#youngjae sad
loserlvrss · 8 months
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summary : you broke with eric a long time ago, and you thought you were over him until you saw him with another girl
genre : angst, eric x afab!reader, non-idol!au, bestfreind!chanhee, for plot purposes everyone mentioned is around the same ages of 23-25 tws : language, mentions of sex, depressive episode author notes : no happy endings with me ♡ word count : 2.3k
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“chanhee, i didn’t even want to come.”
“well, neither did i, y/n, but kevin said he’d send his attack-snake out on me. and i don’t want to find out what that even means.”
“huh,” you said, shoulders motioning with your voice, “kinky.”
"of course you'd think that," your best friend of a couple years (but felt like a million, in a good way) started, rolling his sharp eyes, "you haven't fucked in —"
"alright!" you stopped him, taking the creese of his elbow, "i get it, i'm lonely. damn, what about you though, king? when was your last relationship? because if i'm remembering correctly, it ended before eri —"
"y/n!" running up to the pair of you was the host, a bright and inviting smile plastering his face. although, you weren't sure why you kept walking around like a knife was lodged between your shoulder blades still. "i'm so glad you could make it!" because the moment you saw a familiar stranger, a brunette clinging to his strong arm with a green cocktail between her manicured fingers, your heart suddenly was on the floor.
you don't know why the scene of the liquid covering her perfectly blown-out hair flashed through your head. or why you could imagine the little christmas tree decoration in it scratching the top of her mouth until it stung when she would talk. you could hear her musically-tuned laugh ring through the air at a joke you couldn't imagine was that funny.
"what the hell am i, chopped liver?" chanhee joked, oblivious to what you spaced out on, "you only wanted me to come because you knew i'd bring along my emotional support fish."
it seemed you were always on a one-way street you just couldn't turn off of, because no matter how many potholes you hit, you keep driving; and if your tires popped, you weren't sure the car would stop.
you shouldn't be allowed to be appalled by the sight of your ex having moved on, simply because you broke it off when he wanted to make it work. you dropped his heart when he let you hold it. and when he should've played his cards close to his chest, he let you join his team just to fold. you were making the ship sink, so how could you have the audacity to be mad when he jumped from it while you went down?
he loved you, but at the time you weren't sure what you wanted. sure, you blamed it on being 19, but it was because you were scared to commit to someone so committed to you. you didn't want to be, selfishly, tied down to one person — and now that you've purged it from you system, you, selfishly, wanted the same commitment he had given you 5 years ago.
now you stood in the foyer, two different faces from those kids, attached to another man, thinking about if he looked over, would he get the wrong idea? would it make him as jealous as you felt?
you've loved, had loss and even forgot it. but faced with the void you could never fill was more debilitating than you cared to admit. you wanted to be two ‘i miss you's’ that just needed a push, but evidently only one of you felt that way, as the other was happily coupled up during cuffing season. but then again, you had no right after half a decade to think like that.
you just had to be brave and pretend like it doesn't bother you. you can do that. you can do a lot... right?
chanhee rammed into your side, his desperate attempt to get you back down on earth, instead of inside your never-not-on brain. "did you even hear what kevin just said?" he asked, and you looked to said man, "he said the bands getting back together." your bestfriend made a joke, which did cause you to loosen up and laugh. you thought that as long as he was there, you'd inevitably be okay.
"well not exactly, a couple people couldn't make it — which is fine, but most of our old friend group is here." kevin explained, lacing your free arm with his so you were sandwiched between the two of them. "it seems like you and chanhee were the only ones who really hung out like we all used to."
you reminisced the old times for a second. you remembered when your name was connected with eric's, when you hung out like old times with them and him. you remembered the stupid parties kevin's frat would throw freshman year, that eric would drag you to, just for you and him to have a great time. you remembered when you'd have quiet study sessions with jacob and younghoon in the school's library, or juhaknyeon and sunwoo's soccer games. it made you feel a little messy, because after you and him broke up, it's like you broke up with them all. you habitually stopped hanging out, only being dragged by chanhee who was attached to you since first introduction.
you actually owe your level-headedness all to him. he's the person who convinced you that you didn't need to have a run-of-the-mill to finally find something good. he's also unfortunately the reason you remember eric like it was yesterday, even if you don't front like it. you knew you had someone so devoted to you, yet you let him go and now you had the audacity to feel bad about it.
"well, is sunwoo coming?" you asked, which earned a nod from kevin, "and what about younghoon and juyeon?"
"juyeon got a girlfriend!" chanhee exclaimed excitedly, his voice lowering when sangyeon's attention was caught on the three of you, "like last month."
the oldest of your friend's face lit up, "y/n!" he said, making you force a smile though you were cringing; because just a couple feet away was the love of your adolescence, with the presumable love of his.
standing next to him was hyunjae, "how've you been, oh my gosh, it's been like years hasn't it?" you voiced, bringing him in for a hug, which he reciprocated before you moved to sangyeon to repeat the process. it had been years since you've last spoken to them other than a happy birthday or congratulations once in a blue moon — you honestly wouldn't be surprised if their numbers had changed and you'd been texting a random person.
"good, good," hyunjae replied, sipping a bright red cocktail, "i actually just finished my business degree, thinking of either opening my own or investing in some else's."
"and I just got engaged, though she wasn't able to make it here tonight — ceo stuff — she's getting ready to go international after fully getting elected as the heir."
you couldn't help but compare, sure you had your teaching license, but it wasn't as impressive as either one of them.
they were making it hard to believe that the world was spinning too fast, and that you weren't stuck watching the same film over and over again.
chanhee began talking in your place, forcing you down into the barstool between them all. kevin went over to younghoon and juyeon who had just made their way through the door: a synthetic blonde attached juyeon's arm.
"what's her name?" you blurted, the three boys looking down at you, "she's pretty."
hyunjae was nonchalant, pretending he didn't know exactly what you actually meant. however, sangyeon replied awkwardly, "w-who? kim minyeon? or jang nari?"
"juyeon's girlfriend, n-not eric's."
"o-oh! that's minyeon."
nari. the feminine name meaning lily; new beginnings and rebirth. just fucking perfect, wasn't it? pretty, perfect and delicate, just like the flower.
you sighed and excused yourself, disguising it as having to use the bathroom. in honesty, you weren't sure how much more torcher you could take, and it's barely been twenty minutes. you thought you'd be fine, as long as chanhee stayed by your side, but the longer you watched the pair through your peripherals, the more you just ached.
you cared more than you'd like to have admitted. and the worst part is you had no one to blame — to be mad at — because everyone had rightfully assumed you both were over it.
like you were supposed to be.
it was pathetic, the way you stared yourself down in the mirror. you found yourself resembling someone you've never met, or maybe someone you had just forgotten in all the growing pains. nevertheless, you found yourself disgusted by the fact that you were disgracing your mother's eyes, father's nose, and sister's cheekbones with the self-pity. there was nothing more selfish than crashing someone else's party with one of your own.
so you choked the tears back, the lump in your throat making it hard to breathe. you took a powder from the purse slung over your shoulder and fixed your creasing makeup. you reapplied a red lipstick, fixing your hair and outfit. you thought that if you couldn't have him, maybe you could make it wish he had you instead — god, you were letting the delusions look too good under the fluorescent light.
however, you stooped lower than throwing a pity party. you exited the bathroom with part of your dignity still intact, but the moment you sat against the plush-cushioned bench against the wall your phone was illuminated with pictures of the pretty brunette.
you couldn't get yourself to stop once you typed her name out. it's like you were boarding the gossip train all the way back in high school.
you scrolled like you were obsessed, brain blanking out everything around you. you saw her go through a cherry red hair phase sometime in 2022. you found out that her and eric had taken a vacation to hawaii back in 2021, multiple bikini pictures and perfectly sculpted bodies clinging together like models being the tell. you scrolled farther back, dead-set on finding the first picture she ever posted of him… that must've been close to when they met.
why do you even care? you know he was too caught up following you around like a puppy to even believe that he would entertain someone other than you. so, why were you obsessed? maybe you needed a reason to be mad at him. maybe you needed an excuse to shift the blame.
maybe it's everything you needed that he could live without —
"i didn't meet her that far back, y/n. we were still dating then."
your eyes shut, finger hitting the power button. you took a moment, hoping that it was just your cruel subconscious playing tricks with reality. "didn't think you'd cared that much," he took a seat on the complete opposite end of the bench, "it's been five years... and honestly i didn't think you cared back then either."
you were too embarrassed to say anything. and frankly, you didn't know what to reply with. i'm sorry? i did care about you, but just not enough? nothing seemed to suffice.
"i met nari at work. she treats me —"
your vision was blurring over, but you couldn't find the courage to get up and walk away. you were just so damn pathetic, weren't you? you just thought that everything in this world belonged to you, peaking your freshman year of college in comparison to the people who still innocently call you a friend.
"different, y/n. she's different than you."
you sighed, "that doesn't make it bet — i mean, it doesn't matter, eric. i'm sorry, i was just curious after not seeing you for so long." your eyes opened, but the scene was blurred over, almost like it was torrentially pouring while driving late at night. there were questions flashing behind your eyelids every time you tried to blink the tears away. you thought that you couldn't stoop lower, but for the past couple minutes you've done nothing but prove it wrong. "i'm so-sorry, i'm just gonna go."
you got to your feet, but his voice made you stop dead in your tracks.
"w-why does it bother you so much?"
you honestly felt like your heart was re-shattering, joining the dust on the floor at your feet. you thought the question would join the heaps of pathetic things you've said and done tonight.
you turned around, phone clenched between your fist. eric was still sat, dark hair styled so nicely you almost thought that it wasn't him — but her — outfit a matching shade to the dress you saw hugging her figure gracefully.
"do you honestly think i didn't care about you?" you asked, to which he raised his head at an alarming pace, "it's true, i know i fucked it up, eric, okay? i know what i did to you and i'm sorry. i-i'm sorry i waited so long to tell you that." clearing the air didn't feel like closure at all. the tears in his eyes didn't feel like hatred at all. and maybe he didn't mean it. maybe he only told himself that because you did break his heart so bad, still holding pieces he's afraid he'll never get back. "you can think whatever you want, hate me even, but please don't think for a second i didn't love you back then. i was naive and made a mistake, but it's too late to take it back. believe me, i've thought about it. but i always fucking cared about you, okay?"
you found it oddly satisfying, though knowing in the back of your head that he would curse you for saying these things while he's happily coupled up, you didn't regret it.
"i'll forever be sorry, so don't hold it over my head."
"i believed you didn't care about me... back when we were nineteen." he replied after a long pause, "but i haven't believe that for a long time. y/n, i've forgiven you."
