#you would think that Falin would do something for me but she really doesnt
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eclipsesalign · 8 months ago
While the comedic part of my brain wishes I could say I would fuck senshi or chilchuck, the reality is that the only character in dungeon meshi who could even remotely interest me is Marcille
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holmsister · 8 months ago
I keep thinking of Laios going to Kabru all sad doggy like oooh noo I will have to marry soon... hoping to get some pity cuddles (he has no intention to marry he thinks hell just figure out something) but Kabru is like dw I have been figuring out candidates it's gonna be fine. And Laios is like but... but... aren't you jealous??? and Kabru is like ???why would I be jealous of our wife??? And Laios is like what. And Kabru is like yeah i thought about it and I think it would be very unfair to demand she be loyal while you aren't but also I am NOT going to give up on being with you like are you crazy. And also I don't want to spend the rest of my life vetting lovers for her so once we find a girl we both like we're gonna go all in on seducing her and then I will propose we make it a threesome. If she really doesnt want anything to do with me we'll just take turns but ideally we will just be a throuple. Dw I've got this. And Laios is like ...but then what if you like her more than me and Kabru is like that's not how love works! Did your parents stop loving you when Falin was born and Laios is like actually im not sure they ever started and Kabru is like. OK we will need to unpack this later but like. You don't love Falin any less because you also love me right? And Laios is like but people say romantic love is different and Kabru is like people are full of shit
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dunmeshistash · 8 months ago
Hi, so recently there was a dunmeshi signing (?) event with Ryoko Kui in Korea. And I have found some posts from korean fans about their experience and a bunch of illustrations. @Dgae_715 is the acc on twitter i have found most of information from reposts. But basically here are the most relevant facts that I have found (Please note that they may be inaccurate due to me relying on online translator):
A fan asked if post canon Falin will live longer, Ryoko Kui basically answered “maybe so, right?”
The same fan asked if Thistle without desire will able to live happily with the care of others, and as far as I got she said “I hope so”.(Note: I am really not sure if I got this one right at all) The fan themselves said the way Ryoko Kui answered was rather unprepared, so she may not have an answer in mind really on such specific questions.
Another fan asked how Mithrun is in post canon, Ryoko Kui said that he is doing well, working and pursuing hobbies.
Somebody asked Mithruns about strength, he is weaker than a soldier, even though he is got the fighting skills, but he developed them mostly because of his sense of professionalism (?), rather than for fighting.
Past Mithrun didn’t really fight that much, he was mostly an investigator(?), he rarely had to fight in the rear(?) units.
Apparently Falin’s chimera form can get oily, so she repells water a bit
In real life, Marcille would be a med school research student, while Laios would be a “furita” (basically a freelancer with no stable income)
Someone said if Ryoko Kui considered a bad ending for Falin, and Ryoko Kui said she, as an author wanted a happy ending, but in case of Falin, she was worried after the ending (14 volume or later?), but overall she thinks it turned out well. (I think the after the ending refers to her post canon fate, and maybe thats why Ryoko kui did an extra on that specifically later on) 8. Also someone asked if Ryoko Kui would eat the dishes from dunmeshi, and she replied she is a picky eater, and she also said to someone that she drew dishes that she liked and disliked in dunmeshi (I bet she doesnt like fruitcakes).
(Note: There is a 90% chance I got this completely wrong, translator was struggling a LOT here) Someone asked about what Laios is good at, she replied “when he is a party member”. 9. She also likes Lord of the Rings and Wizardly 6(?), and she likes Skip and Loather
When asked about what word definies Laios, she said he is actually a normal/usual person(?). I have lost the post with this specific answer, so I am going by my memory;-;
Some fan showed her that picture with Tennant Chilchuck, she didnt recognise the actor unfortunately. Also apparently this meme originated from Korean dunmeshi fandom???
