#young adult hisoka
anticanonhearts · 1 year
Happy Birthday Hisoka 🌟
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factorydefaultlu · 11 months
you said you thought hisoka would be into age play 👀
can we get some headcannons on that? <33 :)
Hisoka and Ageplay Headcanons
Hisoka Morow x GN!Reader
CW: Age play, dd/lg/lb, rape, forced regression
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He's a pervert. Full stop.
Hisoka will force his partner to call him daddy, and he loves to treat them like a child.
He'll buy them clothes that look more fit to be worn by children rather than adults. Insists on doing things for them like buttoning their pants and tying their shoes.
Hisoka prefers them to act young, but not like a full on baby. Middle school age is his sweet spot.
Smart enough to talk back and understand that what he's doing to them is wrong, but naive enough to manipulate and convince them they like it.
Makes them say that they like being molested and raped by their daddy.
He knows he's disgusting and a borderline pedophile. Hisoka gets off on that. Always telling his partner/victims that they look so cute when he rapes them.
Hisoka likes when they fight back, yelling at him, telling him no, calling him gross.
It just makes bending them over and fucking their holes bloody all the more fun.
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kiame-sama · 11 months
Hi it’s me again! sorry if I annoy you by asking another question about the adult trio kids but is it ok if I ask how do the kids spend their free time? (I’ve been obsessed with this au 😭🤚)
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- When the kids have free time between training and education, they tend to spend it playing or trying to get their parents to play. Occasionally they will go and bother their grandfather, their great-grandfather, and their great^3 grandfather.
- Bunny will happily join their little games, but they are the progeny of three vicious and powerful men, so they usually have to tone the game down or move slower so their mother can keep up. Even as young kids, the octuplets are faster and far more wily than their mother can usually handle, so they go easy on Bunny whenever she joins their games. They adore their mother, but they know their mother is not on the same physical level as their fathers so they become far more gentle and loving whenever their mother joins in the games.
- When Hisoka, Chrollo, or Illumi joins the game, usually the octuplets have to step it up quite a bit. In Illumi's eyes, it is a great chance to train the octuplets and test their abilities through the guise of play. To Chrollo, he usually uses these games to take gauge of the octuplets Nen abilities and development of Nen. For Hisoka, he just likes the fact he can be unhinged and- so long as he doesn't injure any of the kids- he can tousle and be rough without Bunny getting mad at him.
- When Kurome and Shirome (oldest with red eyes and black hair, and the youngest with blue eyes and white hair) go and bother Silva, Zeno, or Maha, it is actually approved of. Shirome has the clear Zoldyck genes of the white hair and blue eyes, and Kurome is the eldest of the eight, so them seeking their elders out allows for them to get more tutelage on being the head of the Zoldyck family. The elder Zoldycks feel that if Killua doesn't want to return, Illumi will take the mantle of head temporarily before Shirome or Kurome can officially take the title as head of household. Kurome is the eldest of the eight, so he is a good potential for head of house. Shirome has the mark of a prodigy by having white hair and blue eyes, so he is the ideal next head of house.
- If their parents and grandparents+ are busy, the octuplets will torment the staff. Much like cats practicing pouncing, they will use the butlers as target practice and will take turns sneaking up on/ startling the butlers. Some butlers- Tsubone and Gotoh- know fully that the octuplets are stalking them in the shadows and will exaggerate their reactions the same way mother tigers react to their cubs pouncing in order to encourage their skill development.
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imagineanime2022 · 5 months
Little Sister
Illumi Zoldyck X Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2062
Requested: Anon
Request: Could you possibly do a one shot with illumi and a younger sister similar to daki pretty pls who’s also a good assassin and is prided on her looks 😊 AND Basically Illumi little sister (reader) gets a S/O and they cheat on us so we run to him in tears what would he do? How would he handle it? How would he comfort us? AND Hiii can you do brother head canons for illumi with a sister who’s about 15-16 so in the middle of milluki and killua who is like a great assassin but also very like caring with him and similar to daki/ume from demon slayer pls!🐺 AND Can you do a one shot or just headcannons(Whatever you prefer) with a reader who is the third oldest Zoldyck who is a amazing assassin who doesn’t fail while also looking after all her siblings and trying to keep the family together pls :)
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You had, much like the rest of your family, established your place in the criminal underworld, your ability to assassinate people without leaving so much as a trace was sought after everywhere, you were good at blending into the shadows, your nen ability markedly more dangerous than some of your siblings. You were an emitter type with the ability to turn any bodily fluid into a poisonous substance, something untraceable with subtle symptoms for the most part well until the asphyxia set in.
Illumi was the brother that you were closest to, he liked working with you and when you were younger he spent the most time with you, Milluki was too busy trying to get his mothers approval and Illumi honestly couldn't care less and that led him to watch you more carefully. He started training you young when he realised your ability was manifesting, you had accidentally killed two butlers when you had gotten injured playing in the garden. He noticed when you were young that you were very pretty, and the compliments that you got from others made it an asset that you could use. Even now at the age of 16 it was the selling point for most of your jobs.
The family was starting to crack now that Killua had decided to leave, with all bets placed on him for the next leader of the family, the adults were scrambling even if they tried to hide it. Illumi was off tracking him down, well that was a strong term at the very least you and Illumi knew where he was, the hunter exam. You decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a hunter licence since travel was such a pain when you were on jobs. That was how you found yourself in the underground tunnel waiting for the exam to actually start. You came in as contestant 320 with your boyfriend as number 321. Your eyes found Killua who was already looking at you.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, “I’m not going home.” “I’m not here to take you back, travelling is really hard these days, the licence is going to make that way easier and we both know that we can get through this no problem.” You shrugged and he smiled. “Is Dad mad?” He asked. “Honestly I don’t think so, I think he wants you to go home though.” You answered. “Go find some friends, they’ll be good to have, there’s going to be some stages where you need them.” You turned to walk away feeling someone watching you, you looked over to see a man in green, pins in his face and jerky movements. You continued walking as you got close enough he spoke. “You aren’t supposed to be here?” He said and it was then that you realised who it was, Illumi. “Well, I figured that it might be worth getting a licence and since you're both here why not make it a family outing? Don’t worry I’ll stay out of you and your friends' way.” Your eyes travelled to Hisoka who was leaning against the wall a few paces away, he smirked when his eyes met yours. “Mm, what did you bring him for?” Illumi asked as he gestured towards your boyfriend. “(Y/B/N) is here for a licence too, he wanted one.” You rolled your eyes at your brother’s dislike towards your chosen companion. “Remember not to let your guard down.” He warned. “There’s nothing to worry about.” You waved him off as you walked back over to your boyfriend. “Who was that?” He asked. “I don’t know some creepy guy, guess he’s sizing up the competition.” You answered.
It took two tasks for things to break down you had managed to get separated in the tower, that didn’t cause you any problems and you finished as one of the first, with Hisoka and Illumi being some of the people that you noticed first, as time ticked down you started to worry that you’d have to complete the rest of the tasks alone. Hisoka was the one that came over to you while you were sitting alone. “You know you don’t need to wait for him, I doubt that he’ll get much further.” He said. “What does it matter to you?” Your eyes hadn’t moved from the timer, you could see Illumi in the corner of your eye. “Honestly, it’s rather annoying to watch you handicap yourself so readily, little assassin.” Hisoka answered. “You should know that he’s using you.” “Using me?” You asked with a frown. “What do you mean?” Before Hisoka could answer your question the door opened and out stumbled (Y/B/N) but behind him was a girl, you had seen her throughout the exam, she hadn’t ever approached him while you were with him. “Look at his shirt.” Hisoka prompted before standing and leaving you alone, your eyes travelled to (Y/B/N)’s shirt, it seemed to have been thrown on haphazardly or recently ruffled you couldn’t tell, he walked over and smiled. “I’m glad that you made it.” He smiled. “Same to you.” You smiled, plastering on the fake emotion so naturally as you noticed the smell of the girl on him, everything was adding up to a conclusion that you really didn’t want to think about, not right now.
You sat on the boat taking you to the island that the next task would take place on, you looked at the badge number in your hand 321, (Y/B/N)’s number. You could definitely pass without taking his badge but as you looked at him, the way his eyes now wondered, you realised that you weren’t so sure that you wanted to. You decided to talk to him about the tower. You hadn’t noticed in your pondering that he had disappeared, you attempted to find him and it honestly didn’t take long given your occupation, the problem was the position that him in, the girl that he had come out of the tower with pressed against the wall, they hadn’t even realised that you were there, tears gathering in your eyes as you glared at them. She was the one to notice you but you weren’t sure if it was you or the presence behind you that made them look. “O-oh I-” “You what?” You asked, the presence behind you seemed to have disappeared from the moment he looked back at you. “Look, I don't think we’re going to work.” He said. “Oh really, was that before or after you put your tongue down her throat?” You asked. “You know what? You want to know the truth?” He asked. “Yes!” You answered. “You really aren’t that pretty, you’ve been convenient and honestly you’ve gotten rid of a lot of obstacles. I was hoping that you would be able to get me through this last task but it seems like that won’t be the case.” He explained and you looked at him frozen in place, your family had always told you that you shouldn’t put trust in other people but now you understood why and all you wanted to do was turn around and run but this time the presence you felt before seemed closer and you saw your brother’s long hair out of the corner of your eye. “Are you really going to let him talk to you like that?” He asked. “He’s seems to have taken something from you, I think it’s time that you take it back, little sister.” “Later.” You answered as you held the badge up so that they could all see it “after all you're my target on the island I think I’ll take everything from you there.” “That sounds like a perfect plan.” Illumi answered “and the girl?” “Isn’t that your number, big brother?” You asked.
