#you're super awesome as well! :D
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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WAHGGHG ARIII cmoon :'((( don't talk about sweets and cakes when the cherry on top is you<33333
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illubean · 2 months
Request 4 you :-D alright I was wondering if you could do a drabble with a reader with a men ability that makes her similar to a banshe pls😣 (chrollo, illumi, kurapikachu, layoreo, and 🌹feitan🌹)
HXH W/ a Banshee!Reader
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!Reader
alright i did some reading on banshees for this and obviously they have their scream right? but they also have clairaudience, precognition and supernatural detection! p cool if you ask me :D
Warnings: none??
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Kurapika Kurta
every time you predict the death of a phantom troupe member he's like fuck yeah
if you work with him you mostly end up gathering info
like you can literally fly super fast, see vaguely into the future and have super cray hearing
i couldn't think of anything for this guy im so sorry...
Leorio Paladaknight
the first time he saw you hovering about he damn near shit his pants because he thought you were genuinely some type of ghost
knowing its just your nen doesn't make him any less scared since you can sense supernatural and paranormal activity...
sometimes you tell him you feel ghosts and whatnot around to fuck with him
he cries
he can't even rant about you to anyone because you WILL hear it
every time he mentions you he has to look around and make sure you're nowhere near him even if he knows you're cities away
sometimes you use your clairaudience to snitch on him LOLLL
he will mutter something under his breath and you'd be like "Leorio just said ____"
you probably told him Gon would die (he didn't actually but almost did) and he didn't believe you at first
bro was like do NOT joke about that and you're like I'm not joking and he's like FUCK
maybe you should stop playing pranks on him because now he finds everything you say hard to believe...
Illumi Zoldyck
you help him catch runners on missions LMAO
if he happens to keep you around you know all of the Zoldyck estate gossip because your clairaudience lets you hear everything that goes on in the mansion
every time you hear something new you and Illumi whisk away to some corner and chat quietly
no matter what you tell him he's surprisingly interested, he can and will gossip like a teenage girl
sometimes when he feels like a job is too much of a hassle he lets you handle it with your death scream thingy
he's not a lazy person but everyone has their moments
you are his personal little ghostlike assistant
Chrollo Lucilfer
yeah he's making you one of the supportive members of the troupe
he uses you to gather information with your heightened hearing and ability to predict the death of others
probably asks you if you can contact the dead
if you can then awesome, now you can answer a lot of his questions but if not then oh well
since you can fly pretty fast sometimes he has you snatch up people for questioning
he avoids using you for offensive purposes because your screams reach very far and could possibly accidentally kill him or the other troupe members
so when he does you're usually alone
you were able to sense that Uvo was going to die and also the exact moment he did
knowing his friend would die didn't make it any less painful for Chrollo tho :(
Feitan Portor
he thinks you're a valuable asset to the troupe
most of the time when it comes to catching people for torture and interrogation Chrollo sends you two
you guys are the perfect team for the job honestly, you can catch enemies quickly and also attack them from long distances while Feitan handles all the gross torture stuff
he probably carries ear plugs for this so yk..you don't accidentally kill him when you scream at the enemy
when you predicted Uvo would die after the first run in with the shadow beasts Feitan is like no way
then all of that shit happens yada yada yada then he goes to fight Kurapika and he actually dies
and Feitan was like fuck you were right
now he knows not to doubt your morbid intuition..
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rainbowbarnacle · 6 months
Please make a tea post so I can save it especially the pineapple ice cubes I need more info
Oh, like, different teas I like to make? Okay! :D
🍍Pineapple Tea🍍
The way I do it is really simple:
Buy a giant jug of already-made tea (I like gold peak!)
Buy a carton of pineapple juice
Freeze the juice into cubes, pour a little of it in the tea for extra flavor
And that's it. That's aaaall you gotta do.
There's all kindsa ways you can dress it up, but nine times out of ten I just do this and drink it by the gallon when it's hot out.
If you wanna get fancy with it, feel free to cold brew your own black (or green) tea, add actual hunks of pineapple fruit in there, add some orange juice, add some honey, add some coconut milk or sweetened condensed milk, whatever sounds good! (Also, pairing pineapple tea with coconut cookies? SO GOOD.) Put mint in the pineapple cubes if you like mint! Add a bit of boiled ginger root or some brown sugar and cinnamon for a little kick! Heck, last summer I used blue peaflower star-shaped ice cubes just because they were pretty.
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(Peaflower petals don't taste like much, but they make a GORGEOUS blue, and if you put something acidic in there like lemon juice IT TURNS PINK. :D)
🍓Strawberry Tea🍓
I find this stuff sort of difficult to find where I live, so often I go the same route as the pineapple tea: grab a jug of black tea, grab a jug of strawberry juice, (ocean spray has a really nice cran-strawberry one I like) freeze the juice, mix, and enjoy. Super simple.
If I can't find strawberry juice, I dice some strawberries up and put it in a jar with some water and a bit of sugar for a few hours, then add *that* to the tea. (heck, it's really nice all by itself!)
What goes with strawberry? ANY DANG THING YOU WANT. I am particularly fond of lychee. Jasmine tea and rose petals pair really well with it too. Again, if you like mint, it's *really* nice with strawberry. And you know how if you put black pepper on strawberries they taste even strawberrier? (If you haven't tried this, go do it, it's magic.) Same goes with the tea, add some peppercorns or a teeny bit of chili powder or some ginger.
If you wanna drink it hot or cold brew a batch of your own, here are some brands that are also nice:
1. Strawberry Sensation
2. Adagio Strawberry Tea (this is also where I got the peaflower petals)
3. Any of Lupicia's Strawberry Teas they are HEAVENLY
🍏Apple Tea🍏
As with the pineapple and strawberry teas, it's totally fine to just go find some ready-made tea and mix it with some apple cider or apple juice for tasty low spoons fun. If you drink it iced, a bit of sugar and lemon juice brings out the apple flavor nicely!
I prefer drinking this stuff hot though. You know that Fall Drink post that was floating around? IF YOU HAVEN'T YET, TRY IT, IT'S AWESOME.
☕Chai Tea☕
So here's the thing about chai for me personally: I don't tend to drink it iced or sugary, but if you do like it iced and sugary, there are a couple of really nice chai tea concentrates:
Oregon Chai Latte
Tazo's Chai Latte (Forget the "skinny" nonsense, I just wanted to include an option with no milk so you can add whatever you want to it)
Pacific Chai isn't concentrated, but you can use it to make hot or iced chai and it's really lovely, not too sweet and super easy to work with. As for dressing up chai, I don't tend to! There's already so much going on with all the flavors, I just drink it as-is most days. Play with milk-to-tea ratios or sugar amounts all you like, figure out what's your jam.
I do know that mixing chai and coffee together (or chai and chocolate together) is guaranteed to make a feeling groovy kind of morning, at least if you have two thumbs and you're me. Iiii think that's all the tea blather I can think of for right now. Thank you for asking, anon, it was fun! Anybody reading this, feel free to add your own favorite things to do with tea. :D
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aclockmaker · 1 year
Part 2 now here
Okay to expand on this I just think: Steve who’s been in a couple of tv shows and is having a moment, famous offscreen for his hair and his charm and onscreen for his ability to find chemistry with anyone (and also, again, his hair).
And Eddie who is a complete unknown; he’s been in some stage productions and had the tiniest bit parts on TV but nobody’s ever, like, recognized him on the street.
Eddie auditions for a new HBO show. When his agent tells him that Steve Harrington is already attached Eddie is like cool, I’ll never get this part but the audition will be good practice so why not. They’re never gonna cast him. He’s sure he’s playing it too weird, and he hasn’t cut his hair (but he will when a part needs him to) but then he gets a callback. Twice.
And then he’s getting called in to do a chemistry test with some of the other actors. The show is like a modern Freaks and Geeks but with a slow burn murder mystery, and Eddie’s actually dead in the main timeline but about half the show is told in flashbacks so it’s a big part. When he meets Steve he doesn’t know what he’s expecting from the paparazzi darling but the guy is super genuine, makes Eddie feel way more comfortable than he has so far. They do their read together and Eddie is just thinking to himself like… damn, this guy really is good, because that felt crazy. He’s acted opposite some insanely talented people but it’s never been that easy. That must just be what it’s like working with Steve.
