#you’re so golden (marcy tag)
welcometololaland · 1 year
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Fic Rec Friday Round Up - Part 2
Thanks to everyone who participated! I have a list below of the fics that people either tagged me in or tagged #fic rec friday. If I've missed anyone (or tagged anything incorrectly), please let me know.
This week's theme: a fic that made you cry / feel all the feelings.
Please read at your own discretion - heed tags and ratings on each individual fic (particularly this week as I see some fics have archive warnings that apply). Keep yourself safe friends!
Red White and Royal Blue
A Picture on Your Corkboard by bleedingballroomfloor
all the glitters (is not gold) by @indomitable-love
Faster, Higher, Stronger by @everwitch-magiks
God Save the Blessed American President Mom by zipadeea
Someday Soon I’ll See You (But Now You’re Out Of Sight) by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays
Such a Burden, This Flame on My Chest by @three-drink-amy
The Cost of Anything by @clottedcreamfudge
Together Forever by RevJohnO
What? like it's hard? by @rmd-writes
you turned a moment (into forever) by viciouslyqueer
you’re leaving (now i’m left amongst the living) by @peppermint-patties
Schitt's Creek
amnesty by oh_la_fraise
An Early Winter by littlebebecrows
Don't Whump With My Heart by @delilah-mcmuffin
five days, one year, a lifetime (series) by FaithNoMoar
Five ways it could have ended (and one way it still could) by @yourbuttervoicedbeau
Gods of the Soil by @madlori
He Shines by @smallumbrella369
I Can't Make You Love Me by Squigmistress
I Love You, But I'm Not Somebody Who Takes Shots by ahurston
let your heart be light (series) by @blueink3 including happy golden days of yore by @blueink3 as podficced by @celeritas2997
Marcy's Innocent Questions by Characterassassination
polaris by @strangeluvz
Some things I still can't tell you by @demora00
tangle and stretch by @stereopticons
Time until the end of time by @yourbuttervoicedbeau and @ships-to-sail
What Feels Right by MirandaPanda
Where the Real Road Lies by @unfolded73
You Can Fall by @wordthieve
Stargate Atlantis
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose by synecdochic
Stranger Things
(My) Back to the Shoreline by tsaheylu
leave the children behind by greatunironic
Teen Wolf
Play it Again by metisket
The Man From U.N.C.L.E
Forever is the sweetest con by @heytheredeann
The Be and End All by Ingu
The Old Guard
In another life maybe you and i will be walking down the aisle in white by @swifty-fox
The Witcher
And So, A Gladiolus Bloomed by Sipstheytea
Don't Tell Me You Love Me by Dandelion (HonestlyDying)
Even After All These Years by MagdelaneSingerin
it'll pass by Jaskiers
The Flower's Breath by Chandelier_s_Notebook
You Can Do better Than Me But I Can't Do Better Than You by Althe_a
Tortall - Tamora Pierce
i'll rise up in spite of the ache by @cricketnationrise
The Tourakom-Goldenlake System of Communication by Emnot
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alexandrablake · 4 years
2020 mutuals appreciation post!
yep, that’s right. i’ve never had an original thought in my life.
2020 was just awful, but you people. you people put a smile on my face literally. every. single. day. you guys made my year and i only started posting in november. that’s how incredible you are. i’ve been doing this for going on two months and you’ve made my year.
below i’ve tagged all my mutuals whether we talk or not. but i’d also like to thank you, my followers! i cannot tell you how often one of you like or reblog or interact with me in anyway and i just got this huge grin. 
i love you all very much.
this isn’t in any order, just as i think up people!
okay, first i am talking about @blakes-dictionxry and @ssa-cinnamon. both of them are mutuals that i hold very near and dear to my heart, but neither of them are active. jemma took a break for as long as she needed, and i am not sure what happened to eva, but they are still posting queue posts. either way, both of them are wonderful creators and regardless of their activity, you should check out their content!
now i will be talking about my loves with which i never interact. we are still very much mutuals, but i am too socially awkward so i never talk. celie ( @ellegreenawy), anj ( @hotchsbabygirl), aimz ( @ssaic-jareau), and lauren ( @villainousunsub) I hope you all know that you are all incredible and i still appreciate you, even if i never talk to you!
next we have ms. @haleymalaffey. now if you aren’t following haley, you aren’t really living. ms. ma’am is literally one of my favorite parts of my dash. haley is one of the most transparent, bright, and enthusiastic people on this whole platform. she literally has the ability to make you feel the same love she has for things, it’s incredible. i love you very much, haley!
