#you’re so kind thank you ❤️❤️❤️
jobean12-blog · 1 day
Falling All Over Again
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 760
Summary: It might be the end of the world but pumpkin flavored everything lives on and you want some!
Author's Note: Just something cozy and cute for the changing season. This is what I hope Joel's post apocolyptic days could be filled with. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: soft fluffy fun
PS I'm shit at moodboards but I tried haha
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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“I want pumpkin everything,” you whine as you roll over and drape yourself on top of Joel.
He mumbles something sleepily and tugs you closer.
“Joel,” you say and poke his side.
He makes a sound similar to a disturbed bear.
Another poke.
One of his eyes pops open and he lets out a playful but warning growl.
“Yes?” you say sweetly with a bat of your lashes.
You dance your fingers over his chest, and he grabs your wrist, pulling your fingers to his lips and kissing the tip of each one.
“What are you goin’ on about? Pumpkins?”
He’s silent for a moment, clearly thinking, so you start to comb your fingers through his soft curls. His eyes begin to close, dark lashes fluttering against his scruffy cheeks, and you give his hair a sharp tug.
You giggle. “Soooo pumpkins?”
“You know…” he starts and tightens his hold on you, “if you weren’t so beautiful…”
He starts to trail off and your eyes narrow before you add, “AND…? That’s it? Just beautiful?”
He chuckles before kissing you.
“And smart and kind and sweet…and kissable.”
The words are whispered against your lips.
“Joel…you’re forgetting about my pumpkins.”
His lips trail across your jaw, stopping under your ear before he whispers, “no I’m not. We’re goin’ to take Callus and go for a ride. There must be a farm somewhere nearby. Maybe we can find some pumpkins growin’.”
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The warmth of Joel’s body and the gentle clop of Callus’ hooves slowly lull you into a state of drowsiness.
“You fallin’ asleep on me back there gorgeous?”
“Hm?” you ask with a yawn, snuggling your cheek into his back.
“You’re supposed to be scoutin’ for pumpkins!”
Your hands slip under his flannel, and you rub along his stomach, then slide them to his thighs and do the same.
“I’m so comfy though,” you sigh, “you’re so comfy. And so warm.”
“Well, alright then. You enjoy the ride darlin,’ and I’ll keep lookin’.”
“Kay,” you mumble, sneaking your fingers under his tee shirt so you can feel his skin.
“Hey gorgeous,” he says with a soft tap on your arm that’s around his waist.
When he hears nothing he starts to laugh but it jostles you awake.
“Did you find a farm?” you ask as you stretch behind him.
He loosens your grip and gently slides from the horse, keeping you steady until he’s on his feet and can reach up to help you off.
You slide down and into his arms.
“Take a look darlin’.”
You peek around his shoulder and see the wild growth of large green leaves and vines strewn along dilapidated rows of soil.
“Joel…” you whisper shout in excitement. “You found some!”
“Let’s just hope they aren’t all rotten.”
The ride back to town is cooler under the setting sun and you shimmy your body as close to Joel as possible. He rests his arm over yours and takes your hand in his, lifting it to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
The bag of pumpkins you picked sits nestled between his legs and the smell of fresh earth hangs in the air.
“So, what are you gonna make me darlin’?”
You squeeze his sides as you think then start to rattle off a list.
“Muffins for sure. A pumpkin pie. Maybe even pumpkin bread, depending on what I can find to add to it. I can try cookies.”
He pats his stomach with a satisfied hum. “Can’t wait.”
“Will you help me bake?” you ask.
“Sure, gorgeous but only if I can lick the spoons.”
You giggle and slide your hands from his chest to his back, gently scratching as you go.
“You’re allowed since you got me my pumpkins.”
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The next evening, on the porch of your small house, you sit nestled under a blanket on the swinging bench Joel built you with your feet tucked into his lap while he strums his guitar, and you sip some tea and munch on a pumpkin muffin.
He stops playing and catches your eye.
“Gimme some sugar darlin’.”
You sit up and hold the muffin out, but he dodges it and takes your chin between his fingers, gently pulling your lips to his for a soft taste.
After the kiss he takes a big bite, laughing when you finish the rest off by popping it in your mouth.
“These really came good,” you mumble through the mouth full.
“They did darlin.’ But nothin’s as sweet as you,” he murmurs, before kissing you again.
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yandere-daydreams · 3 days
Girly pop, you’re living in my head rent free with your fics.
Especially your most recent satosugu one, literally have been thinking about it nonstop trying to imagine how certain scenarios would work out.
Like what if reader got pregnant during her princess stage? What if she had tried to leave in part one during Satoru’s “cool downs”? Does Suguru even see her as a person anymore after part two? What if reader played along the entire time, just to attempt escape when their guard was both down! Ugh so many questions.