And now it’s dangerous because he really wants the part. He wants to stop bartending to make rent. He wants to be on this show, because the pages he’s seen are good, and he thinks he could really bring something to it. And because he wants to work with Steve. And even the rest of the cast, too, but—
The day Eddie gets the part he gets a text from a number he doesn't know. Hey man, really looking forward to working with you. And then, a few minutes later, It's Steve btw. He's smiling down at his phone so much that his agent, whose office he's in, is like "What, did you just score another life-changing opportunity I don't know about?" And Eddie is like "Nope, just the one, uh—it's just my uncle saying congrats. Anyway—"
They don't make him cut his hair. They don't tell him to stop playing it so weird. Everything goes so well that it feels fucking hard to believe, in fact, like he's just waiting for the other shoe to drop. There's one group of them playing seniors in high school, the main foursome of which is Eddie, Steve, and their two girl costars, Nancy and Robin. And then there's a younger group playing freshmen whose story intersects with theirs.
His and Steve's characters are set up as opposites, almost rivals, and at least at first, you're presumably supposed to wonder if it's Steve's rich, popular guy who's killed Eddie's character. Nobody in the cast knows the truth yet; the scripts get revealed to them as they're shooting them and they've been told the murderer won't even be revealed in the first season (so here's hoping they get renewed, because Eddie would really like to know who killed him—and he'd also like to keep making HBO money).
Their scenes are some of Eddie's favorites to film (although he also has a soft spot for the kids—especially Dustin who plays a hilarious and awesome nerd who does D&D with Eddie's DM). Eddie hopes his and Steve's stuff is working on whatever level they ultimately need it to work on—sometimes they do get notes that tell them to pull back or dig into something, to emphasize something else, so he has to trust that they're doing the right things.
They often film out of order so when they eventually film the scene where Eddie and Steve's characters have their first run-in at school, it's far from the first time they've shot together. They get all up in each other's faces in the scene, and they've run the lines, done a table read, but acting it out at full intensity is. A lot. Steve's character is mad because he thinks Eddie's character is trying to steal his girlfriend (really she was just buying drugs from him). The way Steve plays it is all simmering intensity, the threat of violence just under the surface, and this is where Eddie doesn't know if he's reading something into it that isn't there. Because for him, there's also another kind of tension between them. And he doesn't know if it's his real life bleeding into the character; if it's just how Steve can't help being with everyone; or if it's a legitimate part of the scripts that they're supposed to be picking up on and exploring. He doesn't even know if anybody else sees what he does. But they do their takes; nobody tells him he's doing something wrong. And after the director calls cut the first time, Steve winks at him. Just to cut the tension, Eddie thinks, maybe to make him smile, which it does. It's fun watching Steve work, watching him slip into and out of character. He's really easy to work with.
Sometimes they get together to run lines or talk motivation or whatever. “It's crazy, you know," Eddie tells Steve in his trailer one night. Steve's is bigger so all of them usually hang out here. They've been making each other laugh, shooting the shit about increasingly funny backstories for their characters, and Eddie feels high with it. "I mean, you know this is my first real show. It's like—" he gestures between them, trying to encompass everything that happens on-camera and all the fun of working on that off-camera. "I didn't know it would be like this."
"Oh—yeah, man," Steve says and laughs a little self-deprecatingly, running a hand through his hair. "But, I mean, for me, I've done a couple and, with our stuff—it’s never been like this with anyone else, either.”
It's going to be so hard, Eddie thinks, looking back at him, to not read into that more than he should.
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000marie198 · 5 months
Are there any sonic au’s you would recommend? I am trying to find more to get into so would love to know if you have any favourites out there :D
Hello! Oh there are so many! :D I definitely have some favorites and some which aren't favs but are pretty great.
Putting these under the cut because there are so many! And there's definitely more cool AUs that I haven't seen or haven't saved.
Anyways, please enjoy my personal selection:
Seven Years Too Soon by NightFuchia. Basically what if a much younger Sonic accidentally set Shadow free from Prison Island. It has awesome characterization and happens to be one of my favorite stories. The rest of Team Sonic is also present
Brotherhood's Twist by @/drawloverlala even though I don't think it counts entirely as Au but it still sort of does. Unbreakable Bond ageswitch due to Zeti's meddling.
Passion's @sonic-tangled-au . I love it! So very much. The lore and backstories are so good.
Noonui's World Restored in Imbalanced Chaos au. Extremely engaging and good. Has a bunch of world building and fun concepts and lore.
Sonic's Super Totally Awesome Mixtape, though it seems to be discontinued, I'm not sure. It's pretty good so far! Takes place in the movie verse.
@brainworms-all-night-long is working on a Dreamtale Au which I'm hyped for. The tag in use is 'dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery'.
@/the-starlight-project comic is pretty good too. Mystery! And emotions. So many emotions ough.
And there's @the-emerald-isle-au by @0vergrowngraveyard . Very intriguing. 👀
Please do check out the Pandora Au by @/starrjoy. It's great!
The Fair Folk by Irritable_Fabulamancer, this fic is one of my favorites! Team Sonic as Fae my beloved! I love fae AUs.
On that note, if you're alright wanting to read a Fae!AU which is pretty much a sonadow fic, there is also I don't believe in fairy tales [but I believe in you and me]. Fantasy and Fae! Satbk inspired, another one that had me hooked.
My Arms Are Blue by thekyuubivixen and its unofficial, fan-continuation (My Arms Are Blue! Final Four Edition) by PlaystationPassenger. The story doesn't completely count as an AU but I'm recommending them anyway cuz they're really really good and has that watching your own show from different dimension trope. It's also hilarious and fun.
Burning Arrow, Wildfire Heart by Taranea is SatSR novelisation AU with Sonic's other friends present too, it's pretty fun. Not very accurate regarding the desert but it's a good read and I come back to reread it often. Must read in my opinion. Just don't dare use it as guide for desert travel or you'll be shriveled up in the sand somewhere
This fic. Read it, I will not elaborate this one. Just trust me :]
And don't miss out on @shadofiredragon's Legends Never Die fic. It's a future fic! And an awesome one. I won't spoil much but it is so good. She also has lots of fun AUs in the works.
Down the Foxhole series by MoonlitNightin. Sonic Prime AU series which is great! Tails' pov. The Shatterverses have their own Sonics. Engaging and great.
Feel free to check out @/Son1c's 10verse and other AUs. Those are some pretty great ones. Love the different lore and variants given to the Shatterverses in 10verse.
Spirit of the Wind by TrenchCoatGecko. Satbk inspired fantasy au. Sonamy, has focus on magic and lore and other characters as well.
If you'd like some Forces angst with Unbreakable Bond focus, please do read Illusionary are your arms around me by @nixoon-again. The feels will kill you /pos
Chaos Barren by but_why_not. I forgot to add this earlier (this is an edited addition). Takes place in the Blue Devils AU, great story!
Baby Tails shenanigans by @myymi . Tails got turned into itty bitty infant kit. (And also check @0vergrowngraveyard 'baby tails' tag for more little gremlin scenarios)
Myla is also working on @tails-and-the-ink-machine au
Feral au by Oneshot_bravo. Little short stories or drabbles taking place in Unleashed but the werehog is feral yet keeps his memories. Very lighthearted and fun and cute
Three or more foxes form a skulk by @/chiropter36 . Post Prime au fic, loved it! Go read.
Also, @donelywell 'roadtrip! sonic au' and 'Casino Nights Au'
Haven't yet started reading The Fox's Burrow by @/space-gutz but I'm planning to. Recommending it either way cuz I feel like it's gonna be good. Unbreakable Bond but ageswaped au.
@/sonicchaoscontrol comic. Another in-progress au which is also quite intriguing. Sonic jumps through a portal and exits in future where the planet is a mess. The mystery of what and how it all happened and what's going on slowly unfolds.
The Buzzsaw Dillemma by redpenship. I haven't personally read it myself but I've heard many good things about it, especially it's world building.
Incomplete and won't be updated anymore but if you haven't read them yet, DO NOT miss out on Ghosts of the Future and The Murder of Me fancomics by Evan Stanley (spiritsonic) and Gigi Deutrix (gigi-D) respectively. They're a must read. Both are available on DeviantArt.
The Heart of a Monster comic, @/the-heart-of-a-monster. It's in progress and updates regularly. Unleashed retelling, really really good with some extra lore and everyone involved.
Sometimes the Picket Fence isn’t Perfect and Sharp Edges (Sonic Prime AU) series by @/skimmingthesurfaces. I'm holding off the first one to read later, like that one book you've been saving so I'm not sure if it completely counts as an AU, still putting it in recs, and the second one is intriguing so far. I have heard a lot of good thing about the Picket Fence series.