a @sunlightgalaxy is up next! now you think of something, nic can do it. homegirl is multi-multi-multi-talented. we’ve been mutuals for all of 4 (?) days, but i’ve been following her forever (fun fact: nic only followed me because i accidentally unfollowed her when her user was something about jeid). she is one of the most incredible creators and i look forward to seeing what she does every day! i love you!
it’s abbie time! @lizziechase is just.... y’know? she is involved in so many fandoms, so if you think it, abbie probably makes content for it. she is so funny talented and will definitely be willing to join a wandavision watch party with you (i don’t actually know that). abbie makes some of my favorite edits on this whole website, you guys do not understand. mwah! i love you!
really the superior she/they, @goldenxreid! marcy truly exists to show everyone how wonderful they are! she writes just magnificently, she makes the most beautiful edits, they are so kind, like i could go on! marcy and i first interacted over debating which of the barbie movies was the best. i feel like that says something about us. marcy, i hope you know how much i love and appreciate you!!
@royalpenelope is next on the roster! okay, grace is just great. like she may be one of the funniest people on this whole platform. there are times when i see her post and just actually cackle because she’s just that good. i don’t think grace is afraid of anything and that’s incredible. we may not interact the most, but i still love you beary much, grace!
now, i will be tagging both of qvo’s accounts because i never remember which to tag. @qvid-pro-qvo/ @main-for-qvo is genuinely one of my favorite people on this whole platform. she is another person that i really first interacted with about barbie movies (you’re still wrong, qvo, btw.) she writes so well, and i look forward to every single post of hers because i know it will be incredible. i could shower qvo with all my love and i wouldn’t even close to giving her all she deserves! i love you!!
it’s frog expert @greenaway-lewis‘s time for the spotlight! ms. lucy is what we call a jack of all trades. edit? she does it. writes? lucy does it. be incredible? oh you guessed it, lucy does it. everytime we interact, i get such a joy because she is just that wonderful! she’s also on CST so while the rest of the website is celebrating because apparently this whole site is EST, she’s waiting. in all honesty, there is not a single interaction or piece of content with or from lucy that just doesn’t make me smile. i love you bunches, lucy!
the moment you’ve all been waiting for: @crazyshannonigans!! y’all ever met someone and you’re just like, “wow. let me be them.” yeah, that’s me with shan. she writes just incredibly? she’s gorgeous?? she’s kind??? she can sing???? unfortunately, she picked a poor hockey team to be a fan of, but you know, even shan isn’t perfect. but aside from her hockey flaws, this woman is incredible in every way and i love you!!
and last but definitely not least, is @hurricanejjareau. now, if you follow me, you more than likely follow red because, if you aren’t, you don’t know what you are missing out on. red and i have been irls for like 7 or 8 years, but that doesn’t mean i can’t gush over her on tumblr. that’s right, babeyy! i’ve been following red over pretty much her entire writing journey, and the growth?? unmatched. she is one of the most talented people i’ve ever had the opportunity to meet, and deserves every single nice thing in the world. i love you so big, red.
and now it is time for me to tag some non-moots whose content i absolutely adore! @ssa-lesbian, @ssaemxlyprentxss, @winterscaptain, @kermitsaysgayrights, @whump-town, @themetaphorgirl, and @penemily (and probably more!) i hold everything you make and say near and dear to my heart!
have a wonderful 2021 everyone!!
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Homeward Bound: Chapter 1
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader, Billy Hargrove x Henderson!Reader
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Word Count: 2,015
Warnings: swearing, death mention, general fear and anxiety
Author’s Note: So this, with any luck will a series if y’all like it!!! I’m really happy with what I’ve written thus far. I know this chapter isn’t exactly thrilling, but it’s the preamble to what the story will become. If you like it, send a comment or ask, I really wanna know what you’re feeling on this one, cause if you hate it I won’t continue. Also, might change the title cause it’s shit!  Anyway, enjoy!
Permanent Tag: @hotstuffhargrove @denimjacketkisses @flamehairedwritings @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @steveharringtonofficial @giftofdreams @feverxxdream
Feedback Appreciated!!!