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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chenouttachen · 2 months
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thank you thank you thank you thank you
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digitalgirls · 1 year
he’s so me if i ever met youngjae
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ayoyoungg · 2 months
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ahgasemania · 2 years
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slytherinshua · 3 months
summary. how your boyfriend reacts when another guy flirts with you. genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. jealousy. not really anything else?? not proofread. pairing. tws x fem!reader. wc. 1k. (~160 per member). request. requested by anon. a/n. i love tws let me go sob like :(
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everyone knows that you and junghwan are dating, so the occasion for anyone to try something is very low. but when it does happen, junghwan likes to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. if there’s a guy trying to talk to you and you look uncomfortable, he’ll simply walk up and slip his arm around your waist. if that doesn’t get the message across, he’ll kiss your cheek. it kinda shocks you because he’s normally shy when it comes to pda. but when he’s jealous, his shy demeanour completely goes away, fuelled by his jealousy and anger towards whoever was making you uncomfortable. he tries to act like nothing happened when you bring it up later, as if he wasn’t being extra touchy with you to scare off the guy sdksd. honestly he tries his best to say that he never gets jealous even though that’s just not the case. he’s cute when he tries to deny it though <3
he hates the idea of confrontation and in a way he doesn’t want to… embarrass the other guy?? he knows it’s bad cause he’s ignoring his own feelings of jealousy but he just hates any conflict. so instead he'll go up behind you and tug on your shirt gently. and he communicates with his eyes until you get the message. from there, you smoothly end the conversation, and he helps a bit once you’ve gotten it started. he probably talks to you about it afterwards really pouty and sad like :( the feeling of jealousy is just the worst for him. he wishes he could’ve done more and been like one of those “cool” boyfriends </3 but you make sure that he knows he’s perfect, even though he’s such a people pleaser that he’s bad at setting boundaries. with some practice he’d get better at it, and more confident in standing up for himself and you. but most of the time, he chickens out in the moment. 
he’s calm, usually just surveying the situation. he’s very focused on everything that is happening to you. the second he spots the guy talking to you going a bit too far or showing any flirtatious hints, he’ll be walking over to stop the situation. he knows you can handle it most of the time, but it’s just when there are guys who won’t take a hint no matter how obvious your disinterest is. he’ll politely shut them down for you, introducing himself as your boyfriend and asking what the guy’s relationship is to you. in the rare case that his glaring and sharp words aren’t enough, he’ll just remove you from the situation instead of trying to scare off the guy. he has little patience for anyone trying to hit on his girlfriend. but after, he will always check up on you before anything else, asking if you were uncomfortable or if he should’ve come over sooner :( he’s just the sweetest!!
hanjin gets jealous so easily. he looks like the type who wouldn’t do anything about it but he does. he’s so possessive but he can’t help it. whenever he sees another guy talking to you, the only thing on his mind is how to get him away. the thing is, he’s not brave enough to kiss you right in front of someone else even though he’d like to. he’d probably make up some excuse that you needed to go instead, finding a way to drag you back with him and away from the guy. once he’s alone with you, that’s when he gets pouty and whiny, extremely jealous at the fact that you were laughing with someone other than him. you have to do your best to cheer him up, cause he’s not going to forget the uncomfortable feeling of jealousy for a while. he’s extra clingy afterwards because you’re his and he’s the only person allowed to hold you and kiss you </3
he honestly can’t believe his eyes at the audacity of the guy talking to you. shamelessly flirting with you right in front of jihoon. he’s so quick to go over and stop it, but he’s really nonchalant about it. even though inside he’s kinda panicking because he’s not used to being jealous and overthinks things naturally. but in the moment he’s actually able to put an end to the situation so fast. he pulls you aside and he’s so cute he’s like “did you see how i scared him off?!” suddenly all the overthinking is gone and he’s just impressed with his own abilities. forgets he was even jealous tbh because he’s just proud of himself for how he handled it. he’s such a hyperactive cutie he would literally be jumping like so happy with himself <//3 but then his smile drops if you ask him if he was jealous. he gets a bit shy… but still he’d be glowing with pride especially if you also compliment him about it.
kyungmin has some lingering doubt in his head that he's never good enough for you :( so whenever he sees another guy talking to you that he thinks is probably more attractive than him, those thoughts increase a lot. he’s not really sure what to do— he’s scared to go up and try to get you away from him, he’s also scared of what will happen if he does nothing. in the end he’s just on the sidelines watching you with wide eyes, trying to read into your behaviour. of course, you notice, because you only have eyes for kyungmin. and you can tell something is wrong because he’s pouting even though he doesn’t realize it :( you’ll figure it out super quick and excuse yourself from the conversation to go check up on your boyfriend <3 it’ll take several months of getting confident in himself and himself as a boyfriend for him to be able to deal with jealousy situations by himself, but eventually, he’ll figure it out.
↳ tws taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @seunghancore,, @sobun1est,, @talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy,,
@50-husbands,, @hursheys
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fr4ncehere · 1 month
bf!youngjae headcanons 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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pairing: bf!youngjae x fem!reader
genre: headcanon, fluff
a/n: i'm so happy that this is the first request, thank u sm for requesting anonn🥺 i want to remind you this is my first headcanon and my mother tongue isn't english so sorry for any mistakes
i hope u enjoy~!
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first of all, youngjae's love language is acts of service. that's a fact.
youngjae is the mother of tws. so if he is already careful with the members, imagine how he is with his girlfriend!
he takes cares of you like a flower (you're his flower.
he would spend all his money on food for you, after all, he just wants to see you well… and fed.
and why not spend that money on snacks like he already does?
i can perfectly imagine him sending messages to you like:
"babe, i just left the hybe building and i'm at the convenience store now"
"and look what i found"
*pic of a snack*
"What flavor do you want this time?
*pic of holding MANY of the same snacks in DIFFERENT flavors*
y/n: "youngjae my love but yesterday you bought 7 packs of these for me, still have them here at home, you don't need to buy anything for me, angel…"
he makes a point of talking and acting in front of the other members that you are the only person who he shares his snacks with
and shares it with you in front of jihoon just to tease him LOLLL
you don't even need to ask or request youngjae
"honey, did you see that there are snacks in my bag, right?"
"did you eat anything, babe? what? why didn't you grab the ones in my bag? i told you…" he says this holding your face gently :((
youngjae being youngjae is not a fan of physical touch, but when you least expect it there is a koala stuck to your body
the same goes for his unexpected little kisses on your cheek~
just like your hugs, it has become something normal
when you're studying and out of the blue there are arms around you and a long kiss on your cheek
he says something like "my girl" or "i'm proud of you" and then he leaves like nothing happened
or when you're on your cellphone, or sitting on the couch, or in public… (i'm telling you, he acts like this OUTTA THE BLUE
he also likes to put your foreheads together and look into your eyes or just bring your faces closer with that puppy eyes and smile that only he has and then… mwah!!! a kiss!
you already have such a close relationship with him (and so funny) that you come home telling him EVERYTHING that happened during your day AND IN DETAIL as if he is your gossip friend
when you least expect it, you told him LITERALLY EVERYTHING that happened in your day and you didn't even notice.
all the gossip, all the joys of the day, all the frustrations....
and he listened to everything while sitting still in front of you🥹 (guys this boy simply doesn't exist, seriously.
you know, just this boy's company is the cure for anything...
literally like a puppy, just being around makes you feel good
being around youngjae is like feeling at home
he is your home. he is your daily comfort.
days when you are tired or sad, you don't need to say anything and he is already there, hugging you, whispering words of comfort...
his advice makes seem like your problems and messes are simply nothing
and your personality? oh god...
this boy is so calm, how can he be so patient with you?
and you don't need to say nothing. he knows how you are feeling just looking into your eyes, or just looking at your actions.
and if he needs to sing or whisper a song in your ear to make you feel better, he would make sure to do it with a 5 minute song for you
because you know, he just wants to see you well, his only pleasure is to see you happy.
depending on the situation, he puts post-its on your things with motivational phrases and phrases for you don't forget how much he loves you hdjsbxkbs <//3
you wouldn't understand how silly he gets when he sees you smiling for something he did (he feels so proud of himself
or when you run to him looking for his hug and he plays with it running away from you
at these times, youngjae's stomach only has butterflies and that's it!
when he thinks you feel good about his actions it only makes him even more silly
and then he forgets he was playing with you and hugs you tightly
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deobienthusiast · 9 months
the phantom thief | syj
• pairing: son youngjae (the boyz) x reader
• word count: 5.4k words
• genre: fluff, teeny tiny bit of angst if you SQUINT, jumanji!au, video game character!eric, strangers to lovers!au
• rating: PG
• warnings: some curse words, some sad eric, some sad reader
• notes: this is going to be similar to jumanji. not the same story line but you know, getting sucked into a game and having to complete it to find your way out
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You felt yourself groan for what had to have been the millionth time. It was the last few days of summer break, the last few days of freedom, and you were stuck in a small town to sit at an arcade all day with your family. Don’t get it twisted. You loved your family, but you would have rather spent the last few days of summer break with friends, not babysitting your brother and his annoying friends. Your mother was with you, but her head was in a different place. She was too engrossed in the facebook drama on her phone to even bother watching him.
When she heard you groan, she brought her phone down. Laying it on the table, she reached into her purse and pulled out some loose change.
Handing it to you, she spoke. “Go find something to do. I’ll watch them.”
You look at the quarters in your hand as you roll your eyes. What could you possibly find to do with a roll of quarters? Heading towards the game area, you dipped and dodged the annoying little kids that were running around as you eyed the different types of games.
Air Hockey? Ew. Pac-man? Old. All the games were boring you. Continuing to walk around the different games, you noticed a cracked door. You looked around at everyone. They were mainly distracted by all the kids running around. Parents keeping kids from breaking games, and workers wiping pizza grease and sticky soda off the joysticks and screens of games.
You took the opportunity to head for the door, slipping past it and shutting it behind you before stopping. In the back of the almost empty room was a dark, dusty game. It was built like the pac-man game, but hidden towards the back of the room. You noticed the plug laying on the ground as you reached for it, sticking it into the outlet. The room lit up in purples, teals, and greens as the machine came to life.
A small smile made its way to your face as you let your hands graze the old machine. The buttons were chipped, paint peeling, pictures faded, and the screen had a crack in it at the very top corner. The title popped across the screen in bright colorful letters as you read it outloud.
“The Phantom Thief.” You said.
The room was quiet besides the music that was softly resonating from the machine under your hands. A black box popped up on screen as it gave you a background story.
“Wayward within the kingdom lives a crooked worker of the royal family. He strikes at night, and he has earned the nickname the phantom thief. Help the thief steal the King’s prized possession, his royal pendant crown. Or help the guards catch the thief. Try to attempt it in the fastest time possible? Which fate will you choose?” You read quietly.