Dark Boom by Smash50. The entirety of Team Dark in the Sonic Boom universe. Alongside it, there's also Boomtober by the same author.
It Always Snows by the 24th by Selendred had me hooked even though it's a oneshot. Great au and would love to see it explored more.
No One said I Wish by SylWritesStuff. One of my fav stories from the Sonic Platonic Fairytale Week event. It's really funny.
Sonic Phantom Forces (SPF) au comic. Sonic Forces au, blue boy gets taken away but not in the way you think, pretty cool story so far. It's in-progress and available on both Tumblr and DeviantArt. @/spfau
If Black Doom tried to be a better father by Tirainy. Don't take this one seriously. It's pure comedy and I love every second of it. Shadow is having a time for sure XD.
Silent Talkers by @brainworms-all-night-long. Takes place in the Prime Bros verse, feels intensified, all the good ones. A must read, trust me.
And speaking of the Prime Bros AU (in which all Shatterverse foxes also got adopted by Sonic and are now brothers), feel free to scroll through the 'prime bros' tag here. So many awesome posts for this particular au by everyone!
There's so many more, cool ones, epic ones. I haven't saved all and I'm probably forgetting some great ones too so I'm leaving this open for others to add. If y'all have more cool AUs, plz add to these (I wanna check em out too)
And now a few from the Fanfiction.net site because it doesn't have much audience compared to AO3 and there are some actual gems hidden there;
Premonition by thekiyuubivixen (not entirely an au but it feels like one due to the unique ability Sonic gains)
The Sonic Project by SconnieSA. Rated M but it's a pretty awesome AU and the rating is due to more serious themes and uncensored language in some parts. Highly recommending this one
Survivor's Resolve by DC111. Not entirely an AU but I must rec this fic it's so good and doea havs some AU vibes.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Attorney of Law by thedraconicwerewolf. Ace Attorney type AU with Sonic and Tails as main characters. Not too adventurous but very very fun and interesting and still managed to keep Sonic in character. Though it has a sequel started, I only rec the main story, not the sequal as it seems to be abandoned and isn't needed to be read like them cliffhanger stories.
beLIEve by Meow21. I have only read snippets from this, waiting for this story to continue but it seems to be discontinued. Felt like an epic story too and deserves to be recommended.
Sonic and the Golden Journey. Sonic gets thrown in another storybook, this time it's a children's classic fairytale. Short but very comedic and fun. Go read it.
Tales of a Samurai. I am begging you to read this one, please it's so good. Also by Taranea.
Wonderful and it's sequal Sanctuary by Inflamore for some Unbreakable Bond angst. (Kindly ignore the obliviousness of earlier ff.net for not knowing the meaning of certain symbols, there's nothing of the sort in story, trust me.)
Regrets by MazzyBooks. A high school au of sorts. Sonic centric with some heavy angst. I'm not kidding about the angst part, trust me. It had me hooked from the first chapter though and I believe it deserves a rec.
You need the cracks (to let the light shine through) by king.needlemouse. Istg this is the most underrated thing I've ever come across, it's one of my absolute favorite fics which I can never forget. Do read it.
Within this Nightmare by sonicfan1990. Sonic get transported to an alternate universe which has gone post apocalyptic and his counterpart in that universe has been dead. Pretty great story, lots of angst and everything.
And that's all I could remember and have saved for now. I'm leaving this open to more AU recs (yes even self plugs are welcome) so if you know any I missed, plz feel free to add. I hope you enjoy all these great AUs!
Thanks for the ask!
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egophiliac · 11 months
I was wanting to try doing an art piece in the style of the signature spell poster art pieces you create. But I’m not really the best at coming up with a composition for such a thing.
Do you have a process for how you come up with the compositions for them?
oh, awesome! it is an INCREDIBLY enjoyable style to work in; I hope you have fun with it! :D
I'm not great at putting my thought/art process into words, so my apologies if this doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'll try! my first step is always to do a LOT of thumbnails to figure out both the idea and how I want to show it; not trying to do a real sketch or anything, just little doodles to figure out what exactly I'm trying to portray. (I also call these "garbage passes" because they're not meant to be any good, they're just there to throw things out. aha. ha. ...anyway.) I think it's important during that first stage to really focus on the idea and the layout and not to get too bogged down in the actual drawing yet!
I tend to save my final thumbnails, so I'll use 'em as examples (I posted the ones up through episode 5 here if you're interested!) (and, uhhh, spoilers through episode 5 also in this post, hopefully that won't be an issue!)
the main thing I try to think about in composition is balance -- not necessarily in terms of symmetry, but in where each element is placed and how much space it's taking up. remember, empty space is still space! it's also really important to think about the parts that don't have anything in them, as much as the parts that do!
personally, I like to divide things up roughly by both halves and by thirds -- there's a lot more in-depth info out there on why the "rule of thirds" in particular works well visually, but in short, our brains tend to focus on things that are placed closer to imaginary division lines, instead of in the exact center of an image. so even when I'm doing something that is very centered and symmetrical, I try to keep that in mind and generally aim around those for landmarks like faces/eyes (or...where they would be, anyway) and other focal points.
it's not a formula of "the character's face should be in this division of this grid" or anything, more like "our minds like to focus on these areas, let's think about how to use that", if that makes sense! and of course rules are made to be broken, art is lawless anarchy, and so on. but it can be a good starting place for deciding where you want to put things!
(blue - thirds, red - half)
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and against the finished versions, because they do usually end up changing a lot (including the empty space of the border):
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(...these actually lined up a lot better than I thought they would. :') it makes me look like I do things way more intentionally than I do.)
other stuff I just try to keep in mind is that our eyes like following arcs and paths, which can be a good way to guide the eye:
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and frame and control the focus:
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honestly, composition is one of those things I feel like I struggle with a lot, so I'm not sure how much of this is helpful or actually makes sense outside of my head. but hopefully it helps a little! it's all just stuff to think about while drawing and not anything hard-and-fast, so don't, like, stress out about making sure things are lining up exactly on the thirds or anything. again, it's more "our brains think these are the dopest parts of the rectangle" than anything else! take advantage of the cool parts of the rectangle!
NOW GO HAVE FUN DRAWING seriously though, it is always super cool that other people like this idea and style enough to want to do it themselves and for other/their own characters! thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
How would the elite four and the Kitakami siblings interact with the Paldean group (with the MC) on an exchange program to Paldea?
Oooo, super fun prompt!! I love writing character interactions :D
There's no romance in this one, it's just them meeting each other! Enjoy :3c
BBA League and Kitakami siblings meet Arven, Nemona, and Penny!
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Unsurprisingly, Amarys and Lacey are the ones who have to handle flight details and travel preparations. Amarys is SCARY good at organization-- she makes sure everyone arrives on time, even Drayton. (Though it was quite a struggle to get him out of bed.)
Drayton and Arven are like your older brother figures, in a sense. They're both protective of you in their own ways. So when they meet, there's tension in the air as they both realize they care for you in that way. They shake hands, though you could swear their smiles are a bit more strained than usual... Must be your imagination though.
Crispin and Arven get along really well! They both love making food, so they instantly bond over that. Crispin lets Arven try some of his food, to which Arven nearly dies on the spot from how spicy it is-- but Arven gives Crispin a shaky thumbs-up, and Crispin is overjoyed!
Lacey is ALL over Penny, fawning over Penny's cute clothing, especially that adorable Eevee backpack!! Penny is a bit surprised and taken aback at first, but they get along well enough and they share a taste in cute fashion.
Kieran and Nemona have this uh... weird standoff. "So, you're Y/N's first rival? You must be pretty strong then." Kieran says, his expression unreadable. His hand is already clutching his pokeball.
Nemona goes from nervous to excited IMMEDIATELY. "NO WAY!! You're the one Y/N keeps talking about?! We have GOT to battle. Let's go to the battle court now!!" She grabs his hand and instantly runs off with him.
Arven raises an eyebrow as he watches them run off. "Typical Nemona." He sighs. Suddenly, Carmine shoves him out of the way with a determined look on her face. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go watch!" She exclaims. Penny just gives a small shrug and grabs a snack from her bag. "Snacks are on me."
Amarys, whose face is usually quite still-- watches the battle nervously. "I have not seen Kieran this fired up in a while." She comments quietly, pushing up her glasses. "I cannot help feeling a bit excited and nervous myself. The outcome of this battle will be interesting."
