was way too many family members keeping tabs on her
"Wait! Didn't Asshat dump you during summer camp? How did you go from there to having sex with your political science professor?" now Arya was intrigued, one thing was to hear it from Bran's Three Eyed Raven surveillance system and another was to hear the details from the source. Normally Sansa was an insanely private person who only trusted a few of her girlfriends, but she was also the only source of feminine wiles that Arya would ever listen to, so finding out she was not as perfect as mom and dad thought was exciting as hell.
"I didn't know he was a professor at King's Landing's University when I met him! Let alone Joffrey's uncle" Sansa hissed "to me he was this short man in a bar who was also getting publicly dumped, we comiserated over our sorrows you know, he was funny and witty and..."
"And you had drunk rebound sex I get it" Arya stopped her sister before she got to the dirty bits "Doesn't explain what happened after though, let's face it Sansa professor Tyrion is not exactly your...type"
"Why do people keep saying that? Lyanna said the same thing" Sansa huffed crossing her arms over her chest "so what if he's not tall dark and handsome, he's witty and devious and terribly funny, we can talk for hours and still want to see each other next morning"
Apparently the last part went right over Arya's head "Wait a minute Lyanna knew you were banging your professor before me? Who else knows?, I'm your sister, I should come before Lyanna Mormont"
"Lyanna knew something was up the first time she saw my scooter outside the tower of the hand, nothing escapes that brat" she remembered she'd been so completely frozen when she arrived late to her first day of class only to find out that her new professor was the Mr best-sex-ever that she hadn't been able to concentrate on his lecture at all, which was fine because she later she found out he only talked about KLU's honor code on loop for forty-five minutes.
Tyrion had asked her to stay back in order to apologise and Sansa had willfully misinterpreted the whole thing to avoid his apology so he'd asked her about her political ambitions and they ended up sharing a meal in his office while Sansa bitched over how creepy Petyr Baelish was.
"Also I'm not banging him!, we just have lunch together a lot....and maybe dinner, he takes me to all these exotic restaurants and I like dragging him to Hot Pie's for some good northern cusine, its nothing bad, we just talk about class and family and stuff, sometimes we see a show in the Targaryen Arena or go driving around town"
"But no sex?" Arya observed Sansa closely, so far she'd been truthful "not even a handjob under the desk?" Sansa shook her head which made Arya laugh "Does he have brain damage? What man in this universe has a one night stand with you and never tries getting into your pants again?"
"He said he wouldn't, well not unless I ask him to that is" Sansa blushed "Tyrion isn't like that, he's very respectful"
"Are we talking about the same Tyrion Lannister?, Founder of the 'God of tits and wine' wet T-shirt competition back when he was a student?" Arya snorted "You're crazy"
"Maybe he doesn't like me that way, ever thought about that?" Sansa muttered picking at the threads of her floral pajamas "Maybe he feels sorry for me, after all he knows Cersei pulled strings and kicked me out of Royal House sorority when Marg got together with Joffrey so he's trying to make it up to me"
Arya looked at Sansa's blush, turned her face to the side and studied the way her lips suppressed a sigh "But you WANT to, oh my Stranger I'm so telling Jon about this!" She made to leave but Sansa tackled her to the ground
"Don't you DARE, Jon will tell Sam who will tell Gilly who will tell Roslin who will tell Robb who will tell Dad who will tell Mom who in turn will DEFINITELY kill me"
"But professor Tyrion practically adopted Danny, don't you think Jon should know you're dating his unnoficial future father in law?"