The island itself had not been a problem, you had been tracking (Y/B/N) and the girl, they were sporadic and jerky in their movements they were trying to preemptively shake you off but you wouldn’t be in the occupation that you were that easily shook off, they stopped for the night and that was when you made your move. “You're stopping here?” You asked from your place in the branches. “Y-you found us?” He asked. “I found you.” You answered “I made a promise, I really need your badge.” “Here, have it!” He threw the badge at you and you smiled picking it up off the floor. “Thank you.” From your crouched position you looked up at him. “T-then go.” He ordered. “No.” You answered as you dove forward, dagger taken from the holster on your as you pressed your knee to his throat, the girl screaming. “Sit down, shut up and I might have mercy on you.” You turned back to him “now back to you, you never asked me what my nen ability was, you really should have because you would have known that everytime you kissed me I chose to let you live.” You moved your knee from his neck moving to straddle him pressing your lips to his as your ability activated, you stood as you walked over to the girl who was still sitting on the ground. “I-I did as y-you said.” She stuttered. “You did.” You said softly as taking her chin in your hand. “You said that you would let me go.” She said, tone lifting in hope as you looked at her and shook your head. “I said I’d have mercy and that just means you don’t die slowly and alone like he does.” You explained. “W-wait don’t I have your brother’s number!? I don’t have my badge see” she pointed to her top “if you kill me you’ll never find it.” “It’s a good thing he doesn’t need it then.” You smirked, her eyes widened “yeah I lied because I knew it would force you to stay with him under the impression that he’d be able to keep you safe, stupid assumption really.” “I-I’m sorry.” She cried. “I’m sure you are.” You nodded before yanking her head to the side and effectively breaking her neck. “Nicely done.” Illumi’s voice emitted over the clearing standing over your dying ex. “Do you have your badge?” You asked. “Mm.” He hummed while holding the badge. “Then I will see you in 3 days.” You muttered as you left the clearing and the dead bodies that you had created there as well.
A few days later you found yourself back home, Killua was back home as well and while he was supposedly being punished for everything that he had done you decided that you should go and talk to your father about, he was the only one that could change anything that was happening “Dad, can I talk to you?” You asked. “Of course, come over here.” Your Dad prompted, he’d always had a soft spot for you, his only daughter, well the only one he acknowledged. “What do you want to talk about?” “Killua.” You answered as you settled next to him. “What about him?” Your Dad asked. “I think we should let him see the world, he’s going to have to at some point, he’ll never run the family if it seems like a prison.” You answered, the silence that followed made you rethink “sorry I have overstepped.” “No, no, it’s not that… You think that he will come back?” Your father asked. “I do.” You nodded. “If we give him reason to.” “And why did you come to talk to me about all of this?” He asked. “I want the family to stay together and I thought this was the best way.” You explained. “Mmm, thank you. Let me talk to your brother.” He said, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you got up to leave. “Once this is done I want to hear about what happened, Illumi said there was something that I should hear of.” “Okay Dad.” You answered as you left the room.
It was only voicing your opinion but you hoped it was enough you wanted everyone in the family to be happy and for it to stay together and it only seemed fair that Killua found his way back to the family on his own rather than being forced. You only hoped that your father headed your advice.
Request Here!!
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serialadoptersbracket · 3 months
Round 4, Match 2: August vs. Simon Petrikov
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Submitted kids:
August: Hisoka Mikage, Chikage Utsuki
Simon Petrikov: Marceline Abadeer, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Jay Mertens
Propaganda under the cut!
1. “august is the adoptive older brother of hisoka mikage and chikage utsuki. for context, these characters are all spies, and were invited into the organisation by august. (also known as misha sometimes). hisoka is december, and chikage is april! their collective group name in fanon is "gekkagumi."
the first interaction we see of him in game is him adopting hisoka off the street. he was a dying homeless child, and august invited him to join the organisation. at first he declined, but august kept coming back to him until he followed (despite chikage's protests about it) he fed fed hisoka gingerbread, and declared "we're a family now."
chikage was adopted before hisoka, but we only learned more about it later in the story. chikage was living in a "facility" when he runs into august who lives in the organisation.
despite their very harsh life, august really did everything he could to give hisoka and chikage the best life he could. he loved the idea of family, and always encouraged them to celebrate christmas and birthdays, and play games!
august had a cover job where he owned a candy store. despite it just being a cover, august loved it and had a genuine care for the children. he used to give away free sweets to the point his shop was actively going out of business, and whenever he saw a sad kid he'd try his best to cheer them up. people around the town came in just to talk to him, to the point where hisoka said when he was covering the shop for him, the first thing people would ask was "where's misha?"
in his shop, he also used to have a myth that if you wrote a wish on a certain brand of cookie's wrapper, the wish would come true. august spoke excitedly of the wishes kids would wish for.
events in the story lead up to august's untimely death. years later, hisoka runs into a kid who used to go to his shop. this child had wished to be a painter, and was now painting. he actually ended up in possession of a wrapper august wrote on which said "a happy family." however, the boy couldn't read japanese and didn't know what it said. despite that, he held onto the wrapper for years after august's disappearance. he also manages to draw a picture of him from memory. :((”
2. “he's so . gwahh he just wants to give them a nice family”
3. “please vote for august!! he is such a kind soul who shows so much generosity and selflessness despite the cruel circumstances he was stuck in.”
Simon Petrikov:
1. “My guy saw a child (or young adult) in trouble and said is anybody gonna be a supportive figure in their life?' and didn't wait for an answer”
2. “cant stop won't stop adopting kids. constantly implied that he's wanted to be a dad forever (Marcy, him being so upset about making a little girl cry, calling out the Vampire King on being a bad father, etc) and the realest real to ever real. you agree.”
3. “SIMON SWEEP PLEASE man has not gone through 1000+ years of Ice King Shenanigans to not be voted the best father”
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 17 Group 81
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Torchwood Team: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Toshiko
MANKAI Company: Izumi Tachibana, Sakuya Sakuma, Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron, Chikage Utsuki, Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi, Kumon Hyodo, Banri Settsu, Juza Hyodo, Taichi Nanao, Omi Fushimi, Sakyo Furuichi, Azami Izumida, Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Hisoka Mikage, Homare Arisugawa, Azuma Yukishiro & Guy
Submissions are still open!
Torchwood Team:
they're all absolutely horrible <3
MANKAI Company:
I'm so sorry for submitting 26 characters but it's important and they canonically consider each other family. I'm so sorry. But they're so important to me.
24 gay theater kids came together and found a home
They are a big group of people that range from teenagers to adults and it’s very nice to see their dynamics as they all go through theater with different eyes, between those who have a long life in front of them and are excited to do something new, and those others who feel like they are too old for this but still do it regardless, and like the way friendships are born between those people who seem so different yet have some similarities some past memories they relate to, or also see the adults trying to be there for the younger members it’s very cute I swear. You see even if I ramble here it’s hard to explain because I would explain 6 whole years of lore but yeah overall is just a situation of, people who seem different but find similarities between one another and do their best to help who struggles and are all bond by one single aim which is bloom on stage!
These are 25 individuals that all come from completely different backgrounds, situations, and experiences that all happened to come together by chance, and formed a tight bond and family that cannot be replicated. Sakuya Sakuma, a young orphan boy who found refuge from his troubling homelife through theatre, found himself a home within this small run down theatre company, and found a family through the people in it. This isn’t a Headcanon, A3! Is a found family story. Sakuya views everyone there as a member of his family, and it’s not just him. Misumi Ikaruga, a man kicked out of his home for being “different” (cough Autistic cough), finally found a family that accepts and loves him unconditionally. Taichi Nanao had been taught that you need to always be fighting your way to the top, and whoever gets hurt along the way is nothing but a necessary casualty. So being able to find a place that is willing to work and rise with him, and care for him along the way… and the theres Azuma, a man so heavily affected by the trauma he experienced as a child, and yet has pushed it so far down to the point you wouldn’t even know it by looking at him. But here, this god who knows how old man finally found it, that home he has been searching for, and a place where he can finally break down his walls. Sure, one could argue a3! Is 4 different found families, but you would be wrong. Yes, each troupe is important, however would you then deny the importance of cross troupe relationships? The four leaders, who all encourage one another to do better, Tsuzuru and Kazunari, who allow one another to finally be honest about their feelings, Azami and Kumon who are the definition of “boys being boys”, Sakyo and Azuma, two adults who seem well past the years of found family, who found solace in one another. A3! Is about people of all ages coming together to be a family. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. You could be just a random college kid off the road, or a former international spy, that doesn’t matter. Mankai has a spot for you, where you will be loved, accepted, and cherished.
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bungeepuppet · 1 year
Happy Birthday
Prompt: Illumi is the only person to ever celebrate Hisoka’s birthday.
Rating: Mature (Mentions of sex, but nothing explicit)
Words: 4,000~
Note: A VERY FLUFFY one-shot that I had planned alongside the comic I did for Hisoka’s birthday, but could not get to cooperate with me until last night! So... Happy Birthday, Hisoka! 🎂🎈🎊 (+ao3)
No one ever celebrated Hisoka’s birthday.
In fact, most people would rather curse the day he was born than celebrate it.
They couldn’t curse the exact day, of course, because just about no one besides Hisoka himself knew what the actual date of his birthday was.
No parents, no siblings, no extended family that might have taken guardianship otherwise.