Kieran manages to pull off a win, though it's definitely a close battle. He's breathing heavily by the end of it, looking exhausted yet determined. To his surprise, Nemona walks up to him and offers her hand. "That was an awesome battle, dude! Kitakami trainers sure are something else!" She says with a smile.
Kieran hesitantly shakes her hand. "...Thanks." is all he says before he walks off and excuses himself to go to the Pokemon Center. Nemona laughs it off-- "I guess he's just a quiet kid!" She says.
Drayton cheers in the background. "Woo-hoo, let's go Kieran! He wasn't our former champ of BBA for nothing!" He exclaims before Carmine swiftly elbows him in the stomach.
Overall, it's an enjoyable trip! And of course, it wouldn't be a trip without Miraidon/Koraidon there to steal some of the food.
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
what if someone else tries to discipline stucky's babygirl?🥹🥹 like, some random dude who considers himself a daddy got mad for something she did?? i think daddy stucky would absoluty go ✨bersek✨
Oh....*Berserk* is putting it mildly....
But let's back up a bit first. You've been with Steve and Bucky long enough that you're truly and deeply one of the family. And with that, it means that you and your friends have gotten into plenty of trouble before at each other's places. You've been put in time outs by several of your extended family members- mostly Tony, Pepper, Natasha, and Bruce. There's a rule in the tower that if you're little and misbehaving while in their care, anyone in the family is allowed to give a time out. Of course it means you're in big trouble when your primary caregivers find out, so you don't ever MEAN to get into mischief. It just ...sometimes ...happens! Right?? :D
But there was this one time that SHIELD was introducing a group of new operatives. They were the ones who would be running some of the simpler operations that didn't require super strength, stealth, or swag. But they would have access to and contact with the Avengers, and so were brought into the Tower for training.
There was this one new recruit named Kenneth. He was tall, had a firm jaw, strong enough to handle pretty much anything- and had an extremely overblown sense of his own worth. He had decided (without asking anyone or confirming anything) that he was on his way to becoming the first civilian Avenger simply because...he was that awesome. Which he was not, but that comes later.
Since this new operatives team would also be responsible for looking out for low level threats to the Avengers themselves, they were briefed on all the Littles and Caregivers in the tower. So if, God forbid, something happened, they knew the chain of command to help take care of the Littles in a crisis situation- mostly getting the Littles to the correct Avenger.
Welp, as with most other things, Kenneth didn't feel these rules applied to him either. He knew that if he were ever to encounter one of you "littles" (as he put it, complete with his own stupid air quotes and a dumb look on his face), he'd make sure that he'd show his authority, and that would prove he could be an Avenger. *Sidenote-it's funny how these dude-bros' egos work, isn't it?*
One day Daddy and Papa had brought you upstairs with them, as had the rest of the caregivers with their own littles. It was an easy half day, and barring anything suddenly popping up, there was just regular paperwork and classified debriefings to meet about- a safe day for you all to be up there. The other littles were playing a game of tag in the big rec room, but you were feeling a little cranky from a rough night and just wanted to be on your daddies' laps. You would hop down off Bucky's lap ten minutes into a meeting to climb onto Steve's, and then back again ten minutes later. Hey, you were happy, they were happy, it was all good.
You politely asked if you could go get a drink of water, and after insisting that you could be a big girl by yourself, Bucky let you go down the hall to the kitchen area. And that's where you ran into Kenneth, who was sneaking up to the meeting, trying to make up some excuse as to why he needed to be in this Avengers-only debriefing (he was pretty sure they weren't even going to question his right to be there, but it was always good to have a plan B, right?).
He immediately identified you, and stopped you in the hallway by grabbing you by the shoulder (wrong move #1). "And where do you think you're going, little girl?" he asked you snidely (wrong move #2). You immediately stepped back, trying to get yourself out of his grip. You didn't know this guy, and you weren't supposed to talk to strangers. And no one was allowed to touch you without your permission. Daddy and Papa taught you well.
But Kenneth took that as defiance before you even opened your mouth, tightening his grip on your arm (wrong move #3...you get the idea). "You are not supposed to be wandering the halls by yourself, are you?" he sneered. "Some caregivers, just letting a helpless little girl wander around unguarded." He leaned into your face. "Someone could get hurt."
That scared you, as it sounded very threatening, so you shook your arm again, trying to pull away. "Please let go," you said through gritted teeth, trying to be polite (he was in the Tower after all, and no one got in without SHIELD's permission), but really wanting to kick this guy in his private area. Instead, Kenneth yanked your arm so hard that you cried out, and started dragging you towards the meeting room. He shoved you down onto your bottom right outside the doorway, then pointed a finger at you.
"You stay right there, little missy, and don't even think about moving. You've been very bad and you're in big trouble," he scolded, unwarranted. You just glared at him but didn't move. He didn't even bother knocking on the door to the meeting room- he just barged in.
"Captain Rogers, Sergeant Barnes? I've got something that you both need to see, immediately," he said arrogantly.
You heard the shuffle and scramble of your daddies moving quickly, and you knew they were panicking about you. But the second they got out of the doorway and saw you cowering on the floor with a glower on your face, they both stopped, confused.
"Baby, are you okay?" Bucky asked frantically, dropping to his knees and reaching out to you. You threw yourself into his arms, relieved.
"What happened? Why was she sitting on the floor?" Steve asked as he got down next to you and Bucky, brushing your hair away from your face and scanning you as hard as he could, looking for injuries.
"She was wandering around the halls, unsupervised," Kenneth replied lightly, the arrogance dripping off of him. "Then she was defiant and disobedient when I tried to help her."
" 'Tried to help her'?" Steve repeated, slowly standing up to face Kenneth. Anyone with half a brain could hear the steel in his voice and see the rage in his posture. Even Kenneth turned a bit pale at the fury he'd unknowingly invoked. "What...exactly...did she need help with?"
"Well, er...um..she wasn't supposed to be in the hallways-"
"She had permission to be there," Steve interrupted him. The aura of controlled anger about to snap that was radiating off your Papa was something to behold- you'd never seen him like this before and it was AWESOME. "She was getting a drink from the kitchen." He turned to you, smiling softly, but his vibranium-infused posture didn't change one bit. "Lovebug, were you able to get your drink?"
"No, Papa," you said simply.
"I see," he said, turning back to Kenneth as his gaze turned back to razor blades. "So you kept my baby from getting a drink when she's thirsty, you stopped her without permission and tried to get her to disobey OUR directives, and you barged into a classified meeting." He pinned the now completely pale Kenneth to the wall with only his clear cut steel blue gaze. "Anything else, baby girl?" he asked you without turning his head.
"He touched me," you added, then turned your gaze to Bucky, who was still holding you. "And it hurt my arm."
Bucky set you down gently, then stood up and faced Kenneth.
Kenneth was only able to remember three things from that moment until he woke up in the hospital. The first being the insanely loud thundering of crumbling concrete mixed with a strange whooshing sound that he couldn't immediately identify. There was also a cracking and a crunching that seemed to be coming from inside of him, but that didn't make any sense either...
The second thing was the fact that he was no longer in the hallway- he seemed to have somehow transported to another area that he was pretty sure was about three rooms away from where he'd just been standing.
The third thing was the sudden and overwhelming pain screaming all over his body. He had just enough time to realize that the Winter Soldier had thrown him through 3 solid walls before he blacked out.
When he woke up in the hospital, among the machines and IVs, he found a small cardboard box with all his desk items in it.
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safety-writes-noms · 2 months
Thoughts on Hobie Brown? I feel like he would be a very chill pred
he would totally be a chill pred omg!! currently supposed to be resting rn because I sprained my leg but I couldn't stop thinking abt this ask :D (ps ur art is very awesome but that's unrelated)
i think he'd be sorta teasing, but in a more laid back manner. he doesn't mind it if you wanna situate yourself on his shoulder (though watch out for the spikes) and has no problems holding you in his palms. Hobie understands that you're small, you're breakable even if you're also a spiderperson like him, so he's pretty careful handling you in general.
he'd totally ask you to sneak into Miguel's office/lair to grab some parts he needs for his latest invention or doohickey. the boss probably won't even get mad at you if he catches you, more tiredly resigned. you two can cause minor mayhem around HQ since you can get into all the tiny spaces he can’t.
he’s mostly chill about everything including noms. You want in? What’s the password. Just kidding, there’s no password, he’s messing with you. Then he’ll tuck you away with a gentle swallow. Inside is mostly soft, though not too loud. There’s usually not much inside since he doesn’t really like to eat if he knows before hand that he’s going to eat someone.
it makes him feel over full, and it’s just kinda messy in general. Other than that, he doesn’t really mind. If you don’t want anyone to know where you are, he’s your guy. He’ll guard you like he’s being paid for it, lying off his ass like a licensed professional. he runs warm for sure as well, so it’s a good place on a cold day.
he’s got a habit of tapping absentmindedly on his stomach when he’s got someone inside. It’s sorta like a muffled drum, faint but there. For him it’s kinda like a reminder that he knows you’re there. He hasn’t forgotten, he’s not ignoring you, etc. overall he’s just super cool honestly
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balioc · 8 months
Is this a concept-formulation that's already kicking around out there somewhere? It might well be. It feels like the sort of thing that someone would already have developed. But it's new to me, at least, so I'll muddle around with it as best as I can.