"WERE NOT DATING" Sansa growled clasping a hand over Arya's mouth "Besides Tyrion isn't like a father to Danny, he's more like a fun uncle, or an annoying elder brother, if anything Danny adopted Tyrion not the other way around"
Arya twisted out of her tackle and licked Sansa's hand to make her move it "Sansa hate to break it to you miss prissy but if he's taking you out to nice places, spend your weekends together and ditch family dinners to meet up in the library while you secretly want to bang in the nearest surface" Arya levelled Sansa with her best bitch face "That's called dating" she started to head for the door again
"If Jon hears about this Arya I swear I'll tell him about the greasy mechanic from Fleabottom that you like so much" Sansa shot back crossing her arms over her chest "let's see who wins the prize for 'most disappointing significant other' in our parents eyes this year"
"Go ahead!" Arya called her bluff "I'll even invite Gendry over to tonight's Thanksgiving dinner, because unlike you I'm not ashamed of my friends"
"You mean it's serious with the guy? I'll have you know I'm not ashamed of Tyrion! I'm afraid dad will kill him, there's a difference" Sansa was actually very proud of him and would have loved to parade her non-relationship all around campus if it wasn't for the fact that "He's also my professor, people will think I'm with him because I want an easy A" Cersei would definitely make it look that way
"So?" Arya deadpanned "Jon is practically married to a pyromaniac distantly related to him by blood, Robb hooked up with Roslin Frey, who's the daughter of the biggest creep in Westeros, I have Gendry who I really like, Gendry who dropped out of highschool and currently works for less than Rickon's allowance, Bran has both Meera and Jojen because he thinks he's the next Oberyn Martell all that was missing in the table was your addition to the list"
"You're right, dating Tyrion could only make him lose his job and get me expelled" Sansa felt like the worst, but Arya was right she had to face the music "all right, if you bring Gendry tonight, I will drag Tyrion up here for Turkey, besides who in this family could disappoint mother more this year anyway?" And then Sansa's eyes lit up "unless..."
"Sansa NO" Arya warned her big sister "I know that face, it's not going to work!"
"But Brienne likes you, ask her to come over with Jamie, she won't say no to you" Sansa begged with her best puppy eyes "it works in your favor too, mom will take one look at the Kingslayer and we'll all be off the hook because she hates him since his last reality TV show"
"You're not wrong" it was a testament to how much Arya liked Gendry that she was seriously okay with throwing Brienne to the big wolves "as far as extreme disappointment goes, short of dating Tywin himself there is no topping off Jamie Lannister in mom's mind and Brienne doesn't have to live with mom, unlike us, she can walk out of Thanksgiving dinner unscathed"
"So you'll ask her?"
"Yes" Arya bargained "but only if you convince professor Tyrion to come too, I don't want Gendry to be the only one suffering"
Sansa considered it for a minute and sighed extending her hand "it's a deal" this was going to be the most awkward Thanksgiving ever
#sanrion#college au#arya stark#sansa stark#sansa x tyrion#arya x gendry#family#sisters being sisters#gendry waters
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Open hearts
Open hearts | Conor Maynard | Imagine Word count: 5297 Request: Can I have a Conor imagine where the reader has been good friends with Conor since 2013 and they become friends with benefits after two years old friendship. Conor later realizes that he’s in love with the reader once he finds her kissing a stranger at a party. He later confesses his feelings which the reader returns affectionately. Lots of angst and fluff pls! A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I was working on an idea that I had based on “Trust Issues” by Kiki Rowe (Young Bombs’ remix) and this request completed it perfectly, so I twisted things a little and combined the two things. Hope you gonna like it! If you want more Buttercream Squad imagines, click here | Requests are open!
“Can I turn the radio on?” you asked Conor, who was driving.
You two knew each other since you were kids. He was a couple years older and you were a little annoying, but as you grew up, you and your neighbor started getting closer, especially after a party of a classmate that both of you were way too drunk.
When Conor graduated and pursued his dream of being a singer, you were busy trying to survive high school, so you went in separate ways. Then success hit Conor and you moved to London to try to do something with your life. Things were moving fast, however, you randomly bumped into him at a friend’s party.
After the years you didn’t speak to him, it was expected that things would be a little awkward or the conversation would be kind of lame with the old “How are you? Any news?” “I’m fine. No, nothing has happened” conversation, but you started talking just like the old days: anything was ten times funnier than it should be just because you two got along so well.
This time that both of you could drink without having to keep a secret from your parents, you were the life of the party and, because of Conor’s fame, you were pretty damn down to the finest parties in the country. It was insane. And when Conor’s career slowed down, you two continued to spoke to each other.