Hisoka hoped that if any had ever existed that they were all dead.
The administration from the carnival that had bought him as a small child were all dead. Hisoka had made sure of that.
They had known the date, since his documentation was inside the safe a young Hisoka had plundered after killing the office staff and owner. 
June 6th, 19xx. 
(There was a convenient coffee stain over the last two digits of the year.)
Hisoka kept the date as one of his little secrets. That way it would be so much funner to be out indulging himself in a bloody fight or two and no one would know it was really just a birthday gift to himself. 
The few times that he shared the date was in passing at bars or clubs on the night of his birthday, and he was often treated to a few free drinks and sex with pretty, drunk strangers for doing so.
They wouldn’t remember the date. No one alive did.
Except, that wasn’t entirely true anymore.
There was one. 
And it was funny too, that the only person to ever remember his birthday, let alone celebrate it, was someone equally as merciless and bloodstained as himself.
Illumi Zoldyck, of all people.
The first year was laughably minimalistic. The absolute bare minimum.
Hisoka had accompanied Illumi on a small job, free of charge. Only he knew that it was an excuse to do something a little fun for his birthday, in the company of one of the few people that could stand him for more than a few hours. 
It was fun keeping his secret for the flight there and during the slaughter that Illumi allowed him to commit with the guards. Illumi didn’t know that allowing Hisoka to act out was incidentally giving him a birthday present, and it made Hisoka smile. 
By the time they were waiting for their flight back to Padokea, Hisoka felt inclined to let Illumi in on his secret. He had been a good “friend” and had shown him a good time for his birthday, albeit unwittingly. 
“You know…” Hisoka smiled as he shuffled a deck of cards in his hands. “Today is my birthday. ♦”
Illumi turned to look at Hisoka, his expression betraying no emotion. Hisoka tilted his chin up to catch a peek at his companion. He knew Illumi’s wide eyes well enough now to know that he was curious about the declaration.
“Hoh, is it…?” Illumi asked with his airy, unafflicted voice.
Hisoka pressed his smile flat into a pleased “u” shape, and his eyes bent closed in an equally pleased fashion. 
“Yup! ♣” He answered childishly. “And my friend Illumi was so nice to take me out for the day~♥” 
Illumi’s small mouth disappeared into an even smaller dot on his face. 
He hadn’t been aware at all that Hisoka was celebrating with him today. Hisoka’s way of speaking was confusing, but it was acceptable that Hisoka enjoyed his time working with him, seeing as Illumi wasn’t paying him for this job. If Hisoka took that as Illumi doing him a favor on top of already working for free, then that was fortuitous on its own. 
Still, Illumi was confident that Hisoka was asking too little for a birthday, even for an adult. Illumi was currently the only adult in his line of siblings, but his parents would still present him with a few practical gifts and his favorite dessert come his birthday. His younger brothers were much more spoiled, and always had cake and toys on their birthdays.
“Hm.” Illumi put his knuckle to his chin in thought. 
This was quite a predicament he had been put in, but simple enough that surely it was fixable. 
Hisoka’s expression faltered when Illumi stood from his seat suddenly.
“Excuse me for a moment.” Illumi said politely.
Hisoka watched his cohort walk down the terminal hall and slumped his mouth to the side. He supposed it was his own fault for expecting more of a response than that from a man as composed as Illumi Zoldyck.
It took quite a bit longer than a moment for Illumi to return, and by the time he did, Hisoka was standing by the window while other passengers waited in line to board. 
Illumi walked right up to him without any change in expression. 
“I bought you a gift.” Illumi said nonchalantly and reached into his pocket.
Hisoka’s eyes opened more in surprise. He wasn’t sure what kind of gift Illumi would have purchased from the many random travel kiosks in the airport, but he was curious to know. 
“Oh? Did you? ♦” Hisoka leaned in to see Illumi’s hand.
Illumi opened his palm face up to reveal a package of Bungee Gum. Hisoka’s eyebrow twitched. 
“Ah…♠” He didn’t know what to say. 
“Hm? This is your favorite, isn't it?” Illumi asked him curiously. 
Hisoka lifted his hand to take the candy from him.
“Oh, well… yes.” He admitted. 
Well, it was his favorite gum. Significantly so. 
Hisoka would have loved to receive a packet of Bungee Gum for his birthday when he was a little carnie kid without a jenny to his name. But as an adult… 
Hisoka turned the package in his hand and looked at the familiar smiling face and suit patterns decorating the paper. He couldn’t stop the smile that snorted to life with his laugh.
One of the world’s most proficient assassin’s had gotten him a pack of gum for a birthday gift, because he remembered that it was his favorite. Why did Illumi even bother to remember that?
“I guess it’s the thought that counts…♣” Hisoka thought, and laughed again.
“What is so funny about it?” Illumi asked while they joined the check-in line, with Hisoka giggling to himself all the way.
“Oh, not a thing, Illumi.” Hisoka grinned at him and peeled the wrapping off of the side of his silly birthday gift. 
Hisoka popped one of the blocks of gum into his mouth, then picked up another foil covered piece between his clawed nails. He offered it to Illumi while he chewed. 
“Would you like one? ♦” Hisoka asked courteously. Illumi blinked back at him, still confused.
“It's your birthday gift.” Illumi replied with almost enough infliction to sound human. 
“And I would love to share it with you. ♥” Hisoka rebutted. 
Illumi looked at the piece of candy with some thought. After a moment, he took it, peeled the foil off, and popped the square of gum into his mouth without a word. Hisoka smiled.
They spent the first part of the airship ride with nothing but the shuffling of cards and the dull pops of bubblegum to break the silence.
The second year was more practical. 
It was about a week before Hisoka’s birthday, and he and Illumi were enjoying a drink after completing another easy job. 
Hisoka hadn’t brought up that his birthday was nearing, and debated the best way to do so as he sipped on his glass of whiskey. He didn’t want to point it out on-the-nose and come off as desperate.
The addition of sex to their relationship’s pot had really been a mixed bag; on one hand, great sex, and on the other hand, constantly teetering on emotional vulnerability.
He tilted his drink back and forth while he considered his words. Illumi spoke up before he found them. 
"Oh," He breathed. "I almost forgot."
"It's your birthday next week…" Illumi turned toward Hisoka further.
"It is customary to have dinner and drinks, isn't it? Do you have any preferences?"
He had really meant to bring it up earlier, as it was his nature to be prepared for events such as these. Reservations may be needed, and even though the Zoldyck name could easily sway any establishment to bend policies, it was always better to have accommodations settled early. Hopefully a week was enough time—Illumi didn't want to come off as ill-prepared for something important.
Hisoka's expression lit up at the question, and he tried to stifle his glee, to no avail.
No one had ever offered such a thing to him in his entire life!
A good few times he had eaten and drank with others on his birthday, but it was never planned, and it certainly was not offered to him by a friend. He had allies come and go in the past, but no friends to speak of for as long as memory served him. 
Except now, he had Illumi.
(Even if the assassin argued over the definition of "friend" every time it was brought up.)
"Ohh~♥" Hisoka cooed. "Illu you are so sweet to me~♦"
Hisoka rested his elbows onto the bar counter, drink still in hand, and laid his cheek onto his wrist in thought.
"What did I do to deserve such a sweetheart like you? ♣"
Illumi's mouth pursed at the overly soft term.
"You ensured that my birthday last year was quite… memorable." He answered.
Hisoka dropped his expression for a moment, then slid his eyes shut with a mischievous smile. 
Illumi's birthday was in November, a considerably good while ago, but he must have truly enjoyed himself to want to return the favor now in June.
Hisoka allowed his ever-hungry tongue to flick out from the corner of his mouth and lap at the skin above it as he recalled the wonderful sounds he had pulled out of Illumi the night of his birthday. Dinner, drinks, and a very hot night of dirty kisses and oral sex—what a blissful memory. And it hadn't been long after that that they had finally slept together, too.
"Will I be receiving a similar gift from you? ♦" Hisoka purred in excitement.
Illumi watched Hisoka's hips as he squirmed enough to pivot himself in place on his stool, even with his legs crossed. He looked back up to Hisoka's face with a small smile.
"It is your birthday." He said, with an understanding that it meant Hisoka was free to ask him for whatever he would like as a gift. 
Hisoka swooned with a malicious laugh. 
"You're too good to me, Illumi~♥"
The third year was a… surprise.
Illumi called Hisoka two days before his birthday and informed him that he urgently needed his assistance with a job on the west coast of Kukan'yu. Hisoka was expecting Illumi to be calling him about potential plans for his birthday, but figured that a job in a pretty, posh little coastal town would offer plenty of opportunities for fun together, and plus, killing and fighting was a treat all on its own.
Hisoka flew to the much larger city just north of Illumi's location, then took a cab to the affluent hamlet where Illumi said his target was holed up somewhere. As he watched the glittering sea from the taxi window, Hisoka received a call from Illumi.
"I got your text." Illumi said, distracted. Hisoka could hear him rummaging with something in the background.
"Yes, I'll be in town within the hour~" Hisoka flicked at his nails casually. "So where am I meeting you? ♣"
"Oh, I cannot meet today." Illumi replied with a much more direct tone. "You will be meeting a correspondent."
Hisoka glanced at his phone questioningly. He didn't want to say he was disappointed to have to wait to see Illumi until tomorrow, but it did take some gusto out of him. Illumi was aware that his birthday was tomorrow, right? He had to be.
Oh well, once the job was done they could do something together.
"Alright." Hisoka turned his attention back to the ocean view.
