#you're making me have a sort of paradigm shift
tonycries · 3 days
drunk reader sucking on getos adams apple while he's asleep🥴🥴🥴
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pikahlua · 1 year
The Todoroki family subplot is so heartbreaking honestly. My heart aches for every one of them. Touya just wanted to be loved 😞
Also… I hope Iida will walk again eventually because that looked incredibly brutal on his legs.
Lately I've had trouble holding my tongue on how I interpret what's going on with the Todoroki family. For me, there's a lot about the Todoroki family story that hits way too close to home. But it just comes across as even funnier when people talk about how unrealistic it is when compared with abuse in real life--because they're usually referring to Endeavor's change. Endeavor's part is actually the best written (or more true to life) if you ask me. The part that rings hollow based on my experiences is the idea that the entire family all at once comes to the same realization about their faults and needing to be better. Very rarely do other people see themselves as part of the problem (the dysfunctional family, if you will), so they pin all the blame on one person.
Anyways, that's neither here nor there in the end. Any extrapolation to the real world we as readers make about the Todoroki family is just that--an extrapolation. We can try to find the morals or reflections of reality in these stories, but ultimately those are things we put into the story, not the artist himself. Even when the artist tries really really hard to make us make those extrapolations, they're still our own extrapolations.
What we really have, literally speaking, is a story about characters in their own world. It has a narrative arc and setting and character development all neatly contained within their society. The story is about a major societal paradigm shift, something that rarely happens in the real world. It was always going to be some sort of wish fulfillment story. Touya's actions from start to finish betray his emotions with respect to his family. I called it "love" in previous posts, but to be clear I don't mean the happy ending saccharine kind of love that diminishes the word. I mean that Touya cares. He can't divorce himself from his feelings about his family. He can't ignore his own investment in the family's trajectory. He's a hurt little boy who grew up and never healed the hurt. You're right: he just wanted to be loved. And now, his family has come to save him (unlike, for contrast, the majority of Tenko's family).
MHA is first and foremost a story about heroes, and true heroes save people--no matter who those people are. No matter what those people have done in the past. If someone needs saving, then a hero must save them. That's the story we've always been reading.
And I'm sure Iida will be fine. He's done way worse to his engines before lol.
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illogarithmil · 8 months
I'm presently writing* a short Mage: the Ascension adventure for the TTRPG JAMuary jam on Itch, so MtAs is very in my brain at the moment. And it's remarkably how much stuff just in the world feels like it comes straight from Mage:
Walking the dog around a nearby posh private estate absolutely gives an impression of what moving through a different Reality Zone should feel like. Even though it's not really a gated community and none of the people are unfriendly per se, you get a sense of full-body unwelcomeness that just seems to permeate the environment. You can feel that really basic things like interacting with neighbours and moving between estate and non-estate spaces Work Differently Here. I get this with the distinction between the university town and normal town bits of my uni city, too.
There's presently an elaborately set-up stack of three books and a pen which hold my laptop charger in the one specific position where it will keep my laptop alive. There is no obvious reason why it only works in that position. The position changes every 2-6 hours and I have to readjust the books. This is a capital-T Technology which interacts with not-obviously-related objects to produce an effect largely confusing to everyone around me; most obviously, it feels like an Etherite thing, but you could extrapolate out to say that this is sort of what all mages do. It makes sense from their very specific perspective and appears like random, useless chaos and clutter to basically everybody else. (Oh look, the position needs changing again.)
Starting drinking coffee has really adjusted my perspective on how adjusting your perspective (with mind-altering substances or anything else) could be a magickal practice. It doesn't have to be as obvious and direct as 'trip on shrooms until you hallucinate a dragon; now there's a dragon!'** Rather, different perception of the world, greater clarity or somethingity of thought (depending on method), allow you to interact with it from wholly different angles. In a subtle fashion, they shift the entire pattern of life over a course of days so that new things become possible, new avenues that you literally couldn't see or imagine before. Make that magickal: now you can find the alleyways-between-alleyways because your Awakened LSD is (from your perspective) letting you look at angles sideways for the first time... if you see what I mean, there aren't really good words in the English language for this. And then if you want to go super vulgar, apply that more directly - it's not that you're just hallucinating a dragon into existence, it's that you're giving yourself the spike of vision, of possibility, needed to see and talk to the dragon that was always there in a space which is much more accessible than it normally seems and convince it to give you a hand.
I love finding the magic(k)al in the mundane.
*Attempting to write, I'm mainly working on it in the breaks between dissertation work so whether it'll get done... ** Nowt wrong with perception=reality as an element of paradigm of course, but it does tend to prove the point of the MtAw fans who insist that all MtAs mages are basically just solipsists. I've definitely played that character, but it's always good to underline that there can be others within the vaguely Ecstatic-y mind-alteration space
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(Hey so I'm definitely not new here but I changed my name so I just wanted to let u know lmao)
Hey dork squad my favorite trio (*´∇`)ノ
How's your week been?
My week has been hectic, I swear. Since Monday was presidents Day in America we didn't have school, when we went back the next day we had a school shooting .... At my high school and I was present. Thankfully it was a hoax but so many kids/teachers have had theories about it, the one thing that stuck with me was the panic I felt but I was proud of my self that I was able to stay calm and sorta take action and help comfort my friends. On Wednesday we had a snow day bc my state is bipolar af, school was normal today but it snowed as I was walking home it was annoying it kept wetting my glasses :/. Idk what's going to happen tomorrow but I'm ready for it!
Anyways here's a cute little cat meme!
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Jonathan would know all about that.
I beg your pardon?
You pulled a gun out on your students.