When you met him for the second time, he was in a relationship. You two never talked about it, it was something almost forbidden. By the time he and Victoria broke up, it was almost inevitable. He would invite you to go out even when he was dating, when he wasn’t anymore, you and Conor were at the same parties and clubs every weekend, so eventually, you got together.
You two kissed once, then twice and then again. And again. And again. Now you didn’t know anymore how many times you kissed Conor or spent the night with him. Despite this, you and he weren’t nothing but friends.
“Are you asking a singer if you can turn the radio on? Are you fucking insane? Of course not, it’s my work and today is my day off. Also, I can’t handle that Styles guy singing, he’s on the radio every time I turn it on and he’s shit, I’m so much better than him.” Conor joked and you rolled your eyes.
“Is it a yes, then?”
“Yes.” He said. “But only if you play my music.”
“Shut up, Conor.” you told as you turned the radio on.
You and your best friend were driving to Brighton to his mom’s birthday party. You usually didn’t enjoy going to family parties. Seeing boring aunts and talking to selfish cousins weren’t what you would describe as fun activities, however, although the Maynards were your second family as growing up, you haven’t seen them in ages. Also, you didn’t know why, but they were blessed and were a really nice family, even the most boring conversations they could turn into a joke. You loved the Maynards and were more than glad to join Conor at Helen’s party.
Your parents moved away from your old street to another part of the town, besides that, they were traveling to Italy (after your mom talk about it with your dad for 3 years), so Conor offered you the option of you staying at his family house. You were worried, but you said yes anyway.
Worried? Yes, worried. Because here’s a thing about Connor: when he likes a girl, he doesn’t keep quiet about it and you knew Conor long enough to say he fancied you. Sometimes you weren’t sure about it and others you would be 100% convinced of the idea. Maybe he didn’t realize that yet or maybe he was waiting to tell you or maybe it was only your desire of having him to like you again more than what Conor really felt, you couldn’t tell.
When you two were at school yet, you knew Conor liked you. You didn’t correspond him and it was by a short amount of time, soon he was off school and distance got in between. One of your greatest mistakes was letting him go. You knew you tried to correspond it and couldn’t, however, in your head, everything would be okay if you did. Now that you thought that he might like you again, you were half freaking out and half wanting it to be a truth.
You found love only once in your life. He was in the same class as you and had the same tastes to everything, so you couldn’t help yourself. When he didn’t correspond you, you broke down. You were afraid to risk your heart, not wanting the same “I need to recover” time you had to pass when you fell in love for the first time. All you could think was that maybe Conor would lead you to this path, however, maybe Conor would be the only one you were more than happy to be hurt by, because he was pretty awesome.
You were singing along to the tune that came out of the speakers when Conor laughed.
“What?” You asked.
“You just sing as you are the singer and not me, it’s funny.”
“For God’s sake, Con.” you rolled your eyes again. “You know me for a crazy amount of time, you always see me singing, get over it.”
You were right, by the way. Conor did like you. He didn’t figure it out so far, but it wasn’t an issue. The only thing he knew was that seeing you on that passenger side, while the sun shined through the window, singing like no one was watching, gave him a warm feeling. He knew that as long his had his best friend, he would be fine.
It wasn’t always like this, of course. Conor and his depression was another topic that you two never discussed. Not for the same reason as the other refused subject, this one was because you couldn’t handle thinking that sometimes Conor started feeling that alone and you couldn’t help. He said that it was something only he could deal with, but it hurt you seeing your best friend in such position.
“I was kidding, Y/N,” Conor said when you were getting close to Brighton. “you don’t need to hear my own music.” You laughed and continued to sing “Are You Sure?” like nothing happened. “For the love of God then, don’t ruin my gorgeous tune with your horrible voice. You know, it was hard archiving this level of perfection.” he joked. “Actually, no. My voice is like this even if I’m ill and dying.”
“I won’t say nothing because this is actually accurate.” you told. “But fuck off, Maynard.” he laughed.
“Well, thank you then.” He recognized your compliment despite his self-centered joke.