"I'll send you the address." Illumi said, absentminded again.
Hisoka arrived at the address Illumi had provided by mid-afternoon, and found it to be attached to a manicured townhouse. The street was lined with equally well-kept, Mediterranean style homes, with groomed tropical plants and trees that made the area look more like a postcard than a place for murder.
Well, murder follows money, and there was plenty of money here.
Hisoka entered the house with a quick knock, and was greeted by an older man in a black suit.
"Master Illumi has asked me to give you instructions for the meeting tomorrow." The man said formally. Hisoka tilted his head. 
This was a butler, he assumed. Not very powerful, maybe 45 points.
The butler handed him a small envelope.
"Please follow the details listed inside carefully. Master Illumi says it is imperative."
Hisoka stared at the envelope, then raised his eyes back up to the butler with a cocked eyebrow.
This was not normally how his jobs went with Illumi. They always met together and Illumi personally explained the details to him. They call and text each other freely, after all, so what was the point of this run around?
"Alright. ♠" Hisoka agreed finally.
With a flick of his wrist, a card appeared between his fingers, and he used its Nen-hardened edge to open the envelope like a letter.
The instructions were clear, but all the more confounding. 
Hisoka was to meet with an informant tomorrow, at a different address, and give them the code "44301". That was all.
There was also a note to again remind Hisoka that Illumi would not be available to meet tonight. Hmph.
But Illumi did take the initiative to book a room for Hisoka to spend the night at… on the other end of town. Hisoka did his best not to grind his teeth—his taxi just left five minutes ago. 
The hotel better have a bar.
Hisoka laid in bed and stared at the clock; 11:45PM.
The only contact he had with Illumi after he arrived was texting him to tell him that he got the information for the meeting, and Illumi acknowledging it.
He didn't want to be disappointed, but he had been expecting Illumi to at least mention his birthday. Though, technically it was his birthday tomorrow and not tonight, but still.
No text saying, "Sorry to do this on your birthday weekend, but…" or any promises like "We'll go out after the job is done."?
This was all very unlike Illumi as he knew him.
Hisoka frowned. Had Illumi forgotten?
Illumi remembered last year, so it would be strange if he forgot this year, but it wasn't impossible.
Hisoka watched the clock tick past 12:00AM.
This was stupid, being upset over someone forgetting his birthday. No one ever celebrated it with him until recently, so it shouldn't bother him.
But Illumi was the only one to ever remember, so he was the only one that could forget it, too.
Hisoka groaned and rolled away from the clock to get some sleep.
Hisoka’s blood was boiling.
After waking up to nothing from Illumi but a text telling Hisoka to notify him once he met with the informant, Hisoka had again called a taxi and gone to the new meeting spot as requested.
He had assumed the informant may be untrustworthy, and probably powerful, if Illumi was having him go, but to his surprise, as he arrived at the listed motel room, Hisoka was greeted by a civilian man in an inconspicuous blue-gray suit with a dull, lackluster expression.
The man asked for the code, and upon receiving it, handed Hisoka a manila envelope.
"Please bring this paperwork to the address below." He said.
No fight, no attitude, no bloodlust, not even any impressive Nen or rowdy cohorts that might have had him considering to fight even if it was against Illumi's wishes! This was a trivial errand that anyone could have accomplished!
Hisoka was so upset by the insult of this mundane exchange that he failed to notice the neat line of golden needle heads sticking out of the back of the "informant's" hair.
Instead, Hisoka seethed as he stalked up the sidewalk and into a very affluent neighborhood that overlooked the ocean by cliffside.
"Calling me for a job on my birthday? Sure, fine, whatever." Hisoka ranted in his head bitterly. "But to have me run these menial little errands? A butler could have done this! At least have me fight something! ♠"
His clawed thumbnail dug into the paper of the yellow envelope as he gripped it tight in annoyance.
And that bastard Illumi hadn't called or texted him anything about his birthday all day! He really had forgotten!
It made Hisoka mad, and a little embarrassed, to have had placed any expectations in the assassin, even if he was his lover. He felt even stupider for being so upset about it, as if he needed Illumi to give a damn about whether he was born or not.
"That's what I get for expecting anything. ♠" Hisoka thought with a huff as he reached the listed residence. He didn't even bother to knock, and let himself inside.
His heels clicked on the tile floor of the foyer as he skulked into the belly of the house to look for the next stupid correspondent he was probably meeting here.
He stopped short at the sight of pastel party decorations and Illumi, standing amongst it all, with his hands up on either side of his head.
"Surprise!" Illumi said with a big smile that was disproportionate to his airy, calm voice.
"Haha, I tricked you!" He added gently with a boyish laugh.
Hisoka dropped the envelope in his absolute dumbfoundment.
Behind Illumi there were bouquets of baby blue, pink, and yellow balloons—one of his favorite color palettes—that hung on either side of a "Happy Birthday" banner that draped down the wall in similar colors.
Below the banner was a small party table, with its pastel blue skirt pinned up in intervals by soft pink and yellow pom poms. And in the center of the table was a very expensive-looking chocolate birthday cake; big enough to look like a centerpiece, but small enough to share between two.
Hisoka felt an unfamiliar, overwhelming feeling overcome him as he realized what was happening, and he shakingly approached Illumi as the latter carried on explaining without a care.
"Retrieving the envelope was just a diversion!" Illumi continued, giddy that his clever plan had worked exactly as intended. "It actually has your card—"
Hisoka grabbed Illumi by the shoulders, quickly enough to startle him into pausing his explanation.
"ILLUMI… ♥" Hisoka choked out, eyes wet. Illumi stared at his upset face with his usual wide eyes.
"Oh, do you not like it…?" Illumi asked.
That would be a shame, as he was sure Hisoka would like it. His younger brothers had always liked parties like this.
Hisoka swallowed back the emotion clogging his throat, and followed it with a hard sniff for good measure. He returned Illumi’s stare, though his eyes were bent up to fight off the mistiness that kept clouding them.
Illumi had planned him a surprise birthday party, in an expensive rental home on the coast of Kukan'yu, for just the two of them. He really thought that Illumi had forgotten his birthday, and in doing so, he played right into Illumi’s hand. Illumi got him good; some master of tricks he was!
Illumi didn't forget.
Hisoka pulled him into a tight embrace.
"You were setting this up all yesterday?" He asked, muffled by Illumi’s thick, black hair.
Illumi smiled and hugged him back.
"Mm!" He affirmed, and carried on with his explanation. "I had to wait on the balloon arrival, and then oversee the workers through the set-up in the afternoon yesterday, and there was a delay with the champagne delivery, which was very annoying, as well as having to continuously call the service desk at the bakery today because they were also over an hour late delivering this morning."
Illumi paused his rambling to peek at Hisoka, who had not moved besides pushing his face into Illumi’s neck. Illumi gave himself a self-assured grin.
"Did I surprise you?" Illumi asked, his voice as mischievous as a toddler's.
Hisoka squeezed him tighter, and after a moment, managed to pull away to plant a deep, grateful kiss on his lover's lips.
"Yes. I love it. ♣" Hisoka sniffed, then turned to pepper Illumi’s sideburn with quick kisses.
"Suki, suki, suki, suki, sukiiii-dayo. ♥" 
( →"I love you" but soft, like a crush)
Illumi gleamed at the appreciative gesture, and rewrapped his arms around Hisoka’s broad shoulders. 
"Oh good! I was worried for a moment." He sighed contently, completely unaware of the turmoil he had caused.
♥ Epilogue:
Hisoka sank further into the rolling bubbles of the jacuzzi. He watched the sunset stretch over the horizon line of the ocean from the comfort of the vacation home's private balcony, and from the comfortable embrace of the hot water, and his hot lover, who was just as naked as he was.
Illumi puffed a relaxed sigh, and leaned further into Hisoka’s embrace.
He was glad that his efforts had paid off, and that Hisoka was pleased and cuddling with him now. Hisoka had stalled his invitation for sex right after the surprise, which was very unexpected, but his worries were eased when Hisoka suggested this instead. Illumi had never been met with anything less than overt enthusiasm when he was the one to initiate, so for a moment he was worried Hisoka was unhappy with him.
It was quite the opposite of unhappy, unbeknownst to Illumi.
Hisoka cradled Illumi closer and carefully slid a wayward strand of his long, wet hair back into place. Illumi hummed approvingly from his resting spot on Hisoka's collar, and Hisoka pursed his lips with a blush.
He felt silly.
He felt bubblier than the jacuzzi, or the champagne sitting nearby.
He wasn't even really in the mood for sex, which was so surprising that he couldn't even bring himself to explain it to Illumi, instead shying away from the other's inviting words and proposing this alternative instead.
There was no way he could coolly explain that the only thing he really, really wanted to do tonight was hold Illumi close for as long as time allowed. Teasing about taking a naked dip in the hot tub was the closest that he was getting to that confession.
Hisoka stroked more of Illumi’s hair back, and drew lazy circles over the smooth skin of his shoulder blade. He felt Illumi smile, and pouted over the heat that reaffixed itself across his cheekbones.
He was so happy, so content. It was really unlike him.
There was nothing he would rather be doing on his birthday than reclining with Illumi like this.
"Hmm, ah…" Illumi mumbled as his thoughts started up again. "Is there anything specific you would like for dinner?"
Illumi tried to sit up, but Hisoka coaxed him back into lying on him. Illumi smiled in amusement.
"There are several acclaimed restaurants close by." He resumed from the nape of Hisoka’s neck. Hisoka's lips squirmed again, and he set a kiss onto the crown of Illumi's head.