   Leaving Hawkins was the right choice. After your parent’s divorce and the mess that was the disasters in Hawkins’ Labs, your family being heavily involved, you were more than happy to take your government pay out and move as far away as possible. So while Dustin finished off his years at Hawkins High School, you pursued a law degree at Berkeley. Then, you switched to teaching. Then, you dropped out altogether. You wrote your first novel in parts, mostly in a well-worn spiral notebook with chunks coming in from napkin and coffee sleeve scrawling while working in a coffee shop in San Diego, watching struggling actors chase hangovers with caffeine and Valium and sitting through the careless flirting from rogue beat poets and other moustachioed hipsters.
But you were fabulously happy. Sure, every so often, when money was tight and morale was down, you thought about going home. But then you remembered that home meant Hawkins and Hawkins meant reliving the day your best friend Heather was eaten by demo-dogs right before your eyes. You couldn’t bear the thought of repeating that memory over and over again in your head. You couldn’t bear to see if Hawkins had moved on without her.
And besides, you could breathe easy away from your old small town. Nobody knew you, at least not by what happened to you and your family, and those who recognized you kept away. You could easily blend in to the crowds and not stick out as the girl who survived the labs. You felt free and easy, calm for the first time in years.
So, you stayed where you were. You made excuses on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter every year like clockwork. You flew out to Chicago to see your dad once, if only because Dustin was going and you missed him like crazy. He understood, of course. If not for Lucas, Mike, and Max still living in town, he would’ve moved in with dad and Marnie in a heartbeat. He called as often as he could, telling you tales of triumph and woe.
In his last call, he’d spent thirty minutes bragging about how many girls asked him to prom, including the first girl to ever spurn him, Stacy Canfield. He had delighted in rejecting her the same way she did him way back in the eighth grade. But now, on the phone, he didn’t sound so pleased.
“So? Did Marcy say yes or not?” you giggled excitedly, pressing the phone tighter between your shoulder and head as you leaned down to paint your pinkie toenail neon pink, the wet polish shiny on your toes.
“Huh? Oh, yeah she did…” Dustin mumbled on the other end and you swore you could practically hear his feet shuffling awkwardly all the way in California, a leftover from his guilty toddler years.
You sighed, shaking your head slightly, you long mismatched earrings clattering against themselves. “Alright, what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing!” Dustin cried.
“Dusty, you spent months talking up this chick, you finally land her and all you can say is ‘oh, yeah’? Something’s bugging you so just tell me.” You insisted, dropping the tiny brush back into the tiny bottle, waving your hands over the wet polish.
He sighed “It’s just…I’m graduating soon and mom’s on my case about inviting you down and I don’t want to make a big deal and I know you hate Hawkins…”
“Stop.” You interrupted, silencing him in an instant. “Do you want me there?”
“Yes.” He gulped, his voice shaky and awkward and small; like a boy trying to hide the voice cracks of puberty.
“Then I’m there.” You replied swiftly, smirking as though you’d won. Truly you had.
“But what-” he started again, causing you to groan loudly.
“Ah! Don’t worry about me! Worry about exams and prom and Marcy! Have mom call me with the date and I’ll book a flight.” You promised.
This made Dustin happy, which was the ultimate goal, but it planted a seed of anxiety in your stomach that could not be soothed. You suffered through calls from your mother, filled with tense excitement and worried questions. You pushed through the fear, you bought the ticket and gave your editor your mother’s phone number. You packed your bags and handed your neighbour, Stella, your spare key and the twenty dollars you’d promised her son Georgie to water your plants.
You got on the plane, manuscript in hand, ready to edit the novel you’d spent nearly three years on, your editor’s initial notes running through your head. The flight was four hours long, then you’d have to drive from Indianapolis to Hawkins, a nearly five hour drive. Your day was set to be long and awful and it made you want to turn back and not coming back, returning to the warmth and comfort of your tiny apartment.
But you pushed through. You owed Dustin that much. You felt like a terrible sister having never come to visit, but you pushed away that feeling. You’d be home in nine hours and you’d have a full two weeks with the younger boy you adored so much. You just had to push through the journey, to hell with it being the true adventure; you knew coming home would be more intense than getting there.
Still, the drive was filled with the same sickly memories of leaving Hawkins for the first time. It had been a day trip with your almost boyfriend, Steve, just into Chicago to find the child killer their only believable source, Jane, had described.