“Any time, Con.” you winked. You weren’t kidding, this song was one of your favorites.
“My mom will freak out when she finds out I brought you with me.” he commented.
“Oh my God, Conor, didn’t you tell her?”
“Hum… no?”
“So I will just show up saying I’m staying at your parents’ house? Oh no. You know, I brought the keys of my parents’ house, I can stay in there. Wait… Helen don’t know I’m going to be at her party? What if she didn’t want it to be more than a family thing?”
“Y/N, relax.” Conor looked at you quickly before turning back to the road. “My mom loves you, she won’t say a thing. I was saying she will freak out of joy.” You took a deep breath, why Conor just couldn’t make things easier? “Actually, thanks God there’s Anna, because my parents could easily adopt you as their little girl. It would be awful.”
You blushed. “Con, you know it’s not like that.”
“Yes, it is. I don’t know how they can possible like you so much, but they just do. Even if was an event closed to family only, what are you? Part of the family.” He shrugged. “Also, Jack probably told them already you would come.” Jack got in Brighton the day before you two.
You smiled. “Thank you.”
“Any time, Y/N/N.” he said, imitating your act.
The last 30 minutes of the path to the Maynard’s house were filled with nothing but the music you played. You were lost in your thoughts and, apparently, so was Conor.
When he parked in front of the residence, you smiled right away. You got out of the car and took the stuff that was in the rear seat, Conor took your baggage out of the trunk. He rang the front door’s bell and you chose to stay behind him.
“Conor!” Helen said excited, giving her son a hug.
“Your favorite son has arrived, mother.” he joked.
“Shut up, I am the favorite.” Anna told, coming to see her brother.
“You wish, little girl.” Con teased. “Happy birthday, mom.”
“Thank you, honey.” The woman smiled. “Oh, Y/N!” Helen exclaimed when she saw you, giving you a hug too. “I missed you, dear! Conor explained that you are busy with your work stuff, but it’s a long time since you last came to see us.”
“Yes, I missed you guys so much.” You agreed. “Happy birthday, Helen.” you said, giving her her present.
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you. Thank you, Y/N.”
Conor teased again: “And I declared that you have your own family too besides your work, Y/N, but mother doesn’t understand you aren’t a Maynard.” yet. You completed in your head as you smiled at the lady.
“For now.” Anna said as she hugged you and you gave her a sweet smile. She was your favorite Maynard, without any doubt. “I mean, you clearly are going to marry my brother.” she winked and then confessed: “I missed you too.”
“I missed my girl as well.” you told her.
“Anna, please, don’t tell Y/N my plans for our future, you’re going to ruin it.” Conor joked. “How the hell am I going to propose and get the Insta shots of her horrendous shock face? I need to boost my Insta account, you know.”
“It’s not a secret you’re deeply in love with me, Con.” you said back while giving Anna a kiss on the head. “It’s only a matter of time.” Anna giggled and her older brother rolled his eyes.
“Where is father?” Conor asked, entering the house. You followed him.
“On the market, we forgot some things to the party.”
“As usual.” Anna completed.
“Hey Y/N.” Jack greeted, sat on the sofa.
“Hi Jack, how are you?”
“Fine.” he shrugged.
“You don’t want to tell Y/N how you missed her too? How she’s the lost Maynard?” Conor asked.
“I don’t need to miss her.” Jack told, standing up to give you a hug. “We have a kick-ass relationship that works through telepathy.” he mocked. “I bet you don’t have this kind of connection with her.”
You and Jack saw each other almost every day, because this was the amount of times you saw Conor, so of course he wouldn’t miss you.
“Yeah, we have this and, also, we have Whatsapp.” You said, winking at Jack and making him laugh.
“Is this the voice of a certain young beautiful lady?” you heard a man ask.
You turned around and saw Gary entering the living room. You smiled.
“Hey, kid. How are you?” He asked, going to you and giving you a hug.
“Fine. You?”
Conor snorted. “Why you guys don’t switch me for her? I’m the son, dad!” You all laughed.