"I don't feel like going out…" He answered reluctantly. 
He didn't want to move from this spot. He didn't want to stop holding Illumi, who cared for him and took him into consideration. Illumi, who remembered his birthdate, and made such an effort to make him feel special.
That's what it was, Hisoka realized with another shy sigh.
He felt special.
He felt special to Illumi, specifically.
"We can order take-out then." Illumi suggested it like a solution to a math problem. He moved to reach for his phone, but was again enveloped in Hisoka’s arms and dragged into a tender hold.
"I'm not too hungry yet..." Hisoka tried as an excuse. "I would rather stay here for longer."
Illumi's black eyes stared up at Hisoka from below his chin. He was acting very unusual, almost submissive, but he supposed it wasn't a bad unusual, so Illumi let it be. 
"Alright, then," Illumi pressed a kiss to Hisoka's neck, unaware of the agonizingly blissful expression the act garnered.
"Happy birthday."
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
The Moon and Sun (Big Sib Reader x Gon/Killua)
Chapter 4: The Winner and The Loser
Synopsis: Things go from bad to worse as Bisky is eliminated from the game. You watch helplessly from the sidelines as both boys are drained and injured. And just when you think you've won, Razor pulls the rug from under you with shocking revelations. 
Razor stared curiously at the injured young adult. Twice now, they thwarted his attack. And twice, they had been very successful. You weren't a normal nen user. Your speed was unusual and precise. Like you'd spent years perfecting it.
And your nen...
It wasn't Ko you used to deflect the ball. You weren't protecting your leg, you were amplifying the power already there.
A very interesting turn of events
But the most interesting part was despite the power you displayed, you were still holding back. Whether it was knowing or unknowingly.
And that made the game all the more fun.
"Estimating the ball's drop point, the game will continue. Team Gon has possession," #0 announced.
"And since Y/n is no longer able to play, they're out!"
"It's almost as if my leg's broken or something," you muttered, still bitter about the current situation. Bisky smiled down at you.
"Yeah, almost." Her tone shifted into a softer one. "You sure you'll be fine here on your own?"
You gave a huff of irritation.
"I don't have a choice, but if it makes you feel any better I can finally catch up on sleep."
You felt a thump on the back of your head.
"I'm being serious you dolt!"
Aww she cared.
"I'll be fine. Just make sure to keep Hisoka away from the boys." You did not trust that clown's intentions whatsoever.
"Of course. Just sit tight. Everything will be over soon, okay?"
With that, you were seated a little aways from the court. Razor's nen beasts had offered you crutches to use, but you didn't want to get up quite yet. You wouldn't put strain on yourself if you didn't have to.
Killua and Goreinu started off by passing the ball toward one another. It ended with Goreinu deciding to enact his revenge on Razor for traumatizing him.
"Just so you know, I'm the type to hold a grudge. It's time for payback, Razor!"
He threw the ball with all his might and switched his nen beasts around, along with the beefy ex-convict.
It was a miracle he caught Razor off guard, leading to the ex-convict getting hit square in the jaw.
"That's what you get! You mess with me and I'll take you out!" Goreinu sounded quite proud of himself.
But there was just one small hitch, the ball never got the chance to hit the floor.
You see, after the ball hit Razor, his nen beast #2 threw itself outside the court, and tossed the ball back inside to #13. And just to pour salt in the wound, #13 lobbed the ball back at Goreinu, knocking him out.
"Wait a second! What the heck was that!?!" Bisky exclaimed. Razor turned to her with his forever grin.
And he was so close too.
"There's no rule against passing the ball to an opponent. And if the ball had actually touched the floor, I'd be out now." He explained.
Then his eye caught yours.
"It's all about having the right speed for it."
You growled at his jab towards you.
He dismissed your agitation and prepared another throw.
There were only four players left: Gon, Killua, Bisky, and Hisoka. Whoever Razor had his sights on would surely be out, leaving your team with three. It was unfortunate you couldn't use Back.
"Tell me, who wants to be next!" And just like that, Razor loaded the ball with his murderous nen. It's trajectory heading straight for...
"KILLUA!" You screamed, immediately forcing yourself up despite the pain. Goddamnit, you weren't close enough to help.
Damnit Damnit Damnit.
It was last second the ball changed it's course and swerved left. It narrowly missed the small assassin, passing him and then passing Bisky. You held your breath as Hisoka barely dodged it by bending backwards.
Luck was not on the clown's side as #5 rebounded the ball and threw it back. Hisoka, having no other option, used his Bungee Gum to catch the ball. Just like with you, the force from Razor's nen pushed him back.
Miraculously, Hisoka kept his grip on the ball, actually catching it in full. As he stood straight his predatory nen skyrocketed.
With the adrenaline finally wearing off, you struggled to keep standing and hesitantly reached for the crutches. That was too close. Way too close.
"Biscuit is out!" #0 announced.
"Bullshit!" You shouted. She dodged it, you saw her. And your eyes never missed anything.
Bisky looked down at her dress. The corner of it was scorched, just like the back of your shirt.
"I'm out...So that means clothing counts as part of your body..." Bisky sounded pissed.
Then why did-?
Why the hell had-?
"My ass she's out! If we're going by that rulling then I should've been out the first turn!" It didn't make sense. And you'd be damned if you didn't argue your case.
"Why did I get to stay and Bisky doesn't!"
Razor's grin widened.
"Why? The first three turns we let you make mistakes. A way for the opposing team to get used to the rules. And an exception for you was made because your nen is very interesting. Amusing if you will."
Like you were some toy.
How dare he have the nerve.
Your aura spiked momentarily, anger seeping through.
"What you have is a gift, little one. So very special and unique, even Father envies you. You're lucky he finds your tricks amusing enough to keep you close."
Then you remembered where you were. You needed to calm down or else everything you'd worked towards, everything you sacrificed would be for nothing. And everything you gained would be lost.
You could feel eyes on you as you finally relaxed, or became as relaxed as you could. You didn't look up yet, not wanting to see their reactions at you losing your cool. But you could feel them.
You could feel Razor's satisfaction from getting a rise out of you.
You could feel Bisky's concern as she approached your shaky state.
You could feel that damn clown's lust after finally getting a real look at your aura.
And you could feel the darkness from both boys leaking through. Combined it was angry and defensive.
You felt vulnerable.
If looks could kill, Razor would be dead ten times over with the way both boys were glaring at him.
In the six months they'd known you, you had not once lost your cool. Always staying level headed and cautious. Always having a watchful eye. Always remaining collected, even when something was bothering you.
But ever since Razor had entered the picture, your lazy demeanor shifted.
He made you scared.
He had hurt you.
And now he disrespected you.
The last and final straw that sealed the fate of this game.
"Gon," Killua addressed.
"Yeah?" The other boy answered, determination unwavering.
"Let's beat this guy no matter what."
"Not no matter what. We're not gonna let him off by getting a cheap win. You think he deserves that after what he just said to them? Well I don't. I'm gonna crush him and make him apologize. It's a promise. Are you with me?"
Gon's nen had spiked with his rant, letting Killua know he was going through with it whether or not the assassin was on board. But Killua didn't need much convincing anyways.
Friends stood up for each other. They protected each other. And they always looked out for each other.
"Always, one hundred percent. Now let's teach this bastard a lesson."
"You're not even playing anymore and he still taunts you. What a creep," Bisky commented from besides you. She had a hand on your back, giving your body more support.
You said nothing, eyes staring blankly at the court.
Bisky gave a sigh at your unresponsiveness.
"Thank you though, for trying to keep me in the game."
Still nothing, so she decided to redirect her attention to where you had been staring so intently.
"Are you worried about them, or just focusing on suppressing your aura?"
Not a word
With no other option, she waved a hand in front of your face to try and gain your attention.
You grabbed it and moved her hand to the side, unblocking your view of the court.
"Why are they so mad?" It was more of a whisper really. But at least you said something. Bisky assumed you were talking about the boys' shift in demeanor. The answer was obvious really, but perhaps the lack of sleep and constant stress had muddied the water for you.
"Watch and see."
Gon ordered Killua to the front of the court and had him hold the ball, knees braced for impact. Then Gon started pouring his nen into his fist.
His aura spiked erratically, resolve stronger than ever.
"Show me rock!"
So much determination
So much power it was almost scary.
He used as much force as his body could give and punched the ball straight from Killua's hands. It flung at such an incredible speed, you could barely keep up. It landed in the grasp of #13. But even though the nen beast had caught the ball, it didn't mean it could stop the sheer force from flinging it out of the court.
You let out sigh of relief. They'd done it. Smart kids. You just hoped Killua would hold out until they beat Razor.
Was it a good idea not to use Ko to protect his hands?
No, no it wasn't
But the alternative was having Gon's attack be reduced. And they were gonna need every ounce of power they had to win.
You would scold the both of them later.
"# 13 is out!" #0 announced. "Catching the ball while your body is touching outside the court is illegal. Possession goes to Team Gon."
Your teammates cheered besides you. And you wanted desperately to join in on the celebration, but the disappointment from Gon's aura held you back.
Why would he be-
"Damnit! That one wasn't nearly good enough! It needs to be strong enough to make them proud!"
Killua, who had just caught the ball with his injured hands, encouraged Gon further.
"Then don't hold back! They're watching, remember? So hit Razor with everything you got! Make him sorry like we promised!"
Gon smiled and nodded at him.
"You get it now?" Bisky asked you as Gon charged up.
You did.
You finally understood what had those boys so riled up. It was almost enough to make you cry. Almost.