Did you pull the trigger, Mr Crane? ♠️
Why would you ask him a thing like that!?
I don't know! It seemed the next thing to ask!♠️
What would you know of fluidity and order- even in social norms!?
The one on the left is looking at me rather peculiarly...♠️
...Exactly my point. Now what are you blabbering on about?
The cat me...me? Me me? It isn't me- is it? Or is it me? Am I the Cheshire cat? What a funny little trick! ♠️
That's not what the conclusion is, Jervis and it is a meme. They're mindsucking, brain bleeding mirages of humour for the young and dumb.
In a world of constant change, pain and sorrow. All that remains is finding comfort in relating to one another. Finding comfort in the pain we had no idea everyone else feels. A world full of expectations, we forget the age old lesson that we never are truly alone. So much so, its argued strongly that for every thought a human has ever had atleast another ten people in the world has had the same thought. Oh, sorry Mr Nygma, I know that must threaten a paradigm shift of sorts.
Crane, I'm going to say this is delicately as I can. Fuck off. Stop smirking at me too.
Language! ♠️
Yes, Edward. Language.
You're antagonising.♠️
Yes, I am. Do you intend to stop me, Jervis?
...Mr Crane, I have no intention of diverting your path for I value my days. ♠️
That's what I thought.
Before I lose any more brain cells to you two- can we get back to the matter at hand?
Ah yes, now is the time to offer a socially acceptable response to show that we are capable of empathy. Therefore...we are so glad to know that you are alright. Such a vile thing to joke of. For the record, I did nothing for humour and I brought it for educational purposes. A prop for class.
But...it is horrible! What kind of joke is that!? ♠️
Ask the Joker.
I'd rather not. ♠️
I see you mentioned controlling your fear...perhaps you'd like to discuss this further?
Don't make me sit through this.
I think the one of the left is trying to tell me something...♠️
DISCLAIMER: I know my rules say that my content doesn't represent my true feelings but had to put this out there to make sure it was clear. I'm so glad this was a hoax. I hope you know that whilst the characters are insensitive- I am horrified you had to experience such a terrible thing and hope you're okay!
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
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"........" Who would've imagined that their situation could've turned out like this? That they would be a pair of the most unconventional knights that graced the Favonian HQ's halls in generations. The current paradigm shift within Teyvat's history certainly allowed an interesting line of hoops to be skipped through, all in the name of getting them adjusted as momentary muscle for the upcoming struggles that held too little man power. That is to say it didn't come with perks (or curses, considering how one views it), as their forms would be adorned with galesong steel, fixed with the proper structure that makes them look the part as two upstarts as the Knights of Favonious. As it stands, Thoma's expression, despite the confusion, looks pleased to a degree. "Have I ever told you I dreamed of being a knight when I was a kid? Starry eyed, thinking that being a legend would be a walk in the park?" Just the idea causes him to chuckle due to the innocence of the matter. Knights certainly had to face hell and a half when gaining renown. That said, a kamera was positioned in his hands, all too curiously watching Tetsuya's adjustment in the armor suit as he gave the item a wag. "And in a weird way, it's the new punishment now. How about we snag a picture or two of this to commemorate? Getting almost banned from Windblune doesn't net a person this everyday."
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Inner peace.
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He should have known this was bound to happen, a consequence. No action goes without consequence after all, at this point Tetsuya has grown used to such a thing from happening over and over again. "Don't talk to me right now." Tetsuya's voice echoes within his knight's helmet as he uncharacteristically stands at attention in this disgusting knight's armor right next to Thoma. Why the helmet? He refuses to have others recognize who he is in passing that's why. It's already bad enough that he has to serve some sort of sentence. Worse for him if word gets out and Lesser Lord Kusanali finds out. He is not upset with Thoma, in fact he finds that he does not regret the clash they had... all he regrets is this disgusting knight's armor.
Even if he did tell off Thoma a bit, he finds himself listening to what he has to say. How he goes about the knights and honestly it is a likely story. Isn't that how it is for so many children at least at a young age? Looking at the knights with starry struck eyes, hopeful for grandeur, thinking up all of these little illusions and dreams about one's might and power? Tetsuya never had such a thing, in fact he can not even relate to it any shape or form. When he was, quote-unquote, young, at least when he began to understand reason and became comprehensive... he just wanted his mother. However that is neither here or there for him now and he does not regard Thoma's wish as ridiculous, for any child at a young age would have loved that. "So... you're from Mondstadt." He is not asking, he is not requesting that he indulge, Tetsuya is simply pointing out a detail Thoma just about confirmed all on his own. Isn't that interesting then... that he'd be in Inazuma than here.
Tetsuya turns his attention to Thoma when he sees him move, curious as to what he was doing. "A picture?" He asks out loud, hesitating at first, finding the idea rather ridiculous in nature but... "Heh," it still something worth laughing about, "sure." He agrees, raising the visor that concealed his eyes only for it to come slamming back down over his eyes. "Tch!" Stupid armor.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There are a lot of people buying campers it's a good idea and people say what do we do so you have people buy them and it's true if you're higher up you have them by enough for your it is and I have a bunch of land and you buy a bunch of PVC and you buy a bunch of CIP and other things and you're trying to get a gravity drain going.