“Conor, there’s a gorgeous girl in the room and then there’s you. Who you recommend me to great first?” He asked, giving Con a hug too, but he didn’t hug back.
“Don’t touch me.” Con joked, laughing afterward and corresponding the hug. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I’m the wisdom, kid.” Gary winked.
The party went really well. As usual, the Maynards were amazing. You laughed the hell out of you with Conor and Jack teasing Anna and she being even sassier than her older brothers. The other guests were pretty fine too, you knew almost everybody already and those who were introduced for the first time asked if you were Conor’s girlfriend or Jack’s. You weren’t none.
“Hey,” Conor called you, you were talking to Anna.
“I was just settling with Jack about going out tonight.”
You looked at the youngest sibling, thorned. Going out the three of you and leaving her behind didn’t feel right.
“I have homework, Y/N.” She told.
“Okay then.” you smiled to Conor and he returned it.
Usually, the Maynards’ parties ended not so early. It wasn’t out of nothing that Con and Jack were used to hang out late at night, their family was always excited about reunions. So no one cared when you and the brothers wanted to go out and leave the party. Helen was pretty fine with that too, knowing that all her children would be home the next day.
You knew Jack and you knew Con, of course you brought a club outfit with you on the trip. Therefore you hit upstairs to get change. Anna followed you.
“So…” She started.
“What?” You asked, putting mascara.
“When you and my brother are going to admit to us that you two are dating?”
You looked at her sitting on the bed through the mirror. “You know we are not, Anna.”
“C’mon, Y/N! You like him, he likes you. What are you waiting for?”
You gave a smile and continued to put your makeup. “I am not that sure that your brother feels this way about me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can sweet talk Jack with that, but not me, Y/N. I’m the brain of this family. Just admit that you fancy him so Conor can realize you’re the love of his life.”
You laughed. “Anna!”
“I mean, for a singer/songwriter he’s kinda slow for not comprehending this about you two.”
You rolled your eyes and starred at your own eyes through the mirror before admitted: “I don’t know if I want him to do that.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Shut up.”
“No! Y/N!” She exclaimed, anguished. “You always were his person and he always was yours! You two pretend you have a friendship, well, you don’t.”
“Since when you are an expert in relationships, little Maynard?” You asked and snorted, giving up to finish your makeup and going to join Anna on the bed. “Fuck off. You are a little baby still.”
She rolled her eyes. “Y/N, I’m a few years younger than you, I’m not a baby.” And you already knew that because you would never have this conversation if you didn’t trust her and knew she wasn’t crazy to say some kind of bullshit about you and Conor just because it would be what you wanted to hear. “Why everyone keeps saying that I’m so young? Fuck off, people.”
You smiled at her and gave a hug. “It is because none of us wanted to grow up, you shouldn’t too.”
“Well, guys, you are already late.”
“I know.”
Anna moved away from you, breaking the hug. “So, let’s talk for real now. Stop playing me, I know you’re trying to avoid the Conor topic.”
“You really are the brain of the Maynards, aren’t you?” You asked, impressed.
Anna smiled. “Yeah, I’m fucking amazing. But again: what the hell is wrong with you? Why you don’t want to be with my brother?”
“It is not that I don’t want to be with your brother, it’s only that I want to be with him later, you know? You think that I didn’t realize that he’s the one, well, I did. I always knew that, if we liked each other, we would be pretty awesome. But right now? I’m so young, we have all our lives in front of us. Why now? I don’t even want a boyfriend. I don’t need to fall now.” you sighed. “And I don’t want to admit to myself that I’m in love with him. I can hold it back, I know I can. Just for a short time. One year, two… Well, I really don’t want to fall in love for real until I am 25. And I don’t know if I can take another heartbreak.” You were out of breath, you didn’t know that you had all of this inside of you.
“But it won’t be a heartbreak, Y/N, he loves you too,” Anna said. “He just needs to realize that.”
“For fuck’s sake, Anna. Are you hearing what I say?” You laid on bed and took a deep breath, she laid by your side. “I don’t want Conor to correspond me. I want us to be together, but I want us to be together later. When both of us will be ready to commit to it, to find out if we can handle being in a relationship that we don’t have how to avoid talking about our problems. We are just friends, this is all we know. What if I’m wrong? What if he isn’t the one?”