Bisky then turned her attention to Razor.
"I think you picked the wrong sport. Nothing in the rules limits the amount of time he can take to build up his power. You also picked the wrong person to mess with. Might wanna get out of the way."
But Razor payed no mind to her warning. If anything his aura radiated more excitement.
"You're kidding me, right?" His aura output spiked to match Gon's.
Although you were scared for the boy, the resolve in both his eyes and aura gave you the reassurance he'd be okay. That he would beat Razor and then some.
And that small feeling of pride was back.
"Okay, show me rock!" His nen busted a few lights with it's power. Then it seemed to envelope the whole building with it's light.
Gon's entire fist was aflame with power as he struck the ball with everything he had.
The ball went spiraling in a mass of flames. And despite the speed, the power, Razor's expression hadn't changed.
That damn bastard was still smiling.
You could see the quick flicker of doubt in his aura. Then it was gone as he braced his feet and hands to volley the ball.
He was the one skittering back this time, but like you, his determination hadn't wavered. His will to win was strong. Strong enough to stop the ball from spinning and bumping it upwards.
What was this dude made of???
"The game's not all about dodging and catching. I'm sure your friend over there knows it. And had they actually used Ko, they would've been completely fine."
You hated that he was right.
But whereas Razor planned to volley the ball from the start, you were in a frantic state trying to figure out how to protect your kid. Not exactly the time to stop and think about what you were doing.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by a panicked Gon.
"Wait!" He was waving his hands frantically at you. "Pretend you didn't see that Y/n!!! That was, uh, a test throw! That's it! A test throw! Next time for sure it'll-!" You cut him off with a soft laugh.
He really thought you would be disappointed after that? That you wouldn't be proud?
It was absurd really, to think someone could be so cruel as to not appreciate the sentiment. So you laughed. You laughed because Gon wasn't worried Razor had deflected the ball, he was worried that you'd be mad he missed.
"Don't worry about it kid. You did just fine." Then your eyes caught the small assassin's behind him. The one whose hands you were sure hurt like absolute hell. "Both of you."
With the ball still in the air, Hisoka took the opportunity to use his Bungee Gum to grab it. Because Razor was the last person the ball hit, he was out. Temporarily of course. Nothing would ever be that easy with him.
He used Back shortly after.
A damn shame.
Everyone on the court was either injured or drained. Tsezguerra seemed to realize this and called a timeout. Bisky helped you hoble over on your crutches to hear what he had to say.
"Gon, if just step outside of the court before you strike, I can hold the ball for you. Killua's hands must be totally ravaged by now. I sincerely doubt he's in any condition to hold the ball, or anything else."
It was a good idea in theory, but Tsezguerra failed to realize one thing. This match was personal for the two boys. It was their battle to fight. And no matter how much it hurt or how much energy was spent, they were gonna make sure they finished it.
"I know a way that'll allow me to protect my hands with a lightning fast coating of aura. I can hold the ball while you take out Razor from here. It's the only way that we can win this."
And just as you suspected, they'd denied Tsezguerra's help.
"We can't do that." Killua argued. Gon nodded his head in agreement. Tsezguerra floundered about for a rebuttal.
"But why not!?! What's the problem with that!?!"
"It feels like a copout. And we promised we'd get a real win." Killua glanced at your shattered leg.
But Tsezguerra wasn't done protesting.
"You're kidding, this is not the time to be thinking like that!" Then he doubled over as the pain from his ribs flared.
"Take it easy old man. You took a hit, you're only gonna make it feel worse. Besides, I'm feeling fine. I'm not hurt nearly as bad as to might think."
Killua's aura radiated deceit. He was lying, and as he looked over to you again, he knew that you knew.
"Show me your hands," Tsezguerra demanded.
Killua tensed.
"I said I'm fine." But nobody was buying it.
You looked away as Bisky tugged on his arm to reveal his hand. You'd seen enough carnage for today. But that didn't mean you couldn't sense the leftover nen covering his hands.
"Like I thought. I bet you he can't feel anything but pain. Y/n, right? Can't you talk some sense into him before he hurts himself worse?" Tsezguerra pleaded.
You leaned further on your crutches, circles under your eyes seeming to darken.
"I'm not his mom, and I'm not his dad. If he thinks he can take it, then who am I to stop him." You found the strength to look up, trying your best not to let your gaze linger on Killua's scorched hands.
For the first time in years, you flashed your real smile at the white haired boy. It was crooked and tired, but it was yours.
"What can I say, the kid's tough as nails. As long as he doesn't get himself killed from one of Razor's throws, it's not my problem. Right, gremlin?"
You could see blue eyes beaming up at you. Joy and relief flowing from his aura.
"Right! There you go, old man."
But Tsezguerra was still not assured.
"Gon, c'mon. You know you can't let him do this!"
And yet again, the boy in green refused.
"I'm sorry Mr. Tsezguerra, but I won't move out of the court. I need him to hold the ball for me. I can't do this without Killua." It was said with so much affirmation. So much so that it caught Killua off guard.
"If Biscuit or Hisoka held it, I probably couldn't use my full strength. There's only one reason I can focus everything I've got on hitting the ball... It's because I know Killua is the one holding it."
You softened as you saw both auras shift into contentment and trust.
Bisky was able to get her revenge on the nen beast that had gotten her out. She threw a curve ball at Razor, hitting #2 on it's foot.
The only one left was Razor, and unfortunately he had the ball. He watched in silent interest as Gon, Killua, and Hisoka came up with a plan.
Fate was not on your side as Razor called back his nen beast to him. His aura increasing as he absorbed them.
Your body trembled slightly at the power increase, not used to feeling so much bloodlust, nevertheless being able to see it swirl around him.
Then he poured all his nen into the ball, throwing it up afterwards.
Oh God.
He was gonna spike it.
You looked over frantically towards your side of the court. Your panic subsiding for a brief moment with protectiveness.
"WATCH THOSE DAMN HANDS HISOKA!!!!!!" You threatened.
He stood over your boys, with his arms outstretched in front of Gon. You realized shortly after that they were gonna try and catch Razor's throw. It didn't mean you trusted that damn clown to be so close to them.
Your panic was back as Razor slammed the ball straight towards them. All three of them immediately went skidding down the court, dust getting kicked up in the process.
You focused your eyes, seeing Gon using as much nen as he could to protect his hands from the ball's aura. You also saw Hisoka use his ability to make sure the ball wouldn't go bouncing off. And then your attention focused on the boy sandwiched between them. His aura being distributed perfectly between his back and legs.
The dust cleared and you let out the breath you'd been holding in. They were still inside the court.
"Hell yeah! Now don't miss this one, ya hear!?!?" You cheered. Look at you be all proud.
Both boys nodded over at you.
Gon and Killua got into the position from before, with Killua holding the ball and Gon throwing. Something seemed to snap inside the boy in green. His aura starting off small, then exploded out in a fiery glow. It radiated confidence. Like he knew this would be the the throw that defeated Razor.
He channeled all his power into his fist once more. If Killua's hands were damaged before, they'd be unusable when this was over.
Gon mumbled something to him before launching into his attack.
"Now, show me rock!" All at once a bright light filled the court. And the power you felt from it had you stumbling forward.
The force of it was stronger than anything Razor had produced. And one quick look over told you that he knew. For the first time since this game begun, Razor was nervous. You could see the gears turning in his head. Then relief as he seemed to come up with a solution.
He used every ounce of his nen to bump the ball, not upwards, but towards Gon.
You let out another involuntary screech.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!" You tripped over your crutches trying to get to him. You could feel him fading fast. He wasn't in any position to dodge, let alone move out of the way.
You couldn't hear anything else besides your heart thudding in your ears. You couldn't force your body up this time. You could only watch.
You could only stare in mortification as Gon passed out right on the court. The ball missing him by a hair. A small feeling of relief that it had passed him, but not enough to soothe your frantic mind. You tried and failed to get up on your feet.
Not seeing Hisoka catching the ball with his Bungee Gum. And certainly not seeing as he flung it back towards Razor, finally ending the game. You didn't even hear #0 announce the win.
All you could focus on was making sure Gon was okay.
So you stumbled and fell as you inched closer to the unconscious boy. Already on the ground, you pulled his head towards your lap to cradle.
"Kid! Hey kid! Get up okay!" You gently shook him. "Give me a sign, anything! Just wake up!"
After what seemed like an eternity (it was just a few seconds really) Gon opened his eyes, sitting up from his passed out position.
"Huh?" He said as he noticed your presence. "What happened? I missed it." You gave an airy laugh and pulled him into a hug. Relief that he was okay passed over, and you preceded to grab his shoulders and shake him.
You stopped your shaking of the poor boy and let him regain his bearings.
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He said as his world continued to swirl.
You noticed Killua's presence from behind you and turned to face him.
"You really shouldn't shake him like that, you know," he commented.
You reached up and pulled him down, repeating your previous actions.
You released Killua, watching as he tried to process your words like Gon.
"It won't happen again, I swear."
"Good, now then, all things considered... Good job boys. Couldn't be prouder." You could feel both auras shift into contentment at your words. Then you felt the predatory one next to you.
You let out a groan before deciding to be nice. He did help them win after all.
"You did great too Hisoka," you begrudgingly praised.
"Aww thanks. We only won because we worked together. That makes this a team victory." He said as he placed a hand on your head and ruffled your hair.
You let out a small growl.
"I can still kick your ass with this broken leg, ya know!" Your threat caused the small group to burst into laughter. You were so focused on the boys that you didn't notice Razor walking up.