-just one more thing we have about enough patience for about 2 seconds of stuff and everybody knows it and they get nothing it's really bizarre but you know they're under a delusion that they do and Max taught him that stuff over the years and it goes on and on and it does not look good it really doesn't but the genre splits up and it's very helpful what we're doing and Thor and Freya and we're getting assistance from Olympus and others it is very helpful there's some people that are pivotal and getting this done and from the start and a long time ago I wasn't Bill and it was also Stark and Mr Stark and his wife his actual wife and his mistress. And yeah you guys do that a lot ridiculous Tommy F too he has a big mouth. Really we'll make up a little list but we're going to do this contest and I have like a winner on Saturday times square for clans and come up with their theme song for their feet age clan has a fleet they run each clan is like a region or a general and they each have their own song and unfortunately like BG has awesome songs he's got a teeny clan everyone ends up playing the music it's kind of lame yeah.
-there's other things happening it's like an arms race the foreigners are up in another 20 million and the empire is coming to 50 million more than what they had if it's going to be neck and neck but that's a crap load and they're taking up tons of space they're not near our bases but it's a good thing we have them so you can watch them do that
He's going to mosey on to the next venue
Zues really I'm having a lot of issues they're poking and potting and sending bugs to bite me and itchy and you know I have asking you to Justin all sorts of things constantly but this is making me a little bit happy this change and it is a large change and it's a shift in the paradigm meaning that it is such a large amount of hardware built in such a short time that it's going to have a large impact on the economy I believe it will spurn it on and it will begin I think a better attitude and demeanor in general and it's much needed this is a boost that's really really needed
Zues Hera
And I do appreciate the mention and it is definitely necessary things are going well and they hear from Matthew and he was telling me that it is boosting the economy people are buying things people are feeling better they're buying entertainment items and snack packages and all sorts of things that are online and huge amounts of things from grocery stores and beer and it's going fast and your Brewers will probably do well but there are a lot of necessities being bought and people want to buy cars and more and they have energy for it and optimism I'm looking at it like they've done a great job and in this genre there is the emperor of all mankind and others of the clans what appears to be them it might be a solution as to what's been going on and it looks like they're in some manner of the bunker and our friend says it probably is an imitation brand but he doesn't know it looks like someone takes the existing skull and sets it into an hi system and I thought about that and thought they put it there and took a picture of it and said he's already gone and been doing so it is motivation and I looked at it that way cuz that's what you kind of intimated to some people if you say you are confirming so you going to publish it's very important and we would love getting involved with a lot of fun
Yeah I said it looks like Grandma cuz it did looks a lot like her exactly like her and there's a reason for that it might be a problem and there's still some kind of War there we're having a good time there is a lot of things happening that are positive and they are affecting everybody people are very negative here and their farts but they have a plan and they're not being negative and farts because of that it's just that they are losing everything and now they have hope and they're busy and thank God I never hit it eventually that was hell so he's got to go get something for dinner and other things but really what a great job and we do have to get something and it'll be some kind of joint effort but we have to approve it and it's been rack this brain but he doesn't know what the results of things would be social security doesn't seem to be our problem although it looks like it started to fight he's just kind of been on ice with it and they've been missing chicks checks and so forth threatening to be the directory that's going to stop so going to put an effort in and he's taking us but what this could be fun it's a lot funnier than what's going on good God. There's several cosplay events coming up and those are different than comic Con they're all over Miami and there's a couple in Tampa coming up this week and this weekend it is about 50 of them in total but only two in Tampa and our friend here or my grand nephew was saying you should have one of the fisherman's village and at night of course it's way too hot during the day and inside restaurant that you can cool possibly and at the end of Harris you can cool off and have AC and it would be a great place to do that and he can show up at sometime but it's a great place to start off and we'll see how behaviors but boy it's going to happen this week and this weekend starting Thursday day after tomorrow comic cons are not up and running for this but they shall be there's two or three of them and they are going to be going on very soon but he says it's time to start doing things proactively and if there's one out there and it's in Port Charlotte kind of punta Gorda and it's within at the bus distance the bus can take them there believe it or not they take people to events and people it's not nose here and this girl but it would be good to go out there good to start something and it will begin probably on next weekend or something but he says we could arrange it and you can rent it anybody can rent it and bja might he says and of course it would be deserve kind of prevalent here still and that's the place to do it any place for people to check all sorts of stuff out and I was wondering if BG wanted to go and people want his autograph they want BG to autograph things and they want a friend here to autograph things and he's thinking of going there and if your autograph stuff things are starting motion unless people vulnerable all the time would have to do things be very helpful he liked to do that and he sort of has to find the character but he has to do the voice on it but the copied his voice
I have evidence that says it's his voice and he's saying all the lines so you might want to do that but and I can verify it when we're there but it's kind of funny cuz he might sign it and put Jim underneath and people would like that cuz it's actually his voice
You're fed up with this you people are a bunch of cows stampeding by him to get home or the grocery store it's kind of ridiculous but this is a good idea so I'm going to try and set it up and it has to be on the weekend or nothing nobody will show up and next weekend is way too early but boy by next weekend it's going to be taken off and huge foreigners will be here and everything you always do the Asian version light armor fast swords cuz candy crystals struggle to get there
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todayimgonnaplay · 1 year
Today I'm gonna play Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Recently finished FF13-2 which had some nice improvements, but I think I'm in the minority for not liking the sequel hook tragedy ending it has. I don't mind sad endings, as FF has had more than one, but I had mixed feelings about the payoff for going through two entire games. I've sort of come to terms with it as I'm starting to see this trilogy has a pattern of fate going on. And now I'm onto the finale.
Immediately into the game I'm thrust into something I felt like I should've known but didn't even see at all. I'm not sure how effective that kind of storytelling is, but fortunately Lightning and Hope explain events of this game's premise quite extensively. I do like the option of being able to proceed through dialogue during cutscenes as I tend to read quick. I'm also seeing a revamp to Lightning's characterization that reminds me quite a bit of FF 7 Rebirth with Cloud, both characters having a sense of humour and exchanging banter despite being very stoic. It's a surprising but welcome change.