You just write so good! It leaves such a haunting impression!
Hope you write a part three ❤️ also thank you to the person that commissioned this fic.
ahhh thank you!!! as of now i have no intention of writing a part three or expanding further on a fourteen-thousand word project in general, but i will say that in an alternative timeline where the reader hadn't stayed until things were the absolute worst they could possibly get, things would've largely been the same - just messier. any relationship with gojo and geto is going to involve some kind of unhealthy, obsessive, codependent dynamic that will inevitably lead to full-blow kidnapping, but staying for as long as the reader did gave them time to secure a house, set-up a playroom, fetishize the reader's general helplessness, etc. suguru would've lashed out the second you tried to leave at any point, but without prior intent, you likely would've been stuck in that crate right away and kept as a puppy while they finalized their plans, eventually letting you ""graduate"" to princess after you've been sufficiently worn down.
and for what it's worth, i genuinely don't think any amount of good behavior would be enough to earn geto's full trust. gojo would probably let his guard down eventually (not that he ever had it up very high around you), but geto can't let the leash loose enough to ever have to confront the thought of you getting away, let alone deliberately leaving them. your someone he's decided he deserves to have full and unadulterated control over, and you contradicting that is always either going to be evidence of just how unable to care for yourself you really are, or unimaginable to the point of total, physical rejection. honestly, it's less that he doesn't trust you, and more that he couldn't possibly imagine a world wherein you would ever do anything worthwhile with that trust.
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i just want to say that following your blog and progress with your fitzfuture has literally inspired me to pursue my masters and hopefully my doctorate in maritime history, when it used to seem like a pipe dream. i am so excited for every book you have in the works and i just want you to know that you’re ridiculously cool man. congrats on your fitzertation!!!!!
Owwww, I got teary-eyed reading your message. It is incredible to hear that my work has inspired you to pursue a Master's, too! 🥹👏 Thank you for your kind words!
My academic journey has been bumpy, to say the least. I first did an MA in Art History 10 years ago at Leiden University, which ended horribly. After I had submitted the final version of my thesis, the second reader said that she thought my research question was wrong and that my entire thesis was not MA-worthy. My supervisor, who obviously had approved my research question and had approved my work in progress, said he agreed with his colleague. Furthermore, he said that he didn't think that I belonged at a university and would be better off at a lower level of education. If this had happened today, I would have filed a complaint with every possible committee. But back then, I was afraid. I was so hurt and angry that I left that university and went to the University of Amsterdam instead. If I had to pay tuition fees again to rewrite my thesis, I might as well follow some courses, too. About three-quarters through the MA I suffered from overexhaustion because I had two jobs besides my studies. I quit the MA, thinking that I would never study again. When I handed in my dissertation yesterday, I was feeling the hurt and trauma of how things went 10 years ago. This is just to say to anybody who needs to hear it: sometimes you take a detour, but eventually you'll arrive exactly where you're meant to be. ❤️
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follivora · 25 days
Meow there, sadly don't have an unpopular opinion so have those sloths because you like sloths :3
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Have a nice day 💛💛💛 and also yay to 3 days antibiotics left 🥳🥳💛💛💛 get better soon
awwwwww thank you so much, yeah i love the little smelly hoes ❤️❤️❤️���️
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the-broken-pen · 8 months
“You’re going to blow out your arms,” the villain observed. They watched as the hero merely grit their teeth, shoving themself through another pull-up. It looked painful, and if the sweat slicking the hero’s brow was any indication, it was.
They waited for the hero to let themself drop from the bar and accept the villain was stronger. But they didn’t.
Three more pull-ups, and the villain stepped in.
“Hero,” they said slowly. “You’re about to tear the ligaments in your arms. You need to stop.”
The hero blew out a shuddering breath. Struggled for purchase, fighting gravity—and let themself drop.
The hero’s hands were bleeding, calluses torn open by the bar. The hero didn’t seem bothered when their own hands shook so much that their blood began to splatter on the gym floor.
For a moment, the villain could only stare at them.
They didn’t know how to handle this. They knew the hero was dedicated. They knew the hero was strong, and perpetually trying to be stronger, but they hadn’t thought…
They hadn’t thought the hero would be so willing to tear apart their own body for success.
It was supposed to be fun, the villain thought. They felt a little sick as the hero pressed their palms together to soothe the bleeding, an action that was practiced and familiar. As if they had done this before.
The hero reached for something in their bag, smearing blood on the side, and pulled out a roll of blue electrical tape. The villain didn’t understand why, until the hero tore a strip off and made to wrap their hands with it.
The hero would be the death of them.
