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Another one finished. We literally ARE THE WORLD. The microcosm that is each of us makes up the macrocosm that is the World. When I/you RECEIVE the love, joy, peace and freedom that we already ARE, we will achieve the Same on the Planet. BEING YOU is the REVOLUTION. 👊🏿👊🏼👊🏼👊🏾DM to claim. $125 plus tax and ship. #beyou #youaretheopening #youaretherevolution #jeanjacket #jeanjackets #paintonit #wearart #wearlove #clothesthatheal #youarethehealer #love #joy #freedompeace #elleninspires #ellenrobinsonart #ellenrobinsonwords #ellenrobinsonclothing #ellenrobinsonoriginal #travelingartist #boulder #colorado #followthesigns #yellowbrickroad #thejoypractice® @portiaderossi (at Inspire, the joy practice)
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Prince Ea- Sorry Aka channeling Mother Earth directly, the heed of our collective consciousness
#youarethehealer#videos#prince Ea#earth#sustainability#destruction#deforestation#economy#social justice#gay#black#equality#empowerment#inspiration#sorry#humanity#environment#global#global warming#poverty
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Interpreting the divine synchronistic language of God
Look at all of your spaces as reflections of yourself. How is your bedroom? How is your car? How is your dog? What aspects of yourself are in those things? Did you tires blowing reflect your legs and stability, security and safety? Do you like your room, the items in your room? Is your home cluttered or empty? Flow of your spaces and belongings reflect the flow within you. Questions to ponder. As above so below.
#youarethehealer#flow#feng shui#energy#chskra#consciousness#metaphysics#synchronicity#meditation#God#divine#miracle
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Manly Hall- Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions
#videos#youarethehealer#manlyhall#subtlebody#energybody#consciousness#healing#alternative medicine#energy medicine#vibrational medicine#bioenergy
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We are light, we are energy, we are infinite potential

We often forget about the invisible world, only invisible because of our limited sight. Science is starting to catch up to the realm of the invisible, the realm in which our thoughts, emotions, and imaginations live. It is now widely agreed in the scientific community that everything is made of the same energy. Going deeper, quantum physics recognizes that when broken down to its smallest components, everything is vibration.
“All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.” ~ Bill Hicks
A few things you should know:
Our physical world, what we perceive as matter, is a slower expression of frequency. All that we can’t see, such as our mental, emotional, astral, aural bodies exists at higher frequencies.
Matter is created from thought, our reality is created by thought. You think it before its created.
We, as beings of capable of free thought, can and are influencing our external world. Every thought, observation, action we do, is influencing the entire realm of energy around us. Our thoughts and emotions alter the vibrational behavior of every particle. Denser objects take longer to influence than higher frequency objects such as water, thoughts, emotions. Likewise we are no exception, our thoughts, emotions, and bodies are affected by higher frequencies such as planetary patterns.
There is no separation of the different vibrations, all are interconnected. An ocean of conscious vibration. What happens to one vibrating particle affects the entire ocean of energy.
Every particle at every level is a reflection of the whole. Everything is a unique perspective and experience of the whole.
Law of Attraction: energy attracts what it emits. We attract a different creative expression of the same energy towards ourselves.
At the smallest level, reality behaves in accordance to the expectation of the observer.
All energy has infinite potential (infinite number of expectations). Every potential reality already exists.
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.” ~ Niels Bohr
Your attitude is everything. How you feel and perceive something is how your reality reflects back to you. Our reality is an interaction between observer (consciousness) and matter in perfect synchronicity with every unique observer-matter relationship. The perception created is based on the way humans can sense, therefore experience. If our perception is limited to our senses, there is an infinite realm which we cannot even perceive.
Once the concept of energy and inter-connectivity has settled within you, you can begin to explore the anatomy of visible and invisible forces within and without yourself.

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What is healing?
Are healing and curing the same? Are illness and sickness the same? Is healing an individual or collective experience? There has not been an agreed upon definition of health and healing because we realize that healing is a very personal and subjective experience.
There are two main perspectives: the biomedical perspective and the holistic perspective. Biomedicine views health as the absence of disease and physical symptoms. It regards the disease as a mechanical process where the body breaks down and needs a new part or a tune up. The holistic or integrative perspective regards healing as a multilevel, multilayer harmony, where all layers and levels agree and are able to act at their highest potential. The layers include a person’s social, emotional, sexual, mental, and spiritual bodies and the levels at which healing takes place are at the individual, family, communal, economic, political, biosperical levels. More and more the definitions of health and healing are evolving to a more integrative meaning that fuses both of these perspectives. For example in 2005 the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) released a report with an updated meaning of healing: “a personal experience of transcending suffering.” The World Health organization (WHO) has also had a more integrative definition for quite some time, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (1948). More and more medical healing centers are taking this integrative perspective and updating their approaches to healing. A couple dozen years ago, for example, you wouldn’t find a nutrition section in western medicine, nor a personal fulfillment(happiness) section. Now more than ever people are becoming conscious of the importance of what they eat, keeping active, becoming accomplished, preserving the environment, social, political, economic justice, and finding their passions. In this process people become increasingly conscious of how interconnected and interdependent everything is and how the dynamics of the outer levels are merely a reflection of the inner levels. We are coming to see how important it is to find ourselves as we heal ourselves and use an inside-out approach towards stabilizing our global situation. With this healing model, we also come to see how everyone’s adventure of healing is personal and unique, for every individual experience is different, a unique perception of the same thing- fear or lack of love.
Healing is highly contingent on your personal schemas of how life works, which is mostly determined by your culture and social environment. For example, you can visit 7 different cultures around the world that will give you a different explanation for your nausea or flu. Yet in all of these cases, within their belief systems, healing involves the harmonization of different layers and levels of the self. If we can learn to interpret the language of our unique self and the multiple levels involved, then we can learn to know and heal ourselves, and have the highest impact on the wellness of planet by living our truest desires. In order to do this we must develop a meta cognition, so we can analyze and unmask our own belief systems, thought patterns, emotions, actions, contexts etc. If not a meta cognition, then a tool to allow people to believe what they need, to get what they want, in order to achieve what they want, within their schema. It’s all about convincing yourself or unmasking the belief system, which all happens within yourself.
One of the biggest deceits in western society is that happiness, satisfaction, and healing are absolutely outside of ourselves. So much so that we have become entangled and dependent on a system of consumption where we constantly need things outside of ourselves to form a short term illusion of satisfaction (aka materialism). We have created a society that relies on tools. While not to discount the benefits of external aids such as herbs, oils, medicines, counseling, exercise, physical therapies, etc, we shouldn’t underestimate the power we have within ourselves to heal ourselves and the world from the inside out. We became so disconnected from our inner layers, and dependent on external stimulation that we even have a concept of being “bored.” If we don’t have something new and stimulating around us, we are “bored.” Likewise with many religions, encouraging the notion that God, or love is outside of ourselves, at a church, or temple (a huge misinterpretation of precious teachings). We believe more effectiveness and influence in external devices than internal ones.
Though this has been the dominant mentality, we are making progress towards empowering ourselves as healers and creators as we become more aware of how our inner layers dictate our outer levels and therefore have more control over ourselves and our realities. The purpose of this blog/website is to provide you with guidance and resources to help you uncover your own schema of your inner and outer worlds so you can harmonize your layers with your core self and act to your highest creative potential.
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