You hadn’t even thought about him when you were planning your trip back. He was still in Hawkins, as per his mentions in Dustin’s letters. The two were still thick as thieves, the older brother Dustin never had. Of course, you were still happy that he hung around with your brother, even after your friendship and “relationship” fell apart. You always worried that once you two became friends, he’d leave Dustin in the dust, but he didn’t. You worried that he was just using Dustin to get in your pants and he’d stop when he got what he wanted, but he didn’t. You especially worried that he’d stop hanging out with Dustin when you two fell apart, but he didn’t. Now, with you gone, you hoped their friendship was strong. You hoped that with you there, Steve wouldn’t be put off from coming to see him, from going to his graduation.
You two had not ended well.
Hopefully, that wouldn’t get in the way.
As you drove down the interstate, your mind flashed memories of going the opposite way.
September 1986, a late summer breeze blowing your hair out of your face as you stuck your hand through the wide open window, fingers wiggling in the breeze, a smile on your face so effortless and bright it could rival the sun, R.E.M’s The One I Love blasting through the speakers, Steve’s not-so-secret latest favourite song. He was singing along, off-key of course; Steve wasn’t exactly a fabulous singer, his fingers tapping out the rhythm on the steering wheel. You were laughing at his awful British accent, watching him for a beat longer than usual, mouth open in the aftermath of the laugh, still smiling. The sun was beginning to set, golden hour slowly shifting its soft light over the sky. You’d left late, Steve’s fault, he’d woken up late and spent too long choosing the appropriate road trip snacks.
“It’s an important decision, Y/N.” he insisted inside the grocery store, mulling over bags of chips. “If done incorrectly, this could ruin our entire trip!”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “This is so stupid…” you muttered, stalking off to grab a bag of jerky, which wasn’t on Steve’s list but ultimately saved his snack collection once you were on the road.
It would be night soon, you’d have to eventually stop and rest or switch drivers. You weren’t necessarily comfortable driving at night, but Steve had insisted on driving the first shift, claiming that he wouldn’t know where you were going if he wasn’t in the front seat, with you holding the map. Jane had told you to simply take a Grey Hound bus, like she had, but you weren’t interested in sharing public space for hours, besides you’d still have to drive to the Grey Hound station, three towns over.
But watching Steve in that moment, you felt it for the first time-love. Or something like it. Him golden in the sunset, wearing a goofy smile as he sang along to the radio, his sunglasses slipping down his nose, freckles poking up from the sunlight. He looked…well stunning. His hair had deflated hours ago, his forehead caked with sweat, a light sunburn on his neck and shoulders, his shirt stained with sweat. By no means was he at his peak, but he looked so at peace behind the wheel. So long had you two been two steps away from danger, death following you everywhere, but now he looked calm and easy. Even though you were headed towards at worst a dangerous killer and at best a dead end, he looked as though you were just taking a normal summer road trip, going to his parent’s beach house for a weekend with some friends. Everything was calm and the roads were beginning to clear out, signs for motels picking up on the road signs and billboards. The danger of Hawkins miles behind you, you almost felt like you were free from it. Almost. But watching Steve, so calm and cool, you felt the anxiety constantly pulling at your heart never lessening its tight pull. You would be okay, as long as you stayed in that car, in that moment, singing along to Whitney Houston and Heart and whatever else came through the station’s playlist.  
That memory, of Steve’s happy, easy expression behind the wheel of his first car, filled your heart with the same lightness it did at the time. You were certain it was just emotional memory, the same way remembering watching your parents fight on Christmas morning made your stomach churn to this day. You couldn’t push away the feeling, which made you a bit nauseous; they stayed persistent in your heart, as did the memory. That was one of the good ones from that time, before everything was going up shit’s creek on a daily basis and fear was as normal of a feeling as complacent boredom. You could count the genuinely happy and peaceful moments of those tense years on two hands.
But you wanted to make new memories, you wanted to not hate that town every time you had to go back, you didn’t want to be filled with dread as you drove past the welcome sign.
You couldn’t remember a time when you really loved Hawkins. Sure, you had some good memories there-mostly with Dustin and Heather, but other memories were smattered with happiness, usually with boyfriends and your other friends. But now those memories were tainted with the blood of those lost and the sheer terror the labs left behind. You moved to Hawkins for your mother as a safe haven, but you left in cloud of dust looking for your own. Coming home felt like you were entering shark invested waters with nothing to hold onto.
Unfortunately, driving past the sign now still filled you with the utmost dread, terror, and nauseous fear that forced you to pull off to the side of the road to throw up; your whole body pale and shaky, a thin layer of sweat and goose bumps covered your skin. You couldn’t do it.