There were other questions and answers too, but they mostly about Ryoko Kui. And I also may have forgotten to add some;-; Also some fan suggested to Ryoko Kui that Falin in the real life should be a dentist by the way she makes them drool(????I think they meant it in non-sexual manner, like an excited dog), they kind of laughed about it. Also Ryoko Kui drew Falin the most(?) for signing postcards, other characters, and only 5-6 Senshis, 2 Winged Lions
Anonymous asked: The same anon with Korean sign event ask. I knew I forgot something, but basicaly some fan showed Ryoko Kui the day dream picture that most of fandom presumes to be a Chilchuck’s wife and asked if its true, she answered “Its up to your imagination”. So basically neither no or yes
Hopefully we get some more corroborating translations for the bits you're not sure!
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dykemithrun · 11 days ago
generally any kind of oblivious kabru takes bother me since hes like the guy who dissects social interactions/dynamics to death like i feel like in most situations generally He Has A Pretty Good Idea whats going on at least but there is one very specific instance i have floating around in my head that i would accept bc i think its funny in which kabru and mithrun are spending a lot of time together starting a bit after the ending of the manga just generally trying to build a friendship with a foundation thats not centered around making sure the other doesnt die in a dungeon but also its just really painfully clear they have feelings for each other that go deeper than that in a way thats not subtle and people are noticing it including marcille and since shes kind of romancepilled and cant mind her business (SAID WITH LOVE) she takes it upon herself to do something about that so she catches kabru when hes by himself like hey. do you want to hear some gossip. and kabru is like yes. 🙂 and marcilles like ok. so My Friend is in this situation where [proceeds to describe the exact thing kabru and mithrun are doing where theyre spending a lot of time together doing date like activities and theyre very friendly and touch each other a lot etc etc but theyre still just friends] so anyway. if YOU were in this situation what do you think youd do? should My Friend make a move or. and in kabrus head hes like ok. shes clearly talking about herself and falin but doesnt want to ask for advice directly. bc coincidentally her and falin are also in a friendship where both clearly have feelings for each other type phase at this point (only reason why this whole thing even works out btw). so kabru is like Well clearly the second party is interested. and it sounds like theyre practically already in a relationship. if i was your friend i would just go for it! and then marcille is like thats what i was thinking too :)... By the way. it seems like youve been spending a lot of time with mithrun lately. and hes been pretty friendly with you. do you think maybe possibly potentially he could possibly um. be interested in you? and kabru is kneejerk like well thats completely different. hes just being nice :/ well anyway i need to go now me and mithrun are meeting up to cook dinner together at his place tonight bye marcille :) and marcilles just standing there
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astronomical-bagel · 1 year ago
I wanna hear you talk about chilchuck the most that sure is a guy ever
(Warning for lots of spoilers from chapter 30 of the manga (right after the red dragon))
Anyways fun fact! The thing that made chilchuck my favorite character was actually when he was trying to convince senshi to lie to the Laios and Marcille in order to get them to turn back and give up on finding falin. I made a whole post about it too, i LOVE cowards. I was reading in my car waiting my twin to get off work and i was screaming my head off the whole time because it was such a good revelation about his character.
And it’s not that i love scared guys (i do, absolutely, but chilchuck doesnt apply here), and its not that i love disloyal people (i also do, but once again, not the point), its the whole character arc where it goes:
1. Once he reaches a limit for how much danger he is willing to be in he will break any moral code of his to keep himself safe. He will lie, he will abandon his friends, whatever, so long as he makes it out alive. 
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2. But THEN, he realizes that his want for safety isn’t just for himself, this time. He realizes that he wants his friends to survive as well. (and that he has gotten way more attached than what was in his job description)
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(look how fond he is!!!! Look how fond he is!!!!!! Im banging my head on the wall AWUGHH!!!!)
So 3. He is forced to go against his own nature of secrecy and being reserved and has to tell the team outright that he doesn’t want them to die.there is just something sooo *vague waving of hands* about a guy who absolutely hates talking about his feelings being forced to do so auughhhh. And he did it to convince Laios to not be reckless and get himself killed!!!!
That entire chapter had such a good journey through chilchuck’s emotional state. From him beign 100% ready to trick them in order to turn around (even contemplating breaking marcille’s staff!), then reminiscing on the fun or brave moments that theyd just had, then remembering that he was mad at them for being idiots and doubling down on his decision. When talking to that orc woman (Leed), he was trying to convince himself that his actions were justified, not just her. 