"I lose," he started. "As I promised, we'll all leave this town immediately. But first, you asked about Ging, so I'll tell you." His words were directed at Gon.
The boy in question looked over at you, silently asking if it was okay. You flashed him your tired smile.
"What're you waiting for, munchkin? Go on, we'll be right here when you're done talking. Alright?"
He beamed up at you and followed after Razor.
You watched as Bisky bandaged Killua's hands. He let out a shriek at the harsh contact.
"Don't be baby. If you can take the injury, you can take the healing," You chastised.
"Says you! You can't even use your crutches properly!" He argued.
"I was panicking!"
"Excuse, excuses, excuses!"
Bisky thumped the both of you an the back of the head.
"Can you two stop arguing for one second!"
You were about to give a rebuttal, but were cut off by Gon sprinting towards you. He looked rather giddy. Whatever Razor told him must have been pretty special to have him this happy. He started ranting to Killua, excitedly waving his arms as he spoke.
"Y/n," Razor called out. You looked up at him from your place on the ground.
"May I have a word with you?"
You focused your eyes on his form, trying to pick up on any malice that may be lingering in his aura. Nothing, except for content.
"Sure?" You had no clue what he would ever want with you. And you weren't exactly fond of him as it was.
You hastily got to your feet, both boys helping you up. You grabbed your crutches and followed after Razor. When you were far enough away from the others, he finally spoke.
"For starters, I'd like to apologize about your leg. I hope it heals well."
You gave out a small huff.
"You and me both...Look, I know you didn't just call me over here just to apologize, so out with it." At least he hadn't turned out to be a complete ass afterall.
"Right. You've been here for two years, correct."
"...Yes..." You had no idea where he was going with this.
"Well just about two years ago some people arrived on the island through unconventional means."
They tried to get in from the outside.
"And said they were apart of [REDACTED] and were looking for a child that had run away from home."
You froze in place.
"Don't panic, I did my duty as gamemaster and shooed them away. But I'll admit, I was curious to know if one of their own was truly here.
"When I saw your nen ability, I had my suspensions. But you're reaction just now confirmed it. Am I right?"
You gave a shaky breath.
Demons from the past just couldn't leave you alone, could they.
"No...No you're wrong. I'm not one of them and I never will be." You looked up and stared straight into Razor's eyes, unwavering hatred on full display. But it wasn't him who your rage was directed at.
And it was then he understood. He understood very well now why you were unknowingly holding back earlier.
"Let me offer you some advice, then. When you leave the island, be very careful with your aura output."
"Who says I'm gonna leave." You knew it was a futile argument, but you just wanted some semblance of control right now. You wanted to have a choice. You wanted anything but to face the cruel reality before you.
"Those boys, they look up to you so much already. All it takes is one person who believes in you to change. And perhaps you already knew that. Perhaps you've already started noticing little differences in your everyday life."
The smiles
The laughs
The fear
And the protectiveness.
"It's just something to think about."
"What did you talk about?" Gon questioned.
You forced a smile. One that clearly wasn't yours
"Don't worry about it. It was nothing important."
"Not buying it," Killua interjected. "If it wasn't important you wouldn't have been over there for so long."
"Fine, fine. Badger the injured person will you." You tried to tease.
"Well I'm injured too, so you can't use that excuse!"
"You can walk, I don't want to hear it."
"WH- HEY!"
"They're right Killua, you can move around just fine with your legs, but Y/n? They might never walk again." Gon joined in on the teasing.
"Hey! Whose side are you on!?!"
You'd successfully changed the subject.
Good, you'd have time to process everything later.
For now, you just wanted to enjoy what you had while it was still here.
Fun fact #5: Y/n is in the specialist category.
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brokenquillpen · 1 year
One of my favourite headcanon is that Illumi and Hisoka met when they were young but were separated (by life or Hisoka ruining off or maybe illu's parents) then they met later in their teens or as young adults, when they both had change so much....
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r0semaryt3a · 3 months
Rushed Heartstitches fan kid cause why not?
I cannot stand her colour pallet but hey ho gotta commit sometimes!
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She is currently unnamed (open for suggestions) and as you can see took on her father’s “performer” persona. Despite this fact, she’s actually much closer to her mother (hard to be close to Hisoka when you blatantly refuse to use your nen). Though, given she derives pleasure from causing as much pain as physical (and mentally) possible: they get along fine and dandy in most cases.
She’s a manipulator who’s nen is dubbed “Deja vu” and is rather complicated to explain (though I will in a separate post if wanted).
Due to her nen she tends to forgo using it whenever in a fight she knows she can win. Which, with her usual victims, is almost all of them. Her gloves are usually replaced every other week with these aggressive habits.
She’s not particularly involved nor interested in Troupe activities. Much preferring to do anything and everything else. This isn’t because she doesn’t like the mayhem, more that she wishes to reap her rewards solo (She’s a ringleader not a circus performer). However, as a young child she was mainly under the Troupe’s care; has grown to care for them a great lot, (mainly spending her time with Phinks and Shalnark) having sat watching Machi’s work for a large portion of her days. Even though she may not have picked up on her mother’s medical hobbies, this woman knows how to sew and she knows how to sew well. Anything with knots and most strings/threads she excels at. Perhaps those nights spent: staring up in awe at her mother’s nimble hands paid off well.
I have like bucket’s worth of rambles on her already lol anywhoodles tho that’s my Hisomachi fan kid I guess. Also, screw timelines here! Realistically, I know there’s no way she’d be an adult pre Yorknew but this is a fan kid so continuity sorry to tell you: I’m seeing other people.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hxh chapter 395
IT HAS BEEN 22 YEARS SINCE CHROLLO WAS FIRST REVEALED IN THE MANGA... 23 SINCE HE WAS FIRST MENTIONED... AND FINALLY........ WE ARE GETTING HIS BACKSTORY . all in god’s (togashi’s) timing. i literally couldn’t believe my eyes when i woke up to baby chrollo on the tl wednesday morning. i’m just now getting the time to scribble down all my thoughts that have been haunting me since then. is any of what i’m about to say coherent? probably not. i’m just so excited that i can barely put it into words. like. how am i supposed to function. i sure don’t know. i’ll put all my screaming + rough analysis under the read more then summarize what new things we learned about chrollo and the phantom troupe. idk how to format this so i’m sorry for anyone who braves the abyss below. anyways , without further ado ... 
(the link to the chapter for anyone who is curious)
nobunaga frames the flashback with the statement “fueled by despair and anger, we were searching for a purpose...” which more of less confirms the widely accepted notion that the phantom troupe was formed to give these people something to do. after reading that, i was expecting to go into some depressing stuff right away, but instead we get to see the baby phantom troupe members kinda roughhousing each other? acting like lil rascals. so i’m assuming nobunaga’s statement comes into play a bit later. 
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the spiders seem to have been split up into smaller cliques before they eventually formed together, these groups being chrollo/franklin/shalnark (HIS LIL MISSING TOOTH OH MY GOD), machi/uvo, and phinks/feitan. 
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this more altruistic viewpoint further convinces me that something major must’ve happened for chrollo’s worldview to shift so drastically. here and throughout the rest of the chapter, we can see him championing the cause of sharing knowledge with others around his age instead of hoarding it. this immediately sets him apart from the uvo/machi and phinks/feitan cliques who want to keep anything remotely valuable to themselves. Hmm.  
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i could be wrong, but the architecture of this church having crosses + pews seems reminiscent of the abrahamic religions, leaning more toward catholicism perhaps? this must play into chrollo’s fascination with catholic aesthetics in his adulthood. it seems that compared to the rest of meteor city, this church was somewhat of a safe haven. 
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NGL it’s kinda funny little baby chrollo looked @ phinks and uvo and went hm. yeah those dudes are definitely not the church crowd. baby chrollo being able to teach himself various languages just from watching tapes that everyone else his age finds too boring to sit through though... he’s always been a little genius. interestingly enough, the compliments on his intellect never seemed to have gotten to his head? he always took them in such a good-natured way. he seemed like such a kind boy... meteor city’s elders mention how bright he is in the next page too. i wonder what they expected from little chrollo though? 
“perhaps he could be of use to the elders? you think he may be able to solve the problems plaguing the city...” 
very curious to know if they meant now or when he’s older. anyway, the elders took an interest in him from a young age, only for chrollo to completely disregard them when he became an adult (chrollo stealing one of their abilities for his fight against hisoka). 
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i’m in ABSOLUTE agony. while this interaction is so cute, i can’t help but think about how paku prioritized chrollo’s life despite his philosophy that ‘the head of the spider [himself] can always be replaced’, which lead to her own death 🙁 OUCH OUCH IT HURTS... her care for chrollo and the troupe ran so deep. now we get to kinda see why. chrollo so brazenly telling paku that he loves her when it’s very likely she’s rarely (if at all) heard those words growing up in a place like meteor city......................... ah...........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
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‘no way he was born here...’
it makes sense that chrollo ended up getting voted to be the leader of the troupe since his intelligence has been universally praised all along. a smart lil guy. i really can’t get over the fact he did all this just so the other kids could understand/enjoy the cartoon more 😭😭😭 that just leaves me with the same, pressing question that machi has here... 
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‘is that chrollo?’ 
she must’ve been shocked to see him go from :D to :| ........... what happened to my MANS...
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effei-s · 11 months
okay, question time! are all monoshippers THIS INSUFFERABLE or just twitter kurokuras?