They crouched in front of the hero, plucking the electrical tape out of their hands.
“What are you doing with this?”
The hero blinked at the villain like they were the strange one in this situation.
“Wrapping my hands?”
The villain hissed in a breath.
“With electrical tape?”
The hero flushed slightly, looking down at their bloody hands. They looked close to tears.
“It…sticks to skin, really well. And it doesn’t move, either, when you move your hands or wherever else, even if you’re fighting. Plus, blood doesn’t make it come off, at least, not for a while.”
The villain blinked at them.”
“Blood doesn’t make it come off,” the villain repeated, processing. The hero nodded, reaching for the electrical tape. The villain settled it out of reach.
“Not if you wrap it right.”
Dimly, the villain realized that meant the hero had done this enough times to have it down to a science.
“And you couldn’t use a bandaid?” The villain asked incredulously. The hero shrugged a shoulder, then winced at the motion.
Yeah, the hero had absolutely blown out their arms.
“Bandaids move—“
The villain hushed them.
“Be quiet for a second.”
The hero, wisely, went quiet.
The villain rubbed a hand over their face, then studied the hero for a moment. They took one of the hero’s hands into their own, studying the damage.
“Why did you do this to yourself,” the villain murmured.
“What do you mean, why,” the hero snapped. “It’s my job.”
“Your job is to save people,” the villain corrected. “Not destroy yourself.”
“I’m not destroying myself—“
“You are.”
“Shut up—“
“I need to be better,” the hero snapped. Their voice rang out across the gym, echoing into the rafters, and they both froze. After a moment, the hero spoke again, voice soft. “I need to be better.”
They said it like they needed the villain to understand. The villain wondered who they were really saying it to—the villain, or themself.
“Better than who?”
“Everyone.” It was hushed, like a secret.
The villain watched them, waiting.
The hero took a shaky breath
“My whole thing is being the best. I have always been the best. That’s the only reason I matter. If I’m not strong enough, then I am nothing, so I need. to be. better.”
The hero had started crying, very quietly, like they were afraid to take up too much space.
The villain was not equipped to handle gifted kid burnout.
“There’s more to you than just being a good athlete,” the villain said hesitantly, and the hero shook their head.
“No. There isn’t.”
“Can you give me back my electrical tape?” They hiccuped to contain a sob.
“No,” the villain said firmly, and then the hero really was sobbing.
“You don’t understand—“
The villain didn’t. Not really. They had never been the kind of talented that the hero was.
They wondered now if maybe that was a blessing.
“I don’t,” the villain agreed. “But I do understand that you’ve saved half the city, and you give everything you have to give, and you always do your best.”
“But I-“
“No.” The villain stopped them. “You are doing your best.” They tipped the hero’s chin up until they met the villain’s eyes. “And it is enough.”
The hero froze, eyes darting over the villain’s face. They wondered if anyone had ever said that to the hero, if whatever mentor they had was giving them anything other than orders to be stronger. Be better. Be more.
The villain had some new targets to take care of, it would seem.
For now, though, they had to take care of hero.
“We’re going to go wrap your hands,” they said softly. “And then we’re going to take care of your arms, and you’re going to take a nap.”
The hero nodded, watching them like they were some kind of good, selfless person.
“And if I ever catch you using electrical tape again, so help me, I will put you six feet under.”
That startled a laugh out of the hero, and they let the villain guide them to their feet.
The villain turned to them. “Okay?”
Are you going to be alright?
The hero seemed to understand.
“Okay,” the hero agreed.
And so, it was.
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turnipoddity · 14 days
icon ilysm bc no matter what fandom im looking up on this site i will see your acc somewhere. fanart, reblog, whatever, i just know it will having something to do with the absolute diva turnipoddity. im genuinely trying to think of a fandom that you havent posted about at least a little and i cant— Saw? daily. Rope 1948? that one time. XMen? that one other time. Donnie Darko? hereditary. Hereditary? donnie darko. you are THE ! multi-fandom blog (more-so every fandom blog) and i love that so much and as im typing this im realizing maybe you dont post about every fandom maybe were just in a lot of shared fandoms wait.
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also real perhaps it is coincidence that we share a lot of interests KAHSJDJDJFKF
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napping-sapphic · 2 months
hiii i just wanted to say that i hope yall all get good sleep tonight :) today was very long for me and im so tired but my sheets are clean and i get to lay down and hope that yall are all finding a moment of peace so i’m happy
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chillbean-427 · 2 months
HEYAAA BEANNNN, ermmm something I’ve always assumed about your blog is that your one of the sweetest most kindheart person I know and you deserve eternal happiness for the rest of time just thought I’d like you know >:]
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This genuinely made me so happy!!! I’m so flattered you think that about me!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 Just know that your kind words apply to you too!! You’re so sweet, amazing and talented!!