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And I also quite like the moment when Leed realizes that Chilchuck isn’t angry at the others for putting him in danger, but for putting themselves in danger. Chilchuck didn’t realize this himself yet! Him saying that he wished the others would give up, even when he was removed from the equation, makes Leed realize that he is unselfishly wanting them to turn back so that they would be safe.
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And when she points this out, Chilchuck is absolutely gobsmacked and barely even talks for the rest of the trip because he’s too busy thinking over this revelation. Love a guy who keeps to himself being forced to reconcile with the fact that he has actual friends he cares about now. Look at him!! Hes so shocked he doesn't even know what do to with himself !!! I love him!!!
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And also, another part i really liked abt this chapter is when chilchuck is trying to convince Laios to go back and he’s like “LISTEN i know you are absolutely terrified for your sister but I have THREE PEOPLE TO WORRY ABOUT AND IM NOT USED TO THAT IM GOING TO VOMIT” its just so silly and endearing to me because he really isn’t used to caring about so many people at once – he’s a reserved guy who has been living alone for multiple years! – and its just so important to me because he’s been forced to acknowledge that he cares about his team so hes like “if you guys put yourself in mORE danger im going to scream and cry and throw up SO YOU BETTER TURN BACK NOW PLEEEAASEE”
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Anyways, chapter 30 was so well done and was an absolutely fascinating insight into his character and I was instantly obsessed. There’s a lot of other reasons why I like Chilchuck, but this chapter is the definitive reason why he’s my favorite. (I also just like seeing a guy when he’s terrified, sue me.)
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maluspumilaa · 7 months ago
word ramble about the southerngothic farcille au bc im too tired to draw rn + i want to get better at talking about my fandom stuff on here !! below the cut since im still a bit shackled by cringe
so i had an entire whiteboard but its gone now because i am Not paying for premium but thats okay
this is pretty unstructured but i really like chewing on this au brainstyle
i think that imogen and laudna met on the island after separately being adventurers for a little bit (personally i think laudna wouldnt have had the best luck getting jobs, with the whole scary/off-putting thing about her, but still would be scraping by) – no magic academy, sorry farcille lovers
in terms of the bells hells: im honestly not sure !! i think that it would be cool to have them just be an adventuring party and all have ventured down to save laudna but i dont know how that would work, since it gets dangerous to adventure with a party larger than six or so... maybe someone joins after laudna dies, senshi style? i dont know how much meshi will be in the dungeon meshi au tbh
a lot of this au is me building around the fact i went "what if lesbians from one fandom were the lesbians from the other one" tbh
the treant that laudna is chimaeraed up with is definitely meant to do the same job as the red dragon from dunmeshi . im thinking about a crazy large treant btw. like a hulking monstrous mass of gnarled branches that shambles with alarming speed. bark so thick it seems like fire doesnt do anything except anger it. all that
also !! @/sharkodactyl 's comments on my first art post about this au made me insane (/pos), i def think that the imagery of replacing some of laudnas bones with parts of the treant is awesome... something something it ground up some of her bones to use like bone meal for itself and its not like they can just fix that damage
so they use parts from the treant in the ritual hoping that the absorbed bone will be okay to use . and it turns out fine (no it doesnt) !