Another unexpected thing I encountered was its battle system. Revamped and unlike the previous two games, or even the series itself, I can see why people are divisive over it. I immediately wanted to hate it and just quit the game, but one of the reasons I started this blog is to give systems I don't like another chance and really get a feel for them. My assumption for this is that this was Square's first real decision to move onto the action genre and away from turn-based combat. I do appreciate their constant experimentation for the genre though. In terms of combat, the idea of eliminating numerous menus for navigation that (J)RPGs are known for, with quick inputs to do what you want to do. And to still keep that turn-based aspect, the ATB gauge still remains a thing for this title so that you can't spam your attacks or go full action mode. It gives you some time to think, but it's still not enough. I noticed throughout this trilogy that I often don't feel like I can rest and actually think how to fight off my enemies effectively. One method I can think of is to give enemies ATB gauges too and display them. It retains that turn-based aspect but also gives you time to heal and strategize. It's good that Libra and signs of weakness by building the Stagger is shown as a sign of what's working and what isn't, but having a pulse motion feels quite hard to decipher with all the action happening as well as the health info hovering above the enemies. FF 13's stagger bar has shown the best way to display this type of info. It was large and clear, and it was still effective in FF13-2 if it was thought that it was intrusively large. One thing to note is that this title has removed the Paradigm shift system, and now uses Schemata, which is like playing dress up on crack. I consider this to be my favourite part of the game, simply because I think dress up and customizing abilities and equipment is fun and freeing. You're not limited to specific pieces and you can mix and match, but I haven't mastered this system enough to see if that's effective or not.
I'm not a fan of the limited items you can carry. I've been in a few situations where I needed potions but ran out, or because I've been used to being able to consume as many as I want in the first two games, I forget to stock and therefore cannot take any. It doesn't help that there's a penalty for escaping from battle which is taking away EP which is used for other useful features, but fortunately I'm playing on easy mode, as the lack of penalties are closer to what the previous two games were like.
In terms of the overworld, I have seen a larger improvement in traversing around areas. The platforming is decent in most areas, and I like that I can finally jump off places to get off faster, which I couldn't do in FF 13-2. Areas are more populated, making it more lifelike and immersive. My biggest gripe is about the game's main feature (and, which is a time limit that's connected to the game's lore about the world ending in 13 days. You are able to traverse around until 6 AM in-game time, until you're automatically transported back to a hub. The only usable reason the hub exists is to confirm completion of an area and move to the next (and also giving some kind of life force to a tree for lore reasons), otherwise moving back automatically has not served its purpose for me, other than interrupt me. It also feels a bit tense to constantly have a clock ticking down, and I'm not really a fan of timit limit games at all, in fact I tend to avoid them. But again, I decided to give it another chance. Turns out it's good at helping me keep more focused to my tasks and making more careful decisions rather than me being reckless. There's also a way to slow down time by using Chronostasis, which replenishes by defeating enemies. You can technically spam that and play all you want.
Music this time is a surprising negative for me, the new tracks haven't impressed me so far, and I hear reuses of the previous titles, which has saved me from thinking more negatively about this, even though the same team has composed for this title too.
Character designs are quite interesting this time around when it comes to Lightning due to the dress up feature. I do like Snow's new look compared to 13-2 and it fits the current personality given to him. But like FF13-2, the rest of the old cast are not given new makeovers which is a huge letdown.
I'm still not sure if I'll continue playing this to the end, but I'll try to power through as much as I can.
Terms used exclusively in the game:
ATB (Active Time Battle) - A consumable gauge with divisions that allow you to do actions in battle
Stagger - A gauge that fills up based on effectiveness which allows you to deal more damage
Libra - A feature that checks enemy weaknesses
Paradigm Shift - A system in FF 13 and 13-2 that used roles with specific abilities
Schemata - A customizable system that allows Lightning to be a unique role based on equipment and abilities
EP (Energy Points) - A limited rechargable currency spent on special features, or items
Chronostasis - An ability that allows you to briefly stop time
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takamakisu · 5 years
『♥🖤Akira X Ann: Why I Support It.🖤♥』
In honor of the upcoming ShuAnn week, I have decided to contribute by writing a long post about why I love these dorks so much. I haven't seen a meta for them yet, so I figured I'd try my hand at it. (Which will be updated and expanded as I find more content) Without further ado, let us begin! Tagging the wonderful @shuann-week for this one.
1. The first encounter.
In media, the first interaction that two characters have with one another, regardless of relationship; lays the groundwork for said relationship and therefore is absolutely vital. When Akira first meets Ann, he's casually texting away on his phone and not really paying attention to much, but when she walks by he looks up. Already his curiosity is piqued, as is the player's; and then when she removes her hood, even then we don't get to see her face. But we DO see Akira's reaction, and he seems absolutely dumbstruck.
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This is when things get interesting. Ann takes a few moments and sort of surveys her surroundings, and then she senses Akira's eyes and turns to him. And he doesn't look away, or get flustered; Akira keeps looking at her with that flabbergasted expression. He doesn't even blink. He is so taken aback by her he can't even greet her, and Ann just smiles at him and looks away- but even then, he doesn't break his gaze, and he never does until she actually leaves: Ann leaves him absolutely spellbound. And the music that plays during this encounter is exclusive to this encounter and this encounter alone. It never plays before this scene, nor does it ever play again after. There are heavy romantic undertones in this encounter, from the body language to the background music, and only Ann receives this treatment. It screams "attraction at first sight", and now with the groundwork laid, the relationship can begin to blossom.