On one end of the spectrum, you've got the musical hook. A hook is maybe two seconds of music, if that. And when you hear it, if it's good, you get a concentrated spike of -- oh, yeah, that's the shit right there, this exact experience in this exact moment is fucking awesome. And then, as soon as it's come, it's gone. All you can do is wait for it to come back later in the track, or rewind a few seconds, or maybe just replay that tiny little scrap of music in your head.
The pleasure of a good hook is incredibly condensed. It doesn't even really extend into the rest of the song, let alone into the rest of your life. To experience it, you have to be listening to those exact few bars (if only in your mind). It has no penumbra, no shades-of-experience that color other aspects of your existence. On the other hand, well...when you're listening to those exact few bars, you know it, and it's great. If it's a good enough hook, you kinda just want to listen to it over and over again, like you're popping Pringles or something.
All the way on the other end of the spectrum, you've got something like a traditional-style TTRPG campaign.
Even when it's being run masterfully, a game like D&D has a very low proportion of that's the shit right there moments, and a very high proportion of tedious yak-shaving stuff. Every so often you get your critical success in a high-stakes moment, every so often you get your awesome monologue or your big-drama scene or whatever...but for every moment like that, there's a hundred moments or more of the other stuff. The commonplace D&D play experience is famous for its vast amounts of OOC joking-around, which is not how things look when people are deeply engaged with the art on a moment-by-moment basis. And, of course, not every campaign is run masterfully. Sometimes boredom, or eye-rolling, is what you get in almost every moment.
And yet people love their D&D campaigns, like really incredibly a lot, and are deeply affected by them, and not-uncommonly have their whole lives changed by them.
The correct model here, I think, is that the pleasure generated by that kind of TTRPG experience is super diffuse. It's almost all penumbra. The awesomeness doesn't inhere in any one moment, or even any one scene or any one story arc. It inheres in the broad strokes of the campaign, in the ongoing knowledge that YOU ARE YOUR COOL CHARACTER and you go on a million cool adventures, in the mythos and the running jokes that add up invisibly over time into magic. And it pervades the entirety of your existence. You can think about it when you're lying in your bed, you can chat about it with your friends over lunch, and the awesomeness is just as much there as it is when you're actually playing. Maybe more so.
Once you start looking at art through this variable-diffusion-of-appreciation lens, you can see many different points on the spectrum.
It's obvious that a short story is more concentrated than a novel, which is more concentrated than a series; it's obvious that a movie is more concentrated than a TV show. But it's not just the choice of medium that pushes in one direction or the other. It's a million different choices concerning content and style. Lushly descriptive language, in prose fiction, serves to concentrate the reader's appreciation into the moment of reading -- it forces the expenditure of extra attention for the sake of creating a beautiful mental moment, which in the vast majority of cases will be gone and forgotten almost instantly. Abstracted and philosophical language does the exact opposite, pulling the reader out of the narrative for a little bit for the sake of giving him something to roll around in his head. Suspense, and surprising plot developments, are concentration techniques that can have their full effect only during the transition from unspoiled-to-spoiled (and they serve to emphasize and heighten the moments of that transition). Archetypical, iconic plots are diffusion techniques that trade predictability-in-the-now for satisfaction-in-contemplating-the-story-later.
Sitcoms strike me as being vehicles for diffuse appreciation, to a huge extent, even more than other TV shows of comparable length etc. Much of what makes them good is just the presence of the characters and their distinctive shticks in your mindscape, in a way that builds from episode to episode without any particular grounding in specifics. When I think about a sitcom that I like, I find myself concluding that I like the show overall more than I like any single given episode. Which is weird, right? You'd expect some sort of bell-curve thing where the best episodes, or even the best individual moments, rise up above the averaged-out mass of the whole. But no.
Fannishness is, overall, a very diffuse form of appreciation. This is true in the very-obvious sense that you're enjoying the work during a time when you're not actually consuming the work, by dint of consuming/producing fanworks and talking with other fans etc. But it's also true in the somewhat-less-obvious sense that the enjoyment-of-the-thing usually ends up very unrooted in the specifics of the thing, the plot beats and characterization details and so forth. You have a big beloved vibe, with lots of bits and bobs attached, and you can take the bits and bobs you like best and rearrange them however you like best when you're engaging in fandom.
I believe it is overall true that concentrated appreciation is much more legible than diffuse appreciation. More legible to artists and art theorists, more legible to marketers and consumers. When you talk about art being good or bad or successful or unsuccessful, it's very easy to think in terms of "what is it like to consume this moment-by-moment?", and much harder to think in terms of "how does each piece of the work pervade the whole of the work, and also the general thoughtscape of the consumer?" For this reason, concentration techniques are associated with prestige, and high-prestige analysis tends to focus on a work's ability to generate concentrated appreciation.
...I also believe that different people want to be appreciating art, in the ideal case, at different levels of diffusion. There are people for whom a good artistic experience means lots of crack-hit awesome moments, and others for whom a good artistic experience means getting to live in an infinite penumbra, and others who fall at every point in between.
For reasons I may discuss later, I think this concept-suite is extremely valent to the construction of theater LARPs, and the tension between people who expect more-concentrated enjoyment and people who expect more-diffuse enjoyment is responsible for a lot of the Wars Over What's Good within that sphere.
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teshiee · 15 days
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hi hiii this is my super awesome totally cool oc x canon!! the oc here is Finson, and i pair him with Garmadon!
(hit 'read more' if you're interested to know more about them :D)
This guy sprouted in my brain when i was reading Shatterspin and looking at survivalshipping screenshots, BEFORE i found out about survivalshipping. And my brain at the time was like, cheating isn't cool! Garmadon has a wife! (even though we haven't seen them interact in a while...) and poor Lloyd!
So i started imagining what Garmadon's life pre-Misako was like! Wu too, of course, but mainly Garmadon. These guys are canonically around thousands of years old, right? so they should atleast have some kind(s) of relationship(s) back then, right?
Down here shows the very beginning of it all...up to you if you'd like to read it, i really don't want to transcribe everything...ahah
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Anyway, Finson is based on Vinny...hence the generic design. I imagine that somewhere deep in Garmadon's mind when he sees Vinny, he remembers Finson in some form! ..Though super vaguely. Like "hm, have i seen this guy somewhere?" but he doesn't really remember properly until, well, when i say he does. :]]
Finson lived by paddy fields, with his house hidden up on a hill among other houses within it's thick grove of trees. A small village!!! A special one, too. Why else would Garmadon ever have needed to visit it? eyh? eyhh??
P.s. If you've read this far, thank you!! Feel free to ask if you'd like to know more :] I'm still in the middle of figuring them out, too,,
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newkatzkafe2023 · 7 months
What If demon Male ( Y/N ) have a personality like fluttershy ( from My little pony ).
Fluttershy love animals but scare of people plus super shy to the other people.
But when they angry is quite surprising cuz it's really rare to happen.