ABOUT THE RESURRECTION: i think mashing the dnd and dungeon meshi resurrection scenes would be beautiful to me. i deeply enjoy laudnas resurrection in c3, maybe with the ancient magic ritual there has to be some calling of the spirit to beckon it forth or something?? i just want imogen to talk to laudna before the ritual . feels like it raises the stakes or something
also!! if you look at my au art youll see that laudna still has her ear cuff things. that is because i gave her different trauma for this au ♡
until there was some event like what happened in falins backstory, but after laudna was an adult, leading to worse, more direct treatment from her village/city – i was thinking that due to the general anti-elf/anti-magic attitude in her village, individuals deemed especially "dangerous" or suspected of practicing dark magic would have their ears cut to resemble elves (similar to the canaries but. worse i think)
from what ive gathered, a lot of tallman communities in dungeon meshi (specifically what ive seen of laios and falins northern village) are to some degree intolerant of magic, not super open minded, and to me laudna hails from a village or city around there (or somewhere similar to there) and ended up leaving because, like falin, she had an affinity towards seeing ghosts and performing magic and suffered for it
generally, she was a little bit of an outcast even as a child because she was just kind of scary? she had that weird girl swag but nothing that made her stick out all that much
SO BASICALLY thats why she has those ear covers. she doesnt like looking at the scars . maybe they also tried to hang her ? i dont know
also alsoo imogen in this au does have her lightning markies. frequently i forget those. i think theyre more subtle generally (to the point of looking like really pronounced veins) and restricted to mostly her wrists/hand area but they do glow when she uses magic (not a lot ! maybe a lot during the resurrection scene but thats for my enjoyment more than anything)
her lighning markies + hair color is still from her being ruidus-born. it has some sway over ley lines/mana in some way but the attitude in this au is very much the same as in exandria in cr (represents negative things to people, not seen as a good omen, and generally isnt focused on). it still flares and such, but the flares affect stuff with magic – something something it makes magic more volatile/is linked in some way to ancient magic
i think imogen (+ her mother) would have been fairly ostracized by the small village she grew up in (but not as severely as laudna) due to their unique appearances as a result of being ruidus-born. liliana still leaves relvin and a young imogen but not before introducing lifespan angst into her daughters mind
i think. ruidus flares fuck with peoples lifespan. generally elongates them by a good bit? since it has that connection with ancient magic which is from a time of longer lifespans and such
anyways. imogen ventured out from home to find out where her mother went + learn more about her ruidus-born status and such. she came to melini (or. the exandrian equivalent to it?) for research reasons, maybe to make money before setting off on her travels once again or something
and then met laudna and was charmed a normal amount by her on first meeting and decided to stay dungeon diving with her (and bells hells? for a little while after)
also dont ask about pate i dont know either. maybe he is just a little inanimate puppet made out of dead things or maybe hes a regular rat that wears a bird skull sometimes . maybe he has wings . hes a familiar he can do what he wants
if you made it this far, thank you for reading !! i would love interaction about this au :3 sorry if any of this got really long or ramble-y i have many thoughts LOL
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rubbertig · 1 year ago
thinking about how laios definitely has a weird big weeb man crush on toshiro and its just tickles me sooo damn much
like hes so obsessive about wanting to know more about him and where hes from. he would keep shuro UP late at night with questions upon questions. and this is coming from LAIOS. the guy who has very little interest in people and things that don't involve monsters so its Very Telling
and i love how butthurt he is that shuro liked falin but didnt actually like him. like in that magic mirror comic where hes desperately trying to find an alt narrative where shuro liked him lmfao.
and now apparently in the post-end comics laios wants to take falin's place after she finally rejects shuro's proposal???
like COME ON?!!?!? you CANT tell me thats normal interest!!! LOL
but whats really funny is that im willing to bet that if someone questioned him like "hey do you have a thing for shuro or something?" he'd sincerely be like "huh?" and genuinely confused because im certain he doesnt think bout the implications of this desire in him even as hes saying he would gladly marry shuro if he were in falin's place smh
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hirokiyuu · 11 months ago
finished reading danmeshi........ what a good series.
thoughts under the cut!
going in based solely on what ive seen i thought my fave would be either kabru or maybe mithrun. little did i know, Sissel,
i say this but i liked the entire cast in some way. still sissel is like............ damn............. the stuff w/laios where he was like :) thanks laios ill make you one of the kingdoms citizens in return :) wa sso.............