Looking behind you, you checked the door quickly before taking off the jacket you were wearing. You stick your jacket on the floor, covering the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor before getting up and walking back over to the game. You clicked on the phantom thief character before taking another quick look around the empty room. You turned back around to stare at the screen, the colorful background mesmerizing, as your hand hovered over the start button. You let your fingers run over the worn out button as it lit up, making your fingers jolt.
You jumped at the feeling. A laugh blew past your lips as you pushed the button. The game practically came to life as you watched your hand disappear right before your eyes. The scream you let out reverberated farther than you thought as the room went black.
It suddenly felt very cold, too cold to be air conditioning as you stand. You felt a burning sensation on your face as you brought your hand up to rub. You felt fresh scratch marks as you looked around. The bare trees rattled you as you took in your surroundings. The area was quiet as called out.
“Hello?” You said loudly.
The sound of your voice disappeared in the night as you squinted slightly. How did you get outside? Where was the arcade? Where was your brother? And damn it, why the hell did you take your coat off? You started to walk, hugging yourself to keep warm, as you looked at all the trees. You felt like you were stuck in a forest as you walked.
When you passed the same tree for what seemed like the third time, you let out a whimper.
“Keep walking.” You heard from behind you as you went to scream.
The voice you heard wrapped a hand around your head, covering your mouth as he spoke.
“Don’t scream! Don’t scream or they will find us.” The voice said.
You got pulled behind a ledge as you heard yelling in the distance.
“Search the perimeter! They are around here somewhere!” Another voice said.
A trotting sound grew closer than distanced itself as you heard it multiple times. When it was quiet, you turned around to face a mischievous smile. He pulled his hand away from your mouth as you opened yours again.
He panicked, speaking quickly. “Please don’t scream!”
“Who are you?” You asked softly.
“I’m Eric. I’m the character you picked.” He told you happily.
Shaking your head, you spoke. “What? What character?”
Eric snickered. “From the game, silly! The Phantom Thief.”
He pointed at himself, his mischievous grin growing like the Cheshire cats. “That’s me.”
“Wait, character? I-,I’m in the game.” You asked him.
He nodded. His face was visible to you in the darkness. “Yes ma’am.”
You smiled slightly at his tone. “How do you know you’re a game character?”
Eric laughed. “Oh yeah! I guess you could say you aren’t the only person to visit us. A lot meet me on the other side though.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you say up. “What do you mean on the other side?”
The boy shrugged. “People never choose me. It’s always the King’s men. I don’t understand why.”
He started to pout. “It’s not like I’m a bad person. They just like to be on the side of justice for some reason.”
You couldn’t help but breathlessly laugh at his statement. “Maybe it’s because people don’t want to get in trouble.”
“But that’s the fun part! The risk! Knowing that you could get in trouble is only half of it. It’s the thrill of the run.” Eric said before stopping. “Now, we need to get a move on. They’ve widened their search, leaving the castle exposed.”
He took a peek from behind the ledge before standing up. Reaching down for your hand, he gently pulled you up as he took off. You stumbled slightly, having trouble keeping up with all of his endless energy as he whipped and whirled his way through the array of trees. You could see two lights becoming more prominent as he continued to pull you.
As the lights got closer, you heard galloping as you yanked Eric as hard as you could. He jolted backwards before being pulled into a pile of leaves, surrounded by a whole bunch of trees. Eric went to speak as you covered his mouth.
“How am I the newbie, and you are almost about to get caught?” You asked.
You could feel Eric’s grin burning into your hand as he spoke. “Good choice. Most people choose to keep running.”
You felt goosebumps arise as you pulled away from him. “You knew this would happen?”
He shook his head. “I didn’t know which decision you would make, but I knew the first decision was coming up. I told you. I’m a part of the game, remember?”
Eric sat up, prompting you to move off of him as he stood up, dusting himself off. “There will be quite a few decisions that will be left up to you to make. Choose wisely, and you’ll be able to steal the crown.”
The statement he gave you made you shudder as it sounded too much like a computer given answer rather than his own statement.
“Right, well. We should keep moving.” You told the boy, making him nod.
He peeked out from the pile you both had fallen into as he motioned for you to follow him. He kept the both of you hidden from the lights as he followed the pathway towards the castle.
“In the introduction, it says you work for the royal family.” You said softly.
Eric chuckled, looking back at you to give you a grin. “Aren’t I just the worst?”
You giggled as you both continued to walk. You were surprised at how easily you were moving through before Eric stopped.
He looked at you expectantly, almost waiting for you to do something as you gave him a look.
“What do we do now?”
You scoffed. “You’re the one who does this for a living. You tell me.”
Eric shook his head. “That’s not how games work. Characters do what you want them to do.”
Not understanding, you looked forward and noticed a gate.
“A gate? What do we need to unlock it?” You asked.
Eric shrugged. “You tell me? Unlocking would risk wasting time and getting caught. The gate, however, is quite old. That means that trying to jump would risk making a lot of noise.”
“Well jumping it is what we’ll have to do because I don’t have anything to pick the lock with.” You told the boy.
He looked you up and down before taking a step towards you. Your eyes widened as he leaned into you, his nose inches from yours as he spoke.
“What’s that?” He asked curiously.
Your eyes drifted upwards, following to where his index finger was pointed and you let your hand drift upwards. Your hand ran over your hair before feeling something.
“My goodness, Eric, you're a genius!” You said happily.
The boy scrunched up his face in confusion as you pulled the bobby pin that was in your hair out of your head. Grabbing his hand, you pulled the boy towards the gate, opening the bobby pin in the process.
“Um, you still never told me what it is.” Eric said softly as he watched you mess with the lock on the gate.
“It’s a bobby pin.” You told him quietly.
He watched you mess with the lock, sticking the foreign object in it and wiggling it around.
“What is a bobby pin?” Eric asked.
You felt yourself laugh as you spoke. “A very helpful tool for people with hair that doesn’t want to cooperate.”
Eric leaned over slightly to get a better look at it as he spoke again. “It looks dangerous.”
You shrugged. “Ehh. Depends.”
You heard a click as you smiled at Eric victoriously. His eyes widened as you slowly pushed the gate open. It creaked slightly, making you stop with a wince before continuing. The gate was opened enough for the both of you to slip in as Eric closed it behind him.
You put the bobby pin back in your hair as Eric looked at you.
“You’re the first person to choose picking the lock. It’s the easiest one and the percentage of getting the crown is higher when you pick it.” Eric said in awe.
“Don’t seem so surprised. It’s not the first time I’ve picked a lock.” You told the boy.
You picked back up, walking up the walkway of the castle as you looked over the large building. It was sort of old, but still very extravagant. Decorated to the nines with beautiful sculptures and busts. Beautiful bushels of flowers surrounded both sides of the lane way.
“Pansies.” Eric told you as you looked at them.
The colors almost sparkled under the moonlight as you spoke.
“Shouldn’t they be dead? I mean, it’s kind of freezing out here.” You said quietly.
This caught Eric’s attention as he took off the jacket he was wearing, wrapping it around your body. You felt your cheeks heat up as Eric continued on like he didn’t just do something to make you embarrassed.
“That’s why they picked this flower. They are able to survive the harshest of winters. Though I have to admit, this winter has been particularly cold.” Eric said.
You chuckled. “Funny, because outside the game, in the real world, the summer has been insanely hot. We’ve hit record-breaking temperatures.”
Eric smiled. “Maybe that’s why it’s been so cold.”
You smiled with him as you both continued to walk the pathway. The castle doors were drawing closer as you spoke again.
“This seems too easy.” You said.
“What does?”
“Just walking up the pathway to the castle. Am I about to just walk right through the doors?” You asked him.
Eric went to speak before you heard yelling.
“Check the castle ground, and make sure they didn’t break in!” Someone said as your eyes widened.
You looked at Eric who looked too calm in this situation as he spoke.
“You have your choice of the library window or the garden house. Though I will admit, there is the guard dog.” Eric said.
“Where? In the garden house?”
Eric shrugged.
“The library?”
He shrugged again, making you groan. “Where is the dog Eric?”
Eric through his hands up as you whined before spotting the garden house, you pulled him along through the grass, dodging statues before opening the garden house doors. Eric watched you pulled his jacket off and tie the doors shut as he looked at you with a smile.
“Excellent choice.” He told you.
You narrowed your eyes at the boy, a scowl decorating your face as you turned to look around. Beautiful plants were growing up the walls. Flowers covered to protect them from the cold looked as if they were waving due to the wind. A singular pane of glass at the top of the garden house was broken, allowing full moonlight to filter into the building. This allowed you to get a much better look at Eric.
He was handsome, that’s for sure. His hair was a deep purple color, almost burgundy with slight black highlights spread throughout. Eric wasn’t the tallest, but he was well built with the average height he was at. He had full lips and a prominent nose. An almost oval shaped head held all his features, and it came to a sawed off point at his chin. You would be lying if you were to say you weren’t attracted to him. You chalked it out to a school girl crush due to the fact that his smile made you feel like you had butterflies in your stomach.
“So, what goes on out there? You know, in the real world.” Eric asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
You both fell in stride as you made your way through the large garden house.
“Well it’s summer vacation right now. There’s like less than a week of it left, though.”
Eric’s nose scrunched up. “Summer vacation?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Like we have school from August to the first week of June. And then we have summer vacation until August. And then we repeat the whole cycle for the next 12 years.”
Eric looked at you, horrified. “That sounds awful. It sounds like a prison.”
You chuckled. “Something like that. You don’t have school here?”
Eric shrugged. “I don’t really know. I’ve only ever worked for the royal family.”
You nodded, remembering that he was just a character in a game. He didn’t know about any of this real world stuff.
“No one ever took the time to tell you about what goes on outside of here, have they?” You asked him quietly.
The thief shook his head. “Like I said, no one ever chooses me.”
His statement made you frown as your heart sank a little. He sounds so lonely.
You both continued on until you got to a cracked door at the front of the garden house. Eric held his hand up, stopping you as he took careful steps forward. His head poked outside the door, red hair blowing around in the wind as he looked around. When he was sure the coast was clear, he turned to you, holding out his hand with a nod. You let your hand fall into his as he led you back out into the night. You were now positioned towards the side of the castle as Eric pointed towards a staircase that led underground.
“Tunnels. We use them to deliver food, supplies, things like that. It’s safer than trying to do it in the open.” He told you.
“Too many thieves?” You asked jokingly.
Eric looked at you with a smirk. “Look who’s catching on.”
You both laughed as Eric continued to lead the way. You happened to notice that he was still holding your hand, showing no signs of letting it go. The sight made your heart jump as you held on tightly to him. When you got to the entrance of the staircase, Eric dropped your hand to grab a torch that was already lit. He led the way down the stairs, constantly looking behind him to not only check on you but make sure you weren’t tailed. The torch was the perfect light source for the both of you as you were able to only illuminate small portions of the tunnels as opposed to the entire tunnel. It felt like the temperature had dropped lower since you moved under the castle and you mentioned that to Eric.
