#you’ll also never know if it’s pro or anti capricorn
lockoutkey · 10 months
happy holidays
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88mercurial · 4 years
Astrology stereotypes that are stereotypes for a reason:
based on my experiences as a Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising; may apply to your big three or dominant sign/s? But observations are made based on the Sun Sign of people I know so take it with a grain of salt.
1. Aries being blunt, intimidating and dominating.
I MEAN. The Aries Suns I have met can get on a fight with someone and they!!simply!!will!! not!!back!!the!!hell!!down!!
you think you can hurt me? please my dad's an aries sun who passes off criticism every time he opens his mouth
they absolutely will run their mouth without much thought! it really is the fire in them I think
2. Taurus having a flair for the nice things in life.
my bff is a Taurean and that girl really has the ✨ taste ✨ for the fine things!
Like, she works two jobs just so she can buy whatever she wants from commercial to high end.
this can also be in their own detriment as I know people with taurus sun who spend their money as if there's no tomorrow which leads to credit card and personal debt oooo
3. Gemini being indecisive.
to all the geminis in my life, please make up your damn mind 🤯
is it a yes? a no? a maybe? are you a pro? an anti?? I can't be around geminis all the time even with me being mercury-ruled because of the constant back and forth, push and pull.
you all are very smart if you'll be able to ground your thoughts and yourself properly (yes, a Virgo telling a Gemini what to do what is new here😂)
4. Cancers being overly emotional and sensitive.
that person who blabs on how unfair the world is? how it's everyone elses fault all the time? how they can't be blamed if something fails because everyone messes up except them? yup, that's an underdeveloped cancer in my life
but that's mostly for the females; cancer males tend to be more tolerable for me for some reason (or that must be my cancer venus??? Idk)
the developed cancers in my life are still overly emotional and sensitive - they just know when to be that
5. Leos as the center of attention, being suckers for praises, and obsessed with winning.
MAN. The Leos in my life can't live a day without hearing a compliment?? Like if they don't get it, they'll do their best to get it
If they can't get it from others, they'll say it about themselves which is okayyy it gets annoying when they push the "look at me i look/am doing good" narrative every chance they get ugh
whether they are passive or aggressive in their approach, all the leos in my life really have a thing for winning (some just do not know how to do it but there will always be that drive to win)
6. Virgos being critical, over thinkers, perfectionist, and having high standards.
The only one who can beat the Virgo Sun brand of overthinking is a Virgo Moon lol
yes we are critical but if we're critical to you, we're a thousand times more critical to ourselves just so you know
I'll probably make a separate post for this lol
7. Libras balancing the scales and liking the harmony.
my clique has two libra suns and I'm not kidding when I say they're almost always the ones who adjust for the whole group
Like they want something but they're going to "tip off the scales" so they won't go for it anymore 😞
they're also the types of people that if you have a problem with them, it's you who has an issue, not them because they're all about harmony and beauty
8. Scorpios are intense and diabolical.
even if they are funny, they are intensely funny; you know whatever Scorpios do, they just have this intensity in them.
the scorpions sting back and when they do, they sting back harder; the Scorpios in my life are very creative in their revenge plans as well
this is why they always come off scary and intimidating because they are not really to be pushed around
9. Sagittarius being happy-go-lucky.
you know that person who doesn't get bothered submitting their requirements last minute? Like everything around them is on fire and they're just there like 😊? yup, that's a sagittarius in my life
they also have a very last minute hail mary that saves them which is kinda annoying because it makes them lazy as well
these people really be lucky for most of their life god is that how it feels to be Jupiterian
10. Capricorns being workaholics and emotionally repressed.
one of my closest friends is a Cap Sun and he never stops working!!!
A lot of people think Capricorns had it easy but tbh what they put out there took hours of hardwork and effort
the only one who can beat a Capricorn Sun's brand of emotional repression is a Capricorn Moon lol
11. Aquarius being unconventional and too in their heads.
think outside the box? No. Think like there is no box! That's their motto.
some of the emotionally smartest people I know because they really give thought in their feelings in a rational and at the same time emotional way that gives colors on how they feel
except most of them do not know how to properly express that too that's why they appear distant and unfeeling
12. Pisces being soft, sensitive dreamers.
not to say that they are not tough but I can almost immediately spot a Pisces Sun with they way there's a certain softness in them that I can't put my finger on
not emotional like Cancers but sensitive; the type of people who are very into their dreams and their goals!
the sister sign dynamic here is strong because they are a hit or miss for me.
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