i did relaly like kabru tho. somehow none of the stuff i saw going into prepared me for how like........ idealistic? he was? like he really does want to make things better for the short-lived races and while he's a bit two-faced hes a lot more. nice? than i thought
laios/kabru nation rise up. kabru/mithrun nation i do get it but laios/kabru is so. idk if i fully ship it or not but at the very least kabru>laios makes me fully insane. he wanted to be laios' friend :)
the whole part of him just stuttering furiously trying to make words come out and spitting that out at the end of that killed me. been trying to talk to this guy for ages and just fully fumbles. kabru im obsessed w/you
i also really liked falin despite how little screentime she got. something about "at the very least i want you and my brother to live" really got me. her and marcille are the slightly unhinged lesbian couple of my dreams
speaking of. both marcille/falin adn marcille/laios appealed to me i wont lie to you.LGKHSDLKGHSLG
i dont really have many thoughts.......... i think a lot of danmeshi really speaks for itself as a series and doesnt need a lot of like.......... reflection. also get the sense smarter people than me have done meta. i liked what it had to say about eating and living and death and i think marcille was so good as a character, thematically speaking
laios also. in general i think the cast was just phenomenally well done. probably not something i would make fanworks for except maybe the post-canon kabru/laios content of my dreams but other than that........ nothing..........
oh one more thought. everything that happened w/the winged lion did make me insane. jesus christ. the backstory chapter was sO
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oswednesday · 2 years ago
My favorite Laius scene is when he feeds that one twink monster meat while the guy's trying to manipulate him. With the party in the background going full 'you do not have to to make him believe your on his side' and the twink having the face journey of forcing himself to eat it and go "yummy"
While laos just watches happily, presumedly fully aware that his new friend perhaps didn't want to. Linus just the kinda guy to walk up to someone and do some dom action but no one believes he tops.
They just look at his face and go "hours innocent looking, he must be a nice guy". Also the ask box broke 5 lines so so if there's Missouri i apologies
sorry to tease you but every way you’ve spelled his name in order: elvish/dwarven/halfling/gnomish the way i see it is, like he plays up not remembering kabru, because the person who is showing interest isnt the same guy who keeps bothering him, like that doesnt make “sense” but he does remember being “bothered” by kabru, he brushes him aside as he has this sort of energy that laios is just fully uninterested in but kabru is also Good with people, so good that it coaxes out this face of laios that he hides from others like that full frost, disgust stand on the top of a tower and be like youre all ants thats a bit dramatized but i think thats the intent
you’re kabru who can give everyone exactly what they want but doesnt know how to express his own heart's desires and this guy who is charming and bubbly with everyone blasts you with a cold shoulder this guy who lives solely for what he wants, you are kabru and you know he has no actual connections cause youve like ye old deep web stalked him but you cant really get much deeper than that because you’re kabru and you dont have any action connections with anyone either despite how much you’re there for everyone and how you have all their needs memorizes and he isnt ready to deal with that! it isnt until he meets mithrun and while hes still doing that im caring for you its like he doesnt have to pretend to be a billion things like tough and mean he doesnt want to be, he wants to be like a soft young man with friends who like him for who he is, he knows mithrun isnt planning to twist the knife in his direction unlike laios just doesnt seem to need anything and has a knife to twist
of course, he does! have needs, but its like the same thing with shuro on a level, he was keeping close to him cause of his nearness to falin, like would he have “let” falin be taken away in marriage to another country? um nope your brother in law is here too haha! most likely im like he says ill let falin know your feelings not you tell falin yourself when we get her back like, as if! but its also something he easily gets caught up in like oh your antagonist feelings towards me really ran that deep then show them? whats wrong with you why lie about what you want? you want falin so you must also want me, a world where he isnt the center of her world does Not exist to him (even before they fight we know his feelings are like this cause hes like shuro you look great, like oh you want this man to die and be dead)
like to laios kabru’s behaviors are predictable, human and boring, hes uninterested, but laios has this moment of like Oh! i can give that back! i can give you something human and predictable, And he does and its obvi that it was a thing he was just doing, even if he “meant” it, he shows a truer feeling to izutsumi when shes like DIDNT YOU PROMISE!! ; 0 ; when hes about to do something crazy town and hes like ah well have that dinner for me and leaves and he doesnt bother hiding stuff from her like he respects her beast self and relies on it so much that she can tell the moment hes off, there’s a lot of background stuff we dont really See much like mithrun’s story because it wouldnt "make for a good story", its like roleplaying players do between sessions with each other or with the dm or written documents it creates a very cool vibe i think in a different story it would be like this massive hole in the writing but its filled in by the familiarity of a roleplay group? Its a lovely tender story but i also liken it to like a theatre of cruelty, its wild, its questioning popular spiritual beliefs, theology, he literally does a dante’s inferno painting thing
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kemafili · 3 years ago
Laois Dungeonmeshi!