“Is it normal for it to be even colder down here than it is above ground?”
You pulled the jacket Eric had given you tighter around your body as you waited for him to reply.
“There isn’t any heat to reach underground. So the tunnels always stay cold. It gets worse when it’s regularly cold out.” Eric whispered.
It felt the tunnels were never-ending before Eric stopped, the torch flame billowing in the wind slightly. He pointed to a wooden door as he looked at you.
“There.” He said softly, voice echoing off of the hollow walls of the underground tunnel.
You stepped forward as you looked at the door. “Is this where we enter?”
Eric shrugged. “That depends. This puts us at the far end of the castle which means we have to cover more ground indoors to get to the crown. If we continue to follow the tunnels then we’ll get closer to the King’s room. That holds all his most prized possessions, including the crown.”
You thought about what could be waiting for you if you went into the castle now, but being in a warm castle, unthawing seemed way better than freezing to death. Plus, you weren’t sure how much longer these tunnels were, and you weren’t willing to bet your life on it.
“Come on,” You waved to the boy as you gently pulled at the handle of the wood door.
Eric nodded, setting the torch in a holster on the wall next to the door. He pulled the door open more, stopping when it scraped against the gravel on the tunnel floor. He laid a hand on your lower back, slowly coaxing you forward first as he tried his best to quietly pull the door shut behind him. When the door closed, it echoed into the large empty room you had entered. You turned to give Eric a look as he shrunk down at your gaze.
“Sorry,” He whispered.
You shook your head slightly as you looked around, trying to see if you could figure out what room you were in. It was dark in the room. The moonlight coming through the window was reflecting off of multiple surfaces that looked shiny and almost metallic like.
“The kitchen.” You said to yourself.
Eric caught up to you and your cautious steps as he helped navigate you through the rather large kitchen.
“They barely use this.” He told you, noticing your curiosity in the appliances that looked brand new.
You scoffed. “Then why have a kitchen?”
Eric chuckled. “Something to look at.”
You turned to him as you smiled. He sounded so normal when he said that. Like he knew what he was saying, and wasn’t repeating what his character says. The glimpses of realness Eric was giving you made you happy. You wanted to know more, so you continued to press as you exited the large kitchen and into a hallway.
“How did you start working for this royal family?”
Eric shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve just always been here.”
You frowned. “Do you have a favorite food?”
“I eat bread when my health gets low. Does that count?”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. It was unreal how real he was in front of you, but how computerized he was on the inside. Eric didn’t seem to mind the questions nor was he bothered by his answers considering he barely got to move around anyway unless someone managed to play the game.
The hallway you two were in led down a long corridor to a split. You looked down both ways, seeing double doors down towards the end of the left side, and nothing but more hallway on the right side.
“Next choice.” Eric said softly.
You kept moving your head left and right, trying to figure out which way to go. Eventually you took the left path, looking back at Eric for confirmation. All he gave you was a smile as he let you lead the way. The walk to the double doors was short as you laid both hands on each door before pushing them open. The heavy wood stood still for a moment before peeling open, rather loudly. The moan of the doors opening reverberated off the empty walls making you cringe as you both walked in.
The room you were in was a bedroom. A large bed and dresser were up against the far wall with a large ceiling to floor window against the wall, showing the night sky. You had to admit the view was impeccable, but you didn’t get to enjoy it long. A faint growl made the hairs on the back of your neck stand as you and Eric both looked at each other.
“The guard dog?” You asked quietly.
Eric’s eyes were the size of saucer plates as he nodded.
You both turned slowly, coming face to face with a rather large dog that looked to be something out of a nightmare. Whoever the game creators were got the look of a scary guard dog correct. The dog looked similar to something out of Stephen King’s Cujo. With foam coming out of its mouth and dark, almost dead eyes, the dog looked like it was ready to rip apart anything and everything that stepped foot in the castle. You took a step back from the window as you looked at Eric.
The boy was making quick glances at the door as the dog took a step forward.
“Run!” Eric yelled.
Grabbing your hand, Eric practically dragged you out of the room and down the other hallway. The dog was hot on your trail, loud barking making more noise than you would've hoped. Lights began to turn on as the dog was now alerting the guards looking for Eric.
As you continued to run, you noticed a door that was just slightly ajar. You took the opportunity to yank on your arm, pulling Eric towards the door. The immediate redirection threw the dog for a loop as it couldn’t come to a complete stop with the speed it was hitting. You managed to make it in the room, both of you closing the door just in the knick of time. The dog hit the door hard. That didn’t seem to stop, but rather further piss him off as he started to jump at the door and scratch at it. You pulled a nearby chair towards you, pinning it under the door knob as you leaned against the door to catch your breath.
Adrenaline was pumping through you, your heart rate through the roof as you closed your eyes to try and calm yourself. You could see why Eric liked doing this so much. You weren’t scared by any means. Rather you were thrilled. The surge of fear had turned into excitement. You had so much energy that you wanted to do all of it again.
“Look!” Eric said excitedly.
You opened your eyes at his exclamation. You followed his gaze and felt a smile come to your face. There in the room was the King’s crown protected by a glass case. The small light shining down on the glass sent a sliver of light towards the pretty blue pendant jewel on the top of the King’s crown. The jewel reflected its own path of light, causing a blue marbled type shadow to cast itself across the wall. You moved from the door to the glass case, laying your hands on top of it.
There was a little lock on the case to keep the crown locked in. You knew the key was not in this room, and in your excitement panic started to set in. How were you supposed to get the crown?
You felt a hand in your hair that pulled you from your thoughts as the hand was now in your vision.
“Will this work?” Eric asked, holding the bobby pin you had previously picked the front gate with.
You smiled at the boy, taking the pin from him. Eric winked as you began to pick at the lock.
“They’re in here!” You heard from outside the door as you jumped from the yell.
Eric ran to the door putting weight on it to keep it closed as long as possible as you kept picking the lock. Frustration began to filter through you over the fact that you couldn’t get the lock picked. As your frustration bubbled over, a loud crash hit outside the door, sending Eric flying to the ground. You picked up the case, throwing the glass to the ground as it shattered around you. Eric picked himself up as he grabbed the crown. That mischievous look he had when he first told you about himself came back as he handed it to you.
You took the crown from him, looking over it as he pushed you towards the window. A large crack resonated through the room as you both jumped. One of the doors broke open, giving way to a bunch of guards as Eric quickly pushed the window open. You looked back at him, realizing he was going to give himself up so you could get free.
“Wait, Eric!” You yelled.
The boy continued to push you to the window. He helped you out of it as he spoke. “You have the crown. Get back to where I found you and you’ll win.”
You looked at him, grabbing his hand as he went to pull away. “What about you?”
The urgency in your voice made the boy smile, and he did something completely out of character. Eric leaned out the window to peck your cheek as he spoke.
“Don’t worry about me.”
He pulled his hand from yours as he gave you that signature smile. Lifting himself back into the window, he pushed you the rest of the way out before slamming it shut. You hit the ground with a grunt as you looked back up at the window. Eric mouthed to you as you stood.
You stood up, seeing the garden house in the distance as you ran in that direction. It sounded like the castle doors had opened as you fell into a full on sprint. When you got closer to the garden house you noticed the front gate, still unlocked from when you had previously entered. You looked back towards the window before letting your feet carry you to the gate. The sounds from the front doors of the castle were beginning to get louder, signaling to you that whoever was outside was getting closer. You slipped through the gate, running down the path. You continued to run until your legs couldn’t carry you anymore before stopping in front of the tree that you were certain was where you had fallen into the game from.
Placing your hands on your knees, you leaned down to catch your breath. Not knowing what to do next, you looked around hoping for some sort of exit.
“Come on! I beat the stupid game. See?” You lifted the crown up towards the sky, beginning to get angry.
“I did it. I beat it! What more do you want?” You yelled.
You kept the crown above your head, looking up at the dark sky that did nothing before lowering it. Dropping your head, you looked around once more before noticing a light coming towards you. There was no person behind it, just the light itself. Bringing your hands up to your eyes to shield yourself, you looked as best you could at the light. The room felt like it was shifting before you were pushed.
“Hey!” A voice said from behind you.
You’d recognize it anywhere as you stepped back.
“Mom’s been looking for you.” Your little brother told you.
Looking at him, you nodded as he rolled his eyes, heading out of the small room you were in. You watched him before looking down at your hands. You were in the arcade. In the back room. Your jacket was still on the floor, now covered in dirt and dust from being pushed around. You brought your attention back to the game. A little bubble screen had popped up.
“Congratulations! You helped the thief snatch the crown and evade the guards. Your time was five minutes and thirty-eight seconds. See how your time stacks up to other players.” You read.
The screen gave way to an option to look at the previous scores as you looked back at your time.
“Five minutes? I was only in there for five minutes? It felt so long.”
You moved your hands from the game as you headed for the door. Bending down to pick up your jacket, you looked back once more at the game before walking out.
It had been about a week since you pretty much entered a video game, and the more you played it over in your head the more it seemed like you just fell and hit your head really hard in that room. You knew you had to put it behind you with it being your first day of school, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Eric.
As you parked your car, your friend Sunwoo stood outside the school entrance with another boy. You couldn’t see his face, but you were sure you didn’t know him. He had purple hair with different pastel highlights colored throughout it. Sunwoo spotted you as he waved.
“There you are! Thought you might be late on the first day.”
You could only give the boy the finger as you got closer.
“I made a new friend! He’s new!” Sunwoo yelled.
As you got closer, the boy turned around and you dropped everything in your hands.
“Eric?” You asked.
The boy raised his eyebrows at you as he looked at you then Sunwoo.
“Uh, no. My name is Youngjae.” The boy said.
He was a spitting image of Eric, with the same tone of voice and cadence in the way he talked. Both boys walked down the steps to help you pick your things up.
“I, I’m sorry. You just look strangely like someone I met towards the end of the summer.” You told him.
He smiled at you, giving you a wink. “No problem.”
Sunwoo chuckled, noticing the looks you two were giving each other as he shook his head.
“And yet again, I’ll be third wheeling.” He said as he watched the two of you talk, almost as if you had known each other for a really long time.
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thebvbbletea · 2 months
You guys have no idea how amazing this year for 2nd & 3rd gen K-Pop stan like me. KARA having their 2nd comeback after hiatus, they even include Hara's voice in one of their song. 2NE1 confirmed to have their comeback & concert, Blackpink comeback for their anniversary, Lovelyz & EXID reuniting for a performance and today we also witnessing the comeback of B.A.P
Ofc I still pissed off with how TS treat B.A.P, and to see Youngjae crying and apologizing to us that they can't use B.A.P's name for their comeback is truly make me sad. They deserve the whole happiness in this world and TS could go f*ck themselves 😔
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jaestrz · 2 years
𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐨𝐡𝐧 손영재
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૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა. *ੈ✩‧₊˚
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff | angst
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: eric x afab reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: struggling with mental health.