Anna laughed. “You are a freaking mess! You’re being the least logical as possible, Y/N.”
You sighed. “I know.”
“So why can’t you be illogical for real and tell Conor how you feel?”
You stared Anna, seeing her eyes that were in the same color of Conor’s.
“I just can’t.”
Conor didn’t know what happened to you, but since you went upstairs in his parents’ house and spoke to Anna, you were acting all strange. He would kill his sister for messing up with you. She was just a kid and had fucked you still. She isn’t a kid, Conor. That’s what you would tell him. Well, what could he say? Yes, she was.
“Let’s go, Jack!” You called, taking Con’s brother by the hand and pulling him to the club without a single eye contact with the older one.
“Fuck Y/N. You are going to be a crazy garl today, huh?” he joked.
“Maybe,” you smirked and Conor frowned. What the hell?
As soon as you all entered the club, you were nowhere to be seen, something that made Conor sighed in every corner of the place. He thought you two would be together for the whole night, just talking and drinking together. Maybe dancing too, if you were into it.
“Conor!” You exclaimed, finally finding your best friend in the club.
Conor was sitting on a sofa, looking around. “Y/N?” he saw you were holding hands with a stranger and, for being so excited, you definitely had some drinks.
“Look who I found!” You pointed to the guy and then laughed. “I mean, you don’t know him. Actually, neither did I before tonight. I actually found that guy from our school, you know? Sage? Everybody knows Sage. He was amazing on the football team.”
“I don’t have a clue who Sage is,” Conor said, already losing his mind.
“Oh, maybe you weren’t in school anymore by that time.” You giggled. “You know, Adam, Conor is a few years older than us, so he was so much better than us, juniors.”
“I never said that.” Conor was confused. “Actually, we were best friends, even if I was older.”
“Yeah, I know… Friends. Best mates, me and you!” You said, so drunk that you just couldn’t shut the fuck up. “Anyway, Conor, I met Sage and this is his friend. Conor, meet Adam. Adam, this is Conor.” you introduced them and they nodded to each other, not excited as you for the meeting. “Alright, now that everyone knows everyone… Con, I’m heading to Adam’s place.” You informed and Conor lose his breath.
“No, you are not.” He said. “You are staying at my house, Y/N.”
“Oh…” Adam said. “I didn’t realize that you two were boyfriend and girlfriend having a fight.”
You laughed, you wished that! Unfortunately, you weren’t Conor’s girlfriend. “Because we are not, Adam.” You smiled at him, putting your both hands on his pectoral. “And actually, I was crashing his parents’ house, because, you know, Conor is a big boy and he moved out from Brighton before anyone could think in getting away from here. It was nice at the time…” you giggled “You see, he fancied me and I didn’t correspond it, so things were a little awkward. But now we are over it, right Con? He got over me, then he had a girlfriend and they broke up, he was torn apart, but he’s back at the game for years now, so it’s all good.”
“Okay…” Adam said, not being sure about what he should do. “I will get my coat and we can go, what do you think about that?”
“Perfect!” you agreed. “I will be right here with my best friend, Conor Maynard.”
Immediately after Adam get out of sight, Conor took your hand and sat you down. “What the fuck is going on, Y/N?”
“Nothing, Con!” You assured. “Something should have happened?” you asked.
“You’re acting weird.”
“Well, I am a weirdo.”
“No, Y/N…”
“But why are you saying that? I know that you know that I’m a weirdo by now.”
“Con? Spit it out.”
He rolled his eyes. “At first, you were quiet all the way here, then you disappeared and the next thing I know is you with this guy that came out of nowhere.”
“Adam didn’t come out of nowhere, he is Sage’s friend!” you exclaimed, happier than you should be about the situation.
“And who the hell is Sage?”
“Urgh, I told you already, Con. He was the football player in…”
“I know that, Y/N.”
“So why you keep asking me about him?”
“I didn’t ask about him!”