 This is very important. Even before we get to see Ann's face, we already know from Akira's viewpoint that she must be pretty, at least in his eyes. And when we finally do get to see her face, she is indeed beautiful.
2. Her closeness to him.
First off, she's with you from essentially the beginning of the game, so you get a lot of time to get to know her and become closer to her. Ann is the third member to join your party and the first female member and therefore the first available romance option as well! (That's pretty big.) She's also your classmate, so you get to see her literally every day and there's a sense of familiarity that is built on from the beginning. 
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Ann was the first to see Akira for who he truly was, and she looked past the rumors of him and got to know him for herself. Because she understands being an outsider and being mistreated, there's a level of understanding Ann has with you that the other girls simply do not. That's not to say they're bad, but Ann just connects better with the protagonist on that level. Let it also be remembered that before she met Akira, and by association the rest of the Phantom Thieves; Ann didn't have any friends, besides Shiho. Due to being a foreigner (and a very pretty one, at that) and the rumors surrounding her with Kamoshida, no one talks to her. While having a two-parent household, they are rarely home; and so Ann's lonely as well as bullied. Akira saving her from Kamoshida and then giving his genuine friendship then allows her to open up and be vulnerable to other people and that's very healthy. 
Another interesting interaction is during the Kamoshida arc, Makoto will ask you in essence what's the relationship between you and Ann, if there's something between you. If you say "there's nothing", her reply is "Didn't seem that way yesterday" and if you tell her you're classmates she'll say "But do friends get that close?"
3. How she falls for him.
For these reasons, I support these two. Lemme know in the comments what won you over to this pairing and any other moments that get your heart warm and fuzzy! 
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In addition, Ann gets an on-screen kiss with the protagonist; a luxury only two other Persona girls have received (from 3-5, Maki kisses Naoya in P1): Margaret and Marie from Persona 4. The fact that Ann gets an explicit kiss (and possibly an implicit one as well because in Rank 9 her reaction to Joker hugging her hints he MIGHT have kissed her too) screams that while she's not 'canon' (nobody is) it sure does seem Atlus is sneakily pushing her towards Joker. They even match costumes in the dancing games! Oh yes, and Ann doesn't go home on Valentine's Day + Sojiro literally just "ayyyy" when she walks in- XD
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Her Confidant has the protagonist and Ann getting closer as friends and also helping Shiho recover and you get to be a part of a few of Ann's interpersonal relationships. Shiho, as stated before, was Ann's closest and only friend before she met the player; and so earning her trust and helping her heal is significant. Suzui also hints to the player Ann seems to be attracted to them, talking about how her best friend talks highly of you and then the blonde gets flustered.
Her confession shot me through the heart. With Ann you don't have to increase your Knowledge or your Guts; just Kindness. To her, it doesn't matter if you get the best grades in the class or how brave you are, she just wants a friend who'll be there for her when she needs them, and that's what Ann falls for in the protagonist: his genuineness and his willingness to stick by her side. She falls in love with you for who you are and it feels the most natural and realistic. Something that's also very interesting about Ann's rank 9 event in Japanese is instead of saying “I guess we’re more than friends now...” she actually says, “I just realized it,” referring to her feelings for him (when she said “I love you”) in the original dialogue. And this is so so important. This hints at a love that developed slowly over a friendship and Ann wasn't even really aware it was there at first, until the only friend she'd had moved away and she felt alone and abandoned again. Akira being her pillar in that moment was the paradigm shift from platonic feelings to romantic ones and that is absolutely beautiful. But she ALREADY loved him, did you catch it? She just realized and became aware of it in that situation. Ann's been in love with the protagonist for who knows how long before she even confesses. And at the end of her confidant she calls you her light.. that just speaks volumes to me. The protagonist basically saved her, and because of that she wants to become stronger and encourage other people as well. It's beautiful. 
5. Other characters reactions to them.
There's a specific scene where the protagonist is in the bathhouse with Ryuji and Yusuke, and Ryuji will ask you what you think of Ann. If you admit you think she's pretty, he gets extremely excited ("Ooh, you straight up said it!")
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Another very interesting thing that's different in the original language is when Akira gets home from interrogation. In English, Ann just chirps "Hey there!" No big deal, right? But in Japanese, she says, “okaeri”, which means “welcome home”. This greeting is said amongst family or couples in Japan, hinting a deeper level of closeness than the translation. 
(It's also something of note that when Ann got locked out of her room in Hawaii she went to Akira's room first. )
Additionally, after the school festival; Ann will talk to you about how she thinks about your future together! And if you tell her in another instance that you'd like to get married, she gets extremely excited whereas some of the other romance options become all flustered and blushy; a cute and interesting contrast.
A Mementos conversation also has Ann absentmindedly talking about how coffee goes well with sweets, to which Ryuji immediately replies 'Joker always smells like coffee, doesn't he?'
Now, I may be looking too deeply into this, but this could possibly be Ryuji "hint hint-ing" he thinks Akira and Ann are a good pair for each other. Ryuji also flat out refuses to date Ann during a scene in the gym when she offers to let him take her out. I don't know about you, but if I had a crush on somebody and they offered to let me go out with them, I don't think I'd turn it down as quickly and explicitly as Ryuji did (He tells her 'hell no, quit acting like you're some sexy anime character'). Personally I think Ryuji supports Ann with Akira and so he tries to gently nudge her over like "Okay, this guy? He's a good fit for you." Sakamoto's a great friend for Ann but I personally believe he's better as just that: a friend. 