⋆·˚ ༘ * a/n: another sad day for me but at least y/n has an Eric
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you felt worse than before. Or to a more flexible word, you were starting to think you are not improving each day.
you don’t think you have left your- more like Eric’s room ever since the other members had gone for the world tour. By the ‘other members’ that also includes Eric. Although Eric was a bit skeptical about leaving you alone and thought about the idea of bringing you along, but that idea was just not going to give you a proper rest and probably adding more pressure.
but that didn’t give an excuse for him to not know about your condition. The time zones would be challenging but he was willing to video call and even order food delivery that you didn’t ask for.
it was kind of him. He was Youngjae after all, he’s really worried if you’re not consuming enough food and water. Eric always told you to call his mom in case you couldn’t reach out to him due to the different time zones. behind a worry Eric, he understands you better than yourself.
he’ll give you encouragement on your hardest days, he respects your boundaries and privacy. Maybe there were times where you didn’t answer anyone and that might give him a little scare but at the end of the day when you open up your phone, eric will send voice messages with comforting words.
you do actually remember the last time you went out during your hiatus. It was with his family while the tour was held at Japan. Even though it was a long time ago, you were pretty proud that you wanted to accompany them to go shopping without a sense of force or pity. Talking and driving, it was more fun than you thought. It also was the first time you enjoyed something when Eric wasn’t around during your hiatus.
when you told Eric about the things you did that day, he looked like he’s the most proudest human on earth knowing you were slowly getting better.
His mom do come around the dorm from time to time just to check on you. Eric knew about your situation about struggling to find your motivation and he wasn’t mad about your lack of going out. Even if you do, you would bring a friend of you with his permission or just his mom/family with you. It puts his heart on ease knowing you’re not going out alone.
Yet you felt lonely at home. That was the hurtful truth. Your family was in the states and the members aren’t here. It was the most painfully longest 6 months of your life.
so the day when tour ended, everyone came back to Korea. Eric was a little confuse to see your absent presence. His room was dimmed, the only source of light came from the led under his bed and bed table light. the first thought came to mind was, he wanted to call you. Until he saw your phone on the bed, charging.
He had left his car but you didn’t use it. So his guessing was you went on a walk somewhere near in the area.
Han river?
He perked outside the window and saw someone familiar leaning against the railing. The weather was cold but you weren’t wearing anything suitable with the weather. You wore a tight turtleneck with sweatpants on. people walking by would probably think you’re insane. Maybe.
Eric was fast to get there. It wasn’t that far.
you felt warm arms wrapped around your waist, causing you to turn around and met with his eyes. “You’re going to freeze to death.” Eric noticed how warm your body was.
“how do you know I was here?”
your hand went up to cup his face.
“lucky guess.” He lied.
you could just nod your head slowly before pulling him in a hug. The cold was starting to turn into warmth. It makes you forget about everything around you under his arms. his hugs were more than everything. Eric tilted his head to look at you again before touching his lips against yours. Both of you stayed there for the longest time you would’ve known. Laughing about the dumbest things he did abroad.
“You bought something you’re unfamiliar with?”
eric nodded. “I also have a necklace with our names carved in it. There’s snacks and stuff for you. Mom came to the concert and she left some things for you as well.” Your breathy hitched at the mention of your family. “mom? As in MY mother?”
eric hummed in response. “You’re curious with all the stuff I brought back right? How about we go back to the dorm?”
“will you cuddle with me and eat snacks while we watch your crying ending ments?” Eric groaned at the mention of it. He knew this topic would come up as soon as he got home. but you looked so happy and entertained. It took some time for Eric to gave in.
“the only reason i’m doing this is because I love you. If this was Juyeon then I would’ve shoved him down in this lake.”
“whatever you say crybaby.”
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justmochi · 1 month
since everyone’s on the topic of enlistment, what do your ocs plan to do when their man has to leave 😔
jenn and youngjae have talked about it many times. he insists that they break up before he has to go cause he knows she will be lonely and he doesn’t want their relationship to hold her back while she waits for him to come home. i planned for her to maybe have a situation ship with another idol 👀
eden and dk plan to get married before he goes (so probably in the next few years) they want a nice lengthy honeymoon. they’re still not sure if they want to try for kids before he goes or after he comes back. eden’s pretty insecure and paranoid about what age she has kids bc she wants to make sure she’s gonna be in her kids life for as long as possible (her mom had kids very late which is why she’s worried about that) their future looks very bright and secure. 🥹
mira and wonwoo haven’t even gotten to discussing that topic yet. i imagine she will be very sad (she might even smuggle him out of there)
rosie and dino will be perfectly fine when he’s in the military. but it really depends on how she handles the other members enlisting bc she’s always had them in her life and she can’t imagine what it’s gonna be like to not see them every day. they will get married after he comes back.
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seokmattchuus · 3 months
Got7 Masterlist
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💜 - suggestive 🖤 - smut 🩵 - fluff 🩶 - angst 💚 - sad 🩷 - comedy
Reaction to your ex still contacting you 🩵🩷 (?)
Reaction to you moaning when they suck on your nipples 💜
Jealous Sex - Reaction 💜 - slight 🩶 -
Reaction to you touching yourself in front of them 💜
Bothered (Jinyoung) 🖤 - slight 🩵 -
Reaction to you being insecure about your moles 🩵
Reaction to you thinking you’re not sexually attractive 🩵💜
Reaction to you holding in your moans 💜
Reaction to you having a panic attack 🩵
Reaction to you being a virgin/nervous 🩵 -tiny 💜-
Reaction to you being submissive 💜
Reaction to you giving them a lap dance 💜
Reaction to you doing a striptease for them 💜
Getting jealous over how close you are with another member 🩵?
Reaction to their best friend/crush moaning for them when masturbating 💜
Reaction to their s/o being into hardcore bdsm 💜
Reaction to their s/o being into degradation 💜
Reaction to catching you masturbate 💜
Birthday Surprises (Youngjae) 🖤
They crash the wedding before you say ‘I do’ - Reaction 🩶
Pet shopping - Reaction 🩵
Reaction to you wanting to ride them in the studio while they’re working on music 💜 (Not on my blog)
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kbandtrash · 7 months
Meet the Authors
Ha ha embarrassing it’s been almost 4 years of kbandtrash and I don’t think we’ve ever done this
General introduction? We just like writing lol. Everything we write is pretty clean (no smut, kissing is the farthest we go like not even making out usually, we don’t even use curse words lol) so generally this should be a pretty safe space for anyone
I’ll start with a more personal introduction
Hopeless romantic, happy ending enthusiast, designated karaoke harmonizer, made the deadline to be a ‘99 liner by 2 weeks ✌️😗
The initial Instigator between the two of us. My roommate introduced me to day6 May of 2019 and Megan (formerly annoying little sister who used to do anything to get me to notice her) was the only one who believed me (mean older sister) when I told my family this kband stuff was pretty good
Bands I listen to (and biases): N.Flying (Seunghyub), Day6 (Sungjin), The Rose (Dojoon), IZ (Hyunjun), CNBlue (Yonghwa), FTIsland (Hongki), Onewe (ot5), Lucy (ot4), Hifi Unicorn (Kiyoon), Xdinary Heroes (Gaon, Junhan)
(Plus Hoppipolla, Gift, Qwer, Banduni, Rolling Quartz, Honeyst, Marmello, D.Coy)
Groups I listen to: Dreamcatcher (Dami), Oneus(? complicated rn) (Hwanwoong), Seventeen (S.Coups, Vernon), SF9 (Chani, Hwiyoung), Ateez (Hongjoong, Mingi), Stray Kids (Seungmin, Chan), P1Harmony (Jiung)
(Plus Pentagon, Purple Kiss, Tempest, &Team, Enhypen)
(I also have a huge crush on D.O. and I love Younha)
Extra notes? I have a degree in secondary math education. I also have a decent amount of skill in the arts though like I sing and play a handful of instruments and you’ll see me reblog stuff here from my art blog sometimes. I can read/write half decent Korean as well
Currently playing: Blue Moon by N.Flying, Eternal Sunshine by Ateez, Ah! Love by Seventeen, Better Better by Day6, and Nowhere by FTIsland
I now turn the time over to Megan
Hopeful romantic, sad ending enthusiast, designated karaoke melodizer (not a boring soprano tyvm), born smack dab in the middle of 2006 🤩💅
The current Instigator between the two of us. I hesitantly took hold of the kband stuff and then it exponentially increased. My kpop Spotify playlist is 176 hours long (3127 songs). Please send help 😨
K bands: CNBLUE (Minhyuk), Xdinary Heroes (O.de/Junhan), N.Flying (Hweseung), Day6 (Wonpil), FTISLAND (Jaejin), Lucy (Wonsang), Onewe (Kanghyun), IZ (Junyoung), Gift, Hoppipolla, The Rose (Hajoon), Rolling Quartz, Honeyst, Marmello
K boy groups: Ateez (Wooyoung), Shax, Sparkling, P1Harmony (✨Jeongseob✨), Seventeen (Hoshi), Kingdom (Mujin), SF9 (Taeyang), CIX (Yonghee), Oneus (Leedo), Golden Child (Joochan), ACE (Donghun), The Boyz (Q), Stray Kids (Jeongin), TXT (Taehyun), Pentagon (Yuto), Shinee (Key), AB6IX (Woojin), Astro (MJ), Enhypen (Niki), Drippin (Dongyun), BDC, WEi (Yongha), Cravity (Seongmin), BtoB (Changsub), NCT (Haechan), Tempest (Hanbin), Monsta X (Kihyun), Just B (Bain), Got7 (Youngjae), Epex (Ayden), BAE173 (Hangyul), Mirae (Dongpyo), iKon (Junhoe), X1, Wanna One, Victon (Byeongchan), E’last
K girl groups: Kard ;), Dreamcatcher (Gahyeon), (G)i-dle (Yuqi), Twice (Jeongyeon), Itzy (Chaeryeong), IVE, Kep1er, Purple Kiss (Swan), Everglow, Oh My Girl, ICHILLIN’, Red Velvet, Billlie (Moon Sua), Stayc (Isa), Weeekly (Jihan), NMIXX (Lily), CLC (Sorn), Tea Party/Omega-3 (Hyunji)
Soloists: Kang Daniel, IU, Woodz, Kim Hanbin, Eric Nam, Lee Hongki
Extra notes? I like learning languages and I love music and I’m permanently tired and I’m a Musical Theatre Kid and I’m about to graduate high school? Crazy
Currently Playing: One Time by CNBLUE, Halazia by Ateez, Love Me for Me by P1Harmony, Stereotype by Stayc, and Fallin’ Flower by Seventeen
You can follow us on tiktok and instagram as heartandsoul.psyche 🙈👀 we’re silly and we sing sometimes
11 notes · View notes
doyozen · 2 years
ROOM 37. haechan.
part 4. 6.8k words.
playlist here
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in which she falls for the guitarist next door.
ft. jeno, renjun, jaemin, yangyang, xiaojun, kun, soobin, winter, yeji
genre enemies to lovers, band au
warning contains drinking, smoking, mature content, haechan is an asshole at first
❝that attitude of yours is awful,
lee haechan. i don't care how
hot you are.❞
❝you think i'm hot? how sweet.❞
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stars luminated and danced in the night sky once the sun had fully set after the show. the friendgroup walked down the sidewalk under the lights of family businesses taking over the street, sticking close to one another as comfortable conversation filled the air.
the band had joined in on the friends strolling around tiresomely which had yangyang and xiaojun too interested in their lives as a local band, but sunny cautiously looked over her shoulder to scowl at their loud laughter. even haechan welcomed himself. even his girlfriend.