“Well… Someone is losing his mind.” You said ironically.
Conor sighed. “Y/N…”
“What, Con?” you asked. “What now?”
“I just thought you were staying with me tonight, that’s all.”
“Tell your mom I’m sorry, but I won’t going back to your parents’ house.” You told, suddenly acting sober.
“Ready to go, Y/N?” Adam asked, appeared.
“Yeah.” You smiled and got up. “Let’s go.”
Adam put his hand on your back, pulling you to a kiss before going. It pissed Conor for real. Conor knew the only reason Adam was doing that in front of him was that you snapped out, so he was trying to show that it was him who was taking you home and not Conor. Well, thank you very much, Adam, I know this already.
And although you and Conor weren’t dating, he didn’t know when was the last time he watched you leave the club with another man. You two got so used to hang out together that neither he spent the night with another one besides you for a long time.
“Oh, that was something to look up to.” You said when you and Adam stopped kissing.
He smiled and took you out. Conor watched, feeling shitty.
“Are you back already, son?” Helen asked, seeing Conor enter their house.
“What about Jack and Y/N?” she was in the kitchen, so Conor went there to give her a kiss before heading upstairs. “I left some cake for all of you because I thought that you would come home wasted.” she said.
“Jack will take an Uber back home and Y/N isn’t coming.” He gave a weak smile, pretending everything was fine. “How was your party?”
“It was great, it just finished.”
“Nice.” he nodded. “I’m going to sleep.”
As Conor was leaving the room, his mom called him.
“Don’t let her slip again” the lady advised.
“We’ve been there, mother. She wasn’t into me. Now, we are just friends.”
Helen smiled softly: “Are you?”
Conor stopped breathing as he turned around and his eyes met his mom’s. Were you?
Your phone rang and you looked around Adam’s living room, finding the electronic device among your clothes on the floor. It was a message from Con:
Call me when you done. I’m picking you.
You took a deep breath before answering him: Thanks Con, but there’s no need.
For fuck’s sake, Y/N, please. I don’t trust this guy.
I’ll go by morning. You told. I’m heading straight up to London, I will take the train.
Why? What about your stuff?
I can pick that with you later this week.
Ok, but why? You didn’t respond instantly. Y/N, why?
I just can handle this right now.
This what? Are you okay?
No, you weren’t. You were falling apart alone in that place. Adam was taking a shower in the suite, you didn’t even want to go to the bed when you and he got to his loft. You felt your stomach contracting just for thinking about that night being sweeter than rough sex on the living room’s carpet.
Your phone started ringing. You didn’t need to see the name on the screen to know who it was.
“Y/N.” Conor sighed. “I’m worried. How are you?”
“I am fine, Con. Relax.”
“Con, honestly, I’m fine.” You told, but tears started falling from your eyes and Conor could hear you. Even if you weren’t crying, he never heard you sound as sad as you did at that moment.
“That’s it. Tell me where you are, I’m picking you up right now. I don’t care what this dick has done to you.”
“He did nothing but what he should have done.”
“Y/N, the address. Now.”
You are the dick, Conor. You are the reason why I’m crying. You sighed.
“I’m sending my location through Whatsapp.” You finally gave up.
You didn’t wait for Adam to finish his shower. You put your clothes back on and left the apartment without thinking twice.
You hated how you got after drinking too much. Following the alcohol’s euphoria, you always got sad and needy. Why you were crying? You would hold back your feelings for Conor, what you were crying about? Which reasons you had to tear apart like that?
It was cold outside and you started to tremble as you waited to Conor to arrive, being out of the building and feeling the wind in your arms.
“Y/N!” You heard him call you, spotting him a few cars away.
You walk there and entered his car. “Hey, Con.”
He hugged you. “What happened? Why are you crying? What the dickhead has done to you?”
“It wasn’t him, Conor. I swear to you, it wasn’t him.” Conor held you and believed in you. Your voice was so fragile that he wouldn’t dare not to. “Drive us home, Con.”
“I will sleep on the couch.” Conor said after laying you down on his bed. “You can call me anytime, for anything.”