"So how well The Monkey king react"
I love my little pony my childhood!!!🤩🥰🤯
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(Lmk Wukong) You were so adorable. He remembered clear as day the first time you guys met. You were red as a cherry Holding A baby bunny in your arms. He quickly realized you were in a threat at all. In fact, he was like What he was seeing and wanted to know what what else you got." Every day he comes to make his move with you. And every day you would squeak and look like a cherry. You were also the kindest person Heck, the kindest demon ever met. You are always worried about him and his injuries taking care of him and making sure He eats and drinks a lot of water and tea. You were also very soft-spoken and always talked to him in a low tone. But you also know when to be firm with him. When he gets to reckless, and that's when he'll listen to you sometimes. But 1 day MK and the rest got into a fight with some D. M star attacking the city again, but well, one of them almost stepped on Moe. The cat iswhen you got involved
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and you came and swinging everybody's without there with jaws drop. Well , except for wukong , who had hearts in his eyes and dopey expression on his face He received severe brainstorming a way to repay you for protecting him, his successor and his friends, Although the way he's planning to do it won't be innocent at all. When you finally calmed down and the demons were defeated. You apologize to everyone about your outbursts, but MK and Mei We're astonished and fan girling all over the damn place with how awesome you were and how impressive your strength was. Later that day, I will come whispered something to you and flew off. So flower fruit mountain, what he said, i'm leaving that up to you
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(NR Wukong) Oh my gosh, your cuteness is what constantly turns him on. He remembered the first time I met you. You were so gentle with him, and kindness seems to be your biggest quality. And he would find you around taking care of the city's stray animals, whether it'd be wrapping up their wounds or feeding them or sometimes just sitting on the curb and petting them. You are a very gentle soul, but you had the appearance of a gorilla who can snap anyone like a twig. Man, he had to get you before somebody else. Does so he officially asked you out, and that's when your relationship began. And 1 day, a bunch of thug demons were harassing some downtown people. But what pissed you off was the fact that they almost stepped on a rat. While a reckless sweet bothering the children too, that's when you snapped and lost all your reason
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Wow, everybody knows you really don't f*** around, do you? Especially with people's lives. And you may have forever captured the heart of a certain monkey King, who is having not so pure thoughts about you and whatever you're doing right now. He wonders if he can get you with that upset with him. You will destroy him like that in bed. When you finally calm down and make sure all of the kids and pets were all right , you went over to apologize to Wukong about ruining your outing together, but it appears. He was way into it more than you thought. And it's beckoning you to follow him home so you guys can work off that excess adrenaline.
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(MKR Wukong) You got to be kidding him. The monk has sent him to find the most dangerous creature in this part of the forest And ask him for his aid in the journey. He Did not expect to find a Hulking figure that speaks Like a baby and freaks out at the smallest sounds. And despite your huge figure, you look like you couldn't even squish a bug without running for someone to go kill it for where are you. The monk is really pissing him off now. I mean he does that a lot but this, this is not fair. But Despite Wukong Not taking you seriously at all You are still kind and respectful to him. Always greeting him with a good morning or a how are you Or have a good day even as you pet whatever random forest animal You find or has come to you. I guess your manners won him over a little bit but he still doesn't think too much of you until one day The Monk got kidnapped by some demons again and Wukong Went Save him with you following him pursued as to offer support for Hurt. And hurt the heat was it was That your boyfriend got hurt but Almost named a poor squirrel that Got caught in the cross fire and that's when you snapped
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Everybody watched beat the ass of every demon that disrespected you and your friend. After a while, you walked past the dead bodies of the demons who kidnapped the monk and released him. You then reached your bloody hand towards the baby squirrel. That was caught in the crossfire. It was shaking and fear, but since that, you were no threat. You picked it up and whispered towards it as you were finally coming back to your original self. You turn to apologize to the Wukong to apologize for your outburst, but something was different about him. He was blushing. He was drooling a little bit, and there were deep red hearts in his eyes. As he stared at you with a dark expression. You were worried that you may have scared him. But with the way he was purring now. I think you did the exact opposite as he pulled you by your shirt. Your uncontrolled fury had flipped a switch in his brain. And now he wants in on whatever you got.
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(HIB Wukong) I feel he'll like your personality. You are a lot more patient than he is, that's for sure. And his Grouch moments don't seem to put you off. If anything, it motivates you to see what would make him feel better about the situations. So I guess he'll appreciate that. They also appreciate how you show Liuer how to be respectful and gentle to animals? And how you care very much for nature as well , and even provide for injured or Sick animals Until one day some stray demands were Hunting for animals and harassing the villagers When one of them almost hurt Silly Girl and a Butterfly That's when you snapped entirely you quickly grab silly girl and put her next to Liuer Before going absolutely insane on those demons.
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Everybody's jaw dropped as they watched. You lay ways to all those demons that attacked the children and the animal. You finally calm down the second demons. Decided to run away from you, and you went back to your shy, soft-spoken self. As you apologize to everyone for your outburst. But everybody seemed to be cheering and impressed by your unusual. There was even a little mini party as a thanks for helping. When everybody went home,that's Wukong.Approach you. And then he was making a bunch of very steamy promises as he pulled you towards Cave.
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(Netflix Wukong) OMG You guys have the cutest relationship with anybody what he has ever seen. It is so adorable that people wanna throw up and be envious of what you guys have. You guys took forever to give a hug to the other with out Blushing on both ends. Don't even get me started on the First Kiss. It is so painfully cute. Your kindness was a big advantage on winning him over and a listening ear for him when he's having a bad day, and do you appreciate when you offer cuddles to distress. You were always there to offer him comfortand he appreciates that , but one day, you actually got to see the cause of his discomfort. Some demons Invaders were not taking him seriously at all. In fact, they were bullying him. Engranted, he was fighting more, but You yourself can hear his Stone Heart breaking from a bunch of miles from Here. And that's when you lost it
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You had no problem striking the fear of God into those demons. I think some of them might be dead. But everybody saw what you can clearly do when provoked and enraged. The demons quickly retreat at knowing better than to try and stay and fight you. And everybody in the village stood there in shock before breaking out into a cheer's, and that's when you snapped out of it and turned back into your shy. Cherry soft spoken self Quickly apologizing for the outbursts to both the villagers. When you got back from the town square, you were ready to apologize to Wukong about your uncontrollable anger. Until he looked at you strangely. There was a blush on his face and hearts in his eyes ,He had never seen you like that before, How savaged how unhinged how, How sexy. He wants a taste of that rage in your body, and he's gonna get it now.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
i swear, i WAS going to leave you alone for the rest of the day. I thought 'oh no, you've bothered them enough for the day, wait until tomorrow' (they did not, in fact, wait until tomorrow) however i had thoughts and wanted to share them with you! 😊
concept: I was scrolling through some of your previous posts for a second time today (still all very cool and awesome btw) and the one about the reader saying swear words without knowing what they are kinda stuck with me.
So lets reverse it! You, the creator, fall into teyvat and CAN speak the common language there, while also still remembering your own native language. and so your native tongue becomes super holy to them (eg. 'omg, the creator is speaking in their holy tongue, lets all listen and nod')
Unfortunately, this has its drawbacks, especially because the majority of the times you speak in your native tongue you are cussing out everyone.
3 potential scenarios have stemmed from my brain because of this.
You getting annoyed at your worshippers and yelling at them, then afterwards they all thank you for blessing them
Swearing so often that the people around you start to pick up on the words and now all of your worshippers are parroting swear words at really important events, while you try and keep a straight face
Accidently teaching one of the kids swear words and then klee starts saying 'fuck' all the time and the adults are all like 'thank you for teaching klee one of your divine words, it truly is a blessing. what does it mean though?' and you're just sitting there like 😅
also thanks for being so nice about my shenhe post :) i love her so much <33
NOO dont worry abt it!! Ill just answer whenever i got the time!! I definitely dont mind multiple asks from the same person dw bby 👍✨️
This reverse is so much funnier than the OG way, you have such a BIG BRAIN👏👏
Those scenarios had me fucking laughing my ass off, the BLESSING THEM 😭KLEE 😭 PLEASE-
Also this might be ass writing bc I can’t get rid of my headache rn :/
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Look what you've done.
It was so harmless at first, teaching Amber a word or two there bc she was curious abt ur accent,
The reveal that Teyvat's language wasn't your native language.
But that was still manageable, that was still okay
From Amber, to Eula, to Venti, to Kaeya, to Rosaria, to Diluc, to Jean, that information spread slowly but surely
After all, you didn't use it often, no one here in Teyvat even vaguely recognized it (not even a vague similarity from one of the other countries even)
It wasn't like,, shocking to the majority of Mondstadt's residents that you had a different native lang. (nor any of the other countries once they realized you were here, and had a diff native lang.)
I mean, you were the Creator,
why wouldn't there be some ancient powerful holy lang. that only you (or along with some lucky priest/vessel/follower) could understand?