"are they dating?" jaemin asked to both yangyang and xiaojun silently, referring to youngmi and soobin holding hands.
xiaojun sighed as his thick eyebrows pushed together in thought, swishing the beer can in his hand around. "i actually have no idea."
"not officially," yangyang chimed in, "but i mean... look at them. they might as well put a title on it now."
"youngmi is kind of picky about the guys she dates so i have faith in this kid. he seems cool."
jaemin nodded, but stayed silent with nothing much to say about soobin, and the conversation about the pair remained short-lived.
youngmi kept her hand in soobins grasp as she became immersed in whatever it was sunny and eric talked about. mainly in attempt to drown out the voices from haechan and his girlfriend, the sound of their laughter that they didn't try to hard to conceal right behind her as they walked. her hand subconsciously squeezed soobins hand tighter when she suddenly felt insecure that they were laughing at her.
"dads started asking me for money again," youngja sighed as she twirled her fork around her food, feeling seemingly pull after a half empty plate.
the sisters sat in their favorite local diner together, as they did on their free time since kids. "really? you'd think him having a rich girlfriend the same age as you, he wouldn't have to do that anymore."
the elder shuttered at the thought, still feeling grossed out. "yeah, but apparently she wants to split up with him. i wish i could say i'm surprised but i'm used to it at this point."
as sad as it was, all three siblings were entirely used to watching their father go through girlfriends like nobodies business. they were all too familiar with him only contacting them when he needed something, even when they were kids, and once he started dating a woman the same age as youngja, they finally stopped having hope for his change.
"i wish he would just leave us alone forever," youngmi said, "i know he's our dad but life would legit be so much easier."
"i mean, i do too to an extent. i stopped believing he was gonna change but i don't know. something keeps telling me i shouldn't hold it against him if he ever actually wanted to change."
youngmi hummed, sipping on her lemonade. she didn't fully agree but she definitely understood where her big sister was coming from. "anything new with you lately?" youngja asked.
"i made some friends, met a guy, xiaojun came back, i hardly sleep at night because my neighbors kind of a dick. life is good." the two laughed at the final part of her sentence.
"i'm gonna need you to run that last one back."
youngmi huffed, "well, he's a guitar player and plays his little guitar for hours every single night and i hate to say it, but i think i got used to it."
"people can be assholes," youngja muttered, shaking her head at the thought.
and she was right.
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"hey, i'm outside your place."
"sorry babe, i know it's early and sudden but can i ask you a favor?"
youngmi was barely awake when she answered a call from sunny, groggily humming as she stood up to go answer the door. sunny on the other side sent a wide grin. "good morning!”
the girl mumbled more incoherent words back as she moved to the side to allow her friend inside, still registering what was happening. sunny walked to the couch and plopped down, patting the seat next to her where youngmi trudged over lazily.
"what's up?" the younger yawned, her swollen eyes finally opening properly.
"can you come to dinner with me tonight?" she asked urgently.
"i'm flattered, but i only see you as a friend," youngmi joked back, earning a laugh and a light shove from the other.
"what i mean is, i have to go to dinner with my parents tonight but i cannot go alone. like i just can't. haechans bringing his girlfriend and it's bad enough that i have to hear my parents for an entire night, i don't wanna be a third-wheel in the process."
"not that i don't want to, but what about yeji or winter? or even eric?"
"the girls are busy and eric secretly can't stand my parents."
"okay, that sounds promising."
"i'm sorry, i know it sounds dreadful but i neeeeed you. i'll literally do anything."
the idea of spending a night with two adults she didn't know, a guy she can't stand, and his girlfriend (who she assumed was the same girl she met in the laundry room) who seemed just as bad as him, did not sound pleasing whatsoever. however, youngmi really had nothing better to do with her life. the least she could do was do this one favor for her friend.
"okay, yeah, i'll do it."
"holy shit, thank you," sunny sighed in relief, grabbing her friends face and placing a lingering kiss on her cheek, "i owe you. i'll pick you up tonight!"
the girl stood once sunny was out the place and had shut the door behind her. with another yawn, she moped back into her bedroom to go straight back to sleep.
hours later she was fully awake this time, no interruptions from friends asking for favors, no music or guitar playing. she now was rummaging through her clothes to find something decent to wear to dinner, awaiting a text back from sunny after asking her what she should wear.
when she finally responded and said it was quite the fancy restauraunt and to dress nice, she was in even more of a dilemma because she knew she hardly had a lot of clothes to begin with, let alone something formal. sunny seemed to have been too busy with something else to text back since when asked how nice, she kept it short by saying anything nice.
this didn't help at all.
youngmi decided finally with a plain black dress that hugged her body, one that she'd usually only wear on a normal summer day, but quite literally had no other option. she had no idea if it was too nice, especially paired with heals, but sunny had yet to open her phone and respond to the texts to the few mirror pictures sent from youngmi.
then by the time she did, she was already on her way to youngmis house and were running late. youngmi grabbed her things and quickly ran outside into the elevator and out the building.
"hi," she greeted sunny after she was inside her car, "i had no idea what to wear, i really hope this is okay."
"you look hot, please, and i'm wearing a dress too. if we were wearing anything else we'd be ridiculed by my mother."
"she sounds real nice."
the drive was silent, sunny growing more nervous as seconds went by and youngmi noticing her quietness and didn't want to further bother her by saying something stupid. the two were just a few minutes late, the others already seated and waiting.
"i see them," sunny said, stress clear in her voice. "if anything goes even a little bit left, we run."
youngmi laughed, though she was pretty sure sunny was completely serious, before their arms locked together and they went over to the table. her mom noticed them almost right away, a visible crease in her eyebrows from frowning an rapidly sending texts to her daughter asking when she'd arrive.
"sunhwa, you're late." she said, her voice low but just right amount of warning tone that easily made sunny fearful.
"i'm sorry, traffic was crazy," the daughter replied, leaning in to kiss her mother on the cheek before pulling away, "mom, this is my friend youngmi."
much like her son, their mother kept pretty much only one expression at all times. blank. her thin face accented by light makeup, the only pop of color being a bright red lip, only the smallest bit of wrinkles around her eyes with not even a slight grin.
"nice to meet you. mrs. lee, and that's my husband." the woman looked behind her and youngmi peered over her shoulder to give the man a slight wave, to which he responded with a friendly smile. "have a seat, ladies."
it was only then youngmi turned to make eye contact with haechan, as his eyes were glued to her the moment she made her presence at the table. she could see his piercings were gone, but didn't look for long as she sat down in between his girlfriend and sunny. the girl she met briefly in the laundry room made no attempt to seem even the slightest bit interested in the dinner, just latching onto haechan and her eyes looking everywhere that wasn't his parents.
sunny slipped her jacket off, twisting her body a bit to place it neatly on her chair when her mother scoffed. "i can't stand looking at those tattoos. you really ruined your body, sunhwa."
sunny kept her eyes ahead of her with a small sigh. "sorry you feel that way."
"i mean, how do you expect to get a real job with those? there's no way that can be ever deemed as professional."
"didn't we come here to eat? if i wanted to sit here and listen to you complain, i might as well just move back in with you." haechan stepped in, arms leaned against the table.
mrs. lee glared, lifting her head slightly before sucking her teeth. "right, okay."
"so youngmi," mr. lee began, trying to save the awkward atmosphere, "what do you do?"
"oh, i work at a record shop. i'm really big on music." the girl nodded, for some reason feeling embarrassed announcing her job to the table. the parents seemed well put together and probably expected more from her.
"really? my son here, he's in a band! they're amazing." the man beamed, smiling from ear to ear talking about his son.
"yeah, i've seen them. they're good!"
haechan couldn't have cared less about the conversation or the fact that he was being complimented, just stirring his straw around his glass mindlessly and slouching a bit in his chair like a child. he couldn't even bother at least saying thanks.
"i wish my kids would get real jobs." mrs. lee muttered.
"hey, didn't you say you make a good amount of money, doing gigs?" youngmi asked hesitantly, turning her attention to haechan and his eyes lighting up when he realized he was being spoken to.
"...yeah?" the boy replied with a 'so?' tone.
"money or not, it's not a career. he'll learn that someday."
"i have to use the bathroom," sunny interrupted as she stood up abruptly, "come with me."
before youngmi could think, sunny was practically dragging her to the bathroom, huffing loudly the second they were away.
"you see what i mean now, right? she drives me fucking insane." the girl rubbed her temples as if she felt a headache forming.
"she's kind of awful, i'm sorry."
"don't be. she is."
"i'm guessing that's haechans dad out there?"
sunny hummed with another sigh, turning to the mirror to fix her hair. "my dads a deadbeat, you'll probably never see him. i hardly even see him."
youngmi nodded at the situation that felt all too familiar. she was glad she at least wasn't alone in that. "do you wanna go? i can make up some dumb excuse to leave."
"nah, i'd never hear the end of it if i leave now. plus the food here is really expensive and really good, so we should stay here just to make my parents pay for our over-priced meal."
youngmi laughed, not fully hating the idea as she was just glad sunnys parents even offered to pay for everyones meals because the prices were nearly as much as her rent. the pair took their sweet time fixing themselves up in the restrooms to pass time before gathering back up the courage to get back to the table.
the rest of the meal was spent with more of their mothers complaining, bickering, haechans girlfriend speaking about absolute nonsense, haechan hardly speaking himself unless it was to protest about something he didn't agree with, and youngmi silently watching everything go down while chowing down on her food.
"thank you for dinner," she thanked mr. and mrs. lee, bowing politely before leaving the place as quickly as possible once it was over.
"we survived!" sunny exclaimed dramatically as the four young adults stood outside the restaurant, the sun fully set and now a fully luminated moon in the sky.