4.  Their personalities blend well.
Ann's bubbly personality contrasts wonderfully with the protagonist's more introverted, reserved side. They're sort of like Robin and Starfire, just to less extremes. Ann is very pleasant and tender and she's got a big heart and it shows; consistently. She's a great friend to Ryuji and Shiho and big sister to Futaba, while at the same time tolerating nonsense from absolutely no one, regardless of status. I now want to cast attention to Meyer-Brigg's personality types. These are headcanons, but after analyzing Akira and Ann's characters Joker seems to be an ISTJ, while Panther is an ENFP. These are abbreviations for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging (ISTJ) and Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, Percieving (ENFP) respectfully. Ann, at her core; is the heart of the Phantom Thieves honestly. She is very sensitive to others' emotions and feelings, and very emotionally intelligent. Being an extrovert, Ann also needs interaction and validation from other people: it energizes her and fufills her. And, in return she's a caregiver; Ann wants to support others and help them become stronger. She's a wonderful sister figure and just a comforter in general, and very amiable and chirpy. Contrast that with Akira, who makes decisions based on facts and logic rather than feelings and intuition (although in the Metaverse he seems to throw caution to the wind, quite frankly) and analyzes situations from a logical rather than emotional angle; (and there are exceptions to this like helping the woman Shido was assaulting and chasing Ann down to talk to her) and they seem on completely opposite ends of the spectrum. However, their differing personalities balance one another. While Akira keeps Ann grounded logically, she keeps him grounded emotionally and the bounce off is extremely healthy. 
In Yusuke's Confidant, saying Ann is the definition of beauty nets the most points. 
Atlus seems to like putting these two together as well, from giving them matching songs and outfits in the dancing games to putting them together in advertisements. It's pretty cute and though it's subtle, it's a nice little nod. 
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themostrandomfandom · 5 years
hello! I don't know if you're still on the blog or will be in some time, but I still have to at least try. I just had my rewatch of glee for the first time in 4 years, and it woke some buried feelings up again lmao. One of the things i most strongly feel for is Britt's class president run. I know she would've done more things during it, yknow? Like she prepared for the position and had a solid plan for it. I really feel like they wasted her potential in s3. Do you think you would rewrite it?
Hey, @randomizepersonality!
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to you. Limited internet these days.
I, too, am one who is completely disappointed by Brittany’s S3 storyline and how the writers absolutely dropped the ball when it came to her class presidency. 
Negativity about Glee writing under the cut.
In episode 3x02, the writers clearly establish that Brittany’s interest in the class presidency isn’t a lark or something she is doing just for the hell of it. The platform she pushes for Kurt is anti-bullying, pro-inclusion—and she has a dog in the fight, because she wants herself, Santana, Kurt, and all the other LGBTQ kids at the school(plus anyone else who qualifies as “different”) to feel safe being themselves. 
Baby Girl has a clear, focused goal, and she feels it is important for her to achieve that goal. As she tells Kurt, “What’s wrong with [being gay]? Look: Ninety-nine percent of the kids at this school are either freaks or closet freaks. The captain of the football squad? He gets the job, but he doesn’t represent the people. That’s why we need a unicorn.” She isn’t just talking out of her ass or viewing the presidency as a way to boost Kurt’s (or her own) popularity. She actually wants to accomplish something.
That’s why when Kurt declines to run on her “Project Unicorn” platform, she picks up the banner herself, proudly declaring, “I’m also a unicorn.” The values she’s supporting are ones that are near and dear to her heart, as she knows from personal experience (particularly in regards to her relationship with Santana and Santana’s fears about coming out) how vital it is for kids to feel comfortable in their own skin and how damaging it is when they don’t.
Honestly, what she’s talking about is an extension of the things she both learned for herself and taught to Santana during the Back Six of S2. She’s talking about “embracing all the awesomeness” that one is, promoting acceptance, and spreading love because love makes everything possible. It’s all big time stuff, and even though she’s couching it in unicorn metaphors and glitter, she is serious about what she wants to do.
—which is why it’s so fucking unbelievable that she would completely slack off from that position the second she won the election.
I mean, seriously, the Glee writers, you’re telling me that at the exact time when she and her girlfriend are facing the reprecussions of a vicious public outing, being bullied in the hallways for showing any sort of affection to each other, having to deal with pressure not only coming from their fellow students but even from members of the faculty and administration—I’m looking at you, Will and Figgins—facing up to the Finn Hudsons and Josh Colemans of the world, Brittany would just fuck right off and fail to enact any of the policies or programs she had clearly thought about before? You’re saying that she wouldn’t try to use her power and popularity to try to improve the situation?
—and especially “bullshit” to then try to make a joke out of her failure, as they do later in the season, when she tells Figgins, “Okay. I now realize I wasted an entire year belaboring the nuances of my fluid teen sexuality, and getting caught up in Lord Tubbington’s Ponzi schemes, and then for a while, I stopped talking, but I don’t want my presidency to be the last one at McKinley! I don’t want that to be my legacy.”
There’s no excuse for them wasting this storyline.
Ideally, they should have allowed her to succeed in what she was trying to do. She could have hosted an anti-bullying rally and brought in Holly Holliday to sing to the student body about how it’s okay to be gay. She could have used her own coolness to shift paradigms, because, after all, she is both the senior class president and most popular girl in school AND a fabulous, bisexual unicorn. She could have organized a “kiss-in” in protest against Figgins’s homophobic PDA policies. 
I mean, really, with her creativity and zany genius, the writers could have absolutely gone wild and had her do any number of things to make her world a better place.