However, it did become a problem when you, as the human experience dictates, got irritated 
You see, Teyvat isn’t an easy world to get used to, from the elemental reactions, the huge amount of hostile/active flora and fauna, there was a lot of room (even as favored as you were as the Creator) for accidents
You had already had a few mishaps, asking the waiter to bring you some salt bc ur table didnt have any on accident, bumping into the allogenes who wanted to walk around with you that day when they stopped abruptly
But now you can confidently say you can pinpoint the inciting incident in hindsight.
You had been traversing Liyue, and of course, it’s very rocky, even the well beaten paths outside Liyue Harbor were littered with pebbles and stones
So bc theyre respectful sweethearts, Shenhe, Xiao, Zhongli, Ganyu and the rest of the Adepti wnated to have a calm brunch at Cloud Retainer’s Abode w/ u <3
On the way up, bc u insisted normal walking was fine- no Xiao you want to see the sights teleportation isn’t necessary right now- nO Shenhe, really, the walk will be good for you, you don’t need to be carried-
You are supposed to be a mortal these days, not a 60 meter/feet long dragon- 
WHAM (u were so busy telling them to quit it that u werent watching ur path, aint none of their thousands of years old reflexes good enough to save u from being a clumsy fuck)
and your on ur ass.
“Fuck, ow,” immediately Shenhe has swept you up, Ganyu is rambling nervously, Xiao jumped but hasn’t said anything, but you can feel his worry from how tense he is, Zhongli’s hands are hovering, unsure if he should touch, and Shenhe- Shenhe- you can’t breathe- 
“Fuck guys stop, I’m fine-”
They;re eyes widen, Zhongli looks a little happier?? wtf all u did was-
oh no.
Now, everytime you have dinner with any of the Liyue characters they bow their heads, and in unison “Fuck guys stop I’m fine”
And it just got worse.
Bc you spent a few weeks in Liyue, and you had a lot of events to attend, little incidents like this happened everywhere
“Shit!” you drop a tea cup
“Damnit” some miner guy in town dropped his pickaxe loudly
You blame Zhongli and Ningguang.
Fuckers wanted to make sure they showed you utmost respect, so they both remembered every. single. word. of your language you have ever said around them.
Between Zhongli’s memory and elegant appearance, and Ningguang’s influence, your cuss words spread overnight
Families are now sitting around their dinner and thanking you for Teyvat’s bounty of food, “Thank you Creator for our meal, fuck guys stop I’m fine.” the kids and everything 💀
Liyue literally has become the most dirty mouthed city overnight, and they look SO PROUD OF IT  😭 😭
u never telll any of them LMAO
It’s a little rough, but I hope u got smth nice outta this, ur idea was so good I didn’t even wanna add anything but I wanted to show my appreciation for sharing those with me lol 
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determunition · 10 hours
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hey everyone! inscryptober is just around the corner once again :D i'm excited to run this little fandom art/writing challenge for a third year, and extra excited to see what everyone comes up with this time!
i'm currently putting together the themes for this year's event, and as always my askbox is open for any suggestions you might have for them! if you're new to the event feel free to check out the previous year's themes here and here to get a feel for the kind of prompts i tend to go with ^^
also, if you'd like a more direct hand in brainstorming ideas both before and during the event, feel free to join my discord server! i use it for both scrybruary and inscryptober, as well as just to chat with fellow inscryption fans! you can find the link right here
super excited to get everything set up again, and hoping to see a good turnout from awesome artists and writers alike this year! ^^
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Hello! I know you're one of the people who ship Moon and Solar (TSAMS) And y'all have gotten me into the ship as well! XD I'm not caught up on the lore of the show(s) So i haven't even seen Solar IN SHOW before (i am very behind to before Lunar was Sun and Moons brother :' D) But I have some ideas I'm debating writing for the ship buttt....I have no clue how Canon Solar acts??? Do you know if theres somewhere I could find a Summary on his personality? (and I suppose...new Moon?) I'll probably unintentionally make them OOC...never written for anything TSAMS related, but i'll try!
And is there a ship names thats...like used for them instead of Solar X Moon or is it just called that?
Anywho, I hope you have a good day/night!!! You make awesome stuff! (And I know theres been some people making drama over the ship, I hope you don't let them get to you too much tho!! <3 /P)
Heheheh. Thank you. I've been shipping these two since June 2023 so I'm glad I can share the brainrot and some people are more welcoming and cool then I expect. (mostly the ones who can't think critically are the youtube audience but that's expected. Since a lot of the youtube target audience are... like.. minors or really young adults who can't conceive the concept.)
I rewatch that Episode where Solar changes his name and rebuilds the Daycare in a week just for Moon constantly cause it's just... so much admiration and appreciation Moon has for Solar in that episode. I swear I don't know if it was a flub on the actor's part... but I swear Moon calls him 'sexy' as he's dragging him to charge. the stock sound effect of "OOOOH" doesn't help my APD and I've listened so many times and I have no possible idea what Moon could be saying to Solar other then 'come here you stupid, sexy-...." (trails off) sooo... idk. I might have misheard that severely but that's just what I'm hearing.
Like, in terms of New Lore of the show, it gets pretty complicated.
So complicated in fact, TSAMS themselves released a new video on the subject.... But it's NOT a very good guide, as it misses a lot of things. (and no I don't mean the stupid guest cameo stuff) this is more or less an abridged take on what happens with no emotional impact:
Like, this is a good starting point if you want the barest of bones, but it misses so much stuff. I think they don't even mention how Solar gets introduced into this family. lol. Just like "yeah Im here and I helped kill Eclipse" fheahehf. It's a super well made video though, and I don't mind the editing mistakes (clearly when the actors change the avatar on screen.... whoops. Happens a few times)
There is also the Fan Wiki, but as of now, it is incomplete, (@twinanimatronics is working tirelessly on updating the wiki and I wish they got more reconignition from the tsams community as a whole ) but it does give a decent look into Solar
There is also the huge TSAMS Lore Document, which Ceph(twinanimatronics) also worked on which contains a further detailed explanation of the story so far, for those who don't have time to watch 2 years worth of youtube content that aren't in a concrete playlist. (TSAMS. PLAYLIST YOUR STUFF PROPERLY. YOU HAVE TWO YEARS OF LORE HERE)
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Liike.... yeah... this is okay but like..
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This is VRchat. Aka the lore. Which also includes when they play videogames in VRchat, which don't impact the story... Like Uno, Amongus and SCP stuff.....
And it doesn't divide the arcs. Something that TSAMS severely needs more then any other SB Show channel.
Also, in the early days, the gameplay videos USED to be part of the lore. As the concept of Eclipse itself, being a rouge evil ai that lived in Sun's head (as it was presented initially but we know the truth it was the killcode moon planted in Sun when they separated.)
These days, they kinda dropped the gameplay videos being directly connected to the over arching plot. Other then just saying that their vids are pre-recorded or "we're back" after an annual halloween takeover.
Not to mention... When Earth and Lunar got a show, they became intertwined with the Sun and Moon show. LAES is very much it's own thing, but it's the ONLY Security Breach Show that consists of two Original Characters spawned from the Sun and Moon show. A rarity. So their lore continues off from the Sun and moon show, giving more info on Lunar these days and Earth (their sister)
Then you have the Monty and Foxy show (which is my least favorite of the shows... Personal Preference. I try not to complain cus I know some people like it. But I do not like the plot points in that show, or the character writing and weird directions they take while being connected to the same universe.)
And Monty is a character voiced by Davis, who also voices Sun. So Monty started out as a prominent character on the Sun and Moon Show, and then got his OWN show... at a point in TSAMS history after Eclipse got the star and killed Lunar.
So yeah. I wish the playlists were better organized here. So we knew when each era starts.
(people say Matpat should get on this show lore... And noooooooo no thanks. Keep him away. We got you covered. Ceph honestly has enough info to make a video guide at this point.)
But long story short, Solar is a "Good Eclipse" from another dimension that the Old Moon introduced to Lunar, when Lunar was struggling with his trauma of leaving Eclipse. Good Eclipse and Lunar become friends.
Anyway, here are some key episodes that outline NewMoon and Solar's relationship, as Solar had never met the Old Moon.
Old Moon had never met Solar. It was New Moon who introduced himself to Solar to help defeating Eclipse once and for all. (and by this point lunar had died)
He was actually surprised that this Moon was a chill Moon and could be reasoned with and talked to, considering he was living a rather oppressive life from his own Moon.
There's also a whole episode saga of just these two bantering and talking while they work on the satellite together. I can't remember which specific episodes those are.