Too bad you had to; you knew that if you didn’t show, they’d only get worried and start making calls, looking for you everywhere. So you pulled your legs back into the car, turned your body back to face the road and turning the engine back on.
Once, it clicked. Then twice. Then three times. The car wouldn’t start.
“Well, fuck…” you muttered, dropping your head onto the wheel.
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fanfic-collection · 6 years
Vampire: Loki x Reader - Pt 26
Vampire Tag list: catalinaacosta , starscreamloki , dream-reaper , hufflepuff-always-and-forever , portietomednalynn , all-these-wonderful-things , jayyx3oxo , littlelokilover  , jessiejunebug , littlelokilover , vanessaaaasdfghjkl  , lokislilslut , thatmemequeen , luisaskywalker , tadashi-dash , kcd15 , spideypooler03 , memmucci , harrymewmew , katgirl05 , nobody0660
??? >.> after all the excitement and gothic horror of the other chapters, this seems kinda... ???
A week passed after Zale's death and the recovery of Thor. With a great deal of magical assistance from Loki, you found yourself feeling almost normal again. You were never fully certain how much Zale drank but you did know it was far more than Loki had dared to risk. Then again, Loki cared about your well-being and the other vampire had most certainly not.
Marcy had emailed you a number of times over the week and you were pleased to be able to finally answer her, even if it was from the confines of your bed.
Loki walked into your room, blood packet in hand and drinking absently. He smiled when he saw you, “What has you smiling so?” He asked.
You looked up from the computer. “Marcy met someone, she says she's really happy with them and doing a lot better. It's nice to know that someone is watching out for her when I can't be there to care for her.”
Loki sank onto the bed beside your legs and looked at you from over the laptop. “That's fantastic news.” Setting the packet down, he reached for your hand that you happily offered. “How are you doing?”
“Whatever magic you've been doing has really helped.” You beamed at him.
Loki grinned back easily, “Wonderful.” He smoothed his thumb over your hand absently, just reveling in your company.
“How's Thor handling everything?”
“He still frets over the lives he took.” Loki sighed heavily, looking away, “But he is no worse for wear than you seem to be.”
“That's good.” You thought of the week, largely spent sleeping, leaving your room only for necessities. How nice it was to be able to be back on your feet finally. Closing the laptop, you set it beside you on the bed and stood up. “What are you thinking about?”
Loki looked back at you, he smiled and you had the faintest hope that he was thinking of you but you also doubted he would say it. Loki's smile widened but he stayed quiet, once more looking away. Crawling on the bed, you moved closer to Loki and rested your head on his shoulder, smoothing your hand on his back and the other on his leg. Loki hummed contentedly at your touch.
“How are you handling everything?” You finally asked.
Loki breathed in slowly before answering you. “I was worried about you. Seeing you so weak and pale, worrying that I played a part in it.”
“You couldn't have known that he would do that on the same day. I'm glad to offer you what you need.”
“If I didn't need it, or want it rather.” Loki pursed his lips.
You continued rubbing your hand in circles on his back, smoothing your hand over his thigh. “Don't worry about it, I promise, everything is fine.” Pulling away from him, you stood up. “See? Not even dizzy.” You held your hands outstretched and turned in a circle. “Completely recovered, no worse than when I sold plasma for Marcy.”
Loki smiled ruefully, “So it would seem.”
There was a knocking at your door, even though the door was open and you turned around.
Thor stood in the doorway. “It's good to see you have recovered.” He mumbled, looking between the two of you. “How are your hands, Loki?”
“They're fine, brother.” Loki smiled easily. “I heal quite fast.”
“It seems I know how to keep you out of my room now.” Thor tried to joke, though he looked uncertain as he said it.
Loki rolled his eyes but smiled in spite of himself. “Yes, garlic is abhorrent. I will not go near it.”
“A pity, you used to love it.” Thor replied.
Loki chuckled, “I can't recall, if I'm being honest.”
“The god of lies, being honest.” Thor chuckled and continued, “No, I would not do that to you, but it is good to know if the need arises again.”
“I think it best that you stay as you are, brother.”
You raised your hand, “Seconded. That was a mess.”
Thor rubbed his bearded chin thoughtfully, “Yes, that does seem for the best.”
“I wonder how the rest of the coven is doing without their leader.” Loki mused, “Even if he was slime, he still seemed to keep them together. Do you remember how many you killed?”