GAHHHHHHHH oh holy smokes ok i have been getting ready for this all my life alrgiht i want to be as brief as possible bc if i start to real rant ill never finish
favorite thing about them: puppy sunshine attitude on natural moments, when he needs to change he will do so, sometimes (or maybe even always) he fails at it since he cant read social cues correctly, i adore his social skills epic fail, like i love your autism
least favorite thing about them: idk maybeee ummmm idk nothing i think
favorite line: im going to have to list them
they let me milk a minotaur
i wanted to be born as a quadrupedal monster, too!
at least let me count her nipples!
why am i the only person with a blindfold on..?
im being insulted in a language i dont undersand! and it sounds really nasty!
thats...! so lame.
Just being long-limbed isnt a talent
brOTP: Namari and Laius, they are very fun to see interact with each other, they seem to have a very clear opening on how one likes something a lot like an hyperfixation, Laius appreaciates Namaris knowledge of weapons and such and Namari can appreciate Laius interest for monsters like a tad strange thing but she seems to come around it, in the background panneling of the first-ish chapters and maybe even later on when namari is shown as a flashback, it can be seen that they might have been the second ones to spend more time togheter (Namari and Chilchuck being first, not including Marcille and Falin bc they are basically stuck togheter like glue), oh shit also also the adventurers bible has a few comics where namari and laius are drinking togheter and shes helping him with some shit issues and then they also speak on body hair shit lmfao omggggg fuck my life whatever uuughh i am so normal about them, i do really like them in liek aaaa ummm i say brotp bc i feel like they are very silent of romantic emotion but i also dont want to say everything is platonic lol, they bros in the way straight men that have gay sex are you feel me like that picture of two men almost kissing and it says this is how straight men hang out.
OTP: Laius and Kabru, liek omggg at first i was like they are toxic as hell but just someting so hillyius about them lmfao idk the chad (Kabru) has a love hate situation with the Nerd (Laius) and the nerd doesnt want teh chad? hillaryus idgaf keep chasing that piece of meat though.
nOTP: Laius and Marcille ☹ guhhhhh omg they are besties and Marcille has been so clear on not wanting anything with laius romantically so its liek guhhhhhhh i dont even know what to add here
random headcanon: i said liek 50 million times in the past his favorite food would be cheesecake bc he loves dairy but that is canon now so i want to add that Flan is also his second favorite annnnndddd uhhhh i have so much shit to addd here but i dont have it on my thoguhts rn bc i am Star Trekpilled so i am forgetting my own written lore but like my friends on the server once said
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unpopular opinion: i dont like when peopel paint him as a kid or as an idiot because of the autism shit, like he is very much aware of other stuff, saying he doesnt even know what sex is did you forgot when he joked about the crabs inside those treasure shit (i forgot the proper name lmfao) saying if you saw their bottoms ud know their gender and he had a smirk on his face and Chilchuck got pissed off about it or when he found out the armors had sex while holding hands or when the Marcille succubi showed up he knew itd be fucked up if everyone else knew come the fuck on he knows what the hell is up, we need to sexualize autism okay and this doesnt go only there though btw liek stop making him dumber he knows what is up idk how to word it correctly but yeah he cant caught up on social cues but its not a whole umbrella of him being a dumbass
song i associate with them: woah i think its hilarryus that as one of my favorite characters i havent made him a playlist but i feel like hes just. so , so unmusical, like that before mentioned adventurers bible chapter where he says i cant sing or dance i was like yup i am ppretty sure you cant, he doenst seem to have a rhythim LMFAO id say anything that is related to medieval music thats what reminds me of him
favorite picture of them: hi
i hate having to choose only one picture but i love blushing and i love eating so this one
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