You can also see the difference between the Evil Eclipse and Good Eclipse here in one of my all time favorite episodes:
Moon saving Solar's life: (also the death of the bad Eclipse)
Everything is good and happy after Eclipse dies for awhile. (aside of Ruin and Bloodmoon wrecking shit) He goes back to his own dimension... and you get to see what his sad life is like:
From his Moon calling him "byproduct" and failure very often.
But... Something happens and Solar is forced to come to Moon's dimension
here's Solar at his poor little meow meow "I have nowhere to go" stage and just... thought to go to Moon immediately due to their history.
Moon's only question about Solar moving in, is that if he wanted him to blacklist his dimension once he heard what was going on with his Moon.
And immediately, Solar jumps in to help Moon with his problems.
Also during the halloween takeover part 2 electric boogaloo, Solar was the one to help get Sun and Moon back after being teleported to a different dimension with no hopes of returning
Also, after Ruin was cured and Bloodmon ran off, Solar rebuilt the ruined Daycare in a week. And Moon is so grateful for it. (i rewatch this episode a lot. It cemented the ship in my mind and built the commodity that they've been building up for months)
We also get what Solar's daily life is like so far... How out of place he feels, being someone from a different dimension, despite the Brothers (and sister's) insistence, he still doesn't really feel like he's part of the family. He feels like an outsider. (He also has less opportunities to hang out with Lunar. As he expressed interest in playing games with him like the good old days, and as of recently, they have not yet)
also a good example of the Celestial family changing minds on family dynamics because they are robots. Lunar flat out rejected Vegeta-Animatronic is his brother even if he technically is. Like, they're robots. They can change their relationships to each other based on their word. I like to see it more flexible then it is in reality with actual people/humans.
Moon also trying to make Solar feel comfortable and feel like he's adjusting well here. Expressing his concern for him doing so much for him and his family. And hoping to not pressure him into so much work.
As of recently, his Sun died, and he killed his Moon. And in his therapy session (on the Lunar and Earth Show) he expressed regret over "Leaving" them...
But he has not properly told anyone about this.
My reasoning is that he probably thinks that the family will jump on the chance to call him "Evil" .....They don't have good luck with Eclipses.... and every Eclipse they met other than him has been Evil. (that must weigh on you. Every version of yourself is deemed as evil across every dimension. You are the only good one. Maybe there is something wrong with you)
I'm already at the video limit, but on Lunar and Earth show, there is an interesting episode where Lunar goes into Solar's head, and his mindscape looks like the Willy Wonka TV room, because it was a movie he watched with his Sun before they separated and Sun died. Showing that he did care about his Sun a whole lot... Which is probably why he doesn't interact with our Sun that much alone.
He also compartmentalizes everything before he can feel emotions, playing his own memories in third person as if he's not experiencing them.
Not to mention, he organizes and separates his thoughts on NewMoon and HIS Moon, just so he won't associate the two.
I also missed what episode it was, but Solar is always the first to call Moon out when he's being angry, or irrational, and Sun admits in his therapy session, that Solar is the only person who can calm Moon down. (mainly cus he's used to it, but unlike his old moon, this moon listens)
I love Solar a lot, can you tell?
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cookieswithay · 9 months
🎄Christmas Rottmnt...headcanonsish!
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(🎅Rated E for everyone!)
• Leo, the snowman☃️
• "Okay, my little mistletoe~"
• Leo purred (with his usual charming smile.) He set his hands on the box. Sticking his fingers directly under the seams of the wrapping paper.
• "Let's see what you got me."
• With one motion, ALL the wrapping paper torn was off. Super confused and a little impressed, you looked too Donnie.
• "Leo has the "perfect" method to remove wrapping paper."
• He replied, deadpan. You snickered and looked back at your boyfriend, waiting for his reaction.
• He raised it up.
• "What's this?"
• He asked, softly. You cleared your throat. Time for the present's dramatic origin story! You sat down next to him.
• "I noticed whenever you post your "champion" pictures on Tok Tik, you only have shades and a robe hanging off of you."
• You looked down and tugged a loose thread out of your jeans.
• "So, I bought you a crown."
• "It'll look nice on you."
• ...That didn't sound nearly as powerful as it did in your head.
• Leo closed his mouth and put the his crown back in the box. He just stared at with a neutral expression. You looked around.
• "...Do you like it-?"
• The moment those words left your mouth, you were smooched and spun around in the air.
• "Oh my gosh! You are so thoughtful!"
• Leo shouted, still spinning you. You said a dizzy "yer welcome" and he finally stopped.
• "Hold on, I got the perfect thing."
• He said. He rummaged through his jean pockets. And out came the pinnacle of Christmas traditions.
• "Mistletoe~"
• Your cheeks burned. He's not gonna set you free in awhile.
• Donnie claus🎅
• "You're my secret Santa, right?"
• Donnie asked. You nodded quickly. That was his, alright. You made the "go on" motion. Normally, you're not one to rush, but you were dying to see his reaction. Noticing your eagerness, he snickered and slowly peeled the wrapping paper away.
• He looked closer.
• "Lou jitsu: the video game?"
• You slid next to him, bumping his shoulder.
• "Uh-huh. But unlike the original that only pixels, this is remastered."
• You replied, rolling the R. Noticing all the brothers looked puzzled, you decided to go with the simple yet awesome explanation. You stood up.
• "Let's just say I persuaded Jace into remaking the game this Christmas."
• You said with a smug smile. Obviously, you let your fist do the talking. You're real, like that. Donnie shot up next to you.
• "You shook down the purple dragons for me?"
• You nodded.
• "Even got 'im add to a dlc."
• "Plot written by me, of course."
• D took a breath, kissed you on the cheek, and headed towards the bathroom.
• "Where are you going?"
• Mikey asked. (Already tearing into his present.)
• "Too much eggnog."
• Donnie said, tearfully.
• Mikey, the red nosed reindeer🦌
• "Wow...it's so big!"
• Mikey laughed. He shook the box around. Which was bad for the gift.
• "Is it just one thing or a bunch of doohickeys?"
• You clamped your hands over his, your chest on his shell.
• "Just open it and find out."
• You said calmly, hiding your nervousness well. He nodded and got to shredding. He was gobsmacked when he saw the shinier box underneath.
• "Oh. Me. Gosh."
• "The Jupiter Jim super awesome fan box!?"
• You nodded, a little smile on your face. You gifted all the boys (and Splinter) Jupiter Jim stuff, but...your boyfriend got the best one.
• "Aw, what?"
• Leo whined in the background. You weren't sure why he was pouting. You got him the BIG set of JJ posters.
• "Posters, stickers, comic books,"
• "Ah! It's got everything!"
• Mikey looked at you with a HUGE smile. You suddenly lost your footing and was pulled into a very tight hug.
• "You're the nicest, sweetest, nicest, person ever."
• He gushed into your shoulder. You kissed him on the cheek and then realized your leg kinda hurts...Did this boy trip you?
• Raph Frost❄
• "Can I take off the blindfold now?"
• Raph asked, reaching for it. You answered with a sharp 'no' and he totally stopped. He was pretty confused since wrapping paper is enough to cover a gift. Why all the secrecy? After some scuffling and scolding Splinter for trying to "taste test" the gift, you put your hand on Raph's.
• "Okay...you can take it off now."
• You said, quietly. He snatched the 'fold off and looked down. His mouth instantly watered.
• "You made me a cake!?"
• You nodded, getting shy. You wiped your hands wiped on your apron.
• "Funds were kinda low this year, so I could only make you somethi-"
• Raph pulled you close.
• (With one hand, mind you.)
• "Are you kidding? I can't wait to eat this circle of festive goodness!"
• "Donnie grab the plates!"
• You felt, lowkey overwhelmed. You were expecting an awkward 'thank you' and the silent treatment. But...he's super happy. About an edible gift!?
• "You're okay with gift you can only have today!?"
• You asked, still squished against his plastron.
• "Of course, I got it from you after all."
• That one sentence...melted your frozen heart. Why is he the absolute sweetest?...But, it's just for today though! You sighed and laid into on his front shell.
• "Merry Christmas, ya dork."
Merry Christmas! This was a last minute post, but I'm glad I did it. Did you notice the difference of each reader? I hope so. Please be merry and reblog! That would make me happy. Stay warm today everyone🥰
(Reblog list: @usoppsstar, @takibikaen, @futuristicmage, @whattraintracks, @cottoncandyclown123,)
(Most of those people are the ones who read part 2 and 1 of Donnie 0 recently. Sorry if I missed you. Merry Christmas!)
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