wistfulwisp · 5 years
For the tarot readings! I should make one of my desire come true? Like, it's a bit painful to get to do this thing, but at the end it's a thing i want to do?
sure thing @youaresadwhaticansay :)
so for you, the two of swords came forward. for me, this is just a reinforcement that my cards understand the choice being made, as well as its finality: once you choose, you can’t go back sort of thing. this card also indicates that you may not be seeing the entire picture, and maybe by ‘removing the blindfold’ you can see the full picture. 
now, while i was shuffling, the reversed five of pentacles fell out of my deck. i found this significant because it talks about the ending of anxiety, the ending of difficult times. this could mean either that by choosing you can lift this weight off of your shoulders and that’s what you should be focusing on, or that you should be choosing whatever calms your soul the most. it all depends on how you see it.
thanks so much! feedback is always encouraged!
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xxjkmxx · 6 years
Namjoon + blue + cyberpunk ?
Yeah sure\(≧▽≦)/
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