You nodded and heard his steps leaving the room. “Con?” You called before he was too far away.
He almost ran to you. “What?”
“You can sleep in here, you know. I wouldn’t be the first time we share a bed.”
“I’m fine, Y/N.”
“No, Con. I mean I want you to sleep with me tonight. Please.”
He sighed and laid on the bed. You turned your back to him and he understood the sign to hold you close.
“I hated seeing you leave with that guy.”
“He didn’t do anything, Conor.” You guaranteed.
“I don’t care, Y/N. I hated it.”
“You were just jealous.” you teased, giggling a little, tired.
“Yes, I was,” he admitted, making you lose your breath and stop laughing.
“Even my mom knew it before me, Y/N. I just looked at her and it was all written on my face. She knows, everybody knows.”
“What, Conor?” you asked again cautiously.
“That I love you. I always did, I always will.”
You gasped, trying to be reasonable. “It wasn’t always like this, you know. You had Victoria.”
“Yes.” He agreed. “I loved her, but I didn’t give a fuck about her when you spoke about her today. All I could think was that I didn’t want you to go home with that guy.”
Your heart was racing, you didn’t want to turn and look into his eyes because you knew that if you stared Conor, you would lose your mind.
“Conor, I guess you had too much to drink today.”
“Fuck off, Y/N, you know I’m sober and I know you love me too.”
Your eyes widened and you were glad he couldn’t see your face. “Wh-what?”
“This was the motive you went crazy tonight, right?”
“Conor…” you sighed. “You can’t do this to me.”
“Why? Why not?”
“Because you brought me to tears just for being sweet and bringing me home,” you confessed.
“So that’s why you were crying?” he stopped hugging you.
You nodded. “I love you so much, Con.”
“Look at me,” he asked.
“I’m not looking at you, Conor.”
“Y/N, please.”
“Why are you so difficult?”
You snapped. “Damn, Conor!” You screamed, realizing afterward you could have wakened up the rest of the Maynards. “Sorry.” you took a deep breath, facing the empty wall of his room. “Look, everything that’s passing through your mind already passed in mine.” You sighed. “I can’t handle seeing you right now because I know if I see you, I’ll be a few inches from your lips and I will kiss you. I know you, you want to kiss me too.”
“So let’s make out.”
“No, Con.” You told convicted. “Because if we kiss knowing our feelings for each other, there’s no turning back, it will be different than the other times.”
Conor realized you wouldn’t give up so he gave up and got closer again, holding you another time.
“Why are you avoiding us getting together? You don’t make any sense.”
“Because I thought in everything, Conor, and I can’t handle getting hurt again. If I was that hurt before, I can’t even think about how much I’ll be hurt by you.”
“But you won’t. I love you, I won’t hurt you.”
“We will hurt each other, Conor.” You said. “We aren’t ready, we are too young.”
“Don’t say that, Y/N.”
“I’m just finishing college, Con. I just began my first real job. We are so young, we have so many mistakes to make.”
“So let’s make them together.”
He interrupted you. “Look at me, Y/N. Please. I’m serious.”
It was your turn to give up and you turned to him. You lost your breath, you forgot how beautiful were his eyes. “Here I am.”
“You broke my heart once. Victoria broke my heart. I know you’re fucked up and afraid, but so am I.” He held your head in between his hands. “If we don’t work things out now, we will break up and eventually we will get back together and everything will be fine. I know we will always bump into each other just like we did years ago, because someday we will meet and we will be exactly where we were meant to be. You know why? Because I know I love you and I know I love you even when I’m not loving you…” He gave a side look, thinking it through. “If that makes sense.”
“It doesn't.” you giggled.
“I know it doesn’t,” he admitted, taking a deep breath. “I know I loved you even when I was with someone else. That was what I meant.” He got closer as you opened a smile. “All I know is loving you and loving you is all I will ever know, so, please Y/N, just let me in.”
“Con…” your lips brushed his. “I’m scared,” you admitted whispering.
“I know,” he whispered back.
“Please, don’t break me,” you asked.
“I won’t.”
And finally, you kissed him.
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