Even if they were dead set on having her fail, then they at least could have actually showed her failing—giving her a storyline where balancing academics, extracurriculars, and dealing with the fallout of being outed becomes too much for her to handle, and her ambitions for the class presidency fall by the wayside; letting Kurt confront her about wasting the opportunity she won over him; having her break down and admit that maybe the problem she took on was too big for her to tackle herself and that the world is a worse place than she initially thought; allowing her to display the same kind of depth and humanity that she was afforded in S2.
But instead they muted her for half a season and pushed her into the background at a time when she should have been getting foreground attention, and then they tried to pass off their act of forgetting about Brittany as Brittany forgetting to do anything herself.
That Brittany wasn’t allowed to speak throughout Santana’s outing arc was an indefensible narrative choice. That the writers waited until the very end of the season to come out of nowhere and say, “Guess what? Brittany failed at everything, and y’all should just laugh about it!” was meanspirited and unfunny. Her whole S3 storyline was an exercise in bad writing. TPTB laid narrative threads for her at the beginning of the season but then didn’t weave them into anything. They wasted all of her potential. 
So, yeah, all of this going-on is to say that I would absolutely rewrite Brittany’s S3 storyline if given the chance. 
I mean, in the Mouseverse, S3 is where I diverge from canon, and there’s a reason for that.
Anyway, thanks for the question! I’m right there with you.
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J'ai jamais apprécier Kanye West, il y a bien son morceau Stronger que j'aime beaucoup mais le personnage m'a jamais vraiment attiré. Un bon gros molosse du capitalisme américain à mes yeux.
Mais franchement le type depuis qu'il pète les plombs (si t'écoutes les médias hein) il est tellement mais tellement remonter dans mon estime. Bon voilà ça vaut ce que ça vaut hein. Mais je trouve ça formidable qu'un artiste aussi influent balance de ces pavés dans une mare beaucoup trop lisse depuis trop longtemps.
Le meilleur pour moi c'est son passage chez TMZ où le gars te sort dans le plus grand des calmes "l'esclavage des noirs pendant 400 ans, 400 ans ? Ça ressemble à un choix"
Et les teubés bien-pensants américains se sont directement insurgés en liant directement ses propos à la traite des noirs. Seulement la traite des noirs en Amérique dont le début est daté à 1619 s'est arrêté officiellement en 1865 ce qui fait 246 ans. Mais si tu ajoute 400 ans à 1619 tu tombes sur 2019.
Même si les propos de Kanye dans cet interview ne sont pas très très clair, ce qu'il essaie de mettre en évidence c'est un esclavagisme mental encore présent aujourd'hui. Il le dit lui même "nous choisissons d'être esclave".
Si tu comprends l'anglais oral et que t'as un peu de temps voici l'interview de Kanye de chez TMZ
Les propos qu'il tient dans cet interview, bien qu'un peu confus, sont remplis de vérités à mes yeux et pas seulement au mien apparemment.
T'as aussi ce concert, après lequel il a fini en psychiatrie, LA CHANCE, où il tient un discours bien enragé et extrêmement intéressant. Voici le lien
Enfin bref, Kanye West gagne tout mon respect en fesant ça c'est admirable de voir quelqu'un avec autant de notoriété tenir un tel discours.
Pour conclure sur une note musicale :
My wife said, I can't say no to nobody
And at this rate we gon' both die broke
Got friends that ask me for money knowin' I'm in debt
And like my wife said, I still didn't say no
People tryna say I'm goin' crazy on Twitter
My friends' best advice was to stay low
I guess it's hard to decipher all of the bills
Especially when you got family members on payroll
The media said it was outlandish spendin'
The media said he's way out of control
I just feel like I'm the only one not pretendin'
I'm not out of control, I'm just not in they control
I know I'm the most influential
That TIME cover was just confirmation
This generation's closest thing to Einstein
So don't worry about me, I'm fine
I can see a thousand years from now in real life
Skate on the paradigm and shift it when I feel like
Troll conventional thought, don't need to question
I know it's antiquated so sometimes I get aggressive
Thank God For Jay Electra, he down with the mission
Did it with with no permission, on our own conditions
Most Blacks with money have been beaten to submission
Yeezy with the big house, did it way different
Never listen to Hollywood producers
Don't stare at money too long, it's Medusa
The ultimate Gemini has survived
I wasn't supposed to make it past 25
And you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
Wonderin' whether God's gonna say hi
Oh, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
And you wonder where is God in your nightlife
Yeah, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
(Father, father, father...)
Wonderin' whether God's gonna say hi
The night sky, yeah, I feel like I'm home, yeah
I've been wakin' the spirits of millions more to come
A million illegally downloaded my truth over the drums
I believe in the children, listen to the kids, bro
If the phone ringin', go and get your kids ho
Brother Don Muhammad told the minister about the presentation
He sat back and smiled
Black on black lies is worse than black on black crime
The Jews share their truth on how to make a dime
Most black men couldn't balance a checkbook
But buy a new car, talkin' 'bout "how my neck look?"
Well... it all looks great
Four hundred years later, we buyin' our own chains
The light is before us brothers, so the devil workin' hard
Real family stick together and see through the mirage
The smokescreens, perceptions of false reality
Who the real owner if your boss gets a salary?