Thor shook his head, “It is mostly a blur, just hunger.” Hanging his head, Thor muttered, “It pains me to know how you feel.”
Loki shrugged, “I'm managing it.”
“Though I'm not sure even I want garlic these days, I fear what it would do to me.” Thor looked around the room darkly, as though the offending herb might appear.
“I doubt you'll find yourself that sick again, but perhaps there is lasting effects of the transformation.” Loki followed Thor's gaze before turning back to his brother and standing. “It's a pity we must keep such hours. I miss the feel of the sun on my skin, somewhat.” Loki paused for a moment to think, “Perhaps not, the moon is adequate for my desires but I recall the sunrises and sunsets being beautiful, for the life of me, I can't picture it.”
“Well, you can look at pictures of them on the internet.” You offered.
Loki smiled, “That will have to suffice.”
Thor shook his head sadly, “I do not envy you brother. To never again feel the warmth of the sun on my skin...” Thor trailed off.
“The golden son, the very sun shown upon you. It figures that I would be cursed to only know the night.” Loki muttered, though he seemed indifferent, as though he had come to terms with it.
“No one has ever gotten a burn from the moon,” You offered, “And the sun has been known to cause cancer among humans.”
“Perhaps there is merit to the night after all.” Thor said, looking back to Loki.
Loki managed a smile. “Perhaps.”
“Want to go for a walk? Stretch your legs?” You asked abruptly, before Thor could speak.
Loki frowned thoughtfully, “That sounds pleasant.”
You went to the closet and grabbed a coat, zipping it up and turning back to Loki. “Shall we?” You reached for his hand and he gladly offered it.
“Enjoy, you two. I welcome your return.” Thor waved the two of you off, leaving the room and heading in the direction of his own bedroom.
You and Loki walked hand in hand down the stairs and outside the front door.
The wind whipped through the trees as the two of you walked, arms looped together. There was a faint path through the forest surrounding the manor, naturally made by wild animals – wolves or deer. You personally hoped for deer.
“Sorry about Thor.” You muttered as the two of you walked.
“Why are you sorry for my brother?”
“Someone had to say it. I just don't think he always thinks before he speaks and it leaves you worse for it.”
Loki nodded, “Indeed, I've grown used to it.”
“Still though, after what you've gone through, you'd think he'd try better to be mindful of such things.”
Loki shrugged, “A millenia of such behavior, why change now.”
You were quiet for a time before softly repeating, “Millenia.”
Loki glanced down at you curiously.
You continued, “You've been alive for over a thousand years.”
Loki nodded, “Yes, as has Thor.”
“Vampires are supposed to live forever, they don't age.”
Loki's eyes darkened and he looked away from you. The two of you came to a stop in a small clearing. He looked past you absently, seeing things you couldn't possibly begin to fathom. “They do not. We,” he corrected softly, “do not.”
“Thor should stay as he is, I don't think it's right for him to change, I don't think he can handle it the way you do. His self control...” You trailed off.
Loki nodded, “He's never been one for self control, he just acts.”
“To save himself a few millenia of loneliness, he doomed you to an eternity of it.” You swallowed hard.
Loki grit his teeth, jaw clenched and looked away bitterly. “He doesn't think.” Loki hissed softly. After a moment, he released the tension in his jaw and sighed, “Perhaps I will take my own life by then, seek out a hunter to end my existence.”
“What if you weren't alone?” You mumbled.
“What if... what if you weren't alone?”
“What are you proposing?”
“What if you turned me? You could help me with the control, you wouldn't have to be alone.”
Loki sighed, hanging his head, “What of your sister, your family?”
“Marcy is the only family I have left. She's found happiness with someone.” You tilted your head, looking up at him. “I've found happiness with someone, but my life is fleeting and I don't know if he can handle that.”
Loki took your hand in his, smoothing his thumb along your hand. “That is quite the commitment.”
“I think you're worth it.”
Loki frowned thoughtfully, “What else would you be committed to?”
You furrowed your brow uncertainly. “I'm not sure.”
“Perhaps marriage?”
Your mouth fell open, “Really?”
Loki chuckled, “You're offering to spend eternity on my behalf. I don't see how it's so far of a stretch to ask that.”
You shook your head, slowly nodding it at the same time. “I hadn't even considered you asking.”
“Nor had I.” Loki smirked.
“I...” You hesitated then smiled and stood on your tiptoes, cupping his cheeks with your cold fingers and pressed a kiss to his lips. Pulling back, you whispered, “Yes.”