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tariah23 · 7 months
im so sorry you got nasty asks ppl can be so vile. i love seeing you on my dash and you always have the best posts and put great stuff on my dash. ive never watched naruto but i dont mind seeing that either <3 ily i hope youre doing ok outside of ppl being terrible
They had me like this, anon...
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#they tried to call me a terf and I’ll never forgive that 😵‍💫#all because I pointed out some antiblackness-#I don’t expect much from wp and nbs here especially lgbt white folks since they’ve been the main ones running black bloggers off for years#especially black trans and cis black women for even uttering the word#they forget that at the end of the day they are still white and can hurt us#it was just#uncomfortable for me :(#but I’m not used to being harassed so I was like 🤷🏾‍♀️!#I had to delete sm messages 🗿#tumblr is not a welcoming place for black bloggers so#it’s never rly been but I won’t leave until this site completely implodes (it’s getting there)#one thing about lgbt whites they’re gonna call a black blogger a transphobe for ever criticizing them ever even if they’re trans 😵‍💫#I hate how common this is on here it’s disgusting#all I do is post about anime and complain I don’t be bothering no one 😭#anon you’re so kind I rly appreciate this message 😵‍💫❤️!#thanks for caring lmfaoo#also#I FEEL LIKE……. you’ll probably go crazy if you watched Naruto sorry…….#please don’t watch or read it ever… I’m begging- but the perks of reading and watching Naruto is that you get to meet Naruto and sasuke 😭!!!#guys of all time!!!!!!!#I’ve been trying my best to be normal about it since I’m an adult but I… sorry I’m so sorry anon I’m embarrassing#it’s kind of hard to dislike something that you’ve been into since you were in middle school 😭……#I’ll love Naruto forever even if it sucks lol#anonymous#tkf replies
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dr-shortsighted-owl · 2 months
I was thinking about you today and your newly aquired Doctor-ness so I just wanna tell you again that I've very proud of you! 💕🥹
Awwww Meegs my lovely, bless you for your kind words - you’re so kind ❤️❤️❤️
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rpfisfine · 7 days
Hi Linda!!!! I hope you're at an area safe from the floods and doing alright
omg hi!!!!! im safe im in a house with a roof and four walls enclosing it and i can just look at the pouring rain from my window instead of experiencing it directly thank god 👍 i still have no electricity or warm water or heating or wifi or like anything to my name and my only source of entertainment besides my phone is a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle my grandma sent me that ive been working on for a couple of days now (ill post a picture of it once it’s done) and that i can only do while it’s light out but overall i am doing good im literally just thankful that i don’t have to be living outside anymore and basically my standards for happiness have shrunk so much so fast that anything that isn’t sleeping in a tent is a wild improvement in my book
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kikker-oma · 11 months
Oma! I LOVE your art! You have done a fantastic job of posting Linktober/ Lutober content! It warms my heart to see your art almost every day after a long day. And you made me love this fantastic fandom even more than I have with any other fandoms that I have been a part of before! Anyways I hope you have a good Thanksgiving and Charismas and happy late Halloween! ^^
Aaaahhhh thank you so much Lynn!!
It warms MY heart to see this lovely message from you!
I’m so so glad you liked seeing my art! I was kinda nervous after the first week that people would get sick of me posting so often haha. I didn’t want to spam peoples blogs. but hey, nature of the challenge haha
I hope you also have a lovely Thanksgiving and Christmas, and yes, happy late Halloween!!
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ishipmutualrespect · 4 months
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rosylamb · 1 year
You're the kind of beauty I'd cross oceans for 🌊
. ˚ * . ♡ 🎀
🤍 . ⊹  ˚ ♡
  * 。⁺ ❤️ * 🤍
❤️ ˚ . ♡ ⊹ · 。
. * ⊹   * 🤍 ⊹ ♡ ~ ! ! !
My friend !! ♡
This is so sweet . . you didn’t have to do this :’)
I mean *me* ? Me ??
Well, I don’t think I’m much of a beauty . . but I thank you from the bottom of my heart all the same cause you’re just so wonderful & this made me smile *so* much! ♡ ♡
Sending hugs hearts & much happiness to you !!
I pray that you take care & have the best day ever ~ !! XOXO ❤️ ˚ . ♡ ⊹ · 。 🤍
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
this past week I looked forward to your social media aus everyday !!!!!! thanks for sharing
Thank you for telling me 🥺❤️ I’m really really happy you followed along!! ❤️❤️❤️
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I love your art!
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OMGoodness thank you sooooo darn much!!!!!
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