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babe, let's get back to that soulmatism bullshit when I have at least one confirmation that chrollo remembers kurapika's name, ok? or when you all learn that parallels, mirrors and foils are three different words with three different meanings...
i've been in fandoms for the better part of my life, i started with young adult books and, trust me, ten~ years ago those spaces were A BATTLEFIELD. but still, i never EVER encountered this level of pretentiousness and MY SHIP IS BETTER THAN YOURS energy. this is the first time i fell out of love with something only and only because of the fanbase and that "#they don't understand characters like WE DO!!!" fuckery.
understanding in question: chrollo obsessed with kurapika, kurapika in love with chrollo. ooc, ooc, ooc, and more OOC. did you know that leorio is ugly? OOC kurapika the housewife, chrollo cosplaying tserriednich (or hisoka because his "obsession" is uncanny-valley similar to what hisoka had towards chrollo in canon), more ooc.
nothing but obnoxious behavior toward other people, a superiority complex and the most overused cliches you can easily find in the dark romance section of the bookstore.
rant ended.
p.s.: is it the ship's fault that the fanbase is awful? no. are there talented people writing and drawing krkr? yes. but this bunch is the loudest.
p.p.s: never saw this behavior on tumblr (or anywhere else) so i guess it's twitter-only phenomenon.
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obihiro-division · 5 months
Hisoka’s Thoughts on Ginza Division
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Masa Judice
“A priest… Maybe I should try looking into religion. N-Not necessarily Catholicism, I'm just saying any religion. Rikiya-san was nudging me towards Buddhism, but truth be told, I’m unsure about it. The dedication to a belief is daunting, especially when all I want to get from it now, is some… Guidance. Some clarity, to my life. I might see this ‘Masa Judice’ if I get dragged to the main island. If he gives me a good vibe, I'll give his community a chance.”
Noguchi Eiji
“Holy shit, the PROFILE CEO? Why is he joining a rap battle? He doesn’t… Well? Actually, I guess he probably got his interest piqued by the hypnosis microphones. Being a tech guy, maybe he wants to learn about how they work. That’s at least my best guess… Honestly, I was envious of him back then. Lots of seething as a young adult, wishing I could have gone in a similar direction as him after college. I can’t say the feelings are the same now. I was happy with my new life. Emphasis on was… Getting into this rap battle stuff has been a nightmare. But hey, no point in hiding as much, maybe I can remake a new PROFILE since we’re going to be celebrities now.”
Teagan Oki
“Teagan Oki… Oh, you mean ATLAS? I only heard of him from Haruto. Mostly him trying to tell me that rap groups like CHARON would make for the perfect audience to market my awful copy of the hypnosis microphones. He often said it would be best to try and sell to Teagan, since he was infamous for his temperament. Thankfully, I don’t think Haruto got the chance to bother him since Teagan vanished before… Everything fell apart.”
Last Judgment
“A priest, a tech CEO, and an infamous rapper… Sounds like the start of some awful joke. This is one of the wildest trios I’ve had to review though. Nothing else I can really say about them… They’re thankfully pretty normal.”
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cnty-werewolf · 3 months
*young adult*
*I love to love ❤️◆♠︎♥︎
I'm super silly.
Hisoka with a moral compass 🧭 🤣 👌
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sashiofficially · 5 months
Rosiela Hinami
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Rosiela had a dark childhood.
She was kidnapped at a very young age. Her captors kept her locked up in a room with a bed and food. She was chained up with an ankle cuff. She stayed in that room for about 2 years. During those 2 years, rats started overtaking the room. They ate what they could, soon turning to Rosie for food. They chewed most of the softest parts of her body, taking an eye with them. She managed to kill them, using them as a source of last-resource sustenance.
Rosie was finally taken out of the room and given attention from her captive parents. They started off doting on her, giving her all sorts of gifts and any clothing she wanted. Once she hit age 10, the two adults indoctrinated her into a wildly abusive family. To the public, they seemed like a happy family after coaching Rosie how to pretend. Behind closed doors, she was force fed barely edible meals, taught their wild point of view on humans, and belittled.
By age 13, she had enough after seeing how truly happy she can be in the real world. She got into big fight with her parents. It turned physical, escalating into Rosie fighting back finally. She hit them with dishes in the heads, proceeding takin their stunned state to dump a pot of boiling oil on them. She finally freed herself from them after clicking a candle lighter and lighting them up. She grabbed her stuff and left casually. The house caught ablaze and crumbled as it burnt.
About a year after of traveling by herself with no money for anything, she met Hisoka. She was put off by his straightforward approach, but got used to it rather quickly. She saw him use Nene and got curious, asking what it is and how to use it. Hisoka agreed to teach her. She trained for 2 years and got a hang of it. By the time she got used to Nen, Hisoka was gone without a trace. Once again, she was alone. Until she found out about the Hunter Exams.
She considered the benefits of becoming a hunter. So, she entered the exams at 15, where she met Gon and co.
Doodles below (⚠️ scars/injuries, missing eye)
She has a bad habit of clawing her wrists in overwhelmingly stressful moments
Her Nen manipulates her blood as a weapon
She has a very weak immune system from the years of eating dangerous foods with barely any professional medical attention
She’s a high functioning autistic with constant fatigue and high anxiety
She’s legally blind, so she relies mostly on hearing and the Nen in others
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narrators-journal · 1 year
Hi!! :O
I just got an idea!! Can I request the adult trio (separately) meeting their future child, and their child has a very strong unquie ability.
So it peaks their interest and their child says it's actually also their moms ablitiy and how strong their mother is, they try to be strong as her but they may not be on her level cause of how strong she just is. So the adult trio asks the child question about you, but the child isn't a naive inconnect one, they're strong and manipulative, and they tried to give 'answers' that don't feel like an answer or just one that doesn't make the adult trio able to find the mother.
How does the adult trio feel about all this and what exactly what they do?? I would find it pretty interesting 👀
It is not the best, but I'm very rusty with hxh content, so I did my best, but I doubt it's very good comparatively
Chrollo lucifer
Chrollo isn't a stranger to women, so he's not entirely shocked to find a little girl with a strong resemblence to himself on one of his outings to a cafe. What interested him was the nen he could almost sense coming off of her.
Not only because she was rather young for nen, but because if she did have nen, then it was a strong ability. So, he put down his book and focused more on his coffee as he watched the child entertain herself with some strand of vine that spilled out of some flora's garden box. Then, he went over to hr properly,           "Hello, who might you be?" he asked politely, crouching down to her level in the warm afternoon light.           "Sarah." She said simply, with a nonchalance that told him it was a false name more than it's oddity for the area. Impressive move for a ten-year-old.           "Well, Sarah, where are your parents? Are they inside the cafe?" He asked next, and she nodded, more interested in the plants than him.           "My dad's nen ability lets him track me though," She bragged, her quick thinking further winning the spider over. So, he asked her more questions, mostly about her mother so he could narrow down his list of partners. Yet, the child kept giving him roundabout answers or playing up the 'dumb kid' card to avoid other attempts to find her mother or the source of her power. She truly was his child.
Hisoka Morrow
Hisoka...wasn't a very pious man. Yet, he'd never once come across a little girl who so strongly resembled him. Do I have siblings? Was his first thought, because with his reputation, no woman was likely to have his children, yet here this little girl was. Blissfully running around the park he'd been passing by.
Though, if she truly was his child, that explained the power she exuded while she ran around in the evening light.         "Hey, little girl!" He called, leaning on the fence surrounding the playground, "Come here, I want to talk to you."
The blunt request really shouldn't have worked, but the child sauntered over confidently all the same.         "Who might your mother be? Are you out here alone?"         "No, you're here." She pointed out, and Hisoka couldn't help but smile slightly at that.         "I mean, are your parents around."         "Yes." The answer was quick and with a confidence that could only come from the brazen lack of care for if he knew her lie. The fact a child would almost challenge him so openly while being so powerful truly grabbed his attention.           "Okay, let's try a new line of questioning. Where did you get your ability?" He questioned,           "My mother taught me. While I'm not as strong as her, she taught me enough." There it was. Another off-handed dare to test her. It was almost like this little girl was angling to fight him at this rate. Which, if she didn't stop following that response up with noncommital answers or gaslighting, he would indulge.
Illumi Zoldyck
Despite the company he sometimes kept, Illumi Zoldyck did everything in his power to not have a child. If he were to have a baby, it would be after looking over each of his marrital prospects, choosing the right one to carry on and strengthen his family line, and only after courting and marrying her would he have a child.
That wasn't to say he hadn't used sexual means to get close to targets or get intel he needed, it simply meant that he took measures to ensure no illegitimate Zoldycks would come from the encounters. Yet, when he came across a little boy at a high-class social event that seemed to give off nen in waves, there was no argument.
He looked like him, he was strong like him, he had the Zoldyck look. Illumi could easily tell that this well-dressed child was related to him in some fashion, and since Milluki never left the basement, and Killua would've killed Illumi for coming around, so they weren't capable of siring a child. That left him.         "Little boy, do I know you?" He asked after meandering through the party to the boy, who looked him up and down and shrugged,       "Not that i'm aware of."       "Then do I know your mother?" That got a shake of the dark-haired boy's head       "No." The sharp, firm answer instantly annoying the tall, dead-eyed man.
The answer was clear through the quick shutdown, but that was still annoying since Illumi didn't exactly keep a list of who he slept with or if they had nen.         "Do you know you have powers?" He asked bluntly,         "Yes. My mother taught me how to use it." With that, the child cut the conversation off when he turned on his heel and walked off into the crowd of socializing people.
Being a father was annoying.
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