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alexandrablake · 4 years
CONGRATS MY DEARRR 💜💜💜💜 can i get 🛼 + ✍️? :)))
THANK YOU MARCY🥺🥺 you may!!
🛼- ECU
hmmm okay. so i feel like the major ship of yours would be you and @elizabethxolsen. two birds of the same feather kinda ship. there’s like a hashtag trending like once a week that’s just “more marbie screen time!!” because you guys are a fan favorite. in your solo piece, you have one of those self discovery moments where you realize that you aren’t being true to yourself and you absolutely get your arc. also you and @hurricanejjareau have tea at a tiny coffee on a corner every friday morning. it’s your thing and no one questions it.
✍️- a handwritten letter!
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the blue pen ran out and then i just messed up the ‘l’ like 4 times.
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alexandrablake · 4 years
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i love you.
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alexandrablake · 4 years
awww thank you!!! that song reminds me of you💕
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alexandrablake · 4 years
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marcy this is so adorable, and i needed it. ty!!
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alexandrablake · 4 years
i’m definitely forgetting some, but oh well.
a list of the tags i use is under the cut! these are all subject to change because i’m fickle.
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      ☼ my queue is #hey hey queue queue and it posts once at 3:30, 7:45, and 11:15 pm est
      ☼ my writing is under #eva writes occasionally
      ☼ if someone has used my tracking tag (#userablake), i reblog it under #tag! you’re it!
      ☼ self reblogging is #self rb! and scheduled posts are #this is a scheduled post!
      ☼ #eva look at this. is my reference tag (basically anything that i may need in the future - icons, how tos, resources, anything)
      ☼long posts with no cut are under #long post, and posts where i talk are under #eva rambles
    ☼asks are under #aks tag!
      ☼ i try to tag trigger warnings under #tw: (the trigger). i’m not the best at this, so please, please tell me if i haven’t tagged something accordingly. here is the list i have for tws i tag currently.
      ☼ fic recs are under #fic rec! (if you want me to read and give feedback on your fic, tell me! what i write is what i read for myself, but i will read anything!)
      ☼ posts about me fall under #so true bestie (i’m bestie)
      ☼ content that is mine (graphics or gifs or really anything like that) is tagged #*mine and probably has a #tumblr leave the quality alone challenge. stuff that isn’t mine is tagged #*not mine
      ☼stuff this isn’t current events or fandom related is more than likely about writing and falls under the tag #eva complains about writing (a saga)
      ☼ #sb! is my signal boost tag, and #rb bait is my tag for reblog bait
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i want to give all of my moots a unique tag that they won’t have from anyone else. idk why, but i think it’s kind of fun.
if we’re mutuals, you’ll get a tag if you send me an ask or if i rb something of yours (if i remember lol). if you are at all uncomfortable with your tag, tell me and i’ll absolutely change it! or if you have an idea, feel free to send me that too!
this also serves as a blog rec of sorts!
the format will be the same though. it will all be #reference or joke (mutual name tag)
(so sorry to you when you get tagged, just doing some housekeeping- eva starting 1/28 at 8:03)
@duchesschameleon - #sing us a song you’re the piano man (charlie tag)
@greenaway-lewis / @aesthetically-poetically - #somewhere over the rainbow (lucy tag)
@hotchsbabygirl - #i think your house is haunted (anj tag)
@hurricanejjareau - #i like your funny words magic man (red tag)
@j3lle - #we are victorious (layla tag)
@jemelle - #can i go where you go (celie tag)
@jemilyology / @starryluthor​ - #we’re like sunflowers in the rain (aspen tag)
@jessiemei-li - #you’re so golden (marcy tag)
@lavenderbau​ - #i only wanted to see you in the purple rain (m tag)
@literateleah - #when everyone’s gone so sour you’re so sweet (leah tag)
@maura-rizzoli - #one for the money two for the show (abbie tag)
@qvid-pro-qvo - #the thirteenth princess (qvo tag)
@scandinavian-punk - #one single thread of gold tied me to you (yashasree tag)
@ssa-lukealvez - #once every seven days (yas tag)
@sunlightgalaxy - #always sunny in philadelphia (priya tag)
@taralewiz - #a rose by any other name (jas tag)
@temily - #baby you’re not dancing on your own (grace tag)
@winterscaptain - #with you ‘til the end of the line (tali tag)
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