"i'm gonna wait in the car." the girlfriend huffed, moving her legs without waiting for anyone to respond.
sunnys eyes followed her, a glare and even a slight snarl over her face. "why are you still dating her?"
haechan, who held a cigarette stick between his lips and dug through his pockets for a lighter, turned to look at his sister. "because i like her, obviously."
"she's a dick. you really know how to attract your own kind."
"very funny."
before sunny could further insult him, she felt her phone vibrating from her purse and pulled it out. youngmi watched as her frown quickly turned into an annoyed expression. "i'll be back." was all she said before turning on her heal back into the restauraunt.
awkward silence filled the air with the occasional sound of the wind drifting past and light huffs of haechan exhaling smoke from this mouth. the two stood just inches apart from each other, but youngmi couldn't even look his direction. though she's called him names that aren't very nice, told him his head was big enough for her to further inflate his ego, but now she felt herself practically shaking in his presence.
"why'd you come?" he was first to speak up this time, startling youngmi as she finally looked his way.
"um, sunny asked me to."
thinking he was going to say more, youngmi kept her attention on him and when she realized he was done, turned her head back with both embarrassment and confusion.
she took in a breath before reluctantly opening her mouth again. "i feel like we... we got off on the wrong foot. so, i wanna apologize for the stuff i said to you. that's not the type of person i am."
the dark-haired boy still kept his eye ahead of him, taking in another hit of the stick, it at this point being nothing but a nub before he let it fall to the ground. "you wanna apologize?"
"yeah, that's what i said."
now that youngmis eyes were ahead of her was only when haechan finally turned to look at her before chuckling lightly. "you'd be more likable if you weren't so... cautious of the things you say. you think i'm an arrogant, mediocre guitar playing, big-headed asshole? then fine, think that."
in simple words, that wasn't quite the response she was expecting. "i'd be more likable? that's so... that's just rude. i try to be nice to you but you have not once said a word to be that wasn't just fucking rude."
"the more you say it, the more i start to believe it."
"you shouldn't be proud of that."
"never said i was."
"you act like it."
a stupid little sly grin was now over the boys lips as he glanced at her again before looking straight ahead of him. "so you want me to say sorry now, or what?"
"not if its insincere, which i know it will be so don't bother." her voice got quieter as she grew more annoyed, crossing her arms.
"not a problem, youngmi," with his tone in voice emphasizing the way he said her name, she didn't get a chance to say anything back before he was walking to his car.
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"oh my god, is that the park youngmi?" was the very first thing yangyang said when youngmi entered the doors of the record store. a frown followed by a laugh left her as she set her bag down.
"the hell you on about?"
"two of the guys in that band came by, asking for you," he said with a playful grin, "renjun and jaemin, i think? something like that."
the shorter froze in her feet for a moment, the frown reappearing. "...did they say why?"
"no. i told them you wouldn't be here until later and then they just went on buying records and shit."
youngmi nodded slowly, not sure of how to reply and couldn't think of any reason why them, of all people, would be asking for her. "that's weird."
"weird as hell. but like, also, can't even lie, they seem so cool. like they're in a band, and they just do whatever they want. is that not so sick to you?" the boy beamed, following youngmi around, as he usually did during their shifts.
"yeah it's cool, i guess," she replied, obviously not that interested in the conversation. "you can always be friends with them if you think they're so cool."
"um, wasn't it you saying not to get involved with them? for whatever reason?" yangyang said, crossing his arms. "no! all because you hate haechan. that's why."
a glare was shot quicker than yangyang could think from youngmi, but she realized he was right. "maybe i was wrong. not about haechan, about the other ones. because i know first hand that haechan is a prick, but from what i've seen from the other guys, maybe they're not all that bad."
youngmi was never the type to judge people based on first impressions, or gossip, because she knew she'd hate if people did that to her. the band, besides her neighbor, seemed normal as far as she'd seen. although her new friends seemed entirely sure of their opinions, and that the best option was just to stay away, maybe it wasn't really fair to do that.
"right, but, i've never seen so many people so interested in getting to know you. no offense."
"me neither."
it didn't stop there, of course. yangyang had left work while youngmi was just in the beginning of her shift, just in time for soobin to come strutting in. his big eyes lit up when they landed on youngmi, the corners of his lips curving upwards as he walked his tall body her way.
his hands behind his back and a lively expression on his face. "i brought you something."
confused, but still way too happy to see him, youngmi placed all of her attention on him. "yeah?"
he pulled his hands from behind his back, revealing an iced drink in his hand, which youngmi immediately thought there couldn't be anything more perfect on such a hot day. "for me?!"
"yes, duh," he chuckled, "here."
the girl happily took the drink from his hands, sipping on it and thanking him. "you didn't have to, but thank you."
"no, of course, i wanted to," soobin replied, leaning his side into a shelf, "i also wanted to ask if you were free tomorrow night?"
"yeah, i should be. what's up?"
"can i take you out on a date?"
the simple question that easily made youngmis heart beat faster than usual. the straw between her teeth bent down as a toothy grin formed while she nodded. "yes, you can."
the taller smiled the second he saw her smiling, his stomach twisting and turning at the sight, even more so when she agreed, trying hard to seem confident when he was really internally losing it. "okay! be ready by 6."
cliché was the word to use, but it didn't feel right to youngmi. she'd never met such a gentleman in her life and he was so her type, for the first time ever she was anticipating a date.
her sudden glow was so prominent for the rest of her shift, even kun was looking at her like she had two heads until she was fully out the door. unable to wait until she was home, youngmi spent the entire car ride gushing to sunny on the phone about the date, the girl on the other line being just as excited.
"i'm here," the sound of sunnys voice followed by the front door being slammed shut echoed through out the small space, "i came as quick as possible, but i can’t stay long. what's up, babe?”
youngmi had tried on about 5 different outfits in the span of 5 whole minutes, doing twirls and poses in her body length mirror, being completely unsatisfied with every single one of them. sunny happened to enter the place as she wore a tight lacy dress she bought when she was 18 without the intention of even wearing it.
"holy shit," she gasped, "you're fucking hot. tell me you're wearing that."
"thank you, but absolutely not. this is too... much. it's too much, right?" the girl huffed, getting ready to pry the dress off but was cut off by a knock at the door.
the two girls looked at each other, each with widened eyes of both fear and confusion. "...soobin?"
it was nowhere near 6.
youngmi stepped her bare feet out of the room and to the front door, sunny following closely behind to ensure she was there if someone needed to get knocked out. youngmi stepped up, looking through the peephole before turning back to sunny.
"who is it?"
"the guys, from the band? the one we saw?"
sunnys head cocked back in surprise, that being the last thing she expected to hear, and got ready to tell her friend not to open the door but was beat to it when youngmi swung the door open.
the three boys she knew as jeno, renjun, and jaemin stood on the other side, in their usual dark clothes and messy hair and piercing in their face and ears, paired with silver jewelry. they looked as if they were positive on having something to say once the door was opened, but suddenly couldn't even remember what it was when seeing youngmi in such a tight dress.
once she saw them eyeing her body with slightly parted lips, she quickly grew shy and crossed her arms. another minute went by with no one saying anything, and sunny couldn't stand it. "what do you dickheads want?"
"hm? oh," jeno was the first to speak up, "we were chilling at hyucks and he told us youngmi lived here, so we're saying hi!"
"okay! you said it! bye!" sunny wanted badly to urge them away, but they insisted.
"sunny, babe, when will you become nicer to us?" jaemin teased, his perfect playful smile over his lips.
the girls face twisted in disgust at the nickname, "don't call me babe. if you don't need anything else, be on your way—"
"what are we talking about?"
behind the guys of three, haechan appeared, entering the conversation which only made sunny become more irritated. youngmi still hadn't said a word, on the other hand, watching everything go down in her too revealing of a dress that all she wanted to do was change out of.
while her eyes were glued somewhere else, haechan couldn't help but notice the attire over her body. "you gonna invite us in, or what?"
youngmis eyes lifted up from whatever it was she stared at, getting ready to snap at haechan about how she didn't need to do anything before remembering who else was in front of her. the others didn't protest, perked up eyebrows as if they were waiting for her to invite them in, and she found it rude not to.
"um, come in," she said quietly, moving to the side to allow them in fully before closing the door. sunny grabbed onto her wrist before she could go anywhere. "i wish i could stay so you wouldn't have to be alone with these dorks, but i have work. let me know how the date goes, alright?"
youngmi nodded with a small smile, gently squeezing the girls hand. "don't worry about it, and i got you."
as the older stepped out of the door, closing it behind her, youngmi then realized she was fully alone with four boys she hardly knew. "it's crazy how identical your apartments are, yet youngmis is so much cleaner." renjun commented, plopping onto the couch.
"thank you?" the girl chuckled, "uh, i'm gonna change."
"change? why? you look good!" jaemin beamed.
she quickly felt her cheeks heat up from the compliment. "too revealing, but thank you." and scurried away into her room before the redness on her face became too noticable.
though she still had no idea what she was going to wear, she stripped out of the dress and rummaged through the pile of clothes she already went through piece by piece, settling with a mini skirt and a cute blouse, deciding it was just going to have to be good enough.
the four had already made themselves comfortable in her place, tv blaring and arguing over what to watch, haechan in the kitchen head first in the fridge. if it was anyone else, youngmi really wouldn't have minded, but everything haechan did just irked her soul.
her faint footsteps stopped just as he stood tall to look her in the eye, being the only two in the room with just the view of the back of the other guys' heads in their sight.
"why do you not have any alcohol?"
"i..." she started, feeling small, "i don't really drink. that's why."
"you should. i feel like you could use letting loose a little bit."
youngmi couldn't stand how condescending his tone was whenever speaking to her. he was always sarcastic, but never in the way it was when just talking to her. "i don't like it, so no thanks."
her arm reached down into the fridge, hand grasping at a water bottle but was stopped by being caught in haechans grasp. a small gasp left her lips, but he seemed unphased. "where are you going dressed like that?"
"a date."
"a date? like that?" a hoarse chuckle left his lips, making youngmis confident smirk leave her lips.
the two now too close to each other for her liking, her being able to see every single detail over his face, youngmi snatched her wrist away. "i didn't ask you for fashion advice, asshole."
"all good, sweetheart. whoever's taking you out must be really lucky." with his expression so blank, youngmi couldn't tell if he was genuine or not, but quickly realized he likely wasn't because that was just the person he was.
as it always went when talking to haechan, youngmi wasn't able to get another word out before the boy walked past her to the living room where the others were. youngmi inhaled a breath before exhaling deeply, reminding herself silently not to let this guy push her buttons as much as he was clearly intending to. giving him the reaction he was so craving would only motivate him further.
the clique had barely been in her home for no more than five minutes before youngmi decided she needed them to go to get ready.