I am one with the people
I am one with the people (real)
I've been woken from enlightened man's dream
Checkin' Instagram comments to crowdsource my self esteem
Let me not say too much or do too much
Cause if I'm up way too much, I'm out of touch
I'm prayin' a out-of-body experience will happen
So the people can see my light, now it's not just rappin'
God, I have humbled myself before the court
Drop my ego and confidence was my last resort
I know, I know he got a plan, I know I'm on your beams
One set of footsteps, you was carryin' me
When I turned on the news and they was buryin' me
One set of footsteps, you was carryin' me
When I was negotiatin' with Apple, it was Larry and me
Told Tim Cook to call me, I was scary to see
I would've took a hundred million and gave 20 to Hov
I heard it's the way they did it when we only had a stove
But it's better that I stayed at home with my folks
Cause if Jay a billionaire then I'ma never go broke
Only thing I ask is next time I'm on stage we all go
We all go
Not just by myself, lookin' for niggas like where's Waldo
She got the same shoes as my wife but she copped 'em at Aldo
Modern day MJ with a off the wall flow
My life, walk all over me
Walk all over me
I'm deliverin' everything I've ever sent to you, bring
Fly, fly, fly overseas
Fly overseas
Oh, anywhere, everything but in between
Yeah, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
Wonderin' whether God's gonna say hi
Oh, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
And you wonder where is God in your nightlife
Yeah, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
Wonderin' whether God's gonna say hi
Oh, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
And you wonder where is God in your nightlife
Please face me when I speak
Please say to me somethin' before you leave
You've been treatin' me like I'm invisible
Not visible to you
Oh the invisible truths they sold
I can't quite understand the games you play
Understand, understand
Understand I'm standin' under oath
And I promised I, I wouldn't fall anymore
But I'm cryin' at the bar
I'm wishin' that you saw my scars
I'm wishin' that you came down here
And stood by me
Like you knew me
But I feel so alone
Like I don't know anyone but the night sky
Yeah, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
Wonderin' whether God's gonna say hi
Oh, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
And you wonder where is God in your nightlife
Yeah, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
(Father, father, father...)
Wonderin' whether God's gonna say hi
Oh, you're lookin' at the church in the night sky
And you wonder where is God in your nightlife
(Father, father, father...)
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teddybere · 2 years
I'm just gonna write it here because I never let myself actually complain about this. Being chronically ill is just SO unbelievably shit.
If you're like me, you grow up with a few issues, things are a bit tricky, but you're able to dream. You think about what sort of amazing job you'll have. You dream about maybe starting a band, or playing social football in the weekends. You dream about starting a family and taking them camping because you loved that as a kid.
Then, suddenly things change and your chronic illness takes more and more of your energy and you get so confused. 'I really do want to join in on sports day, why do I not have the energy? I don't think I'm lazy, but everyone is saying it so it must be true.' You let more and more hobbies drop to conserve your energy, and suddenly, everything that makes you happy has to come at the expense of your health. And then when you inevitably have your bad days, the toxic positivity culture makes you question if any of it is actually worth it. Of course, it is when you have good friends and other support figures, people to make you smile, but there's always stuff you're gonna miss out on. The whole paradigm of what you expected life to be shifts into a mess of unknowns.
So, you play animal crossing all day, read fanfiction and find joy any way you can. And life continues. You make new, attainable dreams, and things are okay. But sometimes reality hits, and you can't help but mourn the life you expected to at least have the chance to work towards.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Do you have any more time for this hopefully everybody my son encounters is so incompetent that he ends up feeding them or helping them I don't want to hear you anymore you people suck Ken's real small but holy s*** you people are terrible I feel bad for you okay we'll see what you're doing you're ridiculous like he said so damned insulting I'm going to chop you up into little pieces.
Furthermore don't ever use my name in vain doesn't mean gallivant around saying you're me or saying you're going to get me now I'm going to hit you for it.
They're sending in a lot more troops and we see the need and the more we're trying to get permits going another we see that your Charlotte county people are rancid with remillard and the Sun and clones it's just this pile of useless s*** in town trying to make things worse we started suing everybody and they said what are you suing us for morons so that would be why so going through their number pulling them in a lot of Intel and what they've been doing some acts know about it and it's ridiculous your attitude is so stupid. So don't have to you or Lane you to waste I'm taking you apart I don't want to hear anymore from you. It's a lot going on here. Huge shifts to the paradigm the gigantic. We need all of you to stop doing things to our son if you don't we're coming to get you you know what he meant now he needs to come in here and not leave and we need a base it's nearby and we need to just fill it up if we need more I can filling it up and never stop filling it up and that's what we need to do and those monsters are going to come out shortly this thing with the ship there is a humongous number of people there I want to know where the other ones are so they're looking around for the shape and they see them and it's intense they're really going at it. Now some should be a new duds within a month and this has been horrible but it looks at Stan says he's helping and it's going to join the Lord is not and tell me if it's not and Mac appeared to be helping. You sort of was cuz the situation is getting much much worse and everything is going to freewheel out of control. I knew about it and was encouraging it just lost control of it so just threatening I sent the whole time. He's going to continue doing it some sort of chipmunk and we're going to attack.
Tonight is a pivotal moment right now it is almost time for the hurricane heist and goes into late evening but still light out well the fleet is coming down tomorrow and at some point set out and it's after heat the movie and he's the movie does start tonight does go to Los Angeles but later on in the night and he does so because of what's going on over there and they're going after the money because the blockade is tied up and the defense of the blockade is tied up and it's less aggressive so I think it's time to do it that brings it to the Federal bank here in Alabama and the foreigners wanted in Cuba to take it not to use it as motivation but they say they'll use it as motivation for John remillard to wreck the rest of the blockade both sides and then they'll come in and take it away that's what the plan to do. And they're going to go ahead with it tonight they start. And everyone else where's that stupid a****** going to be doing and the freaky s*** next door well if they're going to do that tomorrow it means that they're Manning up and they have to go out there and man up and you can see tomorrow morning that they get in trouble in the bank robbery and that's actually Trump and son and some others get shot right in the head
Thor Freya
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