"excuse me," she called politely, catching all four heads turning her way, "um, i have to get ready so.. sorry to cut your time short?"
they looked at her for another second, processing what she was saying, before standing up hastily. "no problem. sorry for bothering, love." renjun apologized.
"no, no! it's all good, just... yeah. you guys seem cool though, maybe another time?"
jenos hands found haechans shoulders, squeezing tightly as his eyes stared down youngmi while walking past her to the door until they were gathered near it.
admittedly, she almost felt bad kicking them out. they genuinely seemed like nice guys, as much as sunny wanted her to believe otherwise. she hoped this wasn't just her taking the too-trusting route over the safe route, giving them the benefit of the doubt, and wouldn't regret it at some point.
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a tense sigh left youngmis lips as she read the text on her phone from soobin, telling her he was just outside her apartment building. somehow the outfit and hair she decided she was satisfied with looked awful to her suddenly, and she went back to her room before realizing it was definitely too late to change and left.
she was so nervous that she started overanalyzing every thing she was doing, from the way she held her purse, to the way she walked outside and approached soobins car. there was no doubt that she possibly looked like she had a cramp in her leg with the way her short legs moved.
once the boy heard footsteps his way, his head perked up while he was leaned against his car, immediately standing up straight with his signature charming smile that sent crazy butterflies to youngmis stomach. she felt her relax a bit when she noticed he was dressed pretty much the same as her, formal but not too formal as if they were going to a ball.
"wow, you look stunning," he complimented.
refraining herself from rejecting the compliment, youngmi waved him off. "ah, thank you! you look good!"
"thank you! just like, 5 minutes ago, i saw haechan and the guys leave."
"really? did you talk to them?"
"yeah, um, jaemin said you look really pretty. he was right." the boy laughed awkwardly.
"oh, yeah, they stopped at my place to say hi. i told you that haechans my neighbor, right?"
soobins already high eyebrows perked up, shaking his head lightly, as if the news was more surprising than it should've been. "he is?"
youngmi hummed in response and the two didn't say anything else as soobin opened the passenger door, a flustered grin growing on her face as she stepped inside before he went on the other side.
the night was warm, as it was during summer nights, cool air from the car air conditioning causing goosebumps to cover youngmis bare arms and legs. the excited smile couldn't leave her face as soobin drove the bumpy roads and past the little buildings on each street.
"where are we going?" she turned to ask, unable to fight the curiosity.
the grin on his face further grew, but his eyes remained on the road. "there's this restaurant i really like not too far, and i wanted to take you there because the food is amazing."
they passed all the typical restaurants youngmi has seen and even been to herself, all cheap and easy but had some really good food. she didn't make a whole lot of money, and spent way too much time at family owned places and fast food services that quickly got tiring before she decided she definitely needed to start cooking for herself.
the last thing she expected however, was for soobin to pull into one of the most expensive places in town. even from the outside it was obvious the place was not cheap, with its fancy build and beautiful lights on the outside. not to mention it was huge, much bigger than an average restaurant.
the girl gasped lightly when she realized they weren't driving past. "soobin... this place is—”
"i know, i know," he laughed, "it's probably too much, it's just—when i like someone, i wanna be spontaneous and all that. i hope you don't mind."
don't mind? this is outrageous. "no! no, it's perfect, you're perfect. this is so expensive, i just... i can't afford it."
after fully putting the car in park, soobin turned his head to look at her. "youngmi, that's okay. you didn't think i asked you out to make you pay, did you?"
"no! of course not, but seriously i can't let you—"
youngmi stopped herself when she felt the boy grab onto her hand, not letting her further talk herself out of letting him do something nice. "hey, i promise it's fine. i got it!"
his doe eyes made it impossible for her to say no, just nodding her head as the two stepped out of the vehicle and walked inside together arm in arm. the sound of chatter hugged youngmis ears and she instantly felt out of place, watching people who more than clearly looked like they had a lot of money eat their exquisite meals.
she hated when people did anything for her, of course she was grateful, but she felt bad people wasting their time on her even if it was the smallest thing. she knew she was going to have to do something even better for soobin after this, she just didn't know what.
a hostess didn't waste a second lifting his eyes at the sound of the door being pushed open, a friendly smile formed over his lips. the talking from the people surrounding them made it hard to hear, but soobin held up two fingers and the hostess nodded, immediately understanding and signaling for them to follow.
youngmis arm found its way hooked into his own, keeping her body close to his as they past tables of guests enjoying their over-priced small-portioned meals.
just moments later they were sat a cornered table, a booth with a perfectly round cushion with just enough room to give space between the two. a menu was handed to each of them, giving a kind smile to the hostess before they left the two alone.
the night was luminous with stars and the infatuated pair sat with plates of expensive food half eaten in front of them, other guests already begun leaving but youngmis ears were occupied with soobins chatter with stories from when he was younger.
he had endless things to talk about, and she loved listening to it. she just couldn't relate to a single thing he said. their lives were incredibly different and it almost felt embarrassing comparing her troubled childhood to his, which seemed perfect.
eventually the conversations died down and nothing else was left to be talked about, awkward silence filling the air between them while their eyes wandered everywhere but each others.
"should we head out?" the boy asked, eyes glancing between the food they were no longer touching.
youngmi hadn't realized her slight slouch until the question made her sit up straight immediately. "yeah, definitely."
after a check had been paid, the two were walking out the doors of the restaurant and to soobins car. his hands tapped against the steering wheel during the quiet drive to distract himself from feeling a slightly uncomfortable atmosphere, while youngmis stayed on her lap with her eyes on the road ahead.
for the event that had youngmis heart beating out of her chest the entire day, she hated how in that moment she was just a little disappointed with the outcome. with it being the first real date she's ever been on, she didn't fully know what to expect or how she was supposed to feel by the end of it.
too tuned into her thoughts, she hadn't realized where they were until she felt soobin slow down in front of her apartment building. a hand brushed through her hair to get it out of her face before turning to the boy, who was already looking at her with a small grin.
"that was really fun," he spoke quietly, as if the moment was delicate. youngmi nodded, too immersed in the way he looked at her as he unbuckled both of their seatbelts.
snapping back to reality, the girl followed his movements and opened the car door, stepping out into darkness with nothing but a street lamp giving light to the two. the atmosphere was still warm, just a breeze giving a slight chill across their bodies.
stopping just outside the doors of the building, they turned to each other. "thank you, so much for dinner. i did have a great time and you were right, the food was amazing."
the pair stood in silence for a moment and youngmi could've sworn she was hallucinating when she saw him slowly lean in. it wasn't until his eyes started to flutter closed when she panicked and jumped back. "uh—sorry."
fuck this is so embarrasing.
"oh! no, sorry. sorry. i don't know what i was thinking," the boy pulled back, awkwardly holding his nape. "i'll get going."
the girl could feel herself wanting to curl up into a ball and pray for the awkward feeling to go away. the second soobin was out of sight her hand flung up to her forehead.
"what a way to reject someone," the sound of another's voice caused youngmi to jump ten feet into the air, turning her head in the direction of the sound just in time to catch haechan dropping a cigarette to the ground and squashing it with the tip of his feet.
"jesus—what are you doing here?" the girl asked, holding a hand to her pounding heart.
with one hand shoved in his pocket, he gestured with the other one the bud he'd just dropped, "smoking. obviously."
his tongue grazed over his ringed lip as his eyes moved to hers, watching her blank expression move into pure irritation while a heavy sigh left her lips. he didn't move his vision away when she didn't say another word, just opening the doors and walking inside. his head shook slightly, fighting laughter behind a small grin as he followed her inside.
"not gonna tell me how your date went?" he taunted, standing beside her when she stopped at the elevator.
"don't follow me."
"we live on the same floor, darling, i can't not follow you."
youngmi kept her eyes ahead at the elevator door that opened after what felt like forever, stepping inside while haechan followed after.
"is it safe to assume it didn't go great?" he asked again once the door was closed.
"no, it went great, haechan." she muttered.
the taller felt himself freeze up at hearing her say his name, relaxing quickly and going back to his usual self before he thought too much into it. "yeah? why didn't you kiss him then?"
honestly? because it didn't feel right. maybe because it was only our first date, maybe the fact i feel like we didn't click and we might never click after this. "some people don't kiss on the first date, believe it or not."
haechan chuckled. "some people are pussies."
"what? no?" the girl exclaimed, dropping her crossed arms to her sides.
"never said it was a bad thing. if you wanna be a pussy, go for it."
a scoff instantly left youngmis mouth as she shook her head, a million different things to say back running through her mind but didn't want to give him what he wanted, though it pained her not sending some snarky remark back to him.
silence fell between them with nothing but muffled elevator music playing, and though they were only going to the third floor, it felt like the they were on their way past the clouds. youngmi hadn't realized how close together they stood until the light scent of cologne entered her nostrils. it was the farthest thing from overbearing, so pale of smell that it just made haechan that much more attractive.
he let out a huff as he impatiently rocked on the heels of his feet, his hands shoved into his pockets with his elbow occasionally brushing against her body. the small motion easily caused her heart to beat faster than it should've been.
when the elevator door finally slid open, she practically flew out of there with haechan slowly trailing behind as they walked to their doors.
youngmi felt the breeze from his body as he passed her to his own, pulling out his keys lazily in contrast to her rummaging through her purse as if her life depended on it.
he seemed the notice the eagerness the second his eyes moved her way, as he was always so entertained watching her do anything. "that eager to get away from me, huh?"
the girl finally lifted and turned her head to make eye contact with him. "do you ever have anything, you know, not sarcastic to say?"
haechan tapped his index finger to his chin; sarcastically, pretending he was thinking hard about what to say next. "probably not."
a small sigh fell from youngmis face. "you're such an asshole." before finally jamming the keys into the doorknob and twisting open her apartment door.
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part 1
part 2
part 3
taglist (comment to be on it) @matchahyuck @sundamariis
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kpop-ohoc · 11 months
I finally caught up with the newly released songs ... Besides Taemin's Guilty, is there any I missed?
Youngjae - I Do
Golden Child - Feel Me (you can't help but bop your head to this song but the MV is sad....)
Seventeen - God of Music (I can see why everyone likes this song)
Chanyeol - Good Enough
Omega X - Junk Food (I was not expecting the boys to serve those looks)
Great Guys - Deep in Love (if you ever need a new group to sink into, give these guys a go. You won't regret it!)
A.C.E - Effortless (was not expecting this to be English, but still a bop)
ZB1 - Crush (now I understand why some people don't like it... I personally think, if they tweaked the song a little, it could give vampire/dark vibes)
WayV - On My Youth (not liking the high note in the chorus... But it might grow on me)
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astroyongie · 4 months
MTL good at oral in GOT7 i beg you, no one ask for them im so sad 🙏🏻🙏🏻
MTL GOT7 To be Good at Oral
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